Registered Nurse | Julia Ritoli (Monday - Tuesday) | | 9369 0644 |
Registered Nurse | Adele Cutbush (Wednesday - Friday) | | 9369 0644 |
Registered Nurse | Julia Ritoli (Monday - Tuesday) | | 9369 0644 |
Registered Nurse | Adele Cutbush (Wednesday - Friday) | | 9369 0644 |
The Senior School Health Centre is staffed by a full-time Nurse and qualified First Aid Attendants and is provided by the school during the hours of 8am and 3.15pm so that immediate attention to illness or injury is available to students.
It is best for your child to remain at home if they are unwell in the morning.
A student who becomes ill at school will be sent to the Health Centre for assessment. If necessary, parents/carers or an emergency contact person will be notified to arrange transport home. To this end, it is vital that parents/carers ensure contact details are kept up to date (see the link below).
Students are NOT PERMITTED to call their parents/carers themselves OR to leave the school without permission.
If your child requires regular medication to be administered during school hours parents/carers need to send the medication to school, clearly labelled, and it will be held in the locked first aid cabinet available for use by your child under the supervision of a qualified staff member. The school does not keep a supply of painkillers (paracetamol or other medication) for student use.
A treatment action plan must be supplied for students with asthma or any other illness that may require first aid assistance at school. In particular, this applies to medical conditions like epilepsy, haemophilia, diabetes, anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions. Parents/Carers will also need to provide this information again if your child attends school excursions or camps.
Each student who is at risk of anaphylaxis is required to have a management plan that has been developed in consultation with the parents/carers and medical practitioner. Prevention strategies for each student at risk of anaphylaxis must be developed for both in school and out of school settings.
First aid medical supplies are only issued for injuries/incidents that occur at school. Any student requiring strapping tape, etc. must also provide their own supplies.