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Tevlin House have enjoyed a fantastic fourth term for 2018, packed full of excellent challenge, achievement and a large Social Justice role in demonstrating support for homelessness. Tevlin students and their mentor teachers can go into the Summer break proud of their achievements, and optimistically awaiting many great opportunities next year.

Tevlin’s House and Wellbeing Activities

All of Tevlin House enjoyed a fantastic BBQ Breakfast at the Junior School at the final House Assembly last week, hosted by the Year 12 boys and Prefects. The bacon and eggs rolls were amazing, and boys had a chance to enjoy celebrating the end to a fantastic Matthew Talbot Appeal.

The new Year 12 students in Tevlin this term have been leading strongly, and their willingness to run a great Breakfast for the house was a great sign of their leadership. Year 12 also benefitted from a 3-day Retreat to start their Senior year. Tevlin and Conlon boys derived great satisfaction in time spent better understanding their own identity, and building on key relationships to support them in the upcoming year.

Tevlin also inducted new House Prefects into their roles, with each of these boys engaging in leadership training and setting goals in their portfolios:

Tevlin students have also gratefully thanked each of their Mentor teachers for the support and care they have provided all students throughout the year. In particular, we thank 3 departing Mentors, Mr Langdale, Mr Porter and Ms Floyd for their amazing energy and supportive manner in which they have made significant contributions to their groups and Waverley’s Wellbeing Program.  We wish these outstanding role models and talented teachers the very best in their future.

Tevlin students Support Homelessness in the Matthew Talbot Christmas Appeal

This term, Tevlin boys have learned about, discussed and then actively engaged with homelessness issues in Waverley’s annual Appeal for the Matthew Talbot Hostel. This built on last term’s Sleepout, and boys spent 3 weeks in November not only donating important toiletry, clothing and other necessary items, but led weekly visits to the other House groups to share the importance of supporting homeless charities like the Mathew Talbot Hostel. All of the Waverley Community can be very proud, as donations were highly encouraging as 40 large sacks were delivered to the Hostel this week ready for distribution to homeless men in Sydney before Christmas.

Tevlin 2018 Final Presentation Evening Academic Awards

Congratulations to all boys across all Year levels for the effort they have put into their learning, improving their skills and academic results. The following Senior School boys were awarded prizes in this week’s Presentation Evenings:

Year 8

Year 9 – First in Subject Awards

Year 10 – First in Subject Awards

Year 11 – First in Subject Awards

Year 10 Step Up Ready for their Senior roles

Year 10 boys also took part in an outdoor education camp at Somerset, with the physical challenges presented overcome by team work and perseverance.  These valuable experiences serve as great memories and milestones to take on fresh challenges for their future. On their return, Year 10 also enjoyed two spirituality days, where they were highly engaged and active in considering the complexities of the world around them. This included an excursion to the Sydney Jewish museum and moving account from a Holocaust Survivor named Eddie, a social Justice seminar focussed on Refugee issues, and an inspiring story and workshop run by Sam Clear – using his solo walk around the world to look at the power of prayer, God and Humanity.

School Involvement and Individual Term 4 Achievements

A number of boys have made notable contributions and had some excellent achievements including:

I wish all boys and their families a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and look forward to more rewarding experiences in 2019.



It has been a positive and encouraging end to the year for Quinn House. Term 4 was busy with camps, big brother/little brother activities, retreats, reflection days and new student leaders.

Presentation of College Leaders and Prefects

During Week One of term a special assembly with families present was held to announce and present the new College leaders. Gian Bonnani, Dion Sinodinos, Tim Waring and Henry Standfield. They were presented with their badges by a family member in front of the College.  The boys have already demonstrated their maturity, commitment and strong leadership qualities by organising and running the House assemblies. They are setting a high standard for all members of Quinn House. The Prefects also assisted during the Orientation Day for the twenty-four Year 6 boys who will be in Quinn House next year.

Big Brother/Little Brother Program

This Term our Year 10 Big Brothers paired up with their Year 5 Little Brothers for the last time this year. Quinn students spent the morning reading to each other. The year 10 boys were patient, encouraging and supportive, while our Year 5 students were confident, clear and mindful readers. The program was a huge success and allowed students to develop positive relationships that will see them through their time at the College.

Year 12 Retreat

In Week 3, Quinn and Green House spent three days on Retreat at Kiah Ridge Christian Centre near the Southern Highlands. The three day Retreat gives the boys an opportunity to explore their spirituality, reflect on where they have been and where they want to go. It is also an opportunity to get to know each other better. Both the Quinn and Tevlin boys were a credit to themselves and their families. Their mature behaviour, generosity and willingness to engage and  contribute to group discussions and activities made for a very successful and enjoyable Retreat.

Year 10 Camp and Reflection Days

Year 10 Camp took place during Week 7 of Term 4. This was an opportunity for our boys to push themselves out of their comfort zone and beyond their limits. For the first time, the boys spent their time at Camp in House groups. The Quinn boys were led by Ms Stephanie Boyce who commended the boys on their maturity, sense of humour, resilience, endurance and manners. The camp provided each boy a chance to develop deeper friendships with those around them, disconnect from their busy city lives and make some goals for their senior years at the College.

The last two days of Year 10 are Reflection Days focusing on Gospel Values and Social Justice. The students meet an extraordinary man, Sam Clear, who set out to walk 15,500km, across 20 countries in 568 days, with the aim of promoting and encouraging unity. He tells of an amazing story that saw him caught in life or death, welcomed into homes by strangers and how he made lifelong friends while achieving unity between religions, cultures and people all over the world.

End of Year Award Winners

Congratulations to Giulian D’Ettorre, Lachlan Cunningham, Aidan Korpar and Jake Torsellini on their Semester Two Academic awards, as well as all those boys who received Head Of College awards and Gold Awards throughout the year.

Thank you

Thank you to all of the Quinn Mentors who have supported their students throughout the year. Especially to Ms Marlee Batterham (Qu04) who is finishing up her time at the College and moving to Melbourne. We wish her all the best for 2019 and beyond.

Thank to all of the parents who have encouraged their son to support the range of social justice initiatives around the College throughout 2018. Without your encouragement and support of your son, they would not be the young men they are today.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and safe break over the Summer.


Anticipation of the holidays

Most boys are certainly looking forward to the upcoming break and changing gears. Hopefully the Christmas story will be part of their holiday experience and how they can assist their families and perhaps others. I would like to congratulate all of the boys and parents that have supported some of the College initiatives that are aimed at assisting others in greater need. The Matthew Talbot Christmas appeal being led through each House, the Junior School’s donations to several charities and hospitals, and the Christmas hampers for families in need.

Presentation Day

I look forward to presentation day next week. I know Mr Brennan has forwarded details of the timings to all boys and parents. The day presents an opportunity to reflect on the year and acknowledge and celebrate some great achievements that have occurred. You are certainly most welcome to attend.

Years 5, 6, 7 & 8 Wednesday December 5 commencing at 10.00am

Years 9, 10 & 11 Wednesday December 5 commencing at 1.00pm

Rock Band Festival

I wish all our aspiring rock band enthusiasts all the best for their festival being held tomorrow afternoon between 4.00 – 6.00pm in the Braidwood BBQ area.

Charter Leadership Awards 2018

Last Saturday evening I represented Waverley at the third annual EREA Charter Leadership Awards which were held at the Catholic Leadership Centre in Melbourne. These Awards recognise staff from across the 60 EREA schools and Flexible Learning Centres who exemplify the very best of what a Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition can be. The Awards attracted many nominations from across our network of schools. Mr David Parnell (Head of Learning Support) reached the second final stage and should be congratulated for his fine work in supporting our students. Ms Geraldine Cullen (Assistant Director of Mission) has been a previous winner of this award for her work in advocacy and social justice.

I congratulate the 2018 recipients who were:

Liberating Education – Kaleb Taylor (CBHS Lewisham)

Gospel Spirituality – Trevanna Cooper (CBC Fremantle)

Inclusive Community – Fran Harding (Deception Bay FLC)

Justice and Solidarity – Sherrie Rodricks (St Patrick’s College, Strathfield)

Ms Michelle Rollins

Congratulations to Ms Michelle Rollins (Junior School Music Teacher) who has been elected to the Board of Professional Teachers Council. The Council is the peak umbrella body that provides support and member services to its member associations. It unifies teaching associations and brings together professional interests and education activities throughout NSW. This is a great honour for her and the College.

White Ribbon Walk

Congratulations to all boys, staff and parents who represented Waverley College at this event last week that saw several thousand people walk from Randwick to Coogee in support of standing up, speaking out and acting to prevent men’s violence against women. Once at Coogee the crowd was addressed by several students from a number of schools. Waverley College student Alexander Bayas should be acknowledged and congratulated for his powerful words in support of the values espoused by White Ribbon. I have received many emails of congratulations on how well he spoke from members of the public.   


Parents are welcome to attend this event to help us celebrate our successes in 2018 as a College community.


Years 5, 6, 7 & 8


December 5

Commencing at 10am


Doors open at 9.30am



Years 9, 10, 11


December 5

Commencing at 1pm


 Doors open at 12.30pm



It is compulsory for all students from Years 5 – 11 to attend the Presentation Day. All students are to wear their full summer uniform. Prize-winners must wear a blazer and tie.

Students are to sit in their normal House groups in the gymnasium.


Years 5-6: Arrive to school at normal time. Students whose parents do not attend will return to Waterford for the remainder of the day.

Years 7-8: Arrive to school by 9.30am. Will finish for the year at the conclusion of the event at 11.30am.

Years 9-11: Arrive to school by 12.30pm. Will finish for the year at the conclusion of the event at 2.30pm.


The Presentation Day will be a fitting way to conclude the school year. It will include awards, music, drama, prayer and video presentation on 2018.



Just a note of thanks to all parents and carers at the College. I have said before that the best outcomes for your sons will be achieved where then is a clear partnership between the College and home.

The majority of parents send their sons to the College because of our high expectations – this will continue into 2019.

Our best practice wellbeing structures, Catholic formation and high academic standards will continue to be the cornerstones of life at Waverley College as we enter a new year.

I wish all of you a safe and holy Christmas with your families and friends.


Thank you God for sending Your Son on one glorious night to be born a virgin, to live a perfect life and to die on the cross for my sins. Thank you that he rose from the dead three days later and that this Christmas and every Christmas we can celebrate the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.



Images from Year 6 Luna Park Excursion, Waterpolo A’s and Wav 5As X1s final game for 2018 v St Patricks, the last Touch Football match for the year and Year 4 Oars testing


Staff Farewells

On behalf of Waterford I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Mr Mark Claridge and Mrs Morag Tunks for their distinguished service to the College as they leave us for new adventures.

Mark has been an asset to our profession since he began his teaching career over thirty-five years ago at St John’s Lakemba. It is a testament to the love of his calling that he has happily remained in this profession and inspired classrooms of students year after year. Mark at has been at the Junior school for 21 years. Every colleague who has worked with Mark would recognise his calm manner, fabulous sense of humour, his love of literature, authentic sense of justice and his ability to live the Gospel values. The decades passing-by has not seen Mark’s hard work or excitement for his job diminish in any manner. I wish him every happiness and success for this retirement and thank him most sincerely for his valued contribution to Waverley.

Morag has been an exceptional teacher/librarian over the past 6 years at Waverley. Morag has worked closely with teachers to instill information literacy skills whilst promoting life-long learning in her students. Morag has taught her students many valuable lessons. She has given them the knowledge, skills and values required to use information and to communicate knowledge ethically and effectively. Morag has always kept up to date in reviewing new materials in order to develop Waterford’s library collection to continually engage and inspire her students. I wish Morag all the very best in her new role at Sydney Grammar.

Orientation Day

On Friday 23rd November we hosted our Orientation Day for all students new to Waterford in 2019.  It was a fantastic opportunity to welcome some existing Waverley families and many new families into our community. All students went through an Orientation experience where they connected with other students, toured the school and participated in STEM, drama and sports activities.  There was also some valuable testing conducted in amongst all the fun to assist us in transitioning our new students into Waverley as seamlessly as possible next year.

I would also like to thank Sam Pierce, Michelle Dubois, Jade Stapleton, Nicole Mutton and Tina Lee for their invaluable help cooking and running the BBQ on this day.

Year 6 Luna Park – Report by Jack Kerves – 6 Gold

Last Friday, Year 6 gathered at school excited and ready for a day of rides, laughter, fairy floss and friendship at Luna Park Sydney. I think the teachers and volunteer parents were just as excited as we all were to go on a great day out on the Harbour. We started out on our caravan of buses and arrived at The Rocks ready to walk across the Harbour Bridge. On the way across the bridge we were greeted with non stop high fives from strange teenagers and adults dressed up in a range of dress up costumes that included a pack of blue smurfs singing the smurf song. It was very funny! The view was spectacular and some wonderful photos were taken of Waverley College Year 6 boys with the Opera House and a ten storey cruise ship in the background.

When we got to the Park we got wristbands and off we went for the rides. For lunch lots of boy bought their food from the amazing cafe opposite the Ferris Wheel. When you went on the Ferris Wheel there was a terrific view of the Harbour and the Opera House and we had a very rocky ride in the wind on top of the Ferris Wheel. The Dodgem Cars were lots of fun as we kept trying to chase our friends and crash into them. Miss Hoare came out laughing from the Dodgem Cars after she was bumped from all directions by the Waverley boys. After a day of fun on the rides and inside Coney Island we all lined up for the bus trip home,  back to Waverley College and a good night’s rest.


Congratulations to Jack Johnson (5 Green) on completing his representative duties at the School Sports Australia Track and Field Championships in Melbourne. He placed 12th in the 1500m (while taking 6 seconds off his previous personal best!) and 9th in the 800m. Congratulations also goes to Fred Carmody (5 White) who made the Sydney representative team for the NSW surf lifesaving where only two in his age group were selected.

What a wonderful achievement. Well done boys!

Social Justice

I received a lovely email this week from the team at Kids Giving Back which read ‘I am writing to let you know you that  Luca De Cian is a credit to your School. Luca was part of a team of 35 Kids Giving Back volunteers who cooked, packaged and delivered over 150 warm, nutritious meals to local shelters and individuals in need on Saturday.

Luca took part in our Community Cook4Good Program with his family and should be commended for giving up time to help others’. It is always wonderful to read about the efforts our students go to outside school. The work of Luca and his family is evidence of the touchstone Justice and Solidarity in action. We are reminded that we are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.

Hugo Socks

Our support and prayers continue for Hugo Kulscar while he continues his treatment for Leukaemia. Swanky Socks has teamed up with The Kids’ Cancer Project to support Hugo and his family directly as they go through the challenges of treatment. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy someone a Christmas present while supporting Hugo and his family and once again we can show our solidarity by purchasing some socks. Hugo won’t give up fighting and your support to help him get through this battle will really lift his spirits.

The link to the Hugo socks:

Summer Sport Report – Mr Meadley

Congratulations to the Waterford players across all of the Waverley sporting codes (Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Touch Football and Water polo). Last Saturday, 24th November, saw the conclusion of Round 12. This was the final game for our Year 6 students prior to making their way to the Senior School. This was also the final match for the Year 5 student’s first year of sport at Waverley.

Thank you to all of the coaches (teaching staff and external coaches) for your support and dedication of the Waterford players. Each coach helped enhance skills, instil motivation and encourage sportsmanship in our boys. The end result is not always about who walks home with the win, but rather, each and every player feeling they have performed to the best of their ability and having left the field of play knowing they have conducted themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. Thank you to the parents for arranging your family commitments around our training schedule and ensuring your son is present at each game in a timely manner. The support of your son is greatly appreciated by both the staff and students.

Most cricket teams were fortunate enough to have a member of the Waverley First XI Cricket team visit at a training session. The First XI players were enthused to be involved with the Waterford players, getting to know the boys and helping with their skills. The Prep 1sts Cricket hosted Trinity Grammar, Melbourne in Round 10 at Queens Park. Whilst our boys did not finish with a win, they felt proud having represented Waverley playing a visiting school from another state. Every player enjoyed the experience.

Thank you to Mr Ryan for your organisation of the basketball court at the Waterford Campus. Your efforts blowing the court prior to the first game, overseeing each of the teams and scoring of a weekend has been greatly appreciated.

To Mrs Coupe, thank you for your wonderful organisational skills keeping coaches and students informed of any changes to venues and absentees.

I am hopeful all Waterford players have finished their summer season having enhanced their skills, formed new friendships and created lasting memories of their sporting experiences.

I wish the students every success in their respective sports when they trial for their summer sport in Term 1, 2019. Have a well-deserved and enjoyable Christmas holiday!


The Duke of Edinburgh program is an extra-curricular program at Waverley College, offered to students in Year 9 each year. This program provides an opportunity for young people to explore their potential in everyday life as they commit to regular participation in skill development, physical activity and community service. Students also develop navigational skills and undertake hiking expeditions.

There will be an information evening in Week 2 of Term 1 for interested parents and students of the 2019 Year 9 cohort.

Details to follow in the new year.

For more information please refer to the Duke of Edinburgh website or email Gemma Brown at


Last Friday Green House students, teachers and parents, from both the Junior and Senior school took part in the white ribbon walk to speak out against violence against women. It was inspiring to see so many students advocating for change and standing up to make their voice heard.

On behalf of Waverley College, Green House Prefect Alex Bayas was a guest speaker at the event and encouraged all men and boys to stand up and take the oath to speak up. His speech to the thousands in attendance was a powerful call to action for young men to stand up and speak out against violence.

Green House thanks the College Executive for their support of the event, Green House mentors for their advocacy for change and all other staff for their continued involvement and advocacy.


Please find an excerpt from the speech given by Green Wellbeing Prefect, Alex Bayas at the event:

“The statistics for violence against women are truly horrifying and can no longer be ignored. We as a community must strive towards ending this horrible blight on Australian society. We can change this public health issue through respect. Respect is the foundation for which we can build a society, where violence against women is eliminated. Therefore We must all, do everything we can to create a culture of respect and that starts with the men and boys standing here today and  in our wider community.

I challenge you; Men and boys to stand beside women to deliver the change we all need. Remembering that All of us can make a difference, and White Ribbon Day is an opportunity for us to stand up and speak out to end violence and disrespect towards women.

We must understand that young men form opinions and often use language based on the influences surrounding them whether that be sporting heroes, music they listen to, or the language  used by  their mates. The actions of these various influences and the language young people hear can often be dehumanising, and objectifying towards women.

If this language breeds a culture that disrespects women, it is clear to me that in order to eradicate domestic violence men must change this type of  language  when talking about women. Remembering that each women is someone’s mother, grandmother, sister or daughter. Would you use this type of language when talking to them. So, I challenge all of the men in our community to be conscious of the words you use and the meanings behind them in every instance. And to call out disrespectful language you hear in the community. Together this is how we can end men’s violence against women.”

Waverley’s Christmas Appeal for Matthew Talbot Hostel – Donations Required

All boys from all Houses from Years 5-12 are encouraged to bring in toiletry and other essential items in order to be able to provide a Christmas gift hamper for the homeless and marginalised groups which the Matt Talbot Hostel provides assistance for.  This will run in Weeks 5, 6 and 7 of Term 4 until the end of November.

All donations can be brought into daily Mentor Groups, or to the Wellbeing Centre (Senior School), or Junior School Office.

Item list for Waverley Students to Bring in:

Items can be brought in with a Environmentally friendly shopping bag

With Christmas fast approaching, Swanky Socks has teamed up with The Kids’ Cancer Project to support Hugo Kulscar and his family directly as they go through the challenges of treatment. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy someone a Christmas present while supporting Hugo and his family and once again we can show our solidarity by purchasing some socks.

The courage and support from family and friends are all helping Hugo in his daily battle with the side effects of his intense treatment. We now call on the wider community to come and support Hugo in his battle. Through Hugo’s head shave earlier in the year there was over $50,000 raised for childhood cancer research.

Hugo won’t give up fighting and your support to help him get through this battle will really lift his spirits.

To purchase a pair of socks please go to:

Delivery is before 21 December 2018

Captains of Basketball Report



The Juniors were looking to gain their first wins of the season against a competitive Trinity outfit. Unfortunately, the 10A’s, 9A’s and 8A’s weren’t able to get their desired first wins of the season to go into the holidays on a high. The final results from their games were 40 to 35, 48 to 32 and 32 to 30 respectively, with Trinity proving to be CAS contenders right across the age groups. The juniors will keep their heads high and aim to improve their game during the holidays to hopefully get their seasons back on track throughout the next five games.

2nd V

The 2nd V were looking to get their season back on track and improve to 2-1-2 for the season. This would shift them to third or fourth on the CAS ladder depending on other results. Following a disappointing draw in the Friday night lights game, the 2nds were determined to make a statement and this is exactly what they did, delivering on both ends of the floor to get a 64 to 50 win over Trinity. One final dominant performance from Matthew Higgins-Titsha before leaving to Melbourne, proved to be too good for the team from Summer Hill, emphatically leaving his mark on the game to help get a victory in his last game as a Waverlian. The 2nds will be looking to escalate their skills to the next level during the holidays, aiming to work around the absence of Matthew. Fortunately, they have acquired previous 1st V player Joshua Gleeson, who is now a valuable player on the team.

1st V

Round 5 of CAS Basketball was a very exciting one for our Waverley 1st V boys as we looked towards a victory against a young, but talented Trinity side. The Year 12 boys prepared for the game knowing it would be the last time that they would ever play on Trinity’s home court wearing Blue and Gold. Ryan Abbott opened the scoring for the Waves with a great move in the paint. Angelo Di Bartolo led Waverley in scoring for the first quarter with 12 points, scoring two three-pointers and attacking the ring with aggression. To end the first quarter Waverley led 21 to 25. The 2nd quarter was a great shooting quarter for Waverley scoring 18 consecutive points of three-point makes. This began with Stephen Morrissey making a 3 off a drive and kick by Ryan Abbott. Right after this, Waverley guard Christian Diaz heated up scoring 4 straight contested 3-pointers. The Waverley College bench cheered loud and proud for Christian and the boys, inspiring Stephen Morrissey to connect again from 3 and Diaz to score two more baskets inside the paint. Waverley led at the half 43 to 53. The 3rd quarter was a great defensive quarter for the Waves holding trinity to only 14 points. Offensively the team was led by Ryan Abbott who scored all but two of Waverley’s 3rd quarter baskets. Ryan scored 17 points in the 3rd quarter allowing the Waves to build on the lead they had created in the first half of the game. The 3rd quarter ended with a 73 to 57 point lead for the Waves. The fourth quarter involved the Trinity boys coming out strong with hard fought defence and spirited offence. Ash Backlund and Ryan Abbott created the majority of the scores for the Waves in the fourth scoring 15 of the 19 Waverley fourth quarter points. Ryan lead the game in scoring with 24 points in the well fought team, with the final score being 92 to 81.

Convenor’s Report


After a successful Round 4 against Cranbrook, both the 1st V and 2nd V were on a high heading into their games against Trinity. Despite a 12-point loss to Knox and a 1-point loss to St Aloysius, the 2nd V have played very well over the first part of the season and have been very competitive. Similarly, with the 1st V, notwithstanding their lacklustre effort against Barker in Round 1 and an admirable effort in losing to Knox in Round 2, have also played some good basketball, winning their last two games. In the Seconds fixture, Coach Mr Smith-Hyde reports that despite strong play from both sides, Trinity made a number of tough shots to gain an early edge over the visitors. In response, Waverley were able to make the necessary adjustments turning defensive stops into easy scores en route to snatching the lead before half time. It was a true team effort in the second half from Waverley, with the starting five executing well offensively while establishing great energy on defense. As substitutions were made, each player slotted in seamlessly as Waverley outplayed Trinity in the second half to secure an impressive 64-50 victory with all 10 players finding a way to contribute. Joey Lyons, Ben Walton and Adam Femia were the standout performers on the day. The Seconds say farewell to Matthew Higgins-Titsha, who played his last game for Waverley and is now moving to Melbourne with his family. Matthew has been played consistently well and is one of the reasons the Seconds have been successful this term. His team play, scoring and rebounding ability will be greatly missed. The Seconds now head into the Christmas break with 2 wins, 2 losses and a draw and if their development throughout the first half of the season is any sign, Waverley are set for a strong second half of the 2019 CAS season. They sit in fourth place behind Knox, Cranbrook and St Aloysius. The 1st V went into this game having won their previous three games.

Despite Trinity being a young side and looking like they are in a rebuilding phase this season, they still boasted some very athletic players and are always a handful when playing them at Summer Hill. The first quarter was a close affair with both teams trading baskets and Waverley going into the break with a small lead at 25 to 21. Neither team could pull away from the other in the second quarter with Waverley outscoring Trinity by 28 to 22 to take a 10-point lead into the main break with the score 53 to 43. In the third quarter, Waverley continued to go about their business in workmanlike fashion to stretch their lead to 16 points to end the quarter 73 to 57. During the fourth quarter Waverley was out to a 20-point lead at one stage, however Trinity were able to close the gap outscoring Waverley 24 to 19. Fortunately, Waverley had already done enough to eventually win the game 92 to 81. Despite losing each quarter, Trinity did very well to stay in the game and over the break Waverley will need to work on their ability to close out games, of which defence plays a big part. Christian Diaz (18 points, 4 assists, 4 steals), Ryan Abbott (24 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists) and Angelo Di Bartolo (20 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists) played very well. The 1st V were dominant in several key areas of the game including, Rebounds, Points in the Paint, Assists and Turnovers. The 1st V move into the second half of the season with 3 wins from five games and sit second in the race for the Rev Fr A V Smith Basketball Shield. Knox are outright leaders and undeniable favourites to win the competition, sitting in first place with five wins, while Barker are equal second with three wins. The 1st V must defeat both Barker and Knox in the first two rounds next term to keep their premiership hopes alive.

In other games, the following Waverley teams posted victories: 10B (35-15), 10C (39-25), 10D (43-33), 10E (36-21), 10F (26-23), 10G (26-22), 9C (26-16), 9D (27-24), 9F (31-8), 9G (34-21) and 8C (38-34). The 3rd V (50-48), 5th V (33-32), 8th V (27-26), 10th V (28-22), 10A (40-35), 9H (14-13), 8A (32-30) and 8E (23-18) lost close games. After five rounds of basketball, the 10C’s, 9F’s and 8C’s are still undefeated with 5 wins. The 10E’s are 4-1 and the 10B’s, 10H’s, 9B’s, 9C’s, 9D’s and 9E’s are 3-2 for the season. 10C’s, 9F’s and 8C’s are the only undefeated teams at 4-0, while the 10E’s, 10H’s, 9B’s and 9E’s are 3-1, the 10F’s and 9C’s are 2-1-1 and the 1st V, 10B’s, 9D’s, 8B’s, 8D’s, 8E’s, 8F’s and 8H’s are all 2-2.

Waverley Basketball uses Team App to publish information such as scores, news, fixtures, team lists and announcements. Download the app and search for ‘Waverley College Basketball’ to receive notifications and updates. Until next term, when basketball resumes with Year 7 trials and the CAS Basketball Blitz, enjoy a well-earned break!


The fifth round of the tennis season was once again a display of masterclass as Waverley was able to achieve many victories in all of the year groups against Trinity.

The 1sts and 2nds continued their winning streak in fine form, winning 5 sets to 3 in the 1sts and drawing 4 all in the 2nds. The 1sts pulled off a stunning performance with Patrick Smith, Will Durkin and Nikita Nikitenko all seeing wins in their singles matches. Both 1sts doubles team also continued their good form, drawing in both matches. The 2nds doubles pair of Charlie Farrington and Kosta Micos were also successful in their matches triumphing in both their matches 6 to 3.

Unfortunately, Waverley’s 3rds and 4ths lost to a strong and improved Trinity team going down 4 sets to 2 in the 4ths. Despite this Finn Warren was able to come away with a noble win, winning 6 sets to 2. Finn Warren and Vassilios Pairids were also successful in their match coming away victors in smashing performance, 6 games to 2.

The 10As and 10Bs also had a tough day at the office against Trinity going down 4 sets to 2 in both the A’s and B’s. Massimo Di Napoli was the star play of the day winning 6 to 4 in his singles. Nathan Barry and Will Jensen also continued their winning doubles streak winning convincingly 6 games to 3. Diego Berdaa also won his singles set 6 to 4 in a great set of singles as well as coming away with a victory his doubles 7 to 5 with Jacob Lancinese.

The 9A’s and 9B’s once again asserted their dominance in a fine display of tennis over the weekend. Lorenzo Di Napoli and Alex Morris both took victories in their matches. As well as this both doubles pairings of Charley Roberts and Ronnie Roth and Lorenzo Di Napoli and Alex Morris were successful both winning their doubles 6 games to 2. The 9B’s thrashed their opponents 36 games to 5 with every playing coming away with a win. Aidan Trovato, Cuba Kanakis, Jared Garwood and Jimmy Ashbridge all won in their singles and doubles proving the 9B’s are a force to be reckoned with.

The 8A’s and 8B’s once again asserted their dominance over the weekend, defeating their opponents in some fantastic matches. Oliver Shai, Kai Jones, Connor Joyce and Jack Preller won in their singles matches as well as their doubles, with a combined games score of 36 games to 15. Archie Small, Bellino Testafredda and Benjamin Leet all managed to win their matches resulting in 4 sets to 2 win.

Once again, the Waverley boys were able to assert their dominance in a fine weekend of tennis. I’d like to thank all the boys for the great effort and performances for the first half of the season and hope to see this form continue.


Waverley’s cricketers look forward to an upcoming Summer break knowing they have worked hard in each of their teams, and enjoyed a great term of competition. The majority of boys had their final matches last Saturday with many impressive results, while our four 2-day teams play their last games this Friday and Saturday against Trinity. We especially wish the 10As the best in their goal to send off coach Mr New with a victory. Waverley Cricket have been so fortunate to have benefitted from the knowledge, passion and sense of fair-play that Mr New has demonstrated in 13 great years at Waverley College. We wish Mr New the very best as he and his family move to Perth, and hope he enjoys Kolbe Catholic College.

There were a number of great innings by boys from each of the age groups, with some improvements in the shot selection and running between wickets continuing. Leo Shanahan was out highest run-scorer for the round with a classy 76 not out – carrying his bat undefeated throughout the entire 2nds innings of 160. Sadly, the boys were short of their target and unable to stay in to claim a draw. With their bowling,  Luca Paolella, Zac Wotherspoon and Ollie Rinder were impressive with 2 wickets each.  The 1st XI also fell short of their target of 262, despite a great captain’s innings of 69 to Alex Ferrara. Speedsters Brock Preston with 3 wickets and Harry Whitaker with 4 wickets did a fantastic job, but our batsmen must step up assertively when at the crease to start dominating the opposition.

The 10B side had another great performance to beat Trinity by a huge margin of 152 runs! Noah Mitchell blasted a cool 52 not out, and Cooper O’Donnell 33 not out to take a huge score of 5/212!  The 10As were unable to put the big score on the board, with Murray Shearer and Conor Boyd-Boland each top-scoring with 25 runs. Similarly in the 9As, more partnerships are needed, but Ryland Short scored a strong 30 in the 1st innings and Jack Rigg a fluent 41 in their 2nd innings.

Congratulations to the 8C team, who have been working hard on their game awareness in a goal of scoring 20 more runs with the bat, and saving 20 runs in the field – paying off with a great win by 24 runs!  Peter Fragias scored a superb 35, supported by Rafael Di Georgio with 24 not out in a total of 115. The 8A and B boys were unable to defend their totals, with Trinity chasing these down.

Captain of Cricket’s Report, From Second Slip


I recently had the honour of attending the Macquarie Leadership Day for Cricket at Riverview. This program has been running for 20 years teaching youth cricketers the best way on being a leader and enhancing their skills. We were blessed with a wealth of test cricket experience that where going to mentor us for the day, including Andy Bichel and Simon Katich.

We started off with a net session on wickets prepared to looked more like an English pitch, which was swinging left, right and seaming; this was a great chance to also get individual feedback with the coaches and get little tips. One example is using the crease in both bowling and batting, and different types of deliveries to bowl from wide or close to the stumps. It was also a great opportunity to ask some valuable questions about preparation and game sense to the coaches.

As said in cricket that 50% of the time you are fielding, we had the chance to work on our outfield fielding and close catching, at the same time working on hitting the bass of the stumps. I learnt the most important rule of playing cricket – ‘having fun’ and enjoying the game because we don’t just stand out in the middle of a field for hours; we do it because we’re passionate about it.

In the final session, we learnt about how to give an engaging speech to an audience, and how to get the attention of an audience early. This was very helpful and has given me so much more confidence in public speaking.

1st XI Mentoring Junior Teams

Over the past couple of weeks, 1st XI players have visited junior teams from Year 5 to 7 and shared with the younger boys what it means to play cricket for Waverley College, and what an honour it is to wear the baggy blue. It is so pleasing to see that Waverley Cricket is in such good hands with the skills of the boys very impressive! Myself and Harry Whitaker enjoyed meeting up with the Year 5 traditional team, coached by Mr Meadley, and it was great to see these boys loving their cricket. The types of shots and delivery’s that they were bowling where standing the two of us up, and I wish all the younger boys the very best for their next part of their season.

1st XI Report – Day 1 v St Aloysius


Round 4 saw Waverley College play against Cranbrook at Hordern Oval in the first of two Friday/Saturday fixtures. We once again sent into field on what appeared to be a pitch that resembled Parramatta Road. The boys bowled tight lines and stayed patient in the field. At stumps Cranbrook were 3/206 off 80 overs. Coming back the next morning, the Waverley boys had plenty of work to do.

The boys rallied and within 17 overs dismissed Cranbrook for 263. Harry Whitaker was rewarded with 4 wickets from 17 overs and Brock Preston grew in confidence as he got into his rhythm taking 3 solid wickets. Lachlan Forrest also bowled extremely well for not much reward.

With 90 overs still to play in the day, to chase of 263 would take patience and a number of partnerships to get the Waves home. Unfortunately, we were unable once again to show intent with the bat and build any partnerships of substance. Congratulations to Alex Ferrara who notched up his first half-century for the season with a hard toiled 69 runs. The boys are working extremely hard on their game and the tide will turn due to their continued efforts. One poor session has cost us a number of games and consistency is the key for the remainder of the season.

Waverley Cricket School Holiday Clinics

All Waverley Cricketers are also invited to attend one of 2 Cricket Clinics in the School holidays – both held at the Senior School between 9am-3pm, and will feature excellent programs focussing fun and all Cricket skills under the tuition of specialist cricket coaches. These programs cater for all students aged 9-16.

Cricket Clinic 1: Thursday December 6 and Friday December 7 – run by Pro Performance Cricket, with info  at , and registrations at 

Cricket Clinic 2:  Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd January 2019 – run by Steve Waugh Cricket Academy, with registration and info at