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Head of House Quinn, Olivia Kite

Farewell to Year 12, Class of 2019.

Term 3 sees the end of an extraordinary journey for Year 12 Quinn students. Each journey has been shaped differently by challenges, resilience, success, friendship, maturity and leadership. However, despite the different journey each student took to get to graduation, their contributions to the College and to Quinn House have been outstanding.

Thank you to Quinn House mentors for their support of our Year 12 students throughout their final year at the College. Your support, guidance and encouragement has not gone unnoticed and is invaluable to each boy’s success.

Quinn House would like to wish all of our Year 12 students every success in their HSC Examinations and the best of luck in all their future endeavours.

Quinn House Mass

Week Two saw Quinn House host their annual Mass in the Chapel. This was an opportunity to recognise our Year 12 students and wish them well on their journey ahead.

Thank you to Ms Sue Walsh for helping organise the Mass and all the parents, siblings and friends who came along to celebrate Mass together.

Red Earth

For many Year 9 and Year 10 students, the first week of Term 3 was spent exploring, discovering and appreciating the Aboriginal culture. 26 students travelled to Far North Queensland and 24 students travelled Northern Territory to immerse themselves in remote Aboriginal communities. Students took the opportunity to sit down with community Elders to hear their stories, learn about their history and hopes for the future, and the challenges associated with ensuring their culture and way of life is passed down to the next generation in an ever-evolving and modern world.

Thank you to Rebecca Gair, Richard Bryant and James Horrocks who lead groups to these remote communities and contributed to such an enjoyable and rewarding experience for our students.

Year 9 Camp

In Week 7 of the term, Year 9 travelled to Camp Somerset to immerse themselves in an outdoor learning experience. The camp was both physically and mentally challenging and required the boys to work together as a team. Thank you to all the teachers who volunteered their time away from their families to attend the camp and help make it such a great success.

Year 10 Dinner Dance

Friday 6 August saw Year 10 students put on their best suits and dust off their dancing shoes for the Year 10 Dinner Dance. The night was a wonderful success with both students and their partners dancing the night away while cruising around Sydney Harbour.

CAS Athletics

2019 was the year of the 90th Annual CAS Athletics Competition. Students from all year groups threw, ran and jumped their way onto the CAS team who competed at the Sydney Olympic Athletics Centre last Thursday night. Congratulations to every boy who competed on the night and a special mention to the following Quinn House students who were apart of the CAS Track and Field Team:

Riley Vidulich, Aaron Dimovitch, Kurt Kress, Xavier Scholfield, Hudson Hatchett, King Manu, Axel Runow, Thomas Stewart, Harry Cox-Nugent, Ryan Harper, Jackson Cunningham, Fritz Jahnke-Tavana and Asolelei Fretton.

Winter Co-Curricular Awards

Term 3 was also an opportunity to recognise those students who performed exceptionally well in their Winter Co-Curricular. Congratulations to the following Quinn students:

2nd XV Best and Fairest: Axel Runow
14A Best and Fairest: Bryn Siltala
Most Outstanding Rugby Referee: Sam Jagoe-Fisher
10A Football Best and Fairest: Billy Deutsch
Year 7 Most Consistent Performance in Debating: Lachlan Miranda
Yr 7/8A AFL Best and Fairest: Sam Stewart
2nds AFL Best and Fairest: Xavier Ruppert
Best Sports Photographer: Joseph Simonella
Junior Judo Best and Fairest: Spencer Chavez

Finally, good luck to all of Year 12 in their upcoming HSC and wishing you and your loved ones an enjoyable and restful break.

From Head of Brennan House, James Horrocks

Each year, the end of Term 3 brings about the end of a significant period in the lives of all our Year 12 students. For some of these students it is a journey that began 8 years ago when they walked through the gates of the Junior School as Year 5 students. No matter the length of the journey in years, the end of their time at Waverley is an emotional experience as they begin to plan for life, studies and work after school. These senior students have had a profound impact on the school and their peers in other grades over the years and their leadership has continued to build upon the work of prior Year 12 cohorts in creating a close and supportive Brennan House environment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Year 12 students for their contribution to the college. On behalf of the entire Waverley College community, I would like to wish you all the best in your HSC Examinations and every success in whatever direction your next journey in life takes you.

Our 2019 Brennan House Year 12 students include:
Mark Andre
Henry Bartlett
Nicholas Buckingham
Daniel Cobbe
Max Curry
William Davison
Marco Emery
Sam Frazer
Luke Fuller
Michael Gatto
Joshua Gleeson
Kyle Goulding
Charley Howell
Mac Jenkins
Alexander Kapos
Sean Kearns
Heath Lawther
Darcy Mullins
Jesse Muscat
Oliver Pether
Alexander Rice
Jack Sonego
Tommy Tyson
Max Weale
Nat Yarrow

In addition to this, I would like to recognise the efforts of the Brennan House Prefects for 2019; Joshua Gleeson, Darcy Mullins, Alexander Kapos, Tommy Tyson, Will Davison and Max Curry. These young men have worked exceptionally hard throughout the last twelve months to lead House activities, spearhead College initiatives, lead Brennan to victory at the Swimming Carnival and set an outstanding example of the younger Brennan members. Their efforts have set the house in very good stead for the years to come and have set a very high benchmark for our future leaders in 2020 and beyond.

In our other year levels, Year 11 completed their final preliminary examinations. These exams marked the end of the Preliminary Course. When these students return in Term 4, they will take over as Brennan’s Year 12 leaders. Good luck to all in your results and I hope your study has paid off for you. This year also saw the most ever applicants for a leadership role in Brennan House for 2020. The quality of candidate this year was exceptional, making it an incredibly tough decision and close race for these positions. I look forward to formally announcing and recognising the successful applicants at the beginning of Term 4 as they commence their leadership roles.

Year 10 had their first school formal experience with the running of the Year 10 Harbour Cruise. This is always a fun event and gives Year 10 a chance to show off their style and fashion sense in a great night on the Harbour. All students were respectful and gracious hosts to their guests for the night and it was a fun night for all.

Year 9 embarked on their annual camp. For many, this is the most rigorous outdoor experience they have ever had, pushing them well out of their comfort zones. As a part of this experience, students were not only challenged by the environment but also in areas such as problem solving and teamwork. Through these camps, students are able to further develop these important skills and continue to be lifelong learners. We also continued the initiative, brought in last year, where all students were able to invite their father/male role model to join them for the final night of camp to share in the experience. This again received fantastic feedback from all involved.

With the conclusion of the Winter Sport Season this term, it was great to see and share in the success of many of our Waverley Teams. In particular, our 1sts AFL team who secured their first-ever Independent Premiership, defeating all CAS and GPS schools to take out the titled. Congratulations also to the 2nds, 3rds and 16A’s Rugby sides on their premierships. No matter the result, the involvement this season has been excellent. The Co-Curricular program of the College offers students the chance to show their skills in areas beyond the classroom. It also offers the chance to learn important lessons about teamwork, sportsmanship, being humble in both victory and defeat, and the value of hard work. Congratulations to all on another great season.

Other achievements of Brennan House members this term included:
Damien and Nicholas Poulos – competing at the Australian Kyokushin Karate Championships. Nicholas placed 1st in the Male Open Division and Damien placed 1st in the Full Contact 14-16 Yrs Middleweight Division.
Sean Govender – Sean competed in the Shotokan Karate International World Titles in the Czech Republic.
Ryan Abbott – Ryan received an Australian Olympic Change-Maker Program Award and also competed as a member of the Australian U17 Basketball team at the Oceania Championships in Noumea. They went through undefeated to win gold and gain entry into the 2020 Asia Cup.
Will Cooley – Will added to his list of incredible achievements in the sailing world by becoming the Youth Sailing World Champion in his Nacra 15 class. Will was also the recipient of an Australian Olympic Change-Maker Program Award.
Charlie Winkelmeier – Charlie was invited to Canberra to meet Prime Minister Scott Morrison and be awarded with the. ‘National Rescue of the Year’. When a sandbar collapsed at North Cronulla, Charlie was part of a team that helped save over 40 people.
Alex Rice – Alex was rewarded for his hard work this Rugby season, gaining selection in the NSW U18 Rugby team.
The following students also received awards at our recent Winter Sports Awards Assembly for their fantastic achievements over the past season; Alex Rice, Sean Kearns, Daniel McSweeny, Sam Connor, Darcy Mullins, Kyle Goulding, Tommy Tyson, Bodhi Reiners, Reid McNamara, Oliver Pether, Will Paterson, Cameron Abbott, Hayden Walker, Oscar Mason and Will Cooley. Congratulations to all of these young men.

In Week 9, the 90th Annual CAS Athletics Championships took place in Homebush. This is always a massive night for the College and the culmination of roughly six weeks of intense training for our Track and Field Team. All members of this team deserve special recognition. This season of sport is a voluntary one and as such, all who take part do so out of a desire to test themselves, compete and represent the college. Their dedication at a time when many others are taking a break from sport is a credit to them all. Well done all.

The Holdsworth Ball took place on 31 August this year and is always the flagship charity event in the Brennan House calendar. Waverley has a strong tradition of working with the Holdsworth Community, a local organisation that supports children and adults living with intellectual disabilities, their families and caregivers throughout Sydney and the Eastern Suburbs. Since the beginning of Term Two, a group of Year 11 students from Waverley and St Clare’s have been meeting to plan the annual ball. This is a significant undertaking for those involved, who are responsible for every aspect of the night; planning the entertainment, seating, decorations, and prizes, as well as cooking and serving a full three-course dinner. In addition to all of this, they are also responsible for raising all of the funds to pay for the night. I would like to thank and congratulate the following students for their hard work in creating such a successful and memorable night for all involved:

Reid McNamara
Kai Moonen-Narita
Lachlan Foley
Jonathan Chen
Declan Punch
Joseph Simonella
Valentius Wirjana
Liam Andrews
Ben Elder
Alexander Woods
Brock Preston
Connor O’Neill
Jasper Anderson
Sam Tsaousis
Luca Paolella
Oliver Blackett
Patrick Smith
Emile Stephenson
Will Cooley

Thanks also goes to the staff who generously gave up their time to help with the preparations for and running of the night:
Rebecca Gair
Tracie Ryan
Sue Walsh
Richard Bryant
Natalie Oates and the Art Department
Garth Aird and the TAS Department
Chris Balkizas and the Music Department
Jaimi Walker, Emma Laurence and the Marketing Department
Thank you also to Mr Graham Leddie for taking the time to attend and show your support on the night.

The Holdsworth Ball is one of the most rewarding activities that you can involve yourself in at Waverley College. The difference that students are able to make in such a worthwhile area of our local community is immense. Each year, the students who put their hands up to organise this event do an incredible job. They are a credit to their school, themselves and their families. Thank you, everyone, for your efforts.

A final word to Year 12. As your high school career comes to a close you should be proud of all that you have achieved during your time here at Waverley. Your final exams are just around the corner and it is important that you finish strong and stay focused on your goals. Make sure you keep your study habits going throughout the holidays and stay in contact with your teachers to get as much guidance as you can in the lead up to the HSC exam period, they are there to help! Also, never underestimate the impact that you have had on those around you throughout your time at Waverley. Even if it was just a hello in the morning, you have impacted countless others over the years. Good luck in your examinations, you have done the hard work and it is almost time to reap the rewards!

Lastly, as always, thank you to all the Brennan House Mentors for your hard work this term. Wishing everyone a happy and restorative holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all in Term Four for a great finish to the year.

From Head of O’Connor House, Matthew Barr

Term 3 was another bustling, busy, yet exciting Term for the O’Connor house, with many returning from the Japan Rugby Tour and the Red Earth and Timor Leste Immersions. Adding to this, there were many significant events to be proud of and many memorable activities and experiences in which O’Connor students actively involved themselves, showing true Waverley and O’Connor spirit. As always there was a big emphasis on study and it has been pleasing to see many boys engaging actively in this area.

Students that had performed well in their Semester One studies and Reports were acknowledged and congratulated early in the Term. Those boys that achieved 1st Prize in their subjects and\or overall were presented at the College’s Academic Assemblies, it is always rewarding to see strong representation from O’Connor amongst the top award winners.

Connecting our Senior students to our Junior students saw House Assemblies held at the Junior Campus this term, enabling a great opportunity to build on our relationships and promote ‘Big Brother/Little Brother’ and also further develop and reinforce our Wellbeing model throughout the College.

O’Connor had strong performances in the House Athletics competition and built on that by coming 2nd in the Senior Basketball Competition. Term 3 saw the conclusion of the Winter sports, Co-curricular and Athletics programs. The following boys were successful in receiving awards in their chosen co-curricular activities:

Marko Dundovic – Winter Tennis Captain
Clem Halaholo – Best & Fairest 16A Rugby
Charlie Tyrel – Year 9 Tennis Champion
Max Leedham – Coaches Award 3rd’s Volleyball
Roman Koteczky – Best theatrical LEAD performance
Eddie Williamson – Most dedicated backstage crew member
Ethan King, Klayton Thorn, Clem Halaholo and Davvy Moale – NSW U16’s Rugby
Luke Harris – Gold Duke of Edinburgh award (plaque)

The Year 10 Dinner Dance was held in Week 7, the boys demonstrated their style and class in both the dress and dance stakes and all involved had a fantastic night. The food, dancing and of course views of the Sydney Harbour all added to the excellent atmosphere and some great lifelong memories were created. We also had Year 9 Camp during Week 7 at Somerset with the boys participating in a range of physical activities that challenged them as individuals and in group scenarios. All staff and camp leaders were very impressed with the boys positive attitudes and commitment throughout the four days. The Term finished up with us farewelling our Year 12 students at the Mass and Graduation Ceremony, a significant event for the boys and parents of this cohort. Particular mention goes to the following O’Connor Graduates on receiving the following awards:

William Durkin – Archbishop’s Award
Grayson Thomas – Marine Studies
Jack Lloyd – Bishop Geoffrey F Mayne Prize for Studies Of Religion I
Connor Pilger – The Br PA Conlon Prize for Economics
Bishop Patrick Dougherty Prize for Studies Of Religion II
Luke Harris – The M O’Halloran Prize for Chemistry,
The Abram Landa Prize for Advanced English,
The Alice & Mildred Thomas Prize for English Extension I,
Mathematics Extension I,
The Judge Thomas Prize for Mathematics Extension II,
Br F S Farrell Prize for Physics and
Br LB Tevlin Memorial Prize for Dux of the College

The daytime events continued into the night with the Year 12 Formal closing out a long week of celebrations and their time at Waverley College. Special thanks is extended to the O’Connor Prefects, Luke Harris, William Durkin, Noah Glasel, Nikita Hatjinikitas, Patrick Kite and Grasyson Thomas; for driving and promoting the direction and the House spirit of our students for the past 12 months I would finally like to take the opportunity to wish our O’Connor students and all Year 12 students the very best for their HSC examinations and beyond. The future holds many great things and this group of boys have been exceptional role models to the younger students in O’Connor House. I hope they can look back on their time at Waverley with fond memories and friendship bonds that last a lifetime.

Term 4 Reminders
A reminder to parents and caregivers to ensure that your son returns with an appropriate haircut. Hair should also not cover the ears, collar or eyebrows.
Term 4 classes resume on Tuesday 15th October.

I hope everyone enjoys their holiday break and returns with renewed energy as we enter the home straight for the 2019 school year.

From Head of Green House, Scott Coleman

Farewell to Green House class of 2019 – Always have strength in unity.

To the class of 2019 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Farewell and thank you, Year 12.

Alexander Bayas
Noah Burgess
Aydin Caltagirone-Pantano
Marco Coleman
Oscar Davis
Thomas Deakin-Bell
Remi Defina-Sperando
Rory Doyle
Jamie Ellis
Rocco Evans
Adam Femia
Mitchell Fitzgerald
Lachlan Gray
Xavier Kelly
Eddie Kranz
Theodore Liong
James Luland
Luke Marshall
Caillan Porter
Gleb Samokhin
Ty Sigsworth
Dylan Smith

As we farewell our Year 12 Green students, I can’t help but look back at the journey they have travelled in their time as Waverley College students. For some, it is a journey that began in 2012 at the junior school, while welcoming many others at the start of year 7 in 2014.

It has been a journey of many triumphs, adversity and success. The men they have become is a testament to the support the students have received from parents, guardians, teachers, friends and multiple other influences in their life. We have been lucky, as a school to be an important part of their story so far, and know they will have success wherever they seek to travel and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

I must make a special mention to all the Green House Mentors that have supported our Year 12 students during their final year. The support the teachers have provided has made the success of each boy possible. It was so touching seeing the Mentors present each of their boys in their groups at our last house assembly.

I would also like to mention all the parents for the education you have provided our Year 12 boys. By choosing Waverley College, the boys have become learners, social justice advocates, sportsmen, debaters, friends, and transitioned to adulthood.

I want to praise all the efforts that every student has provided to Green House and Waverley College in their time at the school. They have each had a positive impact on the school somewhere in their journey and the school is now a better place for having them come through.

Your future is as bright as you want it to be. It can be sad to say goodbye to graduates. However, life must move on and it should, because bigger things await beyond the walls of Waverley. As a house, we wish you all the best with your exams and thank you for your service to Waverley College.

Green House Leadership

Well done to the Year 11 boys who took a ‘responsible risk’ and nominated themselves for a leadership position for 2020. They have written an application, spoken in front of the House and been interviewed. It has been a pleasure being involved in this process with these fine young men and with Green House Mentor Ms Belinda Buchan.

As a result of this extensive process I am proud to announce that our Green House Year 12 leaders are:

Ullhas Day – Green House Captain
Patrick Smith – Green House Prefect
Conor Evans – Green House Prefect.

Thanks to all boys that applied and we wish these boys the best in leading our house for the next 12 months.

We have also been going through the process of appointing our 2019/20 Green House Year 7-10 SRC members. Thanks to all the boys through the years that applied. These leadership positions will be finalised early next term.

Academic Update

Congratulations to the following Green House students that received gold awards this term:

Aiden Pascoe
Maddox Grebert
Ryan Bayas
Sebastien Rayk
Max Court
Kyle McBride
Isaac Coombes

Congratulations to the following boys who completed the Premiers reading challenge this term:

Oscar Bennett
Ethan Ginnane
Jack Kerves
Nathan Leabres

Congratulations to the following students for the exceptional semester 1 reports consisting of nearly perfect A’s for all their subjects.

Ben Stirling
Brad Wilson
Lachlan Muir
Maddox Grebert
Jay Briggs
James Dyson Merwe
Max Court
Finn Harley Whitney
Max Hammond
Jack Kerves
Aiden Pascoe
Charles Thompson-Owens
Will O’Connor
Eden Byrd
Jack Mackenzie
Andrew Di Blasio

Co-Curricular update

This Term saw both the end of the co-curricular winter season and the athletics season.

It was great to see the following boys excel in their sports for the winter season taking part in our firsts teams through the winter season:

AFL – Noah Burgess, Patrick Smith and Tobias Renshaw

Football – Alex Bayas, Andrew Di Blasio and Stephen Katsionis

Volleyball – James Tzavaras

The following Green House Students also received special Winter sports awards:

Tayt Lambley – 2nd IV Best and Fairest 2019

Alex Bayas – Michael Lovell Shield for Contribution To Football 2019

Emilio Vinci – Best & Fairest 9A Football 2019

Elliot Kerr – Best & Fairest 8A Football 2019

Dominic McGrath – U16 Cross Country Champion 2019

AJ Preketes – Best & Fairest 15A Rugby 2019

Jay Briggs РYear 8 РMost Consistent Performance in Debating – 2019

Louis Kitto – 9/10 AFL 2019 Best & Fairest

James Tzavaras – 1sts Volleyball Best and Fairest 2019

Hugo Pizzol – College Choir Award

Andrew Di Blasio – Australian & NSW U18 Football Squad 2019

Luke Marshall – Athletics team co-captain

Congratulations to the following Green House students who were members of the athletics team this year:

Eden Byrd
Ehren Little
James Hession
Asher Thomasyu
Jackson Kelser
Archie Mcinally
Aidan Pascoe
Andrew Zurike
Luca Derbyshire
Dominic McGrath
AJ Preketes
Conor Ryan
Noah Matet
Ullhas Dey
Max Hammond
Luke Marshall
Theodore Lions
Caillan Porter

It is great to see their involvement in such an important part of the co-curricular program. All green students are encouraged to take part in 2020.

Year 10 Dinner Dance

Our Year 10 students engaged in the Year 10 Dinner Dance this term. After a three-course meal the boys spent the night dancing with friends and partners. A joyous celebration as they enter into their senior years of schooling. Thanks must go to all students for the mature and courteous way they took part in the evening despite the difficult weather conditions on the evening.

Year 9 Camp

Congratulations to our Year 9 campers from this term. It was a successful experience for all involved. I would like to thank Jack Wachtel for his support in taking the group. I also wanted to thank the fathers that came out for the father/son component of the camp. Each year we try and build upon the experience from the year before and this is such a valuable experience for our students each year.

Junior School Update

This term our junior school students engaged in a variety of exciting events. Thanks to all boys for actively taking part. We have a very bright future in Green House with the students coming through from our junior school.

The highlight for many was the opening of the junior school classrooms for parents. The whole school was buzzing as our students presented their learning outcomes to their parents and families. It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers attend, it created such a positive atmosphere as students proudly explained what they had learnt.

The 31st Annual Junior School Walkathon was held this term at Centennial Park. The boys trekked 33 kilometres for over three hours raising $46,000 for Edmund Rice Camps, Starlight Foundation, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, Prostate Cancer Foundation, Children’s Leukemia and Cancer Research, Snow Dome and Charlie Teo Brain Cancer. Thank you to the 132 parents who volunteered, we could not have done it without your support!

Congratulations to Sam and Alfie Frain who competed as part of the CIS team, in the PSSA Golf Championships at Blackheath Golf club in the Blue Mountains this term. Alfie finished 4th out of the 80 competitors and has qualified for the NSW team, he is the only year 5 student to do so. Sam also played well but sadly finished just outside the top 8 to make the team.

I also want to thank Stephen Ghattas and Gabrielle Bransby for their support in setting up the farewell cards for our Year 12 students on our last assembly and all their support of our junior green students.

Important Calendar Dates – Term 4

Next Term Green House will be taking part in our annual events as a house for various charities in a variety of ways. We will be running several events next term leading into our final big event of the White Ribbon Day walk.

Have a wonderful and relaxing holiday break.

Head of Tevlin House, John McCallum

Tevlin House has enjoyed a rewarding Term 3 with students enthusiastically engaging in a wide variety of House and College events. All Tevlin boys from Years 5-12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated with the way in which they have further developed relationships and challenged themselves. The end of the term, in particular, has seen some wonderful examples of friendship and leadership from within Tevlin House as boys of all ages say goodbye to the Year 12 students upon their graduation.

Tevlin Year 12 Students Graduating with Honours

Congratulations to all the Class of 2019 for the way you have set, and then effectively worked towards achieving a variety of goals throughout the year. Tevlin has been blessed with a Senior year group that have genuinely cared and embraced their opportunities to take leadership roles within their mentor groups, and these skills developed will serve these boys well as they take on a variety of apprenticeships, occupations, travel and further study. The boys were farewelled on the Centenary building rooftop beside the statue of Mary. Jordan Blazevski and Alistair Jensen gave fantastic personal accounts of the ways in which they embraced and succeeded in the various challenges their Senior years brought them, and these fantastic messages struck a chord with many of the younger boys who may be feeling that succeeding to the end of Year 12 is daunting. Year 5, 6 and 7 boys also gave these seniors farewell cards, which were thoroughly appreciated by the boys.

In particular, I’d like to thank the exemplary leadership of the 6 Tevlin House Prefects, as they have displayed innovation and drive in order to help Waverley’s Wellbeing model continue to be successfully implemented throughout the College. Pedram Biazar, Ethan Vella, Oliver Tamsett, Levi Milford, Angus McPherson and Brad Marzol were all dedicated and excellent role models, and certainly, Harry Whitaker as College Captain was an inspiring leader – and his final speech to the College upon Graduation was marvellously composed. Thank you to these boys, and all our Year 12 students for their leadership and best wishes for your future.

School Involvement and Individual Term 3 Achievements

 Tevlin Year 10 boys had a thoroughly enjoyable Formal Dinner cruise, celebrating great times with their mates and partners, and no shortage of moves cut on the dance floor.

 Year 9 boys also took part in an outdoor education camp at Somerset, with the physical challenges presented overcome by teamwork and perseverance.  These valuable experiences serve as great memories and milestones to take on fresh challenges for their future.

A number of boys have made notable contributions and had some excellent achievements including:

 I wish all boys and their families a great break and look forward to more rewarding experiences next term.

Head of Aungier House, John McCoy

The commencement of Term 3 saw the return of the students and staff involved in the various Immersions which Waverley College offers students. Aungier members Leo Astridge, Conor Carr, Darcy Ferguson, Baxter Seinor, Peter Stamatelatos and Tobias Unsworth attended the Red Earth Immersion, while Ryan von der Heyden, Jack Fingleton and Charlie Jaeger attended the Timor-Leste Immersion. It was fantastic to hear such incredible experiences and lifelong memories which, these students were able to share with their mates in Aungier House.

Aungier students really got behind the Beanies of Brain Cancer Initiative at the start of Term 3. This coincided with the NRL Beanies For Brain Cancer Round (July 25-28). Aungier members, led by Digger Callander and his family, raised extra funds by holding a special BBQ to support the Mark Hughes Foundation. Between the Waterford Campus, Our Senior Campus Campus and Queens Park, Waverley College managed to raise $9,800. This was part of the $3.1 million raised by the Mark Hughes Foundation in fighting against Brain Cancer. A tremendous achievement by all involved.

The academic success stories from Semester One were recognised at the College Academic Assembly. Pleasingly, a number of Aungier students were called to the stage to receive accolades for their commitment to study. This included:

Year 7
Jock Edwards, Simon Frias, Joel Hammerschmidt, Mitchel Ho, Kieran Markwick, Zane Wixstrom, Ricardo Zanapalis

Year 8
Jack Crotty, Jesse Gordon, Luca Holmes, Riley Hassey

Year 9
Toby Davidson, Guy Hammerschmidt, Achilles Zanapalis

Year 10
Darcy Widdowson

Year 11
Jake Burns, Lachlan Miller, Zac Wotherspoon

Year 12
Thomas Jaeger, Til Kathriner, Max Markert, Benjamin Rogers, Peter Tsoukalas

Term 3 marked the conclusion of the Winter Co-Curricular season. A number of Aungier students were rewarded for effort on and off the sporting field. This included:

Luke Newrick – Rugby Prep 2nds Best Back
James Kopsiaftis – Rugby Prep Sevens Most Improved Forward
Louis Aguis – Football Prep 4ths Most Improved Defensive Player
Ben Pignatelli – AFL A Best Attacking Player
Julian Minto – Rugby 10A Best Back
William Anstis – Rugby 10A Most Improved Back
Ben Adams – Football 11Bs Most Improved Player
Cavell Frampton – Football 11Fs Most Attacking Player
Olle WixstromFootball 11Fs Best Defensive Player
Oliver Aboud – Best & Fairest in the 13A Rugby team
Edward Regan – Year 9 Tennis Champion Award
Luke Mazza – 1st XI Football Best Team Man Award
Ricardo Zanapalis – Best & Fairest in the 7A Football
Aiden Rogers – Most Improved Theatrical Lead Performance
Saia Afeaki – Junior Pararoos
Ronald Volkman – NSW U18 Rugby Representative

The Aungier House representatives at Waterford did Aungier proud at both the Blitz Day and the Walkathon which were both held in Term 3. The Aungier/Lacey teams put in a strong effort on Blitz Day in both Rugby and Football. Special thanks to our Aungier Mentors at Waterford in Ms Charlotte Stephens and Mr Anthony Stanton who provide strong guidance to our youngest members.

The Arts & Design Exhibition held during Week 5 was a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their work to the school community. Congratulations to Aungier student, Jet Marsh-Cashman, who received the 2019 Waverley Youth Art Prize for, ‘Best Interpretation of a Theme’.

In Week 7, our Year 9 students set off to camp at the Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre based at the Colo River (North-West Sydney). While this was a challenging activity for many students, it provided a great opportunity for boys to step into a different learning space while connecting with staff and peers. This year, students from Aungier were grouped together to assist in building a brotherhood.

Week 7 also marked the Year 10 Dinner Dance. This was a chance for students to let their hair down and dine with friends and partners in their first formal dining experience. Despite the strong wind on the night, students enjoyed themselves as they cruised around Sydney Harbour. Aungier student James Elfes really did his House proud as one of the best dressed on the night!

As well as having their first formal dining experience, a group of students in Year 10 enjoyed their first taste of life in the workforce. Boys involved in Year 10 Work Education had the opportunity of taking on work experience for a period of one week. Saia Afeaki and Daniel Davis, both Aungier students, walked away from this week with a greater understanding of life at work as well as with a new network of potential employers.

Our Year 11 students completed an important period of assessment at the conclusion of Term 3, as they sat the Preliminary HSC examinations. These exams are crucial as they provide students with an idea of what they should expect moving forward into the HSC courses in Year 12.

The CAS Track & Field Championships were held in Week 9. Waverley College managed to improve to finish in 5th position led by Aungier’s own, Thomas Jaeger, who captained the team. There were plenty of success stories for the Blue and Gold throughout the night. The Zanapalis brothers (Ricardo and Alejandro) put in excellent performances on the night.

The conclusion of Term 3 marked the Graduation Mass and Ceremony for students in Year 12. Aungier House provided a special send off to our most senior students at an entertaining final House Assembly. Each Year 12 student was presented to their House by their Mentors. Many smiles and laughs were shared as we reflected on some interesting memorable moments and advice to younger members of Aungier. We wish the following Aungier Graduates the very best of luck in the HSC examinations and beyond:

Aiden Chew, Gabriel Cuenca, Dylan Davis, Cameron Dawson, Billy Elmes, Oliver Ferguson, Lachlan Forrest, Matthew Gallagher, Eamonn Hassey, Dion Hatziandreou, James Hession, Lathan Hutchinson-Walters, Hugo Ilencik, Thomas Jaeger, Ryan Jones, Til Kathriner, Will Kearney, Max Markert, Luke Mazza, Marco Moretti, Ridley Owens, Connor Phibbs, Benjamin Rogers, Peter Tsoukalas, Luca Winch

Term 3 was a time Aungier House said farewell to some long-serving Mentors and Staff Members at Waverley College. We thank both Mr Frank Mastroianni and Mr George Christodoulou for their dedication and commitment to supporting students in Aungier, particularly in their respective Mentor Groups.

I would like to congratulate all students in Aungier for the continued positive efforts in Term 3. I would like to thank the Aungier Wellbeing Mentors for their fine work in supporting our students.

Have a safe and restful break.

From Head of Lacey House, Damien Thompson

Term 3 is always a hectic time here at Waverley College. Not only are the Year 12 students graduating but winter sport and Track and Field were in their climatic finishes, along with the beginning of summer sports selections. The September holidays are a well-deserved break for students and parents. Congratulations to all Lacey House Legends on what has been a very successful term.

The Year Twelve 2019 Graduation Day Awards were a fantastic occasion to celebrate the success of all our Lacey Graduates. Joseph Lyons was the recipient of the Mathematics Standard Course II. Billy De Luca was the recipient of the Investigating Science and Visual Arts awards and Carter Killigrew was the recipient of the College Vice-Captain award.

Thomas Carey was the recipient of the Reuben F Scarf Award for Involvement. Thomas initiated the World’s Greatest Shave in 2016 and fostered its growth across the senior and junior campuses.  He received the John Lincoln Youth Services Community Award in 2018.

Congratulations to our Gold Award winners Ryland Short (Yr 9), Matthew Brock (Yr 11), Bobby Morris (Yr 9), Finn Stranix (Yr 8), Jacob Fadel (Yr 11), Luke White (Yr 8), Tobias Malzard (Yr 10), Max Valentine (Yr 10), Nic Algie (Yr 11), Ethan Illidge (Yr 10), Cade Lacey (Yr 9) Owen Punch (Yr 9), Alex Elder (Yr 10), Tobias Williamson (Yr 10) and Billy Lyons (Yr 8).

Well done to the Lacey boys who banded together for a Gold Medal performance in the Inter-house Senior 3 on 3 Basketball tournament. Led by Stephen and Eoin Morrisey, the boys had great support from Nathan Papageorgious, Joey Lyons, Daniel Malone and a guest appearance from Jonti Morsehead-Feildel.

Year 9 camp was a great success. The Lacey Boys were fortunate enough to have the Legendary outdoors man, Bear Thompson as their guide and Mentor on this epic trip. Despite the efforts of the guide, the boys managed to band together to overcome hiking, canoeing and cooking experiences that make this experience so worthwhile. A number of Dads managed to come along and spend the Friday evening in darkness with their sons after a power failure and a total fire ban being put in place. A great bonding experience was had by all.

RUOK? Day was our House focus again this year with a moderately successful cake stall raising over $1000 for this worthwhile and significant charity. Our new Prefect group did a great job helping out on the day. Luke White deserves special mention for his tireless efforts on the day. Raising awareness on the role we can play in creating resilience in our young men remains our priority and this occurs in our Wellbeing groups on a daily basis.

As we take a well-deserved break from routine, we can take stock, recharge and look forward to Term 4’s full agenda, including End of Year Exams, Year Ten Camp, Year Twelve Retreat and so much more.

From Head of Geography, Adam Wallington

In Week 9 and 10, students in Year 7 attended a co-curricular Geography and Science Kadoo Tours excursion to La Perouse to better understand Indigenous environmental perspectives.

Students learnt how to use local vegetation to survive, including getting obtaining water from plants and making bread. They discovered how plants could be used to source Vitamin C, relieve stings and bites, as an antiseptic or ward of mosquitos and bugs.

In addition to studying bush tucker and vegetation, students learnt about customary law, totems and applying ‘cool burn’ techniques as a means of sustainably managing the environment.

A special thanks to Grant Hyde and Latoya Ella from Kadoo Tours for accommodating the Year 7 cohort. Overall, it was a great experience witnessing the wonderful outdoor learning taking place in our local community.

From Convener of Track and Field, Kyle Newbury


The 2019 Track and Field season saw a lot of change from previous years. It saw the implementation of Head Coach Jeremy Roff, someone that has been at the top of the Track & Field arena, and represented not only Waverley, but Australia. This brought a strict new training routine, new experienced coaches, new staffing, and a target on Waverlian athletes to stand up, be proud of their school, and compete.

The athletes this year were led by Captain Tom Jaeger, and Vice Captains Oliver Tamsett and Luke Marshall. The team contained twenty Year 12’s who each put in the extra work and commitment to see their final year off as the first year towards reclaiming the CAS Track and Field Championship. The season saw an increase of numbers, with over 140 athletes hitting the track or field in 2019. This year, we’re calling on the talent we found and the talent that is yet to be found to get out there and strive for personal bests in 2020. 

The season and CAS night is always one that shows the determination and spirit of a team, we saw athletes breaking PBs in a host of events, chasing down one extra runner, throwing slightly better, jumping further and higher, all contributing to one shared goal. Improving. 

The U16-Opens age groups showed a whole lot of resilience, pride and fortitude this year, hitting the CAS competition with rejuvenated enthusiasm and energy to proudly represent their school, and as previously mentioned, set a shining example for the younger ages coming through the system.

The U13s-Y15s age groups showed school spirit, skill and a range of talents, to gain 1st and 2nd place results in a host of events. This included Javelin, Discus, Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump, 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay events. With two junior schoolboys (Jack Johnson and Luke Newrick) competing at CAS we already have an advantage in the 2020 season with these boys returning to compete in the U13’s multiple times.

The 2019 squad and CAS team improved it’s 2018 CAS point tally by 8% in a short 12-week campaign, to move from 6th place over the past two seasons, to 5th place. With the future training goals, routine and our incredible junior athletes, we have big goals in sight for the next few years. The squad will be starting up Term 4 and Term 1 training sessions to continue this improvement, building upon the dominant displays shown.

Track and Field itself can sometimes be seen as an individual sport, and at times it certainly is, however, it is vital that we have a team, that pushes each other to new PBs, constantly demanding improvement if we wish to succeed on a CAS result. Out of the 140+ athletes we had around 100 compete on CAS night, and the support of the other 40 spurred them on, knowing that they were accountable for the way they represented and competed for the College.

With the introduction of a new T&F based song, BLUE & GOLD, by Old Boy Skryptcha (Class of 2004), the squad had something new in their pockets, and although it was only introduced 24hours before the carnival, it seemed to have a host of support from the school and the team. It is in introductions and inclusions such as a song for the College, that we intend to shift the culture of Track & Field. A sport that has a rich history at Waverley College, and is vital to the improvement of other co-curricular activities besides it.

A resounding message from Head Coach and Convenor: it is never too late to join, and every athlete we have at the College has the potential to succeed in one discipline or another. So come down, get involved, and look to better yourself. The proof is seen in Nat Yarrow and Ben Rogers of Year 12. In their first season for the College, between them, they represented us in the 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m, also reserving for the 100m and 4x100m relays, both smashing PBs on the night and adding vital points to the team.

Season Standouts included Jack Johnson and Luke Newrick ripping it up in the U13s, despite still being U11 and U12 competitors from the Junior school. Ricardo Zanapalis destroying a U13’s Long Jump record that stood for 36 years. Jackson Kelser throwing 34m in U13s Javelin to come first on CAS Day. Jared Garwood and Zach Straker in the U15s constantly running amazing PBs. James Simpson in the U16s taking one second off his 100m and two seconds off his 200m times during the short six week season. Thomas Jaeger, Captain and Best Team Man 2019, competing in his first and last CAS Carnival, and always shining as a leading example to the squad, coaches and College.

Thank you to all the staff, coaches, athletes and parents, as previously mentioned at the Track & Field Presentation Night, your support is extremely valued and we could not do this job without you. 

If you want to know more about the Waverley Track & Field program, or get involved in 2020, see Mr Newbury in the TAS staffroom, Mr Roff in the Weights & Fitness room, or Director or Co-Curricular Mr O’Donnell in his office.

Waves to Win!

2019 Special Award Winners:


T&F BLUE & GOLD SONG featuring Skryptcha 

Mr Jeremy Roff asked Old Boy, Angus Mead aka Skyrptcha (Class of 2004), to help him write a song for the track and field team to say thank you for all of their efforts of the season. Jeremy previously coached Skyrptcha when he was in the middle distance team.

BLUE & GOLD- Spotify

Key Dates

Year 12 Graduation, Class of 2019

Over the past few weeks, I have been on a Study Tour to Scotland and Rome with 20 other Catholic Principals to meet with schools, universities and religious institutes. I did not want to miss the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the ongoing hard work and dedication of our graduating cohort so I prepared a special message that was shared on the day. If you were unable to make the ceremony, we will be sharing the live video next week and a notification will be sent on SkoolBag app.

Thank you for all for your support of your son during Term 3. It has been a busy and productive term for most boys. We officially farewell our Year 12 students and wish them all the best for their upcoming HSC examinations. I wish all boys a restful and enjoyable spring break and look forward to seeing them return safely in Term 4 on Tuesday, 15 October.


Spring is a metaphor for change.
Some changes we eagerly await,
and some we abhor.
Some changes we plan
and others arrive uninvited.
To all these changes
we ask the gift of Your perspective
beckoning us to expectation, hope, and rebirth.
May the sunlight and the rain be reminders
that You are at work renewing the earth.
As a God of renewal, You are ever at work in our lives, too.
Open our eyes and lives to the needed changes in our lives this Spring.
Awaken us to new life and perspective.
Jesus is our spring, our new life.
May our lives give in abundance.

From Assistant Head of Music, Anne Fahy

The music community is a tight-knit group of staff and students alike, so it was great to set foot back into the PAC this Term after being spread all over the school last Term due to maintenance work in the building.

The following Music events occurred during Term 3:

Studio Concert for the piano students of Mr David Gridale and Mrs Agnes Kren:
Year 7 – Deuchar Dezarnaulds, Jock Edwards, Cambell Porteous, Jack Ryan
Year 9 – Jay Palm
Year 10 – Hayden Wild, Tobias Williamson
AMEB Examination Results:
Oscar Melder – Saxophone – Credit in Grade 1
Robert Muir – Saxophone – Credit in Grade 2
Saem Goffe – Violin – Credit in Grade 1
Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival:
Cliff Goodchild Band – Awarded Silver – David Stanhope Event
Waterford Concert Band – Awarded Silver – Robert McAnally Event
Assumption Mass – College Choir
College Assemblies – Senior Jazz Band and Cliff Goodchild Concert Band

Congratulations to all students and teachers who participated in these events.

HSC Composition Incursion and recording day:
Year 12 music students were privileged to work with Australian composer, Jim Coyle, to complete their core and elective compositions. The compositions were recorded with the assistance of the music staff and outside professional musicians.

Year 11 and 12 Recitals and HSC performance:
Music 1 and 2 students each performed a piece from their preliminary and HSC program for parents and friends. The piano accompaniment was provided by Ms Josephine Allan for a number of the students, while others used outside professional musicians for their ensembles.
The actual HSC practical examination was held three weeks later. The students have spent many hours over the last couple of years practising on their instrument. They were well prepared and performed to the best of their ability on the day.
HSC Music 1: Andrew Badger, Gabriel Cuenca, Max Curry, Dion Hatziandreou, Thomas Jaeger, Samuel Jagoe-Fisher, Roman Koteczky and Serge Martinego
HSC Music 2: Remi Defina-Sperando, Fletcher Duff, Nicholas Lane, Hugh Marshall, Angus McPherson and Oliver Ruse

Many of these students have contributed to music ensembles over their time at the college and we thank them for their dedication and commitment. Best wishes to all these students for the HSC and the years ahead.

Upcoming events for Term 4

From Marketing and Development Manager, Jaimi Walker

As you are aware we are currently in the process of transitioning to our new uniform. All new Year 5 and 7 students will be in the new uniform from 2020 with the remainder of the College in the new uniform from 2021. For families that need to purchase current uniform items to get them through 2020, we have added further discounts to make this more affordable.

Please click on the following links to view the discounted uniform options: Year 5-6 and Year 7-11.

The Uniform Shop is open next Friday 11 October, 9am -12 noon