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2017 Year 9 Camp

Year 9 camp

From Head of Green House, Scott Coleman

Year 9 successfully completed their outward bound learning experience at Somerset last week. The students were met with outstanding weather and, while the mornings were crisp, there were perfect evenings around the campfire to discuss the day’s activities and to laugh with friends. Our theme for the year was for the students to embrace the challenge and by all accounts they did exactly that.

The students took part in a variety of activities, ranging from high ropes, to kayaking and canoeing, with everyone being provided with a chance to overcome adversity and face hardship along the way. The highlights were varied and many, from the groups that paddled 9km along the Hawkesbury River, to the treks along difficult terrain, each opportunity created a great sense of achievement for all the students involved.

In 2017, Waverley College introduced the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Program. Under the guidance of Ms Brown, Ms Alborough and Mr Brophy, three groups endeavoured to complete part of their Bronze Award while on the outward bound program. One of the groups were year 10 students, the other two groups were from Year 9. When visiting the groups, it was great to see them working together as a team in planning the activities for the next day. Each student was required to map their trek for the following day using only the coordinates that had been provided. The Year 10 group completed the Bronze trek in record time, beating the previous time by over 90 minutes, a fantastic demonstration of the drive and capabilities of the students at Waverley College. Many other groups at the camp had similar experiences of success.

As groups sat around the campfire on the last night, the students reflected and commented on how they had achieved things they didn’t think possible, and it was that moment for them when they began to understand the importance of participating in the camp. I would like to congratulate the Year 9 cohort and our Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh students, who demonstrated incredible resolve and character throughout. Each student faced their own difficulties on camp and hopefully the lessons they learnt will be lifelong and rewarding.

I would like to thank all the Waverley families, for allowing the Year 9 cohort and some Year 10 students, to take part in such an important part of their learning experience. Some lessons can only be taken outside the classroom and camp provides those. I would also like to thank all the staff that attended the camp; without the teachers giving up time with their families, it would not be the fantastic experience that Waverley currently offers. Our camp leaders for Year 9 were:

Camp Leaders

  • Kyle Newbury
  • Damien Thompson
  • James Spargo
  • Greg Elliott
  • Lachlan Hillman
  • Richard Bryant
  • Glenn Murphie
  • Stephen Wilmot

Duke of Edinburgh Leaders

  • Gemma Brown
  • Patricia Alborough
  • Nicholas Brophy

Support Staff

  • Bruce Dominish