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During the school holidays, 75 of our most dedicated cadets attended the Promotions Courses at Waverley College to develop their leadership and fieldcraft skills in order to lead the Cadet Unit into 2021. An intense week of presentations, assessments, simulation exercises and practical skills was enjoyed by all. The calibre of candidature was superb and we are thrilled with the new team’s professional and responsible approach to their new appointments.

Cadets Promotions Courses

Cadets Promotions Courses

Congratulations to our new Senior Cadet Under Officer, CUO Mark Gaponov, who will lead the Unit over the coming year. He is joined by:

Adjutant – CUO William Gibson
Logistics Officer – CUO Lachlan Muir
Training Officer – CUO Bryn Parry
Operations Officer – CUO Dane Perica
Regimental Sergeant Major – CUO Isaac Kopsiaftis
A Company Commander – CUO Thomas Cahill
B Company Commander – CUO Sebastian Van De Hoek
C Company Commander – CUO Hayden Walker
SPT Company Commander – CUO Finn Anderson

We are particularly thrilled to see the first St Catherine’s CSM (Company Sergeant Major), WO2 Sophia Voigt, and TRGWO (Training Warrant Officer), WO2 Alison Zaczek.

All candidates performed brilliantly on the courses and it was pleasing to see so many new friendships formed across the two schools. We now have an enthusiastic team equipped with the skills to take command of the Unit as we prepare for AFX 2021.

On Friday 16th October, Cadets started back for Term 4 – in uniform at last! – and our new rank were inducted into their new positions at the Commanding Officer’s Parade. This was, once again, an occasion modified for COVID-19 restrictions, and the absence of our parent body was keenly felt. We congratulate everyone on their new appointments.

Commanding Officer’s Parade

Commanding Officer’s Parade

Cadets will continue each Friday until 26th November when we break for the school holidays.

Best Wishes to our Year 12s 

At tomorrow’s final assembly, the College community will farewell Year 12 and wish them the very best of luck for the last month before the final HSC Examinations. 

We encourage them to view the upcoming break and end of formal classes not as a holiday, but as study leave. While none of us can do it for them, a structured study timetable of six to eight hours a day, inspired by Dr Pru Salter, will provide hundreds of hours of revision and practice for the next month – and over the course of the examination period.

This will be supported and enhanced by our newly developed Teacher Tutorial Program, which will continue through the holidays and into Week 1 of Term 4. Thank you to the Year 12 teachers who have embraced the expanded program this year. They have delivered extra work and guidance to ensure any time lost to COVID has been made up, and even surpassed our previous practices. 

After 13 years of formal education, our boys have only accumulated half of the marks available to them – 50% of their marks are still on the table for each subject. There is potential for significant value to be added during this last month or so, and to convince them to push hard all the way to the finish line.

The 2019 HSC Mathematics Advanced course shows us why:

This suggests that all three students did something to dramatically improve their results after the trials and during their study leave. Please encourage your son, his friends and any Year 12s sitting the HSC to finish strong, and to take advantage of the big impact that they can still have on their final results. 

Thank You, Year 12 Parents!

Thank you to the Year 12 parents who provided morning tea for our Year 12 teachers this week, in recognition of their hard work and dedication this year. I know this was greatly appreciated. Special thanks goes to Dr Maureen Andrews and Mrs Arlene Cochrane for coordinating this.

Vanuatu Assistance

The College has partnered with PacificAssist charity to fill a container with over 200 desks and chairs. These much-needed resources will be sent to Vanuatu, which has been affected by natural disasters in recent years. Thank you to our campus team, who have coordinated this project. 

NSW Health Advice

Please find the latest information and advice for NSW School Communities from the NSW Chief Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant. We will communicate with you early next term regarding any changes to policies as a result of this information. 

School and Community Sports Activities

From Saturday 26 September, interregional community sporting competitions may recommence without restricting these activities to regions or zones, where there is a COVID-19 Safety Plan for the school or community sport activity in place. 

More than one parent may now attend community sporting activities if physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can be maintained between people that are not from the same household. 

Ensure strict compliance with all other elements of the COVID-19 Safety Plan. Non-essential adults should continue to be excluded from sporting activities held during the normal school day. 

School and community sports organisations and participants should continue to avoid shared travel arrangements such as car pooling, and to minimise gatherings before and after the event.

Please click here to read the full report.

End of Term 3 

Congratulations to all students for working hard, supporting each other and exhibiting determination throughout Term 3. 

I wish everyone a relaxing and safe spring break, and I leave you with the recent words of retired larrikin priest Father Bob Maguire, who has dedicated his life to helping society’s most vulnerable, often the poor and homeless. 

Don’t curse the darkness, just light a candle.”

From Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith

EREA Leaders of Learning Conference

On Thursday 10 September, educators from across the country met online for the EREA Leaders of Learning Conference. I attended, along with Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter, and Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gaby Bransby. The conference was organised by Waverley’s Ms Elizabeth Watson, who is currently in the EREA Acting Director of Learning role. The theme for this year’s gathering was ‘Our Voice in Learning – Creating Alternative and Preferred Futures.’ 

Throughout the conference we had the privilege of hearing from students across the EREA network. They shared their off-campus learning experiences with us, reflecting on the opportunities, challenges and uncertainty that they’ve been faced with this year. Our young people focused on the role of technology, as well as how they stayed motivated, managed distractions and remained connected with teachers and peers.

We actively participated in a session called Futures Thinking, which asked delegates to reflect on the nature of change in our schools during the pandemic, around four paradigms:

Reflecting on change led to planning for alternative and preferred futures in learning with Professor Sohail Inayatullah, a professor at Tamkang University, Taiwan (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies). 

Professor Inayatullah is Inaugural UNESCO Chair in Future Studies. He worked with us to realise, as educators, we need to reflect on – and evaluate – this year from the following angles:

Year 12 Major Works

Throughout Week 10, we showcased our Year 12 Major Works. This included works and performances from the following subjects:

We would like to congratulate our Year 12s for their hard work and exemplary efforts, especially considering the challenges of 2020. We would also like to acknowledge our dedicated teachers, who have supported students with their projects and provided additional help during remote working. 

Lastly, to our parents, thank you for supporting your sons’ HSC journeys.

Teaching & Learning Highlights

This edition’s Teaching & Learning highlights include the build up to trialling our new learning management system and Languages students exploring Spanish language, food and culture. Three Waverley teams took on this year’s Write a Book in a Day challenge. You can read more on this in Mr Roberts’s article, including reflections from three of our Year 7s who got involved.


Introducing Canvas – From Innovation Coordinator & PDHPE Teacher, Ms Kaitlyn Downey 

We’re excited to announce that we will start trialling our new learning management system  at the beginning of Term 4 2020. Canvas will be rolled out to a number of classes and departments across the College.

The decision to upgrade from Powerschool was made to ensure that our students have access to the latest, most advanced online platforms to support our commitment to dynamic and visible learning.

Canvas is an interactive online platform that allows students to access resources and content for lessons, streamlines assessment submissions and facilitates different learning experiences within the classroom. This includes discussions, collaborations, peer reviews and the creation of digital content.

Throughout 2020, staff have been undertaking Canvas training sessions on all aspects of the platform. Recently, they have been designing exciting new courses and resources for Years 5 to 12. We will continue to deliver Canvas training in Term 4, at our Staff Professional Learning Day.

We’re looking forward to introducing Canvas to the wider College community. If you have any questions about this transition in the meantime, please feel free to contact me at

Spanish – From Head of Languages, Ms Priscilla Quintana and Languages Teacher, Mr Daniel Kroll

Year 11

Our Year 11s were recently treated to an inspirational presentation by one of our own teachers, Mr Robert Tall. As a talented young footballer, Mr Tall was selected to live and train in Catalonia, Spain, when he was 14. He kindly shared his personal experiences with us regarding mastering a new language, appreciating cultural differences and living away from home. He also spoke about making lifelong friendships, developing transferable skills such as resilience, teamwork and camaraderie, and enjoying every opportunity that was presented to him during his travels.

Students were also able to look at some very interesting memorabilia, including a figurine of ‘Los Cules’. As a final treat, everyone sampled some Magdalenas, which are a Spanish lemon cupcake, light and fluffy, and perfect as a snack for morning tea! Next term, students will be able to put their sporting skills into practice and participate in a friendly but competitive game of fútbol.


Years 8 & 9

During Term 3, Year 8 students have been studying Spanish food and drinks. They were given the opportunity to create an authentic dining experience in class by performing role plays and ordering a three-course meal and drinks. This also gave our young men the chance to exchange opinions and broaden their friendship circles by engaging in lively discussions about their favourite Spanish foods. Due to the success of this event, Languages will be looking at working with the TAS department next year, to create a cooking experience that reaffirms cross-curricular learning for our Year 8s.

Year 9 Spanish have also been exploring Spanish cuisine and ordering in a restaurant. They’ve enjoyed learning about the culture around mealtimes in Spain, and the traditional dishes served at desayuno, comida y cena (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Naturally, there have been some nerves when engaging in role plays, but our students are really developing their confidence with speaking Spanish as well as a greater appreciation of the advantages of being able to communicate in a second language.


Term 3 Progress Reports – From Assistant Director of Curriculum, Mr Chris Soden

Term 3 progress reports for Years 7 to 10 are now available for you to view on the parent portal in Sentral. This is an extra report that the College has initiated to provide feedback between the Semester 1 and Semester 2 reporting periods.
These reports provide feedback on student engagement for behaviour, application and work completion. There are no marks included in this report.

Logging in

Please click here to access the parent portal.

User ID: Your email address

Password: If you can’t remember your password, you can reset it by selecting ‘Forgot password’

Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the homepage with a picture of your son(s). When you click on your son’s picture you will be taken to his individual profile page. The default option here is your son’s dashboardwhich will be in large font in the top left hand of the screen, with a drop down arrow. When you click on this, the last option down will be reports which you can click to access reports.
For any technical issues, please contact you the College IT department on 9369 0784.

From Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

As we enter the last week of Term 3 and reflect on all the amazing achievements and activities our Junior School students have been involved in, we know what a positive and productive term it has been. Term 3 has been wonderful for our boys compared to what 2020 brought them in Semester 1. They were able to get back into sport, deeply engage in their learning and spend time building lifelong friendships with their fellow classmates. 

We’ve continued our House sports competition, which the boys are loving. The first round of the Dodgeball tournament has now ended, with Brennan coming in with the win for Year 6. We’ve now started our second round of sport, which is an exciting version of Basketball. After some very tight competition, a sudden-death playoff and seven games, Lacey were the Year 5 winners.

The fourth core value that we are introducing is ‘COMMITMENT’. Ms Jenny Hoare and 6 Gold have created some fantastic work around the concept of commitment.  

Year 6 Graduation

I’m pleased to inform you that there will be a Year 6 graduation next term. We’re currently putting ideas together. However, we will wait for further information from NSW Health as part of their Term 4 Guidelines for Schools, which are being released at a later date,

I wish everyone a very safe and happy two-week break and looking forward to seeing the boys in Term 4.

6 Gold Religious Education Lesson – From Teacher, Ms Jenny Hoare

During our 6 Gold Religion lesson, the boys were asked to reflect on one of the core values by focusing on what it means to them and how they live it. 

Lachlan Gibbins and Ky Dunbavin chose to reflect on this week’s core value of commitment. When discussing ‘Who are we committed to in our lives?’, the boys responded with the following:

6 Gold Religious Education Lesson

6 Gold Religious Education

The most important discussion that followed was their thoughts on how we show commitment. The boys had to define the value, find a Bible reference or a quote to represent it and explain how they live that value at home, in class and in the playground. This gave the boys a chance to think deeply about how they really live the value on a daily basis.

‘Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.’Proverbs 16:3

News from the Learning Hub – From Literacy & Innovation Teacher, Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

As I reflect on the term, I am grateful that the boys were able to enjoy the Learning Hub during Term 3.

This versatile learning environment is the perfect balance of social and academic use. Watching the boys interact, collaborate, build and 3D print is rewarding. I often hear the boys talk about this space in a positive light and, let me assure you, the sense of enjoyment and energy here is real.

News from the Learning Hub - 3D printing

News from the Learning Hub – 3D printing

News from the Learning Hub

News from the Learning Hub

Dates for Term 4

Week 2 – LEGO Competition (Inspiring Students with Books & Building)

Competitions are a highly motivating and engaging way for students to think critically and creatively. Next term, I’m launching a competition that will bring your son’s favourite book to life through LEGO.

This will be an exciting learning experience that inspires our engineers and builders of the future. The boys will hear more about this competition in Week 1.

Week 3 – Cyber Safety

On Monday 26 October, Ysafe presents ‘How to make SMART choices when navigating the Cyber World.’

The Ysafe presentation will emphasise the constructive relationship students can have with technology and upskill them by increasing their understanding of safe online practices and showing our boys how they can implement them. 

A parent webinar will be offered on Wednesday 28 October. This is a great session to be part of and a crucial way of staying up to date with key cyber safety topics.

We should all be working together to ensure that we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children who are capable and compassionate – both online and offline.


Week 5 – Reading Hour (‘A Good Time To Get Reading’)

In November, Waverley College Junior School students will stop what they’re doing for an hour, pick up a book and read it in support of the Australian Reading Hour.

The Australian Reading Hour intends to encourage our boys to relax, learn and experience the wonderful world of books. Allowing our boys to read for pleasure at school sends an important message about the significance of reading.  

Australia Reads

Australia Reads

Remembering the Sydney Olympics – From Acting Assistant Director of Curriculum, Ms Charlotte Stephens

2020 is the 20-year anniversary of the Sydney Olympics. To mark this special occasion, 5 Red and 5 White were lucky enough to have a zoom Q&A session with Michael Renford about his experiences of carrying the Olympic torch. Michael ended up carrying the torch in the place of his father, Des Renford. Des was an Australian long-distance swimmer who swam the English Channel an amazing 19 times!

Remembering the Sydney Olympics

Remembering the Sydney Olympics

The boys were lucky enough to look at the torch, Michael’s uniform and photos from the event in person while Michael answered their questions over Zoom. Thank you so much to Michael for generously donating his time to inspire a future generation of Olympians and English Channel swimmers!

6 Indigo STEM – From Teacher, Mr Jac Lavorato 

In 6 Indigo, we love our hands-on activities – from Art outside to marshmallow and spaghetti towers! This week for STEM, we decided to build our own bridges with straws, tape, elastic bands and string. Each group received a specific amount of each item to construct a bridge.

6 Indigo STEM

6 Indigo STEM

They came with up with some creative ideas as well as traditional ones. We tested each bridge to see how much weight it could hold. Our boys were super excited watching their bridge test the limits and seeing how strong they’d made them.

6 Indigo love their STEM work and are always looking forward to the next exciting challenge.

From Head of Quinn House, Ms Olivia Kite

Farewell Year 12, Class of 2020

2020 is not the year we wanted for our Year 12 students. Yet, despite the challenges they faced, they have shown extraordinary resilience, success, friendship, maturity and leadership.

Year 12 have shown their strong characters through their involvement in a number of College initiatives, including Wear it Purple Day, R U OK? Day, Indigenous Literacy Day and inter-House competitions.

Thank you to Quinn House mentors for supporting our Year 12 students throughout their final year at the College. Your support, guidance and encouragement has not gone unnoticed and is invaluable to each boy’s success.

Quinn House would like to wish all of its Year 12 students every success in their HSC exams, and the best of luck in their future endeavours.

Social Justice

Despite a term that posed many challenges for the College, we still managed to celebrate and raise awareness around significant social justice issues.

On 28 August, the College celebrated Wear it Purple Day. The day was used to raise awareness of the importance of fostering supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for young people who identify with the LGBTIQA+ community.

Indigenous Literacy Day was celebrated on 2 September, where Quinn House and the College raised funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation to buy books for remote communities in English and First Language.

Indigenous Literacy Day

Finally, R U OK? Day was celebrated by the College on 10 September. College Old Boys Patrick Clifton, Lachlan Drew-Morris and Luca Moretti broadcast their podcast live from the College with Wendell Sailor and Maryanne Larkin. The group discussed what we can do to follow up with family and friends after we ask, “R U OK?”

Inter-House Competitions

Inter-House Touch Football Team

Inter-House Dodgeball Team

Year 11 and 12 students also ensured that our younger boys were involved in COVID-19 safe physical activities throughout the day to replace our missed swimming and athletics carnival. Years11 and 12 organised Touch Football, Dodgeball, a Strong Man competition and a tug-o-war challenge between the Houses. These inter-House competitions enabled our boys to showcase their House Spirit and sportsmanship, and collect House points for the coveted House Cup.

Academic Award Winners

Congratulations to our Quinn House Academic Award Winners for Semester One:

Tomas Crosson – Equal Third in Year Mathematics
Alexander Holveck – First in Class Drama
Taj Lymm- First in Class PDHPE
Max Sheehy – First in Class Drama, English, Music, Religion and Technology & Equal Third in Year Mathematics
Harrison Thorpe – First in Class Drama, English, Geography, Religion, Science and Technology, Equal First in Year Mathematics and First in Year Science
Oscar Wilson – First in Class Drama
William Hodgson – First in Class Religion
Lachlan Korpar – First in Class English, Science and Visual Arts
Lachlan Miranda – First in Class History, PDHPE, Science, Spanish and Visual Arts, First in Year English, Spanish and Visual Arts and Equal First in Year History and PDHPE
Chalres Hely-Hammond – First in Commerce and Geography & Equal First in English and Religion
Samuel Stewart – First in Drama
Thomas Walker – First in Mathematics Level 1
Jackson Cunningham – Equal First in Mathematics Level 2
Kayton Lee – Equal First in Photographic and Digital Media
Giulian D’Ettorre – First in Business Studies and English Extension
Mark Gaponov – First in Mathematics Extension 1 and Physics
Andrea Bonanni – First in English Advanced
Thomas Lynch – First in Business Studies
James McMahon – First in Biology
Kai Moonen-Narita – First in Hospitality
Leo Shanahan – Equal First in Ancient History and Modern History
Jake Toresellini – First in Mathematics Extension 1

Winter Co-Curricular

COVID-19 saw our winter co-curricular season modified to ensure that our players were as safe as possible but still getting to experience some normality. Congratulations to the following Quinn House winter co-curricular winners.

2nd IV Best and Fairest – Ronnie Roth
Most Improved – Aidan Trovato

Cross Country
Opens Cross Country Championship – Thomas Clothier
Most Improved – Joseph Simonella

3rd XI Best and Fairest – Finley Leaver
4th XI Coach’s Award – Jake Torsellini
6th XI Best and Fairest – Sebastian Baldwin
10A Best and Fairest – Christopher Kallo
10B Coach’s Award – Andrew Custodio

1st XV Captain’s Award – William Baker
Paul Cornish Award for Contribution to Rugby – William Baker
4th XV Best and Fairest – Leo Shanahan
4th XV Coach’s Award – Connor O’Neill
16B Coach’s Award – Vin Torsellini
16C Best and Fairest-  Axel Jefferies
14A Best and Fairest – Moey Moussa
14B Coach’s Award – King Manu
13C Best and Fairest – Jamie Granger
13D Coach’s Award – Dom Rutter
13F Coach’s Award – Tomas Crosson

1st XVIII Best Defender – Matthew Higgins-Titsha
1st XVIII Best Midfielder – Zac Murphy
2nd XVIII Best and Fairest – Dylan Brown

Year 8 Most Consistent Performance in Debating – Lachlan Miranda

Media Group
Best Video Editor – Joseph Simonella

Matthew Coorey Band – Max Sheehy
Guitar Ensemble – Dylan Purbrick


Sunday 20 September saw the College host the Passing Out Parade for the outgoing Cadet class of 2020. Congratulations to our graduating Cadets for 2020: Christopher Salem, Joseph Simonella, Aidan Korpar and Kai Moonen-Narita.

The following Quinn students were also recognised for their efforts and contributions to the Waverley Cadet Unit:

8PL Lachlan Miranda – Most Efficient Recruit Awards

SPT COY LCPL Harrison Cox-Nugent – Most Efficient LCPL Awards

Commanding Officer’s Efficiency Awards
WO2 Mark Gapanov
SGT Dane Perica

CUO Kai Moonen-Narita – The Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to the Unit

Quartermaster Platoon, Joseph Simonella – The General Cosgrove Shield for the Most Efficient Senior Speciality Platoon

7 PL, Kai Moonen-Narita – The Major F D Marzorini Shield for the Most Efficient Platoon

CUO Christopher Salem – The Maj General J A Chapman Cane for the Best Cadet in the Unit

Congratulations to all of the Quinn House award winners.

School Holidays

On behalf of Quinn House, I wish you and your families a safe and relaxing break!

From Head of Green House, Mr Scott Coleman

Farewell Year 12 Green

This week we have celebrated the Green House Class of 2020 as they prepare to complete their final year of schooling at Waverley.

As a group, their behaviours, character and positive attitude have ensured Waverley was safe, secure, optimistic and courageous. The Class of 2020 has helped create this environment in which those ideals of safety, security, and hope exist. For this, I will always be deeply indebted to each and every one of them. This is the greatest gift they could have left their House.

I am honoured to say we are proud of the boys’ many achievements over the years, their countless accomplishments in their studies, co-curricular and sporting activities. I truly hope that each Green student recognises the fact they have served the College well. 2020 is a year that required them to be adaptable, compassionate, thoughtful, but also strong, courageous, and resilient. They were able to successfully navigate through their senior years in the most difficult of circumstances and their achievements are a testament to their abilities.

Our very best wishes go with Year 12 as they make their final preparations for the HSC and then as they take on life beyond school in pursuit of their dreams. The Class of 2020 have been tested and despite the seemingly insurmountable obstacles, they did not falter and they kept going. Because of this, I know that you are ready for the world and what lies ahead of every one of you.

I appreciate and acknowledge all Green House Parents for their support of the School. Certainly, nobody could have envisioned this for the Class of 2020 when the school year began. But what I can say is that COVID-19 cannot silence the creativity of your sons or lessen their achievements.

As parents, your contribution to the triumphs of the year group cannot be underestimated. You have nurtured your sons, given them a moral code and the strength to reframe setbacks and move forward. For this, I thank you.

Your future is as bright as you want it to be. It can be sad to say goodbye to graduates. However, life must move on and it should, because bigger things await beyond the walls of Waverley. As a house, we wish you all the best with your exams and thank you for your service to Waverley College.

Farewell and thank you, Year 12.

Academic Update

Congratulations to the following Green House students that receive academic Awards this term:

Year 7

Joseph Dametto – First in class English and Geography
Charlie DeCarvalho – First in class Music and Religion
Nate Palathingal – Equal third in year Mathematics

Year 8

James Dyson Merwe – First in class Technology
Ethan Ginnane – First in class and year Religious Education
Jordan Hammond – Equal first in year Mathematics
Jack Kerves – First in class Technology
Asher Thomasyu – First in class English

Year 9

Marcus Antonio – Equal first in Design and Technology and First in Spanish
Harvey De Carvalho – First in Information and Software Technology
Benjamin Stirling – Equal first in Mathematics Level 3

Year 10

Conor Ryan – Equal first in Mathematics Level 2

Year 11

Finn Harley Whitney – First in Engineering Studies
Lachlan Muir – First in Accelerated Mathematics and Software Design and Equal first in Ancient History

Year 12

Ky Jeffery – First in Information and Digital Technology

Waverley College Cadet Unit 2020 Awards

Lachlan Muir – The Major F S Farrell Trophy For General Excellence in a Senior Specialty Platoon

Co-curricular Update

This term saw both the end of the co curricular winter season and the athletics season.

It was great to see the following boys excel in their sports for the winter season taking part in firsts teams through the winter season:

Noah Burgess
Patrick Smith
Tobias Renshaw
Louis Kitto

Jakob Nioplias
Andrew Di Blasio
Stephen Katsionis
William Hope
James Bulkeley
Duke Bushy

James Tzavaras

Ben Dunning
AJ Preketes

Tayt Lambley

The following Green House Students also received special Winter sports awards:


Tayt Lambley – Winter Tennis Captain
Sebastien Watson – Most Improved Tennis Player 2020


Jakob Nioplias – 1st XI Best Team Man
Isaac Coombes – 3rd XI Coach’s Award
Finn Harley Whitney – 7th XI Best and Fairest
Aidan Pascoe – 9D Best and Fairest
Dion De Bella – 9D Coach’s Award
Asher Thomasyu – 8B Best and Fairest


James Tzavaras – 1sts Volleyball Best and Fairest 2020 and 1sts Volleyball Captain

Table Tennis

Jack Mackenzie – Table Tennis Best and Fairest
Sunny Capron – Table Tennis Most Improved


Julian Ginnane – Judo Best and Fairest

Lawn Bowls

Ky Jeffery – Lawn Bowls best and fairest


Aidan Mohoney – Best and Fairest 15C Rugby
Jasper Goodwin – Coaches Award 13 b Rugby


Tobias Renshaw – Best Forward 1sts AFL
Maddox Grebert – 9/10 AFL 2019 and Best & Fairest
Charles Thompson – Best & Fairest 9/10 AFL B’s
Kai Bremmer – Coach’s Award 9/10 AFL B’s


Ullhas Dey – Athletics team vice captain

Important Events – Term 4

Next term Green House will be taking part in our annual events as a house. We are waiting for finalisation due to COVID – 19 restrictions before we confirm, but please note that we will be involved in the following in some capacity:

Best Foot Forward Campaign Fundraiser – $10 dollars from each Green student required and White Ribbon Day

Once we confirm what is happening for these events, I will send out further information to parents and students.

Have a wonderful and relaxing holiday break.

From Head of Conlon House, Ms Cathy O’Sullivan

While the unexpected experiences of 2020 have imposed some limitations to our normal College activities; in many ways we have been challenged to think and undertake experiences in different and sometimes more creative ways. During Term 3 we have still been able to celebrate; the CAS winter co-curricula competition, assemblies via video link celebrating academic and co-curricular achievements, ‘Wear it Purple Day’, Indigenous Literacy week, RUOK? Day, and very competitive inter-house lunchtime competitions. Our Year 12 students have sat their Trial examinations and completed their major works and performances in Visual Arts, Music and Technology. In the final two weeks of term Year 11 completed their Yearly Examinations and beginning next term they will commence their final year of school. Our young men from Conlon House have not only shown great resilience this term,but have once again made some very positive and valuable contributions to College life.

Raising awareness for RUOK? Day was our Social Justice focus during Term 3. RUOK? Is a national charity on a mission to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone who is struggling. 2020 has been a challenging year where circumstances have made it even more important for us to stay connected, to listen and to offer support to those around us.

During Term 2 our House Prefects began thinking of ways in which (given the restrictions) we could both celebrate RUOK? Day on Thursday 10 September and also continue the awareness every day about this year’s theme ‘There’s more to say after RUOK?’ Mr Leddie agreed to the proposal put forward by Josh Conacher- Smith and Alfie Sewell of placing a large mural/notice board in a prominent area of the College, where most students would pass by daily.

R U OK? Day 2020

R U OK? Day 2020

During Term 3, to encourage a conversation and to start promoting awareness several Conlon students each day would wear a RUOK? Tee-shirt or hat in the playground during lunch and recess. On RUOK? Day itself, 3 Old boys – Lachlan Drew Morris, Patrick Cliffton and Luca Moretti from Turn up the Talk – conducted a live podcast with Maryanne Larkin (mum of Gus and Van ) and Wendall Sailor (RUOK? ambassador) which was aired to all wellbeing groups. A follow up video which included images of RUOK? Day activities at both the junior and senior campuses, further interviews with Maryanne and Josie Larkin, Lachlan, Patrick and Luca and ending with a beautiful rendition of the Foo Fighters song ‘Times like these’ sung by a group of incredibly talented Waverley singers and musicians from Years 5 to 12 was shown at a whole school assembly. A special thank-you to Jami Walker, Venettia Miller, Angus McPherson, Mr Balkizas and Mrs Rollins for making the amazing video, song and podcast possible.

Maryanne Larkin, Old Boys Lochie, Pat and Luca and Wendell Sailor

Maryanne Larkin, Old Boys Lochie, Pat and Luca and Wendell Sailor

During Term 3 we have experienced considerable success in a number of inter-house sporting competitions, and Conlon is currently in first place on the leaderboard. Our combined Yr 7 to 12 Touch Football and Tug-o-War teams were both victorious in winning their finals. In the ‘Strongman’ competition; Kalani Sullivan was the outright Year 8 winner; Lang Curran from Yr 9 and Marlin Bowring from Yr 11 were equal winners in their age group and Peter Cassimatics (Yr 12) came a very close second in the hotly contested Year 12 competition. Special mention to Henry Lacey (Yr 7) and Tom Martin (Yr 10) who just missed out on first place in their age group. Having their Head of House as part of the dodgeball team may have been a handicap as this was the only competition in which we didn’t get past the semi-finals. I would also like to make special mention of James Medland from Year 8 who received a special prize from Mr O’Donnell for winning the online Inter-House competition.

I would like to recognise and thank each of our Year 12 students, and on behalf of Conlon House sincerely wish them well for their HSC and beyond. Probably more than any other year group our Yr 12’s have had to show the greatest resilience as many of their final year rituals were cancelled or changed due to Covid restrictions. It is a credit to each and everyone of our young men that they were able to demonstrate that they could accept what they could not change, enjoy and make the most of the present, and continue to work towards their goals.

Our final Year 12 House Assembly has always been special and we were able to continue the tradition this year – albeit via video link, with mentor groups remaining in their usual meeting locations. Mentors or students then spoke about each Yr 12 boy from their group. Their words were all very heartfelt, very meaningful and very special to each Yr 12. Our Year 5 & 6 boys had once again made each Year 12 student a beautiful inspirational card. We were not able to give them a standing ovation as they left the assembly, but each mentor group was able to give their own special send off.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of our young men from Yr 12. As a group, they have shown sensitivity, compassion, focus, determination, leadership and above all, are all fine young men who have been extraordinary role models and leaders for us all. We sincerely wish them well for whatever path they take in life.


Congratulations to all the Conlon boys who received Gold Awards this term and to the following boys who received Semester One Academic Awards;

Year 7: Kayden Baker, Rohan Baker, Charles Beckett, Callum Bush-Brady, Archie Godby, Huon Groves, Lachlan Isaac, Kai McDermott
Year 8: Tashi Daod, Deucher Dezamaulds, Hunter Eldridge, Matthew Frost, Cooper Gee, Eamon Henderson, Marcus Henderson, Ben Ledingham, Jordan McCreery, James Medland.
Year 9: Finn Backlund, Alistair Isaac, Kai Jones
Year 10: Oliver Elliot, Jared Garwood
Year 11: Patrick Hoggett, Samuel Kneebone, Cooper O’Donnell, Toby Rabinowitz, Hayden Wild.
Year 12: Joshua Cornelius, Eliot Vincent-Hull

Archbishop’s Award: Josh Conacher-Smith

Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence

Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence

Congratulations to the following boys who received Co-Curricula awards for the winter season;

Rugby: Hugh Johnson, Peter Cassimatis, Patrick Hoggett, Eamon Henderson, Marcus Henderson, Ben Van Dam, Rudy Bickers.
Undefeated 1st & 2nd XV Premiers; Reeve Smith, Darcy Sullivan, Hugh Johnson, Emmanuel Di Bartolo, Charlie Barber, Peter Cassimatis, Huntter Keyes-Ahern, Mitchell Eyles.

Football: Hardy Mears, Matthew Frost, William Kirk, James Privett, Karl Young.

Cross-Country: Huon Groves

AFL CAS undefeated: Joshua Cornelius, Marlin Bowring, Cooper O’Donnell

Judo: Paul Muir

Music: Alistair Isaac, Eliot Vincent-Hull, Robbie Muir

Track and Field Captain: Josh Conacher-Smith

Congratulations to the following boys who received Cadet awards:

Most efficient recruit award: James Medland
Most efficient LCPL award: Alistair Isaac, Thomas Brenchley
Commanding officer’s efficiency award: James Privett, Sebastian Van De Hoek
Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork award: Josh Conacher-Smith
Officers’ staff cane for excellence in the completion of duties: Josh Conacher Smith

Thank-you again to the wonderful Conlon mentors who continue to support and guide your sons.


From Head of O’Connor House, Mr Matthew Barr

As we draw to a close of our first complete term of the year onsite, it is timely to step back and reflect upon the term that was.

Firstly, students who achieved well in their Semester One studies and Reports were acknowledged and congratulated early in the Term. Those boys that achieved 1st Prize in their class and subject areas were presented at the College’s Academic Assemblies, it is always rewarding to see strong representation from O’Connor amongst the top award winners.

Academic Subject Awards

Cadet Awards

Inter-House Competitions

O’Connor also had strong performances in both the Inter-House Touch Football and Dodge-Ball competitions finishing second in both. O’Connor students from Years 7-12 participated in a strongman competition in the Centenary Quad, which was a great spectacle for students to watch.

Touch Football Competition

A big thanks to those students that volunteered to participate in these competitions, demonstrating spirit and passion for O’Connor House.

Winter Co-Curricular Awards

Term 3 saw the conclusion of the Winter Co-curricular programs, with the following boys being successful in receiving awards in their chosen co-curricular activities:

We once again viewed school assemblies in Wellbeing groups that supported and promoted RUOK Day and Wear it Purple Day.

O’Connor Year 11 students were fortunate to participate in a car maintenance workshop run by Galmatic. This workshop enabled students to receive basic knowledge of car maintenance and provided some great tips.

Year 11 Galmatic Workshop

Year 11 Galmatic Workshop

O’Connor Year 12 Students

I would finally like to take the opportunity to wish our Year 12 O’Connor students the very best for their HSC examinations and beyond. It has certainly been a very challenging year for each of them, however, they have navigated these uncertain times with focus and positivity. The future holds many great things and this group of boys have been exceptional role models to the younger students in O’Connor House. I hope they can look back on their time at Waverley with fond memories and friendship that last a lifetime.

Year 12 O'Connor House

Year 12 O’Connor House

Term 4 Reminders

Our Term 4 classes will resume on Tuesday 13th October. A reminder to parents and caregivers to ensure that your son returns with an appropriate haircut, including hair not covering the ears, collar or eyebrows.

I hope you all enjoy the holiday break and return refreshed and recharged as we head into the home straight for the 2020 school year and look to finish united and strong.

Head of O’Connor House, Mr Matthew Barr

From Head of Tevlin House, Mr John McCallum

Tevlin House has enjoyed a rewarding third term of 2020, with students enthusiastically engaging in a wide variety of House and College events. All Tevlin boys from Years 5-12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated with the way in which they have further developed relationships and responded to the challenges of restricted events. The end of the term in particular has seen some wonderful examples of friendship and leadership from within Tevlin House as boys of all ages say goodbye to the Year 12 students upon their Graduation.

Tevlin Year 12s Graduating with Honours

Congratulations to all the Class of 2020 for the way you have set, and then effectively worked towards achieving a variety of goals throughout the year. Tevlin have been blessed with a Senior year group that have genuinely cared and embraced their opportunities to take leadership roles within their mentor groups, and these skills developed will serve these boys well as they take on a variety of traineeships, occupations and further study. The boys were farewelled in their mentor groups and by Tevlin collectively, including farewell cards from their mentor group and also hand-made cards from Tevlin Year 5-6 boys, which were thoroughly appreciated. Anthony Vigilante and Jack Hillary also helped compile an amazing Tevlin tribute video to the Graduating boys, capturing images from this year and up to 7 years previous.

Tevlin’s Year 12 boys can be categorised as dedicated and passionate towards a diverse array of multidisciplined areas across their education. We have boys particularly strong in the Sciences and Mathematics at the top of HSC courses, while Riley Klotz, Jack Lynch and Jacob Smith excel in Drama and Entertainment. Sam Tsaousis and Gabriel Kidston have led Waverley in HSC Music courses and performed remarkably well in front of assessors, as did Alex Talbot, Anthony Vigliante and Barney Wilson in their outstanding Visual Arts major works. Zach Smith-Karim was rewarded with an undefeated 1st XV Rugby Premiership, while Alex Talbot as Captain of Football, Marcus Cowan as 1st XI Football captain and Marco Arambasic were all rewarded with succuss and great memories.

I’d like to recognise and thank the exemplary leadership of the 5 Tevlin House Prefects, as they have displayed innovation and drive in order to serve the House and College so strongly. Thank you to Noah Ratcliff, Alex Talbot, Sam Tsaousis, Luca Paolella and Charlie Tindale, and all our Year 12 students for their leadership and best wishes for your future.

Tevlin Success in House Competitions

Tevlin had a strong term across the return of some house competitions – notably becoming undefeated School champions in the Senior House Dodgeball! The final was a thriller and saw Ronan Schocher take the winning catch from an O’Connor bullet – congratulations to these boys, also including Zach Smith-Karim, Alex Talbot, Chris Mills, Conor Boyd-Boland, Will Jensen, TJ Speedy-Coe, Dane Towns, Cooper Stynes, Jack Rigg and Manager Charlie Tindale. Touch football, Tug-o-war and the RUOK Day Strongman challenge were also well supported with plenty of highlights and skills shown by these boys.

Homelessness Week 2020

Tevlin students successfully led National Homelessness Week in becoming more aware of some of the specific types, causes and impacts of homelessness in our community. The 2020 theme targeted the urgent need to advocate for and increase Social/ Public and affordable Housing options in the community.

Homeless Week Knitting

In wellbeing and class groups, boys engaged in interactive videos from the SBS series of “Filthy Rich and Homeless”. Groups also discussed a series of Myths vs Facts and joined in on a Kahoot Quiz on Homelessness in Australia. Over 20 boys from the Duke of Edinburgh Group and Tevlin House have spent Term 3 weekly lunchtimes creating a large knitted blanket for the Matthew Hostel. Boys have been enthusiastic in learning the skills required, and can be very thankful for the organisation and tuition from Ms Brown, Ms Ayre and Ms Oates in leading boys in what will be a truly satisfying result on completion.

Individual Term 3 Achievements

• Co-curricular award winners included Leon Palacio for Best & Fairsest in the 2nd XI Football, and Hugo Roles and Vasili Vertsonis with the CAS 1sts AFL Premiership, congratulations also to Tevlin’s Mr Wachtel as their coach.
• Semester 1 academic award winners included an extraordinary number of high-achieving Tevlin students:
• Year 7: Zac Crowe, Axl Igra, Leo Jreige, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock, Harry Papworth, Fox Stapleton
• Year 8: Ivor Colquhoun, Jack Kearney, Ewan McDonald, Sam Rossen, Jack Tindale
• Year 9: James Iatrou, Jett McTavish, Theo Varvaressos
• Year 10: Daniel DiFrancesco, Matis Jos-Roland, Carl Waterson
• Year 11: Evan Athanassiou, Cameron Biazar, Kian Biazar, Conor Boyd-Boland, Jackson Green, Leon Palacio, Ronan Schocher
• Year 12: Gabriel Kidston, Riley Klotz, Jack Lynch, Noah Ratcliff, Cooper Sergis, Jacob Smith, Jasper Stern, Alex Talbot.

I wish all boys and their families a great break and look forward to more rewarding experiences next term.

From Head of Lacey House, Mr Damien Thompson

What an interesting year for our senior boys to navigate. Bush fires, Covid 19, Online Learning and having to put up with my jokes for the fourth year in a row, farewell Year 12 Boys. We have been blessed by the strength of character of our Lacey Seniors. They have missed so much but have given so much back. All the boys mentioned below have been outstanding leaders in their Wellbeing groups with the drive toward student led discussions and activities bearing fruit this year. Vale Year 12. You are ready for the world and I hope the world is ready for your boundless enthusiasm and spark.

Group 1 – William Mazor and Bo McNamara.
Group 2 – Daniel Townsend.
Group 3 – Shosei Fukushi.
Group 4 – Nic Algie, Matthew Brock and Riley Buenventura.
Group 5 – Matthew Douglas and Jacob Fadel.
Group 7 – Luke Fadel and Finn Robilliard.
Group 8 – Nathan Le.
Group 9 – Declan Punch.
Group 10 – Alexander Robertson and Charlie Silva.
Group 11 – Daniel Pomes and Alex Woods.

Lacey Senior Legends 2020

Lacey Senior Legends 2020

Co-curricular Award winners

The Second XV Rugby Premiers included Ben Elder and Declan Punch whilst in Football, Bo McNamara was awarded the prize for Contribution to Football 2020. In other rugby awards Jonti Morshead-Feildel(15A’s), Edward Lyons(14B’s) and Hamish Punch(13B’s) were all recognised for their efforts and skill.

In Tennis, Jack Preller was awarded the 1st IV Tennis Best and Fairest in 2020, Michael Richmond was the Year 10 Tennis Champion and Otto Hulewicz was Year 8 Tennis Champion 2020. Bailey Barker(8D’s), Declan McAuliffe(8E’s), Yannick Hott(7B’s) and Ollie Moclair & Charlie Luck(7D’s) also gained awards.

In Debating, Waverley College’s Most Outstanding Senior Debater for 2020 was Matthew Brock(Yr 12). The Year 7, Most Consistent Performance in Debating award went to Lincoln Tanner.

In AFL, our 1st XVIII team were the CAS undefeated premiers in 2020 and included William Mazor, William Gibson and Noah Mitchell from Lacey House. The Best Team Man for the 1sts AFL 2020 was Will Mazor.

The Best Sports Photographer for 2020 was Owen Punch and in Theatresports, Michael Richmond was the Best Performer for 2020.

Academic Award Winners

Lacey House success was not restricted to the sporting fields. Our Senior Academic Award winners for Semester One included Matthew Brock (First in Economics and Legal Studies), Riley-Jay Buenaventura (Equal first in Catholic Studies), Daniel Pomes (Equal first in Biology, First in English Standard), with Finn Robilliard coming First in English Extension 2, Industrial technology and Studies of Religion 2.

Other Academic Award winners in Year 11 were Diego Berdaa (First in Spanish Continuers), Kai Bruce-James (First in Catholic Studies), Dante Bryan (First in Music 1), Alexander Elder (First in Investigating Science), William Gibson (First in Design and Technology), Joshua Grant( First in Construction) and Harjot Mand (First in Economics and Legal Studies).

Year 10 Award winners were William Coates (First in Work Education), Harrison Gippel (Equal first in Religion) and Sasha Moustacas(First in Visual Arts).

The Year 9 winner was Finn Stranix (Equal first in History elective & First in Visual Arts).

Year 8 included Bailey Barker (First in class English, History, PDHPE, Religion, Science, Spanish, Technology and Visual Arts, Equal third in Year Mathematics, Equal first in Year History Religion and First in Year Spanish). Jet Foltman (First in class PDHPE & Equal third in class Mathematics), Otto Hulewicz (First in class English), Edward Lyons (First in class PDHPE), Oliver Malzard (First in class History and Spanish), Sean McLaughlin (First in class Technology), Joseph Packington (First in class PDHPE) and Campbell Porteus who was equal third in year Mathematics.

Year 7 winners were Yannick Hott (First in class Religion and Science, equal second in Year 7 Mathematics and equal first in year Religion). Jack Johnston (First in class Geography& equal First in Year Religion), Lincoln Tanner (First in Class English, PDHPE and Religion).

Cadets Award Winners

The Waverley College Cadet unit 2020 award winners from Lacey House included Oliver Malzard, Sean Mclaughlin and Peter Fragias. Significantly for Lacey House were the graduating seniors Matthew Douglas, Ben Elder and William Mazor. Congratulations to all these students on achieving success in such a wide variety of pursuits.

House Competitions

Success followed in House Competitions with Brooklyn Heath first place, Tini Tofaeono Year 8 first place, Owen Punch first place, Equal 4th Massimo Lacey, 8th Luke Fadel Lacey with the Sled race winners being Lacey with a time of 51 seconds.

Brooklyn in the Sled Relay

Brooklyn in the Sled Relay

Strength in character as well as body is a hallmark of Lacey House. We were not as well placed in the touch football comp but the boys put in a great effort. The team included Jonti Morshead-Feildel, Sam Lodge, Lachie Algie, Lincoln Tanner, Tom Park, Jameson Hinds, Hamish Punch, Brooklyn Heath, Declan Punch, Ben Elder, Leon Bakis, Tini Tofaeono, Billy Lyons and Nate Phipps.

Touch Football Team

Touch Football Team

Our Dodge Ball team made it through to the finals with Jacob Fadel, Luke Fadel, Will Gibson, Alex Elder, Josh Grant, Joe Morris, Nikita Strabc, Oscar Malone, Luke Landon, Owen Punch and Ayden Diffen all doing their best for Lacey.

The Big Men of Lacey turned up for the Tug-of-War championships with a great team including, Finley Kelly, Pat Carey, Declan McCauliffe, James Fragias, James Birbas, Toby Malzard, Lorenzo DiNapoli, Peter Fragias, Ayden Diffen and Mighty Joe Morris(Anchor Man) just losing out to Tevlin in a dramatic final.

Finally, thanks go to the marvellous Mentors from Lacey who continue to do the important work of building connections on a daily basis with the Legends in their Wellbeing groups. This continues to be the main focus for Lacey House. Our House leadership group has been outstanding in a difficult year and Nikita, Declan, Luke and Jacob have all been tremendous supports for our whole House.

Mr Damien Thompson

From Head of Brennan House, Mr James Horrocks

Term 3 is always a very significant term each school year, and in 2020 has been so for even more reason. After the period of Off-Campus Learning in Term 1 and Term 2, we were fortunate to return to school for the entirety of Term 3. The time working from home certainly presented a different set of challenges to students, parents and teachers alike and everyone definitely returned to on-campus learning with a refreshed appreciation for the value of face-to-face teaching!

The end of Term 3 also wraps up a significant period in the lives of our Year 12 students, with the conclusion of formal lessons and recognition of their time at the school.

Year 12 Annual Retreat

Again, the circumstances of this year has led to many changes to the traditional ways in which we like to recognise our Year 12 students, seeing our Graduation Ceremony and Formal postponed until after the HSC examinations. Still, it is important to recognise the fantastic contribution this cohort has made to Brennan House and Waverley as a whole. In such a challenging year, they have faced everything with enthusiasm, adaptability and maturity. For some of these students it is a journey that began 8 years ago when they walked through the gates of the Junior School as Year 5 students. No matter the length of the journey in years, the end of their time at Waverley is an emotional experience as they begin to plan for life, studies and work after school. I am very proud of each of our Year 12 students and wish them all the best in their upcoming exams. I also encourage them to keep up the hard work and study over the upcoming holiday and study vacation period and to take advantage of the many tutorials offered over the holidays and first week back for Term 4.

Brennan House Year 12 Class of 2020

Brennan 2 – Bodhi Reiners, William Spittal
Brennan 3 – Ryan Abbott, Jasper Anderson
Brennan 4 – Liam Andrews, Oliver Blackett
Brennan 5 – Ronan Braham
Brennan 6 – Ryan Foley
Brennan 7 – Archie Carr, Jonathan Chen, Will Cooley
Brennan 8 – Jake Lewis, Reid McNamara
Brennan 9 – Hugh McSweeny, Dylan Odisho, Nicholas Otis
Brennan 10 – Nicholas Poulos, Ben Walton
Brennan 11 – Lachlan Foley, Valentius Wirjana

2020 Brennan House Leaders

In addition to this, I would like to give special recognition to our Brennan House Leaders for 2020. These young men have been exceptional role models and leaders for the house, approaching their responsibilities as captains and prefects with pride and enthusiasm. They have continued to raise the bar for our future leaders and are to be commended for their great efforts over the last 12 months.

Liam Andrews – College Vice-Captain
Reid McNamara – House Captain
Ryan Abbott – Prefect
Jake Lewis – Prefect
Valentius Wirjana – Prefect
Hugh McSweeny – Prefect
Will Cooley – Prefect

In another milestone moment, our Year 11 students completed their final preliminary examinations in the final weeks of term. These exams mark the end of the Preliminary HSC Course and when they return in Term 4, they will take over as the Year 12 leaders of Brennan House. Good luck to all of Year 11 in your results!

With the return to school it was also with great excitement that we were able to return to a modified season of Winter Co-Curricular activities. After various stages of lockdown and isolation, students and coaches alike were able to throw themselves back into their sporting and co-curricular passions. Even with an adjusted season, we were able to experience a great deal of success, with 1sts, 2nds, 3rds and all A’s age groups winning CAS premierships in Rugby. 1sts AFL also went back-to-back with another very strong undefeated season. Congratulations to all for your individual achievements over the past season, whether it be a premiership or personal best result in your chosen discipline.

Winter Co-Curricular Awards

Special recognition goes to the following students who received awards at our recent Winter Sports Assembly:

Ronan Braham – Best and Fairest 2nd XV, Undefeated CAS Premiership in 1st and 2nd XV
Spencer Kapos – Undefeated CAS Premier 2nd XV
Carter Steyn – Coach’s Award 15B’s
Liam Gabriel – Best and Fairest 14C’s
Cruz Clarkin – Coach’s Awards 13A’s

Jeremy Lim – Year 7 Tennis Champion

Axel Pinkstone – Best and Fairest 9C’s
Xavier Quinn – Coach’s Award 9E’s
Carter Kersten – Best and Fairest 7A’s

Daniel McSweeny – Year 10 Most Consistent Performance in Debating

Reid McNamara – Best and Fairest 1st XVIII and Undefeated CAS Premiership 1st XVIII
Bodhi Reiners – Undefeated CAS Premiership 1st XVIII
Finn Anderson – Undefeated CAS Premiership 1st XVIII

Tom Donaldson – Best and Fairest

Lawn Bowls:
Lachlan Foley – Most Improved

Special Awards

Ryan Abbott – Contribution to Basketball


Hayden Walker – New Flag Party Ensign
Jack Ryan – Most Efficient Recruit Award
Daniel McSweeeny – Most Efficient JNCO Award
Brandon Reid – ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award and Most Efficient JNCO Award
Finn Anderson – Commanding Officer’s Efficiency Award
Graduating Senior Ranks for 2020:
Jasper Anderson
Hugh McSweeny
Valentius Wirjana

Academic Awards

It is also important to recognise the great achievements of Brennan students in the classroom over the first semester as well. In such a challenging year, it was fantastic to see students not lose sight of their academic goals and challenge themselves to continually strive for their academic best. The ability to overcome challenges and continue working so diligently, even while working remotely is to be commended and is an admirable skill that will serve students well as they progress through the year levels and into any future study and careers. Congratulations to the following academic awards winners for Semester One:

Year 7:
Joshua Barr – First in Class Religion
Fred Carmody – First in Class and Year Drama
Tom Donaldson – First in Class Religion
Nicholas Hjorring – First in Class Technology and Equal Third in Year Mathematics
Carter Kersten – First in Class and Year PDHPE
Phoenix Schregardus – First in Class Science and Equal First in Year Mathematics

Year 8:
Samuel Connor – First in Class PDHPE

Year 9:
Connor Andrews – Equal First in PDHPE and First in PASS
Fynn McAusland – First in Work Education
Leo Schmid – Equal First in Mathematics Level 3 and First in Science

Year 10:
Oli Goodrum – Equal First in History
Daniel McSweeny – First in Drama and Equal First in History
Damien Poulos – First in PASS

Year 11:
Thomas Colman – First in Hospitality
Cass Martin-Newbould – First in English Studies

Year 12:
Liam Andrews – First in Music 1
Oliver Blackett – First in Mathematics Standard 2
Hugh McSweeny – First in English Extension 1 and Equal First in Modern History
Ben Walton – First in Marine Studies
Valentius Wirjana – First in Chemistry

House Competitions

This term we were also able to restart our House Competitions with the running of Touch Football, Strongman and Dodgeball tournaments over the course of the term.

House Dodgeball team photo

House Dodgeball team photo

The Junior School also took part in their annual Blitz Day, where they were able to show off their athletic prowess in a range of different disciplines. These competitions helped contribute to valuable house points and the involvement and enthusiasm with which Brennan House got behind these events was fantastic to see and helped drive us to solid results in all events! Let’s keep up the great work and snatch back the lead in the house points from Conlon in Term 4!

Year 12 Cohort

As always, a final word to the 2020 Year 12 cohort. As your high school career comes to an end, you should be very proud of everything you have achieved during your time at Waverley. Your final exams are coming up shortly and it is important that you finish strong and stay focused on your goals. Make sure you keep your good study habits going throughout the holidays and stay in contact with your teachers to get as much support and guidance as you can before the exams arrive, they are there to help! Finally, never underestimate the impact that you have had on those around you throughout your time at Waverley. Even if it was just a hello in the morning or a wave in passing, you have impacted your peers greatly over the years. Good luck in your examinations, it is almost time to reap the rewards of all that hard work!

Thank you to all the Brennan House Mentors for your hard work this term. The consistent care and support you offer the boys of Brennan House is second to none! Wishing everyone a happy and restful holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all in Term Four.

Mr James Horrocks, Head of Brennan House

From Head of Aungier House, Mr John McCoy

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
― Nelson Mandela

Year 12 Retreat: Mr John McCoy and Year 12 Aungier students

2020 has certainly taken us all on a journey that many of us never thought we would ever go on. What we have all experienced this year has changed the way we see the world and provided challenges that we’ve had to push through. Students in Aungier House have progressed tremendously through the course of this unpredictable year and displayed a significant amount of resilience. What has been particularly pleasing through these times is the gratitude that Aungier students have shown for the many opportunities that are available across Waverley College.

Aungier moved into Term 3 with a great deal of momentum following a successful end to Term 2. This was highlighted in the Social Justice projects that Aungier students passionately supported, including Beanies for Brain Cancer (Mark Hughes Foundation) as well as Refugee Week.

Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to raise awareness about the issues impacting refugees as well as recognise the positive contributions that refugees make to Australian society. The theme for this year is celebrating the Year of Welcome. With this theme in mind, Aungier House wanted to make Waverley College an inviting campus, acknowledging and welcoming all those refugees who have come across from around the world. Students were involved in a flag painting activity to highlight the nations that refugees have come from to settle in Australia. Aungier students prepared a large welcome sign and the various flags were displayed in the Centenary Quadrangle.

Mrs Kelly’s Aungier 10 Wellbeing Group during Refugee Week

The academic success stories from Semester 1 were recognised at the online College academic assembly. Pleasingly, a number of Aungier students were acknowledged for their dedication to study. This included:

Year 7

• Dean Andrews – First in Class Science
• Montgomery Armstrong – First in Class English
• Charles Coughlan – First in Class English and Technology, Equal First in Year English
• James Finegan – First in Class Technology
• Nicholas Zanapalis – First in Class Geography and Science

Year 8

• Joel Hammerschmidt – Equal Third in Year Mathematics
• Mitchel Ho – First in Class English, Religion and Science & Equal First in Year Mathematics
• Aston Owen – First in Class English
• William Whitaker – First in Class Spanish
• Henry Whitehouse – First in Class Technology
• Ricardo Zanapalis – First in Class History, PDHPE, Religion, Spanish, Technology and Visual Arts & Equal First in Year History and Religion

Year 9

• Jack Crotty – First in Applied Philosophy & Equal First in English and PDHPE
• Liam Russell – First in Music

Year 10

• Guy Hammerschmidt – First in Music
• James Jones – First in Mathematics Level 1
• Luke Stewart – First in Information and Software Technology

Year 11

• Joseph Agius – Equal First in Modern History
• Harrison Palmer – First in Music 2
• Peter Stamatelatos – First in Geography
• Hugo Stephenson – Equal First in Visual Arts

Year 12

• Lachlan Miller – First in Mathematics Advanced and Physics
• Jacob Valenti – First in Mathematics Standard 1
• James Waterhouse – First in Investigating Science

Term 3 saw the resumption of a range of activities that were postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Aungier students made some incredible contributions to the co-curricular success of the College in a reduced winter sport season. Those impressive efforts included:


• Ronald Volkman – 1st XV Best & Fairest/1st XV CAS Undefeated Champions
• Jim Waterhouse – 2nd XV CAS Undefeated Champions
• Joshua Drevon – 2nd XV CAS Undefeated Champions/3rd XV Coaches Award
• Jack Fingleton – 5th XV Coaches Award
• Charlie Smith – 15Cs Coaches Award
• Tom McKenna – 13As Best & Fairest
• William Whitaker – 13Cs Coaches Award


• Jet Marsh-Cashman – 2nd XI Coaches Award
• Saia Afeaki – 8th XI Best & Fairest
• Luca Fucci – 10A Coaches Award
• Bailey McNulty – 9B Coaches Award
• Fergus McGaffney – 9C Coaches Award
• Ricardo Zanapalis – 8A Coaches Award
• Remy Frampton – 8D Best & Fairest
• Joel Hammerschmidt – 8E Coaches Award
• Josh Tsoukalas – 7A Coaches Award
• Dean Andrews – 7E Best & Fairest
• Alejandro Zanapalis – Frank Salvo Award for Most Improved Referee


• Lachlan Miller – 1st XVIII AFL CAS Undefeated Champions
• Hamish Milne – Year 7/8 Bs Coaches Award


• Liam Russell – College Choir
• Luke Stewart – College Brass Ensemble


• CDT Henry Whitehouse – Most Efficient Recruit Award (Platoon #2)
• WO1 Emile Stephenson – The Colonel RJ Marr Cane DFC QC for Meritorious Service, Graduating Senior Rank of 2020
• CUO Jake Burns – Graduating Senior Rank of 2020
• CUO Joshua Drevon – Graduating Senior Rank of 2020
• CUO – Samuel Markert – Graduating Senior Rank of 2020

Aungier’s Ronald Volkman and Emmanuel Di Bartolo celebrating the 1st XV CAS undefeated championship season

The Aungier House representatives at the Junior School did Aungier proud on the Annual Blitz Day. The Aungier/Lacey teams put in a strong effort in Rugby, Football and AFL. Special thanks to our Aungier mentors at the Junior School – Ms Charlotte Stephens and Mr Anthony Stanton provide strong guidance to our youngest members.

Aungier students also had the opportunity of get involved in a range of competitions over the term and show a high level of House Spirit. Competitions included tug-of-war, Touch Football and the Waverley College Strong Man Competition, where the Aungier boys thrived! Aungier students also benefited from activities that helped to provide important life lessons that aren’t usually discovered in the classroom. Once such activity was the Galmatic Workshop. This fantastic workshop allowed students in Year 11 to gain a basic knowledge about cars, how to care for them and ensure they are working safely and at their best.

Aungier’s Jude Sedley and Charles Jaeger changing a tyre in the Galmatic Workshop

The conclusion of Term 3 marked a special farewell for students in Year 12. Aungier House said goodbye and good luck to its most senior students at an entertaining and uplifting online House assembly. Each Year 12 student was presented to the House by their Mentors, and gifted with specially made cards from Junior School students. Many smiles and laughs were shared as we reflected on some interesting and memorable moments, as well as some fascinating career pathways.

We wish the following Aungier graduates the very best of luck in the HSC examinations and beyond:

I would like to congratulate all students in Aungier for their continued positive response to the challenges they’ve faced this year. I would also like to thank the Aungier wellbeing mentors for their fine work to support our students through a difficult period.

Wishing you all a safe and restful break.

Mr Tall and Aungier Man of the Week, Cooper Fitzsimmons