2016 Holdsworth Ball
From the Head of Brennan House, James Horrocks
Each year Waverley College and St Clare’s College host a ball for the Holdsworth Community. The Holdsworth Community is an organisation that supports children, young adults and their families living with disability, providing them with recreational activities and employment support.
This year the ball will be taking place on Saturday 2 September and the theme for the night is “Masquerade”.
The hard work has well and truly begun for planning the night. In order for the night to be run successfully, fundraising and donations are needed to pay for costs such as food, drinks, decorations and further marketing of the event. Over the next few weeks Waverley and St Clare’s students will run a number of fundraising events to help pay for the running of the night. Any parents, friends or members of the Waverley Community that are able to donate prizes to be raffled on the night would be greatly appreciated and these would contribute significantly to the success of the night.
The event is one of the highlights of the Holdsworth Community’s annual calendar.
For more information, please contact Mr James Horrocks via email at jhorrocks@waverley.nsw.edu.au