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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Academic Curriculum

A great start for our 2017 Year 11 students and parents

Teacher talking curriculum

Elizabeth Watson, Director of Learning

From the Director of Learning, Elizabeth Watson

This week Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( ran a study skills evening with Year 11 parents and students, “Achieving your Personal Best”

Dr Salter has specialised for the last 15 years in the area of study skills and is in high demand as a presenter of study skills sessions.

The session was very interactive and involved parents engaging with their sons to discuss and plan strategies to assist them with their study.

Research shows that children are more likely to succeed if parents are involved in their learning. Hendersen and Mapp (2002) found that ‘the more families support their children’s learning and educational progress, the more their children tend to do well in school and continue their education’.

The evening assisted families put systems in place to help students work towards achieving their personal best in an efficient and effective way.

The main areas covered were

  • Making study as effective and efficient as possible.
  • Organisation and time management skills.
  • Improving study notes and study techniques.
  • Dealing with the obstacles and problems.

To assist all secondary students in this area, a reminder that the college has a subscription to Prue Salter’s Study Skills website Enhanced Learning Educational Services, which has a variety of tips and strategies for students, parents and teachers. I encourage all parents and students to visit the site.

Go to and enter

username: forwaverleycollegeonly 

password: 94results

In addition to that, parents can also find extra study skills tips on the following website:

The response from both parents and students was extremely positive.

“Very informative and inspiring. Helped with connecting parent and child-Thanks”

“Fast, action packed and full of great information and resources.”

“Comprehensive and quick. Practical-Thanks.”

“Great guidance for parents”

Always good to have a refresher on how to plan, get organised and how to make quality study notes”

“Different systems to try support my son”

“Very thorough”

“Prue is very engaging and informative”

Prue will also be addressing Year 7 students with their parents on Tuesday 7 March.

Year 10 and 12 will have student only sessions during Term 1 and 3.