(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter
Year 12 Post-Trials Study Skills Session – Wednesday, 24 August 2022
To further support Year 12, we have arranged for Dr Prue Salter (www.enhanced-learning.net) to run a workshop with our HSC plus ATAR Year 12 students next Wednesday, 24 August during Period 1 in the PAC Theatre.
The session will help reinvigorate Year 12, to put together a study plan right through to their final HSC exams, so they can be confident about their approach in the last months of their studies. Dr Salter will outline the steps students should take to apply teacher feedback, fine-tune their study approach, and bring balance to their studies with self-care.
Using research about the brain, students will be guided in how to structure their study during the HSC exam period and avoid common study mistakes. Students will have the chance to map out their exam timetable and allocate study time based on the guidelines Dr Salter explains, looking at different scenarios, such as exams that are clustered together, or significant gaps in the exam timetable.
Parents are encouraged to ask their son to explain their plan to them after the session, as talking through it, will help embed the learning from the session and give parents a greater understanding of what our students will be undertaking in their last weeks of Year 12.
Some feedback from students who have done this session:
“This session helped me to simplify what I need to do and how I can effectively do it.”
“The session definitely reinvigorated me – gave some great ideas about study partners, etc. – whilst also not being overly stressful or overwhelming.”
“I found Prue very helpful. I’m usually quite individual in terms of my study habits, but I’ll definitely implement some of her patterns in the lead up to the HSC.”
“Overall, the most helpful part for me was probably just knowing that everything I’m thinking is normal, and being reassured that with the right study schedule I should be okay for the HSC. Definitely worth doing!”
“I loved the presentation, it was not only motivating, but practical.”
Some feedback from teachers:
“The session was excellent as always and so helpfully tailored to the situation they are in!”
“Thanks for the session today. It was fabulous and just the right type of motivation the students needed.”
Ms Lynsey Porter
Director of Curriculum
E: lporter@waverley.nsw.edu.au