Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing
Marking National Reconciliation Week 2022 – Be Brave. Make Change.
This week, Waverley recognised National Reconciliation Week in both the Junior and Senior Schools, with a short ceremony on each campus. Students in the Walawaani group participated in a smoking ceremony, and spoke on the 2022 topic ‘Be Brave. Make Change.’ We sincerely thank Mr Kevin Heath and the Walawaani student group for both preparing for and leading this annual event.

Mr Kevin Heath, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison, at the Junior School smoking ceremony
This week, EREA (Edmund Rice Education Australia), launched its Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (2022-2025), and last week acknowledged the Uluru Statement from the Heart on National Sorry Day. The EREA Stretch RAP seeks to embed the values of the reconciliation movement and initiatives into the culture of each EREA school – ways of being, knowing and doing – to be enacted daily.
Please take the time to read the National Reconciliation Week message below from Dr Craig Wattam, Executive Director, EREA. Dr Wattam writes of the need for greater cultural competency, the removal of barriers to inclusion, and listening more deeply to the voices of First Nations Australians, in the pursuit of justice, healing and restoration.
>>> Click here to view Dr Wattam’s National Reconciliation Week message.
Affirmative Consent Laws
As many parents, carers and students will be aware, new affirmative consent laws came into effect in NSW on 1 June, this week. This offers a great opportunity to discuss consent with your children and let them know about the changes to the law.
The significant change to the law sees the addition of communicative and affirmative consent language in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).
The new law defines consent as a free and voluntary agreement that cannot be presumed, and involves ongoing, mutual communication. Under the new consent laws, people will not be able to assume consent from somebody because they don’t say no – silence is not consent.
- Consent is considered an ongoing process, and a person can change their mind or withdraw consent at any time
- A person will not be able to consent if they are so intoxicated they can not make a choice, or refuse
- Consent can only be given freely and voluntarily, and cannot involve coercion or force
- Just because a person consents to one sexual act does not mean they have consented to others – consent must be present for all acts
- Consent cannot be given by people who are asleep or unconscious
The NSW Government community education campaign videos titled ‘Make No Doubt’, support the NSW Government’s sexual consent laws. Targeted at 13-24 year olds, they are available on Social Media platforms Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok and Tinder. The videos were made with consultation with sexual violence service providers and community groups, over a period of nine months.
Co-curricular Achievements – Congratulations Mark and Ryan
- Huge congratulations to Mark Rede in Year 9, who has just been accepted into the Sydney Youth Orchestra. Mark plays the euphonium (a brass instrument), and will play alongside his younger sister. This is an invaluable opportunity for Mark and will help him take a step further in his musical journey. As well as his development of technical skills, he will have opportunities to develop his commitment, collaboration and confidence. Mark, we know that at the SYO, your artistic talent and orchestral education will be further nurtured, and Waverley wishes you every success.
- Waverley congratulates Ryan McNamara in Year 7 on his phenomenal swims today, breaking 3 x U12 school records at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships. Incredible!
Bus Ambassadors Visit Our College
Transdev John Holland Buses have recently taken over many of the bus routes that students from Waverley College use each day.
In a pleasing consultative process, the company has reached out to the College to determine how they can best serve our transport needs.
As part of this process, a survey was sent to parents last term, and a consultant met with me and Jade Stapleton from the Parents’ Association.
This week, as part of the process, a customer experience ambassador representing Transdev John Holland Buses observed student numbers, traffic and bus punctuality on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
The College welcomes these initiatives, and invites families to continue to provide feedback regarding buses to the Wellbeing Centre, so they can be passed on to Transdev John Holland Buses.
Year 12 Formal – Friday, 24 June 2022
Students and their partners are invited to the Year 12 Formal which will be held on the evening of Friday, 24 June at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.
Students received official information, including the invite and booking details earlier in the week.
Venue: Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.
Time: Formal photos from 6pm. Dinner/dancing from 6:30pm to 10pm.
Who: Student and partner. Partner’s name and contact details need to be registered at the time of booking. Photo ID is required to gain entry to the venue.
Cost: $160 per person, including three-course dinner and entertainment.
Dress: Formal attire for both men and women.
Table Arrangements
- Tables are arranged in groups of 10.
- Please organise your table groups prior to purchasing your tickets.
- Any remaining seats at your table can be booked by other students.
- Students who purchase multiple tickets with the same name, will automatically be refunded, and seats will be released for sale. All attendees’ details must be added to each ticket at the time of purchase.
This is an alcohol-free event for all students and partners. All attending will be subject to security checks.
How to Book
The booking window opens at 6pm tonight (Friday, 3 June 2022), and closes Sunday, 19 June.
>>> Click here to book your tickets.
Mother Son Lunch
The College wishes to thank Vi Elliott and Roz Barber for organising the fabulous Mother Son Lunch that was held at Doltone House last weekend. All reports suggest that a wonderful time was had by all.
COVID-19 Health Update
While COVID-19 numbers are low, we are experiencing higher than usual numbers in staff and students being absent with cold and flu.
3 June 2022 | COVID-19 | In Isolation |
Year 5 | 1 | 0 |
Year 6 | 1 | 1 |
Year 7 | 1 | 2 |
Year 8 | 0 | 4 |
Year 9 | 0 | 0 |
Year 10 | 1 | 1 |
Year 11 | 0 | 0 |
Year 12 | 0 | 0 |
Staff | 1 | 1 |
Total | 5 | 9 |
Mr Patrick Brennan
Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing
E: pbrennan@waverley.nsw.edu.au