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From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan

Our Learning Routine

As part of the College’s commitment to best practice, research based pedagogy, key staff including myself attended a visible learning conference earlier this year where the keynote speaker, John Hattie explored how evidence can be used to create innovation in the learning environment.

The College in consultation with all staff, established a Learning Routine subcommittee which drew on Hattie’s internationally acclaimed research which includes a syntheses of over 800 meta-analyses relating to student achievement. This research which has been used in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia represents the largest evidence based research into what actually works best in schools to improve learning.

Hattie identifies and subsequently ranks effect size of 150 classroom variables with some interesting results. Waverley College has taken these and imbedded them into our classroom practices through a formalised learning routine.

The main two inclusions; learning intensions and success criteria now appear on the board of every classroom at the College. From Term 3 all teachers will begin their lesson by identifying these. Hattie’s research indicates that these two variables when combined, have the most significant benefit with a predicted learning rate of over three times the expected gain.

Engaging Safely on Social Media

As parents (and teachers) it is evident the large role social media plays in allowing insidious bullies to apply their trade from the safety of their keyboards.

Thankfully, a screenshot presented to me makes for a simple investigation and a swift consequence.

I would encourage all boys and their parents to remember the following when using social media:

Parents should also keep a look out for the following apps which sometimes contribute to cyberbullying, grooming and other negative online interactions;

Ignatius Park College QLD – Hosting Opportunity

Ignatius Park College in far North Queensland are wishing to send ten Year 10 students to Sydney to spend a week in the life of a Waverley College student.

If any parents would like to host one of these boys from Sunday 21st October until Friday 26th October please indicate your interest by emailing Nikki Smith


Buy your Blue and Gold Raffle Tickets Now

Not going to the ball? No problem. You can still support the cause by buying a raffle ticket to go into the draw to win amazing prizes, kindly donated by parents and friends of the College. Ticket sales close at 4pm on Friday 3 August, so get in now for a chance to win!




From Director of Wellbeing, Matthew Porter

Junior School Blitz Day and Year 10 Big Brother/ Year 5 Little Brothers 

Last week the Junior School Blitz Day at Queens Park provided an opportunity for Year 10 Big Brother and Year 5 Little Brothers to reconnect.

The boys spent the first part of the session involved in a reciprocal interview where each would take turns asking and answering questions. This gave the boys a chance to share some highlights from the mid year break as well as reflecting upon their first semester and identifying what they were most looking forward to in the term ahead.

Then with the ice well and truly broken, it was time to get everyone up and moving. Big brother were required to shadow their little brother as they went through a warm-up and a skills session in one of three sports for the day; Rugby, Football or AFL.

While Aungier/Lacey were the overall winners on the day I think it was safe to say that all of our boys were champions in the way that they embraced this opportunity and supported there peers.

Big brother, little brother activities

Big brother, little brother activities

Year 7 and 8 Cyber Responsibility Presentations

Recent statistics released by software monitoring company “Family Zone” indicate an alarming number of children and adolescents accessing highly inappropriate websites, apps and content.

In light of these trends we have an obligation to upskill and empower our boys and young men to make responsible choices regarding their online activities.

Students from Year 7, Year 8 and a select group of Year 6 student leaders accompanied by Mr Harris attended a Cyber Responsibility presentation from Ms Yasmin London from Y-Safe. Many of you may remember Yasmin’s presentation from the Family Zone parent evening in Term 1.  The topics included Sexting and Online Pornography, Internet/ gaming addiction, Cyber bullying and Dogital Reputation.

Our year 6 boys were asked for their top tips for fellow students following the presentation.

Stay responsible

Think before you act

Turn your privacy settings on

Know how things can effect your criminal record (sexting/cyber bullying)

Year 8 Dance

On Tuesday this week 370 students from Waverley, St Clare’s, St Catherine’s and St Brigidine’s attended the Year 8 Social Dance. This is an essential step in building upon the existing connections with our local sister schools. It also provides our boys with a unique opportunity to develop appropriate social relationships with the girls in a safe and supportive environment.

All of the students seemed to have a great time and the feedback received from parents in the night was extremely positive. The senior boys in attendance showed outstanding leadership and energy in keeping the party going.

The money raised will go towards the Red Earth and Holdsworth social justice initiatives.

Mental Health Matters evening at Sydney Grammar School 

Sydney Grammar School would like to extend an invitation to the Waverley College community to attend a public forum event at 6pm on Tuesday 7 August, “Mental Health Matters”, featuring a panel discussion tackling taboos, stigma and discrimination around mental health.

Families from school communities in the Sydney area will find the topic of great interest and may like to join us for an engaging discussion. A Question and Answer session will follow the panel discussion. Bookings can be made via this TryBooking link or via the PIAC website or the Sydney Grammar School website.

From Academic Enrichment Coordinator, Stephanie Boyce

Visions of Leadership Seminars: 3-13 August 2018

The Visions of Leadership Seminars provides Waverley boys with an opportunity to engage with professionals and academics in areas of expertise that may be applicable to their studies at school.  It is run through the Applied Philosophy course, but is also open to students from other subject areas and grades who may be interested in a specific career path or pattern of study.

In previous years, students at the College have had the opportunity to liase with high profile people including The Hon. Malcom Turnbull, Her Excellency Marie Bashir (Governor of NSW), Andrew Denton, Dr Charles Teo and Dr Stella Cornelius.

The speakers for 2018 are as follows:

Howard Collins – CEO Transport NSW – 3 August

Collins’ career in public transport spans over decades – initially spending 35 years with London Transport.  Collins used his expertise from London Transport to attempt to transform Sydney Transport into the same efficient, globally recognised system as the London Tube.  Bouncing off the success he experienced throughout the London Olympics in 2012, Collins set his targets on Sydney Transport. Collins came in with a number of ideas that had been implemented in London. They included supporting the introduction of the Opal card effectively on trains (Collins had seen great success with Oyster in London), putting paramedics on the platforms and building a new railway operation centre to manage the operation of the railway in one place.  Sydney Trains provides train services throughout the Sydney CBD and metropolitan area. Howard leads the agency’s focus on patronage growth, increasing customer satisfaction, reduction in peak incidents and improving safety performance.

The Hon. Tanya Plibersek – Member for Sydney, Australian Labor Party – 10 August

After graduating from UTS with a Bachelor of Communications, Plibersek began working in the Domestic Violence Unit of NSW while she studied a Master of Politics and Public Policy at Macquarie University.  During her career she has campaigned for various social justice causes such as paid parental leave, fair worker rights and marriage rights. In 2003, when President George Bush visited Australia, Tanya presented national security adviser Condoleezza Rice with a letter explaining why Labor parliamentarians opposed Australia invading Iraq without United Nations approval.

Following the election of the Labor Government in 2007, she has held the portfolios of Housing, the Status of Women, Human Services and Social Inclusion. She was appointed Minister for Health in late 2011.

The Hon. Dr Annabelle Bennett – Bond University – 13 August

She initially graduated from University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science and a PhD in Cell Biology.  Later studying Law she became a barrister and a Senior Counsel, later becoming the Judge of Federal Court of Australia.  Bennett has also served as the President of the Copyright Tribunal of Australia, Arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Presidential Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and an Additional Judge of the Supreme Court of the ACT. In 2005 she was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for service to the law, particularly in the areas of intellectual property, administrative law and professional conduct; and to the community.

If your son is interested in participating in the sessions on the 10th and 13th August, please contact Stephanie Boyce, Academic Enrichment Coordinator (


Education Perfect Science Competition: 13 – 20 August

One of the world’s largest online competitive events, students have an opportunity to participate in a variety of online tasks to accumulate points and win prizes.  Students who compete will gain valuable skills in preparation for upcoming examinations and areas of study in science.

For more information, please go to or speak with Stephanie Boyce, Academic Enrichment Coordinator (


Financial Basics Foundation Essi Money Challenge: 20 – 31 August

The Financial Basics Foundation vision is; that all young Australians are financially capable and can manage their finances now and into the future.

The ESSI Money game  is now being turned into a national competition for two weeks! Not only will your students be competing against their classmates, they’ll be up against students from around Australia.

Students compete in one of two age brackets: 12-15 or 16-18. The 3 highest scores in each age category will be the winners.

In the Suncorp ESSI Money Challenge the final score combines the net value score at the end of the ESSI Money Game with the score from the mandatory end-of-game financial literacy quiz. Students have the opportunity to increase their score by answering the quiz questions correctly to earn bonus cash.

A fantastic opportunity for students interested in mathematics, commerce, Economics and Business Studies

For more information please go to, or contact Stephanie Boyce


Enrichment in the Classroom – NRMA Transport Challenge

Focussing on the Stage 5 courses of iSTEM and Design & Technology, Year 9 students work in groups to create solutions to solve today’s big transport issues.  The submission is in the final stages and students are working on a car share initiative in the CBD to help reduce traffic, which also includes a mobile application.

Thank you to Cassie Perry for facilitating this co-curricular competition and supporting our students!

From the Director of the Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian

Prayer for the Week

God of joyful blessings,

As we participate in our Athletics Carnival this week, let us pray that it will be a time of celebration for our school community as we share our skills, efforts and enthusiasm, working together in our teams for the benefit and joy of the whole community.

Bless the teachers and parents who are giving so generously of their time to help make the carnival a wonderful day and being here to support us.

We pray in gratitude for our House Captains and Student Leaders who will be working hard to encourage team spirit and sportsmanship.

Let it be a reminder to us that we should always try our best in all that we do, displaying the skills and talents God has given us.  Help us to accept defeat without disappointment and success without arrogance.

May we all continue to grow together in a spirit of joy and friendship.  This we ask through Christ our Lord


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Mary, Mother of God Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

Prayers and thoughts

We continue to pray for members of our community who area going through some challenging times in their lives. Hugo Kulcsar (Year 5), William Pearce (Year 6), Mrs Stanton (wife of Mr Stanton) and Mr Harris all need our support and prayers. We hope they all recover and re-join our community soon.

Year 5 2020

A reminder to our families that any siblings who wish to be enrolled at the college in 2020 must apply earlier than in the past. Our new enrolment deadlines are listed below.

Please note the key application deadlines for 2020 are as follows:
Applications for Year 5 in 2020 should be lodged by Friday 30 November 2018. Interviews will be conducted and offers made during Term 1, 2019.


The 29th Annual Junior School Walkathon is taking place towards the end of this Term (Friday 21 September) and boys will be seeking sponsorship to raise money for several different charities that we have been supporting.  Last year we raised over $50,000. We would be grateful of your support in donating to the boys should they ask over the next few weeks.  This is a wonderful example of the Edmund Rice philosophy in practise. If you would like to contribute by donating any goods or services as rewards for the boys’ efforts, please contact Anthony Gill in the Junior School.

Book Week – Message from Mrs Tunks

This year Book Week will be celebrated in Week 4 in the Junior School. The theme is ‘Find your treasure‘.

The events include:

Author Jack Heath and illustrator Matt Cosgrove will be speaking to the boys and giving workshops. Boys can also purchase one of their books to be signed. Order forms are available from the Library.

A Book Fair will be running from Tuesday to Friday. Boys can purchase books from 8am Tuesday.

A Book Drive will also be running. Boys can bring in an old children’s book/s to donate to a local charity that sends books to countries effected by natural disaster.

The Book Character Parade will be happening on Friday. Boys come to school in their uniforms with their costume packed in their bags. Boys can either wear something that relates to the Book Week theme or their favourite book. We encourage all boys to participate. It is a fabulous event.


Well done to the following boys for their performances in the 2017 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Spelling competition:

Distinction Awards
Year 5
Tom Donaldson (top 6% of the country)

Year 6
Ewan McDonald (top 6% of the country)

Credit Awards
Year 5
Akiva Love-Blinkhorn (top 15% of the country)
Jamie Vanderkemp (top 25% of the country)

Year 6
Campbell Porteus (top 20% of the country)

Merit Awards
Year 5
Tomas Crosson
Liam McMaster

Year 6
Joshua Bowman
Joel Hammerschmidt
Thomas McKenna

Jack Johnson

Well done to Jack Johnson on his 9th place finish at the NSW PSSA State Cross Country Championships – Jacks was the first CIS runner home, which put him one place outside of the State team. We are all very proud of his efforts.

Jett Lenzo

Congratulations to Jett Lenzo who won gold at the Illawarra International Judo Tournament recently in the under 46kg weight division. Well Done Jett.

Blitz Day

Our annual Blitz Day last week was a tremendous success with the boys playing extremely hard against each other yet with tremendous sportsmanship and respect.

Best on Ground Results were as follows:

Best on Ground – Football

Year 5 – Gianni Testafredda & Joseph Di Mattia

Year 6 – Alfie Griffiths

Best on Ground – Rugby

Year 5 – James Finegan

Year 6 – Ethan Ginnane

Best on Ground- AFL

Combined Year 5 & 6 – Ricky Meyrick

Many thanks to Mr Meadley who organised a great day. Special thanks to the senior boys who assisted by refereeing throughout the day.

Class and Individual & Winter Photos

Please note the date for the Individual and Class photos is Wednesday 8th August. Can I ask you ensure your son is at school on this date as the photos cannot be rescheduled.  As winter sports photos will also be taken all boys will need to bring in their Saturday winter gear on the day.


Practice for Wakakirri is now in full swing and the boys are really enjoying themselves. It is great to see the boys get so excited when the announcement over the PA calls all those involved Wakakirri. The boys perform at NIDA on Tuesday 7th August.

Laptops – three Daily Habits

The three habits you must do every day to make sure your laptop is functioning at its best. I would ask ALL develop the habit of doing the following three things each night with their laptop:

  1. Backup important files and folders to their Google Drive
  2. Restart at home & at school
  3. Recharge

It would be appreciated if parents could assist us in getting the boys into this habit.


If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office.


2018/2019 Fees

School Fees for the 2018 and 2019 school year are due on the following dates:


3rd Payment – Due date 3/8/2018 (this Friday)


1st Payment –

Prompt payment date 19/1/2019; due date 1/2/2019

2nd Payment –

Prompt payment date 26/4/2019; due date 10/5/2019

3rd Payment –

Prompt payment date 19/7/2019; due date 2/8/2019

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4.00pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Head of College that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2018 and 2019 are below:

Finishing at end of               Notice by

Term 3, 2018                               Tue 24 Jul 2018

Term 4, 2018                               Mon 15 Oct 2018

Term 1, 2019                               Wed 30 Jan 2019

Term 2, 2019                               Tue 30 April 2019

Term 3, 2019                               Tue 23 July 201

Term 4, 2019                               Tues 15 October 2019

From Convenor of Rugby, John McCoy

1st XV Match Report – CAS Round 3 – Waverley College Vs Cranbrook

The winter sport season resumed for 2018, with Waverley College travelling to Bellevue Hill to take on neighbouring opponents in Cranbrook. It was a beautiful day at Horden, with the temperatures picking up throughout the day to make it feel a little more like spring.

The track looked sensational for running rugby as the teams made their way onto the playing field. Cranbrook had finished off Term 2 on a positive note defeating Knox Grammar. Waverley just got over the line against St Aloysius in a nail biter at Willoughby. A win was definitely up for grabs for whichever team wanted it.

Lathan Hutchinson-Walters kicked off proceedings into the setting afternoon sun. Cranbrook held possession well early but a strong Waverley scrum forced a turnover. This put Waverley in good field position which led to a try under the sticks to Hutchinson-Walters.

Cranbrook kept Waverley inside their half from the kick off and were gifted with a penalty. Unfortunately, they were unable to convert this into points and Waverley were able to fight out of trouble into an attacking position. Waverley were awarded a penalty in front and Captain Molloy had no hesitation in taking the 3 points on offer.

Although holding a solid lead, Waverley still struggled to get into a rhythm, making some unforced errors which provided Cranbrook with opportunities to come back. A penalty kick into the corner gave the home side a big chance to take points off the lead. A quick shift down the left edge had the Cranbrook fullback over in the corner. At halftime, Waverley were under pressure particularly with Captain Conor Molloy, Felix Valentine and Ben Daley all forced from the field with injuries.

The second half began with a try to the home side. Some well-placed kicking had Waverley on the ropes. Cranbrook gained good territory which soon turned into points. This time the try was awarded to the Cranbrook outside centre, who put in a good individual effort down the right edge. The boys from Bellevue Hill now had their noses in front, 12 – 10.

The Double V did not panic and remained composed as the call of “Blue Heads” was raised. Waverley fought hard to get up the field where a penalty was awarded in front. Hutchinson-Walters ensured the ball went through the posts and Waverley regained the lead, 13 – 12, with 20 minutes still on the clock.

Off the kick off, Ronald Volkman somehow found a way through the Cranbrook defensive line and offloaded to Marco Moretti who backed up well on his outside. Moretti was pulled down but not without drawing another penalty to put the Waves up by another 3.

Another lapse at the kick off from the home side had Reece Thorn through a gap. Thorn dashed away like a young colt down the home straight at Royal Randwick. With the fullback to beat, Thorn managed to hit Hutchinson-Walters who touched down in the corner. Waverley were now 9 points clear with still 15 minutes on the clock.

To the credit of the home side, they continued to fight on as some big hits started to creep in towards the end of the match. Cranbrook worked their way up field and put themselves in a strong scoring position. That was until Levi Milford produced the tackle of the season, which was apparently heard by the internal tennis players during a tie break on the Birrell St courts!

Waverley did themselves no favours in closing the match, with a few errors at the back. The desperation in the Waverley defensive line was excellent with some miraculous tackles from Phoenix Baldwin, Levi Milford, Tadgh Murphy and Marco Moretti. The final trysaver from Jacob Tomasiello and Daniel Andrews in the corner epitomised the defensive effort of the Double V at the end, not allowing the Cranbrook side to cross the line. Waverley ended the game 21 – 12 in front.

Waverley now return back to Queens Park to play against Barker College. Both teams are undefeated with the winner to be crowned as the 2018 CAS Premiers. This “grand final” type of matchup will be exciting to watch with both sides possessing a tremendous amount of talent. All members of the community are encouraged to get down to QP to support what looks to be schoolboy rugby at its best!

Around the Grounds

The 2nd XV won well against Cranbrook, but it did come at a cost. Sadly, Ben Paterson who has had a tremendous season ruptured his ACL. Ben Daley also suffered a head knock and will have to finish the season prematurely. We wish both players the best and thank them for the services this season. This will no doubt present plenty of motivation for the 2nd XV this year. The 3rd XV played some entertaining rugby with Charley Howell, Max Johnson and Anthony D’Ettorre contributing really well. The 4th XV travelled to Strathfield to play against our EREA brothers at St Patrick’s. The 4th XV continued on their winning ways with Henry Bartlett running through 10 defenders to score a long range try. The 5th XV just went down in a very entertaining and competitive affair against the Cranbrook 4th XV. Ryan Jones, Nat Yarrow and Logan Ryan all played fantastic games and showed plenty of courage in taking the ball forward.

After a scrappy first half, the 16As managed to put it all together in the second stanza running away with a big win. Jordan Swann had a terrific game and ran some incredible lines to bamboozle the oppositions defensive line. The 16Bs travelled to Hunters Hill bright and early on Saturday morning. At halftime the scores were tied up at 5-5. Joeys got away in the end winning 31-5. Thanks to all those B players who raced across to Cranbrook to reserve for the 16As. The 16Cs had a competitive match also against Joeys, just going down. Thanks to all those parents who many the journey to Hunters Hill to support the boys. The 16Ds ran away with a big win against the Cranbrook 16Bs. A big thanks to 16Ds Coach Nicholas Guerrera for all his efforts this season as he departs on an overseas trip.

The 15As were classy across the park and proved too strong for Cranbrook winning 77-0. Klayton Thorn was very impressive at halfback as was Clem Halaholo who ran the ball very strongly. The 15Bs took a few minutes to get into the match but once the team clicked into gear, they ran away with it. Conor Boyd-Boland, Cameron Vakauta, Joseph Morris and Adar Barhaim played sensational games. The 15Cs met a very strong St Joseph’s side and the 15Ds enjoyed a modified sevens match against Cranbrook with a number of students away on the Red Earth Immersion.

The 14As did a little bit better than the 15As running away with an 88-5 victory. Luke Furlong and Sam Lodge did a great job in their first game in the A team. Ed Sullivan was outstanding in the 14Bs 57-0 win. The 14Cs and 14Ds played against Barker, and both teams secured a good win which is a good sign ahead of the full round against Barker this weekend. The 14Es faced up to the Cranbrook 14Cs and just went down in a tight but competitive match.

Ben Finegan was the pick of the 13As in their big victory at Woollahra. The 13Bs also won very well with Sam Johnson playing some great rugby at fly half. The 13Cs travelled to Kings and just went down by a couple of tries. Thanks to all those players and parents who made the long journey to Kings. The 13Ds and 13Es both met higher graded Cranbrook sides and managed to record exceptional wins. William Lane was a standout.


CAS Round 4 – Waverley College Vs Barker College

This is the round we have all been looking forward to! Waverley College Vs Barker College! The winner of this match will be crowned as 2018 CAS Premiers. Both teams possess a wealth of talent. When considering that both NSW and CAS were the premier state and associations this year, this fixture could potentially be considered as one of the best schoolboys matchups in Australia this year. It would be great to see a big crowd down at Queens Park this Saturday to support the Double V.

Our 13s, 16s and Opens players finally have their first CAS game at home this season, while the 14s and 15s travel to Barker. Please note that as Barker do not match up against all teams, we will be meeting a variety of opposition this round. If playing at Barker, it is important to allow plenty of time to get to Hornsby.


Waverley Rugby Presentation Night

On Friday 17 August, the Waverley College Rugby Supporters Club will be holding the annual Presentation Night. This year the event for families from Years 7-12, and will be held at Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union Club (22A O’Sullivan Road, Bellevue Hill). This will be a great opportunity for players and parents to gather to celebrate the 2018 season, as we recognise the outstanding player performances and say farewell to our departing Year 12 students.

Tickets are $30 for Adults and $20 for Students (price includes meal as well as a “Lucky Door Prize” ticket). Drinks can be purchased at the bar at club prices. Tickets can be purchased at:

PLEASE NOTE: Tickets MUST be purchased by 13th August (for catering purposes). No tickets will be sold at the door.


Assistance – Queens Park BBQ & Canteen

We have two big Saturdays of rugby remaining in the season and are again looking for support on the BBQ and Canteen this coming Saturday 4th August as well as the following Saturday 11th August. We are expecting HUGE numbers at Queens Park across both weekends. Parents and friends can simply go to the link below to register your interest:

Thanks in advance for all those who volunteer their support throughout the season and make all visitors to Queens Park feel so welcome.

Good luck to all teams this weekend! Please remember to get down to QP1 at 3:15pm (wearing your BLUE AND GOLD!) to support the Waves as they strive to retain the Henry Plume Shield!



From Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmott

CAS Round 8 Vs Cranbrook

Last weekend we had our second round against our local rivals Cranbrook. The round was very successful for many of our teams who got a much deserved win. Saturday started with the 3rd XI getting a 2-1 win over Cranbrook which put many of the players in high spirits. Unfortunately the next two games with the 2nd XI and 1st Xi didn’t go our was with the 2nd XI going down 0-1 in a avery close game. The 1st XI went down 1-4, although the game had a big score line, the game was very close with Waverley still having a lot of possession however couldn’t find the back of the net. During the day we had some other great results with our 4th XI winning 5-1, the 6th XI winning 6-0, 10Bs winning 3-2,  9Cs won 4-0, 9Es won 3-0, the 8As with a massive 7-0 win, 8Cs won 1-0, the 7As won 5-2, the 7Bs won 3-1 and the 7Cs won 4-1.

CAS Round 9 Vs Barker

This weekend will be against Barker with the Year 7, 10 and Opens finally back at Queens Park, while the Year 8 and 9s will be travelling out to Barker. As always please allow extra travel time to get to Barker and ensure that you arrive at least 30 minutes to the kick off time.

Football Presentation Night

The Waverley College Football Supporter Group will again be holding the presentation night on Saturday the 11th of August at 6pm in the Br Wallace Performing Arts Centre. Tickets are available to purchase next through

Are you, or is someone you know, able to donate goods or services as prizes?

They will be used as raffle prizes to make this night even bigger and better. Nothing is too big or small. Your generous donation will be acknowledged on the night and in promotional and marketing material associated with the event. Every donation is greatly appreciated. It helps the Waverley College Football Supporters’ Club raise funds that go directly to equipment, coaching and other resources to improve the levels of skill and fun for your sons. If you can donate a prize, or have any queries, please email me at

From the Head of Careers and Senior Studies, Kath Knowles

Advice for choosing HSC Courses from NSW Education Standards Authority

Your aim is to attain the best HSC result you can. So, you should choose courses that you are good at, interested in and may use in the future.

When considering which courses to study, explore the content of a course. For example, what are the course outcomes? Will you be required to submit a major work, or perform, as part of your exams? Talk with your teachers about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as individual course requirements, before making your selections.

Read the advice

University of Sydney Open Day Workshops

Saturday 25 August 2018 – Workshops available for year 10, 11 and 12 students.

Year 10 Parent Information Session

Tips and strategies to support your child through senior study and higher education

Year 10 Preparation for Senior Study

Tips and strategies to stay motivated and maximise your studies

Year 11 Thinking Ahead

Learn how to write about your personal skills and qualities to produce an effective scholarship application

Year 11 and 12 Smash Essay Writing

Tips and strategies on how to improve your essay writing skills for the HSC

Year 12 Promote Yourself

Learn about persuasive writing skills and how to address E12 scholarship application questions

Year 12 HSC Exam Prep

Learn about the role of the syllabus, how to deconstruct questions, take effective notes and manage time in exams to maximise marks

Click here to register

University of Sydney – Term 3 Study Centres

Mondays & Wednesdays | HJ Daly Library & Liverpool City Library

Our study centres provide free homework support and tutoring to students after school in their local library. Volunteers from the University of Sydney work one on one or in small groups with students to support their diverse learning needs and help build academic competence.

Find out more

Macquarie Global Leadership Entry Program Expansion

We recognise students who are engaging with their school and community in service and leadership have diverse interests. So, we’ve decided to open the Global Leadership Entry Program (GLEP) to almost all Macquarie degrees.

Your students can now:

Applications close Monday 27 August, but apply now and you could receive an offer as early as NEXT MONTH

Find out more

Macquarie Uni Co-op Programs

In 2019 we’re excited to offer two Co-op programs:

Actuarial students will receive a scholarship of $18,200 p.a. and accounting students will be paid by our partners while they are on each placement.

These highly competitive courses will see students alternate between classroom studies and placements throughout their four years of study. Students will undertake three placements, totalling 15 months.

Applications are now open for both programs. We encourage students to commence their applications as soon as possible.

Find out more

Australian Catholic University – Pathways & Entry Schemes

Are you currently completing Year 12? Find out about entry schemes and programs which can help you gain a place at ACU. There’s more than one way to gain entry into your dream course.

Find out more

ACU Teacher Selection Statement Advice

As part of your online application you need to submit a Teacher Selector Statement which consists of a concise (approximately 1000 words) statement demonstrating your suitability to teaching. There is some great advice to help you write this statement here

NOTE: the advice could help you write similar statements required by other universities, not just ACU.

ACU Early Entry Program

Regular volunteer work in your community – through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group – may be rewarded through our Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study with us.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018

Find out more

ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more

ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more

 ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more 

NIDA Undergraduate Applications for 2019 are open

NIDA’s three-year practice-based Bachelor courses provide an intensive and immersive experience, as students work together to create, perform and stage full theatrical productions, films, events and exhibitions.

Applications are now open and close September 30

Find out more

Study Overseas information Evening at Ascham

On Wednesday 29 August from 5.00 – 7.30pm Ascham will be hosting a Study Overseas Information Evening in Ascham’s Packer Foyer and Theatre.

The intention of this evening is to provide Year 10, 11 and 12 students and parents with an opportunity to speak with international tertiary institutions from the USA, Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Japan and Abu Dhabi about undergraduate tertiary study. EducationUSA will deliver a presentation about the USA undergraduate application process in the Packer Theatre from 7.00- 7.30pm.

This event will be free and the Trybooking registration is now open 

This event will be held in the Packer Foyer at Ascham School, 188 New South Head Road, Edgecliff . There is NO onsite parking. Ascham has easy access directly across the road from Edgecliff Station and there is plenty of parking available in the Edgecliff Shopping Centre.

Any enquiries may be directed to Gillian Sloan, Tertiary Education and Careers Adviser at

Macleay College – Sydney Open Day

August 11 | Surry Hills

An Open Day with an industry panel discussing the importance of internships and building industry connections.

Find out more

Torrens University – Billy Blue College of Design & Technology Open Day

August 4 | Sydney

Tour our studio-style classrooms, photography and fashion studios and other campus facilities.

Find out more

Community service as important as ATAR for Year 12s in ANU overhaul

In a new scheme designed to diversify the university’s ranks, school leavers will be asked to meet a minimum threshold of community service and extra-curricular activity such as working part-time, playing sport or volunteering, on top of achieving the right score for their degree.

ANU vice-chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt said students were more than “just a score” and had unique skills on offer from time spent volunteering, working part-time, excelling in sports or performance or participating in student leadership.

You can find out if you meet the tests here

HSC Maths Course Selection Advice from UNSW

How to make the right choice at High School to prevent issues later.

Read the advice

Studying Math for the HSC and Beyond – Year 10 Students Subject Selection

The Mathematical Association of NSW has put together a guide to selecting maths subjects for the HSC.

Read the guide here

Find out more here

Teach.nsw Get Paid to Study

Want to become a teacher? You could get paid to study and have a guaranteed job on graduation. Subscribe to their mailing list to find out more .

Sydney Trains – 2019 Apprenticeship Program

You will get the opportunity to be part a program that combines paid work and structured training, allowing you to learn a trade and gain a nationally recognised qualification.

Find out more

Rio Tinto Apprenticeships – 2019 Intake Applications Open July

Applications open soon for Rio Tinto’s incredible apprenticeship program. If you’re interested, then do your research and start putting your documents together to apply.

The 4 year program offers qualifications in the following areas – electrician, heavy duty diesel mechanic, mechanical fitter, and light vehicle maintenance.

Applications will be advertised here –

Find out more

 NECA Electrotechnology Apprenticeships

At NECA we’re here to help you complete a national qualification that supports a career in data/ communication, home automation, renewable energy, construction, the installation of lights, power, air conditioning, fire protection, building management systems and more.

They pay for everything, including your tools, and you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification.

80% of their apprentices graduate and 99% of graduates find a job in the first 3 months, with up to $91k starting salary.

Apply here

Check out their infographic


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Find out more

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

There are 3 ways to study at UNSW Canberra (ADFA)

Our students are provided with a unique study experience, access to custom-built facilities and resources, outstanding industry networks, and graduate with a degree from one of the top universities in the world.

Find out more


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

 Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores

Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job.
Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

My Future – Supporting your Child’s Career Development

Support from family and key people in their life is important in helping young people through the process of thinking about and planning for their career.

As a parent or carer, four areas where you can provide practical support are self-awareness, opportunity awareness, decision making and transition support.

Read more

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here

 Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here

How to Help Your Child Prepare For Their HSC Exams – from HSC in the Holidays

Want to help your child prepare for their best possible marks, but not sure where to start? This guide was written with you in mind…

Download it here

Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here

Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018.

10 jobs that didn’t exist 10 years ago

Sustainability and web-based services seem to be driving the change – how does this fit in with your post-school plans?

Watch the video

From Director of Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian


Welcome back to the second half of the year. I hope everyone had an opportunity to a have a relaxing break and some quality family time together. Term 3 is a busy and exciting time at the Junior School with the Wakakirri team in full rehearsal mode, the completion of our winter sports competitions and the commencement of our athletics season.

I hope the reports you received at the start of the holidays gave you an accurate guide to your son’s performance for the first half of the year. Please remember that this report is a snap shot of five months of work. The challenge is for the boys to make improvements in as many areas as possible by the end of the year. If you have any concerns please contact your son’s class teacher.

Thoughts and Prayers

I would like to ask the Waverley community to keep in their prayers and thoughts Hugo Kulcsar, Will Pearce and Mr Greg Harris as they battle their health concerns. We look forward to soon having them back at the Junior School.

Prayer for the week

During the holidays, NAIDOC Week was celebrated around Australia.  NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

An Aboriginal Prayer

Holy Father, God of Love,

You are the Creator of this land and of all good things.

We acknowledge the pain of our history and the sufferings of our people,

And we ask Your forgiveness.

We thank You for the survival of indigenous cultures.

We pray for Your strength and grace to forgive, accept and love one another.

Give us the courage to accept the realities of history

So that we may build a better future for our nation.

Teach us to care for our land and waters.

Help us to share justly the resources of this land.

Help us to bring about spiritual and social change,

To improve the quality of life for all groups in our

Communities, especially the disadvantaged.

Help young people to find true dignity and self-esteem.

May Your power and love be the foundations

On which we build our families and communities

And our nation through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Wontulp Bi-Buya, Indigenous Theology Working Group, 1997


This week marks the beginning of Term 3.  We thank the Lord for keeping us safe and for giving us the opportunity to rest and spend time with our family and friends.

We ask you to send your Spirit upon us all, so that we can make the right choices this term to be the people you want us to be.


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for us.
Mary Mother of God: Pray for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever.


Important dates for Term 3

Week 1
Wednesday 25th July – Blitz Day Queens Park
Saturday 28th July – Rd 8 Winter Sport

Week 2
Tuesday 31st July – ICAS English Competition – 8.00am start
Thursday 2nd August – Athletics Carnival ES Marks
Friday 3rd August – Tevlin House Mass & Musica Viva Incursion – Year 5 and 6
Saturday 4th August – Rd 9 Winter Sport, Blue and Gold Ball

Week 3
Tuesday 7th August – Wakakirri Heat – NIDA
Wednesday 8th August  – Class and Individual & Winter Sport Photos (all students are asked to ensure your son is at school on this day as photos cannot be retaken).
Saturday 11th August – Rd 10 Winter Sport (last round).

Week 4
Monday 13th August – Author Visit
Tuesday 14th August – Illustrator Visit
Saturday 18th August – Athletics (selected squad)

Week 5 – Book Week
Saturday 25th August – Athletics @ Barker (selected squad)

Week 6
Wednesday 29th August– IPSHA Athletics Carnival @ Homebush
Friday 31st August– Father’s Day Mass and Lunch starting at 12.00pm

Week 8
Friday 14th September – R U OK Day

Week 9
Friday 21st September – Walkathon

Week 10
Monday 24th September – Year 6 Allwell Testing
Friday 28th September– Year 12 Graduation Ceremony.
Friday 28th September – Classes Conclude Term 3


Well done to the following boys for their performances in the 2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Digital Technologies competition

High Distinction Awards
Year 5
Yannick Hott (top 1% of the country)
Jude Timbs (top 1% of the country)

Distinction Awards
Year 6
Jack Anasson (top 5% of the country)
Campbell Porteus (top 8% of the country)

Year 5
Tomas Crosson (top 5% of the country)
Hugo Perks (top 11% of the country)

Credit Awards
Year 6
Oliver Malzard            
Campbell Scally
Jack Tindale

Year 5
Liam McMaster

Merit Awards
Year 6
Lachlan Miranda

Science Competition Awards

Well done to the following boys for their performances in the 2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Science competition

High Distinction Awards
Year 6
Campbell Porteus (top 1% of the country)

Distinction Awards
Year 6
Lachlan Miranda (top 10% of the country)

Year 5
Zoltahn Szabo (top 3% of the country)
Tom Donaldson (top 5% of the country)
Yannick Hott (top 11% of the country)

Credit Awards
Year 6
Jack Tindale

Year 5
Jude Timbs

Merit Awards
Year 6
Campbell Scally

Blitz Day

On a near perfect day the boys enjoyed a great way to start the term – playing rugby, football and AFL all day or what we call Blitz Day. It is great way to end our colour competition. Congratulations to Angier and Lacey who managed to win all 3 trophies on offer – a great result.

Special thanks to Mr Meadley who organised and ran the day so professionally.

Special note and thanks to the Year 10 Big Brothers who came down to Queens Park to support their Year 5 Little Brothers – much appreciated.


Class and Individual & Winter Photos

Please note the date for the Individual and Class photos is Wednesday 8th August. Can I ask you ensure your son is at school on this date as the photos cannot be rescheduled.  Boys will to arrive at school in their full winter uniform and will need to bring in their Saturday winter gear on the day.


Athletics Carnival

The Junior School will be holding their annual athletics carnival at E.S. Marks Field on Thursday 2nd August. Again all parents are welcome to join us for the day.


If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office.

From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan

I would like to thank parents for the way their sons presented themselves on day one this Term.

Students are required to wear the College blazer and tie to and from the College during Term Three. As was the case last term, boys failing to do this and who are not in possession of a uniform pass from their Head of House will be placed on a Saturday detention.

The College has high expectations of our students whilst in public, particularly when travelling to and from school on public transport. The positive message we give to the public though our uniform and grooming is another extension of the ongoing cultural change we are seeing at the College.

Haircuts were also checked by Heads of House and students with haircuts outside the College policy were sent to Joe’s Barber at Charing Cross to have the situation rectified. 

Waverley Basketballers

Over the break nineteen Waverley College students participated in the St James EREA Basketball Tournament in Brisbane. Because of the scheduling of the tour many of our older players stayed in Sydney and concentrated on their HSC Trial preparation which provided a great opportunity for our younger players and their development, providing a worthwhile experience and sound preparation for the upcoming season.

Weekly training sessions have been occurring since the start of last term and culminated in a six-hour, two day intensive training camp for the players on the final Friday and Saturday before the tour.

I thank our Convenor of Basketball, Mr Anthony Gibbs and his assistant, Mr Richard Chen for their commitment to basketball during their break, as well as our external coaches. Well done also to all of our student who represented the College with distinction at this tournament.

Ned Wieland achieves his Triple Crown in Ocean Swimming

This year Ned Wieland embarked on his endeavour to become the youngest male ever to complete the Triple Crown of open water swimming. The Triple Crown encompasses the English Channel (33km, from Dover, England to Cap Griz Nez, France), the Catalina Channel (38km, Santa Catalina Island to San Pedro, California USA) and the 20 bridges swim (48km, around Manhattan Island, New York, USA)

The Catalina Channel swimming federation best sums up Ned’s swim as:

Ned Wieland, of Australia, proved once again how tough the Aussie swimmers are when he completed his crossing today under challenging conditions in 9 hrs, 8 min, and 16 sec. The chilly water temps ranged between 63-64F, and the channel tossed some rogue 6-7 foot swells into the mix, which hit the prevailing 2-3′ swell from an opposing direction – imagine swimming in an industrial washing machine! Ned managed to persevere and punched his way through the swell to calmer seas off the mainland, completing his swim at Smuggler Cove in a fantastic time! He had a few reports of multiple marine life encounters during the crossing, which included ocean sunfish, two whales and three pods of dolphins!”

Ned’s swim was throughout the night in the waters that are best known for Juvenile Great White Shark attacks. Ned then had twelve days to recover, before his twenty Bridges swim, on the 30th of June. Arriving in New York, where they were experiencing heatwave conditions, Ned set off on his third and final swim of the Triple Crown. After swimming the other two channels, he reported, that this was by far the most scenic. The 20 Bridges is the longest swim, but is known for the favourable currents once a swimmer hits the Hudson. However, the Hudson only delivered headwinds, choppy water conditions and a little current, to the end. However, the end did arrive and with it Ned’s title; to be the youngest male to achieve the Triple Crown.

The times for his swims are as follows:

English Channel – 9 Hours and 45mins

Catalina Channel – 9 Hours and 6mins

Around Manhattan – 8 Hours and 45mins

Not only has Ned achieved these great feats of open water swimming but along the way he has also raised over $43,000 for ‘R U OK?’, which is a suicide prevention charity. This is a charity that is very close to him and Waverley College.

On his return to Australia, Ned was notified that he was selected to receive a 2018 John Lincoln Youth Community Service Award. Students are nominated for their exemplary service to their communities. The Award is conducted annually by the NSW Branch of the Order of Australia Association.

On behalf of the College, I offer my Congratulations to Ned on his selection.

Jack receives his award at the NSW Pierre de Coubertin Academy Day and Presentation

The Pierre de Coubertin Award recognises secondary school students who demonstrate values which are consistent with the Olympic Movement through participation in sporting activities. Congratulations to Jack Hardwicke-Owen for receiving the award, it’s a wonderful achievement.

Sad News – Wal (Justin) Cranney 16.08.1930 – 04.07.2018

At the end of term I was advised of the passing of an ex-employee Mr Wal Cranney on 4 July, 2018.

Beloved brother of Margaret and Helen. Cherished uncle, great uncle and Great great uncle.
Admired Teacher and Coach at Waverley College 1966 – 2006.

His requiem Mass was held at Mary Mother of Mercy Chapel at Rookwood Necropolis.

Wal taught and coached at the College from 1966 to 1996 and then worked in an administrative role from 1997 to 2006.

May he rest in peace.

Safer Bike Legislation Announced for Students

A recent law change now allows students under the age of 16 years to ride on footpaths. Previously after the age of 12 years children were forced to navigate the roads when riding their bikes to school.

This not only promotes an active lifestyle but also prevents them being hit with a fine of $112 as well as ensuring a safer ride to school.

Bike racks are provided by the College adjacent to the Performing Arts Centre.

Write a Book in a day – recognition from the Kids’ Cancer Project Website

The Year 5 Write a Book in a Day team has been featured on the Kids’ Cancer Project Website after  they dedicated their book to Hugo in Year 5 who is in hospital receiving treatment for Leukaemia. You can read their lovely post HERE.


Only ten days to go!

Nine if you’re reading this on Friday.

We are incredibly excited to host what is set to be a stunning and memorable night. But let’s remember this is more than just an awesome party.

It’s a celebration going back years – 115 to be exact – honouring the generosity of the families and friends who have worked tirelessly to support the ongoing growth of Waverley College.

It’s also our chance to positively influence the learning experiences of thousands of students, both current and future, all while having the time of your life. You don’t have to wait to start getting involved in all this frenzied excitement.

The auction platform is officially open, so you can start bidding on some great things which have been donated by the most generous of College parents and friends.

LIVE AUCTION: Commission free house sale

McGrath is a Major Sponsor of our 2018 Blue and Gold Ball

Thinking of selling your house soon?  Then we have the perfect auction item for you!

Our top auction item is a commission free house sale from Adrian Bo, Old Boy and top-selling agent at McGrath.  One lucky bidder will have the opportunity to acquire Mr Bo’s services for a fraction of their usual price.  The winning bid will be donated to Waverley College and Mr Bo will manage the sale of your property at zero commission

Real estate commission usually falls between 1.5% and 2%. A house worth $2.5 million could set you back as much as $50,000.

Not ready to sell? No problem. You have 18 months to use Mr Bo’s services and the commission free sale can be transferred to a friend or family member.   The full terms and conditions can be downloaded here. (Pease read them before you bid.)

Bidding is now open until 6:30pm on Saturday 4 August. Live bidding will commence on this item at the Blue and Gold Ball at 9pm. The highest silent bid will become the reserve for the item at this time.

If you are not attending the ball and would like to be an absentee bidder on the night, please contact Jennifer Divall, Marketing Manager at

Check the details and BID NOW.

Other major live and silent auction items can be found on so keep checking for updates.

Raffle Alert!

Not going to the ball? No problem. You can still support the cause by buying a raffle ticket to go into the draw to win amazing prizes, kindly donated by parents and friends of the College.



A big thank you to our generous sponsors and donors

As prizes continue to arrive we would like to acknowledge the sponsors and donors who have already supported the 2018 Blue and Gold Ball. 

Major Sponsor


Platinum Sponsor

Hotel Bondi

Gold Sponsor

Core Mortgage Brokers

Silver Sponsor

BMW Sydney

Bronze Sponsors

NG Farah

Its Insured


Robbie Chapman Jewellery

The McClean Family

Servcorp – Liane Gorman

AML Partners, Accountants and Business Advisors – Ania Smith

The Gormley and Smith Families

Aquariums Australia – The Fallon Family

99 Bikes

Medal Tally – The Zilich Family

Merida Bikes


Owen Finegan

Stephen Hoiles

Adam Freier

My Ortho – Dr David Mastroianni

Susan Fadel

Estée Lauder

The Rizzo Family

The Malouf Family

William Sanderson

The Clinic – The Sullivan Family

Mark Mitchell – Advanz Health

John Akcan – Amellée Jewellery

Robbie Chapman

The Punters Pal

The Doyle Family

The D’Agostino Family

Harvey Norman

Justine Whitehouse – Tintilla Estate Wines

Bowerhaus Jewellery

Maryanne Larkin

The Leet Family

The Palmer Family

Hunter Morpeth Motel and Villa

Naomi Hamilton Photography

Lion Group

Charing Cross Pharmacy

Steve’s Cool Booze

The Quinn Family

The Good Fairies

OPA Designs – The Mormanis Family

The El-Haddad Family

Judena Hair

The Cook Family

Bondi Icebergs

Nicole Bowman


Secolo Dining

Cipri Italian Restaurant

The Lelund Family

Let’s go Surfing

Sports and Spinal Chiropractic Clinic

Moira Mannion

The Meat Store

Maybe Frank Restaurant

Cafe Quattro Passi

The Makeup Organiser by Natasha Fountas

The Dinner Ladies

The D’Ettorre Family


Year 5 and 6 Parents

Year 10 Parents

Waverley College Parent Association

Mike Kneebone

Rhino Mouthguards

The Star Casino

Moira Mannion

Sarah Cusack Cox


Luke Kennedy

The O’Sullivan Family

PEPO Botanic Design – Naomi Isaac

Nick Rizzo International Football Academy

Monique Eyles & Steve Keir

The Sydney Roosters

The Beach Road Hotel

Natasha Fountas

Darley Street Bistro

Bowerhaus Jewellery

Frank Provost Hair, Bondi

The Cook Family

Fit Woman Academy

Lori Arambasic – Lateral Events

Laser Siege

Nina Ashford

The Gillard Family

All Occasion Cruises

Maloneys Grocer

The McGuiggan Family

Elizabeth Osborne – Coastal Fringe Hairdressers

The Anchorage Port Stephens

Styled by Jade

David and Esther Coleman

City Tattersalls Club

Brett Gillard – That’s Great Plumbing

As prizes are continuing to arrive, we’ll have an update on this list very soon!