From Kaitlyn Downey, iLeader Coordinator
During Term 2, Waverley College will once again take part in the $20 Boss Program, a fantastic initiative established by the Foundation for Young Australians. $20 Boss is an immersive entrepreneurship program, where students are provided $20 of start-up capital to create, launch and operate their venture over the course of a school term.
Twenty students from Year 9 will have the opportunity to test their entrepreneurial skills by running their own business for the four week competition period. Students from last year became tycoons in the areas of baking, car washing and dog walking, just to name a few.
It is now time for a new wave of students to join this fantastic initiative and start taking those steps towards becoming the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.
If you think your son would be interested in this initiative, please encourage him to contact Miss Patricia Alborough (palborough@waverley.nsw.edu.a