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Dear Parents and Carers, 

Like all of you, I am hoping that Sydney can get the rise in COVID-19 cases under control and avoid a substantial second wave. I also feel and pray for the people of Victoria, who are presently doing it harder than the rest of the country – and, of course, other countries of the world who have lost tens of thousands of lives and lost control of their respective health situations. This is certainly a tragedy on a global scale, affecting all nations. 

In our community, the safety of all students, staff and parents is paramount. We are particularly mindful of our Year 12s at this time, as they have their upcoming trials and are in the final stages of completing their educational journeys. 

To give our community the best chance of staying healthy and safe, I would ask all members of our community to carefully consider their movements throughout the community at this time and renew strict hygiene standards. 

Key Safety Areas

Extra and Continued College Precautions

The College is asking all parents not to come onto campus past reception at either the Junior or Senior campuses. If you need to access the uniform shop, please use the elevator and do not deviate from this journey. 

We are continuing with temperature checks for all students, staff, parents and visitors to the campus. Hand sanitizer continues to be available in every classroom and there is extra cleaning throughout the day and evening. 

Please follow all COVID-19 protocols when visiting cocurricular venues at other schools. Unfortunately, we have also had to cancel some upcoming events and move many to video conferencing. We will continue to communicate these to you via the appropriate channels. 

Wonderful News 

Year 8 student Hugo Kulcsar and his family have received some wonderful news. Hugo is now officially in remission after receiving his latest bone marrow and lumbar puncture tests. We congratulate Hugo on the way he has hung in there and been so positive in the face of such a challenging and difficult situation. Hugo’s family wishes to thank the College community for their ongoing support. 


Vinnies asked the College to pass on the following message:

‘What a challenging few months it has been. However, we are overwhelmed by the ongoing support that school communities have contributed to Vinnies, especially for the COVID Winter Appeal’. Please click here to view our latest newsletter.’ 

Parent, Teacher and Student Interviews 

Year 11 parent/teacher/student interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 5 August from 4-8pm via video conferencing. 

Year 7-10 parent/teacher/student interviews are scheduled for Monday 17 August, from 8:30am-6:30pm via video conferencing. Year 11 students will be preparing for yearly examinations and will have the option of a study day at home or in the College Library. This date will ensure minimum disruption to Year 12 students, who will be sitting their trial examinations. 

Wishing all students a great term ahead. 

2020 Non-Government School Census

The Australian Government requires certain information about non-government schools, staff and students to ensure that funding is calculated and managed correctly. Please click here for information regarding privacy and the 2020 Non-Government School Census.


From Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan

I would like to thank all families and boys for the way the majority of boys presented themselves at school at the start of Term 3. It’s been great to see a large number of boys transitioning to the new uniform during the winter months, particularly wearing the new rain jacket in the colder and wet conditions.

All boys should be wearing full winter uniform (tie and blazer) when they arrive and leave campus each day, even if they are wearing the rain jacket. Three-hour detentions will be issued to any students who are not in the correct uniform and who are not in possession of a uniform pass.

Saturday sport is an opportunity to demonstrate how we feel about ourselves and the College through the way we dress. No boy should be at any sport or co-curricular activity and not in full school or sports uniform. A few boys had to be reminded about this at Queens Park on Saturday unfortunately. Coaches have been told to send boys home if they are not in uniform.


All students’ computer use at school and at home is monitored by our IT team. Students at the College and at neighbouring schools are making us aware of examples of online bullying. I would recommend any student who is exposed to these individuals of the four-step rule:

1) Do not engage with the bully
2) Block the bully
3) Screenshot and report the bully to their Head of House or myself
4) Delete the offensive message

I have reminded boys that they will be held accountable for their online interactions at home and during the holidays.

Boys are also being flagged as accessing inappropriate or restricted sites whilst at home along with online bullying. There are many sayings in existence that encourage us to think before speaking, writing, emailing, texting etc. Sometimes it’s a good idea for all of us to keep an email written in frustration in our outbox for 24 hours before sending. Often, when we review the draft the following day, we will hit delete.

An article I read over the holidays by Daphne Donaldson, Rated ‘R’ Social Media, provided some sound advice when it comes to social media. She wrote specifically about posting online and suggests that before posting, you should ask yourself the following six questions:

Food for thought – and principles I think you can also apply to a simple email. In teaching the boys appropriate use of technology, we, the significant adults in their lives, have to take every opportunity to practise what we preach. We know young people are very perceptive at seeing through “Do as I say, not as I do”.

In the online world, it’s about consideration of others – a great leap for a society that is increasingly self-obsessed. Consideration in every action, every word and every thought will bring a good attitude and positive relationships. A good attitude is a compassionate one where the wellbeing of others is equal to your own. The College Diary provides a good reference point for students here – namely in our email policy (page 25) and social media policy (page 27).

Some additional food for thought when writing emails includes:

These tips encourage us all to practise putting others first. This can be simplified into a passage from the Gospel:

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

(Luke 6:31)

From Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing break with your boys. I am very excited and honoured to be the Acting Director of Junior School for the reminder of the year. I wish Ms Gabby Smith the very best in her new role and look forward to the year ahead.  

Last week, I spoke to the boys about the importance of reflecting on their learning journeys so far this year, and to take the time to read their reports and recognise both their achievements and their areas for improvement. For Semester 2, I have encouraged them to set academic goals based on their reports. It is evident that students achieve more when they do this because it allows them to take control of their futures by implementing meaningful and achievable goals and taking action.

I encourage you to sit down with your son and have a discussion about what they would like to achieve for Semester 2. They can set their S.M.A.R.T goal/s and record them on page 115 in the school diary. Recording goals allows them to revisit them throughout the term and build on strategies to make sure that they achieve them.

From Literacy & Innovation Teacher, Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

It’s been a busy start to Term 3 in the Learning Hub!


The Debating team kicked off Term 3 with training. Thank you to Patrick Hoggett, Luke McLellan and Conor Boyd-Boland in Year 11 for mentoring the boys. This week, the boys will debate against Kambala in a virtual setting. Their next debate will be against Coogee Boys’ Preparatory School in Week 4

The Debating team kicked off Term 3 with training


A huge thank you to Henry Goldrich and Tom Burke in Year 5 for assisting with the filming of the Virtual Open Day documentary. As we adapt to a new way of communicating, it’s important that our future students don’t miss out on hearing about all the great opportunities that Waverley has to offer.

Year 5 students, Henry Goldrich and Tom Burke being filmed for Virtual Open Day.


Book Week

With just weeks to go until our Book Week celebrations, there will be two competitions running. If your son is interested in entering, please click on the following links to the see the criteria for the Writing Competition and Drawing Competition.

Stay tuned for more information about Book Week 2020: Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. There will be a virtual performance based on shortlisted books on Friday 21 September, a pop-up bookshop proudly brought to Waverley by The Children’s Bookshop Speakers’ Agency, and an author/illustrator virtual presentation. 

As parents, this is an important time to celebrate the wonders that books create.

From Acting Assistant Director – Curriculum, Ms Charlotte Stephens

In the final week of Term 2, Year 5 presented their incredible History inquiry projects. Students researched, described and explained significant events, groups and people in the development of the Australian colonies and then Australia as a nation.

Each student chose their own area of interest in which to develop inquiry questions so that they each had an individual project. Year 5 showcased a range of research topics, including the first fleet; the gold rush; what life was like for newly-arrived convicts; the development of farming in the colony; and how life changed for First Nations Peoples. 

The Year 5 teachers were so impressed with the effort that the boys put into their projects and their depth of knowledge in their chosen fields.

Ethan Khatib in 5 White shared his thoughts on the project:

“I really enjoyed researching all about convicts and I liked listening to other people’s projects because they taught me a lot too.”

Carter Kennedy in 5 White said, “There was such a variety of topics to choose from so I got to choose something I was really interested in, blacksmiths. I didn’t just learn about what I was researching, I also learnt so much from all of the boys in my class. Each presentation was unique.”

The posters and infographics created by the Year 5 boys are all on display in their classrooms for everyone to have a look at. Congratulations, Year 5, on your curiosity and hard work that led to such a successful project. 


Year 5 student Daniel Morrow with his Eureka Stockade poster.


Year 5 student Stirling Quinn with his First Fleet poster.

From Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith

Term 3 is always very busy with Year 12 trial HSC examinations. Although we have the added challenge of COVID-19, I would like to acknowledge the continued dedication, resilience and persistence Year 12 have shown throughout this period. We wish them all the very best in the upcoming trial examinations and as they continue their journey towards graduation. 

I would also like to thank the teachers who have taken on extra tutorials to ensure that our boys are prepared for their examinations. We are grateful for their knowledge and guidance throughout this period. 

I spoke to the boys at assembly last Friday regarding Semester 1 reports. I asked them to have a discussion with their parents/carers about the feedback they received, with specific focus on their achievements and areas of further development. I then challenged them to set themselves a goal to work towards in Semester 2. The process of goal setting allows students to hone in on their targets and what they want to achieve. By knowing what they want to achieve, they can determine where their focus should be and what they can concentrate on and improve. I ask parents/carers to discuss students’ goals with them and to support them to achieve this throughout Semester 2.

Year 12 students participating in a tutorial.

Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) Testing

Every year, students in Years 6, 8 and 10 participate in Allwell testing. This testing is a key part of Waverley College being able to effectively and consistently measure academic growth. When combined with NAPLAN data, the College will have four years of data measurement to feed back to you regarding your son. We also use this data in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the school and to assist with subject selection pathways in Year 11.

Year 8 will be participating in Allwell testing tomorrow (Friday 31 July).

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)

ACARA produces a monthly e-newsletter called Parent Update.

Parent Update includes national education news about NAPLAN, My School and the Australian curriculum. Recent articles have featured excellent resources to support parents and caregivers when their children are learning from home.

Changes in how NAPLAN data is presented on the My School website and how these changes will improve the quality of the information have been addressed. Alerts on free webinars offered by the e-Safety Commissioner and a useful fact sheet on e-safety tips have also been provided. You can view the tips here.

ACARA is also looking for feedback on the recently released My School website. They are interested in learning whether it provides information that is clear and of value, as well as giving insight on the purpose of My School.

If you would like to provide feedback on the My School website or read more on any of the points above, please follow this link.

From Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed the Cadet Unit together again as they paraded on the Centenary Quad on Friday afternoon. While not yet able to wear DPCU, being in school uniform actually gave our CUOs the chance to wear their berets as a mark of their rank. Very proudly did they stand as they commanded the parade.

The adversity over the past 16 weeks – the challenges of online schooling, the interruptions to safe routines, the changes to family dynamics and circumstances – has been such a trying time for all in our community. And yet I encourage our cadets to view it as a time of opportunity. It is in the midst of difficult times that the value of the Cadet program becomes more important. The development of tenacity, of strength of character, of leadership and of teamwork come to the fore during times of trial. To have the opportunity to take initiative, to look at things from a new perspective and to adapt doesn’t happen when things are easy, or when things are routine. This has been a time of growth. Courage, Initiative, Teamwork and Respect – let’s nurture these intentions while we wait for Cadets to be everything it can be.

This week, we look forward to the Golden Boot Competition – an inter-platoon contest of physicality, dexterity and Cadet skills, with all platoons vying for the coveted Golden Boot trophy. I would ask everyone to bring their PE uniform and a great attitude, and we will have a brilliant afternoon!

From Director of Co-Curricular, Mr Steve O’Donnell

Last weekend saw the first full round of Waverley hosting Barker in winter sport for 2020. Firstly, I want to thank the College community for following the important instructions regarding COVID-19 restrictions.

We need to ensure that we keep spectators at a minimum, with one parent per player, and that all spectators leave at the conclusion of their commitments. Spectators also need to make sure that they are following instructions regarding their attendance at any venue. Unfortunately, we had a number of students who weren’t in full, correct attire. Moving forward, this will result in being asked to leave any venue immediately.

We had some great results across the board against one of the CAS powerhouses and there were some impressive performances. 1sts Volleyball went down, but all games were very close and the coaches and students should be congratulated on the significant improvements they’ve shown this season. The 1st XI Football were unlucky to draw 1-1 after leading for the majority of the second half. All Rugby teams were outstanding and the 1st XV was another epic battle that saw Waverley secure a famous victory in the dying seconds of the match.

Our Cross Country runners and staff were excellent at co-hosting the carnival at North Ryde, with some great results. We will continue to offer Track and Field training leading up to the shortened Athletics season for the last 4 weeks of Term 3. All invitationals and the CAS Track and Field championships will have no spectators and we will be running modified carnivals to ensure that venue attendance does not exceed 500 at any time. We will also continue our mid-week tutorials for Year 12 over the next few weeks leading up to the trial HSC examinations, and we ask that those students and parents keep an eye out for emails regarding the schedule.

Any students in Years 7-11 wishing to request a summer activity change have until the end of Week 3, Term 3 to submit. We are also offering Athletics as a summer sport, with the weekend commitment being on a Friday evening at ES Marks and the Waverley squad joining the Eastern Suburbs Little Athletics team.

I would also like to remind all families and students of the correct process for requesting leave on a Saturday. We require two weeks’ written notice where possible and a maximum of two exemptions per year will be granted. Some students have been doing the wrong thing and, in particular, choosing club football over their compulsory school commitments. With only two to three weeks to go of our winter season, I will be requesting that all students meet their school sporting commitments fully (unless there is a valid reason for not attending). Please also note that any illness on the weekend requires a medical certificate when the student returns to school.

Best wishes to all teams and activities this weekend – and “Go the Waves!”

From Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator, Ms Kath Knowles

Please click here for this issue’s Careers News.



From Head of Library Services, Mr William Roberts

Every boy in Years 7 and 8 has dedicated reading and Literacy classes. One special activity the library conducted at the end of Term 2 was a Zoom session with the Creative Education team at Sydney Opera House.

Selected boys participated in a live activity where four talented actors, performing from the Opera House, mapped out a scenario and story map for boys. Boys listened to and watched one aspect of a potential story unfold before moving onto the next piece of the puzzle leading to a complete story map.

It was great to see the boys so engaged throughout the process and so committed to writing. The boys were thoroughly entertained while developing sound writing techniques and skills at the same time.

The Zoom era has opened up new opportunities that the library will continue to draw upon to engage and enrich our young men.

From Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson

With the end of the year fast approaching, parents are advised that applications for entry to Year 5 and 7, 2022 close tomorrow.

Please note, this is for new applications only. If your son is already enrolled in the Junior School, you do not need to submit an application for Year 7.

Applications can be submitted via our website.


From Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson

2020 Fees

Please note that fees for the third payment of the 2020 school year are due.

Due date: Friday 31 July 2020

2021 Fees

First Payment 

Prompt payment date: 22 January 2021

Due date: 29 January 2021

Second Payment

Prompt payment date: 23 April 2021

Due date: 7 May 2021

Third Payment

Prompt payment date: 16 July 2021

Due date: 30 July 2021

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25 discount. Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110. Please be advised that some financial institutions require more than 48 hours to process their payments (eg internet/BPay). See the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

If you wish to withdraw your son from Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal, confirming that your son’s enrolment will cease. The final day that you can give notice of your son withdrawing at the end of a term is the first day of that same term. If notice isn’t received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees is payable.

Dates are as follows:


Term 3, 2020: 22 July 2020

Term 4, 2020: 12 October 2020


Term 1, 2021: 29 January 2021

Term 2, 2021: 20 April 2021

Term 3, 2021: 13 July 2021

Term 4, 2021: 6 October 2021

Refugee Week

Congratulations to all staff and students who have supported ‘Refugee week’ and helped us all gain a better understanding of what it would feel like to be displaced or persecuted. Thank you to Ms Sue Walsh, Mr Richard Bryant and Mr John McCoy who have led a number of activities this week along with our Heads of House.


World Environmental Day

Congratulations to Ms Pace and our Sustainability Group who conducted a rubbish audit to mark World Environmental Day last week. I look forward to hearing their suggestions on how we can all reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the environment. 


Westpac Scholars Trust – Oscar Osborne

Recently the trust announced its 2020 Westpac Future Leaders Scholars, recognising 15 ambitious young Australians who are investigating solutions to some of our most pressing global problems. Each recipient will receive up to $120,000, covering their postgraduate studies, a nine-month bespoke leadership development program and the opportunity to study abroad. Congratulations to Waverley College 2015 graduate Oscar Osborne who is currently at the UNSW Business School. Oscar’s PhD project will focus on how innovation ecosystems emerge and the role they have in assisting the sustainable growth of developing economies around the world.


Year 12

I congratulate our Year 12s and their teachers who continue to attend the extra tutorials being held each Saturday. This commitment will give them the confidence to perform at their best come HSC trials and for the HSC itself. As we head toward the end of term, may I also remind Year 12 students that the upcoming break is not a holiday for them. It should be treated as a study break where they allocate six hours per day to revision and preparation for the upcoming examinations. Please ensure your son maintains good exercise, relaxation time, reduced screen time, good sleep patterns and a healthy diet during this time. Please do not allow your son to change his normal sleep patterns drastically and sleep in. A consistent approach to his day over the next few months is what is required. 


Mark Hughes Foundation

Please support the Mark Hughes Foundation with their aim to find a cure for Brain Cancer which kills more children and people under 40 than any other cancer. Year 7 student, Digger Calendar challenged all students on assembly this week to support this great cause and buy a ‘Beanie for Brain Cancer’. All staff and students are encouraged to wear a beanie on the last day of Term 2 to show their support. Beanies can be purchased online or at IGA and Lowes stores.


Staff News

Last week we farewelled Ms Michaela Dee, English Teacher as she goes on parental leave. We wish her all the best on the birth of her second child.

We welcome Ms Angie Williams, who comes to us from the Supreme Court Library Queensland and has previously worked in local government libraries, museums and legal services. Ms Williams will be assisting students and staff in the Senior Library. 

Congratulations to Ms Elizabeth Watson who has been seconded to the position of Acting EREA Director of Learning for the remainder of 2020. Please click here for the official communication from EREA Executive Director, Wayne Tinsey regarding Ms Watson’s secondment. We are grateful Ms Watson will be based at Waverley College, so we will still benefit from her experience and extensive knowledge. We wish her the very best with this opportunity. 

Congratulations to Ms Gabrielle Smith who has been appointed by EREA to the position of Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning for the remainder of the year. Ms Smith was recently awarded a National Excellence in School Leadership Scholarship and has been the Director of Junior School since 2018. Prior to that Ms Smith was Acting Head of Junior School – Loreto Kirribilli where she taught and worked for 12 years. Ms Smith holds a Master of Education and Bachelor of Education. Her previous roles have included Head of Curriculum, Religious Education Coordinator and Head of Junior School. Prior to Loreto Kirribilli, Ms Smith worked at St Scholastica’s College Glebe and Stonar School, Bath, England. We wish her the very best in this role. The process to appoint the Acting Director of Junior School will commence shortly. 


CAS Co-Curricular Resumption

The CAS General Committee has recently met and agreed to the following in respect to the resumption of the co-curricular competition. 

  1. CAS will observe the guidelines for training as set down by the Australian Institute of Sport, NSW Government and NSW Health advice
  2. The aim is to have a five-week winter CAS season
  3. For football codes (AFL, Football, Rugby) contact training can commence from July 1. We will hold holiday camps and programs to ensure students are adequately prepared for the commencement of the winter season. 
  4. Winter sport competition will commence on Saturday 18th July for 1st and 2nd teams 
  5. All other age groups will have internal trials on Saturday 18th July and commence competition on the 25 July
  6. Open teams shall complete their final round on August 15 prior to the HSC trials. 
  7. In Rugby, only 1st and 2nd teams will have contested scrums
  8. Post-match functions will not be provided in this abbreviated season
  9. Spectators at matches will conform to the regulations set down by NSW Health. At present, these regulations are gradually being eased.  CAS will monitor these regulations and ensure that we have communicated with schools in a timely way before the 18th July commencement 
  10. In the event of a positive COVID-19 case disrupting a school’s participation, the school will follow the advice of NSW Health in terms of requirements for close contacts and casual contacts. In terms of Open First teams where there are premiership points appointed, a game not able to be played will see a splitting of the points


End of Term

I thank all staff, students and parents for their hard work and support throughout what has been an eventful term. Our community has stood tall through some challenging times and performed admirably. Well done! 

From Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh

As part of our Refugee Week activities, the Edmund Rice Waterford Leadership Academy was privileged to be joined by Mr Elijah Williams.

Elijah is a 23-year-old refugee from Sierra Leone who generously gave his time to share his story with junior and senior students at the College. Elijah’s engaging presentation gave our students a valuable insight into the challenges faced by refugees. Elijah spoke of how these experiences have shaped the values and life of his family today.

Comments that students and teachers made after hearing his story included:

“I was glued this has changed the direction of my life.”

“I honestly believe that was one of the most inspirational speeches I’ve ever heard”.

We cannot thank Elijah enough for enabling us to share some of his experiences, and for the inspirational life lessons that he gave us. His integrity and willingness to bring “light and love to this world” serves as a wonderful example for us all.

Elijah Williams at the Senior School

Refugee Week 2020