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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Around Campus

Waverley College students inspired to learn

Read more: St Patrick’s Day and new books in the Senior Library.

Waverley Turns Green For St Patrick’s Day

From Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student Formation

Wednesday 17 March saw Waverley College turn Green for St Patrick’s Day. Cake stalls at recess provided many delicious treats thanks to the SRC and students from Conlon and Green Houses. Some of these funds will go towards Project Compassion initiatives.

A thrilling staff/student Gaelic football match was then held at lunchtime. Many thanks to all who participated and supported this worthy cause. 


New Reading Available in the Senior Library

From Mr William Roberts, Head of Library Services

Crossed Spaces

Crossed Spaces

Mindful Cricket

Mindful Cricket

Six Seconds

Six Seconds