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From  Cathy O’Sullivan, Conlon Head of House

It has been another busy and vibrant term for the young men of Conlon. As has become our tradition, the poem by Nancye Sims titled ‘Winners are People like you’ was read at our last  House assembly with Year 12. One of the verses states that ‘Winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things. From the ordinary, they make the extraordinary.’ In Term 3 our young men from Conlon House once again continued to make some positive and extraordinary contributions to the rich and varied fabric of College life.

This term Conlon led a very successful food drive for Foodbank. Hunger is a hidden crisis in Australia, with over 3.6 million people experiencing food insecurity at some point every year, 33% of which are children. Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation providing 60 million meals a year to over 2,400 charities and 1,000 schools around the country. With the very generous assistance of all eight House groups, including extraordinary support from our junior school we were able to deliver a jeep full of staple food items to Food Bank. This food will provide assistance to many families and individuals in need. It was an amazing effort by all members of the Waverley College community.

Many boys have taken the opportunity this term to participate in a wide variety of Inter-House competitions. This term we have experienced a considerable level of success with Conlon currently leading the Inter-House leader table. One of the outstanding characteristics of the Conlon boys is their willingness and enthusiasm to participate and encourage each other for the pure joy of having a go. Lachlan Manastrovski, Oliver Ruse  Ash Backlund 2nd, 3rd & 5th in the first ever Yr 11 Spelling Bee; Anthony Roydhouse winning the History Debate, our mixed team of Trivia players who came equal first in the Trivia Competition, Yr 12 dodgeball team and Junior Indoor soccer teams who both reached the semi finals.

Our weekly House assemblies have continued to be opportunities for our boys to lead as well as to learn from each other. Our Wellbeing focus this term has been;  ‘Be the best version of me’, contribute to the common good and try and make a positive difference to the lives of others.

Term 3 has been a busy term for all year groups. The Year 9 cohort went on a four day outward- bound style camp to the beautiful Colo Valley. The camp provided the boys with a series of challenging physical and mental activities, which are designed to develop self-reliance and promote personal confidence. The Year 10 boys attended a very successful formal dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour; all looking very mature and handsome,  Years 7, 9 and 12 travelled to Homebush to support our athletes at the CAS Athletics carnival. Year 8 boys participated in the Waverley College Cadet Unit Ceremonial Parade at Queens Park. There were some outstanding performances by our Yr 12 boys in both the HSC drama and music practical exams, and some exceptional final works completed for TAS and VA projects. Yr 11 have now completed their final examinations for their preliminary HSC courses. From the commencement of next term they will be in their final year of schooling and will be the new leaders of the College.

Term 3 is also a busy term for our Yr 5 and 6 boys who have their Athletics carnival, Blitz day and Walkathon.

Congratulations to all the Conlon boys who received Gold Awards this term and to the following boys who received Semester One Academic Awards;

Year 7: Campbell Groves, Liam Wood, Lachlan Grant

Year 8: Jared Garwood, Max Barber, Finbar Moss, Benjamin Sweeney, Jacob Mulberry, Oliver Elliot, Thomas Martin.

Year 9: Patrick Hoggett

Year 10: Eliot Vincent-Hull, Peter Cassimatis

Year 11: Flynn Gordon, Lachlan Manastrovski, Finn Warren, Mats Lea

Year 12: Filip Mencevski, Jonathan Schacht

Long Tan award for Leadership – Samuel King, Yr 12

Congratulations to the following boys who attended the Red Earth and Timor-Leste Immersions:

Red Earth: Joshua Cornelius, James Breachley,Jesse Sonego, Cooper O’Donnell, Patrick Hoggett, James Hoggett

Timor-Leste: Hugh Marshall, Cooper Flynn



Daniel Gandy- NSW Cycling

Max D’Agostino – 1st AFL Best & Fairest, AFL All stars, NSW U17’s AFL

Miles Amatosero – NSW U16 Rugby, 16yrs Athletics, Best performance

Oliver Ruse – 1st 1V Best & Fairest,  17yrs Athletics, Best team man

Luca Wilson – Most consistent in Debating, 14 yrs Athletics, Best team man

Lang Curren – Yr 7/8 AFL Best & Fairest, AFL All stars

Finn Nebauer – Most improved, Table Tennis

Sebastien Van De Hoek – Best & Fairest, 2nds Volley ball

Lachlan Grant – 13 yrs Athletics, Best team man


We welcome back Callum Baird, Yr 10  to the College and Conlon House. Callum has spent the past 18 months living in The Hague, Netherlands.

Thank-you again to the wonderful Conlon mentors who continue to support and guide our boys.  Finally I would like to thank our Year 12 students and on behalf of Conlon House sincerely wish them well for their HSC and beyond. In our final assembly with Year 12, Mrs Jones once again read the Irish blessing and Ms Kaitlyn Downey read the poem ‘Winners are People like You’.  Mentors or students then spoke about each Yr 12 boy from their mentor group. The words were all very heartfelt, very meaningful and very special to each boy. Mr Anthony Gill and our Year 5 & 6 boys had made each Year 12 boy a beautiful inspirational card.The boys left the assembly to the sound of rousing applause. It was a special moment for each of the boys.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of our young men from Yr 12..  As a group, they have shown sensitivity, compassion, focus, determination, leadership and above all, are all fine young men who have been extraordinary role models and leaders for us all. We sincerely wish them well for whatever path they take in life.

Ryan Bakels

Ryan Connolly

Daniel Gandy

Oliver Heys

Luc Johnson

Samuel King

Erwan Le Perchoux

Luca Martin

Filip Mencevski

Daniel Nezval

George Pantazis

Anthony Roydhouse

Jonathan Schacht

Flynn Schulz

Anthony Vassallo

From Stephen O’Donnell, Director of Co-Curricular

Congratulation to all students for their outstanding performance in the 2018 Track and field season. The following awards were presented at the recent Track and Field Assembly:


Year 12 Checklist For Applying Through UAC

Here are seven things Year 12s need to know when applying for unis or colleges. Early bird closing is just around the corner so now is the time to apply and save

Read the post –

Find out how you can get a scholarship

 It could be easier than you think

Scholarships are financial aid packages that help make Uni easier to access for everyone.

Even if you don’t think you could get one, you should investigate what scholarships are on offer because there are more scholarships available than you might think. Plus, many scholarships go undersubscribed, which means they don’t have enough candidates to give the scholarships to.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get, so don’t be put off thinking you’ll never be eligible for one and apply anyway. You might be pleasantly surprised. However, it’s a competitive field so it could pay to be prepared and get in early, that’s what we’re here to help you with.

What do they cover?

Scholarships are designed to cover a variety of costs, but most often go towards paying for course fees and accommodation expenses. You might be told where the money has to be spent, and you might never see the funds, as they can go directly to the institution where you’ll be studying. They can be one-off payments, or on-going (paid out each term, semester or year).

More than 3,000 scholarships are available to Australian students within tertiary education (including vocational) sectors. That means there are plenty of opportunities for you to apply for, and receive the benefits of, a scholarship.

How to find them

In a lot of instances, once you’ve decided on your preferences, you’ll have to go directly to the University of your choice then search for scholarships and follow their instructions for applying directly. However, some of the tertiary education procession bodies have scholarships that you can apply for as part of your University application package.

Western Sydney University – HSC True Reward Early Offer Program

Applications close 10 December

It’s important to acknowledge and play to your strengths because, ultimately, your strengths will determine your future. This is the premise behind HSC True Reward – a program that recognises the strengths of each individual.

Our unique program makes an early offer into a University degree based on corresponding HSC subject band outcomes, not the ATAR. Why? Because at Western, we recognise that too often, the ATAR system overlooks natural strengths and talent.

Applications are now open. This program is open to all 2018 NSW HSC students. Start your application to Western now and make sure you tick YES in the HSC True Reward section.

Find out more –


TAFE NSW Degree Early Entry Program

Early entry applications close October 31 2018

No matter what happens come December, with our Early Entry program you could receive a conditional TAFE NSW Degree offer. No ATAR required.

Applications are now open – Apply Now

Discover their degrees –

Find out more –

Australian Catholic University – Pathways & Entry Schemes

Are you currently completing Year 12? Find out about entry schemes and programs which can help you gain a place at ACU. There’s more than one way to gain entry into your dream course.

Find out more –

ACU Teacher Selection Statement Advice

As part of your online application you need to submit a Teacher Selector Statement which consists of a concise (approximately 1000 words) statement demonstrating your suitability to teaching. There is some great advice to help you write this statement here –,_institutes_and_centres/education_and_arts/schools/suitability_for_teaching

NOTE: the advice could help you write similar statements required by other universities, not just ACU.

UTS Bachelor of Accounting Cooperative Education Scholarship Program

Closing date: Friday 19 October

If you are a high achieving school leaver and believe you could be one of Australia’s future business leaders, then the Bachelor of Accounting cooperative education scholarship program has been designed just for you. The Bachelor of Accounting provides you with a multi-skilled accounting degree with strong emphasis on both accounting and financial management, both essential business tools.

All students in the course receive a tax-free scholarship worth up to $51,500. Learn more about the scholarship.

Find out more –

Teach.NSW Scholarships

You’ve explored teaching as a career and decided to become a teacher. Now’s the time to work out which scholarship, cadetship or internship could make your study more affordable! We’ve laid them all out so you can see what’s available to you.

Teacher Education Scholarships

$5000 per year of full-time study & $3000 appointment allowance plus a permanent teaching job

CASPer Test – New Requirement for Teacher Entry in 2019

If you want to study education at uni next year then you’ll possibly need to sit the CASPer test. It’s a test designed to assess traits like professionalism, empathy, communication and ethics. Find out more about it here.

ACU is using CASPer results for 2019

Find out more and take the test here –


The University of Sydney – Portfolio Day – School of Architecture, Design & Planning

October 6 | Darlington, NSW

The Portfolio Day is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet our academic staff and receive feedback on your portfolio. You can also choose to submit your portfolio for admission on the day if you’re feeling confident.

Find out more –

ACU Bachelor of Education Studies

The Bachelor of Educational Studies has been designed for students who are passionate about becoming teachers, but do not achieve the entry requirements.
Students who successfully complete their first year of study (subject to meeting certain progression and non-academic requirements) will be guaranteed entry into the second year of the Bachelor of Education (Primary) or the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary).
For more information about pathways into ACU early childhood, primary or secondary teaching courses, see our website,_institutes_and_centres/education_and_arts/schools/study_areas/education_pathways

University of Wollongong – College Pathways Programs

Maybe you didn’t get the ATAR to get straight into university but our pathways p[program at our college will set you up to succeed.

Read more –


ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more –

ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more –


EducationUSA School Holiday Information Sessions.

EducationUSA will be offering two free general information session at the U.S. Consulate General during the school holidays. Open to students, parents, coaches and teachers. The sessions are divided into two parts – the first part is relevant for all students and addresses general guidance on U.S. undergraduate study, including university application procedures and standardized testing, the second part will focus on information for students-athletes. Those who are not interested in the student-athlete section will be able to leave after the first part.


School Holiday Information Session 1

Date: October 2nd

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

More information and registration


School Holiday Information Session 2

Date: October 3rd

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

More information and registration


SAE Qantm – Info Night

November 22 | Sydney

If you’re considering studying creative media, AnimationAudioDesignFilm or Games, now is the time to speak to our experienced team, your future mentors, and discover how you can pursue your passion in these dynamic and expanding industries.

Find out more –

JMC Academy High School Holiday Workshops – Sydney

The workshops are a great opportunity to check out the JMC Academy campus while getting a taste of what studying your passion with Australia’s leading Creative Industries provider is like at this fun, engaging and hands-on program!
These workshops are strictly for high school students in years 9 – 12.

Film & Tv Workshop | Wednesday 10th October 2018
Character Design Workshop | Wednesday 10th October 2018
From Studio To Stage Workshop | Friday 12th October 2018
Discover Visual Communication Workshop | Friday 12th October 2018

Find out more –

NIDA Undergraduate Applications for 2019 are open

NIDA’s three-year practice-based Bachelor courses provide an intensive and immersive experience, as students work together to create, perform and stage full theatrical productions, films, events and exhibitions.

Applications are now open and close September 30

Find out more –

Studying at TAFE – Myths Debunked

Is TAFE really that bad? Is university really that good? Studying is studying. Isn’t it? Here are five of the most common myths about TAFE debunked by those in the know.

Disclaimer: I have a feeling this post was sponsored by a VET provider, so take the information with a pinch of salt.

Read the post –

Community service as important as ATAR for Year 12s in ANU overhaul

In a new scheme designed to diversify the university’s ranks, school leavers will be asked to meet a minimum threshold of community service and extra-curricular activity such as working part-time, playing sport or volunteering, on top of achieving the right score for their degree.

ANU vice-chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt said students were more than “just a score” and had unique skills on offer from time spent volunteering, working part-time, excelling in sports or performance or participating in student leadership.

You can find out if you meet the tests here –

HSC Maths Course Selection Advice from UNSW

How to make the right choice at High School to prevent issues later.

Read the advice –

Studying Math for the HSC and Beyond – Year 10 Students Subject Selection

The Mathematical Association of NSW has put together a guide to selecting maths subjects for the HSC.

Read the guide here –

Find out more here –

Teach.nsw Get Paid to Study

Want to become a teacher? You could get paid to study and have a guaranteed job on graduation. Subscribe to their mailing list to find out more –

Sydney Trains – 2019 Apprenticeship Program

You will get the opportunity to be part a program that combines paid work and structured training, allowing you to learn a trade and gain a nationally recognised qualification.

Find out more –


How To Get a Builder’s License – from HIA (Housing Industry Association)

To work as a builder or tradesperson in Australia you must have a licence or be registered (depending on your state or territory). A licence or registration may require a combination of technical qualification, experience, skills and knowledge prior to application.

Find out more –

Master Painters Australia – Apprenticeships – NSW

If you’re considering your options post-secondary school, then an apprenticeship may be what you’re looking for. An apprenticeship offers young people employment and on-the-job training opportunities and has the great benefit of a career in the making upon completion.

They also run 3 day pre-apprenticeship programs – register here to find out when the next one is on.

Register your interest here –

NECA Electrotechnology Apprenticeships

At NECA we’re here to help you complete a national qualification that supports a career in data/ communication, home automation, renewable energy, construction, the installation of lights, power, air conditioning, fire protection, building management systems and more.

They pay for everything, including your tools, and you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification.

80% of their apprentices graduate and 99% of graduates find a job in the first 3 months, with up to $91k starting salary.

Apply here –

Check out their infographic –


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.


Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

 There are 3 ways to study at UNSW Canberra (ADFA)

Our students are provided with a unique study experience, access to custom-built facilities and resources, outstanding industry networks, and graduate with a degree from one of the top universities in the world.

Find out more –


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

Pathway to a Career in Aviation – Sydney Flight College

  1. Private Pilot Licence
  2. Diploma of Aviation and a Commercial Pilot Licence
  3. Instrument Rating then either Charter or Instruct

Then you start with regional airlines before moving to business jets or international airlines

See the full flowchart –

Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.


ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply visit:


TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide
Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here –
Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out –


Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.


Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.


TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.


Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.


My Future – Supporting your Child’s Career Development

Support from family and key people in their life is important in helping young people through the process of thinking about and planning for their career.

As a parent or carer, four areas where you can provide practical support are self-awareness, opportunity awareness, decision making and transition support.

Read more at – – /


Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here –


Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.


FYA Blog – How Studying The Wrong Thing Helped Me Figure Out What The Right Thing Was

Some great tips in this blog (NOTE: the author is not advocating that you should deliberately pick the wrong thing)

Tip 1 – go with your gut

Tip 2 – do your research

Tip 3 – changing your mind is ok

“If I could go back, I would jump on Google and research a variety of degrees to figure out what they’re actually all about. I’d talk to people working on jobs I think sound interesting to find out what they’re actually like and how they got there. I’d speak to careers counsellors. And I’d ask for advice from family members and friends.” 

Read the post –

How to Help Your Child Prepare For Their HSC Exams – from HSC in the Holidays

Want to help your child prepare for their best possible marks, but not sure where to start? This guide was written with you in mind…

Download it here –

Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips –

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here:


Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables

10 Jobs that didn’t exist 10 years ago

Sustainability and web-based services seem to be driving the change – how does this fit in with your post-school plans?

Watch the video –

Careers News Issue 12 2018 (1)

From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

As we approach the end of Term 3 with our Year 12 students counting down their last days and our Year 11 students on exam block, it is a good time to reflect on what we are trying to achieve in our Waverley graduates. Our aim is to produce young men that are both happy and healthy. Young men that have good character with resilience to respond to the obstacles life can throw at them. Of course we also want them to have good academic results that enable them to have diverse opportunities and pathways to their next step in life’s journey. Being a Catholic school we also want them to be young men of spirit with a inner desire to help others and make a difference in the community. I received an email this week from a member of the public that gives insight into what we expect from a Waverley College graduate:

Dear Mr Leddie

Hello my name is Aya, on Friday 14 September I was at Clovelly Beach and I was struggling with my pram to get up the stairs. People passed, watching me struggle and I was ignored and made fun of because of my Islamic attire, when two young gentlemen stopped and kindly offered me assistance. The young men held my pram all the way up the stairs without any complaint and kindly offered me support for the verbal abuse I was receiving. These two young men deserve to be recognised which is why I am emailing you, I hope that these young men will be the men leading Australia in the future.

Congratulations to (Y10) Blair Kallis and (Y10) Emmanuel Di Bartolo for doing the right thing, showing great care and leadership.


Head of College Awards

Congratulations to the following boys who received a Head of College Award at yesterday’s assembly.  Students are awarded this in recognition of collecting three Gold Awards throughout the year.


Woollahra Youth Photographic and Short Film Awards

Congratulations to our Visual Arts students in the recent Woollahra Youth Photographic and Short Film Awards. Waverley students faced strong competition from our neighbouring schools including Ascham, Cranbrook, Kambala, Kincoppal, Moriah, St Clare’s, Scots and Sydney Boys High.

Andre Carretero – Dreaming Chile, Grandma’s World


Oscar Madden – Pride


Jasper Wilde – 1000 Words Ebb and Flow


Together for Humanity Youth Summit

Congratulations to the following Year 9 Students who will be representing Waverley College at the Together For Humanity Youth Summit on Wednesday, 17 October 2018: Joseph Agius, Ryan Bayas, Isaac Coombes, Finn Harley Whitney, Elija Heininger, Jack MacKenzie, Oscar Mason, Toby Rabinowitz.



Congratulation to our 100 strong performers and staff from the Junior School who performed at the Wakakirri NSW Sydney Region Primary School Challenge. The boys performed very well in Division 1 and were awarded the Best Anti-Bullying Story Award. Congratulations to all involved and special thanks to Ms Michelle Rollins who coordinated her 22nd Wakakirri Waverley performance.


Track and Field Team

Good luck to our Track and Field Team who represent us in the 89th CAS Track and Field Competition this week. The team was presented on assembly yesterday and wished all the best by the College community.

In the lead up to this year’s competition, two significant College records were broken, both with great stories attached to them.

Charles McGrath (Year 12) went out to beat his coach Mr Jeremy Roff’s old 3000m record of 8:58:53 held since 2001. Charles smashed that record by over 10 seconds with a time of 8:47:30. This was achieved with the support of one of Charles’ training partners from Cranbrook, Drew Fryer, who ran as his pacer for the first 2km to give Charles the best chance of breaking our school record. The support these two students have shown each other throughout the season is a true example of good sportsmanship and is something we should be very proud of.

Dane Towns (Year 8) broke his father Michael’s school record which has stood for 34 years in the 14’s high jump with a height of 180cm. Dane has since added another centimeter to the record mark at 181cm.

I include below some impressive words from the Track and Field Convenor, Ms Kaitlyn Downey, who spoke at yesterday’s assembly:

There is one word that I wanted to talk to you about today and that word is accountability. In this day and age, people can sometimes be too quick to blame others when they don’t get selected for a team. They blame someone else’s bad pass, or that the coach doesn’t like them. People rely too heavily on past performance and just assume they will get selected into a team because they were once the best. And when they don’t, it’s the easy way out to push the blame on to someone else.

The best thing about Track and Field is that it holds you accountable. You can’t argue with time. You can’t argue with the distance. It’s objective and free from subjectivity. If you don’t turn up and step up, you will not improve. If you do not train and listen to your coaches, you will not improve. Over and over again, time, gravity, distance and weight will hold you accountable. This puts people on a level playing field. All athletes who come from a variety of sporting backgrounds – whether it be rugby, football, AFL, tennis, cricket, basketball or any other sport – Track and Field will test what you are really made of.

Patrick Brennan, Deputy Head of College

2018 John Lincoln Youth Community Service Award Winners

Congratulations to Ned Wieland and Tom Carey who were publicly recognised by the Order of Australia Association (NSW) for their exemplary service to the community by receiving the 2018 John Lincoln Youth Community Service Award at a ceremony on Friday at Government House.

In 1992 the founder of these awards, the late Dr John Lincoln AM became concerned that secondary school students were unaware of the high principles and prestige of the Order of Australia. He thought that the Association should give recognition to students with an excellent record of community service.

Each year nominations are given to the panel who meet at Macquarie University where the Vice-Chancellor, Emeritus Professor Di Yerbury AO is a selector. The other members of the panel include Vice-Admiral David Leach AC, CBE, LVO and Emeritus Professor John Collins AM.

Both boys represented the College with distinction and their respective charity work acknowledged publicly at the ceremony. Ned, becoming the youngest Australian to swim the English Channel for RUOK and Tom one of the highest fundraisers in the country through his promotion of the World’s Greatest Shave.

The awards were presented by the Governor of NSW, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC.

Year 10 Students Forum at St Vincent’s College

Last week, twenty of our Year 10 students were invited to participate in a forum at St Vincent’s College. Students at St Vincent’s College have been engaging in topics of interest that concerns all school students and adults.

One group of students, have focussed on removing the stigma around sexual assault so that the issue can be brought to light and discussed. The girls were aiming to emphasise the importance of girls and boys talking respectfully and openly so that young adults are made aware of the issue, as well as the impacts and consequences of sexual assault on victims and perpetrators. By discussing the issue, the girls wished to make fellow students aware of the issue to help prevent sexual assault in the environments that people are exposed to.

Students from St Vincent’s had put together a stimulus video to show students. Waverley College engaged in meaningful dialogue with the students from St Vincent’s about this sensitive topic.

Our Year 10 students took this opportunity with open hands and interacted respectively and several boys were added to the video to show support from a male perspective.

The College thanks St Vincent’s for the invitation and hopes to host the same group of students here at Waverley later in the year.



2019 Fees

School Fees for the 2019 school year are due on the following dates:


1st Payment – Prompt payment date 19/1/2019; Due date 1/2/2019

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 26/4/2019; due date 10/5/2019

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 19/7/2019; due date 2/8/2019


Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4.00pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.


Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Head of College that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2018 and 2019 are below:

Finishing at end of Notice by
Term 3, 2018

Term 4, 2018

Term 1, 2019

Term 2, 2019

Term 3, 2019

Term 4, 2019

Tue 24 Jul 2018

Mon 15 Oct 2018

Wed 30 Jan 2019

Tue 30 April 2019

Tue 23 July 2019

Tues 15 October 2019



Prayer of the Week

This week (Friday 21st September) is the Feast Day of St Matthew. Here is his story from Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 9:9):

As he walked along Jesus saw a tax collector, named Matthew, sitting in

his office.  He said to him, ‘Follow me.’ Matthew got up and followed him.

While Jesus was having a meal in Matthew’s house many tax collectors

and other outcasts came and joined Jesus and his disciples at the table.

Some Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples ‘Why does your teacher

eat with such people?’. Jesus heard them and answered ‘People who are

well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick. Go and find out

what is meant by the scripture that says: It is kindness that I want, not

animal sacrifices, I have not come to call respectable people, but


The Gospel of the Lord: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer to Saint Matthew:

O Glorious Saint Matthew, in your Gospel you portray Jesus as the longed-for Messiah who founded a Church of the New Covenant. Give us the grace to see Jesus living in his Church and to follow his teachings in our lives so that we may live forever with him in heaven.


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Mary, Mother of God Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

Keep in your prayers

We continue to pray for members of our community who are going through some challenging times in their lives. Hugo Kulcsar (Year 6), William Pearce (Year 6), Mrs Stanton (wife of Mr Stanton) and Mr Harris all need our support and prayers. We hope they all recover and re-join our community soon.

Thank you

From the bottom of my heart I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who helped make my farewell on Friday night so special for me. Saying goodbye after 28 years was never going to be easy but I was overwhelmed by the support from everyone.

It’s almost surreal knowing that I have less than a few days left at the Junior School and my role as Director will come to an end.

All I can really say is thank you and please keep in touch.


This Friday is our annual Walkathon. Thank you to all the parents that have volunteered to assist throughout the day – your help is very much appreciated. Boys are reminded that they are to meet at Queens Park by 8.40am (not at school). At the completion of the day (between 1.30 and 1.45pm) they will be dismissed from Queens Park as well.

Your support in this extremely worthwhile fundraising event is greatly appreciated.

Year 7, 2019

A reminder that next Monday is the Allwell Testing day for all boys in Year 6 who will be going onto the senior school next year.

Information about Allwell Testing Day

DATE: Monday 24th September 2018.

TIME: 8.30am – 12:30pm

VENUE: Meet at Reception on the Senior Campus, 131 Birrell St Waverley.

Return to Junior School: 12.30pm for lunch then periods 5 & 6.


If you have any questions/problems about the Testing morning: Email: Mrs Robin Ball, EA to the Director of Learning;

History Hysteria Showcase

The students of Year 5 will be involved in a showcase to present their historical knowledge from term 3 in our HISTORY HYSTERIA SHOWCASE! They have been involved in a history inquiry unit that explores the significance of people, groups, places and events that have led to the development of Australia.

 Each student will have a booth at the showcase on which they will:

– Display the historical research of their chosen event/ group

– Choose a character from their event or group

– Dress up as their character

– Prepare a minimum of five questions for the audience to ask about their character.

We will have guest judges attending to present awards. It will be an educational and fun afternoon to celebrate all the achievements and effort the students have put into History this term.

You are invited to attend our HISTORY HYSTERIA SHOWCASE on Monday 24th September, 2018. It will be held on the Junior School basketball court at 1:30pm.

CIS Athletics

Our IPSHA boys performed admirably at Homebush last week. All students and parents were impressed by our results. All students found the day to be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Jack Johnson and Luke Newrick have progressed to the NSWPSSA team. A great feat for both boys.

Results are as follows:

RESULTS CIS: (13th September, 2018)

U12 Relay- 9th/22 then progressed to finals 9th/9 56:28 sec

U10 Relay 7th/23 then progressed to finals 8th/9 1:00:30 sec

U12 100m Eden Byrd 21st 14:65 sec

U12 200m Campbell Porteus 14th 29:12 sec

U10 200m Jack Johnson 9th 30:53 sec then progressed to finals 5th 30:71sec

U10 800m Jack Johnson 3rd 2:32:30 min.  NSWPSSA TEAM

U11 Long Jump Luke Newrick 3rd 4.59m (Personal Best) NSWPSSA TEAM

U11 Discus  Luke Newrick 21st 16.67m

U11 High Jump Henry Parkes 5th 1.38m


Well done to Elliott Hellawell-More and Charlie Cooke from Year 5 who on the weekend set up a cake stall to raise money for our walkathon. The boys did well to create enough trade for $90 of cake sales in 2 hours during 32-degree heat and were able to engage a number of passes by in the fundraising efforts of Waverley College.

Congratulations to Sam Frain and Max Fisher who represented Waverley College as part of the CIS team at the PSSA Golf State championships last week. The CIS team won the NSW State stroke event and the NSW State nett event – what an outstanding achievement from these two talented young golfers.

Year 5 Camp Letters

Thank you to the parents that have returned the medical forms for the upcoming Year 5 camp. However, there are a large number of the requested forms letters from parents still outstanding. Can I ask you to please ensure that you have sent in the letters by the end of the term.

Name on all Student Property

Can I please stress the need to ensure your son has his name on all his gear – it makes it far easier to return any lost gear.


If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office.


Waverley College farewells a legend

On Friday 14 September, over 350 teachers, parents, old boys and friends gathered at the Br J P Lacey Gymnasium to farewell the Director of Waterford, Anthony Banboukjian and celebrate his 28 years at the College. Special guests included previous Headmasters Br Paul Oakley and Br Bob Wallace, previous Head of College, Ray Paxton, immediate past Board Chair, Sam Hardjono, current Board Chair, Mark Davies and President of the Parent Association, Mary Ramsay.  Tony was also very proud to have his family and friends in attendance, including his mother, Josephine, at the special celebration.

Tony’s moving speech can be read here:

This a truly humbling experience. My apologies in advance if I get emotional. I can’t believe my time at Waverley will be over in just a couple of weeks. 28 years. 28 great and most of the time very interesting years. I really hadn’t planned on staying this long – I’ve always said find me a better school and I’d be happy to move on. I think in those years at Waverley we’ve lived through every possible human emotion: We’ve laughed together. We’ve cried together. Watched our families grow. Watched as we got older and some of us balder.

28 years – not bad for someone who was initially only employed for one term’s maternity leave – thank you Michelle Arkins. That one term became a year which become 20 plus. My role changed throughout my time at the Junior School – going from just a teaching role (“Communications teacher’ was my first role) to sports master to assistant director and for the past 10 years I’ve had the distinct honour and pleasure of been the Director of Waterford.

I remember my first day at Waverley. I’d just moved from an inner city boy’s school where I’d been punched by student, had a knife pulled on me by group of disgruntled students, threatened by a boy who a few years later would end up in Long Bay for murder – so I was excited to be at school like Waverley. A fellow teacher however took me aside and warned me how difficult the students could be; well it only took one lesson for me to walk into the staffroom and give him a clip behind the ear to remind him just how good he had it here.

In the space of a few days I went from wanting to leave teaching to loving my work and looking forward to coming to work each day. What keeps someone in one place for so long?  It’s really simple; the Junior School is a truly special place with great people who create a family-like atmosphere. What you need to understand and keep in mind is that parents don’t have to send their son to the Junior School. They make a determined decision to change schools to send him to Waverley. They want something special for their son – they want him challenged, they want him involved, they want a boy friendly structure and they want teachers who understand boys and boys’ education.

Yes, it’s busy and noisy but I’d like to believe we have created an environment where boys want to come to learn, to achieve their best, to learn about charity, empathy and inclusiveness. My hope has always been that every boy that comes to the Junior School strives to be the best person he can be and that the teachers inspire him as role models. I’m happy to walk away from the College at the end of the term knowing that I’ve had the real privilege of teaching over 4000 unique young men and I hope I’ve made a difference and had an impact in their lives.

If you permit me I’d like to extend a few notes of thanks:

I know they won’t like it but I’d like to acknowledge two special people.

I look back with gratitude for the opportunity to work at Waverley. As I leave Waverley I am taking many of you with me.

You’ll be in my memories:

And the list goes on.

I’m not retiring which might surprise some people – what the future holds we’ll have to wait and see. If you are ever down Moss Vale or Berrima way drop in for a chat.

Again I thank you for allowing me the great privilege and honour to have worked at Waverley College and been the Director of the Junior School.

Anthony Banboukjian finishes as Director of Waterford at the end of Term 3, with new Director, Gabby Smith commencing in Term 4. Waverley College would once again like to acknowledge the wonderful contribution Anthony has made to our Waverley College community and the Junior school over these many years. We wish him the very best as he embarks on the next chapter in life.

From William Roberts, Head of Library Services

Inspiring your son’s reading journey

Each year the College provides an opportunity for students in Years 7 to 9 to listen to stories being read out aloud. Your son’s teachers share literature and stories aimed to inspire and motivate your sons on their reading journey.

For Term 3 it was Year 8’s turn.  During Term 3 we add to the experience via arranging to have a Year 12 drama performance by our HSC students.

This event is one way we build and foster a reading culture at Waverley. This year the Year 12 drama group performance was entitled “Stagehands”.

Our year 12 performers were Joshua Bale, Samuel King, Leo Bosi and Simon Finnegan.

Boys listened to the following teachers read – Kaitlyn Downey, Anne Fahy and Paul Cornish.

The stories your sons listened to were:

Desert Purist by Chris Ryan – Tales of daring heroism in the Middle East.

Conjuror by John and Carole Barrowman – A musically magical, yet somehow suburban tale.

The Man From Snowy River by Banjo Patterson recited without notes.

Celebrate National Reading Hour this week with your sons

Support the National Australian Reading Hour event and promote the health benefits of reading with your family.  The Australian Reading Hour is officially on this Thursday September 20 and on this day we are challenged to devote one hour to reading!  See this link for full details and for inspiration.

During this week and next boys in selected Wellbeing groups will participate in the event.

From the Reading Hour website:  Why read?

 From James Horrocks, Head of Brennan House

Holdsworth Ball a great success

The annual Holdsworth Ball was run recently on Saturday 1st September and was a great success thanks to the huge efforts of a number of students and staff, many of whom had been working to put this night together since late April.

The Holdsworth Ball is a charity ball that is put on by students from both Waverley College and St Clare’s College for the clients of Holdsworth Community, it is the major social justice event for Brennan House.  Holdsworth is an organisation that works primarily with children and young adults living with intellectual disabilities, providing support for them, their families and carers.

The entire event is planned and run by the students, with all costs having to be covered by their own fundraising efforts.  They are also responsible for catering a three-course meal, entertainment, prizes and the promotion of the event throughout the community.  This is a very significant undertaking by those involved and requires them to meet every Wednesday afternoon, which they commenced doing in Term 2.

The feedback this year from Holdsworth, the clients who attended and their families has been fantastic.  It is the key event in the Holdsworth social calendar each year.  All who attended commented on the excellent work done by the students involved and the way in which they conducted themselves on the night.  Many parents of clients say that these nights are one of only a handful of opportunities they get to see their children interact with their friends and others in a “normal” social setting, and is something that means so much to each of them.

The whole event would not be able to happen without the support of the incredible Waverley College community.  This year, as with many prior years, a number of staff and departments helped make the night such a great success:

Thank you also to Mr Graham Leddie, Mr Matthew Porter and Father Bernie, for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend and show their support on the night.

The core group of students who worked to plan the event included:

In addition to this, many other students and Old Boys volunteered their time on the day to help set up, prepare and then perform on the night itself.  Many of these boys also worked from 8am-10:30pm on the Saturday, along with those listed above.

Music and Lighting:

Kitchen and General Helpers:

Every single one of these students was exceptional and an absolute credit to themselves, their families and the college.  They deserve high recognition for their commitment to the night and the immense amount of work they all put in for such a worthy cause.

From Geraldine Cullen, Social Justice Coordinator

A message for Waverley College families from Jon Owen, the Pastor and CEO of the Wayside Chapel.

Save the Date: Wednesday 10 October

Dear Friend of Wayside

Is it possible that in Australia people are born into inequality? Do we live in a society that favours a few at the expense of many?

Following the launch of Side by Side in late 2017, this year Wayside will host a long-table lunch and forum at the Bondi Pavilion. You are invited to join us on Wednesday, 10 October 2018 for this unique, interactive event to discuss the cycle of inequality in Australia.

Join us at Side by Side 2018 to explore what we can do to create a fair and equitable society. You will hear from special guests and as Wayside’s new CEO and Pastor I will share my own experiences in living and working among some of the most disadvantaged communities in Australia. It will be a highly interactive experience, where you and your children will engage in discussions and activities to dig deeper into some of our society’s biggest challenges. Let’s involve the next generation in finding a solution.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018, 12pm to 3pm

Event Details

Bondi Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth Drive Bondi Beach

This event is FREE. Spaces are strictly limited. RSVP essential by 3 Oct here.

Lunch and refreshments provided. Please advise of any dietary requirements.

Please register an individual RSVP for each family member attending. Ages 10+. Once you have RSVP’d we will send you more details in the coming weeks.


We believe in bringing people from all ages and all walks of life to talk about the issues that affect our communities. We’re hosting this free event during the school holidays and encourage both adults and children over the age of 10 to attend.

Every day at Wayside Chapel we see those who have suffered hardship and disadvantage since birth. Children from lower socio-economic households do not succeed as often as children from wealthier households and these kids who fall behind, face a near impossible task to catch up to their peers, something that can persist well into adulthood. When society fails our young people, we set them up to live a life of poverty.

This event has been inspired by the much-anticipated opening of Wayside’s new social enterprise in Bondi Beach, the Heart Cafe, and the Wingspan Project – a new program that will return hope to the lives of unemployed youth.

Nothing of significance is ever built alone, we must do it together. We hope you and your kids can join us to ensure Wayside Chapel’s mission of creating community with no ‘us and them,’ continues into the future.

From Venettia Miller, College Archivist

 Exploring our proud Waverlian history

The recent NSW History week provided the perfect opportunity for Waverley College to explore and promote understanding of our own history. Students and staff were invited to lunchtime history sessions to engage in conversations with Waverley Old Boys, who shared stories about their time at the school. They reminisced with memories that were fond, sad and heartfelt, offering unique insights into the ways the culture and physical spaces of the College have evolved over time. Their anecdotes, particularly those from our oldest Old Boy Phil O’Sullivan, highlighted that perhaps the antics of boys have change little since the 1930s.

Current student Joshua Conacher-Smith spoke on his family legacy of men who have attended the College, from his great grandfather Carl Smith, who was Dux of the school in 1909, through to his uncle, his older brother and now him. He expressed beautifully how this has created a shared family bond that enables a unique sense of connection to relatives he never met.

Memorabilia from the College archives was on display in the gymnasium, including examples of the old boater hat, worn until the early ‘70s, a rifle range target sheet (with bullet holes) and samples of student examination papers and certificates from the early 1900s.


Phil O’Sullivan with Venettia Miller

An historical photo re-creation competition was run through the Wellbeing Groups, with boys given a choice of photos from the archives to replicate. This was a fun and effective way to connect current students to their history. Groups earned House points by participating, with Lacey and Tevlin tied for first. The best four photos (it was too difficult to decide a single winner) were from Conlon 5, Brennan 2 (Junior School), Tevlin 4 and the combined effort of Lacey 2 & 9. Well done and thank you for your efforts!