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From the Director of Mission, Phil Davis

A clear blue sky provided the perfect backdrop for the celebration of the 108th Annual May Procession in honour of Our Lady and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice, held last Sunday, 6 May and beginning at the earlier time of 12.00 noon.

The Procession of the Banners, followed by the Marian Statue, made their way from the Braidwood Courtyard, up Birrell Street and into the Centenary Quadrangle. The Marian Statue was carried by the Captain and Vice-Captains of Year 12, 2017: Tyler Von der Heyden, Ben Donaldson, Alfie Killigrew and Finn O’Sullivan.

Reciting the fourth decade of the Rosary in the native Irish tongue.

The main features of the May Procession and Liturgy were the reciting of the fourth decade of the Rosary in the native Irish tongue by Ms Cooper, Mr Egan, Mr McCormack, Ms O’Hara and Ms Ryan, the Blessing of Mothers, the Act of Dedication led by the Prefect of the Sodality, Adam McCabe, and an inspiring address by Sr Jan Barnett rsj, Social Justice Coordinator, Sisters of St Joseph, who reflected on the Mary of Luke’s Gospel, especially as portrayed by Mary’s own words in the Magnificat. Sr Jan Barnett’s Address follows this article.

A lot of time and effort goes into the staging of the May Procession and I would like to thank those responsible for: the layout and printing of the booklet, the setting up of the Centenary Quadrangle, the sound logistics, the organising of the Procession, the wonderful singing and music, and the leading of the Liturgy. I would also like to acknowledge the wonderful afternoon tea provided by the Parent Association.

I am very grateful to the Student Representatives who play a major part in the May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice. In total there were over 100 students who had key roles regarding the Procession and Liturgy.


 Reclaiming the Mary in Luke’s Gospel

A speech for the 2018 May Procession by Sr Jan Barnett rsj

Most of the images we see of Mary are of a beautiful, reflective young woman, (like that on the cover of today’s booklet).  In reality, however, the Mary in Luke’s gospel is not the gentle, dreamy Mary we often see in paintings.

Luke’s Mary is very different.

There are four very significant things going against the Mary of Luke’s gospel.  First of all, she belongs to a nation under enemy power (her country Israel is completely under the control of the Roman empire).  She’s young (probably a teenager).  She’s poor.  AND she’s a woman (even today, as we know, any one or all of these four can be liabilities).

But it’s this young woman who is chosen in Luke’s gospel to be the bearer of good news – news that is groundbreaking in that time and in this.  In the visitation, the young woman expecting a child visits her older cousin, Elizabeth, who is also pregnant for the first time.  The song she bursts into is what we call the Magnificat. It’s a song of praise that Mary, on fire with love, sings out to God. It’s the longest set of words placed on the lips of a woman in the whole gospel: it’s the most any woman gets to say.  And it’s strong, it’s passionate, it’s radical.

Mary’s song has two stanzas. The first is a deep personal cry of joy from this young woman – full of gratitude to the God who is deep within us and who walks with us on life’s journey, in good times; and in the midst of suffering and turmoil.

The second stanza praises God’s justice for those who suffer and are seen to be of no account in society – those who are poor, bullied, ignored, treated unjustly by those who are rich and powerful.  The Magnificat is about the God who is on the side of those who are pushed to the edges of society and who feel powerless.

Every day in churches around the world, Christians pray this prayer: and we’ve all heard it.  Let’s listen to three lines:

You have scattered the proud in their hearts’ fantasies.

You have put down the tyrants from their thrones and have lifted up the powerless.

You have filled the hungry with good things,and sent the rich away empty.

Pie in the sky stuff, most of us would have thought.  Totally unreal.  Fake news really.

For this world is truly a world turned upside down, a world in which power and wealth, as well as poverty, are destroyed. It’s a world that recognises that we, the wealthy, are the problem, not the poor.   It foreshadows the message which is at the heart of the gospel: God is on the side of the poor; God acts to save the poor; but also that God’s mercy is for all who will listen and respond to this call to compassion and love.

Mary’s song reminds us that many of the power structures that operate in our world are wrong. And we do know this deep in our hearts.  Just think of the Royal Commissions and enquiries –  into the Banks, the child detention centres, child sexual abuse, Nauru and Manus Island, the growing gap between rich and poor Australians

The message of the Magnificat is about these issues.  It’s been sung throughout the centuries by people working for justice.  Its message is so subversive that for a period during the 1980s, the Government of Guatemala banned people from saying it in public.

As I spent time preparing for today, I found myself asking whom Mary would stand beside today.

But I also thought about the people I know who ARE Mary’s voice and hands today:

We’re here today because of Edmund Rice and Mary MacKillop who stood with the poor of their time and established educational systems in Ireland and Australia to make a difference in their world.

We’re here because this school, Our Lady’s Mount, exists in the tradition of a young woman who sang out her joy in the God who is compassion and love, and who stands for justice for all people and all of life.

We’re here AND we’re challenged to imagine and believe in a different kind of world where all sorts of unexpected things can happen and where we can make a difference.

In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us: love one another as I have loved you.

And next Sunday is Mother’s Day, when we celebrate the gift of all mothers and those who have been mother figures for us.

Let’s celebrate the love of our God and the love of all mothers, as we continue to live that love with each other and with all our brothers and sisters around the world.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O my God,and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.

For your great love has blessed me, poor, and a serving woman.

From this day all generations will call me blessed,

for you, who are mighty, have done great things for me;and holy is your Name.

Your mercy is on those who fear you, from generation to generation.

You have shown strength with your arm.

You have scattered the proud in their hearts’ fantasies.

You have put down the tyrants from their thrones and have lifted up the powerless.

You have filled the hungry with good things,and sent the rich away empty.

You have rescued Israel your servant, remembering your compassion,

as you promised to Abraham and Sarah,mercy to their children forever.


From the Head of Geography, Adam Wallington

As part of the Stage 4 Geography course, students study the importance of water as a resource, the operation of the water cycle and water scarcity and management. Last Friday, Year 7 undertook mandatory Geography field study to Centennial Park Wetlands Education Centre. This wonderful resource and facility provided an opportunity for Year 7 to undertake orienteering activities. Moving around the different ponds, students conducted experiments to discover and explore the role of water on flora and fauna. Students also were able to assess the impact of the humans and the built environment on water availability and water quality.

The day was a great success with lots of smiles and interaction. More importantly, students had a live learning experience; being outdoors with friends and enjoying the beautiful day and space that Centennial Park has to offer. Centennial Park is a unique environment. Located less than 5km from the heart of the CBD, this expansive space is home to a of range wetlands, ponds and animal and plant species.

From William Roberts Head of Library Services

Sydney Writers’ Festival

A group of 12 students attended Carriageworks Redfern for the 2108 School Days – Sydney Writers’ Festival this week. The boys were enthralled with the buzz of the event, where large numbers of students listened and asked questions to leading children’s authors who provided them with great inspiration.

“It was great, Sir” – Participant, Jack

To register interest for future library literary excursions please email

We congratulate our library staff on their recent awards

Staff member Nikki Pearce was an award winner at the recent Library Diploma graduation ceremony for Outstanding Achievement in ‘Extend Own Information Literacy Skills’ and staff member Verity Temple also was award winner at the Library Diploma graduation ceremony for Outstanding Achievement in ‘Collection Management’. Congratulations to both of you.

This term, Waverley College students in Years 9 and 10 are invited to take part in the NRMA future of transport challenge. Students will have the opportunity to work in small groups and follow their natural curiosity to solve real world issues by innovating and thinking like entrepreneurs. The boys who entered last year were selected to represent Waverley College and they pitched their idea to experts at the ​Youth Eco Summit at Sydney Olympic Park.

If there are a​ny Year 9 or 10 students wishing to dive into real world transport issues faced by global cities and create a product or service to address that need, they ​are encouraged to contact Mrs Cassie Perry

Students currently enrolled in Year 5 and 6 at Waverley College do not need to re-enrol for Year 7 onwards.

Any questions please contact:

The Registrar – Terese Kielt on 9369 0698 or

From the Captain of the 1st XI  – Jack Hardwicke-Owen

A long pre-season filled with hard work had come to an end as a chilly Saturday morning met the 1st XI. The CAS season was finally upon us and all were eager to face our tough rivals, Knox. The game began with the boys running out onto QP1 for the first time in the college’s history, with aspirations of getting the season off to a flying start. The first stanza saw a tight tussle between both sides in the opening stages, only for a Waverley mistake to lead to the opening goal. 1-0 Knox. The visitors continued to apply pressure, which ultimately lead to them taking a healthy 3-0 lead into halftime.

The second half began with Waverley showing strong intent and courage to push for their opening goal. The whole team showed great spirit to not give up and continued to try for a positive result. Despite Waverley creating a number of chances,  the game wasn’t to be Waverley’s with Knox running out as 4-0 victors.

Round 2 will see Waverley take on St Aloysius at Queens Park. This will be the first time the two teams have met since being crowned joint CAS premiers in the 2017 season. Kick off  at 10:15am and all are encouraged to support in what promises to be an exciting game.

Good luck to all other sports in their fixtures this weekend.

Waves to win!

From the Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmot

CAS Round 1 Vs Knox

Last weekend was our first round of the CAS competition with our footballers taking on Knox. As it was a home game round our Year 7s, 10s and Opens played at Queens Park and our Year 8s and 9s travelling to Curagul. The 1st XI for the first time played on Queens Park 1. It was great to see the footballers out on QP1 with a large number of supporters in the Pavilion and on the hill. Unfortunately, our teams didn’t get the best results on the weekend with the 1st XI going down 4-0 to Knox. Some of the highlights from the weekend were the 8As defeated Knox 3-2, the 9Es defeated Knox 5-1, the 2nd XI 1-1, 6th XI 4-4, 7As 2-2. I would like to challenge players to see this as a learning experience and look at what they can do better to improve as a team and to see what improvements they can make when we verse Knox again.

CAS Round 2 Vs St Aloysius

This weekend will see our Year 7s, 10s and Opens again at Queens Park for their game and our Year 8s and 9s playing travelling to Castle Cove. I would like to wish all our teams this weekend the best of luck and remind players to play to the best of their ability, respect referees decisions and to play as a cohesive team.

Game expectations

Players are reminded to wear the correct Waverley uniform to matches on Saturdays. This includes Waverley Football Jersey, shorts and sock; shin guards and boots. Players are also reminded that they are to arrive 30 minutes before the game starts for a warm up. Players are not to turn up for a game they prefer due to times, they are to turn up for the team they are in. If players are unsure of teams they can check the canteen notice board and on TeamApp.

Team App

Football is now using team app for many notifications including team lists, scores and fixtures. TeamApp is downloadable from the app store and can be downloaded on both Apple and Android devices. To follow Football please create an account with team app and search for ‘Waverley College Football’.


Well done to staff, coaches, students and the amazing parents who supported our first full round of winter co-curricular last weekend. We had great results in many activities. The highlights included all of our debating teams getting a clean sweep against St Clare’s Waverley, all of our AFL teams recording strong wins, as well as the respectful way the community embraced the Acknowledgement of Country and Smoking / Ochre Ceremony conducted prior to the 1st XV match. Our Year 7 students were great in their support and it was also fantastic to see our 1st XI play their first ever CAS game on QP1. A big thank you also to the staff who assisted in supervising these students. This weekend is Year 10 Supporter Duty and these students can complete this compulsory requirement by supporting any winter 1sts activity including debating, AFL, football and rugby. We also had some very positive feedback regarding the change to the winter tennis program with much more competitive matches at all levels.

Rain procedures

As there is some potential for rain this weekend, a reminder of the correct notification procedures for wet weather. We have a wet weather number and also SkoolBag alerts, which are used to notify of any changes. We also have TeamApp for most major sports and both of these are free downloads for iOS and Android. I encourage all parents and students to download both of these apps and search for the Waverley College related activities. The Team App is also great to get live score updates, team selections and other notifications

Supporter Groups

A big thank you to the parents who attended the first annual Supporter Groups meeting last week. We are very lucky to have such a great group of parents who volunteer so many hours and are also such a vital part of the co-curricular program at the College. Whether it is BBQ’s, fundraising, welcoming visiting schools or after match functions, there are so many ways in which these groups assist in delivering a quality program that is often the envy of other schools. These groups are also a great way to get more involved in the holistic education of your son and we encourage all parents to assist where they can.

This week we are at home to St Aloysius’ in football and St Augustine’s in rugby. We are also travelling to Bridgidine College in Randwick for debating on Friday night, as well as various locations for AFL, tennis and cross country is at St Ives. Please allow appropriate travel time for those students at away venues.

STEM and Chess

Our STEM co-curricular group have also started well and I was impressed to see the remote control cars that these students are working on creating and then building. We also have our Chess program we are working on building up again. Any student in Years 7-12 is encouraged to come to the Library at lunchtimes to take part or to work with our International Grand Chess Master on Wednesdays at lunch in W24.

Winter Co-curricular photos next week

A reminder to all students and parents that next week we are taking the Winter Co-curricular photos after school in the Gym as per the schedule emailed this week.

Good luck to all activities this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’

From the Convenor of Rugby, Mr John McCoy

1st XV Match Report – Waverley College Vs St Ignatius’ College, Riverview

You could not have asked for better conditions to kick off the rugby season at Queens Park. It was glorious. The beautiful sunshine graced the playing fields at Death Valley for the fixtures between Waverley College and St Ignatius’ College, Riverview. The stage was set for another schoolboy classic.

Prior to the match, both sides engaged in an Acknowledgement of Country. This would be the third year that this most important Ceremony had taken place at Queens Park; to recognise and respect Aboriginal culture and the ongoing relationship the traditional owners have with their land.

As both teams faced up, it was clear that the Riverview pack had a weight and size advantage. Riverview kicked off into the sun and within minutes the first scrum was called. Waverley managed to hold solid early and on the back of this found space down the right sideline through Luca Martin. Despite a nice chip and chase, Martin just fell short of the line.

A majority of the first fifteen minutes was played around the halfway mark, as both teams seemed to gain and lose opportunities in quick time. Phoenix Baldwin was the man to change this pattern as he raced away down the left edge. Baldwin’s ‘never say die’ approach ensured he fought to the line for the first try.

It did not take long for the visiting side to hit back, finding a hole in the Waverley defensive line to go over. Another lapse in concentration on the pavilion side of the field had Riverview through for their second try. Worrying times for the Double V.

The Waves did not panic though and continued to play an upbeat attacking style of rugby, which the crowds love watching. Aisea Aholelei, who had made some fantastic contributions early in the game, was rewarded for his efforts with a nice try near the posts which was converted by Daniel Andrews.

While the opening of the match was quiet in the point scoring department, the scoring opened up at end of the first half. Harry Whiteman, who was shifted to Number 8 for the match played incredibly well. Whiteman was untouchable and his nice effort down the right side put Conor Molloy into space to touch down.

Riverview always found a way to keep hitting back and did so again through their speedy right winger, Nick Van Beek. The score was now locked at 19 all. Lathan Hutchinson-Walters, in his first game in the Double V jersey, was able to put Waves in front just before the break with a clever effort on the back of a “trick shot” involving Andrews and Baldwin.

Riverview commenced the second half on the attack. Strong goal line defence kept the home side just in front. However, when Riverview’s big tight head prop took the ball just in front of the posts, the lead soon changed.

The ball continued to flow from end to end, as crowds shuffled closer and closer to the edge of their seats. The difference in score did not seem to exceed a try throughout the contest. St Ignatius looked like going in to score, but a lost ball was collected by Tadgh Murphy who thundered across the Queens Park turf like a thoroughbred in the home straight at Royal Randwick.  With metres to run, “Tiger” was pulled down but secured a penalty to put the Blue and Gold back in front.

The pattern of the match continued as once again Riverview found a way to score through flanker, Oliver Johnston, who discovered a hole in Waverley’s defensive line. But that wasn’t it. The game just seemed to continue on and on. The crowd were now all on their feet!

Both teams threw everything at each other as the shadows grew longer and longer on the QP1 pitch. To add to the drama, Riverview were reduced to 14 with just minutes to go. With one final crack, Luca Martin tried to find a way through but the ball found the turf and the fulltime whistle blew. Riverview victorious 33-27 in a highly entertaining game of schoolboy rugby!

Around the Grounds

The 2nd XV displayed an incredible form reversal, defeating Riverview 7-0 in a match for the rugby purists. It was pleasing to see all members of this side work hard from the start to the very end, building phases, tackling hard and putting in a big effort for each other. Al Jensen was the only to cross the line in the match, finding space through the centre of the field. The 3rd XV also enjoyed a tight win. Patrick Kossenberg’s never say die effort when chasing down a kick, led to a penalty try which assisted in the 14-12 win. The 4th XV displayed some signs of improvement but Riverview were just too good on the day, as was the case in the 5th XV match up down on QP6.

The 16s had a terrific day, winning all four grades. A miraculous effort under the high ball from Zach Smith in the left hand corner put Waverley in front 17-14. This was a 50 point turnaround, as the 15As of 2017 had lost to Riverview 49-7. Congratulations to all players and coaches. The 15Bs also showed plenty of entertainment early on Saturday morning winning 59-5. This side welcomed Ronald Volkman who showed some nice touches in his first game for Waverley. The 16Cs had a courageous 20 points to 10 win, as did the 16Ds who tasted a very sweet 51-0 win with Ben Smith and Cooper Sergis having terrific games.

The 15s had some mixed results on Saturday. The 15As had a tough day in the office against a very strong Riverview side. While a few injuries did not help the side, the 15As will have to regroup ahead of another difficult assignment against St Augustine’s. I am confident they can bounce back! Conor Boyd-Boland, who was called up for the 15Cs late, was a star in the 15Bs 12-0 win. Due to a number of players being ruled out late, the 15Cs and 15Ds came together to play in two games. Thanks to all those boys who backed up for both games. Your efforts are noted and appreciated.

The mighty 14As took to the small Riverview oval like ducks to water. The forwards hunted like a tight wolf pack cutting down any Riverview attack in their tracks. With the first three touches of the ball Dane Towns crossed the Riverview line with ease. His pace and change of angle proving too much for the opposition. This set up the strong 50-14 win. 14Bs was another hard fought game which could have gone either way. Hugo Sewell came up with the “Tackle of the Season!” The 14Cs had a close loss, 29-10. At times Waverley looked like they were going to cross the line but some simple mistakes allowed the Riverview side back in the game. Finbar Moss was one of the stand out players. James Everleigh’s motivating speech at half time in the 14Ds was just not enough to get his team over the line in a thriller. Owen Punch and Zac Wilde fought hard for the 14Es but could not shut down the scoring of a very well drilled Riverview side.

The 13As came up against an impressive Ignatius side, with a particularly strong backline. Toby Unsworth did a good job stepping up to assist the 13Bs to their 21-7 victory. James Jones for the standout for the 13Cs in their dominant 69-0 win. The 13Ds scored a solid win as well which included an exciting long range try to Moyo Adewusi. The 13Es did particularly well in their 77 – 7 point win. Harry Hill was forced off the field late with a knee injury, but fortunately has made a quick recovery through the week and is ready for another big win this weekend!

Queens Park Canteen & BBQ Assistance – Thank You!

It was brilliant to see so many new faces assisting in the Canteen and on the BBQ last Saturday. The support in making our visitors feel welcome was excellent. On behalf of Waverley College a big thank you to all those who helped out last weekend.

We are again looking for support on the BBQ and Canteen this coming Saturday 12th May, as we are expecting big numbers at Queens Park. Parents and friends can simply click here to register your interest:

Thanks in advance for all those who volunteer their support throughout the season and make all visitors to Queens Park feel so welcome.

CAS/ISA/GPS Trial Round Vs St Augustine’s College/St Pius X College/Kinross Wolaroi

This weekend Waverley College faces up against three different Independent Sporting Association (ISA) schools in St Augustine’s from Brookvale, St Pius X from Chatswood and Kinross Wolaroi School from Orange. It is important that all those teams playing away from home leave plenty of time to get to venues – particularly those teams playing at Narrabeen.

It has been a number of years since Waverley College had played against St Augustine’s, St Pius X and Kinross, so this weekend it will be a new experience for many of our boys. All opponents this weekend should provide solid challenges for all our teams, and with cold weather predicted, it should present a different playing environment to what we have been used to. Players need to ensure they arrive early to matches for a thorough warm up.


Over the last two weeks, some of our Year 12 students have started to connect with our junior teams as part of our 2018 Rugby Mentoring Program. This has been a successful program in recent years, with Year 12 students gaining coaching experience as well as our younger players having the opportunity of interacting with some of their 1st XV heroes. This week our 1st XV team members in Luca Moretti, Tadgh Murphy and Daniel Andrews all assisted out 13Ds and 13Es with some skill work. Thanks to all senior players who have volunteered to assist.

The Importance of Mouthguards

A reminder that it is extremely important for all players to ensure that they wear a mouthguard to training as well as during every minute of every game played. In the case where a student may have lost or forgotten to bring along a mouthguard to training or to a game, players need to alert coaching staff and will need to sit out.

Mother’s Day

On behalf of the Waverley College Rugby Community, I would like to send a very happy Mother’s Day to all our Mums for Sunday! Thanks for always being so supportive and caring to our boys. We hope you get spoiled on Sunday morning with breakfast in bed and plenty of gifts. I know our Food Technology teachers have been working closely with the boys this week to ensure the toast does not burn! Have a great day!

Good luck to all teams this weekend!


During the school holidays Stuart Swinburn, Year 11, competed at the Australian National Age Swimming Championships in Sydney. Based on his performance at the championships Stuart was selected to join two Junior Australian swimming teams.

Junior Pan Pacs in Suva Fiji (24 – 28 August 2018)

Stuart is one of 15 boys and 15 girls who have qualified to represent Australia at the Championships. The Pan Pacs Championships is held every two years and is one of the premier international swimming competitions for both junior and open swimmers.  The countries that compete at Pan Pacs are all countries associated with the Pacific Ocean including the strong swimming nations of the USA, Canada, Japan and Australia.

Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina (6 -18 October 2018)

Stuart has also been selected in a small team of 8 swimmers (4 boys and 4 girls) to compete for Australia at Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires.  The Youth Olympics are based on the same program as the Olympics with 28 sports held in the summer games.  Stuart will be part of a larger Australian team who will enjoy the experience of living in a games village, mixing with athletes from different sports and different countries.  He might even learn some Spanish.

Australian Age Swimming Championships

There were five Waverley swimmers competing at the National Age Championships in Sydney this year, a significant achievement to qualify, these were:

From Coach and Director of Student Wellbeing, Matthew Porter

Waverley AFL First XVIII

The season started in fine fashion with the Waverley First XVIII (83) defeating St Joseph’s XVIII (48) on Saturday May 5th. Waverley started well in the first quarter with a quick flurry of goals. Unfortunately, a few Waverley errors saw St Joseph’s finish the quarter strongly and the game was evenly poised going into the second quarter. Baxter Oleksyn and Steve Morrissey got Waverley off to a great start with 3 goals between them in the opening minutes. However, obvious early season skill errors and a series of free kicks to St Joseph’s kept them within reach with the score 42-30 at half time. The third quarter was a real arm-wrestle with spirited efforts from Xavier Slezak, Toby Renshaw, Ashley Backlund and Darcy Mullins. This combined with clean skills and many defensive efforts to give Waverley the edge going into the final quarter. St Joseph’s played very well all day although a strong last quarter from Waverley lead by Thomas Tysons, Harry Whitaker and Max D’Agostino’s 4 goal performance gave Waverley their first win of the season by 35 points.

Waverley 12-11-83 defeated St Joseph’s 7-6-48

Max D’Agostina – 4,
Darcy Mullins, Baxter Oleksyn – 2
Toby Renshaw, Will Davison, Tommy Tyson, Steve Morrissey – 1

From Coach Fred Pawle

Waverley AFL 9/10’s

After a much anticipated first clash of the season, Waverley 9/10’s (136) defeated Riverview 9/10’s (21) on Saturday May 5th. Waverley came out of the sheds with a bang, converting almost every chance they had at goals. Waverley kept Riverview scoreless for the first quarter and cleared the ball on every opportunity possible, this was due to the ability for Waverley’s mid’s to stream back and assist the back men. Waverley once again came out hard in the second quarter with the midfield taking control of the game and handing it off for the forwards to convert opportunities. Waverley made good use of their wing players to run the ball, the quarter was filled with more goals from Waverley and by the end of the first half Reid McNamara had bagged a handful of goals, once again Waverley kept Riverview scoreless. During the third quarter Riverview began to fight back and provided an arm-wrestle for the premiership quarter, scoring 20 of their 21 points during this quarter. Meanwhile Waverley’s scoring was quickly reduced and we were restricted to only 3 goals and a few behinds. Just as Waverley came out of the sheds with a bang, they also went into the sheds with a bang and drove Riverview into the ground, making good use of skills through the midfield and used a few long bombs and runs to energise the team. Zac Murphy and Bodhi Reiners finished the game with a few snags each and showed the competition that Waverley is a team to be feared. Waverley showed they have potential from the start of this season and they must capitalise on what they have done well and tweak a few parts of their game in order to have a shot at the premiership.

Notable performances were, Bodhi Reiners, Xavier Ruppert, Zac Murphy, Reid McNamara, Ollie Rinder, Jack Harris and Will Mazor.

From Coach William Tyson

Waverley AFL 7/8A’s Team Report

7/8A’s Waverley V St Aloysius

Round one of the year brought us out to ELS Hall oval in North Ryde. A good pre-season training had the boys eager and determined to start the round right. The way they played made them look like a team that had been together for years, but this was the first time most of them had played together which was very impressive. St Aloysius had packed a respectful, tough side to take on Waverley playing a very similar brand of footy the Waverley boys like to play. The first quarter was tightly contested and very tight for most the duration, but a few handy goals gave us a lead that would only grow. As the game progressed the heat of the contest lowered, and the boys really started to take control and play the way they like to play, fast and skilled football. By 3-quarter time there was talk of mercy rule being put in place but St Aloysius never seemed to go completely away. The game eventually closed out giving Waverley a convincing win to start the regular season. All the boys had put in respectful efforts. The structured and clever backline often had to play with one man down as St Aloysius brought their wingers into the forward line, this was no problem for the boys as in attack they would shift up the field and help the rest of the team and when the ball turned over they would quickly transition into defence. The midfield was tough, they tackle hard, put their head over the ball and run all day. The forward line also had a good day in the office, with minimal behinds and the ball being used for scoring in the best possible positions, they played for the team not themselves.

Waverley 79 defeated St Aloysius 10

Best Players: Luke Higgins, Louis Kitto, Angus Anthony, Max Murphy, Sam Stewart

From Coach Matthew Miller

Waverley AFL 7/8B’s Team Report

This week the 7/8B’s Waverley boys came up against a strong Cranbrook team in their first game for the season. The game started off evenly with both teams trading goals and behinds throughout the first two quarters however, Cranbrook was beginning to gain control as the half came to a close. With some key performances from the midfield group, the Waverley boys were able to storm out of the gates into the second half and quickly gain back the lead. Waverley ended up continuing these efforts throughout the rest of the game and as a result started the season off with a comfortable win. All up it was an excellent effort from all players on the field and we hope to see the same in the next game when the boys come up against Shore on Saturday.

Waverley 45 Defeated Cranbrook 33

Best Players: Jude Duckman, Jay Palm, Tobias Malzard, Charley Roberts, Charles Hudson


From the AFL Coordinator, Alan Riordan

AFL Umpires Course

This week saw our annual AFL umpire course start for the third consecutive year. It’s a great course with all participants being registered and having their AFL umpire qualifications at the conclusion of the course. The boys learn and experience plenty of ‘on field training’ while also respecting the Umpires final decision. The boys are also able to earn money for umpiring actual games which is all organised and run by AFLNSW.

If there are any students interested in completing this free course, which runs each Wednesday morning from 7am at the Queens Park Pavilion, please feel free to email your interest to Mr Riordan, the College’s AFL coordinator via email

As textbook prices continue to rise, many university students are having to choose between buying textbooks and covering their daily living expenses. With the average cost of a textbook at Australian universities exceeding $100, and many courses requiring multiple textbooks, the Capstone Editing Textbook Grant can seriously reduce the financial burden associated with the start of semester. The $3,000 Capstone Editing Textbook Grant for Undergraduates is provided in the form of one $1,000 gift voucher per year for three years in the form of gift vouchers to the Co-op bookshop (or another bookshop chosen by the recipient).

It is aimed at first-year university students and is awarded on 1 February every year. Applications are open all year, thus most students apply in Year 12 so they can access the first $1,000 instalment for the first year of their tertiary studies. Applications can be made online here

From the Head of Careers and Senior Studies, Kath Knowles

Advice for choosing HSC Courses from NSW Education Standards Authority

Your aim is to attain the best HSC result you can. So, you should choose courses that you are good at, interested in and may use in the future.

When considering which courses to study, explore the content of a course. For example, what are the course outcomes? Will you be required to submit a major work, or perform, as part of your exams? Talk with your teachers about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as individual course requirements, before making your selections.

Read the advice

University of Sydney Year 10 Info Evenings

Join us on campus for a fun and informative evening. You will hear from a range of speakers including University staff and students.

Camperdown/Darlington Campus – University of Sydney Thursday 17 May 2018, 6 – 8pm

Register now

UNSW Sydney Scholarships Information Evening

June 5 | John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington

The Scholarships Information Evening provides depth and detail on the range of scholarships at UNSW and the application process.

The evening is aimed at Year 11 and 12 students and their parents.

Find out more

Bachelor Of Advanced Computing Information Evening

June 21 | University of Sydney

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies at the University of Sydney is launching its new Bachelor of Advanced Computing degree in 2018. Join us at an information evening where you will learn more about this new degree and the opportunities that it brings to our students.

Find out more

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Year 11 & 12 Information Evening

May 29 | Sydney Nanoscience Hub

Join us for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies’ Year 11 and 12 Information Evening to find out everything you need to know about studying engineering, computing, technology or project management at Sydney University.

Find out more

Uni of Wollongong General Info Evenings for 2019

Sutherland Tuesday, 15 May
Kogarah Tuesday, 26 June
Find out more

UNSW Engineering Info Day

Tuesday, 15 May 8:30am to 3:30pm

UNSW Engineering’s High School Information Day is designed to give year 11 & 12 students the opportunity to sample several fields of engineering through interesting and stimulating hands-on activities over a day at UNSW Kensington Campus.

Find out more

UTS Engineering and IT Undergrad Info Evening

Thursday 14 June 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Hear from industry professionals about future tech careers and the skills you need to get there. Follow with key course information for engineering and IT and UTS.

Register now

Find out more

 Discover Nursing @ UTS
Thursday 21 June 5:30 pm

Wednesday 18 July 5:30 pm

There’s more to modern nursing than meets the eye. Whether you’re in high school, TAFE, working as an AIN or EN or looking to embark on a change in career, this session is for you. Hear from nursing academics and current students before touring our world-class clinical laboratories and taking part in a hands-on workshop.

Find out more

University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program – Sydney

Applications Close Tuesday 31 July

Are you motivated, forward-thinking and eager to get a head start on your future? Secure a place at Notre Dame before you sit your final Year 12 exams with the Early Offer Program.

Apply here –

Contact (02) 8204 4404 or

Early Offer and Parent Information Session – Tuesday 26 June at Chippendale

Find out more

Notre Dame – Getting to Know Nursing

Tuesday 22 May, 6pm

160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from our guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Places are limited. Please register here or contact us on 02 8204 4404 or for further information.

Book here

 UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome to attend. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more

NIDA Open Day

Saturday 16 June

Find out more

Applications for 2019

Applications for 2019 Bachelor & Diploma Courses are open from 2 July to 30 September.

Apply here from July

The Hotel School Info Evening

Sydney 30 May

During the Hotel School Info Evening event prospective students have the unique opportunity to experience ‘The Hotel School Advantage’, meet academics and other key support staff and find out about studying at The Hotel School.

Find out more

The Ultimate US/UK University Expo: Real Australian Students!

Saturday May 26

Are you serious about studying overseas? Don’t miss this opportunity to meet students from around Australia who have recently gained admission to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, Columbia and more! Hear how they planned their journey, how they picked the universities to apply to and their tips for acing the academics, essays and interviews.

Use this link to get 50% off your ticket exclusive to MHS subscribers:

Australian Catholic University – University Experience

July 10 – North Sydney Campus

University Experience is a free program that gives you the opportunity to sample the degree of your choice. Get a taste of life at ACU by meeting academic staff and current students and trying out the course you’re interested in.

Find out more

ACU Early Entry Program

Regular volunteer work in your community – through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group – may be rewarded through our Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study with us.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018

Find out more

ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more

ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more

 ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more 

Professional Cadetships Australia – Business, and Engineering & Tech Cadetships

Applications for the Business Cadetships Program opened on 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. The 2018 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship at UBS, a top-ranking global bank.

Applications for the 2018 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program open on Monday 30 April. Under this Program, Engineering Cadets are placed at Cubic Transportation Systems and Technology Cadets are placed at Macquarie Group.

For details of these programs and for the Business Cadetships online application form, go to

SAVE THE DATE! Career Kickstarter – Business and Accounting – 23 May@ Luna Park 

Previously known as “Meet the Business Leader”. Year 12 students are invited to attend to meet with and hear from business leaders in Industry.  Students will also learn about work experience and scholarship opportunities.  Registrations will open in the coming weeks.

ADF Gap Year applications for 2019 have opened

It’s a unique opportunity for your students to try out a career in Navy, Army or Air Force and get a feel for a military life without committing for a longer period.

In 2019 there are 14 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery and even flight crew, plus this year we’re offering 30 Army Officer roles – places are limited.

Army Infantry Soldier – Closes 14 May 2018

Army Driver – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Administration Assistant – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Warehouse Assistant – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Air Defence Operator – Closes 21 May 2018

Air Force Warehouse Storeperson – Closes 28 May 2018

Air Force Aviation Support Technician – Closes 28 May 2018

Air Force Airbase Protection and Security – Closes 4 June 2018

Air Force Administration Assistant – Closes 4 June 2018

Closing dates are driven by demand and may close sooner than listed.

Apply now

Defence Info Sessions

May 15 Parramatta: Comms, It & Intelligence Roles Info Session

May 16 Parramatta: Gap Year Information Session

May 17 Parramatta: Trade Careers Information Session

UMAT 2018

Thinking of studying medicine, dentistry or health sciences? You need to know about UMAT.

UMAT stands for the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test. It’s a test that’s designed to help select students for undergraduate medicine and health science programs for participating universities.

If you’re in your final year of secondary school and want to enter a medicine or health science degree next year then you need to sit UMAT in 2018. It’s only held once a year.

In 2018 it will be held on Wednesday 25 July, 2018

Find out more

Teach.nsw Get Paid to Study

Want to become a teacher? You could get paid to study and have a guaranteed job on graduation. Subscribe to their mailing list to find out more .

AIT Info Night

May 23 – Sydney

AIT’s Info night is perfect for those wanting to explore the endless opportunities available in the growing creative industry.

Find out more

AIT Open Day

July 28 – Sydney

Join us at our Open Day in July and learn all about AIT, the creative industry and amazing opportunities available to you.

Find out more

Academy of Interactive Entertainment – Industry Experience Day

July 13 – Sydney & Canberra

AIE’s Industry Experience Days are a great opportunity for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to learn about the local and international game development, 3D animation and visual effects industries. Students will get the opportunity to learn about the different pathways to get into the industry, what should be in a portfolio and will be able to get creative in practical workshops using industry-standard 3D animation and game development tools.

Find out more

AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using Adobe After Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now

Become a Drone Pilot

Upcoming course dates for RePL training in Sydney:

21 May (Monday) – 25 May (Friday)

Find out more

AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals at AFTRS’ state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.

Jul 02 The Real Filmmaking Workshop: 13-17

Jul 09 AFTRS Trop Jr Filmmaking: 10-15

 NECA Electrotechnology Apprenticeships

At NECA we’re here to help you complete a national qualification that supports a career in data/ communication, home automation, renewable energy, construction, the installation of lights, power, air conditioning, fire protection, building management systems and more.

They pay for everything, including your tools, and you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification.

80% of their apprentices graduate and 99% of graduates find a job in the first 3 months, with up to $91k starting salary.

Apply here

Check out their infographic


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Find out more

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

NSW Police Recruitment

The police force is recruiting, and they’ve launched a new Facebook page.

They’re also running info sessions and practice sessions for the Physical Capacity Test.

Recruitment Information Session – Parramatta COMING SOON
Saturday 16 June 9.00am – 12.00pm

Find out more

Real Estate Training Reforms

NSW Parliament has passed reforms which increase the training requirement for Real Estate Agents. The previous course took 5 days (or less), but now recruits will need to complete more units and undergo 12 months industry experience before they can become a Licence holder.

Read more here 


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

SkillsShow Australia

2-4 June ICC Darling Harbour

Skills Show Australia 2018 provides visitors with an opportunity to discover future careers through interactive events, demonstrations and competitions. It aims to equip young Australians with the knowledge to make an informed choice about their future career options. The Skills Show also provides them with a unique chance to network with the hundreds of industry and educational experts.

There are robotics competitions, and Try’aSkill events, plus much more.

Register to attend (it’s free)

 Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here

FREE Maximising Exam Marks Lecture

Sunday 17 June 2018 | 10am to 2pm | UNSW Sydney

Examinations are a great source of stress for students, but it doesn’t need to be this way. With the right advice and a solid study plan, you can reduce stress levels, cut down on study time and significantly improve examination marks!

Valued at over $150, this lecture is FREE when you make a $10 donation to The Fred Hollows Foundation on the day.
Book now

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

 TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4

Find out more

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores

TSFX: HSC Study Tips 

 Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students

Tips for note-taking

Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job.
Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here

 Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here

Will Robots Take My Job?

Worried about robots stealing your job? Find out the chances of your chosen field becoming automated in the future.

Take the test

Where could STEM take you?

 STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?

Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here

 Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018.