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Aungier House Mass

Aungier House Mass 24 February 2017

Eric Cordato, Aungier Prefect of Spirituality

From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis

Last Friday 24 February 2017, the first of our House Masses for 2017, the Aungier House Mass, was celebrated by College Chaplain Fr Milani. The Readings (1 Cor 12: 4-11 and Matthew 5:13-16) mirrored the theme Strength through Diversity – Let Your Light Shine Before Others (Mt 5:16) with Aungier Prefect of Spirituality, Eric Cordato, connecting this message with life at Waverley College in his Reflection.

Other features of this Mass included the Entry Procession, featuring the new Touchstone Banners, the Gospel Procession, which included symbolic lamps and a ‘bushel basket’ and the Communion Reflection Song Burn Bright by Natalie Grant. I would like to thank the staff and students responsible for the organisation and specific roles during the Mass. I would also like to thank those parents who attended. Our House Masses now begin at 8.20 am which gives parents an opportunity to attend. All parents are most welcome.

The next House Mass is the Brennan House Mass, 10 March, 2017, 8.20 am.

Below is Aungier Prefect of Spirituality, Eric Cordato’s Reflection:

“As a community, we all must come to realise our unique talents and qualities that each and every one of us possess, and use them to our fullest potential to make our community a better place.

This is reflected in today’s Gospel “You are the salt of the earth but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?” The passage implies that within a group of people there are diverse ranges of gifts and talents. Everyone possesses the power to change their lives and contribute to the community by letting their talents “shine before others” and by using them to the best of their ability. However, if you don’t use your gifts and conceal them to the world, then what is your gift good for?

All members of the community have countless opportunities to express their strengths and talents. Here at Waverley, there are copious opportunities that are available for everyone,

  • You may have strength in sport
  • A striving for academic achievement
  • A willingness to help others through Social Justice programs and immersions
  • The ability to express yourself in the areas of performing arts
  • Maybe you’re more of a hands on person and prefer to create ideas from scratch.

These are just a few opportunities for you to express your gifts to others.

This year’s theme in the House Masses is Strength through Diversity – Let your light shine before others. Every person, no matter what race, gender or religion, is able to contribute to the greater good with their own unique abilities. If you have more than one talent, then imagine what we could achieve if we all combined our talents together?

During the procession you would have seen four lanterns being walked in and placed on the table at the front, representing our unique and diverse qualities. But when these lanterns come together on the table, they represent us, united and strengthened as a community.

Veni Vidi Vici, I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. Our own motto emphasises our willingness and determination to take on any challenge and continue our pursuit to never give up and to let your light shine as a strengthened community.”