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2017 Term 2 Lacey House Report

From Head of Lacey House, Damien Thompson

Spirituality in Lacey

The concept of spirituality has been shaped throughout the year within Lacey. It has been incorporated into every house meeting, on Friday mornings, and it inspired the House Mass earlier in term 2.

From a Prefect’s perspective, we were able to create a Eucharistic Liturgy that was able to communicate the College’s themes of this year. The Senior Leadership group’s “Strength through Diversity; let your light shine before others”, and also Laceys’ motto, “Nil Desperandum; Never Give Up”.  We were able to show how the words of the Gospel could be incorporated into the lives of every single member of the house.

Every Friday, the House meetings have a specific section dedicated to spirituality and social justice. We were able to discuss many confronting issues with all the home groups, such as poverty and social injustice, and we were able to reflect on certain aspects of the Gospel in relation to our daily lives. Spirituality has helped to develop our House as a whole, creating a relationship between all young men of Lacey, based on respect for the Christian teachings and Social Justice.

By Joe Nardo

Damien Thompson, Head of Lacey House, receiving the Eucharist from Ms Martina Cooper with Sasha Moustacas and Matthew Miller


Lacey 3 v 3 Basketball

During lunch time on 16 June, an inter-house 3 v 3 basketball competition was hosted in the gym. All houses competed with one junior (Years 7/8), one intermediate (Years 9/10) and one senior (Years 11/12) on at each time of the game with running subs.

Lacey played against O’Connor first and made a tough comeback win to advance to the next round against Quinn. After winning that game we approached Conlon in the final in which Lacey won 4-3, making us champions. With valiant efforts from all members of the team, Lacey were crowned champions of the inaugural 3 v 3 basketball competition as a part of Men’s Health Week.

By Brendan Morrisey


Inclusive Community

Lacey is an inclusive community that has grown significantly since the start of this year with the new House system.

The House lockers in one area so that Years 7-12 all share the same place and the Friday morning House Assemblies run by Prefects have strongly contributed to the integration of our diverse student group to create stronger relationships between each individual. The three Mentor groups that have run Assemblies have really shown the way with exciting competitions such as the tallest straw tower and furthest paper plane flight creating great drama.

Our participation in the swimming and athletics carnivals had everyone participating in chants and events that have strengthened Lacey House’s inclusive community.

The House Athletics carnival was a great day, with Lacey competing all day long and putting their best foot forward in the cheers and performances out on the track and field. The atmosphere that Lacey house created was just a glimpse into our teamwork, sense of community, skills and overall effort.  We started the day off strongly and continued to achieve those top positions, keeping us in second place for majority of the day sitting just behind first place by a couple of points. With the tough competition in the chant off and final races we unfortunately slipped down the leaderboard and finished the day in fourth place.

Overall Lacey did a fantastic job, thanks to the teachers and student leaders who stepped forward and helped out with the amazing day. Lacey for the win and Never Give Up!

As the Leadership team in Lacey House, we strive to engage all members of the House, from encouraging them to participate in events to making sure they are with friends enjoying their day and joining in chants. Part of the rise of our House spirit has been the growth of the relationships between the younger and older boys.

By Jonathan Ryan and George (Ron Burgundy) Meli

Charles Longmire striding out at the Athletics Carnival


Josh Grant


Roy Hampshire


Nikhil Dulat