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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Social Justice

2017 White Ribbon Day

2018 White Ribbon Day

2018 White Ribbon Day

2018 White Ribbon Day

2017 White Ribbon Day

2018 White Ribbon Day

From the Head of Green House, Scott Coleman

On Friday morning, Green House took part in the annual White Ribbon Day walk from Randwick to Coogee. It was overwhelming to see the students, parents and staff taking a stand and making their voices heard. Talking to the students of Green House during the walk, they mentioned they felt part of something bigger and that by taking part they were making an impact on social issues in the community. Each student in Green has been able to take part in an important social justice initiative and this will be the focus for Green House for years to come.

I would especially like to thank our Green House Prefects for co-ordinating, fundraising and advocating for this cause so passionately. For the boys in our younger years, look to our leaders for inspiration and motivation when you need it, they have been monumental.

We also had quite a few parents who came to walk with their sons. Their involvement shows the​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ importance of the students taking a stand on this issue and the support behind us from our parents at Waverley. It was inspiring seeing parents taking part in such a significant event.

I would like to thank the following staff for their attendance on Friday and for taking part in the event. Their involvement allows students to see the importance of these events in the college community:

  • Gary Kennedy
  • Kathryn Knowles
  • Tegan Bayliss
  • Katia Iturrieta
  • Annabel Kilpatrick
  • Phoebe Guirguis
  • Nehal Badiani
  • Patrick Darvill
  • Matthew Porter
  • Geraldine Cullen
  • Patricia Alborough


Our wellbeing Prefect, Daniel Brown spoke to school at an assembly last week, and I will use his powerful words to finish as we continue to challenge the young men of Waverley to stand up and take action, because the world is not going to change if we wait for it. Here is some of what he had to say:

“I challenge you to be aware of the way in which your peers treat women. Rethink your perceptions of women. Rethink your current attitude and vocabulary towards the girls and women in your life. And most importantly rethink what it means to be a man.

I know this speech may have been quite confronting for some of you but the vast majority of you before me are kind respectful young men. White Ribbon is men standing up against violence against women. Good men like you standing up and saying that enough is enough!

You determine the culture of the world you live in, and if you want to live in a world where women are no longer abused by men, then take action, because the world is not going to change if you wait for it.


Thanks again for all your support.