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Additional swimming support for our students

Swimming Pool

From the Director of Co-curriculum, Pat Brennan

With spring already upon us and the weather warming up, the College is working with the Waverley College Swim School to support our students who have been identified by their PDHPE teachers as having difficulty in an aquatic environment.

Aquatics is a mandatory component of the PDHPE Syllabus from Stage 1 through until Stage 5 (Kindergarten to Year 10).

Our access to the coast, pools and waterways sees us faced with high rates of drownings and injuries that result from these environments:

  • In 2015, 271 people drowned in Australia
  • In 2015, 80% of the drowning’s were MALE

This makes aquatics an essential part of PDHPE at Waverley College.

To assist with us achieving these outcomes, Waverley College is offering students identified as weak swimmers five free lessons at the Waverley Swim School. Here these students can have additional development of their swimming from professional swim coaches.

The Waverley College Swim School is open to all ages and ability levels. Should you wish to contact this facility call 9369 0714 between 3.30-5.00pm weekdays or between 8.30-10.30am on Saturdays. Alternatively the swim school can be contacted by email on