Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
It has been a busy few weeks for the Cadet Unit!
Hot on the heels of a very successful AFX at Holsworthy Army Base, four of our finest young cadets flew to Tasmania to compete for the Adventure Training Award (ATA 2023). This National award is the highest individual award a cadet can achieve and, after a week of canyoning, kayaking, camping, mountain biking, climbing and being physically and mentally challenged in freezing conditions, we were so proud when all four cadets were presented with the Golden Boomerang.
Congratulations to WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins, SGT Jett O’Halloran, SGT Jack Ryan and SGT Charles Thompson Owens.
Our ANZAC team of cadets was also busy in the holidays rehearsing for the annual ANZAC Commemorative Parade on the Centenary Quad on Monday. Details of this event are included elsewhere in this Newsletter, but a heartfelt thank you to our cadets and staff who presented a professional and reverent parade on this important occasion.
These cadets also represented the Cadet Unit at the Coogee Dawn Service and the Bondi RSL Waverley Council community services very early on Tuesday morning. Thank you to our parents/carers for their commitment to attend at 4:30am!
This Term will be a busy one as we prepare for the following events:
- Passing Out Parade and Dining In Night for our Year 12 graduating cadets – Sunday, 4 June 2023
- The CAS Drill Competition – Wednesday, 31 May 2023
- LTCOL(AAC) Presentation Parade – Thursday, 15 June 2023
- Promotions Courses – Monday, 25 June – Saturday, 1 July 2023 at Winbourne Conference Centre
Any cadet wishing to be promoted to Corporal (Junior Leadership Course), Warrant Officer or Sergeant (Senior Leadership Course) or Cadet Under Officer must attend the promotions camp. Further information will follow shortly.