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Patrick Brennan, Deputy Head of College

Welcoming a new year

The start of the year has been a truly positive one amongst staff and students. We welcomed our new Year 5 and 7 students last Wednesday, and celebrated the return of the entire student body on Thursday with a wonderful College assembly.

I reminded the boys of the importance of following fair and reasonable requests.  These are linked to their learning and wellbeing. Should a boy wish to speak to me about a classroom incident, I encourage them to sleep on it, and see me the following day if they still think a teacher’s request wasn’t fair and reasonable.

I would also like to thank parents for the way their sons attended school this week. The uniform standard was excellent and so too was their behaviour, grooming and presentation.

Commencement Mass

This Thursday, 7 February,  the Junior and Senior School students, and their parents, gathered in the Centenary Quad for a special Commencement Mass.  Father Bernie Thomas OFM had a touching message for students as they embark on a new year, promoting a holistic approach that balances Spirituality, Academics and Co-curricular activities. A special mention was also made of this years’ Year 12 inspirational theme: “We rise by lifting others”.

Invitation to the cocktail party

All Parents are warmly invited to  Parent Association Welcome Cocktail Party on Saturday, 2 March. Last year over 800 parents got together to renew old acquaintances and meet new parents. As a College community, we use this opportunity to celebrate the start of a new year and welcome new parents to the community. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Updating your contact details

Parents are requested to always keep their contact details up to date by informing the Registrar whenever there is a change. An opportunity for this will be the Mentor Meetings on Tuesday 12 February between 1.30 and 4.00pm. A separate email has been sent out about this.

EREA Student Leadership Conference

During the last week of the summer holidays, Waverley College Captain Harry Whitaker joined over 50 student leaders across Australia and New Zealand’s EREA Associate and Partner schools at the annual Schools Leaders’ Conference. The Conference was hosted by Northern Region schools and was facilitated by the EREA Identity and Liberating Education Team. Some highlights included:

From the Director of Co-Curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell

Welcome back to 2019, and a very special welcome to the new families and students who are joining Waverley College for the first time. The College’s co-curricular program is a vital part of the students’ well-being program. Getting the boys active and off their screens is such an important part of not only their physical, but also their emotional and social health.

Before we dive in, I’d like to acknowledge the dedication and accomplishments of a number of boys and staff who took time out in their holidays to train and work hard across a range of co-curricular areas.

A number of Waverley College Water Polo players competed at the Trans-Tasman tournament at Knox, and, as usual, our players gave a great account of themselves. Many boys trained hard during the holidays, attending football training, cricket clinics and pre-season rugby, which saw a turnout of about 50 students per session. Our Bronze Medallion Surf Lifesavers also continued their great work with Bondi SLSC over the holidays and are really contributing strongly in this area. We also have a number of students and staff who are continuing to work on our 2019 Musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ which will be presented at the start of Term 2.

A big thank you to all staff and supporters for their organisation and commitment to these boys.

It has been a very busy start to the year. Last Saturday we kicked off the formal program with Year 7 trials on Saturday. Well done to the students and staff who were diligent in maintaining our high standard of camaraderie and team work.

We also held our first swim meet of the year with UNSW last Saturday in the College pool. This was a highly successful event, thanks to the Waverley Swim Squad coaches, Mrs Karen Swinburn and Mrs Michelle Finnegan. Their hard work was instrumental in running this wonderful event, and we hope to make it an annual meet.

We are also set to play our first full round of 2019 Summer Co-curricular activities against Barker this week. The CAS and Waverley Codes of Conduct need to be maintained at all times for students, coaches, parents and supporters. All students should be at their venues a minimum of thirty minutes prior to the commencement of a fixture. Students are to be fully attired in the correct gear, even if they are only spectating Please note that any student requesting leave from a weekend commitment requires two weeks written notice where possible.

This weekend we have a number of students competing at the Oz-Tag State Cup and Sydney Branch Surf lifesaving titles. I wish you all the very best!

Some important dates for the diary





Will Cooley has made great progress with his crew, Bec Hancock over the Christmas period, competing in 4 Regattas.

Will and Bec took out 1st Place in all 4 Regattas. The Regattas were incredibly dynamic, challenging and entertaining, with spectators on the edge of their seats as placements shifted between 1st, 2nd and 3rd on a daily basis.

Having won 1st place in both the Nacra 15 Australian Championships for 2019 and Nacra 15 Youth Championships 2019, Will and Bec have successfully been selected to represent Australia in the Youth World Championships in Gdynia, Poland in 2019.

Well done Will and Bec, on behalf of everyone at Waverley College.

Guidelines and policies for laptop use at Waverley College

The IT team deployed over 350 laptops last week. Here is a refresher on some important polices to ensure safe and effective laptop use at Waverley College.


Boys should store important files in Google Drive, not on their desktops. Losing files is not an excuse when an assessment is due.

Battery Charging

Boys should come to school with their laptop fully charged, and manage its battery through the day. Our laptops were specifically chosen for their superior battery life. Charging laptops at school also poses a tripping hazard.

School Use

The College laptop is for educational use only.  It is not intended to be used for gaming or watching video content.

No Stickers

Boys can customise their laptop by putting stickers on its cover, never directly onto the laptop.

Social Media

Students use social media responsibly. They should not communicate with Waverley College staff via social media.

Report Cyber Bullying

Students should take a stand and call out online bullying. Take a screen shot, block the sender, and send the screenshot to the Head of House.


The laptop is covered by a global warranty and can be taken abroad. Curfew times will automatically adjust to the country you are in. Curfews will not be removed when travelling abroad.

Email Etiquette

Students should be respectful in their email correspondence with others. Consult the College Diary for guidelines on appropriate email construction.

LED Screen

The laptops are extremely robust, but the LED screens are the weakest point. Keep objects off your keyboard so you do not trap them and damage the screen.

Transport Security

It is not advisable to use the laptop on the bus or train. The safest place for the laptop when in transit is the schoolbag


If there are any problems or issues that arise, it is crucial to report them to iAssist as soon as possible. The sooner they are reported, the sooner they can be fixed.


Students cannot remove or install any software on their laptops without the permission of iAssist.


UCAT & Undergraduate Pathways into Medicine Information Session

22 March | 6.30pm | Hornsby

Are you currently studying in years 10, 11 or 12?
Are you considering a career in medicine OR dentistry?
If you have answered yes, then you may need to sit a compulsory entry exam known as UCAT (Undergraduate Clinical and Aptitude Test) before you can apply for certain universities!
The National Institute of Education (NIE) is proud to present the free information seminar all about UCAT and the undergraduate pathways into medicine and some other health science programs.

Your Path to Medical School – Sydney Eastern Suburbs

3 March | Sydney Eastern Suburbs

Are you considering studying medicine in Australia? Take the next step to a career as a Doctor!

Book here

Workshops & Courses

A Day in the Life of a Surgeon

9 March | UTS Sydney

MedView’s “A Day in the Life of a Surgeon” will cut through the fat and give you a gross-anatomical view of what it’s like to be a surgeon, and how to excise the relevant information to become one.

Find out more

The New HSC Syllabus Explained & How to Ace It!

11 February | Sydney

With the New HSC Syllabus starting for the HSC 2019, Year 12 students will be the first students to sit this new syllabus for their HSC!

To help you get your head around all the changes + ace your HSC, in this 1.5 hour workshop led by CEO of Art of Smart Education you’ll learn what you need to know about the new HSC syllabus.

Film Short Course

In February and March we have weekend introductory courses in Directing , Screenwriting , Documentary and Producing which will give you insight into key career paths in the screen industry and are open to students 16+. We also have skills-based two-day courses in Premiere Pro , Budgeting and Camera and Sound and Online courses in Radio and Podcasting . Also just scheduled for April is John Collee’s one-day Writing for Hollywood , a great insight for all aspiring feature film writers.

Find out more here 

How to register for the SAT internationally

Test dates for 2019 are coming up in March and May. You can sit it multiple times but you need to register!

Learn how to put your name down for the exam in this comprehensive article 

University of Sydney – Year 10 Subject Selection Guide

To get into some of our courses, you’ll need to choose certain elective subjects in Years 11 and 12. That’s why it’s important for you to start preparing in advance. This guide will help you prepare and provide you with
some key things you should know about studying at uni.

Read Guide

CASPer Test – New Requirement for Teacher Entry in 2019

If you want to study education at uni next year then you’ll possibly need to sit the CASPer test. It’s a test designed to assess traits like professionalism, empathy, communication and ethics. Find out more about it here.

ACU is using CASPer results for 2019

Find out more and take the test here –

Community service as important as ATAR for Year 12s in ANU overhaul

In a new scheme designed to diversify the university’s ranks, school leavers will be asked to meet a minimum threshold of community service and extra-curricular activity such as working part-time, playing sport or volunteering, on top of achieving the right score for their degree.

ANU vice-chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt said students were more than “just a score” and had unique skills on offer from time spent volunteering, working part-time, excelling in sports or performance or participating in student leadership.

You can find out if you meet the tests here


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

There are 3 ways to study at UNSW Canberra (ADFA)

Our students are provided with a unique study experience, access to custom-built facilities and resources, outstanding industry networks, and graduate with a degree from one of the top universities in the world.

Find out more

Five tips to help year 12 students set better goals in the final year of school

A great article for Year 12’s, with useful advice about how to avoid anxiety and perform your best in the year ahead. Read it here.

Read More  

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits. 

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.

Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

My Future – Supporting your Child’s Career Development

Support from family and key people in their life is important in helping young people through the process of thinking about and planning for their career.

As a parent or carer, four areas where you can provide practical support are self-awareness, opportunity awareness, decision making and transition support.

Read more

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here

Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here

Year 7 Academic Awards 2018

Subject Name
Drama Matthew Woods
English Leo Schmid
Geography Jack Crotty
Mathematics Jake Perks
Music Alistair Isaac
PDH&PE Connor Andrews
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Charles Hely-Hammond
Science Leo Schmid
Technology Charles Hely-Hammond
Head of College Award for Sport Billy Lyons
Steve Frangos Memorial Prize for Musicianship Alistair Isaac
Nicholas Farrow Memorial Prize for the Spirit of Year Seven Jay Briggs
3rd in Academic Results Jack Crotty
2nd in Academic Results Leo Schmid
Dux of Year 7 Charles Hely-Hammond


Year 8 Academic Awards 2018

Subject Name
English Carl Waterson
French Felix Gardan
History Kieran Hozack
Mathematics Jared Garwood
PDH&PE Jake Weinstein
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Liam Davis
Science Jake Weinstein
Spanish Conor Cahill
Technology Brandon Reid
Visual Arts Mack Flitcroft
Head of College Award for Sport Dane Towns
Prize for Musicianship Guy Hammerschmidt
Martin Robinson Memorial Award for Service & Integrity Solomon Tuqiri
Equal 3rd in Academic Results Kieran Hozack
Equal 3rd in Academic Results Jared Garwood
2nd in Academic Results Jake Weinstein
Dux of Year 8 Carl Waterson


Year 9 Academic Awards 2018

Subject Name
Applied Philosophy Finn Harley Whitney
Commerce Harjot Mand
Design & Technology Lachlan Muir
Drama Remy Crompton-Lamb
English Hayden Walker
Food Technology Giulian D’Ettorre
Geography Harjot Mand
Industrial Technology Wood Bryn Parry
Information Software Technology Elija Heininger
Stem Harjot Mand
Mathematics Level 3 Lachlan Muir
Mathematics Level 2 Jack Hickey
Mathematics Level 1 Conor Carr
Music James Simpson
Physical & Sport Studies Cooper O’Donnell
PDH&PE Giulian D’Ettorre
Photography Finn Hocking
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Giulian D’Ettorre
Science Leon Palacio
Spanish Alessio Imhoff
Visual Arts Roger Lee
Work Education Saia Afeaki
Head of College Award for Sport Patrick Hoggett
Ned Silva Award for Most Improved Effort in Year Nine Cass Martin-Newbould
Prize for Musicianship Harrison Palmer
3rd in Academic Results Giulian D’Ettorre
2nd in Academic Results Lachlan Muir
Dux of Year 9 Harjot Mand


Year 10 Academic Awards 2018

Subject Name
Applied Philosophy Sam Markert
Commerce Matthew Brock
Computing Studies Lachlan Foley
Design & Technology Valentius Wirjana
Drama Riley Klotz
English Hugh McSweeny
Food Technology Marco Arambasic
French Sebastian Richardson
History Hugh McSweeny
Industrial Technology Wood Jake Torsellini
Industrial Technology Multimedia Daniel Pomes
Mathematics Accelerated Eliot Vincent Hull
Mathematics Level 3 Lachlan Miller
Mathematics Level 2 Aidan Korpar
Mathematics Level 1 Lachlan Cunningham
Music Eliot Vincent Hull
PDH&PE Peter Cassimatis
Photography Hugh McSweeny
Physical & Sport Studies Reid McNamara
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Sebastian Richardson
Spanish Alfie Sewell
Science Benjamin Elder
Stem Dylan Purbrick
Visual Arts Alex Talbot
Work Education Peter Cassimatis
Prize for Musicianship Eliot Vincent Hull
Head of College Award for Sport Reid McNamara
Sydney University Year 10 Academic Excellence Award Hugh McSweeny
Anthony Tarlinton Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievements in Study & College Activities Ryan Abbott
3rd in Academic Results Eliot Vincent Hull
2nd in Academic Results Sebastian Richardson
Dux of Year 10 Hugh McSweeny



Year 11 Major Prizes 2018

Subject Name
Ancient History Benjamin Rogers
Biology Rafael Tabbash
Business Studies Alexander Bayas
Catholic Studies Grayson Thomas
Chemistry Luke Harris
Construction Max D’Agostino
Design & Technology Oscar Davis
Drama Ethan Vella
UNSW Australia Prize for Economics Connor Pilger
English Studies Finn Warren
Arthur & Mollie Burke Memorial Prize for English Advanced Luke Harris
English Standard Peter Tsoukalas
Extension English Marco Emery
Entertainment Equal First Andrew Badger
Entertainment Equal First William Woodward
Engineering Studies James Ritchie
Food Technology Matt Antulov
Hospitality Equal First Andre-Christian Collett
Hospitality Equal First Liam Faulkner-Hogg
Hospitality Equal First Flynn Gordon
Industrial Technology Mats Lea
Investigating Science Connor Phibbs
Legal Studies Bradley Marzol
Marine Studies Grayson Thomas
Mathematics Standard Heath Lawther
Mathematics Advanced George Vouros
Mathematics Accelerated Luke Harris
Mathematics Extension Gleb Samokhin
Modern History Marco Emery
Music Course I Thomas Jaeger
Music Course II Oliver Ruse
PDH&PE Lachlan Manastirovski
Physics Luke Harris
Sport Life & Recreation Luca Winch
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion I Benjamin Rogers
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion II Connor Pilger
Visual Arts Oscar Davis
Ryan Shiels Memorial Prize for Musicianship Remi Defina-Sperando
Greg Carmody Memorial Prize for Best All Round Sportsman Carter Killigrew
Equal 3rd in Academic Results Connor Pilger
Equal 3rd in Academic Results Lachlan Manastirovski
2nd in Academic Results Marco Emery
Dux of Year 11 Luke Harris


Head of College Awards

First name Year
Jonas Dowling 7
Charles Hely-Hammond 7
Alistair Isaac 7
Will O’Connor 7
Max Velkovski 7
Liam Wood 7
Charles Alexander 8
Jimmy Ashbridge 8
Dexter Craddock 8
Daniel Di Paola 8
Axel Jeffriess 8
JJ Lim 8
Oscar Malone 8
Jacob Mulberry 8
Charlie Nowlan 8
Zachary Straker 8
Jake Weinstein 8
Remy Crompton-Lamb 9
Harjot Mand 9
Patrick Nand 9
Elliot Vella 9
Lachlan Cunningham 10
Kai Moonen-Narita 10
Eliot Vincent Hull 10


We have come to the end of our College year and we are looking forward to a rest from schoolwork and the fun that comes with summer – holidays and Christmas.

At this time of year the Church also turns its attention to Christmas – but not yet!

We await the arrival of Jesus Christ. We remember and celebrate his birth in a stable 2000 years ago, but we also await his coming into our lives every day in the words of his gospel, in the Eucharist and through our unity as brothers and sisters.

This once and future arrival (adveniens) of Christ is what we celebrate every year. The season of Advent is a time to prepare.

All our lives are an advent. We await Jesus’s arrival, we prepare the way for the Kingdom of God, and we celebrate the birth of each new day.

United as brothers and sisters and dedicated to serve one another we celebrate the love that lights the world.

Staffing Update

I would like to acknowledge teaching and support staff that have served the College well over a number years and who are leaving our community at the end of this year. We wish them the very best in their respective endeavours.

Ms Karen Russell (22 years) – Learning Support Teacher Aid

Mr Mark Claridge (21 years) – Primary Teacher

Mr David Reidy (20 years) – IT Teacher

Mr Phil Davis (18 years) – Director of Mission & Religious Education Teacher

Mr Elan Laishevsky (16 years) – Security Officer

Mr David New (13 years) – English Teacher

Mr Tony Moore (10 years) – Director of Personnel Services and Visual Arts and Religious Education Teacher

Mr John Kara (8 Years) – Events and Logistics Manager

Mr Peter Langdale (8 years) – Geography Teacher

Ms Morag Tunks (7 years) – Junior School Teacher Librarian

Ms Cassie Perry (5 years) – TAS Teacher

Ms Stephanie Floyd (4 years) – Assistant Director of Co-curricular and Mathematics teacher

Ms Karen Jones (3 years) – Religious Education Teacher

Ms Marlee Batterham (3 years) – English Teacher

Ms Georgie Jeffries (2 years) – French Teacher

Ms Alice Walker (2 years) – History Teacher

Mr Matthew Porter (2 years) – Director of Student Wellbeing and PDHPE teacher

Ms Jacinta Scarf (2 years) – Learning Support Teacher Aid

Ms Suzannah Pinter (2 Years) – Music Teacher

Mr Sam Rowlings – (casual) – PDHPE Teacher

Ms Bridie Hawley – (casual) – Science Teacher


We wish the following all the best as they take leave in 2019:

Mr Bruce Dominish (Term 1 2019)

Ms Geraldine Cullen (2019)

Ms Katia Iturrieta (2019)


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank staff that have been acting in positions of responsibility:

Mr Matt Ryan – Acting Assistant Director of Junior School

Mr Ben Medley – Acting Assistant Director of Co-curricular (JS)

Ms Gemma Brown – Acting Assistant Head of Science


Congratulations to all award winners at presentation day and thank you to staff and students who made these events successful and an impressive snapshot of the year.

I would like to acknowledge all staff, parents and boys on a great year.

I hope you have a holy, restful and safe family Christmas and I look forward to working with you in 2019.


Aungier commenced the final term of 2018 with the announcement of our new student leaders. Aungier student, Thomas Jaeger, was given the honour of being named as College Vice Captain. Gabriel Cuenca, Matthew Gallagher, Connor Phibbs and Dion Hatziandreou were elected by Aungier as House Prefects to lead our community into the new year. We look forward to tracking the fresh initiatives which these new leaders will introduce.

Our Year 11 students had the opportunity to attend the annual Year 12 (2019) Retreat at Benedict XVI Retreat Centre, Grose Vale. The three-day experience is specifically called a “Retreat” and not a camp as there is an emphasis on ensuring the group takes a step back to regroup, before moving into a very important final year of study. Aungier students were able to engage in this most worthwhile experience, gaining skills to help get through some of the stress which the next 12 months may bring with it.

(Year 11 students involved in the famous “Shoe Game” during the Senior Retreat)

A large group of Year 6 students attended the Year 7 (2019) Orientation Day. This is a wonderful initiative which allows those students entering high school at Waverley to get comfortable with the Our Lady’s Mount campus. The House Prefects as well as a number of key staff members helped these students begin their transition to high school. Students enjoyed time in the technology classrooms of the Cosgrove Centre making cookies and looking at senior projects, learning from Mrs Cullen about the strong social justice program that our school values so much, and hearing from our fantastic Wellbeing Team who ran some positive bonding activities. Students finished the day with a refreshing swim in the pool.

Our Year 5 students continued to build relationships with their “Big Brothers” in Year 10. The session held at Waverley Park provided a number of laughs for all the students involved – both young and older. Aungier students took part in the “Name Game” as well as the “Hula Hoop Pass”. Furthermore, the “Pillar Game” ended the session with plenty of thrills and spills. An enjoyable experience for all.

(Aungier’s Year 5 & Year 10 students take on the “Hula Hoop Pass” challenge against Brennan House)


Term 4 is an important period, academically, for all students at Waverley College. Year 12 students commence HSC assessment tasks and the Years 5-10 groups are all required to sit the Yearly Examinations. Pleasingly, the wonderful preparation paid off for a number of Aungier students who gained academic awards. Congratulations to the following students: Year 7 – Jack Crotty; Year 8 – Daniel Di Paola, Felix Gardan, Guy Hammerschmidt; Year 9 – Saia Afeaki, Conor Carr, Finn Hocking, Harrison Palmer; Year 10 – Peter Cassimatis, Sam Markert, Lachlan Miller; Year 11 – Thomas Jaeger, Connor Phibbs, Benjamin Rogers, Peter Tsoukalas and Luca Winch.

Year 10 finished up the year on a positive note with their involvement at Somerset Camp. The extremely challenging six-day camp was both a mental and physical test for all students. Some of the groups managed to trek nearly 100km throughout the week, while other groups paddled nearly 30km. After early doubts, the rewards felt by students as a result of getting through such a tough experience will undoubtedly build resilience in each individual that attended. A reward in itself.

(Aungier & Lacey House students celebrate the end of the Year 10 camp)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students in Aungier House for all their efforts in 2018. In observing the Aungier locker area in the afternoons, it is clear to see that the Aungier students are coming closer together as the wellbeing structures build momentum. Hearing stories of Year 8 students giving important advice to Year 7 students, to watching Year 11 students helping Year 9 students with assignments and organisation – all showed elements of a community coming closer together to support each other.

Special mention must go to our Aungier House Mentors, who did a great job caring and supporting students. Thanks to Mrs Elizabeth Watson, Ms Alice Walker, Ms Nohara Binyamin, Mrs Vanessa Purnell, Ms Nicola Silsby, Ms Emma Halpin, Mr Anthony Stanton, Mr Mark Claridge, Mr Stephen Wilmot, Mr Garth Aird, Mr James Spargo, Mr Frank Mastroianni, Mr Martin Barrett and Mr George Christodoulou.

2018 will go down as a year of growth where Aungier students are really starting to find their identity. It is a year which our House has continued to build on our foundations. I look forward to carrying the momentum into 2019!

I hope all members of the Waverley College Community have a safe and relaxing holiday break. I look forward to seeing you again in 2019.


Term Four has been a great way to finish of the year for the “Wolf Pack”.  All members of the house have thrown themselves into every opportunity from academics, to sports, to the creative arts.

Year 12 – 2019:

As is the case each year, Term Four saw the handover of student leadership to the Class of 2019.  In the short time that they have taken on the role of student leaders, our new Year 12 cohort have already shown themselves to be proactive and positive role-models to the other year groups.  I would like to congratulate our new College Prefects on their appointments for 2019:

These young men have demonstrated excellent qualities of leadership and have transitioned into their new roles smoothly, displaying enthusiasm and maturity in their approach to their responsibilities.  I am looking forward to working with these gentlemen next year.  This year we had a large number of great candidates applying for these roles and I encourage any students who missed out to keep working hard and showing leadership in the lead up to mid year prefect positions next year.

Another part of the transition into Year 12 involved undertaking the Retreat program.  Brennan House departed visited Toukley for 2 nights and undertook a program of self-development and reflection.  It is a privilege to be a part of this, to see the mature way the students approached the program and the incredible personal and spiritual growth in all of the students in such a short period of time. The way in which each student engaged with the retreat was overwhelmingly positive.

Junior School:

After a fantastic fundraising effort from our Year 5 and 6 Brennan students last term for the Holdsworth Ball, the Junior School members of Brennan House were treated to a pizza lunch as a thank you for their generous donations.  Thank you for your enthusiasm and hard work in raising money for such an important event!

Year 7 Orientation Day:

Year 7 2019 Orientation Day was another major event of Term 4 this year.  The day was a great chance for our Junior School members to welcome those boys who will be joining us from other schools for Year 7 in 2019.  Over the duration of the day students were given an introduction to a wide range of aspects of life in the Senior School including Design and Technology, Social Justice, Sport and Swimming Trials.  It was fantastic to see all boys mixing well and enjoying themselves throughout the day, already creating good relationships for the commencement of 2019.  Credit also goes to our five House Prefects who were excellent throughout the day and provided a kind, welcoming and caring face for the future Year 7 students to look for and guide them in their transition.  Thank you also to all of the Junior School staff, who assisted on the day and helped make everything run so smoothly.  All feedback from the day was highly positive and I look forward to greeting this eager group of students again at the start of 2019.

Year 10 Camp and Reflection Days:

Year 10 students embarked on their outward bound Camp to Somerset in Week 7, an annual event that is always listed as a major highlight in the school life of many Waverley College students upon graduation.  This camp serves as a perfect opportunity for students to be placed in an environment that allows them to test themselves and develop important life skills such as perseverance and teamwork.  Reports from the camp stated that the Brennan camp group was one of the most enthusiastic and positive of all groups throughout the camp, with students and group leaders alike raving about their experiences.

Following their camp, Year 10 took part in two reflection days which saw them involved in a range of activities and seminars to get them thinking about the mark they want to leave on the world and who they want to be as they grow into young men.  They were lucky enough to hear from a number of inspirational speakers with backgrounds in spirituality, dealing with homelessness and Holocaust survivors who gave students with a lot to think about and reflect upon over their Christmas holidays.

Summer Sport:

Term Four also saw the beginning of the Summer Sport season.  Teams have already been training incredibly hard and it has been good to see many of them reaping the rewards of their hard work. Congratulations also to all students who have been rewarded with selection into 1sts squads and who have taken on very important captaincy and leadership roles within their respective teams.  The Summer Sport Captains from Brennan House include:

The number of new faces taking on leadership roles each season is very encouraging.  I look forward to seeing the excellent results continue in Term 1 2019.

Also within the sporting field, two Brennan members have been making a huge impact on the world stage in their respective sports.  Will Cooley journeyed to Argentina to represent Australia as part of the Sailing team at the Youth Olympics.  Will has been an incredibly dedicated athlete in the lead up to this event, undertaking an intense training regime throughout the year.  As a house it was very exciting to follow his progress in Argentina and see all the hard work he has put in pay off, in what was a very hotly contested field of talented young sailors.  Will’s efforts were also recognised this term by the Southern Courier, who awarded him “Junior Sports Star of the Year” for 2018, a great achievement.  Another dedicated young Brennan athlete who has experienced great success this year has been Mac Jenkins.  Mac was selected as captain in both the NSW and Australian Under 17’s Cricket teams.  As part of this he also received an invitation to train with the Indian Men’s Cricket Team when they arrived in Australia this term.  We will be keeping a close eye on the progress of both Will and Mac in the years to come!

Academic Award Winners:

The level of academic achievement this year has also been excellent.  What has been most encouraging has been witnessing boys work hard to improve on results of prior years and striving to reach their academic potential. The effort and focus that many students have put in to their studies has been excellent and has set a strong foundation for them all to develop upon in 2019 and beyond.  Special congratulations goes to Cass Martin-Newbold and Ryan Abbott who have received the Year 9 and Year 10 Awards respectively.  These Brennan students have exemplified what can be achieved with hard work, a desire to improve and an organised approach to their studies.  I look forward to celebrating even more academic successes in 2019.

Thank you:

As the year comes to a close it would be remiss of me not to thank the people who have worked so hard throughout the year to support every student within Brennan House.  We are very lucky to have such a dedicated and caring team of mentors who go above and beyond every day to make sure that the boys get as much as possible out of our Wellbeing Program.  The mentor team for this year has been:

They have all been exceptional in their care and guidance of their Wellbeing Groups and I look forward to working with them again in 2019.

Congratulations goes to Mrs Porter who has been appointed as Director of Curriculum, commencing in 2019.  Mrs Porter’s experience, professionalism, dedication and knowledge will be even more of an asset to the college in her new role.

We are also sad at the news that Ms Perry will be leaving us at the end of the year.  She is moving to Cairns for a new adventure and we wish her all the best for what will be an exciting new experience.  Brennan House is very thankful for the amazing work she has done and care she has taken with the boys throughout her time at the college.

Christmas Wishes:

In the last two weeks of classes, students and mentors in each Wellbeing Group let their creativity shine by filming short Christmas messages for the rest of the house.  These messages were put together into a short video that was played in our final house assembly to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Hopefully this will be the start of a new Christmas tradition within the house.

The Christmas/New Year period is a great chance to spend time with friends and family that you may not always get to see during term time, travel, relax and come back restored and excited for the new academic year.  Make sure you take the chance to show your appreciation to your friends and family for the year gone and spread the spirit of the Christmas season.  Reflect on and be proud of what you have achieved over the last year, then take the time to look towards 2019 and plan how to make it your most successful one yet.

Finally, a challenge that I like to set for every member of Brennan House at the end of each year: “Do something good for someone else without being asked”.  If you see a need in your community, family, friendship circle or any other area of your life, do your best to fill that need.  Christmas is the season of giving and the chance to spread some happiness and joy to those around you.

Merry Christmas to the entire Waverley College community.  I hope that each of you enjoy a holy Christmas with your family and a restorative New Year period.  I look forward to seeing you all in 2019 for another great year in Brennan House.


It has been another busy and productive term for the young men of Conlon House. We have seen the induction of our four new House Prefects and one College Vice Captain. For the very  first time, Conlon, by enthusiastic participation, team-work and pure commitment won the Inter-House competition. Years 5 and 10 boys experienced time together at their annual camps and Year 12 students spent three days together on retreat. Year 6 spent a full Orientation day at Our Lady’s Mount campus, and Years 7 to 10 completed their final exams and assessments. There was again a significant number of Conlon boys receiving Gold awards throughout the term, and a number of boys received an Academic Award at the end of Year presentations. Sadly, at the end of term we also said good-bye to three dedicated Conlon mentors, Mr Phil Davis, Mr David Reidy and Mrs Karen Jones.

Presentation of College Leaders and Prefects

During Week One of term a special assembly with families present was held to announce and present the new College leaders. Oliver Ruse – Vice Captain, Ryan Smith (Community), Hugh Marshall (Spirituality), Max Johnson (Wellbeing) and Lachlan Manastirovski (Academic). They were presented with their badges by a family member in front of the whole College.  I was reminded of how meaningful these occasions can be for the boys and their families when I received the following email  “ My Son’s Grandfather and Uncles are all Old Boys of the school (all members of Conlon) and today his Grandfather who is 82 years of age, had the privilege of pinning his Prefect badges on him.   I can’t tell you how proud his Grandfather was of his grandson and of having this opportunity.   What a special moment it was and I know they will both cherish.  This is such a great experience for the parent, grandparent, carer etc and I hope this tradition continues for years. “

The boys have already demonstrated their maturity, commitment and strong leadership qualities by organising and running the House assemblies. They are setting a high standard for all members of Conlon House. The Prefects also assisted during the Orientation Day for the twenty-six Year 6 boys who will be in Conlon House next year.

Year 12 Retreat

In Week 3, Conlon and Tevlin House spent three (very hot!) days on Retreat at Winmalee Christian Centre in the lower Blue Mountains. The three day Retreat gives the boys an opportunity to explore their spirituality, reflect on where they have been and where they want to go. It is also an opportunity to get to know each other better. Both the Conlon and Tevlin boys were a credit to themselves and their families. Their mature behaviour, generosity and willingness to engage and  contribute to group discussions and activities made for a very successful and enjoyable Retreat. Thank-you to Mr Phil Davis (Retreat facilitator), Mrs Mary Ryan, Mrs Sherri Falkinder, Ms Kaitlyn Downey, Mr Paul Cornish and Mr David Reidy for their attendance.

(Year 12 Retreat)

Year 10 Camp and Reflection Days

Early Sunday morning at the beginning of  Week 7, the Year 10 cohort boarded buses for their five day ‘outward bound’ camp at Somerset, located alongside the beautiful Colo River. The camp provides the boys with an opportunity to not only be challenged by a fairly tough program of physical activities, but , also get to know each other better, encourage and support each other during those challenging activities, work together to set up camp each night, share the cooking and cleaning, tell stories (tall and true) and play games around the campfire each night. Activities for the Conlon boys included a one-and-a-half day expedition carrying their packs, a full day canoeing expedition, abseiling, rock climbing, archery and obstacle course. To add to the challenge, early Tuesday morning and throughout Wednesday the area was inundated with extremely heavy rainfall, and despite getting and staying very wet for the day – the boys took this all in their stride and ‘got on with it’. Thank-you to Mr Paul Cornish, Ms Kaitlyn Downey, Mr Richard Bryant and Mr Nick Brophey for attending the camp (and enduring the same conditions and challenges as the boys.)

On the last two school days of term all Year 10 boys attended Reflection days. The theme of the two days is Gospel values and Social Justice. The boys have the opportunity to reflect on their own attitudes and values as well as sharing in the experiences, attitudes and values of others.

(Conlon Group – Year 10 Last Day of Camp)

Years 5 & 6

It has been an extremely busy term for the Conlon boys in the Junior School. For Year 6, the final few weeks have been a time to reflect on their rewarding experiences in their last days of Primary School. Conlon House has been gallantly led in the Junior School by Captain, Mathew Frost and Vice-Captain, Hunter Eldridge. These two young men are to be congratulated for their reliability and enthusiastic leadership over the past year. As the boys approach their Graduation Day they are truly grateful for the great times they have shared. Some of the highlights this term have been the Year 7 Orientation Day, the final rounds of Summer Sport and the Luna Park Excursion.

One of the most exciting events for the Junior School is the Walkathon. Conlon Well-Being Mentor, Mr Gill, is the organiser of the Walkathon. He has been impressed by the generosity displayed by all boys in their efforts to raise funds for nine charities. The following Conlon boys raised impressive amounts: Marcus Marin – $900, Ben Stahle – $490 and Archie Perkin- $405.

The Year 5 Conlon boys have also enjoyed an exciting term. Their camp to Vision Valley was certainly the highlight where they enjoyed three days of exciting outdoor activities. The ‘Big Brother Program was also a great success. They Year 5 boys were given the opportunity to connect with their Year 10 buddy in Conlon House. These connections are valuable in building support and unity within the House. The boys all loved the Scavenger Hunt and Tug-O-War.

Many Year 5 boys have displayed their interest in stepping up as Conlon leaders for next year. We look forward to announcing the new positions at the start of 2019.


Congratulations to the following boys who were acknowledged at the Summer Co-curricular assembly;

End of Year Award Winners

Congratulations to all the Conlon boys who have received a Gold Award this term.  Congratulations to the following Semester Two award winners who were all presented with their awards at the end of year presentations;


At the end of this term we sadly say good-bye to four Conlon students; Felix Ranson -O’Byrne (Yr 8) who will be moving to a school in Queensland, Roger Lee (Yr 9), Clayton Bakels (Yr 10) attending TAFE and Monty Parsons (Yr 10) attending a Senior College. I wish all the boys the very best in their future endeavours.

It is also with great sadness that we say farewell to three of our Conlon Mentors; Mr Phil Davis (CO 01), Mrs Karen Jones (CO 04) and Mr David Reidy (CO 08). Mr Davis, Mrs Jones and Mr Reidy have all being incredible mentors to the boys in their Wellbeing groups. Mr Davis for his quite and considerate manner, and his genuine interest in the lives of his students; Mrs Jones for her calm and patience, and generosity with giving her time to all her students, as well as sharing her delicious home baked treats; Mr Reidy for sharing his knowledge and wisdom on almost any matter, as well as his quirky sense of humour. I would personally like to thank them for all the assistance they have given me. They will missed by not only Conlon House but also the wider College community.

Thank-you to all Conlon mentors for their continued care and support of your sons;  Ms Jennifer Hoare, Mr Anthony Gill, Mr Phil Davis, Mr Nick Brophy, Mr Paul Cornish, Mrs Karen Jones, Mrs Mary Ryan, Mrs Prue Fitzsimmons, Ms Kaitlyn Downey, Mrs Sherri Falkinder, Mr David  Reidy, Mr Bruce Dominish, Mr Richard Bryant and Mr Chris Blienkinsopp.

Thank-you also to Ms Gemma Brown who was Acting Head of Conlon during Week 7 whilst I was away at the Year 10 camp.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank-you all for your continuing support throughout the year. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2019. I sincerely wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas and New-Year.



Lacey House is committed to improving the connection between the Mentors and students, Senior boys and Junior boys and all boys and the Head of House. The focus on each boy being known within each group has led to improvements in Mentor group meetings with conversation being the key ingredient in improving the mix. Seniors leading the Wellbeing activities is now mandatory on a Wednesday with many boys grabbing hold of this initiative and stepping up to the challenge.

Fourth Term has been packed with activities with the Year Twelve Retreat and the Year Ten Camp being the major offsite adventures. The Retreat was a reflective and intense experience with our Lacey boys taking the opportunity to step back from their lives to dream about what is to come. The major themes included their own life map, experiences of hurt and healing, the possibilities of their own lives and the purpose and meaning of their lives. The role that family plays in each one of these areas was explored with each of the boys having the opportunity to express their thoughts in small group conversations.

The Year Ten Camp was exhausting, exhilarating and exciting. I joined the lads for the 14km hike straight up a mountain. I felt very old for the first time in my life as I struggled to keep up. My thanks go to Daniel Pomes and Alex Woods for occasionally checking that I was still alive as I trailed from behind. Every time I caught up, the boys took off again as they had already had a long rest. It was great to finish each day and enjoy the gourmet cuisine prepared by the boys.

Year Ten also had more opportunities to be the Big Brother to the Year Five Lacey boys and they threw themselves into connecting and joining in the activities at Waterford Campus. A combined portrait of each boy(Yr 10 & Yr 5) produced some interesting combinations. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly these boys grow and the physical difference between the younger and older boys. The dividends of these meetings will pay off as the entire House begins to bond over Yr Twelve to Year Five in the next few years.

The exams have come and gone and each boy should take the opportunity to reflect on how they prepared, revised and applied themselves in each class. In Lacey, we are very proud that we value each boy and their ability to perform to their own capability. Where further support is needed, the partnership between parents, House and the learning support team can seek to provide a better pathway to success.

The new Prefect Leadership team has quickly built on the solid foundations of the previous year’s team to establish mental health and connectedness between the boys as top priorities for each House meeting. Our own morning wellbeing time has focused on delivering positive messages on kindness, inclusiveness and action plans designed to improve each boy’s wellbeing. Specific information on sleep patterns, diet and exercise have been well received by the boys. Some groups have taken the quick, intense physical start to each day to heart and planks and pushups are often part of the morning welcome.

As I walk among the various Mentor groups each morning I am struck by the growing bonds that are developing between boys across the year groups and between the Mentors and the boys. The Mentors have continued to provide the first port of call for many boys and parents and their support and encouragement of the wellbeing program has resulted in a number of important initiatives for Lacey House. Next year’s weekly program will involve the Monday convo, the Tuesday Wellbeing activity, the Wednesday Student led experience, Thursday interest activity and the Friday paired advice and wrap up time.  We hope that this routine will drive the continuity and familiarity of each day . Our boys will feel very comfortable about speaking and directing others by the time they finish school as they will have practiced this every day.


Term Four kicked off with the newly appointed House Prefects Luke Harris, William Durkin, Noah Glasel, and Nakita Hatjinikitas taking over the reins. Straight away the boys picked up from where the previous leadership team had left and displayed great enthusiasm and innovation in their new roles. I look forward to working further with them and developing more house initiatives next year.

There was a number of students selected in 1st Teams for the Summer Co Curricular activities and making great contribution to their teams early in the season.

These include:

1st XI Cricket-  Harry Schultz and Brock Preston

1st IV Tennis- Marko Dudovic (Captain of Tennis)

1st XI  Waterpolo- Noah Glasel

O’Connor House finished 2nd overall in the 2018 House Competition tally. I applaud the students for rising to my challenge at the start of the year to get more involved. This was a sign of the outstanding House Spirit and Culture we have developed over the past two years. The goal for next year is to go one better !!!!!

Year 10 successfully completed their outdoor education experience at Somerset camping grounds. The theme for the camp was ‘Stepping up, Stepping out’ and it was overwhelming to see the cohort take this on board with each activity. Students managed to step up into leadership and step out of their comfort zone, lessons we hope for the cohort to take into their senior years.  Year 10 finished the year with 2 Reflection Days which consisted of activities from WALK4ONE, Sydney Jewish Museum and various guest speakers at the College. Congratulations must go to year 10 students for the mature and focused way they approached the reflection days. It was a great way to end the year for this cohort who continue to show their exceptional potential as our college leaders for the future years.

The Year 12 students attended Retreat at St Benedict’s, Gross Vale with Aungier House. The boys were very fortunate as the venues facilities and accommodation was 1st class. It was a great opportunity for the students to take stock, reflect on the various aspects of life and help formulate goals and plans moving forward into their HSC year.

The Junior School students also had a busy term that included the Year 5 Camp to Vision Valley, Walkathon for various charities, Music Festival, Big Brother and Little Brother programs, Year 7 Orientation Day and the Year 6 Graduation.

Congratulations to the following students from O’Connor that received a 1st Prize Award for a subject or a Major Award at the Presentation Day, well done on a great Semester.

Jake Perks

Liam Davis

Mack Flitcroft

Solomon Tuqiri

Bryn Parry

Sebastian Richardson

Luke Harris

Connor Pilger

Grayson Thomas


A massive thanks to all House mentors from the Junior and Senior School for their support, care and encouragement of the students throughout the term. The boys are very fortunate to have such quality individuals looking after their wellbeing and development as young men. A special mention to Mr David New who after 13 years is leaving and relocating to Perth. Best of luck to you and your family on the new journey.

I would finally like to thank everyone in O’Connor House for their hard work and efforts this year and wish you all a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break.