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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

AFX 2022 – Seven Days Without Electricity or Running Water

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

Thank you to our hardworking rank and staff, who are pulling together the final stores required to take 400 people into the field for seven days without electricity or running water or modern conveniences on AFX. The skills in planning and logistics that our seniors gain through AFX are invaluable assets that they will take with them into the adult world.

A reminder to all parents and cadets that Q Store is now closed, and any provisions not already collected for camp can be purchased from camping stores or military disposal stores.

When our recruits return from AFX, they will have completed their co-educational commitment as part of the Waverley College Cadet Unit. As I said to the cadets last Friday, they now join a shared history with every Waverley College student who has come before them, spanning 110 years. This special connection through Cadets they will always have, regardless of whether they continue with Cadets or not, and is a connection that is recognised every year through the Annual Reveille Mess.

An Intention Form on Google will be available in the school holidays for all cadets wanting to continue their youth development experience, particularly if they have leadership in their sights. The Promotions Courses that the Cadet Unit offers, provide exemplary incremental training for leadership roles, and these courses run in the June/July school holidays every year. This year’s courses will be in the first week of the school holidays, at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa.

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

Over the weekend, X Platoon completed a training bivouac at Douglas Park, to consolidate their fieldskills in preparation for AFX. In rain and boggy conditions, they honed their skills in navigation, ratel, shelters, fires and survival. An impromptu lesson in 4WD vehicle retrieval was a bonus, and we thank the Pizzol family for their commitment to the Cadet Unit in this regard!

Congratulations to WO2 Tom Martin, SGT Gemma Proctor, SGT Max Van Buuren, SGT Declan Strong for your tenacity and fortitude on the weekend. Thank you to DS Conacher-Smith and DS Martin for pulling together an excellent training program.

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

X Platoon Exercise Tango Charlie

Joint Logistics Unit Expedition

Some of our dedicated Warrant Officers and Sergeants assisted with the collection of vehicles and Army stores on Tuesday in preparation for AFX. A trip to the Logistics Unit is an eye-opening experience in terms of the scale and precision of Army logistics at Holsworthy Barracks. We thank you WO2 Mitchell Cahill, WO2 Darius Hall, WO2 Matteo Paolella, and SGT Paul Muir for their excellent work ethic and service to the Unit.

Joint Logistics Unit Expedition

Joint Logistics Unit Expedition

Thank you

As we head to Majura, I thank everybody for their commitment to Cadets, and look forward to an enjoyable and exhilarating experience for you all on AFX.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
