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Scholarships and Bursaries

Waverley College offers scholarships to students who demonstrate the potential to make a significant contribution to the life of the College.

Our scholars are expected to set a positive example through their conduct and the pursuit of excellence – whether that’s in academic and co-curricular areas, or through service and community leadership. 

Scholarship Overview

Academic Scholarship

Academic scholarships are awarded to a limited number of students who demonstrate academic excellence. 

Beginning in 2024, we are delighted to announce the inaugural launch of our Senior Academic Scholarship, a prestigious opportunity for exceptional students entering Year 10. The scholarship program is designed to recognise and support the brightest young minds in our community, fostering their academic growth and nurturing their potential. We are excited to embark on this journey with our future scholars, providing them with the resources and guidance they need to excel in their academic pursuits.

How Do I Apply?

Year 7 and Year 10, 2026 Entry

For entry in Year 7, or Year 10, 2026 you need to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection Test.

In addition to registering your application through ACER, successful applicants will be notified that they will be required to submit a separate application for enrolment at Waverley College. The application includes a $275 application fee. If you have previously submitted an enrolment or are currently enrolled at Waverley College, it is not necessary to place an additional application.

  • Applications open: Monday 23 September 2024
  • Applications Close: midnight AEDST Tuesday, 4 February
  • Test date: Saturday, 22 February 2025
  • Examination venue: Waverley College senior campus
  • Costs: $160 is payable to ACER and $275 enrolment application (if applicable)

Is My Son Eligible? 

This scholarship is available to students who enter into Year 7 or Year 10, 2026. 

How are Applicants Assessed?

Academic scholarships are awarded based on the outcome of the ACER scholarship examination and following an assessment by the Academic Scholarship Panel

Scholarship Obligations

Academic Scholars are expected to maintain high standards of academic and co-curricular effort and performance. A scholar’s academic performance and engagement are reviewed each Semester by a member of the Academic Scholarship Panel.

General Excellence Scholarship

General Excellence scholarships are awarded to a limited number of students who excel in multiple disciplines. 

Is My Son Eligible?

All existing enrolments entering Year 7 are automatically assessed for suitability for a General Excellence Scholarship based on their academic and co-curricular progress and achievements. If they are entering Year 7 as a new enrolment, the supporting documentation supplied by Parents at the point of application is used to assess suitable candidates.

There is no exam for this scholarship and it is by invitation only. If your son is selected for consideration by the General Excellence Scholarship Panel, the College will invite you to a scholarship interview.

From time to time, the College may assess an existing or transfer enrolment from Year 8 to Year 10 for suitability for a General Excellence Scholarship. This is on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the College.

Scholarship Obligations

General Excellence scholars are expected to maintain high standards of academic and co-curricular effort and performance. A scholar’s performance and engagement are reviewed each Semester by a member of the Scholarship Review Panel.

First Nations Peoples Scholarship - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander   

Waverley College strives to bring out the very best in our students and we are committed to improving the educational outcomes of our First Nations Peoples.

Is My Son Eligible:

This scholarship is available to students from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background entering in Year 7.

A First Nations Peoples Scholarship is financially means tested. Applicants are required to submit a First Nations Peoples Application form with relevant supporting documentation within the required application timeframe noted below. The financial provision is reviewed annually in accordance with College guidelines

A First Nations Peoples Scholarship is awarded based on financial need.

Year 7 2025 Entry:

  • Applications Open: 18 July 2024
  • Application Submissions Close: CLOSED Midnight AEDST Sunday 21 September 2024. Applications must be submitted to the Finance Department with all supporting documentation.

To request an application form, please email the finance department at

Edmund Rice Bursary

Edmund Rice bursaries are financially means-tested. A limited number of bursaries are available to current Waverley families who find themselves in situations of financial hardship.

2025 Consideration:

  • Applications Open: Thursday, 18 July 2024
  • Application Submissions Close: CLOSED Midnight AEDST Sunday 21 September 2024. Applications must be submitted to the Finance Department with all supporting documentation by the closing date. Late applications submitted after the closing date will not be considered.

The financial provision will be reviewed annually in accordance with College guidelines.

Please email for a copy of the bursary application form and more information.

George William Rummery Music Scholarship

The George William Rummery Music Scholarship is awarded annually as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The scholarship is a gift of the Rummery family, in memory of their son George (Class of 1986).

This scholarship is ongoing and covers full or partial remission of music tuition and instrument hire fees from Years 7 to 12.

Is My Son Eligible?

Applicants should either be currently enrolled or have applied to enrol at the College.

How are Applicants Assessed?

Please read the information for candidates, complete an application form and send it to

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Keiran Kossenburg: 02 9369 0623.

Student wearing the new 2020 academic uniform

Scholarship - Frequently Asked Questions

Are all scholarships full scholarships?

Most scholarships are partial, covering a proportion ranging between 10% and 75% of tuition fees. The Scholarship percentage is at the discretion of the College. Very few full scholarships are offered, and these are usually reserved for disadvantaged students who would not otherwise have access to a Waverley College education.

If awarded a scholarship, what will need to be paid?

Scholars are required to pay the balance of Tuition fees once the scholarship deduction has been applied. In addition, ancillary charges including but not limited to, are payable.

  • Application and Enrolment Fee (one-off fees)
  • Technology Levy
  • Subject Levies and/or textbooks
  • Uniforms and Stationery requisites
  • Sporting, Camp, Excursion, Incursion and Retreat Fees

Ancillary charges can average approximately $3,500 per annum. For further information on our ancillary fees please see our website under ‘Tuition Fees’.

Does an Application Fee need to be paid for an Academic Scholarship?   

Yes, the application fee covers the College’s administrative costs and assessments for the ACER Scholarship program. For further information on charges associated with the application fee, please read the Academic Scholarship section.

Does the ACER Scholarship Examination need to be sat if a student is applying for an Academic Scholarship?   

Yes, candidates applying for an Academic Scholarship are required to sit the ACER Scholarship Examination.

How can students prepare for the ACER Academic Scholarship Exam?    

The ACER Scholarship Examination test assesses acquired knowledge and intellectual ability. There is no short-term process that can provide a recipe for success. Here are some tips to assist you son in preparing for the ACER exam:

  • Allow your son to rest well prior to the test.
  • Provide encouragement and don’t ‘drive’ him in the hope of gaining good results.
  • Do not overburden him with unrealistic responsibilities and expectations.
  • Ensure he is on time at the testing venue and equipped properly.

What is a General Excellence Scholarship and who is eligible?  

A General Excellence Scholarship covers anything that takes place outside the classroom. Students might be involved in drama, art, public speaking, sport or any other non-curriculum based activities. 

All existing enrolments entering Year 7 are automatically assessed for suitability for a General Excellence Scholarship based on their academic and co-curricular progress and achievements. If they are entering Year 7 as a new enrolment, the supporting documentation supplied by Parents at the point of application is used to assess suitable candidates. There is no exam for this scholarship and it is by invitation only. If your son is selected for consideration by the General Excellence Scholarship Panel, the College will invite you to a scholarship interview.

From time to time, the College may assess an existing or transfer enrolment from Year 8 to Year 10 for suitability for a General Excellence Scholarship. This is on a case by case basis and at the discretion of the College.

Who is eligible for a First Nations Scholarship?

In order to be eligible to apply for a First Nations Scholarship, you need to be either currently enrolled or have accepted a place for future enrolment.

The application is financially means-tested and is reassessed annually according to College guidelines. If you meet the eligibility criteria noted above, you need to complete a First Nations application form (available by request from the Finance Department) along with your supporting financial information (assets and liabilities etc) and submit the documentation to the Finance department before the closing date listed on our website in the year before your son’s entry year. 

The outcome of the financial assessment will determine if you are eligible for a reduction on tuition fees only in each financial year. 

Do recipients have to reapply for their scholarship annually? 

Scholarships are awarded for the duration agreed in the scholarship contract. Financial Bursaries and the First Nations scholarship must reapply annually in accordance with the College Guidelines. 

The performance of all scholarship holders is reviewed annually by a member of the Scholarship Review Panel. Following each review, if there are any areas of concern, the next step will involve a meeting with a Panel member, the Scholarship recipient and a Parent/Guardian.

It is our expectation that all scholarship holders will maintain academic and co-curricular standards appropriate to those of a scholarship holder and have high standards of conduct and application. It is assumed scholarship holders will involve themselves actively in the life of the College.

How many scholarships are awarded?

Limited scholarships are awarded annually in each category. The Scholarship Panels in each category are guided by the quality of the applicants, the priorities of the College, the commitment of families to a Waverley education, the potential growth that a successful applicant would experience through a scholarship opportunity, and the contribution they will make to the life of the School.

Further Enquiries

If you’d like further information about the process, please contact the Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson.