Year 10 and 11 Legal Studies students at NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, August 2017
From Applied Philosophy teacher, Dominic Hearne
The first Youth Forum to be held by the Anti Discrimination Board of NSW in over ten years saw a very interested and enthusiastic group of Year 10 and 11 students from Legal Studies attend on Tuesday this week. Boys were treated to an explanation of the history, role and function of the Board by Felicity Huntington (Manager of Educational Services) and then led in small groups by Ms Huntington, Claire Williams, Community Education Officer and Andrea Cave (former parent of Waverley College) and legal officer with the ADB.

Year 10 and 11 Legal Studies students at NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, August 2017
Waverley was one of five schools attending on this day. Boys who attended spoke in real amazement at what they learned in their time at the Board and equally were astounded at the range of possible avenues of discrimination.

Year 10 and 11 Legal Studies students at NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, August 2017