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From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan

Deputy Head’s Conference – Brisbane

Last week EREA Deputies from across Australia and New Zealand met for their annual conference. The focus of the three days was reimagining our schools’ tradition of “To Do and To Teach” in the 21st Century through exploring the essence of teaching and learning into the future.

The group of fifty were immersed in a variety of prayer, ritual and community building experiences led by our facilitator, Br Damien Price.

Our speakers included;

In addition to a wide and stimulating group of speakers, the annual conference provides a great opportunity for collaboration with colleagues from other EREA and our Associate and New Zealand Schools. Together we took advantage of the opportunities to network, reflect with and build community among colleagues facing similar experiences, challenges and opportunities

In 2019 my colleagues and I look forward to hosting the national conference here in Sydney.

Patrick Brennan with Li Cunxin

Great Feedback Keeps Coming

This year we have seen a turnaround in the way our boys are presenting themselves in public. Our uniform and behaviour have had a significant shift in recent times and this is being noticed by many Sydney-siders. I am now pleased to say I am receiving more phone calls, emails and letters complimenting our boys than correspondence regarding our boys making poor decisions.

Last week the College received a call from a 91 year old local resident who had a nasty fall. Several students did not hesitate in going to the assistance of the gentleman and providing him with care and reassurance.

I constantly remind the boys to exhibit the highest possible behaviour and manners whilst in public. This is a priority of mine and an essential ingredient in maintaining our cultural shift. The messages we give to the public plays a large part in the significant waiting lists of boys now wanting to attend the College.

Well done to all!

Ignatius Park College – Hosting Opportunity

Ignatius Park College in far North Queensland are wishing to send ten Year 10 students to Sydney to spend a week in the life of a Waverley College student.

If any parents would like to host one of these boys from Sunday 21st October until Friday 26th October please indicate your interest by emailing Nikki Smith


From the Director of Learning and Teaching, Elizabeth Watson

Year 8 Rock Band performance

A big congratulations to the Year 8 Rock Band, who performed  ‘Photograph‘  by Ed Sheeran at the Academic Assembly held this morning. Well done to the following band members:


Twenty Dollar Boss

By Saia Afeaki

Over the past few weeks Hugo Stephenson and I have teamed up with Miss Alborough on an awesome roller coaster experience. Packed with countless laughs, the $20 Boss program has given us a chance to step up into a leadership role..

Saia Afeaki and Hugo Stephenson

$20 Boss engages you to create your very own choice of business, enabling you to experience leadership, and total fun at the same time.

Hugo and I had an experience of a lifetime raising money for a charity close to my heart, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Through lots of hard work cleaning up houses we raised $115. It might not look much but that is enough to make something spectacular for someone like me who has Cerebral Palsy.

We had a great time, and it was a great experience. We had the courage and hope to let our minds run wild and create a successful business, and also to raise money to make a difference to someone else’s life.

GATSTA (Gifted and Talented Secondary Teacher’s Association) Meeting

From Academic Extension Teachers, Dominic Hearne and Stephanie Boyce

Over the course of any year, Waverley plays host to a number of special interest groups who use Waverley as a meeting venue.

On Wednesday 15 August, we hosted the Term 3 meeting of the Gifted and Talented Teachers’ Association.  As part of that, the group meets for about 3 hours, which includes lunch.

Stephanie Boyce managed to prove her skills beyond the merely amazing with a range of foods provided by the Year 11 Hospitality students, which drew admiration from all our visitors. Thanks must also go to Davina O’Hara and Anne O’Loughin for all of the behind the scenes work getting this together.

Year 11 Hospitality students catered for the GATSTA meeting

Science Week

From Science Teacher, Gemma Brown

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and it kicked off with a bang at Waverley College! Liquid nitrogen, dry ice, elephant’s toothpaste and flaming hands are among some of the experiments students have been experiencing this week so far.

Demonstrations took place at lunchtime on Wednesday at the Senior school and on Thursday at the Junior School. The students were very interested at the range of experiments, especially the flying ping pong balls!

Perfect Science Championships

A reminder to all students in Years 7-10, the Education Perfect Science Championships is on this week. To compete, log onto your Education Perfect account and click on the Science Championships link under Competitions.


Author Talks for Year 7 and 11

From Head of Library Services, William Roberts

On Wednesday, August 15 Year 7 and Year 11 students took part in a presentation session by James Phelan. This event was held to give students tips and strategies to develop creative writing skills and to be inspired to find new books to read. James has an impressive background in writing and the College is the richer for having James present at Waverley.

About the author: James Phelan

James Phelan is the author of 21 novels, including thrillers, young adult and middle grade fiction. He is noted for a fast paced writing style that appeals as much to boys as girls. James is a highly entertaining and engaging speaker who has delivered keynotes and presentations all around the world and divides his time between Melbourne and New York.

As a teenager James discovered a love of thrillers, of being entertained and informed along the way. He has written four series of novels ranging from primary school aged readers with THE LAST THIRTEEN (Scholastic 2013) to fast paced thrillers such as THE SPY (Hachette 2013).

James has a passion for promoting literacy in Australia. He is involved in many creative writing groups and regularly talks at literary events. He is a member of the Australian Society of Authors, Fellowship of Australian Writers, and state writers centres.

After studying Architecture and English Literature, and graduating with a PhD in Writing, James developed the idea that became his first published book. He worked at The Age for five years, and has published fiction and non-fiction. He has been a full-time novelist since the age of 25.



Year 7-9 Semester 1 Academic Award winners

These awards were presented at today’s assembly.

Year 7 Semester 1 Academic Awards

First Place in: Year 7 

Religious Education Leo Schmid,

Charles Hely Hammond

English Hugh McDonald, Daniel Palacio
Science Jack Crotty
PDHPE Connor Andrews
Geography Charlie Smith, Declan Strong
Music Campbell Groves
Technology Jack Crotty
Drama Charles Hely-Hammond Matt Woods


First in Class 701

Religious Education Luke White
English Jack Crotty
Science Jack Crotty
PDHPE Jack Crotty
Geography Jack Crotty
Music Matthew Wong
Technology Jack Crotty
Drama Jay Briggs


First in Class 702

Religious Education Jett Mc Tavish
English Hirav Gandhi
Science Hirav Ghandi
PDHPE Ben Leet
Geography Jett Mc Tavish
Music Mitchell Marsh
Technology Liam Wood
Drama Matt Woods


First in Class 703

Religious Education Charles Hely-Hammond
English Theodore Varvaressos
Science Charles Hely-Hammond
PDHPE Charles Hely-Hammond
Geography Max Court
Music Charles Hely-Hammond, Lachlan McMunn
Technology Charles Hely-Hammond
Drama Charles Hely-Hammond


First in Class 704

Religious Education Leo Schmid
English Leo Schmid
Science Leo Schmid
PDHPE Connor Andrews
Geography Leo Schmid, Andrew Moloney
Music Ethan Fernandez
Technology Leo Schmid
Drama Leo Schmid


First in Class 705

Religious Education Luca Holmes
English Lachlan Grant,  Luca Holmes
Science Zac Trosti
PDHPE Jules Cibej
Geography Luca Holmes
Music Zac Trosti
Technology Lachlan Grant
Drama Jules Cibej


First in Class 706

Religious Education Hugh Mc Donald
English Hugh McDonald, Daniel Palacio
Science Campbell Groves
PDHPE Campbell Groves
Geography Will O’Connor
Music Campbell Groves
Technology Campbell Groves
Drama Campbell Groves


First in Class 707

Religious Education Charlie Smith
English Samuel Stewart
Science Samuel Stewart
PDHPE Oliver Schai
Geography Charlie Smith, Declan Strong
Music Declan Strong
Technology Jake Walker
Drama Samuel Stewart


First in Class 708

Religious Education Jake Perks
English Jesse Gordon
Science Jake Perks
PDHPE Mitchell Reimer
Geography James Clarke
Music Joshua King
Technology Hugo Morgan
Drama Hugo Morgan


Mathematics 1st to 8th Placings in Year 7

First place Benjamin Stirling
Second place Benjamin Campbell
Third place Jake Perks
Fourth place (equal) Connor Andrews; Hirav Gandhi; Charles Hely-Hammond; Campbell Groves; Jamie Khov; Daniel Palacio; Oliver Schai


Year 8 Semester 1 Academic Awards

First Place in Year 8

Religious Education Liam Davis
English Leonardo Morgan
Science Jake Weinstein
PDHPE Max Leedham, Jake Weinstein
History Benjamin Sweeney, Niklas Tomac
Visual Art Mack Flitcroft
Technology Maddox Grebert, Thomas Wilkins
French James Harding
Spanish Antonio Rodriguez


First in Class 801

Religious Education Carl Waterson
English Carl Waterson
Science William Dodd
PDHPE Thomas Martin
History Julian Tee
Visual Art Mack Trustrum
Technology William Dodd
French James Harding


First in Class 802

Religious Education Daniel McSweeny
English Noah Kulcsar
Science Jake Weinstein
PDHPE Jake Weinstein
History Niklas Tomac
Visual Art Jake Weinstein
Technology Felix Gardan
French Jake Weinstein


First in Class 803

Religious Education Liam Davis
English Daniel Di Francesco
Science Mack Flitcroft
PDHPE Liam Davis
History Liam Davis
Visual Art Mack Flitcroft
Technology Maddox Grebert, Thomas Wilkins
French Daniel Di Francesco


First in Class 804

Religious Education Julian Ginnane
English James Bates
Science Matis Jos-Rolland
PDHPE Max Leedham
History Oliver Monaco,  Zac Wilde
Visual Art Oliver Elliott
Technology Oliver Elliott, Matis Jos-Rolland
Spanish Max Leedham


First in Class 805

Religious Education Jacob Mulberry
English Leonardo Morgan
Science Cooper Stynes
PDHPE Leonardo Morgan
History Benjamin Sweeney
Visual Art Harry Gippel
Technology Ryland Short
Spanish Cooper Stynes


First in Class 806

Religious Education Oli Goodrum
English Oli Goodrum
Science Jared Garwood
PDHPE Jared Garwood
History Oli Goodrum
Visual Art Jared Garwood
Technology Jared Garwood
Spanish Antonio Rodriguez


First in Class 807

Religious Education Jimmy Ashbridge
English Jimmy Ashbridge
Science Jimmy Ashbridge
PDHPE Jimmy Ashbridge
History Achilles Zanapalis
Visual Art Jimmy Ashbridge
Technology Xavier Scally
Spanish Nathan Barns


First in Class 808

Religious Education Emilio Vinci, Oscar Malone
English Finbar Moss
Science Damian Poulos
PDHPE Leo Astridge
History Sachiel Bass
Visual Art Charles Alexander
Technology Jackson Cunningham
Spanish Patrick Healy


Mathematics 1st to 8th Placings in Year 8

First place Andrew Custodio
Second place equal Jared Garwood

Cooper Stynes

Third place equal Felix Gardan Carl Waterson
Fourth place Jake Weinstein
Fifth place equal Matis Jos-Rolland Leonardo Morgan Maximilian Barber Riley Vidulich


Year 9 Semester 1 Academic Awards

First Place in Year 9

Religious Education Giulian D’Ettorre
English Hayden Walker, Harjot Mand
Mathematics Level 3 Lachlan Muir
Mathematics Level 2 Patrick Hoggett
Mathematics Level 1 Conor Carr
Science Leon Palacio
PDHPE Giulian D’Ettorre
Commerce Bryn Parry
iSTEM Luke McLellan
Information Software Technology Cameron Biazar
Geography Harjot Mand, Hayden Walker
PASS Nicholas Quinn
Music James Simpson
Drama Remy Crompton-Lamb, Massimo Di Napoli
Visual Art Mark Gaponov
Photography Felix Greenwood
Wood Technology Bryn Parry
Food Technology Giulian D’Ettorre
Design & Technology Lachlan Muir
Work Education Saia Afeaki
Spanish Alessio Imhoff
Multimedia Technology Daniel Pomes


ICAS Science Awards



From Applied Philosophy Teacher, Dominic Hearne

Since 2008, Waverley College has played host to a series of speakers in Term 3 each year, who might be considered visionary leaders in their respective fields.  These speakers are invited to work with our Philosophy students to:

In 2018 each of our speakers spoke openly about the field of leadership to our students. This year Waverley has been honoured to host:

Each spoke about the value of relationships with colleagues as part of a journey for leadership, remembering their past as part of the journey and valuing the people with whom they share leadership.

Dr. Bennett spoke of the need to accept any and every opportunity that came your way and that by saying no, you possibly blocked yourself from opportunities that might not otherwise present themselves.

Dr Bennett with the Philosophy students

Mr. Collins spoke of the importance he gained from working with his Sydney Trains colleagues and the importance of knowing peoples’ names, down to and including the cleaning gangs that clean the trains.

Ms. Plibersek spoke of the quiet pride of achieving simple things in leadership citing the building of housing for the less fortunate and therefore meeting families whose lives have been changed by being able to access a roof over their heads, as one example of leadership by achievement.

In all, three very different but very informative visions of leadership for our Philosophy boys.


The Visions of Leadership Program: A staff reflection

From Head of Library Services, Bill Roberts

I attended the Visions of Leadership talk given by Howard Collins OBE (CEO Sydney Trains). The event was a delight to be a part of. The students in attendance asked thoughtful and well considered questions.

Students were able to draw on their own train and public transport travel experiences, both locally and across the world, and relate and connect these to the themes presented in Howard’s talk. This, I feel, is a real strength of the Visions of Leadership program, as evident in this presentation: Students were able to connect their school experiences and learnings to the wider world and see how leadership can impact society for its betterment.

The Visions of Leadership program is focused on giving students a voice and this was great to see.  Students asked questions and were free to drive the presentation in ways that were important and meaningful to them.

Howard covered leadership qualities he has experienced over his long career and reflected on the ones that worked best.  The students, once again found this to be of great interest and were actively considering how they could then be leaders in their own classes and activities outside the College.

Providing students with meaningful and real engagement with the wider community and how school education links directly to achieving and facilitating this was a real strength I saw demonstrated today.


From Director of Waterford, Anthony Banboukjian

Prayer of the Week

Wednesday 15 August is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, where we remember Mary being raised at the end of her life. Mary is an example to us all of how to follow Jesus, to be with him and to minister in his name.

On this feast of Mary we celebrate a special favour that God gave to Mary, our Mother.

The Assumption means that Mary was taken up into the glory of heaven not only with her soul, but also with her body.

Jesus, the Son of God was born from Mary’s pure womb. So when Mary died, God the Father and Jesus, would not let the body of the Mother of God be spoilt. This was her reward for her love of God and her years of faithful prayers and suffering.

Now Mary is in heaven. She is queen of heaven and earth. She is the Mother of Jesus’ Church and queen of apostles. Every time Mary asks Jesus to give us graces, he listens to her request.

After the resurrection from the dead, we too can go to heaven with our bodies. Our bodies will be perfect. They will not suffer illness anymore. They will not need any more food and drink to keep alive. They will be beautiful and splendid!

If we use our bodies now to do good, those bodies will share in our heavenly reward.

As we celebrate the feast day of Mary, we can ask our Blessed Mother Mary to guide, protect and care for us.

We also remember those people who have inspired us throughout our lives. They may have been mentors and friends, or people we met for a short time, but who have had an impact on us. There are those who quietly and unobtrusively go about their lives, being present to others and caring for them in different ways.

May we remember these people, along with Mary, as we acknowledge that we are all Christ’s disciples.

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Mary, Mother of God Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever


Road Safety

The safety of every student is of the upmost importance to the staff of the Junior School. This includes of course travelling to and from school. We have spoken to the boys a number of times this year and will continue to reinforce the need to be road safe. I’d ask all parents to assist us with this message by talking to their sons about ensuring they cross at the lights or pedestrian crossings. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Winter Sport

What an amazing day last Saturday was for our last round of winter sports. Well done to all the boys for the way they conducted themselves throughout the season. The skill and sportsmanship on display each Saturday was fantastic.

Congratulations to the following teams for completing season undefeated:

A huge thank you to all the coaches of each team on behalf of the boys and their parents – you hard work is greatly appreciated.



Well done to the following boys for their performances in the 2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Writing competition.

Distinction Awards
Year 5
Jamie Vanderkemp (Top 9% Australia)

Credit Awards
Year 5
Joseph Dametto
Tom Donaldson
Archie Godby
Liam McMaster

Year 6
Ewan McDonald
Campbell Porteus

Merit Awards
Year 5
Zoltahn Szabo

Year 6
Aston Owens


Celebration of NAIDOC Week

We were very grateful for a visit from Fran Grant at our Junior School Assembly last week. Fran spoke to the boys about NAIDOC Week which took place during the holidays. Fran, Charlie Grant’s mum, is a very passionate advocate for Indigenous Rights and the boys greatly appreciated her presence and inspirational words.


Engaging Safely on Social Media

As parents (and teachers) it is evident the large role social media plays in allowing insidious bullies to apply their trade from the safety of their keyboards.

I would encourage all boys and their parents to remember the following when using social media:


2018 Fathers and Grandfathers Mass

Friday 31st August 201812:00pm to 2:00pm

Fathers, grandfathers and significant males in the lives of Waverley College students in Years 5 to 12 are invited to accompany their boys to a special Fathers and Grandfathers Mass for Father’s Day. The Mass will be followed by a luncheon for students and their guests. At the conclusion of lunch, Waterford students will have the opportunity to go home with their parent/grandparent to spend the afternoon together (approximately 2pm).

WHEN: 12pm FRIDAY 31 AUGUST 2018

MASS Br J P Lacey Gymnasium, Senior Campus 12pm – 1pm

LUNCHEON (Years 5 – 12): Luncheon will be served immediately after Mass in the Cosgrove Centre Covered Basketball Court, Senior Campus

BOOKINGS PLEASE NOTE:      If you have siblings across both campuses you will only need to fill out this form once. Please book the TOTAL NUMBER ATTENDING, including both adults and students.



Special Visit

The Prep 1sts and 2nds were privileged to have Stephen Hoiles join them for their final training session last Thursday afternoon.  Graduating from Waverley College in 1999, Stephen went on to represent Randwick, the Waratahs, the Brumbies and the Australian Wallabies.

After speaking to the boys about some of his highlights of playing rugby at all different levels, Stephen assisted with some training drills that would hope to give them some motivation for their final game for the season.  It was inspiring for the boys to hear that one of his fondest memories was playing schoolboys rugby for the Waverley 1st XV on the Number 1 field of a Saturday afternoon.

We thank Mrs Fran Grant for her assistance in liaising with both Stephen and the Junior School staff to make this special afternoon for the Preps to happen.


‘Lose your locks’: Kids’ Cancer Project Fundraiser

On Wednesday, 15th August, the Coogee Seahorses Rugby Club hosted a fundraiser at Latham Park for the ‘Kids’ Cancer Project’ in support of their team mate, Hugo Kulcsar who is currently undergoing treatment for Leukaemia.

It was wonderful to see large numbers of Waverley College boys there, along with many members of the local community and Randwick Rugby Club supporting Hugo. The boys showed their solidarity by participating in the ‘great shave.’ Local barbers and hairdressers gave their time to assist with the shave. It was a fantastic gathering of community spirit and generosity. Fortunately, Hugo managed to attend the event for a short time after two hard days in hospital. Denai and Frank Kulcsar were overwhelmed by the generosity and care of everyone.

Owen Finegan, the CEO of the ‘Kids’ Cancer Project’ and coach of Randwick Rugby has been overwhelmed with the generosity of the local community where donations have now reached over $50 000. All funds go to research and improving treatments for kids suffering cancer. To support this great project, you can donate at:

2018 NSW Primary CIS Golf Team

Congratulations to Samuel Frain (Yr 5) and Maximilian Fischer (Yr 6) on their selection in the NSW Primary CIS Golf Team for 2018 as they compete in the PSSA State Championships – we wish them all the best of luck.


Enrolment Deadlines for 2020

A reminder to our families that any siblings who wish to be enrolled at the college in 2020 must apply earlier than in the past. Our new enrolment deadlines are listed below.

Please note the key application deadlines for 2020 are as follows;

Applications for Year 5 in 2020 should be lodged by Friday 30 November 2018. Interviews will be conducted and offers made during Term 1, 2019.


From the Social Justice Coordinator, Geraldine Cullen

Parent and Son Urban Walks

Each month I take a group of Year 11 students to the Wayside Chapel. They meet a man who has experienced drug addiction and homelessness and we listen to his stories. Afterwards we take a walk around the backstreets of Kings Cross and he draws attention to points of interest, such as the Injecting Centre.

If parents are interested in accompanying their Year 10 sons on this walk in Term 4 please email me at The cost is $25 and is given as a donation to the Wayside Chapel Homelessness Program.

Advocacy Campaigns

Currently all Year 7 and 10 students are learning how to run an Advocacy Campaign in their RE classes. It is hoped by the time they leave school, they will be able to plan and execute a campaign to highlight an injustice and hopefully effect change. Students are encouraged to focus on their personal strengths and use these to create a unique campaign that hopefully brings about real change. In the past students would comment on how we raise their awareness about the many injustices in this world but don’t teach them how to change things. Hopefully that is about to change.

Year 11 Outreach

The Outreach Program got off to a good start this term. The majority of students have turned up to their rostered activities. Both parents and students are sent a reminder email. Please let myself or Ms Cooper know if your son is unable to attend.

Winter Sleep Out

Tevlin House is involved with raising awareness about the issue of homelessness. The Tevlin Winter Sleep Out is fast approaching. Students will meet a man who has experienced homelessness and drug addiction and they will listen to his story. After watching a documentary on Youth Homelessness, students will sleep out in the gymnasium. The idea is they will experience in a small way the discomfort of sleeping rough. In previous years we have slept out in St John’s Church grounds. Due to the Ice epidemic we can no longer do this.

Holdsworth Ball

On the 1st September our students and some St Clare’s students will host the Holdsworth Ball in St Clare’s Hall. This is the highlight of the year for our young Holdsworth friends living with disabilities. Mr Horrocks and Brennan House put a huge amount of effort making this a very special night.

The Holdsworth Community is an organisation that supports children, young adults and their families living with disability, providing them with recreational activities and employment support.

The theme for the night is “A Night at the Oscars”. The hard work has well and truly begun planning the night and in order for the night to be run successfully, fundraising and donations are needed to pay for costs such as; food, drinks, decorations and further marketing of the event. Over the next few weeks Waverley boys and St Clare’s girls are going to be running a number of fundraising events to pay for the running of the night. Additionally, any parents, friends or members of the Waverley Community that are able to donate prizes to be raffled on the night would be greatly appreciated and would contribute significantly to the success of the night.  The event is one of the key highlights in the Holdsworth Community annual calendar.

For more information, please contact Mr James Horrocks via email at:

From TAS teacher, Cassie Perry

Congratulations to Waverley College students Will Gibson, Finn Anderson, Luke McLellan, Edward Sullivan and Patrick Hoggett in Year 9 who have worked collaboratively to submit a pitch for the NRMA future of transport challenge.

These young entrepreneurs have a vision for the future that involves ‘getting more cars off the road in Sydney’. They believe that ‘cars have a major impact on many issues relating to the environment including increased air pollution and greenhouse gases, as well as being the cause of major tragedies on our roads. This congestion can also cause stress, longer travel time and increased vehicular queueing’.

Their submitted initiative is for ‘a car share app that aims to reduce the amount of cars on the road in Sydney. This solution will allow multiple people to travel to the same location together. This could be useful for adults going to work or students going to school’. Their proposed app “Carlaborate” is designed to unite people.

The top four finalists in this competition will be announced on the 21st August and invited to the Youth Eco Summit where they present their pitch.


CAS Round 10

On the weekend of the 11th of August, Waverley Football played their last game for the season against Trinity. It was great to see how the teams had come together throughout the season to become more than just a team, which in turn let the Waverley spirit prevail. I would like to congratulate all teams on the work they have put in this season and the great sportsmanship shown by the players.

The day started off strong with 10As winning 2-1 followed by the 2nd XI having a very late come back and scoring 2 goals from Anthony Candi and Dean Nappa in the dying minutes of the game to win 2-1. The 1st XI had a hard fought game finishing with a 1-1 draw against Trinity with a goal from Dom Abruzzese. Throughout the day there were many victories for the Waverley teams as they played together for the final time and the last game of the day was the 7As who were playing for the CAS premiership. Going into the game, both Trinity and Waverley were tied for equal first on the ladder and both teams wanted the outright premiership. After a hard fought game and many attempts at goals from both teams the game finished with a 0-0 draw, meaning both teams were combined CAS premiers. Congratulations to the 7As who went through CAS undefeated and winning the premiership.

Football Presentation Night

The Football presentation night was a great success with players from all teams from the Junior school and the Senior school attending to celebrate the achievements made in the 2018 winter season. The night was held to acknowledge the efforts of coaches, parents and players alike in their commitment to each and every training session and game. On the night players from each team were awarded the coaches’ award and the best and fairest award. We also presented the 7As the winners of the Nick Rizzo cup. The Nick Rizzo cup is a long running award of Waverley College that is presented to the Colleges most successful team for the season. As mentioned above the 7As were very deserving of this award due to their very successful season.

The award winners for the night were:


  Best and Fairest Coaches Award Contribution to Football Captain Award
1st Jack Hardwicke-Owen Ben Scarf Anthony Candi Jack Hardwicke-Owen
2nd Jerome Mendes Harvey Papastamos
3rd Luke Mazza Andreas Frageas
  Daniel Brown Mark Andre
4th Ben Rogers Andre Vumbaca
5th Dylan Smith Mats Lea
6th Noah Glasel Rocco Evans
  Alex Bruce
7th Joshua Lemura Mitchell Fitzgerald
8th Samuel King Eamonn Hassey
10A Alex Talbot Matthew Stopic
10B Mawson Flitcroft Conor Evans
10C Billy Cosgrove Oliver Blackett
10D Daniel Pomes Nicholas Otis
10E Anthony Vigliante Reeve Mohat
9A Peter Stamatelatos William Jensen
9B Allessio Imhoff Finn Leaver
  George Vouros
9C Rory Hughes James Privett
9D Jack Priddis Evan Athanassiou
9E Lachlan Muir Bradley Wilson
8A Emilio Vinci Alex Morris
8B Alejandro Zanapalis Pablo Berdaa
8C Oliver Monaco Lachlan Varcoe
8D Lorenzo Di-Napoli Josh Gentle
8E Daniel Di Paola Daniel Risk
7A Harvey O’Malley Malo Morrisey
7B Jett McTavish Charlie Farrington
7C Liam Wood Antonio Mastoris
7D Gabe Fox Angus Birrell
7E Dion De Bella Jack Preller
7F James Crowle Luka Zonich
7G Darius Hall Bertie Cottell
Prep 1st Ricardo Zanapalis Sean McLaughlin
Prep 2nds Lachlan Korpar Ashton Child
Prep 3rds Zac Summerhayes Angus Kimber
11A Blue Joshua Tsoukalas Luca De Cian
11B Blue James Peate Benjamin Webb
11C Blue Yannick Hott Harry Hulks
11D Blue Lucas Simcocks Theo Varvaressos
11A Gold Alfie Griffiths Joseph Dametto
11B Gold Matthew Frost Otto Hulewicz
11D Gold Mark Rede Dylan Varcoe


From the Convenor of AFL, Alan Riordan

Waverley AFL First XVIII

Going into the final game of the season, the 1st XVIII went into the game knowing that a win against St Aloysius would ensure an undefeated CAS Premiership for Waverley. In what would also be Year 12 players Anthony Vassallo, Baxter Oleksyn and Isaac Bartholomaeus final game, Waverley had everything still to play for in the final game of the season.

Beginning the first quarter with two quick goals including a sensational goal from captain Harry Whittaker, Waverley’s early momentum was halted as St Aloysius put the pressure on but didn’t capitalise on their opportunities. Waverley went into the break with a three-point advantage. The second quarter began much like the first with Waverley taking control, kicking an early goal. However unlike the first, they continued to attack and kicked four goals in a row before a late Aloysius goal meant Waverley went into the half time break with a 30-point lead. Beginning the third quarter, St Aloysius used the wind to their advantage as they continuously put pressure on the Waverley defence. Despite holding on for a majority of the quarter, two late goals from St Aloysius meant Waverley’s 30-point lead would be reduced to just three-points going into the final quarter of the season. Beginning the final quarter, Waverley went out and kicked two goals early to put some distance between the two sides. Despite Aloysius pulling a goal back this did not stop Waverley’s momentum as they continued to attack. Kicking another two before what would go down as the miss of the season from Anthony Vassallo, he made up for it with the final goal of the game and season. Waverley won the final game of the season and finished as undefeated CAS premiers and second overall, sending the departing Year 12’s off with a memorable victory.

Best Players: Ashley Backlund, Noah Burgess, Harry Whittaker, Matt Higgins-Titisha, Charlie Longmire, Xavier Slezak

Goals: Ashley Backlund 5, Harry Whittaker 2, Anthony Vassallo 1, Darcy Mullins 1, Isaac Bartholomaeus 1, Will Durkin 1, Noah Burgess 1, Baxter Oleksyn 1

Final score: Waverley 12.10.82 defeated St Aloysius 6.10.46

Coach: Matthew Porter

Waverley AFL 9/10’s

The 9/10’s had a well-earned bye this week after completing the 2018 season as undefeated CAS champions. Well done.

Coach: Fred Pawle

Waverley AFL 7/8A’s

Waverley 7/8A’s v Knox

The final round of the Independent Schools season brought us down to Pioneers Park, to take on the 2nd place Knox College. This game was perfectly set up as we were coming 3rd and were tying with Knox on points, they had the advantage on percentage, meaning the winner took home the CAS premiership. The boys were fired up and were ready to put in their last efforts for the season.

Unfortunately, Knox were not prepared and only showed up with 13 players, meaning we would need to give them players every quarter. Their unpreparedness was capitalised by the boys from the opening bounce, our whole side was hungry for the footy and it showed on the scoreboard. The bigger and taller Knox side were torn apart by Waverley’s aggression, they were willed out of the contest and from what was meant to be a difficult game, proved quite easy for Waverley. The final message for the boys was to have fun, and that was reflected in their last quarter efforts, sharing the footy and playing for each over. Finn and myself had tonnes of fun this season coaching a very talented mob of boys. For such young players that are predominantly small in size, they are incredibly skilled and will go a long way in footy, I am sure their age groups will go on to win more premierships and help AFL continue to grow at Waverley.

A special thanks to all the parents too, whether it was cutting the oranges, putting their hands up to help goal umpire, letting us know Riverview are playing three extras or just their sheer support on the sidelines, it is all very helpful and we appreciate it. We hope to see you and the boys in future seasons.

Thank you! Billy & Finn

Final score: Waverley 64 defeated Knox 34

Best on ground: Louis Kitto, Freddy Hunt, Vasili Vertsonis, Aodan Byrne, Luke Higgins and Ben Dunkley

Coach: Billy Tyson

Waverley AFL 7/8B’s

The last game of the season saw the boys take on local rivals Cranbrook. This Cranbrook side hadn’t dropped a game since moving down to division 2, so the boys were really keen to give them a run for their money.

The first quarter was a cagey affair that was interrupted by many stoppages as both teams looked to apply the early pressure. The second quarter was one way traffic as Cranbrook’s pace and physicality looked too much for the Waverley boys to handle.

The game evened out in the second half, as Waverley started to use the ball much more efficiently. Switching kicks and sharp handballs allowed Waverley to breakdown the Cranbrook backline. Unfortunately Waverley’s intensity on the footy and around the ground went unrewarded as Cranbrook ran out 60 point victors.

The Waverley 7/8B’s had an outstanding season in which they finished with more wins than losses, and finished first out of the all the B teams in the competition.

Best on ground: Kai Jones, Campbell Groves, Ethan Petersen, Charley Roberts, Jay Palm, Jay Briggs

Final score: Cranbrook 61 defeated Waverley 1

Coach: Finn Mergler

From the Convenor of Rugby, John McCoy

1st XV Match Report – CAS Round 5 – Waverley College Vs Trinity Grammar

The final game of the 2018 had arrived. The season, which extended over 6 months, seemed to have quickly flown past. This was it; 70 minutes remained. For the Year 12 students in Harley McGuiggan, Kieran Donohoe, Harry Whiteman, Luca Moretti, Tadgh Murphy, Conor Molloy, Reece Thorn, Jacob Tomasiello, Phoenix Baldwin and Daniel Andrews,  this would be there final time on QP1. The final chance to make a contribution to the jersey that they served so well.

The Double V walked out onto the dusty Queens Park surface led by Waterford legend, Hugo Kulscar and his brother, Noah. Although being the final game for many players in the Blue and Gold, the 1st XV had decided that they wanted to give Hugo the chance to lead the team out and as a show of support to Hugo, wear a Double V jersey, as a symbol that they stand behind Hugo.

Waverley kicked off, as the famous “We are Waverley” song was belted across Death Valley one final time in 2018. It did not take long for the Waverley side to take the first points in the match as Lathan Hutchinson-Walters rolled one through to Moretti who scored in the corner.

Although up on the scoreboard, the Waves had to be careful not to take the foot off the accelerator. The Trinity line-up included a total of three Australian Schoolboys. Through this combination, the side from Summer Hill were able to jump ahead through a try to the left winger.

Waverley hit back through Kieran Donohoe, whose side-step had the opposition bamboozled. Donohoe was pulled down just short, but the Trinity side could not stop the magic feet of Ronald Volkman who beat four players to score under the posts.

An infringement at the kick-off had Waverley reduced to 14 men which put the visitors in a strong point scoring position. The big Trinity hooker, Malachi Hawkes, made a strong charge up field and could not be stopped. This try put Trinity back in front after 25 minutes of rugby.

Some good defensive pressure by Levi Milford ensured that Trinity were unable to clear out of their own 22 metres. A long cut-out pass from Hutchinson-Walters found Phoenix Baldwin on the left sideline. Baldwin was able to scurry his way past his opposite winger to touch down and put the Double V back up. A further penalty conversion put the Waves up by another 3 points, as the halftime whistle blew.

Trinity came out in the second half with plenty of energy. After a series of phases, one pass changed the dynamic of the early threat. The Trinity halfback looked to spin the ball wide to his winger, but picked out Volkman who scooted away to score early for the Waves.

From the kick-off, it was a famous run from Luca Moretti (a run that has served the Double V for 3 great years!) to put the home side in a great position. Moretti’s off-load to Levi Milford put the outside centre away. Milford was just pulled down short of the line but managed to place the ball back to Aisea Aholelei who finished the job off.

Another try was scored in quick time, to make it three tries within the opening five minutes of the second half. This time it went the way of Trinity’s hooker, Hawkes, who touched down for his second try of the match. Hawkes, an Under 16s representative, will no doubt be a player to keep an eye on in the years ahead.

It was all happening at Queens Park with plenty of try scoring. The tries were coming from everywhere and all players were keen to make an impact in the last match of the season. Even the local dog, Snoopy, tried to catch a Moretti off-load at one point of the match to the delight of the crowds!

With 15 minutes remaining in the match, the Double V had the Trinity side pinned inside their own 22. Trinity held strong and managed to keep the ball held up over the line on two occasions. Reece Thorn then sent the ball wide to Tadgh Murphy, who was able to off-load to Volkman. The Waverley fly half was able to grubber the ball through the green defensive line, re-gather and score for his third try to put the Waves well and truly clear.

Unfortunately, the match did not finish as the Waves would have liked with three players sent to the sin bin due to infringements at the tackle. With only five minutes remaining in the season, it was 12 on 15. Gutsy work at the breakdown from Tadgh Murphy saw a turnover which had the crowds cheering. Harley McGuiggan also made one of his famous charges to get his side out of trouble.

In the end, as Trinity looked to end their season with a try, Captain Conor Molloy’s final effort at the breakdown provided Waverley with a penalty. When the ball went into touch, the match was over. The end of the 2018 season. Final score 39 to 21.

To the Class of 2018, we thank you for the memories and the contributions you have made to your school. You have kept the spirit of Waverley College Rugby alive and well. We look forward to seeing you on the sidelines in the many years ahead. Good luck and God Bless!

Around the Grounds

The 2nd XV farewelled Byron Howe, Anthony Santamaria, Oliver Small, Barnaby Bickmore-Hutt, Luc Johnson, Hugo Carr, Jarrod MacAskill, Daniel Kelly, Hunter Markham, Corey Kallis and Luca Martin, and recorded a strong win against Trinity. This secured the CAS premiership for the 2nd XV for the 2nd year in a row.  The 3rd XV said goodbye to Nick Corias, Jacob Gibson, Pat Kossenberg, Joseph Wightwick, Steven Schocher, Cameron Shearer and Aidan Arabi, in an entertaining finale to the season. This made it 4 titles in a row for Mr Frost’s men. The 4th XV faced up against Riverview and despite an early scare, the mighty 4ths could not be denied winning 19-17. Congratulations to Thomas McMah, Gerry Fragias, Daniel Hassan, Jack Hamilton, James Bodkin, Daniel Allen, Harrison Keir, Tom Graham, Joseph Moroney, Ryan Connolly, Lucas Dedes and Alastair Alston, who secured the 4th XV a CAS title and made it a special year for the Opens.

The 16As picked up from a disappointing loss to post a strong win against Trinity. Mitchell Eyles scored a great try which was exciting to watch. The 16Bs secured the CAS premiership with a great win against Trinity. Charlie Barber scored an excellent solo try. The 16Cs put a big margin on the Trinity side and the 16Ds came up a competitive team from St Joseph’s, just missing out on the win. Thanks to Mr Max Shanahan who stepped in as the 16Ds coach at the end of the season.

The 15As were in trouble at halftime, and held a narrow 14-7 lead. The cream eventually rose and at the end it was a wonderful second half performance to put the Waves up, 55 – 7. Congratulations to this team on a wonderful CAS undefeated season. Mr Aird’s 15Bs had a fantastic 50-0 win to go out on a high note, despite a controversial penalty count. The 15Cs played a modified 10-a-side match and ran out convincing winners, 61-7.

The 14As maintained a perfect CAS record defeating Trinity, 58-12. Congratulations to coaches Mr Richard Bryant and Mr Brendan Davis who did a tremendous job continuing to build momentum with this age group. The 14Bs also remained CAS undefeated, under Miss Rebecca Gair, with a big 90 point win. The 14Cs impressed coach Mr Phil Davis to end the season on a pleasing note. The 14Ds travelled to Tempe to play against Newington who were too strong on the day. Thanks to Mr Ethan Howe for his assistance in coaching this match. The 14Es were impacted by a number of players out ill late in the week but still held a good win. Isaac Diaz scored 4 tries and Patrick Rindlisbache scored 3.

The 13As came up against a strong Trinity side. Both teams were undefeated in the CAS competition up until that point and this looked to be the match of the round. Trinity proved to be too good with some impressive players, particularly in the backline. Well done to the 13As players who provided plenty of thrills throughout the season. The 13Bs also met  a very well drilled opposition according to Mr Chris Soden, and were just able to get the win and take out the CAS premiership. Miss Kaitlyn Downey’s mighty 13Cs also secured the CAS premiership, playing some stylish rugby. The 13Ds had a good transition to cricket season with an 105 point win and the 13Es played against St Patrick’s, Strathfield and also recorded a big win. Thanks to Roman Mellis, Vidar Sundkvist and Jules Walker who were kind enough to run out for St Patrick’s who were short on number. You were great representatives for Waverley in helping our EREA brothers out!

Hugo Kulscar – 1st XV legend!!!

One of the highlights of the season was watching the joy on young Hugo Kulscar’s face last weekend. Earlier in the year, Hugo, a member of Waterford’s Prep 1st side, was sadly diagnosed with Leukemia. This has forced him to have time away from playing his much loved rugby. The 1st XV came up with the idea to allow for Hugo to join the team in the changing rooms before the final match and lead out the team with his own 1st XV jersey on. Hugo was also provided with a game ball signed by all the players. At the end of the game, Hugo was specially requested by the team to join in with the “Custard Pie”.

This gesture provided Hugo with a tremendous lift and a memory he will never forget. A big thanks must go to the 1st XV players and coaches, to all the Waverley College students in the tunnel who gave Hugo and his brother Noah a big cheer as he ran out, and to the Waverley Community in the stands who made it such a big occasion for Hugo just by being there. We look forward to seeing Hugo running out onto Queens Park again very soon!

Wrap Up

Last weekend marked the final round of rugby for the 2018. Reflecting on the results, it was fantastic to see the success stories throughout the ranks, with each age group producing at least one CAS premiership team. Congratulations to the following 10 teams and their coaches on becoming CAS champions in 2018:

2nd XV – Mr John Boyd, Mr Kyle Newbury

3rd XV – Mr Peter Frost, Mr Warren Howe

4th XV – Mr David New

16Bs – Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris, Mr Ben Donaldson

15As – Mr Stuart Donaldson, Mr Deon Smith

14As – Mr Richard Bryant, Mr Brendan Davis

14Bs – Miss Rebecca Gair

13Bs – Mr Chris Soden

13Cs – Miss Kaitlyn Downey

13Ds – Mr Eden Hodge, Mr Max Manicinelli

Thinking Ahead

As we think towards the 2019 season, a number of opportunities have opened up for members of the community to jump into positions to keep the wonderful traditions of Waverley Rugby alive.

Next year we have a number openings in the Rugby Supporters Club committee. We are looking for interested parents who are willing to assist with the rugby season to consider taking on positions within the Supporters Club in 2019.

On another note, Mr Lindsay Jordan, a wonderful admin for the “Waverley Sport” Facebook Page is looking to pass on the baton to a parent or Old Boy that might be interested in keeping the Waverley Sport page up to date.

If you are interested in either of these roles, please feel free to drop an email to the Convenor of Rugby (

I look forward to seeing members of the Rugby Community at the Presentation Night this Friday!



University of Sydney Open Day – Reminder

Saturday 25 August

Unlock a world of possibilities at the University of Sydney Open Day on Saturday 25 August. Invite your students to join us to discover their study options, speak with academics and students, attend mini lectures, and take a tour of our campus.

To find out more information about the day and to register visit:

University of Sydney Open Day Workshops

Saturday 25 August 2018 – Workshops available for year 10, 11 and 12 students.

Year 10 Parent Information Session

Tips and strategies to support your child through senior study and higher education

Year 10 Preparation for Senior Study

Tips and strategies to stay motivated and maximise your studies

Year 11 Thinking Ahead

Learn how to write about your personal skills and qualities to produce an effective scholarship application

Year 11 and 12 Smash Essay Writing

Tips and strategies on how to improve your essay writing skills for the HSC

Year 12 Promote Yourself

Learn about persuasive writing skills and how to address E12 scholarship application questions

Year 12 HSC Exam Prep

Learn about the role of the syllabus, how to deconstruct questions, take effective notes and manage time in exams to maximise marks

To register visit:

University of Sydney – Term 3 Study Centres

Mondays & Wednesdays | HJ Daly Library & Liverpool City Library

Our study centres provide free homework support and tutoring to students after school in their local library. Volunteers from the University of Sydney work one on one or in small groups with students to support their diverse learning needs and help build academic competence.

Find out more –

Macquarie Global Leadership Entry Program Expansion

We recognise students who are engaging with their school and community in service and leadership have diverse interests. So, we’ve decided to open the Global Leadership Entry Program (GLEP) to almost all Macquarie degrees.

Your students can now:

Applications close Monday 27 August, but apply now and you could receive an offer as early as NEXT MONTH

Find out more –

Macquarie Uni Co-op Programs

In 2019 we’re excited to offer two Co-op programs:

Actuarial students will receive a scholarship of $18,200 p.a. and accounting students will be paid by our partners while they are on each placement.

These highly competitive courses will see students alternate between classroom studies and placements throughout their four years of study. Students will undertake three placements, totalling 15 months.

Applications are now open for both programs. We encourage students to commence their applications as soon as possible.

Find out more –

Uni of Newcastle Early Offer Program

We believe that a student’s ATAR doesn’t define who they are – it is their unique passions, abilities and ambitions that matter. Our Year 12 Subject Spotlight program rewards students with an early offer for their hard work and strong results in individual subjects related to their degree. So, they can take some of the stress out of their final school exams, knowing their ATAR isn’t all that matters. There is no separate application for the program – simply apply through UAC to qualify.

For more information on subjects aligned to specific degrees, visit our website. From there, students can choose their preferred degree from the drop-down menu to what subject marks they’ll need to receive an early offer.

Find out more –

Australian Catholic University – Pathways & Entry Schemes

Are you currently completing Year 12? Find out about entry schemes and programs which can help you gain a place at ACU. There’s more than one way to gain entry into your dream course.

Find out more –

ACU Teacher Selection Statement Advice

As part of your online application you need to submit a Teacher Selector Statement which consists of a concise (approximately 1000 words) statement demonstrating your suitability to teaching. There is some great advice to help you write this statement here –,_institutes_and_centres/education_and_arts/schools/suitability_for_teaching

NOTE: the advice could help you write similar statements required by other universities, not just ACU.

 ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more –

ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more –

ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more –

NIDA Undergraduate Applications for 2019 are open

NIDA’s three-year practice-based Bachelor courses provide an intensive and immersive experience, as students work together to create, perform and stage full theatrical productions, films, events and exhibitions.

Applications are now open and close September 30

Find out more –

Study Overseas information Evening at Ascham

On Wednesday 29 August from 5.00 – 7.30pm Ascham will be hosting a Study Overseas Information Evening in Ascham’s Packer Foyer and Theatre.

The intention of this evening is to provide Year 10, 11 and 12 students and parents with an opportunity to speak with international tertiary institutions from the USA, Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Japan and Abu Dhabi about undergraduate tertiary study. EducationUSA will deliver a presentation about the USA undergraduate application process in the Packer Theatre from 7.00- 7.30pm.

This event will be free and the Trybooking registration is now open at

 This event will be held in the Packer Foyer at Ascham School, 188 New South Head Road, Edgecliff . There is NO onsite parking. Ascham has easy access directly across the road from Edgecliff Station and there is plenty of parking available in the Edgecliff Shopping Centre.

Any enquiries may be directed to Gillian Sloan, Tertiary Education and Careers Adviser at

 TAFE NSW – Open Days

August 25 | Multiple Campuses

If you’re looking to kickstart your career, become an aspiring apprentice, launch your small business or gain exciting new skills, TAFE NSW Open Day can help you create the career you’ll love.

Find out more –

Community service as important as ATAR for Year 12s in ANU overhaul

In a new scheme designed to diversify the university’s ranks, school leavers will be asked to meet a minimum threshold of community service and extra-curricular activity such as working part-time, playing sport or volunteering, on top of achieving the right score for their degree.

ANU vice-chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt said students were more than “just a score” and had unique skills on offer from time spent volunteering, working part-time, excelling in sports or performance or participating in student leadership.

You can find out if you meet the tests here –

HSC Maths Course Selection Advice from UNSW

How to make the right choice at High School to prevent issues later.

Read the advice –

Studying Math for the HSC and Beyond – Year 10 Students Subject Selection

The Mathematical Association of NSW has put together a guide to selecting maths subjects for the HSC.

Read the guide here –

Find out more here –

Teach.nsw Get Paid to Study

Want to become a teacher? You could get paid to study and have a guaranteed job on graduation. Subscribe to their mailing list to find out more –

Sydney Trains – 2019 Apprenticeship Program

You will get the opportunity to be part a program that combines paid work and structured training, allowing you to learn a trade and gain a nationally recognised qualification.

Find out more –

HIA Trades Career Event Sydney

September 13 | Novotel Sydney Olympic Park

For people interested in careers in the Building and Construction Industry. Industry professionals talking about vocational, education and training, careers pathways and trade and skilled careers. All you need to know about apprenticeships too.

Find out more –

Rio Tinto Apprenticeships – 2019 Intake Applications Open July
Applications open soon for Rio Tinto’s incredible apprenticeship program. If you’re interested, then do your research and start putting your documents together to apply.

The 4 year program offers qualifications in the following areas – electrician, heavy duty diesel mechanic, mechanical fitter, and light vehicle maintenance.

Applications will be advertised here –

Find out more –

NECA Electrotechnology Apprenticeships

At NECA we’re here to help you complete a national qualification that supports a career in data/ communication, home automation, renewable energy, construction, the installation of lights, power, air conditioning, fire protection, building management systems and more.

They pay for everything, including your tools, and you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification.

80% of their apprentices graduate and 99% of graduates find a job in the first 3 months, with up to $91k starting salary.

Apply here –

Check out their infographic –


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

There are 3 ways to study at UNSW Canberra (ADFA)

Our students are provided with a unique study experience, access to custom-built facilities and resources, outstanding industry networks, and graduate with a degree from one of the top universities in the world.

Find out more –


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

Pathway to a Career in Aviation – Sydney Flight College

  1. Private Pilot Licence
  2. Diploma of Aviation and a Commercial Pilot Licence
  3. Instrument Rating then either Charter or Instruct

Then you start with regional airlines before moving to business jets or international airlines

See the full flowchart –

Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply visit:

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide
Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here –

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out –

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook
Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.

Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

My Future – Supporting your Child’s Career Development

Support from family and key people in their life is important in helping young people through the process of thinking about and planning for their career.

As a parent or carer, four areas where you can provide practical support are self-awareness, opportunity awareness, decision making and transition support.

Read more at – – /

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here –

Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

 FYA Blog – How Studying The Wrong Thing Helped Me Figure Out What The Right Thing Was

Some great tips in this blog (NOTE: the author is not advocating that you should deliberately pick the wrong thing)

Tip 1 – go with your gut

Tip 2 – do your research

Tip 3 – changing your mind is ok

“If I could go back, I would jump on Google and research a variety of degrees to figure out what they’re actually all about. I’d talk to people working on jobs I think sound interesting to find out what they’re actually like and how they got there. I’d speak to careers counsellors. And I’d ask for advice from family members and friends.” 

Read the post –

How to Help Your Child Prepare For Their HSC Exams – from HSC in the Holidays

Want to help your child prepare for their best possible marks, but not sure where to start? This guide was written with you in mind…

Download it here –

Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips –

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here:

Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables

10 Jobs that didn’t exist 10 years ago

Sustainability and web-based services seem to be driving the change – how does this fit in with your post-school plans?

Watch the video –

FYA Blog – How Studying The Wrong Thing Helped Me Figure Out What The Right Thing Was

Some great tips in this blog (NOTE: the author is not advocating that you should deliberately pick the wrong thing)

Tip 1 – go with your gut

Tip 2 – do your research

Tip 3 – changing your mind is ok

“If I could go back, I would jump on Google and research a variety of degrees to figure out what they’re actually all about. I’d talk to people working on jobs I think sound interesting to find out what they’re actually like and how they got there. I’d speak to careers counsellors. And I’d ask for advice from family members and friends.” 

Read the post –


Read the latest Careers News, Issue 9 2018

Click here for a summary of Uni Open days 2018

From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

Blue and Gold Ball

On Saturday 4 August, Waverley College held a highly successful 68th Blue & Gold Ball. The Ball was reinstated last year after a 40 year hiatus. The Ball has a long and proud history dating back to 1911, when a group of dedicated parents joined forces to raise funds to support the growth of a flourishing new school.

This year, we are proud to share that the Blue & Gold Ball raised just over $100,000, in the form of sponsorships, auctions, pledges, and fundraising initiatives on the night. Thank you to all parents and members of the community that supported the Ball this year. There were great signs throughout the evening that there is much care, support and interest in ensuring Waverley continues to develop and improve. The funds raised go directly towards building new learning spaces for our students.

A few important acknowledgements and thanks to:


Waverley Sport Facebook Page

I would like to convey a very warm thank you to Mr Lindsay Jordan who has been co-ordinating the Waverley Sport Facebook page for many years as a volunteer.  This has involved a considerable amount of Lindsay’s time, and his efforts have helped to share sport photos and updates with the College community. Any parent interested in taking on this task going forward, please contact Ms Jennifer Divall our Marketing Manager via email at


Academic Assembly Year 7, 8 and 9 – Thursday 16 August, 12 noon to 1.05pm

It was very pleasing to see over 100 parents and carers attend the recent Senior Academic Assembly. It would be great to see even more parents make time to support their sons at the upcoming Year 7, 8 and 9 Academic Assembly. Each student receiving a prize has worked very hard to achieve this result. Their awards will be presented by the Director of Learning and Teaching and the Head of College.


Year 7 Anti-bullying programs

This week our Year 7 students experienced Project Rockit an anti bullying program designed to assist the boys to make good and supportive choices in their interactions with others. The College sees bullying as one of the worst things a boy can do to another person and I am glad our Wellbeing Program continues to address and reinforce good messages in this space. Anti bullying programs are not one off days, but rather constant programs and processes forming our young men on an ongoing basis.


Wakakirri success 

Congratulations to Ms Michelle Rollins and Mr Tony Banboukjian on their success with the Wakakirri production which saw 100 boys on stage. Michelle co-ordinated this production at NIDA which we participated in last Tuesday evening, we now have to wait to see if we move forward to the next round. A great night was had by all.


Centenary of WWI

Throughout this year we have acknowledged significant moments from WWI. This week the Australian Red Ensign was flown as a commemoration of two significant actions: The Battle of The Nek at Gallipoli on 7 and 8 August 1915 and the Battle of Amiens on 8 August 1918.

The Battle of the Nek was that terrible event depicted in Peter Weir’s 1981 film ‘Gallipoli’. The charge at The Nek was part of a series of actions to assist with the launching of a new offensive aimed at attempting to break out of the ANZAC positions and gain higher ground. The Battles of Lone Pine and Suvla Bay (6 – 10 August 1915) were also associated with this event. The action at The Nek cost the lives of some 155 Australian Light Horsemen (10th Regiment) with many more wounded. The Nek was never taken by allied forces in the campaign. Two Waverley Old Boys are buried at Lone Pine.

The Battle of Amiens, also known as the Third Battle of Picardy, was the opening phase of the Allied offensive which began on 8 August 1918, later known as the Hundred Days Offensive, that ultimately led to the end of the First World War. Amiens was a great success and the Australian victory there earned great praise. The German Commander In Chief, General Ludendorff, called it ‘The Black Day’ of the German army. It is unknown how many Waverley Old Boys were involved in this major action but with over 100 serving there at the time; it is safe to say they were in the thick of it.


Save these Dates

A reminder to keep the following dates in your diary:

Back to Queens Park Day: Saturday 11 August 2018

Each year on the last day of the winter sporting season we make a point of inviting our Old Boys to join us at Queens Park to help us celebrate concluding another great season of sport, and also to farewell our retiring Year 12 players for a final time. The Waverley College Old Boys will have a tent on the sidelines as a meeting point. I look forward to seeing you there.

Mothers Club Commemorative Drinks: 6pm Thursday 30 August 2018

Past members of the Waverley College Mothers’ Club will gather to unveil a commemorative artwork and to acknowledge the significant contribution of the Waverley College Mothers’ Club to the life of the College. If you are interested in attending please contact us at or call Linda McGuiggan on 0411 316 954.

Fathers Day Mass and Luncheon: 12pm Friday 31 August 2018

Dads, grandads and carers are invited to attend a Fathers Day Mass and Luncheon with their sons on Friday 31 August at the Br J P Lacey Gymnasium. Bookings for this event will open next week.

Waverley College Parent Association Meeting: 6.30pm Wednesday 5 September

The Term 3 meeting of the Waverley College Parent Association will be held on 5 September in the Fitzgerald Room on Level 4 of the Administration Building. The meeting is open for all parents and carers to attend.

Mr Tony Banboukjian Farewell: Friday 14 September 2018

After 28 years of distinguished service to the College, 10 years as Director of the Junior School, Mr Banboukjian will be farewelled at the College on Friday 14 September at the Cosgrove Centre. All members of the Waverley College community are invited to attend a cocktail evening to acknowledge and thank Tony. Tony will officially finish at the end of Term 3. Further details will be shared shortly.

Mr Peter Frost – Golden Anniversary Dinner: Friday 26 October 2018

This year Mr Frost celebrates his 50th year of teaching at the College. All members of the Waverley College community are invited to a dinner to be held at the Australian Turf Club on Friday 26 October. The Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove will be in attendance. Further details will be shared shortly.

Semester 1 Academic Awards – Years 10, 11 & 12

Congratulations to the following students who won awards at last week’s assembly.

Year 10

First place in:

Religious Education

Sebastien Richardson


Hugh McSweeny

Mathematics Level 3

Lachlan Miller

Mathematics Level 2

Matthew Brock

Mathematics Level 1

Joseph Petroni

Mathematics Accelerated

Eliot Vincent Hull


Benjamin Elder


Peter Cassimatis


Matthew Brock


Sebastien Richardson,  Charlie Tindale


Maksymilian Klimczak

Information Software Technology

Dylan Bracken,

Alexander Gross,

Ky Jeffery


Alex Talbot


Gabriel Kidston


Riley Klotz

Visual Art

Alex Talbot


Hugh McSweeny


Sebastian Richardson


Daniel Pomes

Wood Technology

Jake Torsellini

Food Technology

Marco Arambasic

Design & Technology

Jasper Stern

Applied Philosophy

Sebastien Richardson

Work Education

Alexander Gross


Gabriel Kidston

Year 11

First place in:

Studies of Religion I

Flynn Gordon

Studies of Religion II

Lachlan Manastirovski,

Connor Pilger

Catholic Studies

Grayson Thomas

Advanced English

Rocco Evans

Standard English

Eddie Kranz,

Peter Tsoukalas

English Studies

Finn Warren

Extension English

Marco Emery


Finn McCloskey

General Mathematics

Heath Lawther

Extension 1 Mathematics

Remi Defina-Sperando

Accelerated Mathematics

Luke Harris


Harry Whitaker


Luke Harris,

Connor Pilger


Luke Harris

Investigating Science

Noah Pearce,

Stuart Swinburn


Lachlan Manastirovski

Sport Life and Recreation

Luca Winch

Music Course I

Samuel Jagoe-Fisher

Music Course II

Remi Defina-Sperando

Ancient History

Benjamin Rogers

Modern History

Brad Marzol


Alexander Bayas


Gian Bonanni,

Marco Emery,

Connor Pilger


Brad Marzol


Andrew Badger

Visual Art

Oscar Davis

Design & Technology

Remi Defina-Sperando,

Hugo Ilencik

Industrial Technology

Cameron Dawson,

Mats Lea

Engineer Studies

James Ritchie

Food Technology

Matt Antulov

Marine Studies

Fynn Cviker,

Dylan Davis,

Grayson Thomas

Year 12

First place in:

Studies of Religion I

Filip Mencevski

Studies of Religion II

Daniel Andrews

Catholic Studies

Damian Lin

Advanced English

Allan Cannes

Standard English

Benjamin Heal

English Studies

Tadgh Murphy

Extension English 1

Allan Cannes

Extension English 2

Allan Cannes


Damian Lin

General Mathematics 1

Baxby Ward-Gyton

General Mathematics 2

Perry Aziz

Extension 1 Mathematics

Oliver Read

Extension 2 Mathematics

Andre Vumbaca


Daniel Andrews


Andre Vumbaca,

Oliver Read


Andre Vumbaca

Senior Science

Noah Havard

Marine Studies

Isaac Bartholomaeus


Lewis Thompson

Sport Life and Recreation

Tadgh Murphy

Music Course I

Dominic Augoustis

Music Course II

Damian Lin


Jerome Mendes

Ancient History

Allan Cannes

Modern History

Jasper Wilde


Liam Jackson,

Jonathon Schacht


Louie Cosgrove


Liam Jackson


Harry Blackett


Dominic Augoustis

Visual Art

Mark Goncalves


Tom Bower

Design & Technology

Kiva Gwynne

Industrial Technology

Anthony Pomes


Max Coleman


Dominic Augoustis


Simon Finnegan

Information Processes and Technologies

Joshua Nathan

10-12 Language Perfect and ICAS Science Awards

Credit Award Language Perfect World Champoinships 2018 Marcus Cowan
Credit Award ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Valentius Wirjana
Credit Award ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Charlie Tindale
Credit Award ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Jake Torsellini
Credit Award ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Daniel Pomes
Credit Award ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Bo McNamara
Credit Award ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Nathan Le
Distinction ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Eliot Vincent Hull
Distinction ICAS Science UNSW Global 2018 Ben Elder