The HSC and Careers Expo is on Friday, 2 June 2023 at the Royal Randwick Racecourse.
This Expo is to allow students to discover and investigate courses and careers for which they may apply for 2024.
The Expo features over 120 exhibitors, seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, careers and study advice. Students should be encouraged to attend seminars and to collect booklets, brochures and information for courses or jobs in which they are interested and intend pursuing as careers.
Students will travel to and from the HSC and Careers Expo by hired buses leaving the College at 8:45am and returning by 11:55 am. The total cost will be $20.00 and will be added to the fees account.
Entry is also valid for Saturday, June 3 from 9am-3pm. Students are encouraged to return to the Expo with their parents/carers.