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2022 Civics and Citizenship Student Convention – Congratulations, Lachlan Miranda

2022 Civics and Citizenship Student Convention

2022 Civics and Citizenship Student Convention

In a previous edition of Nurrunga, Ms Elizabeth Watson (Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning), congratulated Lachlan Miranda (Year 10) for being selected as one of 30 students from across NSW, to attend the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Convention held at NSW Parliament House on 27 October.

Lachlan was accepted into the convention after writing a 500-word response to the question ‘Australia has a strong and resilient democracy. Discuss’,which was endorsed by the College Principal, Mr Graham Leddie, and judged by a panel of experts. 

Lachlan’s Reflection

I was proud to represent Waverley College as one of 102 students across the nation and one of 30 from across NSW at the inaugural Civics and Citizenships Convention at NSW Parliament on Thursday the 27th October. This was an extremely insightful learning experience. The main theme discussed throughout the day was the implications of compulsory voting in Australia.

Through three keynote lectures I was able to build a sound opinion on this topic. One highlight was listening to Professor Mark Evans discussing global voting arrangements and comparing Australia on an international stage. Throughout the day I was surrounded by like-minded peers, some of whom I developed friendships with.

After completing a strenuous day of debating, learning and collaborating with others, a nationwide referendum was held between all student participants and presided over by the President of the Australian Senate, Senator the Hon. Sue Lines. This ballot resulted in 90 to 12 in favour of compulsory voting. Resoundingly, it was a worthwhile and intuitive experience that I was privileged to attend.

Civics and Citizenship Student Convention

The Future Looks Bright

Congratulations Lachlan! You represented our College with distinction and we are incredibly proud of you. It was a privilege to work with you during the application process.

Opportunities like this, allow Waverley students to flourish. And as teachers, witnessing Waverley students flourish and be part of something bigger, is truly special.

Thank you to Mr Leddie, Ms Watson, Mr Smith (Head of History) and Mr Wallington (Head of HSIE) for your support of Lachlan.

We look forward to selecting, mentoring and supporting our 2023 candidate, with the hope of our College being represented once again.

View Lachlan's certificate

Congratulations, Lachlan

Congratulations, Lachlan