Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
What an amazing week was had at Majura MTA for the 2022 Annual Field Exercise. 300 cadets headed to Canberra full of anticipation, spending the week with their companies in various locations, expertly prepared by the Advance Party.
A week of weapons training, leadership reaction courses, obstacle courses, high ropes, dam exercises, fieldcraft, hiking, night exercises, urban operations, bush movies, camp fires, stars and rainbows – all with the military backdrop of exciting sounds and tactical manoeuvres. Our recruits really embraced the experience and came home stronger, wiser and certainly proud of their achievements. So many personal challenges overcome. So much appreciation for warm beds, running water and electricity!
We were fortunate to welcome many visitors on camp, including the Chief of Army, LTGEN Rick Burr, and the Commander of the AAC, BRIG Ben Slaughter, who dropped in to see how a Cadet Unit develops youth on camp.

Casper Hodgon and the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Rick Burr, AO, DSC, MVO
The success of AFX is a result of the service that everyone willingly gives for the good of the Unit as a whole. We thank everyone for their contribution but especially:
The LOGSO and OPSO, CUO Sachiel Bass and CUO Sophia Voigt, who managed the logistics and operations with equanimity, maturity and competence, enabling a smoothly run camp; the ADJT, CUO Daniel McSweeny, who had to step in as acting SUO at the very last minute; CUO Mack Trustrum and Pioneer platoon: these cadets put together an engaging and informative day of fieldcraft activities; building shelters, lighting fires and making traps which ignited a passion in many of our recruits; WO2 Tom Martin and X Platoon: their ‘bush gym’, their slow-cooked lamb shoulder, their stealth and infiltration, added to the excitement and anticipation across the week; CUO Ian Vuk and Medics Platoon: the RAP is always a busy place on camp, but the steady stream of patients was cared for and expertly treated by CUO Vuk and his team around the clock, putting into practice the hours of First Aid training in the lead up to camp; the senior rank of the Command Post, who kept communications going with companies in remote locations 24 hours a day, all week; our Company Commanders and Company Sergeants Major, who lead their companies with passion and energy and dwindling voice boxes, as they brought together their personnel into the fold of company spirit, support and loyalty; A Company and C Company, who learnt the hard way how to put up a hutchie so that it actually does what it is designed to do – keep you sheltered and dry!; the amazing Cadet Staff and support staff, who gave of their time, away from family, to care for our cadets, to be on call 24/7, to be without mod cons, and to build fantastic relationships with their platoons and companies.

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie Visits AFX 2022

Oakley Lamb

Thanks for visiting, Mr Leddie!
ANZAC Services
An important component of any Cadet Unit is the service we can provide to the community on ANZAC Day. It is a responsibility our young people take very seriously and they always represent our Unit with the gravitas and maturity such occasions demand. We are proud of, and thank, the following cadets for their service to local events:
- Rose Bay RSL – CUO Zachary Straker, CUO Sachiel Bass, WO1 Charles Alexander, WO2 Christopher Armstrong, WO2 Alistair Isaac, WO2 Matteo Paolella, CPL James Birbas, CPL Luca Patrick-Watkins
- Waverley Council and Bondi RSL – CUO Sachiel Bass, CUO Darcy Ferguson, CUO Daniel McSweeny, CUO Owen Punch, CUO Sophia Voigt, CUO Ian Vuk, CUO Alison Zaczek
- Coogee Dawn Service – CUO Zachary Straker, CUO Brandon Reid, CUO Daniel Di Francesco, WO2 Christopher Armstrong, WO2 Angus Birrell, CPL Bailey Barker, CPL Emma Hartwig, CPL Oliver Malzard, CPL Declan McAuliffe, CPL Luca Patrick-Watkins, CDT Lachlan Marzol
The highest award a cadet can achieve as a member of the NSW Australian Army Cadets, is the Adventure Training Award. The week-long competition assesses skills in navigation, fieldcraft, ratel, first aid and the ability to lead, command and work as a team in challenging circumstances. It has been many years since Waverley College cadets have qualified for this competition, which took place this year, the very next day after AFX at Majura. For SGT Paul Muir and SGT Hugh McDonald to, not only compete, but succeed in achieving this award following a physical and demanding AFX, is an extraordinary achievement and one that will be recognised at Passing Out Parade and in front of the school in Term 3. Congratulations Paul and Hugh.

SGT Paul Muir and SGT Hugh McDonald
Cadets Term 2
On the back of AFX, we are thrilled that so many recruits wish to continue their Cadet journey for another year, that they could see past the interferences COVID-19 imposed on their Cadet experience, and give it a go. The vast majority are keen for promotion and we look forward to welcoming them on Promotions Camp from Monday, 27 June – Saturday, 2 July at Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa. This unique leadership training prepares leaders for the future, not just for Cadets but beyond the school environment, and builds a strong camaraderie in the cohort. Keep an eye on your emails for more details shortly.
Term 2 is a term of pomp and ceremony as we prepare for Passing Out Parade and Dining In Night to farewell our graduating Year 12 cadets. COVID-19 has put a real dent in our drill, dress and bearing, and now is the time to bring this in line with Unit expectations. Interspersed with Cadet and external activities, this short term will set the standard for the new Cadet Year starting in Term 3.
Important Dates
Parents, please take note of the following dates:
- 30 May: Year 8 New Recruit Parent Information Night
- 1 June: CAS Drill Competition (selected cadets)
- 5 June: Passing Out Parade (whole Unit)
- 5 June: Dining In Night (Year 12 and parents)
- 27 June – 2 July: Promotions Courses (JLC, SLC and CUO)
- 22 July: CO Welcome Parade
- 26-28 August: Bivouac (whole Unit)
- 15 October: CAS Milskills Competition (selected cadets)
- 10-13 December: WEC Trek Extension Camp
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au