Tyler von der Heyden
From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan
We are about to embark on the recruitment process for our College leaders for 2018.
As a College we are looking to continue to strengthen the House system which was successfully introduced in 2017. The House System, which is driving wellbeing, student management, student leadership and a closer connection to our Junior College, will continue to see a more connected and supportive Waverley College community in action.
The College Executive sees every Year 12 student as a ‘leader’ with a positive role to play in shaping the year ahead and the future years of this great school.
In 2018 the following members of staff will continue to lead the house system in their capacity as Heads of House:
- Mr John McCoy, Aungier House
- Mr James Horrocks, Brennan House
- Ms Cathy O’Sullivan, Conlon House
- Mr Scott Coleman, Green House
- Ms Olivia Kite, Quinn House
- Mr Matthew Barr, O’Connor House
- Mr John McCallum, Tevlin House
- Mr Damien Thompson, Lacey House
The College is seeking to appoint one College Captain and three College Vice Captains before the commencement of Term 4.
In addition, the College is seeking to appoint four House Prefects per House (32 in total). Two prefects per house will focus their energy on the running of each Senior College House (Year 7 – 12) and two prefects will focus their energy on the running of each Junior College House (Year 5 – 6). There will be many opportunities for each house to meet in their entirety (Year 5 to Year 12).
There will also be an opportunity for a “mid year Prefect appointment”. Sometimes boys show outstanding leadership during Term 4 and Term 1 and this may be recognised by the College at the discretion of the Head of College. In 2018, these students will be aligned to a portfolio. This also provides students with an opportunity to show resilience and character if they were not originally successful with their application.
In 2018 College Prefects will have the added responsibility of reporting poor student behaviour to their Head of House. Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, incorrect uniform, poor behaviour in the locker area and inappropriate behaviour on public transport. Training will be given to successful applicants to develop their skills in this area of leadership.
Each Captain and House Prefect will also have responsibility for a leadership portfolio, which will be assigned by the College. The portfolio representatives will meet in working committees with senior staff to progress these goals throughout the year. Each portfolio is linked to an Executive Directorate at the College, as follows:
SPIRITUALITY (Mission Directorate)
- Support the initiatives of the Mission Team
- Support the initiatives of the Justice & Solidarity Team
- Assist with Masses and Liturgies
- Actively support the Earth Charter and the environment
- Support the Charity commitments of the College
- Encourage interfaith dialogue and understanding
ACADEMIC (Curriculum Directorate)
- Liberation Education
- Innovation
- Developing a Learning Culture
- Healthy Study Practices
- Improving Academic Outcomes
- Competitions
- Awards
COMMUNITY (Co-curriculum and Wellbeing Directorates)
- College Spirit
- House Spirit
- Junior College
- First Peoples
- Inclusive Community
- Right Relationships
- Community Relations
- Peer Leadership
WELLBEING (Co-curriculum and Wellbeing Directorates)
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Cultural Appreciation
- Sport Participation & Sportsmanship
- Activities
- House Competitions
- Behaviour Management / Bullying
- Student formation
Application Process for Captain or House Prefect positions
Each student wishing to be considered for a Captain or Prefect position must submit an application in the form of a letter and curriculum vitae by 9am, 21 August 2017 to Ms Nikki Smith at nsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
The application letter should include:
- Introduce yourself
- Detail the role that interests you (if you wish to be considered for more than one position, make mention of this)
- Match your skills and experiences with the skills and experiences required
- Encourage the reader to look at your curriculum vitae
- Finish with a call to action (e.g. request a meeting or opportunity to discuss further)
Curriculum Vitae
Use the Edmund Rice Charter Touchstones as headings in your curriculum vitae. Under each heading, list in dot point form the skills and experiences which show how you have demonstrated a commitment to the touchstones in your time at Waverley (this can be at school or in your broader life).
The Edmund Rice Touchstones
1) Gospel Spirituality
We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community
2) Inclusive Education
Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good
3) Justice & Solidarity
We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.
4) Liberating Education
We open our hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope filled and free to build a better world for all
Process for Selecting College Captains and House Prefects
Step 1: Student completes an application by 9am 21st August 2017. Send applications via email to Ms Nikki Smith nsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Step 2: Head of House shortlists applications for next stage of process (T3 Week 6).
Step 3: Successful applicants will be asked to address their House on Friday 26 August 2017 for two minutes about why they are worthy of consideration for higher leadership honours at the College.
Step 4: The College groups listed below will be asked to vote online for College Captain and House Prefects.
- Year 12 vote (Friday 26 August)
- College Staff vote (T3 Week 7)
- Each House will vote (Friday 26 August)
Step 5: Successful applicants will be invited to an interview with the Head of House and an Executive Member (T3 Week 7).
Step 6: Top candidates will be invited to be interviewed by the Head of College to be considered for Captain and Vice Captain positions (T3 Week 8).
Step 7: Successful Applicants will be announced to the College Community.