Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Examination Top Tips
With the examination block approaching for students in Years 7-10 and students in Years 11-12 preparing for a range of assessment tasks, now is a good time to share some tips on managing examination periods.
Please remember that we subscribe to the Study Skills Handbook.
Study Skills Handbook Login Details
- Username: forwaverleycollegeonly | Password: 94results
- These details are also in the College Diary p47. The Things to Print page includes Help Guide#13:Test-Taking Techniques which are really useful.
Some of the top tips in this guide:
- Leading up to the examination:
- Make sure you know the instructions for the examination which will be on the assessment notification: equipment needed, timings, sections and what is examined;
- Look after your body: drink plenty of water and establish a good sleep pattern;
- Picture yourself in the test doing well to calm your nerves.
- On the day:
- Prepare your body: eat a good breakfast;
- Allow time to check your bag (that you packed the night before) and get to school on time;
- Find a quiet place to refresh your notes. Avoid negative talk about what other people have studied compared to you.
- During the examination:
- Read the instructions carefully;
- Read the questions carefully and look at how many marks they are worth to allocate your time;
- Slow your breathing to calm your nerves;
- Leave time at the end to check answers and make sure you have not accidentally missed a question.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
Sparking Brilliance: Exploring the Thrill of the NSW State DaVinci Decathlon
To step into the Great Hall at Knox Grammar School on the day of the DaVinci Decathlon is to experience a buzz of excitement like no other as over 200 teams compete to demonstrate strong teamwork and prowess across a range of academic and creative disciplines.
The palpable atmosphere is a frenzy of excitement whilst the teams compete across Engineering, Mathematics, Art, Poetry, Science, English, code breaking, cartography, drama and forensic sleuthing.
Participation in the event never disappoints for our students as they learn about each other, the different ways they can work together to solve complex and creative challenges and considering ways of engaging with new ideas.

Image: courtesy Knox Grammar
Competing at the highest level, I congratulate the following boys on their citizenship, collaboration, enthusiasm and gratitude: Jack Ballinger, Lucas Barber, Thomas Brown, Liam Chalmers, James Draper, Kaspar Emmanouilidis, Boyd Haslam, Ryan Loughrey, Charley McKenzie, Tallis Merrywhether, Finley Mulligan, Oliver Rahmat, Aiden Reay, Maxim Service, Griff Sullivan and Leo Vigil. Both the bus driver and the DaVinci staff commented on the fine representatives of the College that these boys are.
Ms Helen Barrie
Head of Enrichment