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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Year 10 Service Week Deadline Fast Approaching!

Students at Illowra Aged Care in 2022

Students at Illowra Aged Care in 2022

Year 10 Service Week is from Monday, 20 November to Friday, 24 November 2023 inclusive. All Year 10 students are expected to have found their community volunteer placement or be well underway to finding a placement at this stage.

*The closing deadline is Friday, 21 July 2023 (Term 3, Week 1). 

All boys will need to have submitted their service placement details on the Google Form below by this date.

>>> Click here to submit your 2023 Service Placement

Students who have not yet found a placement, are encouraged to use the upcoming holidays to locate a charity or service organisation if they do not yet have one.

Volunteering at Matthew Talbot Hostel in 2022

Volunteering at Matthew Talbot Hostel in 2022

If students are having trouble finding a place, Ms Maakrun is able to offer limited placements in the following areas. Please email her if you would like to be placed in any of the following:

  • Aged care
  • Adults with disability
  • Homeless shelters 
  • Children with disability (requires travel to Castle Hill).

The number of hours students are required to work each day will depend on their organisation and will vary. For example, volunteering at a primary school will require boys to be there from 8:30am until 3pm each day. Volunteering in a local Op Shop, on the other hand, may only require boys to volunteer in the morning, or the afternoon.

Students are expected to do at least two to three hours of volunteer work each day.

A reminder to students that the Year 10 Careers CANVAS course has a Service Week Module containing all documents and information students need to complete the process. 

Please email Ms Maakrun on for any further enquiries.