From Head of Aungier House, John McCoy
Aungier House welcomed new students to the senior campus on the 1st of February, 2017. Students from Year 7 partnered up with ‘Big Brothers’ in Year 12. Not only was this the first day for many students at Waverley College, but it was the commencement of the new Student Wellbeing model. Our Year 12 students were able to gently guide their new ‘Little Brothers’ around the school campus.
During week 2, Year 7 students were able to gather as a year cohort, where they attended the Year 7 Camp at Broken Bay. Students were involved in bushwalking, archery, initiative exercises, as well as the much enjoyed canoeing and raft building which was relieving in the hot conditions. A positive start to the year!
The inaugural “Wellbeing Interviews” took place on Monday 13th February. This was an opportunity for students and parents to catch up with our very supportive Aungier House Wellbeing Mentors to set up some individual goals for the year ahead. Students were also able to complete SMART goals, which will be monitored and tracked by each respective mentor.
In hot conditions, the annual House Swimming Carnival took place at Des Renford Leisure Centre to conclude Week 3. Despite some strong efforts, particularly from Ben Finegan and Leo Astridge in the 13s age group, Aungier House finished at the tail of the field. As the famous pop song by artist Yazz goes, “The only way is up!”, as the ‘boys in red’ look to improve the upcoming House Competitions.

Aungier House at House Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 22nd of February, will be an evening many Year 9 students will remember fondly as they completed the Year 9 Ballroom Dancing with St Clare’s College. Reports came through that talented Aungier students Ryan von der Heyden and Jim Waterhouse were almost mistaken for Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly by the dance instructors at one stage!
The Aungier House Mass was a significant occasion for students in Years 5-12 come together in prayer and reflection. The key theme of our Mass this year was “Strength through Diversity”, which was an idea developed by the Year 12 student body. Aungier House Prefect, Eric Cordato, gave a thoughtful reflection on how student in Aungier should celebrate each other’s success in whichever form it may come in.

Aungier House Mass
Ash Wednesday (1st March, 2017) marked the commencement of Lent. Each House group was set a task, as part of the Waverley College 2017 Lenten Appeal, to raise money for the Ruben Centre. This centre was formed by the Christian Brothers in Africa to help end the extreme poverty in the region. Following an idea from the House Prefects and Senior SRC Members, the Aungier leadership team decided to set out selling ‘Zooper Dooper’ ice blocks during lunchtimes. All students in Aungier House had the opportunity of involving themselves in selling these items and collectively Aungier was able to raise $475.
As the term hit Week 9, the Waverley College Cadet Unit, along with the new Year 8 recruits, travelled out to Douglas Park for the Annual Field Exercise. Despite a mixture of weather conditions including some torrential rainfalls, all students had a very enjoyable time and developed resilience on the back of some very ‘different’ situations which confronted each student, such as camping in the outdoors. Congratulations to Aungier students Joel Ellis and Eric Cordato, who were part of the Cadet Senior Management Team who directed the camp.

March 2017 Cadet Camp
Looking Forward
Next term, while slightly shorter, is another very busy term for students in Aungier House. Students will return to classes on Wednesday 26th April in their full school winter uniforms, including long sleeve shirt, tie and blazer. Our Year 12 students will have their Mid-Semester Examinations in the opening weeks of term. Years 5, 7 and 9 will sit the NAPLAN testing on the 9th, 10th & 11th of May. Students in Year 10 will have their Career Profile interviews. Years 7-10 will commence Half-Yearly Examinations in Week 6. On the co-curricular front, Winter sports will be in full swing with the commencement of the CAS season.
I would like to congratulate all students in Aungier House for the positive start to the school year. I would also like to wish all students the very best as we move into a new term. I look forward to catching up with all students and families at the Aungier House Event which is scheduled to take place in Term 2.
Have a restful and safe Easter.