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From the Head of LOTE, Suzanne Richards

The Spanish program at Waverley is continuing to grow. In our endeavour to further promote language learning, the Languages Department is planning on offering an evening class for parents for the fourth year running!

The evening class will enable us to provide a Spanish taster course to parents who have no prior knowledge of the language and would like to further support their son with their (current or prospective) language studies. It will cover topics such as: personal information, food and drink and interests.

This fun, intensive course will take place in Term Three for the duration of eight weeks commencing on Wednesday 8th May to Wednesday 26 th June from 6.30pm until 8pm.

There is a cost of $50.

We have 24 places available, which will be awarded to the first keen parents to apply. The last few of years have been hugely popular so make sure that you do not miss out!

If you are interested in joining this class or have any questions please email Suzanne Richards at


22 March | Closing date for Year 5 and Year 7 Applications for 2021

27 March | Conlon House Mass 6-8pm. Bring your own plate of food to share

1 April | Year 7-11 Parent teacher-student interviews, Gym 8.30am-6.30pm

3 April | After the Bell Forum, Gym  6pm-8pm

4 April | Year 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Evening, Gym 6-7.30pm

6 April | Year 8 and Cadets depart for Camp and return 12 April

12 April | Last day of term and returning on 30 April


A Prayer for Christchurch  

Many of our students have expressed a strong desire to stand in solidarity with the people of Christchurch amid their unimaginative grief.

This prayer was offered during Wellbeing Time this week….

Let us pray together for our brothers and sisters in New Zealand. We pray for those caught up in the events in Christchurch, New Zealand, for those killed and wounded, and for those who mourn the loss of loved ones.
We pray that people who have become disenfranchised, can find a non-violent way of expressing themselves and can be granted the courage to rise above hate and revenge. Soften their hearts and bring peace to your precious people of New Zealand.
We pray people will embrace diversity, we commit ourselves to playing our part in advocating for justice and peace and to building life-affirming communities, where all may experience a sense of belonging.
We pray for the people of the emergency services as they respond, and for community leaders and faith leaders as they work to heal broken communities.
May the soul of those who have died rest in peace, the injured restored and healed.


Strategic Plan
Please click this LINK  to view the 2019-2023 College Strategic Plan. The plan was constructed from a wide community consultation process throughout 2018 and it is very much owned by the College’s staff. Each College Leadership Team Member (CLT), Head of House, Head of Department and Manager at the College have constructed their 2019 Action Plan including specific initiatives, actions and strategies linking to this plan. The Plan highlights areas that we consider essential for the College’s continual improvement. The crux of the plan focuses upon improving teaching and learning at the College whilst continuing to develop our wellbeing and student formation programs to develop holistically every student. I recommend at least a short viewing of the plan and we look forward to bringing it to fruition with your assistance.


Study Group Launch
This week saw the launch of Study Group where Year 7-10 students are able to access tutoring that focuses on literacy and numeracy. Boys can organise to attend these sessions around their co-curricular commitments to get support with assessments. We will also be providing targeted assistance to Year 11 and 12 students from Term 2 based upon a survey of their needs across subject areas. Thank you to Ms Ashleigh Della-Marta and Mr Michael Couani for running the sessions, Ms Gemma Brown, Ms Ashleigh Della-Marta and Ms Cassie Foster for writing the programs and Mr Stephen O’Donnell for coordinating the program. Thank you also to the College’s Parent Association for funding this wonderful initiative.


Waverley represented at the National Schools Constitutional Convention

Congratulations to Year 11 student Bradley Marzol who this week represented our College at this prestigious national convention. Bradley was one of only 120 students chosen from around Australia to attend the 24th National Schools Constitutional Convention.


Premier’s Reading Challenge

Please see Mr Bill Roberts newsletter article for further information in this edition. For boys in Years 5 – 9 with the aim of encouraging a love of reading and engagement. These years are particularly critical in formulating boys literacy skills that assist them greatly in their senior years. I encourage you to get your son involved.


This last week we have been celebrating National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence and also National Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. EREAs Touchstone of “inclusive community” clearly sets the boundaries for us in addressing these two important causes. There is no place for either as we respect the dignity of each human being no matter what their background, colour, religion or race is.

We also certainly do not try and make someone else’s life more difficult by bullying them. Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm.

It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert).

Single, one-off, incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not bullying, even though they are not acceptable behaviour.

As parents, teachers and carers we can continue to speak with young people about why bullying, violence and racial discrimination are unacceptable, and continue to teach our sons and daughters that, regardless of personal feelings, every person is entitled to have their humanity respected.

We cannot opt out of our collective responsibility to deal with any bullying or racial discrimination that we encounter. We must work together to stamp out aggressive and anti-social behaviour and empower our sons and daughters to stand up against bullying and violence in all its forms.


Ballroom Dancing

As part of our PDHPE program and student wellbeing program, every Year 9 student participated in a short program of Ballroom dancing under instruction from the Joan Carmody Dance Academy. Along with students from St Clare’s School, our students participated in lessons in preparation for an evening of dance on Wednesday evening. I would like to congratulate our Year 9 cohort on their dress, manners and spirit to participate in such a positive way. I received many comments of praise from parents and staff that witnessed the evening. Thank you to the staff that assisted make this evening a success.


Former Headmaster Retires after great service
Last Saturday evening I attended a dinner to thank and congratulate Br Bob Wallace, former Headmaster of Waverley. Bob has been the chair of Australian Schoolboys Rugby since 1992 and retires this year. He has been the driving force to ensure boys have opportunities to perform to the highest levels, tour and learn from other regions of the world. It was a testament to the far-ranging impact that Bob has had with attendance from people from the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Famous past schoolboys such as Wally Lewis and Tony Melrose were also in attendance to acknowledge his work over many years.



Dear Waverley College Community,

On behalf of Apifoou College Ex-students in Australia, I would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Waverley College Community for the donation of sports gear for the APIFOOU COLLEGE APPEAL, TONGA.

As the ongoing process of rebuilding damage classrooms caused by Tropical Cyclone – Gita (February, 2018) for a few more years to come, the students of Apifoou College will make use of these sports gear and enjoy some sport. The sports equipment collected was shipped to Tonga on the 20th February, 2019 in time for the inter-college competition and rugby season. I hope this appeal project is the foundation for a sister relationship between the two


Thanks and regards

Soane Halaholo

(President – Apifoou College Ex-students in Australia


CAS Swimming and Diving

Congratulations to all of our competitors who came a credible 5th and 4th in the CAS Swimming and Diving respectively. There were many personal bests on the night which is all you can ask of any athlete and there were some standout Individual performances that included are worthy of noting:

Stuart Swinburn – Murray Garrety Award for most outstanding CAS Swimmer. Stuart broke three College records on the evening including the Opens 50m Freestyle record that has stood since 2000.

Peter Cassimatis – 2nd in U17 50m and 100m Breaststroke which also included breaking his own College record from earlier in the year

Scott Swinburn – 3rd in U17 100m backstroke as a 14-year-old

Congratulations to Knox (Swimming) and Barker (Diving) on their respective wins in the competition.

From the Convenor of Tennis, Cassandra Attard

By Marko Dundovic, Year 12

The last match of the season for Waverley saw an impressive set of result across the board as Waverley was successful in most year groups.

Waverley’s 1st’s and 2nd’s team recorded another decent performance with the 1sts narrowly losing 5 – 3 and the 2nds drawing 4 sets. Both the 1sts doubles pairings achieved fantastic results, winning 2 – 0. This form was continued in the doubles with Mawson and Marko demolishing their Trinity opponents 6-1, 6-1. Overall Trinity narrowly won 41 games to 36 in the 1st’s and Waverley won 30 games to 28 in the 2nd’s.

The 3rd’s and 4th’s copped another heavy defeat over the weekend, with Waverley going down 4-2 in the 3rd’s and 6-0 in the 4th’s. However, there was a brilliant individual performance from Dylan Smith who edged his opponent 6-2 in his singles. Dylan and doubles partner James Ritchie proved they are a formidable team, smashing their opponents 6-0.

The 10A’s and 10B’s were convincingly beaten by their Trinity opponents, unable to record a single victory. However, this was largely due to the fact there were 3 forfeited matches.  

The 9A’s and 9B’s had some mixed results over the weekend, with some exciting match play from both teams. Trinity proved to be decisive in the 9A’s, dominating Waverley 6 sets to 0. However, in the 9B’s the results were reversed as they dominated Trinity, winning every match. Cuba Kanakis, Jared Atwood, Jimmy Ashbridge and Michael Richmond, all over powered their opponents in their singles and doubles matches, winning 39 g- 25.

The 8A’s and 8B’s finished their season strongly, proving they are ones to watch for the future of Waverley tennis. The 8A’s demolished their opponents 5 – 1. Surprisingly the 8B’s took a rare defeat, losing 18 games to 0.

I would like to congratulate the boys on a successful season in 2018/2019 and best of luck for the winter season. Special mention of all the Year 12’s who played their last matches of tennis on Saturday, especially Matthew Gallagher, Will Durkin and myself who have all been playing since Year 5. Another big thank you must be extended to Steve Day, all the teachers, parents and students who all made the season a special and memorable for all.


From the Director of Identity and Student Formation, Suzanne Walsh

Congratulations to all our Prefects, students and staff for their great efforts last week with the World’s Greatest Shave and our Amazing House Race.

Our head shaving at lunchtime alone raised $1,200 from the junior and senior schools in addition to other funds that students had already donated online. Keep an eye out on Facebook for the full album. 

The Amazing Race saw a wonderful team effort from all Houses under the leadership of our Prefects and Heads of House. The swim, problem-solving and running components saw many students from Years 5-12 involved on the day. The spirit in which all competitors and spectators engaged is to be commended. Quinn were the winners on the day with Conlon a close second.

Thank you to all the staff who also helped make these events possible. It is great to see our Waverley community coming together to help support such worthwhile causes. Next week is Bullying Awareness week don’t forget to wear mufti on Thursday and bring in your $5 for Project Compassion.



On Monday 25th February, Old Boy Charlie Wakim scored 160 in his debut Sheffield Shield innings playing for Tasmania v South Australia at the Adelaide Oval. Charlie played in the College Firsts XI in Year 9, Captaining the side in the 2008/2009 season. He scored 4 hundreds for the first XI and presently holds the school record for the highest score, 238 not out v SAC in term 4 of 2008.

Charlie captained the UNSW First Grade team before moving to Tasmania with the hope to break into First class cricket. He announced his arrival with an outstanding inning that helped Tasmania gain outright points in that game. We wish Charlie well for his future.

St Aloysius’ College v Waverley College ~ CAS 1st XI Cricket 2008/09 played at College Oval, Willoughby on Saturday 8th November 2008. Photo © Clay Cross/SPORTPICS



International Women’s Day

At this week’s assembly, we celebrated International Women’s Day. Students and staff joined us from St Vincent’s College, Brigidine College Randwick, St Clare’s College and Kincoppal School. Our guest speaker was Ms Emma Alberici who is the Chief Economics Correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Ms Albericci was previously the presenter of Lateline, a reporter for 7:30 Report and a reporter and producer with A Current Affair on the 9 network.

Ms Albericci’s speech was very well received and challenged the audience to reflect on the rights of women and to take bigger steps towards building a more equitable world. By embracing gender diversity and equality for all, we are not only doing what is right, but we are increasing the width of skill-sets, intellect, innovation and possibilities under consideration in decision making, which will lead to better outcomes for all.

On behalf of the College, I would like to acknowledge and celebrate all of the efforts that women have played, and play daily, in ensuring our community continues to develop and improve. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters, leaders, teachers and support staff all play an important role in the College and continue to have a positive influence.

Parent Association Cocktail Function

Thank you to all members of the College community who came along to the Parents’ Association Cocktail Function last Saturday evening. It was nice speaking with many parents and hearing about all the positive starts your sons have had in the new academic year. Thank you to Ms Mary Ramsay, Ms Deb Johnson, and the rest of the committee, Ms Emma Lawrence and Ms Jaimi Walker for organising the evening, it was a great success.

Foundation Launch

On behalf of the College and Board Chair Dr Mark Davies, I would like to congratulate Dr Brett Courtenay who has been appointed as the inaugural Chair of the Waverley College Foundation. The Foundation has been created to formalise, encourage and maximise philanthropy at the College. The existing Building Fund, which supports the development of better teaching and learning facilities and the Edmund Rice Bursary Fund, which helps students who would not otherwise be able to attend the College, will both fall under the newly created Foundation.
We are still in the formative stages, and we have work to do in getting the Foundation fully active; however, there are a number of key initiatives already underway including the Sean Barclay Scholarship and the Percy Watson Teaching Excellence Fund.

Firstly, Sean Barclay was an Old Boy, Class of 1992, who passed away suddenly in 2017. His father Bernard Barclay, also an Old Boy, is going to fund a scholarship in Sean’s memory for a boy to start in Year 7, who otherwise would not get the opportunity to come to a school like Waverley. We are humbled and inspired by Bernard’s generosity.

Secondly, a group of Old Boys (the Reunion Committee of 1965/1966) have been championing an initiative called the Percy Watson Fund. Dr P.J.R Watson, known as Percy, taught at Waverley in the 1960s. He was an inspirational teacher and character – so much so that some of the students he taught, who left Waverley College more than 50 years ago, have grouped together in an initiative aimed at supporting teaching excellence at Waverley College in Percy’s honour.

Child Protection

Waverley is one of fifty Edmund Rice Schools across Australia that have been under the governance of Edmund Rice Education Australia since 2007. In terms of commitment to Child Protection, EREA is committed to the creation of positive and robust child protection cultures, ensuring that all children who are a part of the EREA Network are safe and valued members of their school communities.

Child abuse includes sexual offences, grooming, physical violence, serious emotional or psychological harm, serious neglect, and a child’s exposure to family violence.

EREA has zero tolerance for child abuse and regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance. EREA is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations, and to maintaining a child safe culture.

The following principles guide the development and regular review of our work systems, practices, policies and procedures to protect children from abuse:

1. All children have the right to be safe.
2. The welfare and best interests of the child are paramount.
3. The views of the child and a child’s privacy must be respected.
4. Clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children are established in the EREA Child Safety Code of Conduct within the EREA Code of Conduct.
5. The safety of children is dependent upon the existence of a child safe culture.
6. Procedures are in place to screen all staff, Direct Contact Volunteers, Third Party Contractors and External Education Providers who have direct contact with children.
7. Child safety and protection is everyone’s responsibility.
8. Child protection training is mandatory for all workers as required by legislation.
9. Procedures for responding to alleged or suspected incidents of child abuse are simple and accessible.
10. Children from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds have the right to special care and support including those who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
11. Children who have any kind of disability have the right to special care and support.

From the Director of Co-curricular, Steve O’Donnell

As the summer season is coming to a close, At last weeks assembly, I spoke about the importance and benefits of the co-curricular program to their wellbeing.

In a modern society with ever-increasing demands, and the amount of time young people are spending on screens,  being active has become a critical element of holistic development.

Being active not only presents physical benefits such as preventing obesity and other lifestyle-related illnesses, but also facilitates connectedness through our various co-curricular activities that help to address young men’s emotional and mental health. Unfortunately, males in Australia are suffering from increasing levels of anxiety and depression, and exercise and diet are critical choices in prevention and treatment. Social health and relationships they develop with peers and staff are vital to combat some of the issues of today. When successful Old Boys visit the College, they always speak of the camaraderie they had in being with their peers in sport and co-curricular activities.

Waverley College provides excellent opportunities in both summer and winter to develop their health and improve wellbeing. Tomorrow we also have our House Swimming Carnival, and this is followed by the CAS Swimming & Diving Championships at Homebush next Thursday, March 14. Our Swim Squad have been busy preparing, including a successful Christian Brothers Carnival last Saturday with Waverley winning three of the four shields on offer. The CAS Swimming Championships are a compulsory event for Years 8, 10 and 11 as well as Prefects.

Students will be taken by bus to and from Homebush next Thursday departing the College at 3pm and returning by 9pm. We will also be offering a bus that returns to both Maroubra Junction and Hurstville. Dinner for students is included.

Congratulations to the Year 7 Gold Touch Football who won the Easts Schools Touch Football Grand Final on Tuesday.

Congratulations to Lachlan Unsworth and Nikita Nikitenko who were selected this week to play CAS Tennis, as well as Lachlan Forrest and Mr Greg Elliott for their demanding efforts in the CAS First XI Cricket over the weekend. We also had many students complete their Football Referees course on Sunday, and this is an area we certainly want to develop to the same level as our impressive Rugby Referees program. A big thank you to Mr Steve Wilmot for organising this. Well done to the staff and students who attended the Firsts and Seconds Basketball last Friday. Both hard-fought matches with the seconds going down narrowly and the firsts having an impressive win. I also want to congratulate all of our students who competed for a range of clubs at the State Age Surf Lifesaving titles last weekend. And lastly, I want to wish those older students competing at the Opens SLS Championships at both a State and Aussies level over the next few weeks the very best with their preparations. 

On Friday we had 2 teams compete in the NSW All Schools Triathlon. Both teams went well, and the details of each event are below.

The Junior team consisted of: swim, Jack Kerves; cycle, Cillian Treanor and run, Tashi Harrison. The Juniors placed 65th out of 119 in the Junior Boys relay.

The intermediate team consisted of: swim, Liam Davis; cycle, Rylan Short and run, Zachary Tyrell. The intermediates placed 9th out of 110 in the intermediate Boys relay.



I want to thank all students and coaches for their efforts over the whole summer season as well as the tireless support by all parents and families. I want to make special mention of the Year 12 students who will be playing their final round of Summer Sport for the College this week and specifically thank them for their efforts over their time at Waverley.

The combined CAS tennis vs ISA tennis was held at Barker on Tuesday 5th March, and Lachlan Unsworth represented Waverley. The CAS team was the overall winner of the tournament and Lachlan played well on the day, winning three of the four sets. We are proud of Lachlan’s efforts. The second last round of the season saw a dramatic improvement across the board, as many teams won against Cranbrook. Waverley’s firsts and seconds team recorded one of their best victories of the season. The firsts proved too strong for Cranbrook as Waverley won both doubles sets. The thirds and fourths, unfortunately, were not as successful, going down 6 sets to 0. The Cranbrook team proved too strong for Waverley.

The 10a’s and b’s also showed improving signs as they were able to record a strong 4 sets to 2 victory in the 10A’s. Oscar Madden and Massimo Di Napoli both proved too strong for their Cranbrook opponents, winning 6-1 and 6-2 respectively. They further proved they are a force to be reckoned with in the doubles are they downed their opponents 6-1.

The 9A’s and B’s saw a decisive Waverley victory for the first time in a while for both teams. Charley Roberts, Ronnie Roth, Lorenzo Di Napoli and Cuba Kanakis all achieved convincing doubles wins, winning 5-3 and 4-1. This form continued into the doubles as Ronnie Roth demolished his opponent 4- 0, as well as Alex Morris who outclassed his opponent 4-1. The 9B’s were able to achieve their best result of the season so far, as they put on a masterclass performance as every boy recorded a victory. The 8as continued their season-long form demolishing the Cranbrook side 6 sets to 0, with Dominate 6-1 victories from Oliver Sachi and Conor Joyce…

Download the full Tennis Report



The firsts and seconds squads both went to Wahroonga with nothing to lose and the aim of knocking off the best teams in the CAS, record-wise, Knox. The seconds were looking to continue their excellent start to the second half of the season, whereas, the firsts were looking to bounce back from an overtime defeat at the hands of Barker the week earlier. Unfortunately, both sides were defeated, which would later confirm that Knox would win the CAS firsts Premiership outright with three games remaining. The firsts lost 93-41 and the seconds lost 47-25.

The losses to Knox served to motivate both teams heading into the following week’s matchups against St Aloysius. Big performances from Keilan Grace and Ben Walton helped get the seconds to a victory after trailing by six in the opening stages of the game. The end result was a convincing 43-29 points victory for the seconds. Unfortunately, for the firsts, though one of their best efforts all season on the offensive end, it was once again a lack in defensive intensity, which would ultimately let them down and see them suffer a third straight defeat 88-76. Both teams are anxiously waiting to get back on the court this week as they prepare for an explosive Friday night encounter with local rivals Cranbrook, which is shaping up to be a game in which everyone wants to be a part of for both spectators and players alike…

Download the full Basketball Report



There have been some great displays of skills from so many of our teams in the last fortnight, and the level of improvement from our teams in Years 5-9 have been particularly strong. This has been evident with stronger team fielding, including captains and players building more pressure with smarter field placements and more awareness of where the ball is likely to be hit. With one round for Senior School boys and just 2 for Years 5-6, boys are itching to pad-up for a final tilt at some great team performances.

Boys can be inspired in their batting by Old Boy of 2008 Charlie Wakim, who last week made a 160 on his Sheffield Shield Debut at the Adelaide Oval for Tasmania. Charlie has put a decade of hard-work towards taking advantage of his opportunity in Grade Cricket with UNSW and a part of the NSW and Tasmanian Squads.  Charlie captained the Waverley and CAS teams in 2008-09, and his former mentor and legendary Waverley coach Mr Boyd remembers fondly his memorable 238 not out against St Aloysius – still a College record…

Download the full Cricket Report 

WC Cricket Presentation Flyer 2019

From Jaimi Walker, Marketing Manager

Congratulations Bradley Marzol who is among 120 Year 11 and 12 students from around Australia attending the 24th National Schools Constitutional Convention (NSCC).  The event will be held at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, Canberra, from 19 to 21 March. The Convention is supported by all state and territory Ministers and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

The topic for the 2019 Convention is, ‘A new constitutional preamble for Australia?’ This topic will provide students with the opportunity to explore the present Constitution and if a preamble is required. A range of stimulus speakers will discuss the issues with students for them to debate with all delegates.

Outcomes from the Convention will be incorporated into a Communiqué that will be presented to the Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Sue Lines, for tabling in Parliament and recorded in Hansard.

As a national delegate Bradley will travel in a group of 30 students from New South Wales.

Other elements of the program will include a meeting with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, The Hon Tony Smith MP at Parliament House, and a dinner at the High Court of Australia.

From the Deputy Head – Student & Staff Wellbeing, Patrick Brennan

A group of Deputy Principals from schools in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, including Waverley College meet regularly as a team, as we believe that there is enormous value and under-utilised potential in schools collaborating, sharing ideas and resources to support our community.

Our key focus is working together to raise awareness and provide parents with strategies to help them manage risky teenage behaviour.

We believe that it is important for parents to see that our schools stand united, with shared values on social issues.

We have come together to organise an event, hosted by Waverley College for parents on 3 April 2019. The focus is students making good decisions out of school hours.

The link for the trybooking is open now. All funds raised go to Headspace at Bondi Junction.

After the Bell Poster_6_print_A5

From Stephanie Boyce, Academic Enrichment Coordinator

Education Perfect World Series Brain Bee Challenge

‘The Australian Brain Bee Challenge (ABBC) is a competition for high school students in year 10 to learn about the brain and its functions, learn about neuroscience research, find out about careers in neuroscience and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses.’

Round 1 is conducted as an online quiz on Education Perfect – students can then progress through to Round 2 and Round 3 to compete against regional and national students.

Registrations open in March, for more information go to

What Matters Writing Competition

‘Inspired by Gough Whitlam’s commitment to involving young people in the shaping of Australia’s future, the competition is currently open to school students in years 5 to 12 from NSW, VIC, WA, the ACT and Tasmania. Responding to the simple question ‘what matters?’, entrants are free to express their views on any matter they care about.’  Prizes are awarded in 4 different age categories.

Entries are open now and can be submitted until May 10 2019.  For more information go to

Write 4 Fun

Entry is NOW OPEN in the 2019 Schools Writing Competition! Students all over Australia are invited to enter their poems OR short stories, and battle it out for the great cash prizes on offer.

There is no theme and entrants are encouraged to let their imaginations run wild and get their creative juices flowing to write on ANY TOPIC and in ANY STYLE. Students from all grades are welcome to enter – Kindergarten/Preparatory to Grade 12.

Prizes include cash, Rebel Sport gift vouchers, Apple iPads, Xboxes, PS4’s and writing packs.  Entries are now open and close on 31st May 2019. For more information head to

From Convenor of Swimming, Nicola Silsby

On a very wet and windy Saturday evening, Waverley swim team headed to North Sydney pool to compete in the Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival. The rain had been against us all day, however, we were lucky enough to avoid any lightning, so the evening went ahead.

Waverley turned up in full force and was the team to beat from the start. The evening started strongly with us winning 14 out of the first 24 races, coming second in 6 of them. After the first points announcement, we were out in the lead.

The night continued with great performances across all strokes. PB’s were broken and the ribbons were flying in after each race. Lucky for us the rain eased off after the first hour which led to a more enjoyable spectator experience for all the parents who turned up to support the team.

The relay teams stole the night when we came 1st place in each of the Junior and Intermediate relays and 2nd place in the Senior relays, showing just how strong our swim team is and how great they work together.

By the end of the evening Waverley swimmers were exhausted, but to be congratulated as we won the trophy which Mr Leddie presented to the swim captains Stuart Swinburn and Will Davison. We were also presented with the shields for both the Junior and Intermediate age group competition which was a great achievement. Out of the 76 races that took place that night, we took a medal position in 68 of them.

All the boys involved should be congratulated for their outstanding performance. I cannot wait to see what more there is to come at CAS next week.

From the Director of Curriculum, Lynsey Porter

On Tuesday 5th March all Year 7 students, with their parents, attended an information evening with Dr Prue Salter on study skills and self-regulated learning.  Dr Salter shared simple but powerful strategies that can be implemented at home to help students to cope with the academic demands of school and achieve their personal academic best.

Dr Salter shares a monthly study skills tip and the latest one is outlined below:


The start of a year is a good time to reassess the space where you work at home. It is best to work in whatever space has the least amount of distractions. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Natural lighting is best, but if not possible then a good strong bulb in your room and a bright desk lamp is essential. What is the lighting like in your study area?
  2. Fresh air and oxygen to the brain helps keep you mentally alert. What is the ventilation and air quality like in your study area?
  3. Your work space sets the tone for the way you approach your study. Is your desk large enough? What is your working space or desk like?
  4. The chair you use should be comfortable (but not so comfy you fall asleep) and adjustable to reduce strain on your neck and shoulders. What is your chair like?
  5. When you are trying to memorise things, quiet is essential. No music (unless it is certain types of classical like baroque). How effectively can you keep your room quiet?
  6. Storage is essential to help you keep your notes organised and sorted. Shelves, a filing cabinet, drawers. What is the storage like in your room?
  7. It is important to keep your study area uncluttered and organised. A large pin board for notices and a calendar are useful. How organised is your study area?
  8. How many distractions do you have in your room? Computer, phone etc? It is always a good idea to switch off or remove distractions before you start work. If you have to use your laptop make a conscious effort to not use personal technology during times when you are doing schoolwork. How well do you cope with the distractions in your room?

To learn more about setting up an effective work area at home (including the effect the colour of your room has on your ability to study and how to set up your room ergonomically) visit the Home Study Environment unit of

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