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From Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson

Change of Payment Reference Number from 8 February 2021

The College is in the process of changing its database and as part of this change is also changing the Finance System. This will be completed and the new system will commence from Monday 8 February 2021. The Payment Options as outlined on the back of the account will remain the same.

Whilst the Biller Code (54007) is unchanged, parents/carers responsible for the payment of school fees will be sent a new BPay reference number AND new BPoint reference number to the nominated email address currently held for receiving their school fee accounts. Please note that the reference number for BPay is different for the new reference number for BPoint.

Payments made by any of the other options (that is NOT by either BPay or BPoint) remain unchanged.

Those parents/carers that have BPay or BPoint already set up in their bank will need to change the “reference number” prior to making any future payments for school fees upon receipt of the email advice advising the new reference next week.

Please contact should you have any queries.

From Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan

Welcome Back to 2021

The start of the year has been a truly positive one amongst staff and students. It was great to welcome our new Years 5 and 7 students on Thursday and celebrate the return of the entire student body on Friday with a wonderful Welcome to Country and College assembly.

I would like to thank parents for the way their sons attended school this week, the uniform standard was excellent and so too was their behaviour and grooming. The way our sons present ourselves in public says a lot about what we are about as a College.

2021 sees the entire student body required to wear the new academic uniform. With the new uniform comes higher expectations in terms of how our boys present themselves for school each day, including their transit on both private and public transport to and from the College.

From Term 1, no student will be permitted to attend class without the correct academic uniform including the College backpack. Should any student not be in full academic uniform, they will require a uniform pass from the Wellbeing Centre and will be subject to a consequence.

The only exemptions are a medical certificate or a pass from the Uniform Shop.

In addition to the correct uniform, students’ appearance including hairstyles must be in line with the College expectations from day one. The ‘mullet’ haircut trending at present is not acceptable and students will be directed to the local barber or their preferred hair stylist to rectify any issues.

Student wearing the new 2020 academic uniform

The new 2020 academic uniform

Parent/Mentor Meetings

On Tuesday 9 February from 1:30pm to 4pm parents and carers are invited to meet their son’s Wellbeing Mentor via Zoom to engage in a conversation which will help us to best cater to their needs in 2021.

This important initiative supports our student Wellbeing program. The purpose is to know as much as possible about each student, both in and out of the classroom. By identifying their goals, hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future, we can work together to bring about the best possible learning outcomes for your son. We rely on the three-way partnership formed between the College, families and your son for this to occur.

These meetings are in addition to parent/teacher academic interviews which will also take place later in the semester.

Keep an eye out for a separate email with further details and login information.

Students in Years 7-12 will be dismissed at 1pm because it is expected where possible that students will attend these meetings with their parents. Limited supervision will be provided in the Library and in the Centenary Quad from 1pm-3:15pm.

Heads of House and our Psychologists are available to meet students and their families who may require additional support and assistance. Please email them directly if you wish to set up a meeting.

John McCoy –

James Horrocks –

Cathy O’Sullivan –

Scott Coleman –

Damien Thompson –

Matthew Barr –

Olivia Kite –


John McCallum –


Alex McCredie –

Adele Cutbush –

Greg Cameron –

Tessa Prior –

College psychologists Ms Alex McCredie, Mr Greg Cameron and Ms Tessa Prior

College psychologists, Ms Tessa Prior, Mr Greg Cameron and Ms Alex McCredie

A Fitting Acknowledgement to Ms Audrey Coupe

At our Presentation Day in December, former Headmaster and President of the Schools Rugby Union, Br Bob Wallace and Sydney Catholic Schools, Mr Tim Cleary made an appearance to acknowledge the many years of volunteer service undertaken by Ms Coupe with the Australian Schools Rugby Union.

Ms Coupe was awarded Life Membership of the Australian Schools Rugby Union in recognition of her work for the Australian Schools Rugby Union since 1992 in her capacity of Administrative Secretary. This role included liaising with states and countries as well as assisting tours and touring teams to Australia, arranging the annual fundraising luncheon, and key administration tasks required during the Australian Schools Rugby Championships.

The College congratulates Ms Coupe on her well deserved Life Membership.

Ms Audrey Coupe, Life Membership

Ms Audrey Coupe, Life Membership

TikTok and Young People

As Deputy Principal, I spend an increasing amount of time dealing with online incidents involving students. As a parent myself, I know the importance of checking the age and privacy settings of any app downloaded by my daughter.

Parents, in the case of TikTok, it is vital that you check that your sons have entered their correct date of birth when creating their account. The new security provision for under 16s that has been recently released by the app, will not function if your son has lied about his age. This function does work if your son has entered his real date of birth.

Checking and changing this is important but not easy. Earlier this month, TikTok advised that false date of births may only be altered in the following, convoluted way:

The account holder or parent must request a privacy report here and enter the applicable account information. Choose the Request information about account data option, listed under the What is your request subheading. Where you are asked to provide details, submit an explanation that the account’s date of birth is incorrect, and advise that proof of age can be provided.

Then, and this is problematic. The app requires official proof of identification. This method cannot be advised or recommended.

Parents are left with two main options which I would recommend:

Family sharing – requiring their child to delete their account and start again truthfully. The latter is likely to be very difficult and may cause conflict with your son. Family sharing provides parents with sufficient controls over the teen’s account to replicate most of TikTok’s new security features for younger users. It also allows parents to keep an eye on all of their son’s social media accounts.

The College recommends Family Sharing on Apple products for all students under 16 years of age. This allows parents to control phone usage times, set daily screen time, and monitor app usage. It also gives parents and their sons an opportunity to negotiate agreed settings before parents put them in place. Most parents find that boys are far more willing to support Family Sharing if they are part of the decision-making process as to what are fair and reasonable settings.



Congratulations to all of the Academic Award Winners for 2020

Year 5

Isaac Occhiuto, 5 Blue – Class Achievement Award

Jacob Sheehan, 5 Gold – Class Achievement Award

James Tucker  5 Indigo – Class Achievement Award

Sonny Campbell, 5 Red – Class Achievement Award

Noah Bowler, 5 White – Class Achievement Award

Axel Stapleton, 5 Blue – Christian Leadership Award

Cooper Burns, 5 Gold – Christian Leadership Award

Archie Bowcock, 5 Indigo – Christian Leadership Award

Henry Goldrich, 5 Red –  Christian Leadership Award

Oscar Griffith, 5 White – Christian Leadership Award

Nicholas Soumilas, 5 Blue – Dux of the Class

Alex Avdalis, 5 Gold – Dux of the Class

Patrick Palmer, 5 Indigo – Dux of the Class

Daniel Morrow, 5 Red – Dux of the Class

Evan Service, 5 White – Dux of the Class

Year 6

Ashton Hourn, 6 Blue – Class Achievement Award

William Elliott, 6 Gold – Class Achievement Award

Owen Smith, 6 Indigo – Class Achievement Award

Ari Wernet, 6 Orange – Class Achievement Award

Alexander Vesper, 6 Red – Class Achievement Award

Xavier  Kopsiaftis, 6 White – Class Achievement Award

Andrew Carrano, 6 Blue – Christian Leadership Award

Bailey Gosbell, 6 Gold – Christian Leadership Award

Oliver Eisenhauer, 6 Indigo – Christian Leadership Award

Ethan Varvaressos, 6 Orange – Christian Leadership Award

Owen Patient, 6 Red – Christian Leadership Award

Lochlan Smith, 6 White – Christian Leadership Award

Tyley Hull-Moody, 6 Blue – Dux of the Class

Jethro Jensen, 6 Gold – Dux of the Class

Brooklyn Lagos, 6 Indigo – Dux of the Class

Ben Capaan, 6 Orange – Dux of the Class

Aidan Carpenter, 6 Red – Dux of the Class

Billy Lagos, 6 White – Dux of the Class


Major Award Winners

Marcel Fernandes, 6 Indigo – Director’s Special Recognition Award

William Jacques, 6 Blue – Director’s Special Recognition Award

Bobby  McLennan, 6 Orange – Frank Salvo Award for Football

James  McDonald, 6 Indigo – Murphy Rugby Award

Lachlan Gibbins, 6 Gold – Old Boy’s Award

Thomas Madden, 6 Indigo – The Waterford Trophy for Performing Arts

Bailey Gosbell, 6 Gold – Waverley Council Citizenship Award

Owen Patient, 6 Red – The Judge Paul Urquhart Award for Social Justice

William Elliott, 6 Gold – Helen Newman Award for Service

Raff Toohey, 6 Indigo  – Br M.M. O’Connor Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship

Jethro Jensen, 6 Gold – Br J.P. Lacey Memorial Trophy for Study, Leadership and Co-Curricular Involvement

Brooklyn Lagos, 6 Indigo – The Edmund Rice Trophy for Academic Excellence


Year 7

Archie Godby – English

Lachlan Isaac – Technology

Yannick Hott – Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion

Charles Coughlan – Principal’s Award for Sport

Cameron Vincent Hull – Steve Frangos Memorial Prize for Musicianship

James Peate – Steve Frangos Memorial Prize for Musicianship

Cooper Stewart – Nicholas Farrow Memorial Prize for the Spirit of Year Seven

Leo Jreige – Geography, Music, Equal 3rd in Academic Results

Harrison Thorpe – Mathematics Equal First, Science, Equal 3rd in Academic Results

Kayden Baker – Drama, 2nd in Academic Results

Huon Groves – Mathematics Equal First, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Dux of Year 7


Year 8

Mitchel Ho – Mathematics Equal First

Campbell Porteus – Mathematics Equal First

James Medland – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Ehren Little – Principal’s Award for Sport

Robert Muir – Prize for Musicianship

Deuchar Dezarnaulds – Visual Art Equal First

Jack Kerves – Martin Robinson Memorial Award for Service & Integrity

Ricardo Zanapalis – Technology, 3rd in Academic Results

Lachlan Miranda – English, History, Visual Art Equal First, 2nd in Academic Results

Bailey Barker – Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion, Science, Spanish, Dux of Year 8


Year 9

Jack Crotty – Applied Philosophy

Samuel Stewart – Drama

Liam Wood – Geography Equal First

Theodore Varvaressos – History

Kai Jones – Industrial Technology Timber

Benjamin Stirling – Information and Software Technology

Hugo Morgan – STEM

Anderson Franulovich – Mathematics Level 2

Thomas Walker – Mathematics Level 1

Alistair Isaac – Music

Finn Stranix – Visual Arts

Toby Neilsen – Work Education

Marcus Antonio – Design & Technology, Spanish

James Iatrou – Food Technology, Photographic and Digital Media

Jett McTavish – Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Equal First

Campbell Groves – Mathematics Level 3, Principal’s Award for Sport

Hugh McDonald – Prize for Musicianship

Bert Cottell – Ned Silva Award for Most Improved Effort in Year Nine

Connor Andrews – Physical Activity and Sport Studies, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, 3rd in Academic Results

Jake Perks – Science, 2nd in Academic Results

Charles Hely-Hammond – Commerce, English, Geography Equal First, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Equal First, Dux of Year 9


Year 10

Conor Cahill – Commerce

Luke Stewart – Information and Software Technology

Maddox Grebert – Design & Technology

Oliver Elliot – English Equal First

Christian Puga – Graphics Technology

Thomas Wilkins – Industrial Technology Timber

Thomas Wilkins – Mathematics Level 2

James Jones – Mathematics Level 1

Guy Hammerschmidt  – Music

Angus Anthony – STEM

Sasha Moustacas – Visual Arts

William Coates – Work Education

Damien Poulos – Physical Activity and Sport Studies

Daniel Di Francesco – Mathematics Level 3, Photographic and Digital Media

Thomas Martin – Principal’s Award for Sport

Harrison Gippel – Prize for Musicianship

Solomon Tuqiri – Anthony Tarlinton Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievements in Study & College Activities

Carl Waterson – Food Technology, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Equal First, 3rd in Academic Results

Daniel McSweeny – Drama, History, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion, 2nd in Academic Results

Jared Garwood – Science, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Equal First, Applied Philosophy. English Equal First, Mathematics Accelerated, Dux of Year 10


Year 11

Louis Liong – Biology Equal First

Dante Pontes-Cox – Biology Equal First

William Gibson – Design & Technology

Elija Heininger – Entertainment

Samuel Kneebone – Food Technology

Sebastian Van De Hoek – Geography

Thomas Colman – Hospitality

Bryn Parry – Industrial Technology

Alexander Elder – Investigating Science

Evan Athanassiou – Marine Studies Equal First

Darcy Sullivan – Marine Studies Equal First

Nikita Nikitenko – Mathematics Advanced Equal First

Darcy Bourke – Mathematics Standard Equal First

Finn Dixon – Mathematics Standard Equal First

Aaron Varsanyi – Mathematics Standard Equal First

Isaac Coombes – Mathematics Advanced Equal First

Conor Boyd-Boland – Modern History

Dante Bryan – Music Course I

Harrison Palmer – Music Course II

Cooper O’Donnell – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Tobias North – Photography

Diego Berdaa – Spanish Continuers

Saia Afeaki – Sport Life & Recreation

Hugo Stephenson – Visual Arts

Jack Harris – Catholic Studies, English Studies

Nathan Barry – Construction, English Standard

Giulian D’Ettorre – Business Studies, Extension English

Toby Rabinowitz – Drama, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion I

Lachlan Muir – Ancient History, Mathematics Accelerated

James Simpson – Ryan Shiels Memorial Prize for Musicianship

Fritz Jahnke-Tavana – Greg Carmody Memorial Prize for Best All Round Sportsman

Patrick Hoggett – Year 11 All Rounder Award

Harjot Mand – UNSW Australia Prize for Economics, Legal Studies, 3rd in Academic Results

Mark Gaponov – Engineering Studies, Mathematics Extension, 2nd in Academic Results

Leon Palacio – Chemistry, Spanish Beginners, Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion II, Equal Dux of Year 11

Hayden Wild – Arthur & Mollie Burke Memorial Prize for English Advanced, Physics, Software Design & Development, Equal Dux of Year 11


Year 12

Thomas Lynch – Business Studies

Cooper Sergis – Catholic Studies Equal First

Eliot Vincent Hull – Catholic Studies Equal First

Finn Filipek – The Catherine Smithurst Prize for Standard English Equal First

Jed Turnbull – Hospitality

Calam Baird – Information & Digital Technology

Marcus Sterianos – Marine Studies

Blair Kallis – Mathematics Standard Course I

Oliver Blackett – Mathematics Standard Course II

Riley Klotz – Br R J Wallace Prize for Drama, Entertainment

Joshua Cornelius – Bishop Geoffrey F Mayne Prize for Studies Of Religion I, Engineering Studies

Jacob Smith – English Studies, Photography, Sport Life & Recreation

Ethan King – Construction, Business Education Network VET Excellence Award

Alex Talbot – PDHPE GHR Award, Br P Oakley Prize for PDHPE, Visual Arts

Daniel Pomes – The Ray Aston Memorial Prize for Biology, The Catherine Smithurst Prize for Standard English Equal First

Lachlan Miller – Mathematics Advanced, Br F S Farrell Prize for Physics

Gabriel Kidston – Mathematics Extension I, The Judge Thomas Prize for Mathematics Extension II, Music Course II

Reid McNamara – WJ Corbett Award for Best All-Round Sportsman

Joshua Conacher-Smith – Archbishop’s Award

Luke Fadel – Old Boys Union Edmund Rice Award for Leadership of Social Justice

Jacob Fadel – Design & Technology, Old Boys Union Edmund Rice Award for Leadership of Social Justice

Christopher Salem – Reuben F Scarf Award

Liam Andrews – Music Course I, College Vice Captain, Waverley Council Award for General Proficiency

William Baker – College Vice-Captain, Waverley Council Award for General Proficiency

James Waterhouse – Investigating Science, College Vice Captain, Caltex All-Rounder Award

Benjamin Elder – The M O’Halloran Prize for Chemistry, College Captain, JJ O’Brien Award for Leadership, Study & Involvement

Matthew Brock – The Br PA Conlon Prize for Economics, The Barry McDonald Prize for Legal Studies, Equal 3rd in Overall Academic Performance

Finn Robilliard – English Extension II, Industrial Technology, Bishop Patrick Dougherty Prize for Studies Of Religion II, Equal 3rd in Overall Academic Performance

Leo Shanahan – The Brian Sheedy Prize for Ancient History, The George & Elizabeth Thomas Prize for Extension History, Geography, Modern History, 2nd in Overall Academic Performance

Hugh McSweeny – The Abram Landa Prize for Advanced English, The Alice & Mildred Thomas Prize for English Extension I, Br LB Tevlin Memorial Prize for Dux of the College


Social Impact Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have been nominated for the Social Justice Award, for their outstanding contributions to Social Justice Programmes.

Year 5 & 6 award – Axel Stapelton

Year 7 & 8 award – Callum Macarthur

Year 9 – 11 award – Byron Scott

Key Dates 2021



Dear Parents and Carers,

I thank all members of our community for their contributions throughout 2020, the staff, parents, Old Boys and students of this great College.

The Christmas season reminds us of the value of giving selflessly. Not the giving of a material and commercial sense but the giving of a generosity of spirit, precious time and a meal. This reminds us that real joy comes from giving in this way to others.

May families who need a Christmas miracle be blessed 

May whoever is feeling weak through the Christmas season be given strength 

May all those carrying heavy burdens this Christmas have their load lightened 

May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magic, and the peace of the Christ child. 

Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit bless our community now and forever.

Introducing the new summer co-curricular uniform

I am proud to share the new summer co-curricular uniform which is now available to purchase from the uniform shop. In Term 1, 2021, it is compulsory for all Year 5 and 7 students to be in the new summer co-curricular uniform and compulsory for the whole school in Term 4, 2021. In the coming weeks, we will share the full summer co-curricular look book with families. 

The winter co-curricular uniform, which we will share details on in the new year, will be compulsory for the whole school for the winter season. 


Staff Farewells

I would like to acknowledge the teaching and support staff that have served the College well over a number of years and who are leaving our community at the end of this year. We wish them the very best in their respective endeavours. 

Martin Barrett (26 years) – English Department 

Fran Darvill (26 years) – Preschool Teacher 

Greg Harris (23 years) – Junior School

Anne Fahy (20 years) – Music Department 

Till Tana (13 years) – Preschool Teacher 

Donna Stacey (12 years) – Preschool Teacher 

Jessie Soleas (12 years) – Preschool Teacher 

Tanja Pavlovic (6 years)  – Science Assistant 

Patricia Alborough (5 years) – Science Department/ Sustainability 

Richard Bryant (4 years)  – HSIE Department/Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation

Marie Anderson (4 years) – Preschool Teacher 

Bill Howard (2 years) – English Department

Josh Gunaratnam (1 year) – Assistant Finance Manager

John O’Reilly (1 year) – Maths Department

Jack Clancy (1 year) – Science Department

Christine Woodward (1 year) – Visual Arts Department

Cristie Whitten (1 year) – TAS Department 

Gabriela Pendleton (1 year) – Preschool Teacher 

Cristine Recchia (1 year) – Preschool Teacher 

Gus Lyon (1 year) – Maths/Science Departments

Carlos Burgos-Macedo (1 year) – Science Assistant

I would also like to thank Ms Antoinette McGahan, Principal of St Clare’s College, who has accepted a principalship at Domremy Catholic College, Five Dock. Antoinette has been a great supporter of Waverley over the last five years and I wish her all the best. 


Old Waverley Uniforms

Owing to incredible community collaboration, a home has been found for all secondhand Waverley uniforms, the Navosa Central College in Fiji – and we need your help to get them there!

About Navosa Central College

The school is situated in a remote location deep in the Fijian interior and only recently had electricity connected. Some students board there because of the distance they need to travel to attend school. Most of the families are subsistence farmers. Students do sports and athletics in bare feet. Even those that compete in national competitions run in bare feet. 

How You Can Help

Donate – Junior and Senior uniforms, medium-large packing boxes

Instead of binning your Waverley-branded items or leaving them with charity shops, please:

A shipping container is leaving for Fiji during the holiday break, so we are kindly requesting members of our College community to return their old uniforms to the secondhand clothing pool by Wednesday, December 9. 


We are looking for volunteers to help pack the uniforms. If you’re available on any of the dates and times below please click here to register to volunteer 

Volunteer meeting point: Fitzgerald Room, Level 4

Tuesday December, 8: 10am – 12pm

Monday December, 14: 10am – 12pm

This wouldn’t be possible without the incredible work from the following people:

Lara Barclay – Year 6 parent, Adaptation Environmental Support 

Roy Pereira – Year 6 parent, Logistics Coordinator 

Jade Stapleton, Parents’ Association President (2021);

Mary Ramsay, Parents’ Association President (2018-2020)

Kirsten Hott and Camille Owen, Secondhand Clothing Pool Representatives


Parents’ Association AGM

From the recent AGM, I would like to congratulate the following parents on their elections to the Parent Association Executive for 2021, and I look forward to working with them in the new year. 

President Jade Stapleton
Vice President Lisa Sullivan Smith
Vice President Lamya Sadi
Secretary Stephanie Van Dam
Treasurer Deb Johnson
Year 5 Daniella Strbac
Year 5 Anne Clerc Johnson
Year 6 Liz Clothier
Year 6 Rebecca Nicholson
Year 7 Camille Owen
Year 8 Tina Lee
Year 8 Sheila Royles
Year 9 Cinzia Montresor
Year 10 Gloria Reimer
Year 10 Veronica Green
Year 10 Lamya Sadi
Year 11 Liz O’Neil
Year 11 Violetta Elliott
Year 11 Roslyn Diesner
Year 12 Melissa Cahill
Year 12 Rae Norman
Past Parents Donna Drew Morris
Past Parents Linda McGuiggan
Clothing Pool Camille Owen
Clothing Pool Kristen Holt


Australian Mathematics Competition

Congratulations to  the following students who received an award in the Australian Mathematics Competition;

High Distinction and Best in School: 

Campbell Porteus  | Year 8 – Percentile Rank of 98


Sebastion Ari | Year 7

Nicholas Hjorring  | Year 7

Oscar Danta  | Year 7

George Alexandratos  | Year 7

Tom Donaldson  | Year 7

Maximilian Fischer  | Year 8

Benjamin Stirling | Year 9

Felix Gardan  | Year 10

Principal’s Award

A Principal’s Award is received once a student has earnt three Gold Awards. Gold Awards are awarded after receiving five Blue Merits, which are awarded in recognition of any form of good effort, behaviour, achievement or service.

Congratulations to the following Principal’s Award winners, who were announced at last week’s College assembly:

Huon Groves | Year 7

Cooper Gee | Year 8

Jack Kearney | Year 8

Jack Kerves | Year 8

Nathan Leabres  | Year 8

Ewan McDonald  | Year 8

Sean McLaughlin  | Year 8

Sam Payrard  | Year 8

Cameron Pierce | Year 8

Max De Carvalho | Year 11

Aaron Dimovitch | Year 11

Shape Shortlisted

Year 12 student, Valentius Wirjana has been nominated for possible inclusion in Shape 2020. This is an annual exhibition of a selection of exemplary Major Projects developed by HSC Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Textiles and Design students.  

Year 12 students, Daniel Pomes and Finn Robilliard have been nominated for possible inclusion in InTech, the annual exhibition of outstanding Major Projects developed by HSC Industrial Technology students.

A number of projects will be selected for Shape 2020, the combined exhibition of HSC Technology projects at the Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS), Sydney, from 26 February to 9 May 2021.

The final selection will be held in February, congratulations, Valentius, Daniel and Finn.


Wayne Tinsey Farewell

After 13 years of outstanding service, Dr Wayne Tinsey is completing his time as Executive Director of EREA. We take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to Dr Tinsey for his visionary leadership and dedication to founding the mission of EREA and courageously stewarding our ongoing commitment to the education of the young people in our care across Australia.

We would like to welcome Craig Wattam as he begins his time as Executive Director in 2021. All who know Craig will appreciate the qualities he has, which have led to his selection for this challenging and rewarding role. It is challenging because of the size and complexity of our network of schools and rewarding because it will allow him to work alongside all our staff and the families of the 38,000 young people whom we serve across the nation.

Please follow this link to view a letter from Dr Wayne Tinsey. 

From Director of Co-Curricular, Mr Steve O’Donnell

2020 has been an extraordinary year and I want to thank all students, parents, staff, and coaches for their patience, grit, resilience, and adaptability around co-curricular over the year. We are so blessed to be living in Australia and attending such a wonderful school and I hope all students are grateful for the opportunities we have. I know many students have set SMART goals for 2020 and beyond and many of these goals were around improving their health, fitness, and skills in a range of sports and activities. The importance of physical activity and its’ positive impact on other dimensions including mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health is even more highlighted after the year that we have had. I encourage all students to keep active, make smart choices around food, and keeping themselves safe over the holiday period. I also encourage all students to keep working to improve their performances through regular exercise. Working to achieve some of the goals set for 2021 starts now and many boys and opposition schools have already been training in many areas. I also want to make special mention of Ms Belinda Buchan who ran a Masterclass: Talented Athlete Mentoring Program session last Wednesday that was very well attended by the students. Please look out for more work in this area in 2021.

Waverley College will be offering some whole school training opportunities over the holiday period as well as some activities for selected students. Please read below for more information:

Track & Field (December) – all students welcome
9am – 10:30am at Queens Park on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from December 7 – December 18
Track & Field (January) – all students welcome
9am – 10:30am at Queens Park on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from January 11 – January 22

Swimfit and Water Polo (December) – all students welcome
8am – 9:30 am at the College Pool on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from December 7 – December 18
Swimfit and Water Polo (January) – all students welcome
7am-  9:00am at the College Pool on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from January 11 – January 22

Weights and Fitness (December) – Selected Students only
9am – 12pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from December 7 – December 18
Weights and Fitness (January) – Selected Students only
9am – 12pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from January 11 – January 22

Basketball (January) – Selected students will be emailed the necessary information.

Best wishes to all families for the holidays and I am looking forward to seeing Waverley continue to strive for the high standards we are setting for 2021.

From Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

The Cadet Year finished on Friday with some exciting activities for our senior cadets and rank. Corporals took a well-earned rest from their Section Commander duties and headed to St Peters for an afternoon of rock climbing, while our Cadet Under Officers, Warrant Officers, and Company Quartermaster Sergeants participated in a Command Post Exercise designed to simulate some of the many leadership opportunities and challenges on camp.

Cadet Rock Climbing Activity

Cadet Rock Climbing Activity

It’s been a wonderful year of Cadets despite the difficulties that COVID-19 presented. We welcomed St Catherine’s School into the Unit, we farewelled a wonderful group of young men in our leadership team from 2020, we ran a successful and enjoyable Promotions week and managed to keep the majority of our 220 new recruits engaged over the 16-week period of online cadets.

Cadet Rock Climbing Activity

Cadet Rock Climbing Activity

We are really looking forward to taking the Unit to Majura Military Training Area for the Annual Field Exercise at the end of Term 1. To further prepare our leadership team for this exciting adventure, senior cadets are heading to Douglas Park for a bivouac this weekend to consolidate their field skills.

Cadets returns in 2021 on Friday, 5 February and we will spend the ensuing six weeks ensuring everyone is equipped and skilled for the adventures in store on camp.

End of Year Wrap-Up

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

2020 will certainly be long remembered as a year of uneasiness and isolation. There seemed to be a sense of tragedy on the news each night as we observed the world suffer and nervously watched the COVID-19 pandemic creep across to Australian shores. This followed the shattering bushfires which devastated many Australians.

School provided hope and a positive point of focus for students and staff, albeit under very different circumstances. While it was not only the safety net found within the traditional school gates that provided stability in the lives of many students, it was also in the connections formed through the online platforms provided by the College. Students in Aungier displayed an incredible level of resilience in progressing through times of lockdown.

Aungier students also acted as a source of relief for their friends, being really supportive of one another. I particularly applaud those students who connected with staff and professionals when they detected a friend may have been doing it tough. 

I would like to thank those Aungier Mentors for being the rocks that so many students were able to lean on throughout the year. Special mention to Ms Elizabeth Watson, Ms Gabrielle Smith, Ms Nohara Binyamin, Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun, Ms Nicola Silsby, Ms Charlotte Stephens, Ms Shannon Kelly, Ms Prue Fitzsimmons, Mr Anthony Stanton, Mr Stephen Wilmot, Mr Garth Aird, Mr James Spargo, Mr Martin Barrett, Mr Robert Tall and Mr Matthew Mountfort.

Furthermore, the Aungier Student Leaders did a terrific job in actively guiding younger students. James Waterhouse (College Vice-Captain), Zac Wotherspoon (House Captain), Sam Markert, Emile Stephenson and Ryan von der Heyden (House Prefects) were wonderful role models for our junior men to look up to. We also welcomed the newly appointed Student Leaders who will guide Aungier into 2021. Peter Stamatelatos (College Captain), Saia Afeaki (House Captain), Jack Fingleton, Charles Jaeger and Harrison Palmer (House Prefects) have already made a strong impact during events like the Year 7 (2021) Orientation Day and Year 10 Service Week.

Year 7 Aungier Students Spencer Sedley, Jackson Lorimer, James Kopsiaftis and Ben Pignatelli enjoying the bushwalk at Year 7 Camp.

2020 kicked off with Year 7 Camp. This was an important event for our new students to gather together and form new friendships. This year students travelled to the YMCA camp at Yarramundi. Students participated in various activities including abseiling, bushwalking, and a high ropes course.

Aungier House Leaders: Ryan von der Heyden, James Waterhouse, Zac Wotherspoon, Sam Markert and Emile Stephenson, cutting the “Aungier” cake at the supper following the House Mass.

Aungier was the only House to hold a House Mass in 2020. This proved to be a success as a number of Aungier families were able to attend to celebrate Mass and enjoy a supper following. Father Bernie led us in prayer with the 2020 theme of “Small Action, Big Impact”, which was developed by the Senior Leaders, being the central focus.

Refugee Week at Waverley College celebrating the “Year of Welcome”

Refugee Week was well supported by Aungier in 2020. The theme for this year was celebrating the Year of Welcome. With this theme in mind, Aungier wanted to make Waverley College an inviting campus, acknowledging and welcoming refugees from around the world. Students were involved in a flag painting activity to highlight the nations where refugees have come from to settle in Australia. Aungier students prepared a large welcome sign surrounded by the various flags in the Centenary Quadrangle.

Aungier students enjoying the 2020 House Swimming Carnival at Des Renford Aquatic Centre

The variety of competitions and activities were well received by the student body in 2020, albeit under different circumstances with COVID-19 restrictions. The Senior School Swimming Carnival took place at Des Renford Pool in Term 1. Aungier was also involved in several House Competitions which engaged a diverse range of students. The Junior School representatives did their House proud at both the Blitz Day and the Walkathon, led by Captain Jasper Thomas and Vice-Captain Angus Peshos.

The restrictions sadly impacted the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony. Fortunately, the College was able to organise a wonderful farewell to our departing students at the conclusion of the High School Certificate. Students were invited to the Year 12 Formal at the Australian Turf Club at Royal Randwick. Following this, students and their families attended a special Graduation Ceremony at the Sydney Cricket Ground. This was a special event and tribute to the departing Class of 2020.

Aungier Student, Leo Astridge, packing Christmas Hampers for the less fortunate at the Exodus Foundation

The traditional end of year camp was replaced with alternative programs for Year 10 students. The newly created Service Week was wonderfully engaging as students in Aungier spent the week serving the community. Some of the activities they took part in included helping to prepare meals for the disadvantaged at Our Big Kitchen, supporting the Holdsworth Community and preparing Christmas hampers at the Exodus Foundation for homeless people across Sydney. The week concluded with a Reflection Day, led by Year 12 representatives, where students were able to reflect on these life-changing experiences that they took part in.

Aungier “Man of the Week” award winner, Zac Wilde (Year 10)

The year concluded with the College Presentation Assembly, recognising those students who had achieved outstanding academic results in 2020. Congratulations to the following students from Aungier House: Year 5 – Jacob Sheehan, James Tucker; Year 7 – Charles Coughlan, Callum Macarthur; Year 8 – Mitchel Ho, Ricardo Zanapalis; Year 9 – Jack Crotty, Bert Cottell; Year 10 – Luke Stewart, James Jones and Guy Hammerschmidt; Year 11 – Harrison Palmer, Saia Afeaki and Hugo Stephenson.

As the saying goes, “We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges.” I have no doubt that the events of 2020 will help to mould the men of Aungier House into stronger individuals. I look forward to stepping into a peaceful 2021 which will hopefully deliver access to all the opportunities which we once enjoyed and are so hungry to participate in again.

I would like to wish all students and families the very best as we move into a new year. Take care, God Bless and Happy Days!

From Sustainability Coordinator, Ms Emily Pace

For the fourth year running, O’Connor House and Sustainability Group took part in making Solar Buddy lights to support children living in countries suffering from energy poverty. By making these solar-powered lights and supporting the Solar Buddy charity, our students have helped 50 children to have access to sustainable, safe lighting which can be used to improve their ability to study after dark.

O'Connor students build Solar Buddy Lights

O’Connor students build Solar Buddy Lights

Globally, more than 800 million people do not have access to clean energy and lighting, meaning that they depend on primitive forms of energy such as charcoal and firewood to illuminate their homes in the dark. These forms of energy not only have an impact on their health and wellbeing, but also devastating long term impact on the environment through the production of greenhouse gases. Fuel based lighting leads to emissions of roughly 190 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

O'Connor students build Solar Buddy Lights

O’Connor students build Solar Buddy Lights

We hope that our gift of the Solar Buddy lights will help to improve the wellbeing and educational outcomes of 50 children living in energy poverty. The solar-powered lights will also help to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and hence improve their environmental impact.

A big congratulations to O’Connor House, the O’Connor senior leaders, Klayton Thorn, Charles Harris, Liam Gregorio, Tom Cahill and the Sustainability Group leaders, Sebastian Van De Hoek, Hayden Walker and Jayden Lim for helping to successfully implement this initiative!

From Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter

Reflection on Triumphs and Tribulations

With the end of the year fast approaching it is a good time to reflect on your approach to school this year and what you have learnt from the challenges you faced. So as the holidays approach, take a moment to do a short SWOT analysis on your personal approach to school and learning. You may also like to discuss these questions with a teacher, parent, or friend.





A note to Parents: In these school holidays it is important for students to have a decent break, recharge, and spend time with friends and family doing things they enjoy. Certainly, if students are weak in areas such as literacy or numeracy, some practice on a regular basis over the holidays would not go astray. It is essential however that Year 12 (2021) students allocate some time these school holidays consolidating the work from Year 11 and from Year 12 in Term 4, ensuring study notes are up to date and they are organised and prepared for the challenges ahead in 2021. All students may find it useful to complete some of the study skills units over the holidays, particularly on their areas of weakness.

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Username: forwaverleycollegeonly
Password: 94results


From Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith

2020 was a year like no other for teaching and learning at Waverley College due to COVID-19. As a team we had to be agile, adjusting to NSW Health requirements on a daily basis whilst ensuring we were still providing our students with an extensive educational experience.

There were many learning opportunities to come from 2020 including evolving learning spaces to fully support student learning. We have worked closely with the English faculty and when the boys return in 2021 the English classrooms will be transformed into more flexible, comfortable, and collaborative learning spaces that support contemporary and innovative practice.

We continue to engage with our Strategic Plan (2019 – 2023) and have ensured that these principles focusing on positive relationships, teacher excellence, student agency, collaboration, creativity, and citizenship continue to guide our vision for the students at Waverley.

We have spent the year embedding our Teaching & Learning Framework that was launched at the end of 2019 across all facets of the school. A framework that encompasses visible learning, dynamic learning, and lifelong learning with strategies embedded to develop resilient learners who set SMART goals and embrace a growth mindset. A framework that encourages our students to be active, curious, critical, and reflective learners rather than passive receptors of information. This framework enables us to move our students through to the higher order levels of thinking of analyse, create, evaluate, and predict.

EREA Liberating Teaching and Learning Conference-Creating Alternative Futures

Over 100 educators from across EREA nationally gathered via Zoom in September this year to attend the EREA Liberating Teaching & Learning Conference.

I attended, along with the Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter, and Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gaby Bransby. The conference was organised by Waverley’s Ms Elizabeth Watson, who is currently Acting as the EREA Director of Learning. The theme for this year’s gathering was ‘Our Voice in Learning – Creating Alternative and Preferred Futures’.

Throughout the conference, we had the privilege of hearing from students across the EREA network. They shared their off-campus learning experiences with us, reflecting on the opportunities, challenges, and uncertainty that they’ve been faced with this year. Our young people focused on the role of technology, as well as explaining how they stayed motivated, managed distractions, and remained connected with teachers and peers. Jethro Jenson (Year 6) and Henry Goldrich (Year 5) represented Waverley College and their insightful and wise contributions not only served them and the College proud but were a catalyst for continued conversation throughout the conference.

We actively participated in a session called Futures Thinking, which asked delegates to reflect on the nature of change in our schools during the pandemic, around four paradigms:

Reflecting on change led to planning for alternative and preferred futures in learning with Professor Sohail Inayatullah, a professor at Tamkang University, Taiwan (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies).

Professor Inayatullah is the Inaugural UNESCO Chair in Future Studies. He worked with us to realise, as educators, we need to reflect on – and evaluate – this year from the following angles:

Learning Management System 

2020 saw the launch of Waverley’s Learning Management System – CANVAS.

The CANVAS platform allows teachers to engage their students with video-based learning and collaboration tools where lessons can be accessible anytime, anywhere. It is well regarded for its ease of use and open architecture, meaning it integrates extremely well with other web technologies that teachers use every day. Currently, CANVAS is in an early stage of evolution and growth at Waverley.

We anticipate students and teachers will gain confidence and skills with CANVAS over the next year, allowing each faculty and classroom teacher to experiment with many of the resources available on the CANVAS Learning Management System providing another valuable learning tool for our students.

A message from our Innovation Coordinator – Ms Kaitlyn Downey

2020 has been an unpredictable year for our Innovation Team consisting of Ms Kaitlyn Downey (Coordinator), Ms Rebecca Gair, Mr Kyle Newbury, Mr Daniel Kroll and Mr Tom Mitton. Our Innovation Leaders have been working on a variety of initiatives ranging from innovative practices around the school to implementing new learning management systems.

A major focus of the Innovation Team this year was building staff capacity in the area of technology. The Innovation Team was responsible for the upskilling of staff before and during off-campus learning so that we were well prepared as a College to tackle the teaching and learning challenges that COVID-19 threw our way. The Innovation Team was also responsible for the training and support of staff in the implementation of our new learning management system, CANVAS. This involved a number of curriculum design and training sessions ranging from support staff training, student training, and individual teacher support.

With restrictions starting to ease, Term 4 became a busy time for the Innovation Team. We chose to utilise the expertise of our senior staff and our excellent senior campus facilities to enhance the learning experiences of our Year 5 and 6 students. This cross-campus collaboration saw students participate in a lesson on agriculture and cooking with Mr Kyle Newbury which would be followed up with a maths session in their normal classes.

Another project involved a cross-curricular initiative in Year 8, where students worked across subject areas to deepen their understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. This occurred across three different subject areas (TAS, Art, and PDHPE) and gave a number of staff members a unique experience of working together to support student learning. This project ran during the last few weeks of Term 4 and resulted in some excellent student boomerang projects.

I’d like to thank the Innovation Team for their tremendous efforts this year. Preparing and transferring successfully to off-campus learning would not have been possible without their expertise, guidance, and support of staff.

Boomerang Project

What a year 2020 has been! We have all faced a year that no one could describe or ever imagine happening. Our boys were faced with so many challenges this year and have proven the amazing resilience and ability they have to adapt to change. One of the biggest challenges our students faced this year was remote learning. The way the boys were used to learning and interacting with their teachers and peers had completely changed. I have enjoyed watching our boys return to a lot more normality in Terms 3 and 4. I have watched our boys flourish as they engaged with the learning and co-curricular programs on offer. The boys had a renewed love for learning and purpose. 

This year we introduced Five Core Values – Respect, Compassion, Responsibility, Commitment, and Resilience. These core values underpinned who we are, how we act, and what we value as a school. As a whole school, we engaged in discussions and activities around the meaning and the importance behind the creation of our core values and how they are the principles that guide us daily to make the right choices. 

The boys have emerged from 2020 with strength, appreciation for learning, open-mindedness, and an understanding of the importance of connection and human interaction. I am so proud of what they have achieved this year and their individual growth.

I would like to thank all of you for your support for the school and your contribution to our community. I also acknowledge the hard-working and dedicated Junior School staff supporting your boys to reach their potential. I particularly want to acknowledge Mr Greg Harris who will be sadly leaving us this year. Greg has worked at Waverley College for 23 years and has played a significant role in the formation of our young men. His unwavering dedication and commitment to Junior School sports has created a legacy for years to come. He was involved in the Armidale tour since 2007 and coached the Prep 1st since 2000. He has been a dedicated, caring, hard-working practitioner and leader. We wish him all the happiness as he moves into the next chapter of his life. 

Wishing you all a very happy and safe break and Christmas. 

Highlights of Teaching and Learning in 2020

From Acting Assistant Director of Curriculum, Ms Charlotte Stephens

2020 has been a challenging year in many ways but it has not stopped the amazing Teaching and Learning experiences here at the Junior School. Despite having to adapt many of the rich curriculum-related incursions and excursions we have previously taken for granted we have been fortunate enough to continue with many through zoom. As a learning community we have come together and really focused on developing challenging and innovative learning programs for our boys and, improving communication between school and home with the introduction of our Termly Curriculum Overviews. 

In Term 1, Year 5 were able to go on their Science and Technology excursion to the Wollongong University Innovation Campus. There, students were able to visit the planetarium and interact with a 3D exploration of Space, take part in hands-on experiments and watch an incredible Science show. We were so lucky to be able to go on this excursion before any restrictions made visits to other locations no longer an option.

In Term 4, Year 6 were able to take part in a challenging and enjoyable robotics program called Robo Bricks. During each lesson, students employed mechanical engineering skills to build a robot and software engineering skills to code the robot to perform the desired tasks. The boys completed this program as part of their Science and Technology Unit – Growing the Future. This program focused primarily on the Digital Technologies content strand whilst still creating robots that fit in with the Living Things content strand.

In our final term, with the easing of restrictions, we have been able to utilise the many amazing resources available to us on our Senior Campus. Year 5 were able to take part in a Visual Arts Incursion under the guidance of Ms Natalie Oates, the Head of Art. The students created beautiful prints using natural materials in the Senior School Art rooms.

Year 6 were lucky enough to participate in a Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) experience focusing on sustainable farming practices in the form of a paddock to plate program. The boys had a tour of the kitchens, TAS workshops, composting system and native bees before taking part in a cooking activity where they made garlic bread with herbs grown in the school garden.

Paddock to Plate Incursion

It has been a truly unique year, our students have shown determination and persistence with their learning. Congratulations to all for an incredible year of learning in the most challenging of circumstances, I look forward to a wonderful year of new and exciting Curriculum experiences in 2021. 

Highlights from the Learning Hub

From Ms Natasha Zivanovic, Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher

Congratulations to all the boys that submitted their LEGO creation over the last few weeks. The great thing about building with LEGO bricks, there is no such thing as a right or wrong answer: there are just millions of potential ways you can achieve something. 

Alex Janis, Jack Daley, Richard Nestor & Thomas Maxwell

Alex Janis, Jack Daley, Richard Nestor & Thomas Maxwell

The judge was impressed by all submissions. Well done to all the boys and a HUGE congratulations to the prize winners:

Excellence in Design and Building

Richard Nestor

Richard Nestor

Alex Janis

Outstanding Critical and Creative Thinking

Thomas Maxwell

Jack Daley

As I reflect on this year, I am grateful that the boys were able to enjoy the Learning Hub during most parts of the year. The COVID-19 pandemic took everyone by surprise.

This versatile learning environment seamlessly adapted to COVID and became the perfect balance for social and academic use. Watching the boys interact, collaborate, build and 3D print was extremely rewarding. I often hear the boys talk about this space in a positive light and let me assure you the sense of enjoyment and energy is real.

The Learning Hub continues to evolve to keep up with the boys and their needs. Over the busy year, we have had a variety of initiatives, which included lunchtime talks, virtual Book Week, virtual debating, cyber safety, board games, drawing and writing competitions, reading hour and lastly the LEGO Building competition.

I have enjoyed every moment of the boys learning in this magnificent space and I look forward to a productive 2021. 

Thank you for your continued support and I wish all Waverley families a Merry Christmas and safe New Year.

Mr Stephen Ghattas – Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation

2020 saw many of the religious components to both the Junior and Senior School either cancelled or transformed into virtual presentations. Despite this, the boys were still involved in promoting many of the different causes and initiatives that we could and still immersed themselves into the different wellbeing focuses and national days/weeks of action and solidarity.

Throughout the year different feast days and special occasions were celebrated, including our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations. Although these were virtual presentations, I know that the sense of occasion was still present in the boys and their families.  

R U OK? Day, National Reconciliation Week, Refugee Week and NAIDOC week were also celebrated on both campuses. Different activities were organised and special guests invited into our school to discuss relevant and heartwarming stories with the students.

The students were also involved in many different charity appeals throughout the year. These included our Lenten Appeal for Caritas, the annual Walkathon, Beanies for Brain Cancer, Best Foot Forward, the Matthew Talbot Appeal and our Christmas Hamper Appeal. As a school, we are very appreciative of the support from all students and families in what has been an extremely difficult year for everyone.  

Best Foot Forward

Our Student Representative Council worked together this year to form the basis of what we hope will continue into next year and beyond. Ms Gabrielle Bransby introduced us to the 5 Core Values that we hope every student leaves the Junior School with at the end of Year 6 – Respect, Compassion, Responsibility, Commitment and Resilience. The SRC delved deeper and passed on how they best feel the students at the Junior School could live up to these values. We encourage the current Year 5 students to step up next year and be good role models for their younger peers.

The year finished off with the Year 6 Graduation held in the Senior School chapel, a memorable occasion for all involved. We wish all the students a very smooth and enjoyable transition into Senior School, whether they are continuing their journey at Waverley College or elsewhere.

Year 6 Graduation

Year 6 Graduation

To all families, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mr Matthew Ryan – Assistant Director of Co-Curricular

2020 was a very different year for our Co-Curricular program at the Junior School and resulted in shortened or varied seasons, changes in opposition and even cancellations. The year started with our summer sports trials which is always a tough initiation for our new Year 5 Students. After a long day of trials and selections, we had our summer sports teams for Term 1 organised.  This was the only term of IPSHA sport that was not altered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Week 3 we held our annual Junior School swimming carnival. On a fine day, the students participated in all the traditional events and then some novelty events such as the ever-popular board relay, tennis ball throw and even the basketball relay. A great time was had by all and Brennan House ran out winners of the 2020 House Carnival. As a result of restrictions, we were unable to have our Cross Country and House Athletics Carnival this year.

The winter season of Rugby, Football and AFL started late and finished early due to COVID-19 restrictions. Nevertheless, the boys did get the opportunity to play four games of competition against other IPSHA schools which was great. When we did make it on the field the boys really enjoyed representing the College and did so with great sportsmanship and pride.  

In Term 3 we did get an opportunity to play the most loved Junior School Blitz Day. A whole day of Rugby, Football and AFL played at Queens Park in great conditions. This day is a chance for the boys to compete against the other Houses to see who is the best sporting House in the Junior School. The day is always competitive and 2020 was no different. Tevlin/O’Connor were crowned the champions of the day and all students thoroughly enjoyed participating.

Term 4 saw our return to summer sport and we played a full six round season, which was modified into zones so that our travel was restricted.  It was really good to see the boys out representing the school again in their full capacity and returning to a little bit of normal life. Round 12 saw the Year 6 students represent the Junior School for the final time as they continue on their schooling journey and make their way to Year 7. We look forward to watching them be successful in the coming years and watching them play for the first teams in the not too distant future.

Finally, I would like to thank all the staff, students and parents for their continued support and effort during this difficult year and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a great 2021.

Ms Michelle Rollins – Performing Arts 

2020 has been a hard year for the arts. Early COVID-19 restrictions forced the cancellation of many activities and events.

In July, the Junior School was informed that Wakakirri 2020 would not go ahead. This was devastating as we have participated in this drama event for the last twenty-three years. We needed a plan B!

The Tree House, a drama written for Primary students by Australian playwright Matthew Ryan, was perfect. It’s four separate scenes allowed us to follow restrictions and rehearse in small numbers within year groups to begin with.

Junior School Drama Performance

In Term 4 we were finally able to bring the whole cast together and work towards our performance. Follow the life of a tree growing inside a house and all the lives it affects along the way. From a young boy dealing with change, adults too busy to enjoy life, a poor family at Christmas and renovators intent on knocking the tree down – no one escapes the influence of the tree.

Junior School Drama Performance

End of Year Wrap-Up

2020 was nothing like we expected it to be, regardless, Quinn House demonstrated their resilience, enthusiasm, and willingness to get in and be involved. 

Quinn House Captain: Dane Perica

Term 1 and Term 2

Term 1 and Term 2 certainly tested our Waverley Spirit as both involved on-campus and off-campus learning. Students and teachers adapted incredibly well. In their Wellbeing Groups, boys discussed the challenges they faced, the missed social connections with staff, friends, and peers, and their newfound appreciation for our ‘normal’ way of life. 

Thank you to all of our Quinn Mentors and families for their support of their boys and the College throughout this difficult time. 

Term 3

Despite being a Term that posed many challenges for the College, we still managed to celebrate and raise awareness around significant Social Justice issues. 

On Friday 28 August, the College celebrated Wear it Purple Day. The day was used to raise awareness around the importance of fostering supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for young people who identify with the LGBTIQA+ community. 

Wear It Purple Day 2020

Indigenous Literacy Day was celebrated on Wednesday 2 September. Quinn House and the College raised funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation who buy books for remote communities in both English and First Language. 

Finally, R U OK? Day was celebrated by the College on Thursday 10 September. College Old Boys Patrick Clifton, Lachlan Drew-Morris, and Luca Moretti broadcast their podcast live from the College with Wendell Sailor and Maryanne Larkin. The group discussed what we can do to follow up with family and friends after we ask R U OK?

Term 4

Term 4 would usually have seen the Year 12 Retreat and Year 10 camp take place, however with COVID-19 restrictions, we had to be flexible. Year 12 had their retreat postponed until Term 2, 2021, and Year 10 were given the opportunity to participate in Activity Week. 

Year 10 Activity Week started with all the Houses meeting at Queens Park for a House Athletics Carnival, before moving back to the College for a House Swimming Carnival and BBQ lunch. On the day, students showed their competitive nature in sprint races and relays both on land and in the water and finished off with a diving competition for the biggest splash and most technical dive. 

Throughout the week the boys also developed their Rock and Water skills and knowledge, prepared study timetables, and learned how to make Smart Choices with David Kobler. 

Towards the end of Activity Week students caught the bus from the College to The Spit and walked with our Houses to Manly. The walk enabled students to connect with each other, reflect on their week, get their heart rate up, and enjoy the beautiful weather and views Sydney has to offer. 

Year 10 finished off the year with a week of service. Students visited La Perouse Primary School, Kadoo Tours, My Big Kitchen, Rough Edges, the Matthew Talbot Kiosk and finally took part in a Reflection Day. 

Each venue commented on how well behaved, respectful, mature, and engaged our students were. Year 10 spent Reflection Day in Centennial Park reflecting on values, relationships, and goals for 2021. 

Quinn House Spit to Manly Walk

Oscar and Dane in the Three Legged House race

Oscar and Dane in the Three-Legged House race

Award Winners for 2020

Congratulations to all of our Award winners for 2020:

Harrison Thorpe, Lachlan Miranda, Sam Stewart, Thomas Walker, Charles Hely-Hammond, Angus Anthony, Giulian D’Etorre, Fritz Jahnke-Tavana, and Mark Gapanov.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful summer break!