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Waverley College students teaching Timor-Leste students

Waverley College students teaching Timor-Leste students

Putting our faith into action

Fiji, Cambodia, Timor-Leste

An immersion is a type of travel experience that provides students with an opportunity to travel with a purpose and dive deep into a specific community or culture, to learn about their history, challenges, and way of life.

Immersions are integral in enabling Waverley College students to have a well-rounded holistic education during their time at the College. Immersions are a chance to:

  • Make a difference;
  • Step out of your comfort zone;
  • Build relationships and community;
  • Have a humbling, rewarding and life-changing experience.

Immersions offer students the opportunity for growth and transformation through the experience of service. It is a way for them to put their faith into action by experiencing a different way of living.


Timor staff wearing Waverley Uniform

Timor community member wearing Waverley uniform

It is not a tourist trip and it requires students to build relationships with the communities in which they live whilst away from the comforts of home. These relationships are a privilege as we are welcomed into people’s villages, homes and lives to become part of their families.

As such these experiences are life-changing and underpin our servant leadership ideals where we encourage students to put others before themselves.

On reflection our immersion students say their experiences were unforgettable and that they have a new found sense of gratitude for the people they meet and the experiences they had.

Rebecca Gair - Waverley College Immersion Staff

Rebecca Gair - Waverley College Immersion Staff

Reflection from Rebecca Gair College Immersion Staff

“The recent trip to Timor-Leste was an incredibly valuable experience for our students. It proved to be spiritually enlightening, offering a profound opportunity to give with both hearts and hands. Working with local communities, particularly in supporting English education in schools, allowed our students to make a tangible impact and forge genuine connections.

Immersed in a culturally contrasting environment, our students were pushed well beyond their comfort zones. This challenge proved transformative, prompting them to connect deeply with their surroundings and gain significant insights into both themselves and the broader world. They enjoyed a technology-free trip, engaging fully with their environment and embracing each day as it came, rather than anticipating or planning.

The trip has enriched their understanding of global issues and fostered a greater appreciation for diverse cultures and ways of life. Overall, the experience highlighted the power of service and personal growth that comes from stepping outside one’s comfort zone, exposing them to the profound feeling of being comfortable in discomfort.”