ANZAC Day 2021
How proud we were of our cadets as they participated in the ANZAC Commemorative Service and Parade during Assembly on Monday. The front of the Gym was lined with our VC Guard, Catafalque Party and Flag Party while our cadets, interspersed amongst the school, held vigil with a candle, lit to commemorate the lives of the 65 Waverley Old Boys who lost their lives in World Wars 1 and 2. The school community followed the cadets’ lead and approached the service with respect and pride. It was a wonderful way to mark this very special day in the Australian Calendar.

ANZAC Day 2021
Cadet training recommences this week for the whole Unit and we are thrilled to welcome back 75 of our recruits as fully-fledged cadets, having now completed AFX and their Recruit Induction year. This term we prepare for our Year 12 Graduation Ceremony – The Passing Out Parade – on Sunday 6 June, but we still have time for some exciting field training in the lead up to this.
Once our Year 12s pass out of the Unit, we look to our new leaders to take the helm into Term 3, which is when our new Year 8 recruits will start their Cadet journey. Promotions for these new leaders takes place in the first week of the school holidays.
I would ask all parents to take note of the following dates for their calendars:
- Year 12 Bivouac (Year 12 cadets): 22 – 23 May
- Year 8 New Recruit Parent Information Night: 31 May
- CAS Drill Competition (selected cadets): 2 June
- Passing Out Parade (whole Unit): 6 June
- Dining In Night (Year 12 and parents): 6 June
- Promotions Courses (JLC, SLC and CUO): 21 – 26 June
- CO Welcome Parade and Rank Induction: 16 July
- Bivouac (whole Unit): 20 – 22 August
- CAS Milskills Competition (selected cadets): 9 October
- WEC Trek extension camp: 4 – 8 December
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021