From the Head of Lacey House, Damien Thompson
Lacey House is 140 students strong with a support network of twelve Mentors and a Head of House. Our students range from Year Five to Year Twelve and each one of them is unique in their abilities, challenges and the pathways that they need to follow to find success. Our strength as a House lies in our strong student led Mentor groups and House meeting framework that thrives on the input of our senior boys and the enthusiasm of the younger students.
The Year Twelve Leadership group has set the bar high this year with the following themes.
“Let your light shine” and “Strength through diversity”.
The combination of these themes reminds us all of our responsibility to strive to be at our best each day whilst reveling in the unique qualities in us all. Lacey House meetings have provided the stage for quite a few individuals to display their talents and strengths in front of the House. We have seen Jason Sangha (Australian Representative Yr 12) play cricket against the whole student group with several students having the thrill of catching him out. Cassandra Hill’s Mentor group displayed their collective photographic skills at our last House meeting with Mitchell Knight and Caleb Bruce-James leading their Mentor group with great style.

Lacey House members
The Mentors have taken on the new Wellbeing direction with great enthusiasm and the building of solid connections between themselves and the boys continues with each morning meeting. The emphasis in these meetings has been centred on “Right Relationships” and discussions around respectful behaviour. We are all striving to recognise the strengths of each other and the need to respect each person’s space and right to grow at Waverley without harassment from others.
The high-profile role of our House Leadership team which consists of George Meli, Joe Nardo, Brendan Morrisey and Jonathon Ryan have spearheaded the significant move to student led meetings. I have been impressed with how the leaders have grown in their confidence in such a short period of time. The College Vice-Captain, Alfie Killigrew has provided tremendous support for the Prefects and his presence has brought a great sense of focus towards our charitable and social justice works. Alfie’s presentation on The Timor Leste Immersion was particularly powerful.
We have survived Year Seven camp, Year Seven Inter-house Dodge Ball and the Mentor group Netball competition. There has been much debate and discussion of the Mentor group Competition and great opportunities for the Year Eleven boys to step up and take on the challenge of raising funds for our charities.

Dodge Ball winners in the first round are congratulated by the House Leaders.
Next term will see our first House Breakfast (date to be announced early next term) that will lead into an opportunity for parents to meet our leaders and see a House meeting in action. We are looking forward to stronger connections between House and Home, between Parents and Mentors, between Students and Mentors and between Students and their Peers. I am always delighted to hear from parents about the great things that are happening in your son’s life as well as the moments they need extra support from us.