We will remember them at home - Anzac Day 2020
For the first time since 1919, traditional ANZAC services were suspended as we commemorated in driveways and on balconies for Light up the Dawn 2020. WCCU Commanding Officer, MAJ (AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, reflects.
We will remember them at home - Anzac Day 2020
One of the significant ways in which the Waverley College Cadet Unit (WCCU) contributes to the local community is by attending ANZAC Day services with catafalque parties, and sending our cadet band and senior cadets to march through the city. We also observe the occasion with our ANZAC Day commemoration service in the Centenary Quad.
Sadly, these events were not possible this year. However, I am very proud of the many cadets who pledged to participate in the RSL’s initiative for ANZAC Day 2020, Light up the Dawn.
This online service was broadcast on Saturday morning, and our cadets participated on their balconies, in their driveways and in their back gardens to commemorate our service men and women. Some proudly wore the medals of their great grandparents, others played the Last Post and the Rouse on their instruments – and many were joined by younger siblings, keen to hold a candle in the dawn. It was such a lovely way to come together as a community whilst still observing social distancing, and I thank our cadets for the maturity with which they conducted themselves.
This term sees the start of Cadet training in the online environment. Lessons will be posted to the Google Classrooms each week with some innovative ways to assess newly-honed knowledge. We are looking forward to preparing our cadets for the physical experiences they will enjoy when the day comes where we can once again come together on the parade ground.