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From Head of Conlon House, Catherine O’Sullivan

At the end of last year, I was very fortunate to be able to participate, along with teachers from other Edmund Rice schools across Australia, on an immersion to Kenya and Ireland.

In Nairobi, we were able to visit a number of programs and projects supported by Edmund Rice Foundation Australia. These programs are primarily based in the poorest areas of the city; the Kibera Slum (largest urban slum in Africa) covering an area of approximately 2.5 square kilometres with a population of over one million people, and Mukuru Slum, which is located in an industrial area of Nairobi. 

In Kibera, we spent a day with the children and families at The Mary Rice Centre. The centre supports children with disabilities by teaching basic learning, vocational and therapy skills as well as running outreach programs. They also support the parents of the children through skill training and income-generating activities in beadwork, tailoring and dressmaking. It was very inspiring to witness the passion and dedication of the teachers; their love for the children and their desire to make a positive difference to the lives of their students and their families.

Another full day in Kibera was spent with children and young adults at a day camp run by Edmund Rice Camps Karibu – Karibu means ‘Welcome’ in Kiswahili. These camps, just like Eddie’s Camps in Australia are designed to give the children time away from the pressures of poverty. The kids have the opportunity to do things that they cannot do at home; play freely, run in open spaces, meet kids from other parts of Kibera and for a short time at least feel safe and forget the hardships of their lives. The adult mentors, who were also from Kibera had all once attended the camps themselves and now enjoyed the opportunity to give something back to their community.

We also had the chance to visit Wanawake Kwa Wanawake (WkW) which translates to Women for Women, in Kibera. This is an Australian Not-for-Profit charity which has evolved from its initial starting point of helping women, to a more dominant purpose of helping to educate children from Kibera who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend school. It was a very humbling experience meeting the women and many of the children and young adults who are attending school, and in some cases post-secondary courses as a result of WkW. They all expressed incredible hope and gratitude for the opportunities they now have to change their lives and potentially the lives of their families.

We spent a full day at The Ruben Centre which is a true oasis of hope for the people living in the Mukuru community of Nairobi. The centre, under the direction of Br. Frank O’Shea is a dynamic centre of action and industry striving for an empowered and just Mukuru community. The centre provides; a primary school for 2,700 students, a Health centre which includes a maternity unit and a baby care centre so that mothers have a safe place to leave their children when they go out to find work, and skills training programs such as courses in Urban Agriculture and weaving, Advocacy and Networking programs such as running a community radio station which not only entertains but also provides valuable information and education to the local community. 

The pleasure and pride shown by the smiles and laughter on the children’s and their teacher’s faces was infectious.

I was not prepared by how touched I would be by my experience in Nairobi. I feel very blessed that I have had the opportunity to visit and meet so many amazing and beautiful people. Whilst there is great suffering and hardship there was always so much hope for the future.

Ireland was no less of an experience, though a slightly more familiar one. Whilst there, we followed the path of Edmund’s life – from his birth in Callan to Waterford where he challenged the prevailing thinking that the poor did not need education and he set up the first schools for poor young boys, and finally to Dublin where Edmund lived out his final days. A highlight in Ireland was being able to visit three Edmund Rice Schools, Christian Brothers, Cork, Waterpark co-ed High School, Waterford and Singhe St high in Dublin. 

One of my enduring memories of this immersion will be the wonderful welcomes and hospitality that we received in both Nairobi and Ireland. In Kenya, our welcome could be a song, a dance or being surrounded by a large group of kids with beaming smiles. In Ireland, it was a handshake and never being able to leave without first sharing a meal and a beverage. 


From Head of Green House, Scott Coleman

Welcome to the start of the 2020 school year! It has been a smooth start for our new Year 5 and Year 7 boys, as well as a range of other students into varying year groups. Week 1 is always an exciting time for new and old students, where uniforms are neat and energy levels are high. Students in the new school uniform look particularly sharp and wear their uniform with pride as they enter the school each morning. 

As we begin the year it’s important to remember that times of transition and new experiences can also be times of anxiety for some students. There are a vast array of websites and online support tools that can assist in times of change. Here are some that could provide helpful information for parents to support their sons during this period as well as a handy webinar that focuses on the transition to high school.

School transitions

Beyond Blue Family Support

Moving to High School Webinar

If you think your son needs more support in transitioning into the new year, please make early contact with Heads of House and Mentors at Waverley College. Early communication allows us to provide any necessary interventions that may help students that are finding this period difficult. There is also the chance to meet Heads of House and Mentors at our Mentor Interviews on the 11th of February. 

Our 2020 wellbeing program begins this year with a focus on students writing SMART goals in their mentor groups. Parents may like to spend some time at home reviewing and reflecting on these goals with their sons to help build engagement and positive outcomes. Students will write their SMART goals page in the front of their diary, but there are websites they can access as well if that is more convenient at home.

Study Skills / SMART Goals Worksheet

It is advised that students don’t make goals that are too big. Great journeys are completed by small steps in progressive stages. It may be worth students presenting their goals in a meaningful way and putting them on your fridge or on their bedroom door to remind them.

Students will also be planning and organising the term ahead. I have provided a link below to a weekly planning document that is recommended by Dr Prue Salter. This would be valuable for students to complete and place on their desk at home or in their diaries. 


House Competition Update

Week 2 saw the start of our 2020 house competition. Our new year 7 boys had a great time representing their houses in a game of dodgeball with 4 houses coming out on top in close games. Well done to Green House Student Danny Johnson who managed to knock out 8 O’Connor boys after he became the last man standing for Green House early in the game.

Congratulations to our game winners:

The Junior School swimming carnival is our next house event taking place on Friday of Week 3 at the Waverley College Pool. Good luck to all students competing at this fantastic annual event and for all our wonderful junior staff for coordinating and organising the day. 

Parent Resources

The Student wellbeing hub is an online resource available at no cost for all Waverley College parents. The important role parents play in promoting wellbeing at home is essential for the success of Waverley students. If parents are looking for further information about wellbeing, this is a valuable tool for all families to access.

Safer Internet Day (11th February) – Free Webinars for Waverley College Parents

Tech, Teens and Time Online | Suitable for parents and carers of young people aged 12-18 years old.

Webinar Times:

Tuesday 11 February 2020 – 8:00pm to 9:00pm (AEDT) Wednesday 12 February 2020 – 1.30pm to 2.30pm (AEDT)

All sessions will be delivered by eSafety expert Greg Gebhart and parents will need to register by logging onto the eSafety webpage –

From the College Psychologist, Greg Cameron

The Waverley College Counselling team is made up of three Registered Psychologists, Ms Tessa Prior, Mr Greg Cameron, and Ms Alex McCredie. Together we work with all students from Years 5-12 to support their mental health and wellbeing. As a team, we will be writing regular articles in the Nurrunga about topical or relevant issues each month with a link to a platform called SchoolTV for more resources. Our contact details are on the school website and linked on SchoolTV if you would like to get in touch please email or call us at any time.

Many people see Christmas as a wonderful time of celebration and an opportunity to spend time with family and friends. However, there are some that view it as a time of stress and hardship. This may be due to a combination of things: financial pressures, relationship issues and, quite often, loneliness, making it a very challenging time.

Often the true meaning of Christmas can be lost due to commercial exploitation, but there are a number of things you can do to create a magical Christmas, without the financial burden. Creating or maintaining traditions can contribute to a sense of comfort and belonging.

Unfortunately for some, there is also an ugly side to Christmas. Support organisations often report an increase in the number of calls from people seeking help due to their inability to cope during this time. If you, or a loved one, is finding that it is all too much, then it is important to reach out to a trusted friend, family member or medical professional.

In this Special School TV Report, parents and carers will be presented with a number of ideas on how to achieve a stress-free Christmas and where to seek help should they need it. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special School TV Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Click on the link below to read the Special Report:

Special School TV Report – Surviving Christmas

From the Director of Curriculum, Lynsey Porter

Congratulations to all the award winners who were acknowledged at the Presentation Ceremonies, 2019.

Gold Award Prize Draw Winners

Year 5 | Owen Smith

Year 6 | Monty Armstrong

Year 7 | Zac Vivieaere-Bates

Year 8 | Joel Baldwin

Year 9 | Cuba Kanakis

Year 10 | Ryan Bayas

Year 11 | Nicholas Poulos

Junior School Major Award Winners

The Edmund Rice Trophy for Academic Excellence First Place | Kayden Baker and Tom Donaldson

Max Sheehy | Br J.P. Lacey Memorial Trophy for Study, Leadership & Co-Curricular Involvement

Archie Godby | Br M.M. O’Connor Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship

Monty Armstrong | The Helen Newman Award for Service

Charles Beckett | Waverley Council Citizenship Award

Fox Stapleton | The Waterford Trophy for Performing Arts

Zoltahn Szabo | The Judge Paul Urquhart Award for Social Justice

Oscar Wilson Old Boy’s Award

James Finegan | Murphy Rugby Award

Yianni Hatjinikitas | The Frank Salvo Football Award

John Varvaressos | Director’s Special Recognition Award

Junior School Class Achievement Awards

5 Blue | Lucas Guerreiro

5 Gold | Maddox Whitby

5 Green | William Elliot

5 Red | Owen Patient

5 White | Raff Toohey

6 Blue | Monty Armstrong

6 Gold | Jonathon McDonald

6 Green | Fred Carmody

6 Red | Nicholas Zanapalis

6 White | Lucas Simcocks

Junior School Christian Leadership Awards

5 Blue | Marcel Fernandes

5 Gold | Jimmy McDonald

5 Green | Bailey Gosbell

5 Red | Nicholas Rowley

5 White | Owen Smith

6 Blue | Archie Williams

6 Gold | Max Sheehy

6 Green | Yianni Hatjinikitas

6 Red | Fox Stapleton

6 White | Toby Fernandes

Junior School Dux of The Class

5 Blue | Riley Lashbrooke

5 Gold | Aidan Herlihy

5 Green | Jethro Jensen

5 Red | William Jacques

5 White | Aidan Carpenter

6 Blue | Dominic Schofield

6 Gold | Kayden Baker

6 Green | Yannick Hott

6 Red | Tom Donaldson

6 White | James Peate

Year 7 Awards

Anton Svennson | English

Aodhan Williams | Geography

Campbell Porteus | Mathematics

Kieran Markwick | Music

Ricardo Zanapalis | Head of College Award for Sport

Robert Muir | Steve Frangos Memorial Prize for Musicianship

Mitchel Ho | PDHPE 3rd in Academic Results

Ewan McDonald | Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Equal First, Drama, Technology, Nicholas Farrow Memorial Prize for the Spirit of Year Seven and 2nd in Academic Results

Bailey Barker | Dux of Year 7, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Equal First Science

Year 8 Awards

Samuel Stewart | Head of College Award

John Walsh | Head of College Award

Hirav Gandhi | History Equal First

Matthew Woods | History Equal First

Ben Stirling | Mathematics

Luca Holmes | Visual Arts

Scott Swinburn | Head of College Award for Sport

Angus Birrell | History Equal First, Prize for Musicianship

Campbell Groves | Head of College Award for Excellence

Lachlan Grant | Martin Robinson Memorial Award for Service & Integrity

Jack Crotty | Head of College Award for Excellence, 3rd in Academic Results

Jake Perks English Equal First, Science and 2nd in Academic Results

Charles Hely-Hammond | English Equal First, PDHPE, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion, Spanish, Technology and Dux of Year 8

Year 9 Awards

Achilles Zanapalis | Applied Philosophy

Conor Cahill | Commerce

Maddox Grebert | Design & Technology

Cjuba Lord | Drama

Toby Davidson | Information Software Technology

Luca Fucci | Mathematics Level 1

Christian Puga | Mathematics Level 2

Harry Gippel |  Music

Thomas Martin | Physical & Sport Studies

Daniel McSweeny | PDHPE

Daniel Di Francesco | Photography

Matis Jos-Rolland | Visual Arts

Will Coates | Work Education

Thomas Wilkins | Graphics Technology, Industrial Technology Wood

Riley Vidulich | Head of College Award for Sport

Luke Stewart | Prize for Musicianship

Zach Straker | Ned Silva Award for Most Improved Effort in Year Nine

Mack Flitcroft | 3rd in Academic Results

Jared Garwood | English, Stem, Science and 2nd in Academic Results

Carl Waterson | Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion, Food Technology, Geography, Mathematics Level 3 and Dux of Year 9

Year 10 Awards

Jack Fingleton | Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

Flynn Herbert | Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

George Vouros | Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

Dane Perica | Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

James Hoggett | Head of College Award

Finn Harley Whitney | Applied Philosophy

Lachlan Muir | Design & Technology

Massimo Di Napoli | Drama

Ronan Schocher | Industrial Technology Wood

Max Hammond | Mathematics Accelerated

Tom Cahill | Mathematics Level 2, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

Billy Deutsch | Mathematics Level 1

Cooper O’Donnell | Physical & Sport Studies Equal First

Jesse Sonego | Physical & Sport Studies Equal First

Elija Heininger | Photography

Luke McLellan PDH&PE Equal First

Noah Mitchell PDH&PE Equal First

Alessio Imhoff | Spanish

Hugo Stephenson | Visual Arts

Saia Afeaki | Work Education

Giulian D’Ettorre | Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion and Food Technology

Fritz Jahnke-Tavana | Head of College Award for Sport

Dante Bryan | Prize for Musicianship

Peter Stamatelatos | Anthony Tarlinton Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievements in Study & College Activities

Darcy Widdowson | History 3rd in Academic Results

Harjot Mand | Commerce Mathematics Level 3 Stem
2nd in Academic Results

Hayden Wild | English, Music, Science, Sydney University Year 10 Academic Excellence Award and Dux of Year 10

Year 11 Awards

Will Cooley | Olympic Spirit Award

Ryan Abbott | Olympic Spirit Award

Sebastian Puga | Duke of Edinburgh Broze Award

Christopher Salam | Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award

Daniel Pomes | Biology

Jake Burns | Business Studies

Valentius Wirjana | Chemistry

Peter Cassimatis | Construction

Maksymilian Klimczak | Design & Technology Equal First

Sebastian Rayk | Design & Technology Equal First

Riley Klotz | Drama

Andre Bonanni | UNSW Australia Prize for Economics Equal First

Ben Walton | English Studies

Riley James-Cebokli | Entertainment

Joshua Cornelius | Engineering Studies

Samuel Markert | Geography

Joshua Preston | Hospitality Equal First

Jed Turnbull | Hospitality Equal First

Joshua Psarros | Information and Digital Technology

Jim Waterhouse | Investigating Science

Bodhi Reiners | Marine Studies

Liam Andrews | Music Course I

Alex Talbot | PDHPE Equal First and Visual Arts

Dylan Williams | Sport Life & Recreation

James McMahon | Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion II

Jake Smith | Catholic Studies and Photography

Oliver Blackett | Mathematics Standard, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion I

Matthew Brock | UNSW Australia Prize for Economics Equal First and Legal Studies

Leo Shanahan | Ancient History and Modern History

Lachlan Miller | Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension

Samuel Tsaousis | Ryan Shiels Memorial Prize for Musicianship

Reid McNamara | English Standard, PDHPE Equal First, Greg Carmody Memorial Prize for Best All Round Sportsman and Year 11 All Rounder Award

Benjamin Elder | Physics and 3rd in Academic Results

Finn Robilliard | Arthur & Mollie Burke Memorial Prize for English Advanced, Extension English, Industrial Technology and  2nd in Academic Results

Eliot Vincent Hull | Mathematics Accelerated, Music Course II and Dux of Year 11

Year 12 Awards

Alexander Rice | WJ Corbett Award for Best All Round Sportsman

Angus McPherson | Max Coleman Memorial Award for Prefect of the Sodality

Ash Buckland | The Brian Sheedy Prize for Ancient History

Billy De Luca | Investigating Science and Visual Arts

Bradley Marzol | The George & Elizabeth Thomas Prize for Extension History

Carter Killigrew | College Vice Captain

Connor Pilger | The Br PA Conlon Prize for Economics and Bishop Patrick Dougherty Prize for Studies Of Religion II

Eddie Kranz | The Catherine Smithurst Prize for Standard English

Ethan Vella | Br R J Wallace Prize for Drama

Finn Warren | English Studies

Flynn Gordon | Hospitality

Harry Heinemann | Photography

Harry Whitaker | College Captain and Caltex All Rounder Award

Jack Lloyd Bishop | Geoffrey F Mayne Prize for Studies Of Religion I

James Ritchie | Engineering Studies

Joseph Lyons | Mathematics Standard Course II

Joshua Gleeson | Food Technology and College Vice Captain

Lachlan Manastirovski | Br P Oakley Prize for PDHPE and 3rd in Overall Academic Performance

Luca Winch | Sport Life & Recreation

Luke Harris | The M O’Halloran Prize for Chemistry, The Abram Landa Prize for Advanced English, The Alice & Mildred Thomas Prize for English Extension I, Mathematics Extension I, The Judge Thomas Prize for Mathematics Extension II, Br F S Farrell Prize for Physics and Br LB Tevlin Memorial Prize for Dux of the College.

Marco Emery | English Extension II, The Barry McDonald Prize for Legal Studies, Modern History and 2nd in Overall Academic Performance

Mats Lea | Industrial Technology

Max D’Agastino | Construction

Max Markert | Mathematics Standard Course I

Nathanial Yarrow | Mathematics Advanced

Oliver Ruse | The Ray Aston Memorial Prize for Biology, College Vice Captain and JJ O’Brien Award for Leadership, Study & Involvement

Oliver Tamsett | Old Boys Union Edmund Rice Award for Leadership of Social Justice

Oscar Davis | Design & Technology

Remi Defina-Sperando | Music Course II

Samuel Jagoe-Fisher | Music Course I

Saxon Cook | Catholic Studies

Thomas Carey | Reuben F Scarf Award

Thomas Deakin-Bell | Business Studies

Thomas Grayson | Marine StudiesThomas Jaeger | College Vice Captain

William Davison | Waverley Coucil Award for General Proficiency

William Durkin | Archbishop’s Award

William Woodward | Entertainment

From Marketing and Development Manager, Jaimi Walker

A friendly reminder that the new academic and PE uniform is now available in the uniform shop and bookings for fittings are open. Please follow this link to view the January holiday uniform shop trading hours.

Please follow this link to learn more about release dates, how to book fittings, sales, and FAQs.

Key Dates

Dear Parents and Carers,

I thank all members of our community for their contributions throughout 2019, the staff, parents, Old Boys and students of this great College. I look forward to working with you in 2020 along with bringing the strategic and master plan to fruition. 

Please keep the Knox Grammar School community in your thoughts and prayers as they try to come to terms with the devastating news of the loss of two of their boys in the New Zealand volcanic eruption this week. The boys’ parents are missing and the worst is presumed. I have passed on our deepest condolences to Mr Scott James, Headmaster, and their community. 

As we embark on holidays and celebrate the Christmas Mass, we are reminded of the joy of the birth of Christ who was selflessly given to us, the only son of our Father. The Christmas season reminds us of the value of giving selflessly. Not the giving of a material and commercial sense but the giving of a generosity of spirit, precious time and a meal. This reminds us that real joy comes from giving in this way to others.

May families who need a Christmas miracle be blessed 

May whoever is feeling weak through the Christmas season be given strength 

May all those carrying heavy burdens this Christmas have their load lightened 

May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ child. 

Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit bless our community now and forever.

From Head of Aungier House, John McCoy

“One can choose to go back towards safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again” – Abraham Maslow.

Fear is a very limiting term. It is something that restricts all of us and often forces us to stop what we are doing and leap into a secure space. This is a space we may struggle to find growth. Individuals can find it difficult to jump out of that space by themselves. Often, however, a helping hand from another individual or group can carry that person back to a pathway where they may continue on their growth journey, 

The Wellbeing structures at Waverley College allows students to take on a range of challenges while knowing that someone ‘has their back’ and will be supporting them throughout their days at school. This might come in the form of a Mentor, a ‘Big Brother’, a House Prefect or a Head of House.

Throughout 2019, students in Aungier House faced up to a number of challenges across a range of activities. The young men in Aungier conducted themselves with confidence throughout the course of the year. Recognition must be given to those figures who met with students each day, sharing uplifting stories and being able to detect if some extra assistance might be needed. 

Furthermore, the Aungier Student Leaders did a stellar job in being there to guide the younger students. Thomas Jaeger, Gabriel Cuenca, Matthew Gallagher, Connor Phibbs, Luke Mazza and Dion Hatziandreou have without a doubt left a lasting legacy on our House. We welcome the newly appointed Student Leaders who take the reins moving into 2020. Jim Waterhouse (College Vice-Captain), Zac Wotherspoon (House Captain), Emile Stephenson, Sam Markert, and Ryan von der Heyden, have already created a strong impact with the Aungier Handshake being a feature at the locker area at the commencement of the day between students.

The variety of competitions and activities were well received by the student body in 2019. The House Swimming Carnival took place at Des Renford Pool in Term 1. The House Athletics Carnival took place at the conclusion of Term 2 at ES Marks Field. Aungier was also involved in several House Competitions which engaged a diverse range of students. The Waterford representatives did their House proud at both the Blitz Day and the Walkathon. Thanks to all those boys in Red, who gave their all for our House at each of these events. 

The House Mass was moved to a new evening timeslot this year, to give more families the chance to attend. This change in schedule proved to be a success as a number of people were able to attend. Following Mass, which was led by Father Bernie, the Aungier Community were able to enjoy supper together in the College Library.

Aungier was heavily involved in a range of social justice initiatives in 2019 – not only to support those outside of our community but to support those within. Again, the ‘Beanies for Brain Cancer’ initiative, led by Digger Callender (Year 6), was a focus of support for students, staff, and families. Furthermore, Aungier was involved in the promotion of Refugee Week. The animation film titled, “Ali and the Long Journey to Australia”, was selected by students to be played at the College Assembly. This story resonated with a number of young men who could sense the difficult position many young people are forced into in our world today. 

Thanks to Aungier Mentors Mrs Elizabeth Watson, Miss Nohara Binyamin, Mrs Vanessa Purnell, Miss Nicola Silsby, Miss Charlotte Stephens, Miss Shannon Bronkhorst, Miss Alison Carlile, Mrs Prue Fitzsimmons, Mr Anthony Stanton, Mr Stephen Wilmot, Mr Garth Aird, Mr James Spargo, Mr Martin Barrett, Mr Robert Tall, Mr Thomas Mitton and Mr Matthew Mountfort.

2019 will go down as a year of growth where Aungier students walk with confidence with the knowledge that someone will always be standing behind them. I would like to wish all students and families the very best as we move into the next decade together.

Head of O’Connor House, Matthew Barr

Side by side we stand like brothers, one for all and all together…

The words above are from our House song and are very symbolic of the culture and unity we the O’Connor House represents here at Waverley College. A culture and unified community that as their Head of House I am very proud of and hope to see continue to develop and grow in future years.

Each year the O’Connor students continue to thrive in all aspects of College life, aspiring to forge lifelong memories, create friendships and share achievements that will hold them in good stead as positive and active citizens of our community and the wider world. The O’Connor students continue to demonstrate a ‘Growth Mindset’ never thinking that they ‘can’t’, instead of thinking ‘they can’t right now’.

With our excited and eager new Year 7 students joining us in January, the year commenced for them with camp at Broken Bay, a fantastic opportunity for bonding and simply spending time with new and old friends alike. The camp activities were bushwalking, swimming, kayaking, archery and reflection sessions, with all boys participating enthusiastically developing interpersonal and team-building skills.

The other grades also were fortunate to attend camp at the following venues: Year 8 – Cadet Camp, Year 9 – Camp Somerset, Year 10 – Activity Week due to Bushfires, Year 11/12 Retreat – St Benedict’s XV, Gross Vale

Once again O’Connor House raised funds and constructed the Solar Buddies for energy poverty regions. This year our students took them on the Timor Leste Immersion to donate to students and families. The students constructed the Solar Buddies during House Assembly time and this allowed the students to work together to create the finished product.

Our 2019 House Prefects continued their positive efforts in participation and leadership at the Swimming Carnival in Term 1 and Athletics Carnival in Term 3, motivating the junior students to maximize their participation and encourage them in races. These Carnivals are always fantastic occasions for the boys to demonstrate great enthusiasm and active participation. As usual, there were a large number of strong performers, however, a memorable moment from both was indeed winning the House chants, with the boys displaying great House spirit and passion.

O’Connor House Mass was held in the College Chapel Term 2, it was a night of reverence, prayer and community gathering. It was fantastic to see so many parents from both the Senior and Junior schools in attendance to celebrate our Catholic faith. The new format of a night-time mass followed by a supper seemed highly valuable in parents, teachers, and students continuing to build links and embrace our sense of community. I would like to thank the House Prefects for organising and special thanks to Father Bernie Thomas for leading the mass.

The 2019 College Musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ certainly did not disappoint. Audiences were treated to a fantastic array of music, song, and dance – with a number of members in O’Connor House displaying their vast musical talents and dazzling us with their onstage performances. Special mention to Roman Kotecsky who played a lead role in the musical. O’Connor also had on stage two Year 8 students, Pierre Bourel and Mitchell Cahill, whom I am sure will have learned a great deal and they are sure to have a big role in future musicals. Part of the Production crew to help ensure everything ran smoothly backstage included: Brock Preston, Eddie Williamson, Riley James Cebokli, Oscar Rowson, Jordan Hulme, and Patrick Chan.

Our Year 12 students made an excellent effort in providing strong leadership for the College. They were outstanding role models and inspired others through their enthusiasm and commitment. I would like to particularly thank the House Prefects Luke Harris, Noah Glasel, Nikita Hatjiniktas and William Durkin who were instrumental in helping facilitate and deliver the content of the fortnightly assemblies. Congratulations must also go to Patrick Kite and Grayson Thomas who were elected as mid-year Prefects and worked well to support the other leaders, whilst bringing their own strengths and talents to the position.

Congratulations to the following students that received a prize or award at the End of Year Presentation day. Well done on a great year of hard work, effort, and commitment to curricular and co-curricular activities. Aodhan Williams, Jake Perks, Thomas Wilkins, Mack Flintcroft, Tom Cahill, Luke McLellan, Flynn Herbert, Maksymilian Klimczak and Riley-James Cibokli. Special mention to Luke Harris who was awarded Dux of the College at the Year 12 Graduation.

The O’Connor students have had a successful year highlighted by the culture and unity that has been created as mentioned above. Their ever-growing sense of maturity, diligence, and positive relationships, care and compassion for one another. It has been an extremely rewarding experience for me to guide and observe their positive attitude to life at Waverley. I would like to conclude by thanking all those teachers, counsellors and mentors who have worked with the O’Connor House boys this year, as well as the students themselves for their outstanding attitude throughout 2019.

See you in 2020.

From Head of Tevlin House, John McCallum

Tevlin House has had a highly positive and rewarding 2019 school year, with students challenging themselves to engage and excel in numerous school activities. All Tevlin boys from Years 5-12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated with the way in which they have developed relationships and sought to set and achieve a variety of academic, social and physical goals. It has been pleasing to witness how our vertical wellbeing groups have helped form genuine friendships between students, and the Year 12 students, in particular, have excelled in their role as leaders, especially with mentoring and supporting younger boys in their groups. Tevlin House have also been extremely fortunate to have 13 very talented, caring, personable and committed mentor teachers, with their support of their groups central in developing a great culture of participation and engagement.

Tevlin House Mass

A full Tevlin House Mass in Term 2 was a fantastic opportunity to join together in the Eucharist and Prayer as a House. All boys enjoyed sharing Mass and a lovely supper with their parents and friends, and this is something we look forward to building on together in the future.

A memorable Tevlin House Mass

Tevlin Year 12 Students Graduating with Honours

Congratulations to all the Class of 2019 for the way you have set goals, and then effectively worked towards achieving a variety of goals throughout the year. Tevlin have been blessed with a Senior year group that have genuinely cared for the younger students, and embraced their opportunities to take leadership roles within their mentor groups. These skills developed will serve these boys well as they take on a variety of apprenticeships, occupations, travel and further study. The boys were farewelled on the Centenary building rooftop beside the statue of Mary, and Jordan Blazevski and Alistair Jensen gave fantastic personal accounts of the ways in which they embraced and succeeded in the various challenges of Year 12. In particular, I’d like to thank the exemplary leadership of the six Tevlin House Prefects during 2019, as they have displayed innovation and drive in leading our House: Brad Marzol, Angus McPherson, Ethan Vella, Oliver Tamsett, Levi Milford, Pedram Biazar and the School Captain Harry Whitaker. The way they led their Year 12 theme of “Rise through lifting others” in their leadership of Tevlin and the College is commendable. Thank you to these boys, and all our Year 12 students and best wishes for your future. Term 4 saw 3 new House Prefects inducted for 2020, with Alex Talbot, Luca Paolella and Noah Ratcliff joined by new House Captain Charlie Tindale began very strongly in further supporting others through servant leadership in our House.

Tevlin students Support Homelessness in the Matthew Talbot Christmas Appeal

In Term 4, Tevlin boys have learned about, discussed and then actively engaged with homelessness issues in Waverley’s annual appeal for the Matthew Talbot Hostel. This built on last year’s Sleepout, and boys spent three weeks in November not only donating important toiletry, clothing and other necessary items but led weekly visits to the other House groups to share the importance of supporting homeless charities like the Mathew Talbot Hostel. All of the Waverley Community can be very proud, as donations were highly encouraging for allowing distribution to homeless men in Sydney before Christmas.

Tevlin 2019 Final Presentation Evening Academic Awards

Congratulations to all boys across all Year levels for the effort they have put into their learning, improving their skills and academic results. The following Senior School boys were awarded prizes in this term’s Presentation Evenings: Year 7: Ewan McDonald – including the Nick Farrow Prize for the spirit of Year 7 and 2nd in Academic Results. Year 8: Angus Birrell. Year 9: Daniel Di Francasco, Matis Jos-Roland, Carl Waterson – including the Dux of Year 9. Year 10: Ronan Schocher, Elija Heininger. Year 11: Riley Klotz, Alex Talbot, Jake Smith, Samuel Tsaousis.

School Involvement and Individual Achievements

Congratulations to Tevlin Prefect, Brad Marzol, who was selected at the NSW Constitutional Convention to attend a three-day National Convention in Canberra. This is a fantastic achievement and testament to Brad’s proactive and committed approach to his Legal Studies. Brad spoke strongly in a school assembly about his experiences at the Convention, and the role of our constitution and how they debated whether amendments are necessary to specific sections with changes in society – with particular reference to the topic and having the constitution recognise the important role Aboriginal culture has played in shaping Australia’s national identity.

Collectively, Tevlin boys have been involved in significant Waverley events, with the School Musical Production of Guys and Dolls at NIDA showcasing both Waverley and Tevlin House’s talents. Many key characters, played by Tevlin’s Riley Klotz, Remy Crompton-Lamb and Perri Quirk were outstanding in their character portrayals, backed up by a very clever comical performance by Jack Lynch. The hard work in preparation by these boys is to be commended, while Tevlin Mentors Ms Jinga (Producer) and Mr Lamb (Director) were amazing in their coordination and direction of such a fantastic production. Well done to William Woodward and Jake Smith in the stage management, sound and lighting as part of their Entertainment competency for the production.

There are many achievements and recognition of personal growth to mark and celebrate from this year, and I wish all boys and their families a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and look forward to more rewarding experiences in 2020.

From Head of Conlon House, Cathy O’Sullivan

In eight short and busy weeks, we have seen the induction of our four new House Prefects and four Student Representative Council members. Conlon for the second consecutive year won the Inter-House competition. Year 5  experienced time together at their annual camp, and our Year 12 students spent three days together on retreat. Year 6 joined with other Year 6 boys coming to Waverley next year for a full Orientation day at the senior campus, and Years 5 to 10 completed their final exams and assessments. Evander Hudson (lead vocals) and Campbell Groves (guitar) along with other members of the Year 8 band performed a beautiful rendition of the song ‘Lanterns’ in front of a whole school assembly.  Throughout the term, many boys received Gold awards, and a significant number of Conlon students were recognised at the end of the year Academic Awards presentation. Due to the fires, our Year 10 students experienced a week of varied activities closer to home. Sadly, at the end of term, we also said good-bye to Mr Bruce Dominish, Conlon 09 mentor.

Presentation of Conlon Prefects and SRC Representatives

A special assembly was held at the beginning of Term 4 with families present was held to announce and present the new College leaders. Our Conlon Prefects for 2020 are Mitchel Eyles (House Captain), Charlie Barber, Josh Conacher-Smith and Emmanuel Di Bartolo. They were presented with their badges by a family member in front of the whole College. This is a very special occasion for the boys and their families.

Our four Prefects have already demonstrated their maturity, commitment, and strong leadership qualities. The Prefects have not only been responsible for leading the House assemblies, but they have been the driving force behind the Conlon Bake Sale, and an end of term Breakfast BBQ. Thank you to the Prefects and all boys who assisted with these events.

Conlon has always distinguished itself by our terrific young men, who are always willing to do their best in all endeavours and to take care and look out for each other. I am confident that next year we will have one or two students become mid-year Prefects.

In our second assembly for the term, the new Student Representative Council students were announced at a whole school assembly and presented with their badges by a family member. The 2020 Conlon SRC representatives are; Marcus Marin (Yr 8), Lachlan Grant (Yr 9), Cuba Kanakis & Christian Kitas (Yr 10), and Patrick Hoggett (Yr 11). In Term 1 next year our new Year 7 boys will elect their own representative.

Year 12 Retreat

Also, this term, Conlon and Tevlin House spent three days on Retreat at Winmalee Christian Centre in the lower Blue Mountains. The three-day Retreat gives the boys an opportunity to explore their spirituality, reflect on where they have been and where they want to go. It is also an opportunity to get to know each other better. Both the Conlon and Tevlin boys were a credit to themselves and their families. Their mature behaviour, generosity, and willingness to engage and contribute to group discussions and activities made for a very successful and enjoyable Retreat. Thank you to; Mrs Mary Ryan, Mrs Sherri Falkinder, Mr Paul Cornish, Mr Cameron Cross and Mr Matthew Johnson for giving their time to attend the Retreat and ensuring its success. At the same time four Conlon students; Charlie Barber, Mitchell Eyles, Joshua Cornelius and Josh Conacher-Smith attended, along with students from the other seven Houses the Kairos Retreat at Mulgoa. Thank you to Conlon mentors; Ms Sue Walsh, Mr Richard Bryant, Mr Jean-Paul Boumelham and Ms Nohara Binyara for facilitating this Retreat. All participants returned saying that the experience was life-changing.

Year 10 Alternative Camp

Due to the horrific bushfires our state has endured over the last few months, Year 10 were unable to participate in their camp this year. Instead, the students were involved in activities that focused on leadership, team development, wellbeing and positive life choices. 

The week began with the students travelling to RYDA at Homebush to undertake practical and powerful road safety workshops. The workshops aim to significantly improve students’ understanding of driver safety, prior to them obtaining their driver’s license, in order to reduce road accidents involving young people.

Conlon students participated in the ‘Rock and Water’ program with Ms Gemma Brown and Ms Rebecca Gair on Tuesday. This program focuses on students developing self-control, self-confidence, and self-reflection through a variety of engaging and practical activities.

Sam Clear who is an adventurer, inspirational speaker, producer, and author also spent a day with Year 10. He shared with them the highs and lows of his 15636km pilgrimage across 21 countries. His story and presentation encourages students to reach out to those around them, step out of their comfort zone to pursue their dreams and recognise the impact they can have on the world around them.

The week rounded out on the water as students were challenged with the coastal walk from the Spit Bridge to Manly Beach. They cleaned up the coastline along the way and discussed the importance of waste management and sustainability for our marine ecosystems. This was then followed by a wonderful Harbour cruise on Friday. Students sailed over to Balmoral Beach for a pizza lunch and a swim before returning to Circular Quay.

The week provided Year 10 students with opportunities for social and personal development, self-reflection and fun. 

Years 5 & 6

It has been an extremely busy term for the Conlon boys in the Junior School. For Year 6, the final few weeks have been a time to reflect on their rewarding experiences in their last days of Primary School. Conlon House has been gallantly led in the Junior School by Captain, Kayden Baker and Vice Captain, Archie Godby. These two young men are to be commended for their reliability and enthusiastic leadership over the past year. Last Thursday evening, the Year 6 boys celebrated a Graduation Mass at Mary Immaculate Church where every boy in Year 6 was presented and acknowledged for their valuable contributions over the last two years. 

As the boys approach their last few days of Year 6,  they are truly grateful for the great times they have shared. Some of the highlights this term have been the Year 7 Orientation Day, the final rounds of Summer Sport and the Raging Waters Excursion. 

One of the most exciting events for the Junior School is the Walkathon. Conlon Wellbeing Mentor, Mr Anthony Gill, has been the organiser of this major Junior School event for the last 16 years. He has been impressed by the generosity displayed by all the boys in their efforts to raise funds for eight different charities. Out of the $54 230.00 funds raised in total, the Conlon boys raised $7384. 00. Special mention is to be given to the following boys who raised significant amounts: Ben Darcy – $568.00, Charles Beckett – $525.00, Charlie Grant – $476.00, Lucas Coe – $417.00, Luke Nezval – $380.00, Harry Kelly – $300.00 and Zolton Szabo – $300.00

The Year 5 Conlon boys have also enjoyed an exciting term. The Big Brother Little Brother Program has been a highlight for them. They were given the opportunity to connect with their Year 10 buddy in Conlon House by participating in various activities. These connections have been valuable in building support and unity within the House.

Many Year 5 boys have displayed their interest in stepping up as Conlon leaders for next year. Congratulations goes to Captain: Adam Curran and Vice Captain: Charlie Carter. We look forward to their leadership unfolding in 2020.

Congratulations to all the Junior School Conlon boys for their outstanding efforts and wonderful achievements this year. It has been a delight to witness their talents and successes in all areas of College life. Special congratulations goes to the following Major Award Winners in Year 6.

Year 6 Major Award Winners

Kayden Baker | The Edmund Rice Trophy for Academic Excellence – Dux of Year 6.

Archie Godby | Br M.M. O’Connor Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship

Zolton Szabo | The Judge Paul Urquhart Award for Social Justice

Charles Beckett | Waverley Council Citizenship Award

Co-curricular Award Winners

Congratulations to the following boys who were acknowledged at the summer Co-curricular assembly;

Swimming | Peter Cassimatis

Touch Football | Kalani Sullivan, Christian Dos Santos, Reeve Smith

Surf Life Saving | Daniel Lambert

Tennis | Kai Jones, Oscar Melder, Cuba Kanakis

Water Polo | Joshua Magdas

Cricket | Ryan Smith, Matthew Frost, James Hoggett and Cooper O’Donnell

End of Year Award Winners

Congratulations to all the Conlon boys who have received a Gold Award this term.  Congratulations to the following Semester 2 award winners who were all presented with their awards at the end of year presentations;

Year 7  | Robert Muir

Year 8  | John Walsh and Lachlan Grant

Year 9 | Christian Puga, Thomas Martin, Zachary Straker and Jared Garwood

Year 10 | George Vouros, James Hoggett, Cooper O’Donnell, Jesse Sonego and Hayden Wild

Year 11 | Sebastian Puga, Peter Cassimatis, Joshua Cornelius, Dylan Williams and Eliot Vincent Hull


It is with great sadness that we say farewell to Mr Bruce Dominish (CO 09). Mr Dominish’s mentor group will miss the care and interest that he took in their lives but also the wise and practical advice he gave if they found themselves veering off course. Mr Dominish who is also an Old Boy of the College will be greatly missed by not only his mentor group but the entire Conlon community.  

Thank you to all Conlon mentors for their continued care and support of your sons;  Ms Jennifer Hoare, Mr Anthony Gill, Ms Sue Walsh, Mr Nick Brophy, Mr Paul Cornish, Mr Jean-Paul Boumelhem, Mrs Mary Ryan, Ms Kaitlyn Downey, Mrs Sherri Falkinder, Mr Matthew Johnson, Mr Bruce Dominish, Mr Richard Bryant and Mr Chris Blienkinsopp.

Thank you also to Ms Gemma Brown who was Acting Head of Conlon during Week 7 and 8 (the busiest time of the year) whilst I was away on an Edmund Rice Education Australia immersion to Kenya and Ireland.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support throughout the year. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2020. I sincerely wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year.

From the Head of Quinn House, Olivia Kite

2019 was another rewarding year for Quinn House. The boys of Quinn have experienced growth, resilience, friendship, unity, social justice, leadership, role-modelling and academic success.

New Year 7 students entered the Brother Lacey Gymnasium for the first time as Waverley College students. They were led by our Prefects, Gian Bonnani, Henry Standfield, Dion Sinodinos and Tim Waring. The cohort of 2025 spent their first day learning about the campus, collecting textbooks and stationery and meeting their mentors and Big Brothers. Throughout the year, our Prefects demonstrated leadership, compassion, enthusiasm, and positive role-modelling throughout the year and at various House events. They lead the students of Quinn in chants, House competitions, carnivals and social justice initiatives.

Term 2 was a term of reflection and recognition. Our main focus for Term 2, was social justice and raising awareness around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and topics. We recognised and celebrated Reconciliation Week with an important Assembly acknowledging the importance of learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. We explored the meaning behind reconciliation and how important it is as we move forward as a nation. The College also celebrated Reconciliation Week. The assembly was a wonderful display of acknowledgement and appreciation for our Indigenous students, families and history. Thank you to Fran Grant who spoke of her experience, students from Riverview who performed traditional dances and Ms Sue Walsh and Mr Richard Bryant for all their efforts and contributions to the assembly.

Max Murphy during Reconciliation Week

Week 9 saw Quinn participate in the House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks. Despite the wet start to the morning, the day turned out to be warm and provided the perfect weather for everyone to get involved. Quinn placed 4th overall in the Carnival and took our 1st place in the House Chant Competition. Congratulations to all the boys who participated on the day, placed in their events and got involved. It was wonderful to see such energy, encouragement and organisation from the House.

Congratulations to all the boys who were involved in the College Musical. It was a fantastic production that saw so much energy, involvement, talent and enthusiasm on stage and behind the scenes. Congratulations to Cillian Treanor and Jed Turnbull for their contributions to the production.

Term 3 was a busy Term with students on Immersions, participating in Track & Field, Year 9 Camp and Year 12 Graduation.

Both the Timor Leste Immersion and the Red Earth Immersions took students from Year 9, 10 and 11 to immerse themselves in the unique cultures, beliefs and environments of Timor Leste, Arnhem Land and Cape York. Students met people from all walks of life. These interactions opened the students’ eyes and minds to the different experiences and hardships people face. It was also an opportunity for students to consider how they might advocate for the people in these marginalized communities.

2019 was also the year of the 90th Annual CAS Athletics Competition. Students from all year groups threw, ran and jumped their way onto the CAS team who competed at the Sydney Olympic Athletics Centre. Congratulations to every boy who competed on the night and a special mention to the following Quinn House students who made the team: Riley Vidulich, Aaron Dimovitch, Kurt Kress, Tom Clothier, Hugh Clothier, Ryan Harper, Jackson Cunningham, Asolellei Fretton, Axel Runow, Ethan Flanagan, Fritz Janhke-Tavana, Harry Cox-Nugent, Hong Rath, Hudson Hatchett, King Manu, Tom Stewart, Will Fagan and Xavier Schofield.

In Week 7 of the term, Year 9 travelled to Camp Somerset to immerse themselves in an outdoor learning experience. The camp was both physically and mentally challenging and required the boys to work together as a team. Thank you to all the teachers who volunteered their time away from their families to attend the camp and help make it such a great success.

On the back of Year 9 Camp, Waverley College hosted their second Father-Son Camp at Somerset. This was a wonderful opportunity for fathers and sons to spend quality time together bonding over physical activities, around campfires and shared meals cooked by the boys. Graduation took place on the last day of Term 3 and was an excellent opportunity to congratulate and farewell our graduating Class of 2019. The graduating class were recognised for their academic success, sporting achievements and their dreams and hopes for the future.

Quinn finished the year well in Term 4 with Year 10 Activity Camp, Year 12 Retreat, Big Brother Little Brother programs and the Matthew Talbot Christmas Appeal. With the devastating impact of the NSW Bushfires in November and the threat of these fires at Camp Somerset, the College decided to cancel Year 10 camp for the safety and wellbeing of all those involved. Therefore, Year 10 were engaged in a range of activities for the week.

Monday was an opportunity for students to learn the dangers and responsibilities of driving. The RYDA Program is an exceptional program that exposed students to real-life stories of those involved in car accidents as a result of reckless driving. It aims to educate teenagers about road safety and encourage them to make responsible decisions when behind the wheel.

Year 10 were introduced to Rock and Water on Tuesday. This is a program that seeks to develop resilience and build character in teenagers through physical play and concentrated breathing and focus.

Sam Clear spoke with the cohort on Wednesday about his walking journey around the world. Sam spent 568 days walking 15,500km from South America through Europe to the most Western part of Spain. His story is one of courage, challenges and overcoming adversity and demonstrate love in action under exceptional circumstances.

Thursday and Friday were spent walking the Spit to Manly Track and spending the day on Sydney Harbour. These two days gave the boys an opportunity to spend time with friends, wind down, get active and reflect on their efforts over 2019.

In Week 3, Year 12 students from Quinn and Lacey House spent three days on Retreat. The three-day Retreat gave the boys an opportunity to get to know themselves better, reflect on their goals, their progress so far, where they’ve been and where they hope to go in the future. The time away from technology and the stresses of school meant that students were able to develop their friendships, support other students and prepare for their last year at the College. Thank you to Damien Thompson, Emily Pace, Adam Wallington, Stephanie Boyce, Alan Riordan, Kyle Newbury and Rebecca Gair for the time and effort they put into the Retreat and the experience they were able to provide for the Year 12 students. Our Year 10 and Year 5 students finished the year by participating in Big Brother Little Brother Trivia. It was a wonderful experience for all students involved as it opened up dialogue, boosted confidence and allowed for respectful relationships between our younger and older students to develop.

Finally, congratulations to all of Quinn’s End of Year Award Winners for 2019: Samuel Stewart, Hirav Gandhi, Scott Swinburn, Charles Hely-Hammond, Riley Vidulich, Dane Perica, Billy Deutsch, Giulian D’ettorre, James McMahon and Leo Shanahan. Thank you to all the families who donated to the Matthew Talbot Christmas Appeal. These donations go towards helping Matt talbot Kiosk put together hampers for men in need.

Thank you to the Quinn mentors for their support of our boys in 2019.

From Head of Lacey House, Damien Thompson

Term 1 began with an introduction to our wonderful new Year 7’s, where they were allocated a Year 12 buddy who was to guide them through their first year in the Senior School. Many activities followed during Term 1 with the Year 7 Camp, House and CAS swimming carnival where our Lacey Legends swam and cheered their hearts out, the Amazing Race (Lacey House Class of 2020 member Carter Killigrew initiative) where three participants from each year swam, ran and problem solved for Lacey. Great start to the year for the Legends!

Wellbeing meetings have undergone a change this year with the emphasis changing from Mentor input of wellbeing lessons to a greater connection of senior students with the younger lads. The great step forward has been the leadership shown in small groups with Year 11 and 12 boys stepping up to lead small group discussions and ice-breaker games. The Mentors in Lacey House continue to provide individual care of the highest standard with many going beyond their meeting times to ensure each boy is known and cared for. The wellbeing push has allowed for senior boys to connect with their Little Brothers, Year 7 and 12 and Year 5 and 10. These Big Brother Little Brothers sessions, have allowed the boys to create a wider connection within the college community and encourage a sense of community and camaraderie within the House systems.

Lucas Antulov & Ms Cooper

Terms 2 and 3 were a great success for Lacey House, bringing home the first Athletics Carnival win in over five years. The teamwork and the ability to have a go in every event brought the trophy home and the hard work and effort paid off. The ability to participate in everything is an essential life skill and was well displayed by the Lacey Legends. Terms 2 and 3 also allowed two of our Lacey boys, Carter Killigrew (1st XI Football) and Matthew Brock (1st Debating and CAS Debating) to achieve highly in their respective sports. The Year 12 HSC trial examinations took place in Term 3. This tested and prepared our Year 12’s for their HSC in Term 4.

Lacey House had a host of Head of College Award winners for Second Semester of 2019 which included, Jimmy Ashbridge, Conor Cahill, Dexter Craddock, Lorenzo Di Napoli, Massimo Di Napoli, Conor Joyce, William Lyons, Oscar Malone, Harjot Mand, Jack Preller, Owen Punch, Michael Richmond, Ryland Short, James Simpson, Max Valentine and Tobias Williamson.

Term 4 brought upon new challenges and responsibilities that all the boys took in their stride. Beginning with the summer season for 2019/2020 and including many 1st team selections, including Nikita Strbac (1st Water Polo), Eoin Morrisey (1st Basketball), Matthew Brock (1st Debating), Luke Fadel (1st Touch Football), Jacob Fadel (1st Touch Football) and Charlie Silva (1st Basketball). This term consisted of yearly exams, the HSC for our Year 12 class of 2019, the Year 10 camp which was broken up into reflective activities and the Year 12 retreat. All in all, a great finish to a busy and action-packed year for Lacey House.

The Year 12 retreat for Lacey House was based at Camp Toukley, on the Central Coast and was a very enriching and harmonious experience allowing the boys to connect with each other, staff members and themselves. The boys engaged in activities that allowed them to reflect on themselves as people and experiences who have made them who they are, with many laughs along the way. The camp, which was shared with Quinn House, was a very rewarding and eye-opening experience, with many laughs along the way.

Ayden Diffin mastering the high ropes

Academic Prize winners at Presentation Day included Campbell Porteus, Matthew Wood, Conor Cahill, Cjuba Lord, Harry Gippel, William Coates, Massimo Di Napoli, Noah Mitchell, Dante Bryan, Harjot Mand, Daniel Pomes, Matthew Brock and Benjamin Elder. Congratulations to these boys.