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From Stephanie Boyce, Academic Enrichment Co-ordinator

This exciting range of academic enrichment activities are coming up to engage and challenge students…

$20 Boss – Term 2, 2018

During Term 2, Waverley College will once again take part in the $20 Boss Program, a fantastic initiative established by the Foundation for Young Australians. $20 Boss is an immersive entrepreneurship program, where students are provided $20 of start-up capital to create, launch and operate their venture over the course of a school term.

For more information see the May 3rd Edition of Nurrunga, or contact Patricia Alborough

NRMA Challenge – 30 April to 4 September 2018

Focussing on the Stage 5 courses of iSTEM and Design & Technology, Year 9 and 10 students work in groups to create solutions to solve today’s big transport issues.  More information is in last week’s edition of Nurrunga under ‘NRMA Challenge’

For more information see the May 10th Edition of Nurrunga, or contact Cassie Perry

EDUTECH Expo – 7-8 June 2018

“EduTECH, EduBUILD and Learning@Work Expo is the largest education and workplace learning event in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the only event that brings together the entire education and training sector, plus parents and 250+ suppliers all under one roof, at one time.”

The Expo includes Free seminars, over 200 exhibits demonstrating the latest in education technology, the opportunity to liase with Australian and International professionals, and prizes and giveaways.  The EduTECH Exhibition is free for ALL educators, IT professionals, pre-service teachers, parents, students and ANYONE passionate about education.

For more information go to

Da Vinci Decathlon – 22-23 May 2018

Each year a group of students are chosen to represent Waverley College in the Da Vinci Decathlon, facilitated by Knox Grammar School.  Students are selected based on their performance in Term 1 Assessments, alongside teacher nominations. Year 7 & 8 will be competing on the 22nd May, Year 9, 10 & 11 on the 23rd May.  It is fantastic opportunity for students to enrich their academic studies and extend skills across a range of different domains such as Art, Science, Creative Producers, English, Ideation, Mathematics, Poetry, Engineering, Cartography, Code Breaking and General Knowledge.  Good luck to the teams competing this year! Students will be supported on the day by Stephanie Boyce and Richard Chen

Australian Gifted Support Centre – NSW Study Skills Camp, Sunday 27 May 2018

Australian Gifted Support Centre offers a wide range of services to gifted children, their parents or caregivers and their teachers, including Study Skills Camps throughout the year.

“This six hour workshop will help you power through your assignments and your exam preparation whilst leaving you with strategies to manage your own stress levels! This skill based, jam packed one day workshop will look at:

The course will be based on actual work the student is doing at school.   Students may also bring any assistive technology which they are comfortable using and which they already use to assist them with their day to day school work (laptops/ipads etc).” – AGSC, 2018

For more information please contact Australian Gifted Support Centre,

Science – ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools ) Assessment 29 May

ICAS is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement.  Run through the University of New South Wales, students in Year 7-10 Science have the opportunity to participate.  Each student is provided with diagnostic feedback on their strengths and areas of improvement in the subject area, and a UNSW Certificate acknowledging their level of achievement and potentially a University of New South Wales medal.  Results will be published in Nurrunga.

For more information, please contact Gemma Brown, Assistant Head of Science

APSMO Mathematics Olympiads – Term 2 and 3

“The Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) is a not-for-profit, professional organisation that offers a range of mathematical competitions for students aged from around eight to 14. The programs are unique in that they focus on the students’ ability to solve mathematical problems in a creative manner – as opposed to simply reaching a solution using a prescribed method.” – APSMO, 2018

Year 7 and 8 Mathematics students have the opportunity to participate in the Math Olympiads every year.  They will be sitting the competition on the following dates:

1) 23rd May

2) 13th June

3) 25th July

4) 15th August

5) 12th September

For more information, please contact Lachlan Hillman, Assistant Head of Mathematics


Prayer of the Week

Lord Jesus,
I praise you for the gift of another day –
For your mercies new each morning.

My eyes are open and my heart is beating,
Each of those means you have a plan for me.
This minute, This hour. This day.

I don’t know every step of your plan for today,
But I know it we be for my good.
And I’m confident it will be for your glory.

Will you lead me, Jesus? I need you.
Will you order my steps, each one?

May your love flow through me
And may I embrace every opportunity
To share your love with others.
Amen (

St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us

Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in Our Hearts: Forever

Confirmation – Charles Borromeo Parish – Mary Immaculate Church

Now that all the initial enrolments have been done for the local parish a reminder to all registered candidates that Confirmation lessons begin this Friday 18th of May from 7:30am to 8:15 in the 6 blue Classroom with Mr Gill in Weeks 3 & 5 – Then with Mr Ghattas on his return in Weeks 6 (Thursday) & 7 (Friday).

Beanies for Brain Cancer

Last week’s Nurrunga ran an article about the Mark Hughes Foundation and ‘Beanies for Brain Cancer’. We were so proud of our Year 5 Red student Digger Callander who was brave enough to address a gymnasium full of High School Students and Staff about he and his families’ involvement in this charity.

I promised Digger I would print his speech in the Nurrunga this week:

“My name is Digger Callander and I’m in Year 5.

Last year my Dad started the NRL ‘Beanie for Brain Cancer’ round of footy. Sadly, he passed away late last year, but we are continuing to support his dream of finding a cure.

We are selling beanies for $20 tomorrow morning at the Mother’s Day Mass and again at lunch time on the week of the beanie round, starting on Monday 21st May 2018.

In addition to this we want you to wear your beanie down to Bondi Beach on Thursday 24th May– Week 4, where the TODAY SHOW will be broadcasting live from 5:30am to 8:30am to set a ‘World Record’ for the ‘Largest Gathering of People Wearing Beanies on a Beach’

Thank you for listening and supporting the Mark Hughes Foundation. Help us tackle brain cancer head on!”

The Y5 boys in the Junior School are being encouraged to support this morning by gathering on Bondi Beach onThursday 24th May at 7:30am onwards for the 8:00am record attempt. They will need to make their own way to the beach. Staff from the Junior School will be there to meet and gather the boys and walk them back to school after the event. It might be wise to have their bag dropped off at school first. Boys must have on their uniform for the day. We will cancel our involvement if the weather is inclement.

Boys can buy a beanie at the junior school this Friday 18th May for $20. There will be further opportunities to buy these next week also.

Student Injuries

Jasper Goodwin

It has been a horrible weekend for some of our Junior School students when it comes to sports injuries, whilst representing their school. I ask you all to keep the following boys in your thoughts and prayers that they have successful recoveries from their injuries and can once again join their teams as soon as is possible. Our thoughts go out to Jasper Goodwin 11B Rugby – Dislocated hip; Alex Sideris Prep 2nd Rugby – Torn rib cartilage; Oliver Hudson AFL – Fractured ankle. All have spent some time in hospital. I thank all the staff who offered care, support and first aid to these boys during a difficult time.

Mr Harris

It seems fitting at this time to advise parents and boys of my own health issues. A number of you know I have been suffering with a bad back for over 6 months now and I am realising that there is word out there that it is more than this. In recent weeks further investigation has made it clear to me and my family that there is much more going on and my back issues are a bi-product of something more serious.

Just before the last holidays I was diagnosed with Myeloma, a form of blood cancer. The school is now aware of my situation and I am now in a position to share this with you. My treatment begins this week and I ask for your prayers and support at this time. I intend to do as much as I can for the school in fulfilling the role bestowed on me for the term. Suffice to say the treatment will have its own say in this and as it moves along I will more than likely go missing at different times. I am keen to try and keep life as normal as possible for the moment and enjoy my time with staff and students and serving the school. I thank you all for your support and understanding at this time.

Car Crush Excursion – A great success

We got some great feedback from the boys about the Car Crush Excursion. I thank Mr Ryan, who had so much on his plate last week, for still coming in and taking the boys. I think he enjoyed it as much as the boys and it was obviously a great distraction for him in getting through a difficult week for him and his family. We also thank the Sydney Children’s Hospital for thinking we were worthy to be involved in the day.

Mr Ryan wrote the following report:

Last Thursday, fifteen Junior School boys attended an excursion to the Sell + ParkerMetal Recycling Plant out at Blacktown.  These boys were selected as a reward for their fundraising efforts at last year’s Walkathon and were special guests of Randwick Children’s Hospital.  The Hospital wanted to reward the students along with a few patients with a special outing. 

At the recycling plant the boys learnt the processes involved in recycling lots of different products.  These included; plastic bottles, cans, glass bottles, copper, other metals and even cars.  It was quite an education and an informative day out, but the highlight would have to have been the chance for all the boys to have a turn on the heavy machinery including bulldozers and crane, accompanied by the drivers. There is no doubt this fulfilled a few young boys’ dreams.

The day ended back at the offices with a special lunch and a few photos.  A great day was had by all and some very special memories for both the students and patients of the hospital.

Zachary Duane & Nate Smith wrote this report:

We started the day off with a 40-minute bus ride to Blacktown in the Western Suburbs of Sydney. When we arrived at Sell + Parker, the scrap metal company, we had a small snack, a juice and water.  

The people that work at Sell + Parker explained all the safety instructions and suited us up with safety vests, safety glasses, ear plugs and safety helmets. All fifteen boys got pink helmets, that colour represents visitors, yellow and white represents normal workers and blue signify managers.

After that, we were all split into groups of five, there were three groups and each went with a manager. Accompanying us was also one patient and her family. The group we were in, first went to a giant shed filled with piles of metal and machinery. On the other side of the shed, we went through a door and there were about seven cranes and other machines ripping metal apart. At the back of all the metal there was a big machine called the shredder. One of the other groups were lucky enough to go into an area that no other group had ever been taken into and were able to see the conveyor belts travelling from that shredder.

We were given the opportunity of driving either a crane or a bulldozer. It was so cool to be able do what the workers do every day. When all five of us had operated a machine, we went over to check out a worker using a blowtorch to cut through big pieces of metal. This was because none of the machines could cut through these big pieces of metal. It was so awesome to see all the sparks going everywhere but he looked really hot.

When we left that area, our manager took us up to the office that looked out over the whole plant.  We were lucky because it was air conditioned. When we left the office, we crossed the road to the Blacktown ‘container return’ that is run by Sell + Parker. This is where people recycle their glass and plastic bottles and cans.  When returning from the ‘container return’ to go back to the metal yard, we walked past a truck with a big block of Nespresso pods all squashed up. We looked at the truck for a while and then returned to the office area of the plant and were given a delicious lunch with wraps, sandwiches, fairy bread and cookies.

When we finished lunch, we all took a photo in front of the Sydney Children’s Hospital Gold Telethon Caddy Van. Then we got on the bus again and headed back to school.

We would like to thank Sell + Parker for having us for the day.  This was an amazing adventure for us all and we all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We would also like to thank the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation for inviting us to participate, Mr Ryan for taking us to Blacktown and finally to Mr Gill for coordinating this excursion.  

The organiser had this to say in an email to us after the excursion:

Thanks again for organising for Matt and the boys to attend today. I hope the boys had fun seeing and operating the heavy machinery and crushing all kinds of things. We only had one patient family in the end as the other family weren’t able to make it due to having to stay in the Hospital.

The boys were so well behaved and we had really positive feedback from our supporters Sell + Parker. A testament to you and the school!

Cheers, Tanya

The Great Book Swap – Coming Soon

This year I will be running the Great Book Swap on Week 5 Friday 1st of June. This is a new event for the Junior School and will run at lunch time. The idea is boys bring an old much-loved book from home and swap it for another one for the donation of a gold coin. Lacey House will also be running a cake stall on the day.

The purpose of raising funds from the Great Book Swap is explained here:

The Great Book Swap is a fantastic way to celebrate reading in our local community and raise much-needed funds for remote Indigenous communities. The idea is to swap a favourite book in exchange for another, for a gold coin donation. Last year, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation raised over $190,000 from the Great Book Swap and this year their goal is to raise $300,000 to gift 30,000 new books to remote communities who have few to none. After all, how can you learn to read without books?

The 2018 Great Book Swap will be running in the Junior School Friday 1st June. Please also feel free to support the event by donating any good quality books you may have at home (The cut off for books to arrive at school will be Thursday 31st May – please deliver them to the Library where they will have a slip with your details inserted).


All the Year 5 boys managed to get through this week’s NAPLAN Writing Test on Tuesday without too much trouble. While the tests aren’t a real indication of the students’ progress at Waverley they play an important role in identifying any students who may require assistance. The remaining tests are next week as follows:

Additional information for parents about the National Assessment Program can be found on their website.

Year 6 Canberra Trip

In Week 4 from Tuesday May 22 to Thursday May 24 all of Year Six head will off to Canberra for their annual excursion as part of our HSIE unit on government.

The crucial departure and arrival details are as follows:

Upcoming Events – Week 4

Homework Club – New Booking Procedure

A reminder that Homework Club is held in the Junior School library each Monday-Thursday from 3.00pm-4.30pm. It is the expectation that boys using this service are working or reading.

At the moment there is no way of tracking what boys should be at Homework Club, so there is a new booking option available to parents to allocate the days you wish your boy to attend Homework Club. There will also be an email address listed should you need to make last minute changes. The two ways of booking are through:

Homework Club will continue in the Junior School Library in Term Two, with a minor change. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, BUT NOT WEDNESDAY due to the fact that all boys will be involved in Sports Training on each Wednesday throughout the term. Parents are asked to strictly adhere to the 4.30pm pick up time. The expectation of the boys attending the Homework Club is that they study quietly on work required to be completed for school. There will be a teacher on duty each day.

Winter Training goes until Week 3 of Term 3. At this point Homework Club will run again from Monday to Thursday inclusive.


Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, starting on 8 May 2018.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.

Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.

Parking Outside of the Junior School and Surrounds

Just a reminder to all parents and guests to park legally and to be conscious that we are in a residential area when coming to the school to pick up or drop of your son. Be aware there are a number of good side streets where your son could walk to meet you instead of all pick-ups being at the front of the school.

Summer Sports Photos

The Summer Sports Team Photos are now available. Your son should have brought an order form home in his bag this week. Please ask him for it. All orders are to be made online using the directions on the sheet.

Team App for Winter Sport

Sport at Waverley College is an exciting activity that involves every student at all different levels.  We are now up to our third game of our Saturday Winter Sports Program and the excitement and energy is clearly visible.

Waverley College’s Co-Curricular Directorate is using a free app again this winter for all football and rugby teams and their supporters. ‘Team App’ is a platform that will allow our football community to improve communication by integrating everything one needs to know about football at Waverley College including:

• News
• Fixtures
• Competition Ladders
• Selection News
• Player Profiles
• Live Scores
• Photos

So if you would like to access this information on your device or smart phone simply download this free App. Team App is available on both Apple and Android devices. Once you have done this search for Waverley College Football or Rugby. The College will then authenticate you giving access.

Wednesday Sport

Our regular school sports competition is now in full swing and I love watching the boys put in such a big effort each Wednesday. This week was no exception – and I’m sure the boys had a great time playing against their school mates.

Best Wishes for PSSA State AFL Championship

Next week Nate Smith and Henry Kidd travel to Bateman’s Bay to represent the NSW CIS AFL Team in the Primary School State Championships. We wish the boys every success for the three-day carnival, which sees them missing their trip to Canberra.

Congratulations Touch Football Representatives

Good luck to the following boys who have been chosen to represent Waverley at the upcoming IPSHA Touch Football trials on Friday:

Monty Armstrong, Thomas McKenna, Ethan Ginnane, Jameson Hinds, Cruz Clarkin and Tashi Harrison (reserve).

We wish them the best of luck. Thanks also to Mr Jack McCarthy from 5 Blue for accompanying the boys to help run the trials and assist with selection.

Code of Conduct

Our Saturday Sports Program is a competitive and extremely well run under the umbrella of IPSHA . We have and always will take pride in the way that our students participate and behave both on and off the field. We do not apologise for expecting high standards of students. We stress continually the need to accept the referee’s decisions and to value sportsmanship.

Very simply we ask all involved to show respect to your opponents and the officials. Remember without them there would be no game.

I’ve included below the Code of Behaviour that we follow at the Junior School. It would be appreciated if you could take the time to read through it with your son before the next Saturday game.

Codes of Behaviour for School Sport – (Based on IPSHA Aims and Principles of Junior School Sport and Aussie Sport)

The role of the host school / convenor is to be clearly defined (i.e. responsibilities re provision of umpires, referees, sportsmanship, barracking, courtesy etc.) Host School (i.e. staff, children and parents) should welcome visitors to the school grounds.

Coaches’ Code of Behaviour
Players’ Code of Behaviour
Spectators’ Code of Behaviour

Complaints concerning the conduct of games should not be made during or after the game. They should be referred to one’s Head of Junior School and any action should be left to his/her discretion. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should parents contact schools directly.

From the Head of House (Aungier), John McCoy

As I mentioned at briefing, we will be continue to sell Beanies for Brain Cancer each lunchtime over the next two weeks. Beanies are $20 each, which goes to the Mark Hughes Foundation.

For those who missed the assembly last week, here is the link to the clip which all students watched last week. Year 5 student Digger Callander sadly lost his father after a battle with brain cancer last year. Matt played a big part in launching the Beanie for Brain Cancer initiative in the NRL to support the Mark Hughes Foundation. The Beanie for Brain Cancer NRL round will take place in Round 12 (24th – 27th May), to raise much needed awareness and funds to promote research into this terrible disease and provide patient support.

Furthermore, to launch the NRL Beanie for Brain Cancer Round on Thursday 24 May, Channel Nine’s Today Show sports segment with Tim Gilbert – will be broadcasting – LIVE from 5:30am on Bondi Beach, Sydney.  During the course of the morning Waverley College students, staff and families are invited to take  part in a World Record attempt of “The largest gathering of people wearing beanies”.

We are hoping as many student, staff and families from Waverley can  participate in this event. Those attending are to wear their beanie of choice (or purchase a Mark Hughes Foundation Beanie) to Bondi Beach from 5.30am to be counted in the record.

We are allowing student to wear the beanies at school over the next two weeks. Please note that on Fridays cadets cannot wear the beanies in public when in cadet uniform, but can wear them within school grounds.

Thanks for your support.

From Agi Lebek, Marketing and Development Office

Ways to get involved in the Waverley College Blue & Gold Ball

The countdown is on for the Waverley College Blue and Gold Ball on Saturday 4 August 2018!

The Ball is a major fundraiser for the College for 2018, and we are asking for your kind and generous support as we seek items for our Live and Online Auction. We also would like to invite interested parents to join the Ball committee.

Join the Ball Committee

The Blue & Gold Ball Committee in 2017 brought this iconic event back to life.  If you’d like to be on the 2018 Committee and can help or support in any way, we’d love to hear from you.

The first meeting will be held next Tuesday 22 May at 6pm to 7pm at The Grange, 12 Carrington Road. Light refreshments will be provided.

If you are unable to make this time but would still like to participate please call Agi Lebek on 9369 0656.

Auction donations

We encourage all parents to dig deep so that we can achieve our goal to make this the biggest fundraiser to date. Please email Agi Lebek at with your contributions; or call Agi on 9369 0656 if you would like to discuss options.

Nothing is too big or too small, everything is appreciated, including;

 Your support is greatly valued and we would like to extend our gratitude to those families and businesses who have already generously donated.


 Have you bought your tickets yet?

If not, don’t miss out, BUY THEM HERE!



1st XV Match Report – Waverley College Vs St Augustine’s College

In one week, the conditions had changed significantly as the Waverley and St Augustine players ran out onto the famous QP1 playing field under threatening skies. Winter had hit Queens Park.

While the conditions had changed, the size of the opposition had not. St Augustine’s possessed an impressive pack coupled with some towering individuals in the backline. It would surely be another big test for the Double V.

St Augustine’s also had speed to burn out wide, as the players in the Waverley side found out early in the match. Augustine’s Captain, Harry Wilson, backed up extremely well to put the first points on the scoreboard for his team.

Waverley Captain, Conor Molloy, helped Waverley to their first try with some nice work at the breakdown. Luca Moretti, who had returned from injury, barged over the line for his first try in the match.

It did not take long for St Augustine’s to regain the lead, after Waverley had been reduced to 14 men. However, the magic hands of Reece Thorn and Conor Molloy, had Tadgh Murphy in for a very well deserved try. The successful conversion by Lathan Hutchinson-Walters had scores back level in the seesawing affair.

One of the most courageous tackles by Reece Thorn was not enough to keep the boys from the Northern Beaches from crossing the line again. Unfortunately, Captain Molloy was forced off after some incredible contributions early on. On came the ball of energy, Ben Paterson, who made an immediate impact in defence.

It was through these impressive defensive efforts that Luca Moretti was able to touch down once again. The momentum had swung in favour of the home side. Hutchinson-Walters capitalised on this swing with a lovely individual effort to put the Waves in front for the first time. When the halftime whistle blew, the scoreboard displayed 26 to 19 in favour of the boys in Blue & Gold.

It took both teams a while to get going in the second half of the match. While Waverley were in front on the scoreboard, St Augustine’s had a strong breeze behind their backs which carried a territorial advantage. However, the breeze could not stop big Harley McGuiggan who charged over the line to get the scoreboard ticking over again.

The weather conditions were not helping the free flowing style of rugby both sides wanted to play, as the ball found the turf frequently. Another nice individual effort by Lathan Hutchinson-Walters, along with a penalty try took the score line to 47 to 19 with ten minutes remaining in the game.

Coaches Cornish and Coleman decided to make some late changes, as the physicality of the match started to take its toll. To the credit of the visiting side, St Augustine’s did not give up and fought hard to the end. This attitude secured three tries at the death of the match.

As the final whistle blew, the scoreboard displayed 47 to 36 in favour of the Double V. In dark conditions, the sounds of “Custard Pie” echoed across Queens Park to the delight of the home supporters. A pleasing effort which will give the side momentum ahead of a big test against neighbouring Scots College.

Around the Grounds

The 2nd XV scored on the bell to secure a tight victory. Big congratulations to Anthony Santamaria who scored not one, not two but three tries in the match. Not a bad effort for a tight head prop! The 3rd XV did a good job in their 31-0 victory, as did the 4th XV who defeated Kinross Wolaroi who travelled all the way from Orange for the game. The 5th XV match was unfortunately marred by an injury to Finn Warren who suffered a nasty head knock. We wish Finn all the best in his recovery.

A remarkable “Chip and Chase” from Ronald Volkman was the first of several spectacular tries in the 16As win over St Augustine’s. Flynn Wild scored a nice try down the right wing in the 16Bs 55-10 victory. The 16Cs had a good contest against the St Pius X 16Bs team, but just fell short of pulling off the upset. The 16Ds enjoyed a comfortable win with some good contributions by Reece Cohen and Mackenzie Martin.

The 15As were up 7-0 when the match was called off early due to a nasty knee injury to the St Augustine’s player. We send our best wishes to this young man. The 15Bs score blew out to a big 52-5 margin. The 15Cs travelled to St Pius X playing fields and got up 40-17 against their 15B team. A fantastic effort.

The 14As met a strong opposition, who had recorded a win against St Joseph’s College the week earlier. The Waverley boys did the school proud and raced away with a tidy 39-21 victory. Well done to Coach Bryant and Davis who really have these boys hitting good form. Jack Ringrose, Max Barber and Sam Lodge all played well in the 14Bs victory. The 14Cs also travelled to St Pius X and recorded a 49-7 win. The 14Ds played the St Augustine’s 14C team and went down 32-10. Conor Hanrahan scored the first try of the game and made some outstanding contributions with three try saving tackles!

The 13As tasted their first victory for the year at Queens Park, winning 21-5. The 13Bs tired hard but could not get over the line. Special mention of Connor Andrews who refereed the Waterford matches in the morning and backed up to give his all in the 13Bs. The 13Cs won but unfortunately Will Mood suffered a broken collarbone. We hope to see Will back on the playing field soon. The 13Ds were in the contest for the majority of the match. The St Augustine’s 13Cs proved a fraction too strong on the day. Mackenzie Palmer’s great efforts in his flashy green headgear were not enough to get his mighty 13Es home.

GPS/CAS Trial Round Vs Scots College

A number of years have passed since Waverley College has faced up against Scots College across all ages and grades. This weekend should be an exciting weekend of rugby for both schools, with all matches played at neighbouring fields. The 1st XV match should be a cracker, with Scots coming off a big win against Newington College. I encourage all students, staff and families to get out to the rugby on the weekend to support what looks to be an entertaining round.

Get Well Soon!

On behalf of the Waverley College Rugby Community we send our best wishes to Year 5 student, Jasper Goodwin. Jasper, unfortunately, suffered a dislocated hip last weekend. Thanks to all the players, coaches and parents who assisted Jasper, as well as those marvellous paramedics, physios and ambulance officers who look after our boys each week. We also send our best wishes out to Year 11 student, Will Fagan, who suffered an ACL injury. We wish both Jasper and Will well for a speedy recovery.

Concussion Procedure

In the unfortunate event that a player suffers a head injury, there is a clear procedure which should be followed. This has been set out in the Rugby Australia Concussion Procedure. Information on this can be found here

Players, parents, referees, coaches and medical officers all have an important part to play in treatment and follow up of any head injuries. It is particularly important that the player involved is referred to a medical doctor or the emergency department as soon as practical (within 72 hours of the injury).

Players will also be issued with a ‘Concussion Referral & Return Form’. This is an important document in following up any concussions which have taken place. This document ensures that players have medical clearance from a doctor before returning to play. A reminder that the minimum period before return to play is 19 days for children/adolescents aged 18 and under.

Beanie for Brain Cancer

With the wonderfully supportive community we have at Waverley, I am calling all students and families to get behind the “Beanie for Brain Cancer” initiative. This has been developed to raise funds for the Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) to fight Brain Cancer.

Year 5 student Digger Callander tragically lost his father, Matt, after a battle with cancer last year. Matt played a big part in launching the Beanie for Brain Cancer initiative in the NRL to support the Mark Hughes Foundation. The Beanie for Brain Cancer NRL round will take place in Round 12 (24th – 27th May), to raise much needed awareness and funds to promote research into this terrible disease and provide patient support.

Some of our 16As players, including Jim Waterhouse and Thomas Jaeger are currently selling MHF Beanies for Brain Cancer each lunchtime at school and will continue to do this over the coming weeks. Beanies are $20 each.

Furthermore, to launch the NRL Beanie for Brain Cancer Round on Thursday 24 May, Channel Nine’s Today Show sports segment with Tim Gilbert – will be broadcasting – LIVE from 5:30am on Bondi Beach, Sydney.  During the course of the morning Waverley College students, staff and families are invited to take part in a World Record attempt of “The largest gathering of people wearing beanies”.

We are hoping as many student, staff and families from Waverley can participate in this event. Those attending are to wear their beanie of choice (or purchase a Mark Hughes Foundation Beanie) to Bondi Beach from 5.30am to be counted in the record.

Let’s get behind Digger and the Callander family, and support the Beanie for Brain Cancer initiative!

Good luck to all teams this weekend against Scots!



From the convenor of Rugby, John McCoy

NSW Rugby recognises the significant contribution of schools, not only to future professional players, coaches and administrators, but to the broader rugby community and the culture and values that are integral to the game.

Over the last 12 months NSW Rugby has made significant steps to better work with schools, one being the creation of the NSW Positive Rugby Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to:

  • Grow rugby across NSW; by
  • Investing in grassroots causes and programmes; that
  • Prioritise the health and wellbeing of rugby communities.

As a thank you for the ongoing support of Waverley College, NSW Rugby would like to offer students and their families the opportunity to attend the next Waratahs home game FREE:

WHAT: NSW Waratahs vs Highlanders
WHEN: 7.40pm Saturday 19 May
WHERE: Allianz Stadium, Moore Park
OFFER: Complimentary family pass (4 tickets) for each student and staff member.

Please contact me for more information and to take up this offer on

Waverley AFL First XVIII

From Coach Matthew Porter

After a strong performance in the first round against St Joseph’s, we went into the second game in high spirits ready for a high quality game of footy against Newington College. We arrived at Pioneers Park and noticed a very strong wind which would go on to have a massive effect in the game. In the first quarter Newington had the wind behind them and kicked two goals inside the first five minutes. However, a resilient performance from the defence managed to keep Newington goalless for the rest of the quarter. Despite a strong wind and an ankle injury to Thomas Tyson, Waverley went into the quarter time break down by only 14 points. The second quarter started with Waverley taking control of the game taking advantage of the wind and had a majority of possession but struggled to make their dominance shown on the scoreboard. A head injury to Henry Stanfield meant Waverley had lost two quality players in the first half but we fought on and kicked three quick goals to go into half time with a five point lead. The third quarter began with Newington using the wind to their advantage taking a majority of possession however a strong performance by the Waverley defence meant that despite a strong wind advantage Newington only kicked two goals in the quarter leaving Waverley down by eight points heading into the final quarter. The final quarter Waverley went out knowing they had to use the strong wind to their advantage and they did just that kicking two early goals to put them in front. Despite Newington’s best efforts to hold off the Waverley onslaught they were unable to get the ball outside of their defensive 50 and eventually Waverley broke their defence and kicked three late goals in order to assure the win.  Despite a solid performance from a talented Newington team, a resilient performance from the Waverley boys meant they went away with a crucial 21-point win.

Best on ground: Max D’Agostino, Ash Backlund, Harry Whittaker, Noah Burgess and Matthew Higgins-Titsha

Final score: Waverley 7-7-49,  Newington 4-4-28


Waverley AFL 9/10’s

From Coach Fred Pawle

The Year 9/10 AFL side travelled to St. Luke’s oval in Concord to challenge St. Joseph’s in round two of the still early winter season. A cold and windy Saturday morning set the stage for a hard fought, and physical game. From the first bounce Waverley set the tempo, launching into contests, carving the St Joseph’s defence apart with clean skills and converting at goal meant Waverley went into the first break up 32-0, not allowing St Joseph’s a single inside 50. The smooth ball movement and suffocating pressure was all the same in the second quarter. However, the St Joseph’s defence held strong only allowing a two goal term as Waverley went into the half leading 49-0. The boys in blue and gold stormed out of the half, getting straight back into their first quarter groove, kicking three quick goals with incredible inside 50 kicking from the engine room. The flow of the game stayed with Waverley going into the third quarter as they forced the mercy rule, leaving the final score sitting at 82-0 going into the final quarter. Waverley again showed their strength this week, putting the rest of the competition on notice. Incredible performances from Reid McNamara – who kicked seven goals by end of the third quarter – Bodhi Reiners -who controlled the centre clearances- Zach Murphy and William Mazor -who were the enforcers of the side, fearlessly stacking every contest.

Final score: Waverley – 82,  St Joseph’s – 0


Waverley AFL 7/8A’s

From Coach, Finn Mergler

Round two of the season saw the lads travel out to Acron Oval. A dominant display in Round one had the boys confident and they were eager to test themselves against a strong Knox outfit who had been undefeated for the previous two seasons. The team had a number of notable omissions heading into the game, but the prospect of playing wet weather footy had spirits high. Complacency and cheap free kicks gave Knox a strong lead at quarter time, with the waves unable to matchup to Knox’s bigger bodies. A rousing address from captain Louis Kitto at quarter time saw the waves come out fighting in the second quarter with all Players putting up strong contests around the ground.  The undersized backline lead by Angus Anthony, had a great day out, as they contained the much bigger Knox forwards to four goals for the remainder of the game. The rest of the match followed the same pattern, with the lads competing hard for the footy all game and applying some scoreboard pressure. Honourable mention going to Midfielders Luke Higgins, Freddy Hunt, Sam Stewart and Louis Kitto who applied a strong physical presence around the ground, which set a precedent for the rest of the team. Ultimately the Waves went down 66 – 8.  However, the boys showed very promising signs as the whole team put in a massive effort, with a sluggish start and discipline the only draw backs.

Best Players: Angus Anthony, Jett Wanda, Sam Stewart, Luke Higgins, Vasili Vertsonis, Freddy Hunt

Final Score: Waverley – 8, Knox – 66


Waverley AFL 7/8B’s

from Coach, Matteo De Vecchi

After coming off a convincing win against Cranbrook, Waverley were ready for a tough game against Shore. Waverley knew it was going to be a challenge against quality opponents and the rain being a factor the boys knew that they had to play hard to get a result. Unfortunately, the boys could not match the intensity of Shore as they were played off the field with the mercy rule being applied. The boys will look to bounce back against Trinity next week.

Final Score: Waverley – 7, Shore – 67


On Tuesday, May 15, all Year 12 Construction students attended a presentation by The Master Builders Association. Students received valuable information about career choices, career pathways to University and trades available to them to choose from in the Building and Construction industry.

Some of the occupations available through the Master Builders Association are Carpenter; Bricklayer; Shopfitter; Joiner; Cabinet Maker; Glazier and Tiler. They also opportunities to train as apprentices in Formwork; Stonemasonry; Fire Protection; Lift mechanic; Water-proofer. Pathways to University are possible for careers as Project Managers; Estimators; Construction Managers: Builders (Residential); Safety Officers and Architects.

The presenter, Mr Steve Magner, the Industry Careers Co-ordinator from MBA, who has over twenty years of experience in the industry, identified what a potential employer is looking for in an apprentice. He told the students that an apprentice needed to be reliable, punctual, hard working and someone able to follow instructions and show initiative.

The Year 12 Construction students found the presentation very informative and had all their questions answered.

From the Head of Careers and Senior Studies, Kath Knowles

NSW Fire & Rescue Open Day

19 May | 10am-2pm

Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) will hold its annual Open Day on Saturday 19 May 2018 with fire stations across the State giving visitors a personal glimpse into Australia’s busiest fire and rescue service.

Find out more

Advice for choosing HSC Courses from NSW Education Standards Authority

Your aim is to attain the best HSC result you can. So, you should choose courses that you are good at, interested in and may use in the future.

When considering which courses to study, explore the content of a course. For example, what are the course outcomes? Will you be required to submit a major work, or perform, as part of your exams? Talk with your teachers about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as individual course requirements, before making your selections.

Read the advice

University of Sydney Year 10 Info Evenings

Join us on campus for a fun and informative evening. You will hear from a range of speakers including University staff and students.

Camperdown/Darlington Campus – University of Sydney Thursday 17 May 2018, 6 – 8pm

Register now

UNSW Sydney Scholarships Information Evening

June 5 | John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington

The Scholarships Information Evening provides depth and detail on the range of scholarships at UNSW and the application process.

The evening is aimed at Year 11 and 12 students and their parents.

Find out more

Bachelor of Advanced Computing Information Evening

June 21 | University of Sydney

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies at the University of Sydney is launching its new Bachelor of Advanced Computing degree in 2018. Join us at an information evening where you will learn more about this new degree and the opportunities that it brings to our students.

Find out more

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Year 11 & 12 Information Evening

May 29 | Sydney Nanoscience Hub

Join us for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies’ Year 11 and 12 Information Evening to find out everything you need to know about studying engineering, computing, technology or project management at Sydney University.

Find out more

Uni of Wollongong General Info Evenings for 2019

Sutherland Tuesday, 15 May
Kogarah Tuesday, 26 June
Find out more

UTS Engineering and IT Undergrad Info Evening

Thursday 14 June 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Hear from industry professionals about future tech careers and the skills you need to get there. Follow with key course information for engineering and IT and UTS.

Register now

Find out more

 Discover Nursing @ UTS

Thursday 21 June 5:30 pm

Wednesday 18 July 5:30 pm

There’s more to modern nursing than meets the eye. Whether you’re in high school, TAFE, working as an AIN or EN or looking to embark on a change in career, this session is for you. Hear from nursing academics and current students before touring our world-class clinical laboratories and taking part in a hands-on workshop.

Find out more

University of Notre Dame Sydney – Early Offer/Parent Info Evening

June 26 | Broadway Campus

Applications for Notre Dame’s Early Offer Program close on 31 July 2018. This event provides a great opportunity for students to find out tips and advice on submitting a comprehensive application. Students who gain an Early Offer are notified before they sit their final Year 12 exams.

Find out more

University of Notre Dame Sydney – Careers in Law

July 12 | Chippendale

Join us at our Careers in Law day to explore all programs in Law, and where this profession can take you.

Find out more

University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program – Sydney

Applications Close Tuesday 31 July

Are you motivated, forward-thinking and eager to get a head start on your future? Secure a place at Notre Dame before you sit your final Year 12 exams with the Early Offer Program.

Apply here –

Contact (02) 8204 4404 or

Early Offer and Parent Information Session – Tuesday 26 June at Chippendale

Find out more

Notre Dame – Getting to Know Nursing

Tuesday 22 May, 6pm

160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from our guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Places are limited. Please register here or contact us on 02 8204 4404 or for further information.

Book here

 UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome to attend. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more

NIDA Open Day

Saturday 16 June

Find out more

Applications for 2019

Applications for 2019 Bachelor & Diploma Courses are open from 2 July to 30 September.

Apply here from July

The Hotel School Info Evening

Sydney 30 May

During the Hotel School Info Evening event prospective students have the unique opportunity to experience ‘The Hotel School Advantage’, meet academics and other key support staff and find out about studying at The Hotel School.

Find out more

The Ultimate US/UK University Expo: Real Australian Students!

Saturday May 26

Are you serious about studying overseas? Don’t miss this opportunity to meet students from around Australia who have recently gained admission to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, Columbia and more! Hear how they planned their journey, how they picked the universities to apply to and their tips for acing the academics, essays and interviews.

Use this link to get 50% off your ticket exclusive to MHS subscribers:

Australian Catholic University – University Experience

July 10 – North Sydney Campus

University Experience is a free program that gives you the opportunity to sample the degree of your choice. Get a taste of life at ACU by meeting academic staff and current students and trying out the course you’re interested in.

Find out more

ACU Early Entry Program

Regular volunteer work in your community – through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group – may be rewarded through our Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study with us.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018

Find out more

ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more

ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more

 ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more 

Professional Cadetships Australia – Business, and Engineering & Tech Cadetships

Applications for the Business Cadetships Program opened on 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. The 2018 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship at UBS, a top-ranking global bank.

Applications for the 2018 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program open on Monday 30 April. Under this Program, Engineering Cadets are placed at Cubic Transportation Systems and Technology Cadets are placed at Macquarie Group.

For details of these programs and for the Business Cadetships online application form, go to

SAVE THE DATE! Career Kickstarter – Business and Accounting – 23 May@ Luna Park 

Previously known as “Meet the Business Leader”. Year 12 students are invited to attend to meet with and hear from business leaders in Industry.  Students will also learn about work experience and scholarship opportunities.  Registrations will open in the coming weeks.

Become a Paramedic – NSW

There are three training pathways to becoming a paramedic with NSW Ambulance;

Trainee Paramedic (Vocational entry)

Applicants who have no prior medical experience can apply for the Trainee Paramedic (vocational entry) role. Through the Trainee Paramedic vocational entry training pathway, you will undertake the nationally-accredited Diploma of Paramedical Science over three years, delivered by the NSW Ambulance Education Centre, Rozelle, Sydney. A minimum of 8 weeks training is undertaken at NSW Ambulance before going out on road.

For a copy of the Role Description please click here.

For more information on the recruitment and selection process, please click here.

Find out more

ADF Gap Year applications for 2019 have opened

It’s a unique opportunity for your students to try out a career in Navy, Army or Air Force and get a feel for a military life without committing for a longer period.

In 2019 there are 14 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery and even flight crew, plus this year we’re offering 30 Army Officer roles – places are limited.

Army Driver – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Administration Assistant – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Warehouse Assistant – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Air Defence Operator – Closes 21 May 2018

Air Force Warehouse Storeperson – Closes 28 May 2018

Air Force Aviation Support Technician – Closes 28 May 2018

Air Force Airbase Protection and Security – Closes 4 June 2018

Air Force Administration Assistant – Closes 4 June 2018

Closing dates are driven by demand and may close sooner than listed.

Apply now

UMAT 2018

Thinking of studying medicine, dentistry or health sciences? You need to know about UMAT.

UMAT stands for the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test. It’s a test that’s designed to help select students for undergraduate medicine and health science programs for participating universities.

If you’re in your final year of secondary school and want to enter a medicine or health science degree next year then you need to sit UMAT in 2018. It’s only held once a year.

In 2018 it will be held on Wednesday 25 July, 2018

Find out more

Teach.nsw Get Paid to Study

Want to become a teacher? You could get paid to study and have a guaranteed job on graduation. Subscribe to their mailing list to find out more .

AIT Info Night

May 23 – Sydney

AIT’s Info night is perfect for those wanting to explore the endless opportunities available in the growing creative industry.

Find out more

AIT Open Day

July 28 – Sydney

Join us at our Open Day in July and learn all about AIT, the creative industry and amazing opportunities available to you.

Find out more

Academy of Interactive Entertainment – Industry Experience Day

July 13 – Sydney & Canberra

AIE’s Industry Experience Days are a great opportunity for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to learn about the local and international game development, 3D animation and visual effects industries. Students will get the opportunity to learn about the different pathways to get into the industry, what should be in a portfolio and will be able to get creative in practical workshops using industry-standard 3D animation and game development tools.

Find out more

AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using Adobe After Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now

Become a Drone Pilot

Upcoming course dates for RePL training in Sydney:

21 May (Monday) – 25 May (Friday)

Find out more

AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals at AFTRS’ state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.

Jul 02 The Real Filmmaking Workshop: 13-17

Jul 09 AFTRS Trop Jr Filmmaking: 10-15

 NECA Electrotechnology Apprenticeships

At NECA we’re here to help you complete a national qualification that supports a career in data/ communication, home automation, renewable energy, construction, the installation of lights, power, air conditioning, fire protection, building management systems and more.

They pay for everything, including your tools, and you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification.

80% of their apprentices graduate and 99% of graduates find a job in the first 3 months, with up to $91k starting salary.

Apply here

Check out their infographic


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Find out more

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

NSW Police Recruitment

The police force is recruiting, and they’ve launched a new Facebook page.

They’re also running info sessions and practice sessions for the Physical Capacity Test.

Recruitment Information Session – Parramatta COMING SOON
Saturday 16 June 9.00am – 12.00pm

Find out more

Real Estate Training Reforms

NSW Parliament has passed reforms which increase the training requirement for Real Estate Agents. The previous course took 5 days (or less), but now recruits will need to complete more units and undergo 12 months industry experience before they can become a Licence holder.

Read more here 


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

SkillsShow Australia

2-4 June ICC Darling Harbour

Skills Show Australia 2018 provides visitors with an opportunity to discover future careers through interactive events, demonstrations and competitions. It aims to equip young Australians with the knowledge to make an informed choice about their future career options. The Skills Show also provides them with a unique chance to network with the hundreds of industry and educational experts.

There are robotics competitions, and Try’aSkill events, plus much more.

Register to attend (it’s free)

 Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here

FREE Maximising Exam Marks Lecture

Sunday 17 June 2018 | 10am to 2pm | UNSW Sydney

Examinations are a great source of stress for students, but it doesn’t need to be this way. With the right advice and a solid study plan, you can reduce stress levels, cut down on study time and significantly improve examination marks!

Valued at over $150, this lecture is FREE when you make a $10 donation to The Fred Hollows Foundation on the day.
Book now

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

 TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4

Find out more

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores

TSFX: HSC Study Tips 

 Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students

Tips for note-taking

Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job.
Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here

 Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here

Will Robots Take My Job?

Worried about robots stealing your job? Find out the chances of your chosen field becoming automated in the future.

Take the test

Where could STEM take you?

 STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?

Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here

 Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018.

Job Spotlight

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designers are all about visual communication.

Making things ‘look good’ is much harder than it sounds. Good graphic designers use visual elements to deliver a compelling message in print or online. They know how to attract attention to the right things, distract from others, and can even manipulate viewers.

To be a graphic designer you need to master more than one thing:

  1. You need to understand design fundamentals, including colour, form, shape, and you need to be able to visually turn ideas into reality
  2. You’ll also need to understand your audience, and a good grasp of marketing and sales will help you craft powerful messages
  3. Lastly, it’s essential that you can work with computer design software, often including social media, web development programs and programs like photoshop

Watch two videos on being a Graphic Designer –

Graphic Design from Lynda

A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer

Salary range: around $55,000 per year (source: Seek Learning), PayScale list a Senior Graphic Designers average income as $68,509 per year

Qualifications Required: technically you don’t need any qualifications to get started, just a good working knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite and a portfolio. Many jobs expect you to have a VET level or higher qualification.

Here’s how to get started

Learn how to use Adobe Creative Cloud

It’s hard to believe that one set of software could be essential for a career, but that’s the way it is. Granted, there are other programs around, but in general Adobe is the one they want.

If you’re serious about becoming a Graphic Designer then start learning about Adobe right now. They have fantastic student packages. There are numerous tutorials out there, and you can find many of the best ones on Lynda. They even have courses that will literally teach you to be a graphic designer. If you do go on to study Graphic Design, at least you’ll have one of the main skills under control.

What does the work look like?

Expect every day to be different. Graphic Designers are expected to put together a huge range of materials including magazines, newspapers, brochures, leaflets, social media posts, website designs, emails, logos, letterheads and brand guidelines.

There are three main places you’ll find Graphic Designers:

  1. In-house designers work for a company and produce all their branding and marketing communications. You might work within a marketing team, including sales specialists and writers, or in a smaller company you might be responsible for just about all communications.
  2. Agency designers work with many brands to deliver communication messages for clients. You may specialise in just producing one type of design (like social media posts) or you could handle everything the client needs. One day you could be working with Qantas, the next you could be working for a dog food company – expect lots of variety.
  3. Freelance Graphic Designers work with companies, agencies, and other industry professionals such as website developers and copywriters. You could work on one big contract for an organisation, then move on to work with a range of smaller agencies – the work is unpredictable but varied and exciting.

Want to study Graphic Design?

There are loads of courses, and many of them can be studied online. The Design Institute of Australia recognise many courses – DIA recognition means that the course has been assessed by an independent body (DIA) as being appropriate to meet industry standards. Which is a fancy way of saying that employers know that graduates from those courses are qualified to the right standard.

You can find the full list here



Prayer for the Week

The May Procession is a devotional Act in Honour of Our Lady.

The very first May Procession took place on 21 May 1911. Instigated by members of the Sodality, it would become a distinctly Waverley tradition and has been called ‘one of the finest moments of grace’ anywhere.

The idea of the May Procession was the brainchild of Brother Aungier, who brought the tradition with him from his native Cork, in Ireland. He was also responsible for establishing the Sodality of Our Lady, from which the Procession grew. The Procession began as a ceremony in which the resident statue of the Blessed Virgin was carried ceremoniously through the grounds of the college.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

St Mary of the Cross: Pray for us

Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever


May Procession

 It was great to see the boys involved in the May Procession last Sunday. As explained to the boys last week this was a commitment they made at enrolment to the Junior School as part of the interview process. It was great to see them fulfil their promise.

It was a special day highlighted by the wonderful speech from Sr Jan Bennett RSJ and the very moving praying of one decade of the Rosary in Gaelic involving some of our Irish staff.

Thank you to the Junior Staff, including, Mr Gill, Ms Hoare, Mrs Rollins and the boys with special duties in processing and reading for all your involvement and effort towards the day.


Sad News

The school community was saddened this week to here of the death of Mr Ryan’s Mother at 9:30pm on Monday night. She had been unwell for some time and she was being cared for by family at home. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and we intend on supporting Mr Ryan in whatever way we can. Mr Gill put together this lovely prayer, which was prayed with the boys at an assembly on Tuesday morning:

Dear Lord,

We, the Waverley College Community, join together to pray for Mrs Narelle Ryan who departed to join you in heaven.

We ask you to take into your care the mother of Mr Ryan and to give your guidance to him and his family as they travel through the difficult u ahead.

May your angels take the Ryan family under their wings and give them the comfort & strength they need at this time. May they face each day in the knowledge that she is at peace with you in heaven and encircled by your love.

We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.

How beautiful Are Our Boys?

With a few staff going through some tough times at the moment, this is not lost on our boys. Boys have been helping some staff carry their things or offering to help where they can. One boy quietly said to a staff member the other day: ‘I’ve been praying for you over the weekend.’ How beautiful are our boys?

Communication and Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Who do I Contact? – A reminder:

 If you are facing any difficulties at the Junior School please use the table as a guide on who to contact:


Area Issue Steps Contact Person
Curriculum My son’s progress in a subject / the content of a subject / his performance in assessments / his conduct in class 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd contact

Class teacher

Learning Support

Junior School Director

Pastoral Care My son’s academic, social, physical and spiritual development, including discipline, peer relationships, attendance 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd contact

Class teacher

Junior School Director

If needed, School Counsellor

Sport Matters relating to training sessions of my son’s team / team expectations / selection and venues / times 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd contact

Team coach

Sports master

Junior School Director

Fees / Finance For payment of fees and general enquiries. 1st contact

2nd contact

Assistant Business Manager

Business Manager

Travel Travel pass applications / replacements, etc. 1st contact

2nd contact

Administration Secretary

Assistant Director

Contact details Change of address / phone number / email 1st contact Enrolment Officer (Ph: 93690632)
Other For general information / absences / illness 1st contact

2nd contact

Administration Secretary

Junior School Director

Year 5 Excursion – State Library and Museum of Contemporary Art

Well done to all our Y5 classes for representing your school proudly on your WEEK ONE excursion to the State Library and Museum of Contemporary Art – The staff were very grateful for your support in making it special and successful over the two days.

LACHLAN MARZOL: The things we did were to learn about gold; we used an App called ‘Puppet pals’ to experience the 1800’s; we learnt about some paintings and we learnt what they were about.

I liked it when we got to do activities that made us think and to draw our own creatures and create them.



In 2018 the National Assessment Program – Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) will again be conducted for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 in all government and non-government schools. The program will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of all students in all Australian schools.

The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do and will then be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the agreed national minimum standard of student achievement.

This year all boys in the school will be doing their NAPLAN online. We had a successful practice test last term that all the boys were involved in. Whilst ALL the WRIITTEN tests will be conducted across Australia on the same days for all students. The schedule for the online is left to individual schools to coordinate over a 9-day window in Weeks 3 & 4 of this term. The Junior school boys will be tested as follows:

Additional information for parents about the National Assessment Program can be found on this website:


Year 6 Canberra Trip

In Week 4 from Tuesday May 22 to Thursday May 24 all of Year Six head will off to Canberra for their annual excursion as part of our HSIE unit on government.

During this tour they will participate in a variety of educational programmes focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist you in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding under the Parliament and Civics and Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred.

Activities undertaken as part of the educational tour include the tour of Parliament House, visit to the War Memorial and a session at the Electoral Education Centre. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program.

We hope that the excursion will be a rewarding experience for all students.

Special thanks to Mr Meadley for the tireless effort he has put in over the past 12 months to ensure the boys have a great three days in our nation’s capital. No sooner does one trip end then he is busy sorting out details for the next year.

A reminder to all parents that all forms required for the upcoming Year 6 Canberra trip should be returned to the office by the end of week two.


Homework Club

Homework Club will continue in the Junior School Library in Term Two, with a minor change. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, BUT NOT WEDNESDAY due to the fact that all boys will be involved in Sports Training on each Wednesday throughout the term. Parents are asked to strictly adhere to the 4.30pm pick up time. The expectation of the boys attending the Homework Club is that they study quietly on work required to be completed for school. There will be a teacher on duty each day.

Winter Training goes until WEEK 3 of TERM 3. At this point Homework Club will run again from Monday to Thursday inclusive.


Waverley College Junior School Mothers’ and Grandmothers’ Eucharist

Thank you for all the Mothers who turned up to the new whole school Mother’s Day Mass and luncheon. We hope you enjoyed your day and wish you a very special Mother’s Day this Sunday where we hope you get to share a special day with your families.

Special thanks to Mr Gill and Mrs Rollins for all their work behind the scenes to assist Mr Davis in preparing the event and all the boys who were involved.



Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, starting on 8 May 2018.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.

Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.


Saturday Sport Continues this Weekend – Sat 12th May – ROUND TWO

A reminder that all the Winter Sports Info will remain on the Skoolbag App for the remainder of the season. Information can also be found on the College Website by searching – SPORTS FIXTURES, RESULTS & TRAINING SCHEDULES – Here you will find information about AWAY field /venue  locations.

A reminder that Wednesday training starts right after our Sports Program at Queens Park concludes for all teams. Boys will be dismissed at 3:30pm. All other training days finish at 4:30pm. Please make sure your son knows how he is to make his way home. Boys not picked up or uncertain of their plans will be walked back to school no later than 15 minutes after training concludes.


Waverley Sport on Facebook

I was recently contacted by Old Boy, Lindsay Jordan, who administers the Waverley Sport Facebook page. Lindsay did a great job supporting our boys and parents who were taking photos at the recent Armidale Rugby Tour, by ensuring we got some great acknowledgement on the page.

He is keen to have more parents use this site to promote sport at Waterford. You can contact him through the Facebook Page; Facebook Messenger or at:

The email address is best to use if you have many photos to share – please let him know via Messenger if you have emailed him as he only uses this address for photos. If you have just small numbers of photos then attach them directly to your Facebook message.

It would help if as many parents as can LIKE the page as Lindsay wants to put a lot more focus on the Junior School teams this year. He will also add any reports we send about games.


IPSHA Rugby Trials – five Advance

Congratulations to Ethan Ginnane, Eden Byrd, Aston Owens, James Nestor and Christian Robbins who have been asked to continue their trials for the NSW CIS Rugby squad. All boys will be expected to trial again in June. We wish them the best of luck.


Car Crush Excursion

A very lucky group of boys attended an excursion organised by the Sydney Children’s Hospital as a way of thanking Mr Gill and the Top 15 Fundraisers from last year’s Walkathon.

The corporate supporter, Sell + Parker, who own a metal recycling plant run an event called the Car Crush where they allow kids to visit their plant and literally ‘crush a car’ with some of the heavy machinery they have available – all is done from a safe distance.

Usually this is offered to patients and their families, but the hospital thought this might also be of interest to the boys at Waverley to thank them for the amazing support they have given to the kids at the Hospital over a number of years.

The Car Crush was held on Thursday 10 May at Blacktown. The hospital provided a bus and lunch for all the boys. We are very grateful and appreciative that such an offer would come the way of our boys


Parking Outside of the Junior School and Surrounds

Just a reminder to all parents and guests to park legally and to be conscious that we are in a residential area when coming to the school to pick up or drop of your son. Be aware there are a number of good side streets where your son could walk to meet you instead of all pick ups being at the front of the school.


Staff Success

We are very lucky to have a number of staff who actively pursue their passion for learning and their area of expertise beyond the classroom.

Mrs Rollins is the national President of the music teachers group called Orff – Mr Gill pursues his love of Rugby by refereeing in the Sub-District Competition.

A new appointment has just taken place for Mrs Tunks, who has just been appointed as a Director of the Board for the Australian School Library Association Inc. (ASLA). This is the national authority, the peak forum in the field of teacher librarianship and school library resource services.

Its aim is to maximise opportunities for students to obtain independent lifelong learning and decision-making skills through ASLA’s commitment to:

We congratulate Mrs Tunks on her appointment.

Students with a Passion

Congratulations to Finn Jones and Oliver Farrugia who got to meet Jeff Kinney at a session of the Writers’ Festival on Saturday. Jeff Kinney is the author of the very popular ‘Wimpy Kid’ series of books. Oliver had the Waverley College library copy of one of the books and got it signed for the school. Well done boys.

Summer Sports Photos

The Summer Sports Team Photos are now available. Your son should have brought an order form home in his bag this week. Please ask him for it. All orders are to be made online using the directions on the sheet. Photos will be delivered to your son at school to bring home.

From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

May Procession

Thank you to staff, parents, students and Old Boys who made last week’s May Procession a moving occasion. The Director of Mission’s report on this year’s May Procession includes the full speech by guest speaker Sister Jan Barnett. If you missed the event, I encourage you to read her beautiful words. Thank you to the Parent Association, helpers and all who donated towards the beautiful afternoon tea provided.

L to R Graham Leddie, Fr Bernie Thomas ofm, Salvatore Riolo and Sr Jan Barnett rsj.

There was quite a bit of food left over at the end of the May Procession afternoon tea, so the Isaac family took a number of platters and delivered them to the William Booth Hostel in Albion Street for the clients to enjoy. Well done to Naomi Isaac and her sons Alistair (Year 7) and Lachlan (Year 5) for their thoughtfulness.

Mother’s Day

Thank you to all Mothers, Step Mothers, Grandmothers and significant women that make such a huge difference in the lives of the boys at Waverley. Your unique gifts, talents and the sacrifices do not go unnoticed and set these young men up for their future. Your devotion to your sons and perseverance is inspiring. I wish each one of you a happy Mother’s Day.

Thank you to the Mothers who are attending our Mother’s Day Mass and luncheon on Friday – a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our faith with your son. For the first time, we are making the Mother’s Mass available to senior school students and their mums, as well as to the junior school. I look forward to seeing you at Mass and at lunch afterwards.


Beanies for Brain Cancer

We were all left speechless on Assembly today after Year 5 student, Digger Callander shared his story and asked for all of our help and support. Digger lost his Dad last year to brain cancer. Please look at the following video. Digger’s Mum, Anne spoke at this week’s Parents’ Association meeting and also asked for assistance. On 24 May there is a World record attempt “Australia’s Biggest Gathering of Beanies on a Beach” at Bondi between 5.30am to 8.30am. Students and their families can purchase a beanie for $20 at school on Friday and next week. Beanies will also be on sale at tomorrow’s Mothers’ Day lunch.

The following video was shown to students at today’s assembly. It explains how Matt Callander came to create Beanies for Brain Cancer:

Here is the transcript of a speech by Digger’s Waverley College ‘Big Brother’, James Waterhouse:

Speech by James Waterhouse, Year 10 Big Brother

“As some of you may be aware, last term the Year 10 cohort was fortunate enough to engage in the Little Brother/Big Brother program with the Year 5 boys down at the Waterford Campus. This program is a way for us to engage with some younger boys throughout their college life and, when they enter the high school, they will have a friendly figure to go to for help, advice or just a chat. I was fortunate to be paired up with Digger Callander, a lively 11-year-old boy with a sparkle in his eye. He told me about all his passions; swimming, rugby, cricket – the list seemed to go on endlessly. However, I was informed of a recent loss in Digger’s family; late last year Digger’s father sadly passed away from brain cancer. 

Some of you may have heard about this in the news as his father, Matt, was a well-known figure in the community and was the former head of NRL at Channel Nine. He battled for 18 months with brain cancer and unfortunately passed away in late October 2017. 

Matt left a huge legacy behind him. Months before his passing, he began to raise awareness for brain cancer, by introducing the Beanies for Brain Cancer Round to the NRL (which is linked with the Mark Hughes Foundation). This initiative encouraged rugby supporters to donate to the cause on a wide scale, helping to raise a whopping $2.3 million last year for research towards curing brain cancer.

As highlighted on the Beanies for Brain Cancer Foundation website, brain cancer kills more children than any other disease, and kills more people under 40 in Australia than any other cancer – yet it receives less than 5% of government cancer research funding. This year, they’re hoping to raise more, with our help here at Waverley. It would be strongly appreciated, not only by the Foundation but especially by the Callander family.

To launch the NRL Beanie for Brain Cancer Round on Thursday 24 May, Channel Nine’s Today Show will be broadcasting live from 5:30am on Bondi Beach. Waverley College students and their families are invited and encouraged to take part in a World Record attempt for ‘The largest gathering of people wearing beanies’. We are asking for your participation in this huge event! It’s easy, just rock up to Bondi Beach in a beanie of your choice or preferably purchase one from the foundation, to be counted in the record, which will be counted up at 8.00am.

So boys, please attempt to get down there as a good deed for the day, it would be amazing if there was a sea of blue and gold blazers at Bondi Beach and would provide the Callander family with a lot of pride knowing that we are behind them as a community in this time of loss. We will be selling beanies at recess on Friday. Each beanie will cost $20 but it’s going towards a great cause so please tell your mum and dad and maybe ask them for a bit of money to go towards a beanie.

Thanks for your support.”

Beanies for Brain Cancer presentation



Congratulations to the following boys who were awarded a Head of College Academic Award at today’s assembly:


Congratulations to the following boys who were awarded the Sydney University

Science Recognition Award


Waverley College Old Boys Union AGM

The AGM for the Old Boys’ Union was held after the May Procession and the following executive members were elected:


President – Mr Salvatore Riolo

Vice President – Mr Col Blake

Treasurer – Mr Peter Foley

Secretary – Mr Chris O’Sullivan

Council Members

Mr Warren Boyd, Mr Michael Dignam, Mr Peter Hannigan, Mr Sam Hardjono, Mr John Hilton, Mr Richard Jackson, Mr John Karas, Mr Craig Markham, Mr Brandon Perry, Mr Cooper Silk
Congratulations to these gentlemen and I look forward to working with them over the coming year.


Strategic Plan

As you know, Erebus International Consultants have been assisting the College develop its next Strategic Plan 2019-2022. They have been conducting focus groups across students, staff, parents, the Board and other key stakeholders.

There are three phases of the planning process:

We are currently at phase 2.

At this stage of data gathering, the consultants report the following key themes have emerged, and are summarised below.


Theme 1 – Inspired Student Learning


Theme 2 – Contemporary Facilities for Learning


Theme 3 – Distinctive School Identity


Theme 4 – Enhanced Teacher Quality


Theme 5 – Operational Excellence


Theme 6 – All-round Student Development

It should be emphasised that these issues have been identified as actions required to make a good school great rather than criticisms or deficiencies. The Consultants are asking  parents to respond to the following survey as further part of the data gathering process. It is quite a short survey, so it will not require too much of your time. Thank you for your consideration in filling this out.


Accolades for HSC 2017 student art

Part of Matthew Miller’s (2017) HSC major artwork has been chosen by the Woollahra Council’s Youth Photographic Award and Short Film Competition for use on their brochure and posters. This is a very prestigious student competition across the Eastern suburbs. Entries are now open and close 10 August 2018. Matthew’s artwork is an image of his little sister is both a strong and captivating portrait. Below is information about Matthew’s work:

KAGISO “Child of Peace” – Matthew Miller (2017)

Kagiso is a South African name meaning ‘peace’ in Tswana. Through my chosen medium of photography printed on smooth pearl paper, I have attempted to depict Kagiso’s journey into her new life while also showing her peaceful and happy nature that lifts all those around her. 

Kagiso is originally from Johannesburg in South Africa where she lived with her mother.  However due to certain circumstances, her new mother, Lara, adopted her at a young age. With this, Kagiso began her new life with the Da Silva family in South Africa. In 2015, Kagi and Lara began another new chapter in their life as they moved to Australia to join my family and I. This was a very challenging experience for Kagiso as she was entering a whole different environment, leaving all her friends and family behind. Her courage, strength, and positive outlook on all things she is faced with in life has influenced me to attempt to depict her story through my work.


Sporting behaviour expectations

Saturday saw a great start to our winter CAS season with Football making its debut on Queens Park Number One and our annual Acknowledgement of Country.

I was impressed by the uniform and behaviour of our spectators who reflected the values of Waverley College just as much as those on the playing field.

Waverley College has the following expectations for behaviour by students and spectators at our sporting fixtures:

The full CAS Code of Conduct Can be found here

Indigenous Education at Waverley

Last week I met with representatives from the Nangala Project who were pleased with the progress we have made with Indigenous Education at Waverley College. Special guests at this meeting were the parents of one of our students from the Northern Territory as well as Senator for the Northern Territory, Ms Malarndirri McCarthy.

It was a positive meeting and reinforced the College’s commitment to providing opportunities for Indigenous students.

The party met with myself and our Head of Learning Support, Mr David Parnell as well as teachers of our Indigenous students.

A further announcement about our Indigenous Education Program will be made in the coming weeks. 

New Switchboard Options

In an attempt to free up our front office staff callers to the College main switch (02 9369 0600) will now be given six options which will allow our staff more time to deal directly with visitors to our campus:

When pressing 4 for Accounts they will hear a sub menu of:

Remember that most of our key contacts direct numbers can still be found on the College website under ‘contacts’.