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The history of the Old Boys’ Union

The Waverley College Old Boys Union in 1908

The Old Boys Union in 1908

The Waverley College Old Boys’ Union was formed in December 1908 by a large group of the first ex-students of the College under the patronage of Brother Conlon, an influential and highly regarded Headmaster of the school. The terms in which the formation is described in the Waverley Annual of 1908 reflect the close connections between the boys and their teachers, as well as the enthusiasm and delight felt towards the undertaking by all involved.

Waverley University Graduates in 1912

Waverley University Graduates in 1912


We received a right royal welcome from … Br Conlon. After affectionate greetings had been exchanged, business was proceeded with, and the motion to form the Union was enthusiastically received; after some discussion a comprehensive constitution was adopted and the first officers of the Union elected. For most of the positions the competition was very keen, as all the Old Boys were desirous of securing the honour of being one of the first officers of the Union.

WCA Series 10. Waverley College Annual, 1908 p.33


The 1909 Waverley Annual Cover

The 1909 Waverley Annual


Ed Brewer, Dan Sheehy and Frank Doyle, all of whom served in WWI, were members of the founding OBU Committee. Leo Duffy was WCOBU President in 1914, and served in WWI before returning to pursue a career in engineering. He and others such as Bede Kenny and Norbert Lyons retained their association with the school through active participation in the Old Boys’ Union on their return from the war.