Waverley students inspired to learn
Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2023 are Closing Soon
From the College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson
Enrolment applications for 2023 are closing soon.
Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form.
Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.
Applications close 31 March 2021.
To submit an enquiry click here.
To submit an online application click here.
Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson on 9369 0698
2021 fees – Change of Payment Reference Number
From Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson
The College is in the process of changing its database and as part of this change is also changing the Finance System. The new system commenced from Monday 8 February 2021.
Whilst the Biller Code (54007) is unchanged, parents/carers responsible for the payment of school fees now have a new BPay reference number AND new BPoint reference number. Please note that the reference number for BPay is different to the new reference number for BPoint.
- The BPay reference number will now be 5 numbers as shown in the top right hand corner of the fee statement.
- The BPoint reference will be the new Parent Code (6 numbers) located just above the Date on the fee Statement.
- Payments made by any of the other options (that is NOT by either BPay or BPoint) remain unchanged.
- Those parents/carers that have BPay of BPoint already set up in their bank will need to change the “reference number” prior to making any future payments for school fees.
Please contact schoolfees@waverley.nsw.edu.au should you have any queries.
Year 7 Camp Final Details
Departure Time: Students need to be at school by 8.00 am on Monday, 22 February (Please note that this is 15 minutes later than indicated on the information letter.) We should return to school by 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 24 February.
Students will need to bring their own recess & lunch on Monday.
Packing Checklist:
* Sleeping bag and pillow
* Water Bottle
* Raincoat or poncho
* Hat
* Sunscreen
* Day Pack
* Torch
* Toiletries & Insect Repellent
* Towels (2)
* 2 pairs of trainers/runners (can be old)
* Casual shorts & T-shirts for 3 days at Camp
* Track suit or long pants/sweater in case of cooler weather at night.
* Underwear & socks
* Sleep attire
* Swimmers
* Garbage Bag for Wet/ Dirty Clothes.
The boys are requested not to bring lollies or Mobile phones with them. A student will be able to contact home from camp if required, and if you need to contact your son for any reason, the number to call is 0424 151 364 (school mobile which we will have with us) or 1800 024 097 (YMCA Camp Yarramundi).
* We will contact reception when we are leaving camp to give our estimated time of return to school.
If your son is required to take medication during the camp, could you please place the medication and instructions in a clear plastic bag with your son’s name clearly labelled on the outside. This bag is to be handed to your son’s Head of House on Monday morning.
If you have any questions or concerns at all regarding your son’s attendance at Camp please do not hesitate to contact your son’s Head of House.
Head of House Contact details:
Aungier | John McCoy – headofaungier@waverley.nsw.
Brennan | James Horrocks – headofbrennan@waverley.nsw.
Conlon | Cathy O’Sullivan – headofconlon@waverley.nsw.
Green | Scott Coleman – headofgreen@waverley.nsw.
Lacey | Damien Thompson – headoflacey@waverley.
O’Connor | Matt Barr – headofoconnor@waverley.nsw.
Quinn | Olivia Kite – headofquinn@waverley.nsw.edu.
Tevlin | John McCallum – headoftevlin@waverley.nsw.