From the Head of Green House, Scott Coleman
Green House has enjoyed a rewarding 2017, with students enthusiastically engaging in a wide variety of house and college events. All Green students from Years 5 to 12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated for the way they have developed relationships and challenged themselves. The end of the term in particular has seen some wonderful examples of friendship and leadership from within Green House as boys of all ages have engaged in a variety of exciting experiences.
Junior school
Our new program in 2017 saw Green house junior school students and senior school students spending more time together. It was fantastic to get to know our junior school cohorts who we know in the coming years will be outstanding members of Green.
I would like to thank our Junior School staff for 2017 – Stephen Ghattas and Gabrielle Bransby – for all their efforts. They have been integral to ensuring the Junior School Green students are a part of Green House and they went above and beyond what is expected of them consistently this year. Thanks for your support.

Junior School Green House members
The Junior School walkathon took place during term 3. It was a successful event with over $50,000 dollars raised for charity.
Special recognition needs to go to a few boys in particular for their wonderful contributions from Green House:
- Freddy Maree 5 Green $570.00
- Marcus Jomoa 6 Blue $510.00
They did their house proud with their fantastic effort to raise money for the following charities:
- Edmund Rice Camps NSW
- Sydney Children’s Hospital
- Savio Education Centre
- Prostate Cancer Foundation
- Cure for Life Foundation
- Local Families
- Redkite
Year 5 Camp
What an amazing three days the Year 5 boys had at Vision Valley this term. All the teachers spoke very highly of the enthusiasm and the participation shown by the boys at the camp. The behaviour of all the students involved was exceptional and all of Year 5 are to be commended.
The boys had a great time whilst involved in a host of activities including abseiling, archery, bike riding, rock climbing, swimming, waterslide, canoeing or orienteering. The trivia night and ‘W Factor’ were big hits as well.
Special thanks to Green House teacher Stephen Ghattas for taking time to attend the camp. Your time and energy waa greatly appreciated by parents and students.
2018 Year 7 Orientation Day
The Year 7 orientation day took place on Friday 10th November. It was great to see so many faces from the junior school and other primary schools around Sydney. While they started out nervously, some fun games and activities managed to bring them closer together. Our 2017 students have set the bar high and I look forward to next year’s group taking this mantle and improving it even more.
Green Year Group Activities
Year 7 2017 celebrations
Year 7 students met on November 29th to celebrate their successful 2017. They achieved some amazing things as a group this year and we have high hopes for the successful life at Waverley that lays ahead of them. Each of the students took part in a variety of activities and embraced our new wellbeing structure. It was overwhelming to see the students flourishing, developing friendships with older students and becoming integral members of Green House. I know this year group will be successful and look forward to seeing them grow and develop in the future.

2017 Year 7 Green House members
Yearly Examinations
Congratulations to our Years 7 to 10 students for completing their exams in such a determined way this term. While there may have been some trepidation and anxiety beforehand, it was impressive to see the students apply themselves in preparation for their senior exams. All students should work on getting into good study habits early in 2018. A study timetable is highly recommended and if students need support for this process, I ask them to come and see myself or Green Academic Prefect Allan Cannes.
Some useful links to set up a study timetable are linked below.
Year 10 Reflection Days
Year 10 students took part in two Reflection Days as part of their Religious Education Program on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th November 2017.
In keeping with the major themes of the Year 10 Religious Education curriculum, the focus of these days was on Values and Social Justice. The purpose of these two days was to provide students with the opportunity to reflect on their own attitudes and values, as well as sharing in the experiences, attitudes and values of others.
The two days varied significantly and involved the following:
Activities led by Mr Sam Clear – WALK4ONE
Sam Clear walked around the world for unity. He travelled 15,600km on foot through South America, Central America & North America, across Siberia by train, and on foot again from Moscow to the western most point of Spain. The WALK4ONE thrust Sam onto the front page of numerous overseas news services as he persevered despite exceptional adversity.
Having to find food and water every day was the least of his worries: he was threatened at gunpoint three times, robbed at knife point, beaten up on the side of the road, came face to face with dangerous animals, was hospitalised many times and endured extreme temperatures.
Sam has now presented the lessons from this epic adventure in over 700 businesses and high schools around Australia, New Zealand the United States. His tale is one of extraordinary courage, challenges and love in action under incredible circumstances.
The students were inspired by Sam’s story and ability to overcome incredible challenges. Sam challenged each student to think about their own drive to improve the world and those around them. The activities and stories encouraged students to think about their own behaviours and engagement in the world around them.
Sydney Jewish Museum Visit
Each student attended the Sydney Jewish museum and were lead around the venue by a holocaust survivor. The harrowing story about surviving such a troubling part of human history was an eye opening experience for each of the students at Waverley. Student’s commented on how powerful it was to meet a holocaust survivor and see the impact this had on Jewish people around the world and the long lasting effects that are still there today.
Guest Speakers
The year 10 students met two guest speakers. One of the speakers was a homeless man with HIV that faces difficulties in his day to day life. Students were overwhelmed by his story and many of them discussed the issues that he faced after the discussion.
The other speaker talked about human trafficking and the impact it has on victims around the world. The students could not believe the stories that were shared with them as an eye opening account of the issue in the world around them.

Green House Year 10 students with Sam Clear
Year 10 Camp
Between 19 – 24 November, Year 10 successfully completed their outward bound learning experience at Somerset Camp. The students were met with some outstanding weather, and while there was some slight drizzle, the evenings were perfect as students sat around the campfire to discuss the daily activities and to laugh with friends. Our theme for our camp was ‘Stepping up, Stepping out,’ and it was overwhelming to see the cohort take this on board with each activity. Students managed to step up into leadership and step out of their comfort zone, lessons we hope for the cohort to take into their senior years.
The students took part in a variety of activities, ranging from high ropes, to kayaking and canoeing, with everyone being provided with a chance to overcome adversity and face hardship along the way. The highlights were varied and many, from the groups that paddled 30km along the Colo river, to the group that trekked close to 100km, each opportunity created a great sense of achievement for all the students involved. Several of the camp leaders and teachers commented on the way the students collaborated together in difficult situations and developed an understanding about respect towards others as the week progressed.
In 2017, Waverley College introduced a Duke of Edinburgh program under the guidance of Ms Brown, Ms Alborough and Mr Brophy. We had one group endeavour to complete part of their bronze award during the year 10 camp. When visiting the Duke of Ed group, it was great to see them working together as a team in planning the activities for the next day. Each student was required to map their trek using only the coordinates that had been provided. It was fantastic to see the leadership and drive by each of the students involved in the program as they pushed towards completing their Duke program for the year.
As groups sat around the campfire on the last night, they reflected and commented on how they had achieved things they didn’t think possible, and it was that moment for them when they began to understand the importance of participating in the camp. I would like to congratulate the year 10 cohort, who demonstrated incredible resolve and character throughout. Each student faced their own difficulties on camp and hopefully the lessons they learnt will be lifelong and rewarding.
I would like to thank all the Waverley families, for allowing the year 10 students, to take part in such an important part of their learning experience. Some lessons can only be taken outside the classroom and camp provides those.
Thanks must also go to year 10 students for the mature and focused way they approached the year. It was a great way to end the year for this cohort who continue to show their exceptional potential as our college leaders of the future.

Year 10 on camp
Year 12 Retreat/ HSC begins
Year 12 students started their HSC courses this term and it has been encouraging to see the focus and determination of the students. They have matured significantly since the start of the year and should be commended for their personal growth and application in the classroom. The term hasn’t been all work for our Year 12s, as they attended the Year 12 reflection day – an important moment in the school calendar that allows the students to engage in some very in-depth and emotional discussions about their lives and the lives of the students around them. I hope all students found them to be a experience.
I wish all Year 12s a relaxing summer break but I would recommend students engage in the following to help them in their HSC year for 2018:
- Read through syllabus documents to understand the information that is coming.
- Read any required texts over the break, this will put you ahead
- Ensure you get in some exercise and spend time with your friends
- Relax and unwind; this is the last big break before a busy 2018. Ensure you spend some time with family and friends and enjoy the break as well.
I look forward to seeing you all in term 1 next year ready for an important year.

Year 12 students on retreat
Green House Events
White Ribbon Walk – 24th November
On Friday 24 November, Green House took part in the annual White Ribbon Day walk from Randwick to Coogee. It was overwhelming to see the students, parents and staff taking a stand and making their voices heard. Talking to the students in Green House during the walk, they mentioned they felt part of something bigger and that by taking part they were making an impact on social issues in the community. Each student in Green has been able to take part in an important social justice initiative and this will be the focus for Green House for years to come.
I would especially like to thank our Green Prefects for coordinating, fundraising and advocating for this cause so passionately. For the boys in our younger years, look to our leaders for inspiration and motivation when you need it, they have been monumental.
We also had quite a few parents that came to walk with their sons. Their involvement shows the importance of the students taking a stand on this issue and the support behind us from our parents at Waverley. It was inspiring seeing parents taking part in such a significant event.
I would like to thank the following staff for their attendance on Friday and for taking part in the event, their involvement allows students to see the importance of these events in the college community. We are lucky to have such motivated staff at Waverley and again, these staff members went above and beyond with their participation on Friday morning.
Staff involved:
- Gary Kennedy
- Kathryn Knowles
- Tegan Bayliss
- Katia Iturrieta
- Annabel Kilpatrick
- Phoebe Guirguis
- Nehal Badiani
- Patrick Darvill
- Matthew Porter
- Geraldine Cullen
- Patricia Alborough
Our Wellbeing Prefect, Daniel Brown spoke to school at an assembly in November, and I will use his powerful words to encourage the young men of Waverley to stand up and take action, because the world is not going to change if we wait for it.

Green Wellbeing Prefect Daniel Brown speaking to whole school assembly about White Ribbon Day
“I challenge you to be aware of the way in which your peers treat women. Rethink your perceptions of women. Rethink your current attitude and vocabulary towards the girls and women in your life. And most importantly rethink what it means to be a man.
I know this speech may have been quite confronting for some of you but the vast majority of you before me are kind respectful young men. White Ribbon is Men standing up against Violence against women. Good men like you standing up and saying that enough is enough!
You determine the culture of the world you live in, and if you want to live in a world where women are no longer abused by men, then take action, because the world is not going to change if you wait for it.”

Green House at the White Ribbon Walk 2017
White Ribbon BBQ
Green house started our focus on White Ribbon day by hosting a BBQ at the start of November.
Prefects and SRC members organised and set up the event and should be congratulated for their efforts. I would like to thank all the other students that gave their time to support this event as well with a special mention to Daniel Chow for his involvement.
Thank you to all the students that helped to set up this inaugural event and students that put their hands at up various times through term 4 to make this event so successful.

Green House BBQ about to start
During November Green students were also lucky enough to hear from Marty Wilson. An Australian Comedian of the Year winner, a White Ribbon ambassador, a best selling author of the book, ” What I wish I knew”, and a Ted X presenter that discussed the importance of men taking a stand and speaking out against Violence Against Women. It was a highlight of our term and a speech many boys will remember for a long time.
House competition events
Green House engaged in a variety of House competitions in 2017 with a variety of success throughout.
During term 4, Green House year 10 student, Max Coleman took the role of our only diver to take part in the diving competition. Thanks Max for getting involved.

Inter-House Diving competition
We also held the Tug O’War competition with Green group 7 taking charge for Green House to compete. I want to thank Green Mentor Katia Iturrieta and her support for getting Green group 7 to compete so vigorously on the day.
Christmas Themed Assembly
At our last assembly for the year, Green held the annual ‘12 days of Christmas challenge,’ It was great to see year 5 – 12 students working together in their mentor groups in a variety of activities. A copy of the event can be found here, if you would like to use it for family events during the holiday period. It can be a lot of fun. Thanks to all students and staff for being so involved and congratulations to Green Group 10 for their success in winning the event and earning the much sought after pizza lunch as a result.

Christmas Themed Assembly
Green Leadership
I want to thank the exceptional work of our new House Prefects and our 2017 SRC members. The tireless work they have done has been consistently above and beyond what is expected of them. They should be commended on their incredible work. All Green students should look to them for motivation and inspiration over the next 12 months. Congratulations on the work you have done so far.

Student captains with School vice captain and Green student, Dominic Augoustis – far right
College Leadership Roles
School Vice Captain: Dominic Augoustis
Green Prefects: Wellbeing Daniel Brown; Community Ben Scarf; Academic Allan Cannes, Spiritual Nathan Higgs

Green House Prefects with family after leadership assembly
SRC Members: Rocco Evans, Caillan Porter, Ullhas Dey, Julian Ginnane, Reuben Maree, Ian Vuk, James Eveleigh

SRC members during leadership training seminar
I would like to congratulate the following Green students for their roles in our summer firsts teams:
1st XI Cricket: Ben Scarf, Rory Doyle

Green House students Ben Scarf and Rory Doyle walking out for the first XI
Cycling Captain: Daniel Brown
2017 Academic Award Winners
Congratulations to the following Green students for their outstanding academic achievements this year. As a result for their hard work and determination, they have attained high levels of success. As a house we should be very proud of our students in Green that reach such incredible heights in their academic focus.
Maddox Grebert (Year 7) | Head of College Award for Academic Excellence |
Eddie Kranz (Year 10) | 1st in year in Applied Philosophy |
Rocco Evans (Year 10) | 1st in year in Commerce, History, Visual Arts. 2nd in year 10 Academic results |
Remi Defina-Sperando Year 10) | 1st in year in Mathematics Level 3, Music. Prize for Musicianship |
Daniel Brown (Year 12) | 1st in year in Spanish Beginners |
Louis Cosgrove (Year 12) | 1st in year in Business Studies |
Dominic Augoustis (Year 12) | 1st in year in Music Course I |
Allan Cannes (Year 12) | 1st in year in Ancient History, Arthur and Mollie Burke Memorial Prize for English Advanced, Legal Studies, Extension English, Modern History, Fr Kevin Nolan and Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion II
Dux of Year 11 |
2018 Green House Events
While 2017 is over, we are already looking forward to our 2018 program with excitement.
Green House will host a breakfast in term 1 as a starting point for the year, more information will be provided next year, but I look forward to meeting many parents again or for the first time at a special coming together. Students will be required to attend.
Our big brother/little brother program has been redesigned for 2018. Year 10 students will be expected to take part and will be integral supporters of our junior school students. They will have time allocated to them during enrichment periods to spend some time supporting junior school students through a variety of activities and events. Hopefully this enables year 10 students to take on some leadership roles as they push to become Prefects and leaders further down the track.
Green House will continue its empowerment committee in 2018 under the guidance of our Wellbeing and Spiritual Prefects, Nathan Higgs and Daniel Brown. Student applications will be sent out early in term 1.
Green House will also continue our study group in 2018 under the guidance of Green House Academic Prefect Allan Cannes.
Green House will yet again participate in the White Ribbon Walk in 2018 and all parents will be invited to attend the day. It is one of the highlights of the year seeing so many boys becoming advocates for such a significant cause.
More information about these events will be distributed early in term 1.
Green House Information
While the year has ended, I wanted to provide more information about Brother Green and our house Motto as it has been requested by parents and students. Brother Green was on the College staff for various times between 1916 – 1953. He was Headmaster from 1933-1938. Great progress was made during his time and he secured the Queens Park playing fields.
Our house motto, E pluribus unum – ‘out of many, one’ or more simply ‘strength in unity’ was originally written in the Moretum, a poem by Virgil, one of Rome’s most famous poets. Virgil was also the first name of Brother Green. The idea of ‘strength in unity’ is not only espoused through the Green House community, but through the greater Waverley College community and friends. In unity of a group there is great power and force to meet a single focus and objective. The community of Green House uses these qualities to live up to the values set by Waverley College.
Green House would not be the place it is without the support we have from our incredible mentors. Through the development of the wellbeing program this year, it has been exciting to see our Green mentors developing and engaging with the wellbeing curriculum. Our students are lucky to be greeted by your smile every morning and I sincerely wanted to thank you all for your work this year.
2017 Green Mentors
- Green 1: Tony Moore
- Green 2: Jannet Markey/Catherine Lowery
- Green 3: Jon Walker
- Green 4: Gary Kennedy
- Green 5: Kathryn Knowles
- Green 6: Tegan Bayliss
- Green 7: Katia Iturrieta
- Green 8: Annabel Kilpatrick
- Green 9: Patrick Darvill
- Green 10: Nehal Badiani
- Green 11: Phoebe Guirguis
Junior School Mentors
- Stephen Ghattas
- Gabrielle Bransby
It is also with great sadness we farewell Green House Mentors Catherine Lowery, Tegan Bayliss and Annabel Kilpatrick. We them all the best for the future.
In 2018 we will welcome back Amie Schoenmaker to work with Jannet Markey in supporting Green Group 2.
I also want to thank every student for embracing our new wellbeing focus this year. Everyday I make it my aim to talk to as many Green students as possible. I enjoy these conversations because the students in Green have welcomed me as their mentor and leader throughout their time at Waverley. Thanks for our daily conversations and discussions about the day ahead, they are one of the highlights of my role as Head of Green House.
Finally I want to thank all the parents of Green students. Your support is consistently overwhelming and we are so lucky to have you as part of the Green family. I wish the best of luck to those parents that are moving on or to a different school and look forward to making memories with parents and students in 2018.
Enjoy the upcoming Christmas period. I wish you all a restful and relaxing holiday break.