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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Around Campus

James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9)

James Peate

From Ms Emma Halpin, Convenor of Public Speaking and Debating

Our Public Speaking Stars Qualify for the Zone Finals!

Congratulations to James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9) who have qualified for the Zone Finals of CSDA Public Speaking. James and Ewan will present their speeches in front of 20 other schools across the NSW Catholic Diocese on Friday, 12 March. Well done, boys!

Public speaking stars James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9)

Public speaking stars James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9)

From Ms Davina O’Garry, Hospitality/TAS teacher

Year 12 Hospitality Bake, Boil and Deep Fry to Complete Methods of Cookery Competency – Congratulations!

The Year 12 Hospitality classes completed their Methods of Cookery Competency task on Thursday 4 March. This task required the students to prepare, cook and serve an entree, main course and dessert using various methods of cooking. 

The students prepared the lunches for over 100 staff that were attending the swimming carnival the following day. There were four different box options for the staff to choose. Some of the dishes included mini arancini balls (deep frying), basil pesto pasta (boiling) and apple crumble muffins (baking).

The feedback from staff about their lunches was amazing and the Hospitality students need to be congratulated for their efforts. Well done students!

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Boxing Culinary Delights

Year 12 Hospitality Boxing Culinary Delights

Bags of mini arancini balls, basil pesto pasta and apple crumble muffins. Yum!

Bags of mini arancini balls, basil pesto pasta and apple crumble muffins. Yum!