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From Mr James Horrocks, Head of Brennan House

2018 has started off with a busy term for all in Brennan House.  There has been a wealth of activities for all members of the house to get involved in and we have been lucky enough to have been very successful across a number of these activities.

After a long and restful Christmas break we welcomed our new Year 7 cohort and introduced them to the Wellbeing Groups they will be in during their time in the Senior School.  These Year 7 boys have thrown themselves into being a part of the Brennan Community along with the assistance of their Year 12 ‘Big Brothers’.  Not long after their initial orientation, Year 7 went on their first camp as a year group to the Broken Bay Sport and Recreation Camp.  This camp is always a big highlight for our Year 7 students and works as a fantastic way for them to meet the other members of their year group and form some new friendships.  While on the camp they were able to get involved in a number of activities, ranging from raft building, to bushwalking, to cooking their own damper.  It was fantastic to see the boys really involve themselves each of these activities and get as much as possible out of everything that was on offer to them.

Back at school, our Brennan Wellbeing Mentors have been continuing to work with their Mentor Groups each morning on a wide range of personal, social and cultural topics, addressing important issues such as combating bullying, International Women’s Day, Earth Hour and setting personal goals for the year.  It has been great to see these groups engaged in animated discussions and activities each morning, as well as creating a welcoming and positive environment for all students as the first thing they encounter every morning at Waverley.  Other key Wellbeing events throughout the Term have involved the running of presentations for each year group addressing the issue of cyber bullying.  These presentations were run by “Brainstorm Productions” and seek to educate students on the serious impact that their online behaviour can have on those around them.

This term also saw the running of the House Swimming Carnival.  For the second year in a row, Brennan were a force to be reckoned with, placing third on the day.  Congratulations to all of the boys for their efforts in the pool, as well as out of the pool cheering their mates on from the stands.  The participation this year was better than I have ever seen it, as was the pride in which the boys showed in their house.  Our war cries were great, but can definitely be improved upon in preparation to defend our title at the Athletics Carnival later this year.  In other house competitions this term, our Year 7 boys were unfortunately eliminated in the first round of the Dodgeball Competition.  However, in the House FIFA Competition, Axel Pinkstone and Leo Carr did the entire house proud by making the semi-finals and beating some much older opposition along the way.  This earned Brennan House more valuable points in a very closely fought House Competition.

As part of our Lenten Appeal this year, fundraising has been a major focus for Brennan House with boys raising funds for the Ruben Centre, based in Africa.  This charity does some amazing work and the efforts of the boys to donate and take part in the Mufti Day has helped raise a very substantial amount of money that will truly make a difference for the many people supported by the Ruben Centre.  Meanwhile, the entire school banded together to throw their support behind the World’s Greatest Shave for Leukemia.  Again, Waverley was able to raise a fantastic amount of money, contributing over $16,000 to the Leukemia Foundation!  It is excellent to see boys taking action and being so keen to get involved in any way they can, every little bit helps make a difference.

Week 4 saw the running of the Brennan House Mass, during which our Spirituality Prefect, Luca Zanarini, challenged all students in Brennan House to work hard in the face of adversity and to look for ways to support and encourage each other in our times of need.  This was an excellent message and challenge to the boys and has set a good tone for the year to come.  I encourage all students to remember this call to action and to implement it as often as possible throughout 2018.

On Friday of Week 5 we held our Term 1 Brennan House breakfast.  This event is always a pleasant and informal way for all families within Brennan House to come together and also for mentors, families and students to catch up and welcome the new academic year.  It was great to see so many parents and students make their way in and take part in what was a great morning.

Mentor/Parent/Student interviews, as well as Parent/Teacher interviews both took place this term and are an excellent opportunity for students to sit down with their parents and teachers or mentors to discuss some targeted goals for the rest of the year.  Following on from these interviews all students should start putting together a plan set themselves on a path to achieving these new goals.

Congratulations also goes out to the newly elected Brennan SRC members.  These boys all submitted excellent applications and have demonstrated a strong desire to help in a wide variety of school areas.  I look forward to seeing the initiatives they implement throughout the remainder of the year.  The Brennan House SRC members for 2018 are:

Last, but certainly not least, some “thank you”s.  Firstly, to all of the Brennan House Wellbeing Mentors whose help, beyond just Wellbeing Time, in everything from preparing food at the house breakfast, to helping at the swimming carnival has been amazing this term and has helped each event be a success. Secondly, to our excellent Prefect team of Coen Finati, Luca Zanarini, Daniel Andrews, Daniel Hassan and Ethan Reid for their leadership and the example they have set throughout the term.  Finally, to each member of Brennan House and their families for the way in which everyone has approached the beginning of 2018 with positivity and a desire to achieve their best.  I look forward to everything that the rest of the year has to bring.

Wishing you a safe and restful holiday break with family and loved ones.


From Olivia Kite, Head of Quinn House

The start to 2018 has seen Quinn students succeed in many facets of College life.

Our new Year 7 students began their time at the College getting to know their Big Brother. These relationships are formed to provide guidance, advice and friendship to Year 7 students and to help set them up for the exciting year ahead. Each boy in Year 7 and Year 12 also participated in a Letter Writing Program for their partner to receive on their last day of school this year. It will be wonderful to see how these letters reflect each student journey when they are finally opened.

Week 2 saw Year 7 travel across the Hawkesbury River to Broken Bay for their Year 7 Camp. The camp is a wonderful opportunity for students to build friendships, gain confidence, explore Australia’s history, support and encourage one another through a range of physical and mental activities, test their Harry Potter trivia knowledge and bake damper over an open fire. Our newest Quinn members showed leadership, kindness, initiative, mateship and a love for the outdoors. The boys returned from camp excited about their new friendships and eager to start the academic year.

The Quinn Prefects; Hunter Markham, Jack Hardwicke-Owen, Kiva Gwynne and Joseph Wightwick helped to lead Quinn House to their second Swimming Carnival Victory. The carnival took place at Homebush Olympic Pool and was the perfect opportunity for students to show off their talents in the pool. The boys cheered on their mates from the sidelines and showed an impressive desire and drive to participate in as many events as possible. Congratulations to our championship swimmers on the day: Scott Swinburn, Angus Anthony, Giulian D’Ettorre and Jack Fitzgerald, Finn McLean (who recorded two PB) and Henry Standfield. Thank you to all those boys who participated and cheered their loudest, it was a great day for Quinn and everyone involved.

The College also celebrated Lent in Term 1. The College supported the Ruben Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. The Ruben Centre aims to provide quality education, health, financial and social services to children and families in the Mukuru Community. The College celebrated Lent and supported the Ruben Centre with a mufti-day in Week 6. Thank you to all those boys who participated and donated. Your contributions to the Lenten Appeal was much appreciated.

There were two House Competitions hosted in Term 1: Year 7 Dodgeball and FIFA World Cup. Each competition sought to raise money for the College’s Lenten Appeal and encourage boys to participate and build House spirit. Congratulations to Conlon who won the Dodgeball and Tevlin who won the FIF World Cup competition.

2018 also saw the introduction of ‘Gold Awards’. The Gold Awards replace the previous Bronze Award students received for effort, leadership and achievement. Congratulations to the following Quinn students who received one or more Gold Awards this term: Gian Bonanni, Nicholas Bosnar, Thomas Clothier, Oliver Davis, Giulian D’Ettorre, Aaron Dimovitch, Joshua Hamilton, Charles Hely-Hammond, Jeremy Herbert, Lenny Joseph, Kurt Kress, Saxon Armstrong, Axel Runow, Lachlan McLean, Gabriel Rutter, Dylan Purbrick, Dane Perica, Gabe Fox, Darcy Standfield, Aidan Korpar, Tom Stewart, Bellino Testafredda, Vin Toresellini, Jackson Cunningham, Karl Skeed, Andrew Custodio, Hirav Gandhi, Frank Vescio, Harry Whiteman, Jasper Doyle, Matthew Wong, Joshua Lower, Max Van Buuren, Chris Kallo, Sam Stewart, Mark Gaponov, William Heffernan and Kai Moonen-Narita.

Congratulations to the below boys on their incredible efforts in sport so far in 2018:

Thank you to each and every student who has engaged constructively with their peers and teachers during wellbeing time, in the playground and in class, to be positive and prominent role models within Quinn House and the wider College community.

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy break.

I look forward to seeing you in Term 2.




Waverley College students have free access to the Typing Tournament program, which helps develop typing skills through 16 fun, levelled lessons.  This is a great way for boys to gain confidence and speed when using their computers in school, and for homework, especially with the introduction of NAPLAN online.

Accessing the program is very simple, and a link can be found on the Power Learning Haiku page, via the About the Library / E-resources / Digital Learning Resources tab.

Or go to

Here you will see a list of logins arranged by Year level. The program allows you to log in on any device, and students can either begin at the first lesson, or jump in at their current typing level. They then complete the 16 lessons, or battles, which are based in a Medieval Realm.

Perhaps your son would like to log on in the holidays, and get a head start for next term!

For any login questions or help please call the Library (there will be a staff member on hand during the school holidays to take any questions, 9am to 3pm, ph 9369 0639).


From Catherine M O’Sullivan, Head of Conlon House

Term 1 has been a busy, productive and rewarding term for Conlon House. As a community we welcomed nineteen Year 5 students and their families to the College and twenty-six Year 7 boys began their high school journey. We enjoyed success in Inter-House competitions, had some outstanding co-curricula results and many boys enthusiastically supported the World’s Greatest Shave and the National Day of Action against Bullying. We congratulated past Conlon students at the High Achievers assembly and had an overwhelming number of boys receive Gold Awards and Head of College Awards.

I would like to formally thank our wonderful Wellbeing mentors for their work with the boys in Term 1, they continue to provide your son/s with a warm, caring and sometimes humorous start to their day: Ms Jennifer Hoare & Mr Anthony Gill (Junior School) Mr Phil Davis (CO 1), Mr Nick Brophy (CO 2), Mr Paul Cornish (CO 3), Mrs Karen Jones (CO 4), Mrs Mary Ryan (CO 5), Ms Kaitlyn Downey (CO 6) Mrs Sherri Falkinder (CO 7), Mr David Reidy (CO 8), Mr Bruce Dominish (CO 9), Mr Richard Bryant (CO 10) and Mrs Susanne Pinter (CO 11)

Our Prefect leaders for 2018 are Ryan Connolly, Luca Martin, Jonathon Schacht, Anthony Roydhouse, George Pantazis and Samuel King. They have been wonderful role models through their enthusiastic, motivating and community building leadership.

Year 7’s first day at the College was shared with their Yr 12 ‘big brothers’ who enjoyed taking them under their wing for the day – sharing their knowledge and ‘insider tips’,  playing games, learning to read timetables, effectively use their diaries etc. The Year 12 boys are to be commended on the way they embraced this responsibility, and they will continue to have this close relationship with their ‘little brothers’ during the year.

Later in the term, the Year 10 students were paired up with Conlon Year 5 students to participate in the first session of the Yr5/Yr10 ‘big brother/little brother’ program. Our Yr 10 and Year 5 boys spent time together sharing stories.This is the beginning of a three year journey designed to assist with the Year 5’s transition into High School.

The Year 7 camp in week 2 was a great opportunity for the boys to form friendships and to begin their high school journey together with their Conlon peers. The boys had an opportunity to throw themselves into a range of activities – such as raft building, bushwalking, hiking, team building and initiative games. They faced many challenges, but, were always encouraging and supportive of each other. These friendships will serve them well throughout their time at the College, and indeed as the old boys of the future.

On Friday, 9th March together with Fr. Bernie Thomas ofm we celebrated our Conlon House Mass.  Our Yr 12 Spirituality prefect, Jonathan Schacht gave a very insightful interpretation of the gospel reading and linking his words to our theme ‘Speak through Action, concluded his reflection with ‘Actions really do speak louder than words. Take that extra step and challenge the possibilities of your own limitations and be the change that you want to see, just as Jesus did’.

This term we experienced some success in Inter-House competitions. Our Year 7 boys displayed great skill and team work by winning the Dodgeball competition. Tom Fellstead and Flynn Wild from Year 10 showed exceptional determination and concentration by making it all the way to the ‘nail biting’ final of the FIFA World Cup competition and just missing out on the win in the last few seconds of the game.They, however, showed terrific sportsmanship in defeat.  Although finishing 4th in the Inter house swimming competition, the Conlon boys, lead by our Year 12 leaders demonstrated their tremendous spirit, team work and courage by their participation and their support and encouragement of every swimmer. We cannot wait to sing our new Conlon chants, written by our Year 12 boys at the Athletics carnival.

Congratulations to the 55 Conlon boys who have received Gold Awards this term. Congratulations to the following boys who received a Head of College Award for the accumulation of 3 Gold awards; Lang Curran, Van Larkin, Saem Goffe, Campbell Groves, Lachlan Manastrovski, Edoardo De Vecchi, Hayden wild, Harry Lee, Finn Nebauer, Cooper O’Donnell, Flynn Schulz and John Walsh.

Congratulations to the following boys on their Co-curricula achievements;  Erwan Le Pechoux, Jonathon Schacht (Swimming Captains), Peter Cassimatis, Campbell Groves, Cooper Gee, Zoltahn Szabo, Judah Miller (swimming) Anthony Roydhouse, Joshua Magdas, Joshua Cornelius, Fynn Weston (Water Polo), Angelo Di Bartolo, Peter Cassimatis (basketball), Zachary Straker, Luca Latinovic (Cycling) Sam Johnson (Touch Football), Ryan Connolly, Oliver Ruse, Hunter Eldridge (Cricket).

Congratulations to our  Conlon SRC representatives ; Matthew Frost, Hunter Eldridge (Junior School), Samuel King, George Pantazis, Ash Backlund, Lachlan Manastiruvski, Oliver Ruse, Vassillos Pairidis, Ryan Smith, Max Johnston, Josh Conacher-Smith, Patrick Hoggett, Cooper O’Donnell, James Hoggett, Christian Kitas, Tom Highes and Evander Hudson.

Thank you to all members of the Conlon House Community for ensuring our young men have had the best possible start to 2018. I look forward to an equally rewarding Term 2. I sincerely welcome all new and returning parents to the Conlon community and wish you all a safe and restful break over the holidays.

From John McCoy, Head of Aungier House

Aungier House welcomed new students to the senior campus on the 31 January, 2018. Students from Year 7 partnered up with their ‘Big Brothers’ in Year 12. Our Year 12 students were able to gently guide their new ‘Little Brothers’ around the school, and engaged in a number of activities aimed at making positive connections early.

To extend on the Big Brother/Little Brother Program in 2018, our Year 5 students were also partnered up with Year 10 students. This was designed to assist in building stronger relationships between our senior and junior students, with the intention of giving our younger members confidence in making the transition to high school as well as giving our senior students leadership opportunities.

During Week 2, Year 7 students were able to gather as a year cohort and attend the Year 7 Camp at Broken Bay. Students were involved in bushwalking, initiative exercises, high ropes as well as the much enjoyed canoeing and raft building on the glorious Hawkesbury River.

Aungier Year 7 students prepare for the race to the water!

Week 2 and 3 provided Aungier Students with the opportunity to engage in the Religious life of Waverley College. The Commencement Mass was held at St Mary’s Cathedral, the spiritual home of Sydney’s Catholic Community. The Aungier House Mass was also a significant occasion for students in Years 5-12 to come together in prayer and reflection. The key theme of our Mass this year was “Speak through Action”. Aungier House Prefect, Domenic Abruzzese, gave a thoughtful reflection on how students in Aungier should focus on what good they can do for the community.

Wednesday 21 February, will be an evening many Year 9 students will remember fondly as they completed the Year 9 Ballroom Dancing with St Clare’s College. Reports came through that talented Aungier students Jack Fingleton and James Elfes were selected as having the best dance moves on the night!

The Wellbeing Interviews took place on Monday 26th February. This was an opportunity for students and parents to catch up with our very supportive Aungier House Wellbeing Mentors to review the individual student effort of 2017 and set important goals for the new year.

The House Swimming Carnival took place at SOPAC, Homebush in Week 7. Strong efforts by our star swimmers including Max Dimitrijevic, Mackenzie Palmer, Leo Astridge, Ben Finegan, Luke Stewart and Lathan Hutchinson-Walters, had Aungier sitting in 2nd position at one stage. Aungier House ended the day in 6th position which was a big improvement on the 8th place in 2017. In the words of Lennon & McCartney, “I’ve got to admit its getting better!” I look forward to seeing a podium finish in 2019!

As the term hit Week 8, the Waverley College Cadet Unit, along with the new Year 8 recruits, travelled out to Douglas Park for the Annual Field Exercise. Despite a mixture of weather conditions including some extremely hot periods and heavy rainfalls, all students had a very enjoyable time. Congratulations to Year 12 Aungier students, Stephen Davies, Farrell Sutanto, Dean Theodorakakis and Jasper Wilde, who had a significant involvement in directing the camp as senior cadets.

The Aungier House Assemblies provided a point for Aungier Students in Years 5-12 to mix together. This term, the Aungier House Song and the Aungier “Man of the Week” award was launched. Congratulations to the following students who received this prestigious award in Term 1 for such items as raising a tremendous amount of money for charity and being all round great members of our community:

Next term, while slightly shorter, is another very busy term for students in Aungier House. Students will return to classes on Tuesday 1st May in their full school winter uniforms, including long sleeve shirt, tie and blazer. Our Year 12 students will have their Mid-Semester Examinations in the opening weeks of term. Years 5, 7 and 9 will sit the NAPLAN testing on the 15, 16 and 17 May. Students in Year 10 will have their Career Profile interviews. Years 7-10 will commence Half-Yearly Examinations in Week 6. On the co-curricular front, Winter sports will be in full swing with the commencement of the CAS season.

I would like to congratulate all students in Aungier House for the positive start to the school year. I would like to thank the Aungier Wellbeing Mentors for their wonderful support of students in Aungier. I wish all students the very best as we move into the next chapter of 2018.

Have a safe and restful holiday period.


From John McCallum, Head of Tevlin House

Tevlin House has had a highly positive and rewarding first term of 2018, with students enthusiastically engaging in numerous activities across our school.  All Tevlin boys from Years 5-12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated with the way in which they have developed relationships and supported Waverley’s Wellbeing and House Program. It has been pleasing to witness our vertical wellbeing groups help form genuine friendships between students, and the Year 12 students in particular have excelled in their role as Big Brothers, especially with new Year 7 boys in their groups. Year 5 and 10 boys have also begun fostering a great big and little brother relationship over some games and a fantastic Scavenger Hunt that will only develop with further upcoming activities over the year.

The Year 7 Camp was the first opportunity for Tevlin Year 7s to form new and strong friendships, whilst challenging themselves in outdoor activities. Our 27 Tevlin boys thoroughly enjoyed activities at the picturesque Broken Bay Centre, including raft-building, a high ropes course, bushwalking and a great outdoor campfire with the boys making their own damper – loved with honey and maple syrup lavished inside!

Tevlin House Activities

Term 1 has seen daily meetings of Mentor Groups, with boys and their Mentors engaging strongly with some meaningful activities on a theme of “Speaking through Action”. This has included Units and activities on building positive social connections, Respecting difference and resolving conflict and making a positive difference in the lives of others. It has been fantastic to see boys sharing experiences, viewpoints and encouraging inclusivity within these activities.  Tevlin has its House Social Justice issue in supporting homelessness and marginalised groups, and this term has seen some fantastic support of the The Ruben Centre, which is situated in the most poverty stricken slum in Nairobi, Kenya. This has been a large focus of the Lenten period leading in to Easter, with Waverley boys demonstrating their generosity and reminded of the true servant leadership of Jesus in the Gospels.

Tevlin boys also showed enthusiastic participation Harmony Day and Anti-Bulling Week, including a personal pledge towards standing up and speaking out against bullying…even if our voice shakes. Our new Tevlin SRC Members have begun training and along with Prefects were inspired to activate for change and equality on the International Women’s Day Breakfast Seminar. The Student Representative Council boys from Tevlin include Jett McTavish, Hugh McDonald, Angus Birrell, Vasili Versonis, Daniel Di Francesco, Conor Boyd-Boland, Charlie Tindale, Levi Milford, Ethan Vella ,Harry Whitaker, Brad Marzol and Oliver Small. We also congratulated our Junior School House captains in House Captain Jack Kearney, and Vice-captain Tristan Lee.

Inter-House Sports Competitions

Both Junior and Senior House Swimming carnivals were thoroughly enjoyed by the Tevlin boys, demonstrating both determination and some fantastic house spirit. The Junior school boys again finished in the top 3, which Year 7 also managed in the House dodgeball competition. A term 1 highlight was the dominant victory by Year 12 boys Dean Nappa and Luki Vujovic in the inaugural Waverley FIFA House competition – played on the HUGE screens in the Gym on Playstation 4.  These boys were undefeated in their 5 matches, and Tevlin have moved up into 3rd place in the House points standings with momentum strong!

Individual Term 1 Achievements

A number of boys have made notable contributions and had some excellent achievements, including:

Wishing you all a restful break.



From Venettia Miller, Librarian

On Wednesday 4 April the Library hosted its second parent and son reading night with guest author Will Kostakis.

In attendance were College Captain Harley McGuiggan, Vice Captains Jack Hardwicke-Owen, Daniel Andrews and Dominic Augoustis and parents and students from both the Junior and Senior schools.

Harley opened the evening by sharing his reading journey, from a young boy who loved fiction like the Cherub series by Robert Muchamore, to becoming an avid reader of non-fiction such as the inspirational Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss.

Will Kostakis is one of Australia’s most successful writers of Young Adult fiction. He landed his first publishing deal while in his HSC year at Newington, and has subsequently released 3 more novels and a collection of short stories – all before the age of 30.

Some key messages on reading and writing from Will’s talk were:

Of interest to most parents on the night was discussion regarding the large amount of screen-time we are all experiencing. Screens are an integrated part of life these days, but there are ways to mitigate negative aspects. For example:

Thank you to all parents, students and staff who could make it along to this entertaining and informative event. Stay tuned for the next parent and son reading night!


 From Damien Thompson, Head of Lacey House

The strength of our House lies in our strong student led Mentor Groups and House meeting framework that thrives on the input of our senior boys and the enthusiasm of the younger students.

The Year Twelve Leadership group has set the bar high this year and they have produced House Meetings that have been engaging and informative. The aim of our group has been to get the Senior and Junior boys all talking to each other.

We strive to be at our best each day whilst reveling in the unique qualities us all. The challenge to produce a unique House chant that will be a legacy for the future is still to be met and the boys are resisting incorporating the St George Illawarra  Dragons song into our repertoire even though quite a few of the Mentors believe this to be an ideal solution. We await the Athletics carnival that will set the scene for the Leaders to produce the goods.

International Women’s day was celebrated with a big turnout of Lacey mothers and Student Representative Council members representing our House. The theme of the morning was how the developed world can assist women in developing nations gain independence financially by starting up and supporting cottage industry activities.

Our House charity, RUOK day, will have its first fundraising event on the 3rd of May. Estee Lauder are supporting our cause by providing a fabulous opportunity, just prior to Mother’s Day, to purchase a range of products at great prices. Profits will go straight to RUOK. Our big fundraiser will occur in September and the Senior Leaders are already planning a path that will highlight the importance of supporting this event which is dear to the hearts of Waverley College.

The swimming carnival was held at the Sydney Olympic venue and though most boys only had one swim during the day the atmosphere was great and the Lacey boys really got behind the senior leaders to sing out all day.  Nikita Strbac, Robbie Beal, Sacha Cohen, Reece Cohen and Lachlan Bell all made the CAS squad.

The Mentors have taken on the new Wellbeing direction with great enthusiasm and the building of solid connections between themselves and the boys continues with each morning meeting. A new emphasis this year has been on students leading our wellbeing meetings and continuing to develop their skills in presenting and leading discussions amongst their peers.


The high-profile role of our House Leadership team which consists of Ben Webster, Felix Valentine, Byron Howe and Jacob Gibson have continued to improve the model of student led meetings. I have been impressed with how the leaders have grown in their confidence in such a short period of time.

We are looking forward to stronger connections between House and Home, between Parents and Mentors, between Students and Mentors and between Students and their Peers. I am always delighted to hear from parents about the great things that are happening in your son’s life as well as the moments they need extra support from us.


From John McCoy, Convenor of Rugby

 1st XV Match Report: Waverley College Vs The Shore School

Saturday 7 April, 2018 was a date many were looking forward to. For some, it felt like Christmas had arrived! Rugby season was back! Waverley College travelled to North Sydney to play against the Shore School. It would be the first time the Double V had taken the field following a history making 2017 season.

Shore has a proud history in rugby, producing a number of Wallabies including Phil Waugh. The Shore fixture is always entertaining and very competitive with both schools matching up almost perfectly in teams and playing numbers.

In hot conditions, Shore kicked off and placed pressure on the Waverley side early on. Waverley were pinned inside their own 22 for the opening 10 minutes. It was Luca Moretti who put his early influence on the match not through a tackle or a hit up, but through a clever kick up field. Immediately, Waverley capitalised on the territory gained and Levi Milford went across for the first try of the season.

Waverley College School Captain, Harley McGuiggan was the next to penetrate the Shore defensive line as he strode through like a 100m sprinter at the Commonwealth Games. McGuiggan’s magic offload to Luca Martin had the crowd on their feet. Waverley in front 12-0 after 20 minutes.

A lapse in concentration at the kick-off allowed Shore to get back into the game as they shot away down the right edge to go over. The Waves did not seem to panic though and were not afraid to throw the ball around. This led to more points as Aisea Aholelei found his Captain, Conor Molloy, who was able to cross for a nice team try.

This was not the end of the point scoring in the first half as Luca Moretti again put a mark on the match. Luca took a quick tap and charged through the entire Shore forward pack to take the scoreboard to 26-5 in favour of the visitors.

It did not take too long for Waverley to post more points after the halftime break. Again, Levi Milford found the line after beating a few defenders on the left edge. This pushed the lead just over 30 points.

To the credit of the home side, they did not give up and remained upbeat. This energy contributed to two tries which included a well-constructed driving maul near the Waverley line.

When McGuiggan went in for a well-deserved try, the result was just about decided. Coaches Cornish and Coleman decided to rest a few and took the chance to blood a number of up and coming players. One of the new faces included Luca’s younger brother, Marco, who was able to gather an offload from his older brother and score the final try of the match. This movement included a nice Brad Fittler like sidestep to beat the fullback.

The final score was 45 to 19. This was a pleasing start to the season. While there is still plenty of improvement to take away from the run, the style of rugby on display first up should give all Double V followers plenty to get excited about.

Around the Grounds

The Opens had a mixed day. The 2nd XV struggled to build phases and apply any pressure to the opposition in attack. With more time building combinations and with more patience, the 2nd XV can definitely turn things around. The highlight was the scrum, led by the front row combination of Santamaria, Howe and Valentine. The 3rd XV were very unlucky to go down with Steven Schocher having a strong game in the centres. The hot conditions got to the 4th XV who struggled to remain discipline despite being in the contest for a large portion of the game. The 5th XV tackled hard, particularly Moby Westwood and Michael Gatto, but were unable to contain the Shore attack in the second half.

The 16s had a pleasing day winning in all 4 grades. The 16As got off to a really positive start in front of a vocal crowd with Zach Smith-Karim scoring a nice try. The 16Bs also enjoyed a competitive match and came away with a good win under the guidance of Coaches Drew-Morris and Donaldson. The 16Cs and 16Ds both had wins and appeared to have already developed exciting combinations.

The 15As match did not really get into much of a rhythm, due to a significant amount of penalties being blow against both sides. The 15Bs had a solid 33-24 victory. The 15Cs just went down in a very competitive match up and the 15Ds led by Jack Fingleton had a win in a modified 10-a-side match to start the day on QP1.

The 14As had a great start to the season with a strong win. Cade Lacy and AJ Prekets were the work horses for the As bulldozing the Shore defense from start to finish. Nick Quinn played with intelligence and a cool head throughout his game and will be the player to watch this season. The 14Bs had a tightly fought victory. Jude Sedley was impressive and he used his raw pace to outrun the opposition on several occasions. Jack Rigg showed some unique versatility moving form half back to wing and managing to cross the line for a try. Harrison Boys was a standout for the 14Cs with some impressive passing. Isiah Close-Brown played with grit in the 14Ds with a never give up attitude. Patrick Rindlisbache in the 14Es played extremely well and will earn a promotion through the ranks quickly. He scored 3 tries and was dominant over the Shore defense.

The 13As had a thrilling match, with a conversion the difference in the end. Darcy Standfield led his side to the win with some tidy work at halfback. The 13Bs went so close to tasting victory. James Jones played a strong match in the 13Cs win. The 13Ds and 13Es both crossed the line a number of times and scored some impressive totals. Congratulations to all 13s players for the effort they put into the opening matches in 2018. For some students, it was their first time in Blue and Gold – Well done!

Holiday Fixtures

On Tuesday 16th April, our 14As and 15As will be playing a game against Southern District and Canberra Grammar respectively. The match times are as follows:

14As Vs Southern District – QP1 @ 10am

15As Vs Canberra Grammar – QP1 @ 11am

It is a tradition that when we host a 1st XV match or when we host a touring side, we provide afternoon tea following in the Queens Park Pavilion. Waverley’s functions have always been rated so highly by visiting teams and we are hoping to keep the tradition alive in 2018. We are requesting that each student involved in the 14A/Bs and 15A/Bs teams bring a plate of food for our guests.

If I can also please request some assistance from parents or friends who may be available to assist setting up the function, it would be appreciated. If you are able to assist, simply email Mr McCoy ( The function should commence following the 15As match at around 12:15pm.

Waterford – The Armidale School Rugby Carnival

I would like to wish our players, coaches and supporters at Waterford all the best for an enjoyable and safe trip to Armidale this coming weekend. Waverley College is always well represented at this Under 12s event hosted by The Armidale School. I hope that all those attending the tournament get to enjoy plenty of success and I look forward to hearing plenty of exciting stories when you return.

Term 2

A reminder that rugby training will resume as soon as Term 2 commences. Our 16s and Opens train resumes on Tuesday 1st May. Our 13s, 14s and 15s will have their one and only training session for the week on Wednesday 2nd May. It is important that all players in the 13s, 14s and 15s do get to training on this date to ensure they are ready to the first match of Term 2 against Riverview on Saturday 5th May. Our 13s, 16s and Opens will be playing at home, while our 14s and 15s sides will be playing at Riverview.

Have a safe and restful holiday break!



From Stephen Wilmot, Convenor of Football

Trial Game v Shore

Last weekend saw our first game against Shore and for many the first game of the season, with teams ready to see what they were capable of against a strong Shore side. We had some great results over the weekend and coaches were able to make changes to the structural side of their team. Some of the great results include the 1st XI 1-0 win, 2nd XI 2-1 win, 3rd XI 3-0 win, 4th XI 2-0 win, 10As 3-1 win, 10Bs 4-1 win, 10Cs 7-0 win,  10Ds 5-0 win, 7Bs 3-0 win, 7Cs 3-1 win. These are some great results, with many teams setting the benchmark high before the CAS Season.

CAS Round 1 v Knox

On the return of term 2 players in year 7, 8 and 9 will have one training session on Wednesday and the Year 10 and Opens will have training Tuesday and Thursday afternoon before our first round of CAS on the 5/5. This is a home game, meaning Year 7, 10 and opens are at Queens Park and Year 8 and 9 are at Curagul fields at Knox. A reminder that players a required to wear the correct playing gear for the games. This includes Waverley jersey, blue shorts, Waverley socks, shin pads and boots. There is also a law change from last year to football which requires anything over the sock to be the same colour as the sock this means tape and shin pad straps need to be a blue or the referee can ask for them to be taken off. Please also ensure that only Waverley gear is worn to the game. If any player is wearing non-Waverley gear it will be recorded and they will be asked to remove it.

Football Development Program

This year we will be holding the Waverley College Football Development program at Waverley Oval on Friday mornings. The program is run as an extra training session to assist with the skill development of all footballers at the school from any team. Bookings can be made through

Development program flyer

Waverley Football Camp – Run by former Socceroo

Waverley College is pleased to have Former Socceroo, Olympian (1992 Barcelona) & current Waverley College 1st XI Coach, delivering the CST holiday program. As a PDHPE Teacher Holding a BA of Ed & FFA B license and having played 10 seasons in top-flight professional European leagues of Belgium, France & Holland, Zlatko Arambasic along with Luka Hrzina & other qualified staff are uniquely qualified to pass on their knowledge to players from Novice to Elite.

Program Benefits

Bookings can be made through

Team App

Waverley College Football is now using team app for many notifications including team lists, scores and fixtures. TeamApp is downloadable from the app store and can be downloaded on both Apple and Android devices. To follow Waverley Football please create an account with team app and search for ‘Waverley College Football’.

From Stephen O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

Well done to all students on a very busy term in co-curricular and a good first round of Rugby and Football against Shore last weekend. We had some good results in all grades, however, no teams are yet finalised and we will still be grading and making changes early into the term.

Our first day back next Term for students in Tuesday May 1st and training commences for all co-curricular activities from this day. We also have our Winter Co-curricular captains and 1sts teams assembly Period 1 of Day 1 of Term 2. On the first full round for all activities on May 5th it is a home game for Waverley against Riverview in Rugby and Knox in Football. It is also a compulsory Supporters Duty for Year 7. They will be required to watch either the 1st XI from 10am-12pm on QP1 or the 1st XV from 3pm-5pm on QP 1. Full winter playing attire or uniform is required. This is also a compulsory attendance and takes priority over any external club commitments. Which game Year 7 students attend will also depend on their own school game commitments.

Last Thursday we also had our Summer Co-curricular awards assembly and we recognised a number of winners but also the great diverse range of activities we have. I have attached the award winners below and congratulations to these award winners. It was a great to see such a range but also one of the highlights of the assembly was the music performance by Dominic Augoustis and friends. We also spoke about expectations in regards to playing winter sport and supporting. We also spoke about no red or yellow cards and that this not only detrimental to the team but the College as well. It was therefore disappointing to hear that were both red and yellow cards issued last Saturday. It was also disappointing to hear that there were also some reports of negativity towards officials. There are clear Codes of Conduct for all players, coaches and spectators in regards to this and I encourage all involved in winter sport to keep in mind that this is just schoolboy sport and that the officials have a tough job already and that we cannot run these sports without them.

Last week we also had a number of boys competing at NSWCIS swimming. Well done to these students and also thank you to Ms Stephanie Floyd and Mr David Parnell for their efforts fulfilling our duties at the carnival. The results are as follows:

Well done also to Erwan Le Pechoux, Stuart Swinburn and Liam Davis on their selections to compete at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships. I also want to wish those Waverley students competing at the Aussie SLS Titles in Perth this weekend all the best as well.

I encourage all students to keep working on their skills and fitness these holidays. This can make a huge difference when we return in Term 2. Enjoy the well-earned break.


Sport Award Student
Diving Captain of Diving 2017/18 Liam Flanagan
Diving Most improved 2017/18 Leon Bakis
2018 (X2174)
2018 (X2174)
2018 (X2174)
Kerry Murray Award Luke Stewart
For Commitment to Swimming
2018 (X2178)
Swimming Captains Award 2018 – (x2) Erwan Le Pechoux & Jonathon Schacht
Fred Etter Award 2018 (Swimmers Swimmer) – James Bodkin
Judo Waverley College
2017/18 Best & Fairest (Senior) MICHAEL GATTO
Waverley College
2017/18 Best & Fairest (Junior) ROGER LEE
Waverley College
2017/18 Most Promising Junior KAI CHAVEZ
Waverley College
2017/18 Most Promising Senior NICK POULOS
Cycing Waverley College – Jack Standen Award
Best & Fairest 2017/18 Daniel Brown
Waverley College – Peter Auer Award
Most Improved 2017/18 Zachary Straker
Waverley College
Best New Rider 2017/18 Luka Latinovic
Lawns Bowls Waverley College
Best & Fairest 2017/18 Nicholas Kalitis
Waverley College
Most Improved 2017/18 Daniel Somorjay
Touch Football Waverley College
Year 7 Touch Football 2018
Best & Fairest Sam Johnson
Waverley College
Year 8 Touch Football 2018
Best & Fairest Chris Kallo
Waverley College
Year 9 Touch Football 2018
Best & Fairest Josh Algie
Waverley College
Year 10 Touch Football 2018
Best & Fairest Zach Smith
Waverley College
Year 7 Touch Football 2018
Most Improved Jett McTavish
Waverley College
Year 8 Touch Football 2018
Most Improved Lachlan Varcone
Waverley College
Year 9 Touch Football 2018
Most Improved Saia Afeaki
Waverley College
Year 10 Touch Football 2018
Most Improved Jake Valenti
Media Group Waverley College
Best Photographer 2017-18 Oliver Pether
Table Tennis Waverley College
Best & Fairest 2017-18 Hugo Stephenson
Waverley College
Most Improved 2017-18 Moyo Adewusi
Public Speaking Waverley College
Best Performer 2017-18 Kopsiaftis, Isaac
Chess Waverley College
Best Performer 2017-18 Damian Lim
Summer Cross Country
Waverley College
Best Performer 2017-18 Charles McGrath
Tennis Division Student
Summer Tennis Captain 2017-18 Kiva Gwynne
Waverley College Opens 1st and 2nd Tennis Best & Fairest 2017-18 William Durkin
Waverley College Opens 3rd and 4th Tennis Best & Fairest 2017-18 x2 Hugh Marshall and Oliver Hackers
Waverley College Opens 5th and 6th Tennis Best & Fairest 2017-18 x2 James Ritchie and Dylan Smith
Waverley College Year 10 Tennis A and B Best & Fairest 2017-18 Mawson Filcroft
Waverley College Year 9 Tennis A and B Best & Fairest 2017-18 Oscar Madden
Waverley College Year 8 Tennis A and B Best & Fairest 2017-18 Alex Morris
Waverley College Year 8 Tennis C and D Best & Fairest 2017-18 Jimmy Ashbridge
Waverley College Year 7 Tennis A and B Best & Fairest 2018 Kosta Micos
Waverley College Year 7 Tennis C and D Most Improved 2018 Joseph Cumpston
Waverley College Overall Most Improved 2017-18 Karl Skeed
Water Polo Waverley College
Water Polo Captains 2017-18 1st Captain Jasper Wilde
Captain of Water Polo Anthony Roydhouse
Waverley College
Open 1st Water Polo Best & Fairest 2017-18 Nikita Strbac
Waverley College
Open 2nd Water Polo Best & Fairest 2017-18 Tommy Tyson
Waverley College
U16 Water Polo Best & Fairest 2017-18 Joshua Magdas
Waverley College
U15 Water Polo Best & Fairest 2017-18 Noah Matet
Waverley College
U 14 Water Polo Best & Fairest 2017-18 Ben Finegan
Waverley College
Year 7 Water Polo Best & Fairest 2018 Fynn McAusland
Basketball Waverley College  
1st V Basketball Captain 2017-18 James Foster & Luca Zanarini
Waverley College
1st V Best & Fairest 2017-18 Ryan Abbott
Waverley College
2nd V Best & Fairest 2017-18 Mark Goncalves & Daniel Marando
Waverley College
10A Basketball Best & Fairest 2017-18 Christian Diaz
Waverley College
9A Basketball Best & Fairest 2017-18 Eoin Morrissey
Waverley College
8A Basketball Best & Fairest 2017-18 Jake Weinstein
Waverley College
7A Basketball Best & Fairest 2018 Oscar Walters-Green
Cricket Waverley College  
Captain of the 1st XI Cricket 2017-18 Ryan Connolly
Waverley College
1st XI Cricket Best Batsman 2017-18 Alex Ferrara
Waverley College
1st XI Cricket Best Bowler 2017-18 Ryan Connolly
Waverley College
1st XI Cricket Best Fieldsman 2017-18 Harry Whiteman
Waverley College
1st XI Cricket The Hayes Shield; for
Best Team Man 2017-18 Jacob Tomasiello
Waverley College
2nd XI Cricket Best & Fairest 2017-18 Fred Watkins
Waverley College
10A Cricket Best & Fairest 2017-18 Zac Wotherspoon
Waverley College
9A Cricket Best & Fairest 2017-18 Jackson Dodd
Waverley College
8A Cricket Best & Fairest 2017-18 Edward Regan
Waverley College
7A Cricket Best & Fairest 2018 Hirav Gandhi
Hundreds Scored: (Small Trophy)
1.  Jack Hardwicke-Owen, 1st XI 100 not out v Barker, 22.11.17
2.  Oliver Ruse, 2nd XI 102 not out v St Patrick’s Wellington 12.12.17
3.  Ridley Owens, 1st XI, 109 not out v St Bede’s Christchurch 14.12.17
4. Maxim Brooks, 8As: 163 not out v Trinity 3.3.18
50+ in 1st XI / 2nd XI Cricket (Engraved Mini Bat plaques)
Oliver Ruse (x2) 1st XI: 99 v St Aloysius 17.; 80 v St Patrick’s 29.9.17
Yellow notes boys had multiple scores over 50 to be on engravings Alex Ferrara, (x6) 1st XI- 80 not out and 54 v Rockhampton Grammar School  3/10.17; 82 v St Aloysius  4/10/17  61 v Howick College Auckland 8.12.17; 81 v IZingari 25.10.17; 57 v Knox 10.2.18
Liam Andrews, 2nd XI, 51 not out v Nelson Boys NZ, 14.12.17
Lachlan Forrest, 1st XI, 71 v St Patrick’s Wellington, 12.12.17
Ridley Owens (x2)  2nd XI, 54 not out v Nelson Boys NZ, 14.12.17, 78 v Barker 17.11.17
Cameron Shearer, 1st XI, 56 not out v St Patrick’s Wellington, 12.12.17
Darcy Mullins (x2)  2nd XI, 77 v St Patrick’s Wellington, 12.12.17; 52 v Cranbrook 24.2.18
Jack Hardwicke-Owen (x2)  1st XI, 90 v Knox 10.10.17; 64 not out v St Bede’s Christchurch 14.12.17
Ben Scarf, 1st XI, 78 v Cranbrook 24.2.18
Jacob Tomasiello, 1st XI: 50 not out v St Patrick’s 29.9.17
Batting 50s – other teams (Engraved Mini Bat plaques) Luca Derbyshire, 8Bs: 67 v St Aloysius, 17.2.18
Peter Reeves (x2) 9Bs:  57 not out v Cranbrook, 24.2.18  50 not out v Cranbrook 29.10.17; 52 v Cranbrook 3.11.17
Jesse Sonego, 9Bs: 52 not out v Cranbrook, 24.2.18
Sebastian Rasmussen (x2) 3rd XI: 50 v Cranbrook, 24.2.18; 56 v Barker 10.3.18
Carl Waterson, 8Bs: 62 v St Aloysius, 22.10.17
Maxim Brooks, 8As: 56 v Barker 10.3.18
Gabriel Kidston, 9Cs: 52 not out v Sydney High 17.2.18
Cooper O’Donnell, 9Cs: 53 not out v Knox, 3.3.18
Nick Quinn (x2) 9Bs: 52 not out v Cranbrook 17.11.17; 50 not out v St Aloysius 10.11.17
Connor Boyd-Boland, 9As: 54 v Cranbrook 17.11.17
Jack Hickey (x2) 9As: 58 v Trinity 3.3.18; 69 v Knox 15.10.17
Murray Shearer, 9As: 52 v Trinity 3.3.18
Edward Sullivan, 9Bs: 56 v Trinity 3.3.18
Scott Swinburn, 7As: 59 not out v Barker 10.3.18
Bowling 5 wickets (small cricket trophy) 5 Wickets +
1st and 2nd XI
Harry Whitaker, 1st XI: 5/10 v Rockhampton Grammar School, 2.10.17
Ryan Connolly, 1st XI, 7/53 v St Aloysius, 17.10.17
Lachlan Forrest 1st XI, 6/11 v Cranbrook, 9.11.17
Charley Howell, 2nd XI: 5/21 v Cranbrook, 24.2.18
All other teams:
notes 2 trophies required, Edward Regan (x2)  8As: 6/11v St Aloysius, 16.11.17; 6/5 v Barker 23.11.18
Daniel Di Francesco, 8Bs: 5/14 v Cranbrook, 24.2.18
Sam Connolly, 9As: 5/7 v St Aloysius 17.2.18
Scott Swinburn, 7As: 6/21 v Barker 10.3.18
Special Performances
Matthew McAlpine, 9As: Hat trick and 4/11 v Cranbrook 29.10.17 (Can we get a trophy to put the ball on please?)

Monday April 9, 2018, Careers

University of Sydney Year 10 Info Evenings

Join us on campus for a fun and informative evening. You will hear from a range of speakers including University staff and students.

Camperdown/Darlington Campus – University of Sydney

Tuesday 8 May 2018, 6 – 8pm
Thursday 17 May 2018, 6 – 8pm

Register now

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Info Evening

9 May, 6pm

This evening is the best place for you to start if you are thinking about coming to uni in two years’ time and are currently a year 10 student (or you are the parent or teacher of a year 10 student).

Register here –

Uni of Wollongong Year 10 Subject Selection Info Evening

Thinking about going to university? Want to hear what it’s really like being a uni student? UOW is holding and information evening specifically for year 10 students and their parents. This will be an opportunity to hear from current staff and students about subject selection, and opportunities available to those who choose to study at UOW.

2 May – Cronulla Sharks Leagues Club

Find out more –

Uni of Wollongong General Info Evenings for 2019

Sutherland Tuesday, 15 May
Kogarah Tuesday, 26 June
Find out more –

UNSW Engineering Info Day

Tuesday, 15 May 8:30am to 3:30pm

UNSW Engineering’s High School Information Day is designed to give year 11 & 12 students the opportunity to sample several fields of engineering through interesting and stimulating hands-on activities over a day at UNSW Kensington Campus.

Find out more –

UTS Engineering and IT Undergrad Info Evening

Thursday 14 June 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Hear from industry professionals about future tech careers and the skills you need to get there. Follow with key course information for engineering and IT and UTS.

Register now

Find out more –

 Discover Nursing @ UTS
Thursday 21 June 5:30 pm

Wednesday 18 July 5:30 pm

There’s more to modern nursing than meets the eye. Whether you’re in high school, TAFE, working as an AIN or EN or looking to embark on a change in career, this session is for you. Hear from nursing academics and current students before touring our world-class clinical laboratories and taking part in a hands-on workshop.

Find out more –

Notre Dame – Getting to Know Nursing

Tuesday 22 May, 6pm

160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from our guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Places are limited. Please register here or contact us on 02 8204 4404 or for further information.

Book here –


UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome to attend. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more –

NIDA Open Day

Saturday 16 June

Find out more –

Applications for 2019

Applications for 2019 Bachelor & Diploma Courses are open from 2 July to 30 September.

Apply here from July –


The Hotel School Info Evening – Sydney 30 May

During the Hotel School Info Evening event prospective students have the unique opportunity to experience ‘The Hotel School Advantage’, meet academics and other key support staff and find out about studying at The Hotel School.

Find out more –


The Ultimate US/UK University Expo: Real Australian Students!

 Saturday May 26

Are you serious about studying overseas? Don’t miss this opportunity to meet students from around Australia who have recently gained admission to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, Columbia and more! Hear how they planned their journey, how they picked the universities to apply to and their tips for acing the academics, essays and interviews.

Use this link to get 50% off your ticket exclusive to MHS subscribers:


UTS HSC Economics & Business Studies Workshop

Tuesday 24 April

Join leading academics as they tackle the biggest challenges facing Economics and Business Studies HSC students, followed by an Info Night covering all our business options.

Register now

Find out more –


ACU Community Achiever Program

Regular volunteer work in your community – through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group – may be rewarded through our Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study with us.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018

Find out more –


ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more –


ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more –


ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more –


Professional Cadetships Australia – Business, and Engineering & Tech Cadetships

Applications for the Business Cadetships Program opened on 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. The 2018 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship at UBS, a top-ranking global bank.

Applications for the 2018 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program open on Monday 30 April. Under this Program, Engineering Cadets are placed at Cubic Transportation Systems and Technology Cadets are placed at Macquarie Group.

For details of these programs and for the Business Cadetships online application form, go to


SAVE THE DATE! Career Kickstarter – Business and Accounting – 23 May@ Luna Park 
Previously known as “Meet the Business Leader”. Year 12 students are invited to attend to meet with and hear from business leaders in Industry.  Students will also learn about work experience and scholarship opportunities.  Registrations will open in the coming weeks.


NIDA HSC Workshops & Study Days
HSC Drama Performance 
Comprehensive course for NSW students in year 11 and 12. Broaden your understanding of performance styles and develop improvisation, acting and devising techniques.
Years 11 & 12, cost is $615
16–20 April 2018, 10am–5pm
8–12 Oct 2018, 10am–5pm
Find out more –
HSC IP Study Day
HSC IP Study Day is a fantastic way for students to explore the creative process from conception to successful completion. Participants gain a practical understanding of what is involved in the project area of their choice.
Tuesday 30 October 2018, 9.30am–3.00pm
Book now –

ADF Gap Year applications for 2019 have opened.

It’s a unique opportunity for your students to try out a career in Navy, Army or Air Force and get a feel for a military life without committing for a longer period.

In 2019 there are 14 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery and even flight crew, plus this year we’re offering 30 Army Officer roles – places are limited.

Army Officer – Closes 23 April 2018

Army Artillery Operator – Closes 23 April 2018

Army Infantry Soldier – Closes 14 May 2018

Army Driver – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Administration Assistant – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Warehouse Assistant – Closes 21 May 2018

Army Air Defence Operator – Closes 21 May 2018

Air Force Cabin Crew – Closes 7 March 2018

Air Force Warehouse Storeperson – Closes 28 May 2018

Air Force Aviation Support Technician – Closes 28 May 2018

Air Force Airbase Protection and Security – Closes 4 June 2018

Air Force Administration Assistant – Closes 4 June 2018

Closing dates are driven by demand and may close sooner than listed.

Apply now –

UMAT 2018

Thinking of studying medicine, dentistry or health sciences? You need to know about UMAT.

UMAT stands for the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test. It’s a test that’s designed to help select students for undergraduate medicine and health science programs for participating universities.

If you’re in your final year of secondary school and want to enter a medicine or health science degree next year then you need to sit UMAT in 2018. It’s only held once a year.

In 2018 it will be held on Wednesday 25 July , 2018


Find out more –


Academy of Film, Theatre & Television Open Day

You’ll be able to soak up the culture, learn about the best way to finance your studies, meet our tutors and speak to current students about their experiences. Find out why AFTT is now Australia’s most contemporary fully immersive arts academy.

Saturday 12th May 2018, 9.30am to 2.30pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Register now –


The Hotel Career Expo

7 May @ Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

The Hotel Career Expo is your opportunity to go behind the scenes of this amazing industry and kickstart your new career with great rewards, internationally renowned training and strong management pathways. Meet highly influential professionals in the hotel industry and discover more about the opportunities available in some of Australia’s best hotels.

Register after 5 March –

AIT After School 2D Animation Workshops

This after-school workshop gives students the opportunity to experience all of the steps involved in creating a polished full-colour 2D animation. In the final workshop, outlining and colouring will be the main focus and the final exported animation will be sent to each participant.

These workshops will run every Tuesday for five weeks beginning on May 1st 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now –

UNSW Experience Built Environment School Holiday Workshops

Our free interactive ‘Experience Built Environment’ School Holiday Workshops incorporate Design, Architecture, Planning and Construction.

Open to Year 10-12 students.

Dates and Times:
Wednesday 18 April: 9am – 2:30pm
Thursday 19 April: 9am – 2:30pm
Friday 20 April: 9am – 2:30pm

Book here –

Actuarial Experience Day – Macquarie Uni

Wednesday 18 April

If you’re in Year 12 and undertaking Mathematics Extension 2 (or IB equivalent), you’re invited to our Actuarial Experience Day.
The day is your opportunity to find out how a career as an actuary is both exciting and rewarding – actuaries are key to helping financial institutions and other businesses all over the world to prosper.

Book here –

Teach.nsw Get Paid to Study

Want to become a teacher? You could get paid to study and have a guaranteed job on graduation. Subscribe to their mailing list to find out more –

AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using Adobe After Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now –


Become a Drone Pilot

Upcoming course dates for RePL training in Sydney:

30 April (Monday) – 4 May (Friday)

21 May (Monday) – 25 May (Friday)

Find out more –


AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals at AFTRS’ state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.

Apr 23 Video Editing with Premiere Pro: 13-17

Apr 26 HSC Video Intensive: 15-17

Apr 26 Blood & Guts Movie Makeup: 9 – 14

Jul 02 The Real Filmmaking Workshop: 13-17

Jul 09 AFTRS Trop Jr Filmmaking: 10-15


NECA Electrotechnology Apprenticeships

At NECA we’re here to help you complete a national qualification that supports a career in data/ communication, home automation, renewable energy, construction, the installation of lights, power, air conditioning, fire protection, building management systems and more.

They pay for everything, including your tools, and you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification.

80% of their apprentices graduate and 99% of graduates find a job in the first 3 months, with up to $91k starting salary.

Apply here –

Check out their infographic –



This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.


Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.


NSW Police Recruitment

The police force is recruiting, and they’ve launched a new Facebook page – find it here –

They’re also running info sessions and practice sessions for the Physical Capacity Test.

Recruitment Information SessionParramatta OPENING SOON
Saturday 21 April 9.00am – 12.00pm

Recruitment Information Session – Parramatta COMING SOON
Saturday 16 June 9.00am – 12.00pm

Find out more –


Real Estate Training Reforms

NSW Parliament has passed reforms which increase the training requirement for Real Estate Agents. The previous course took 5 days (or less), but now recruits will need to complete more units and undergo 12 months industry experience before they can become a Licence holder.

Read more here –



Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

SkillsShow Australia

2-4 June ICC Darling Harbour

Skills Show Australia 2018 provides visitors with an opportunity to discover future careers through interactive events, demonstrations and competitions. It aims to equip young Australians with the knowledge to make an informed choice about their future career options. The Skills Show also provides them with a unique chance to network with the hundreds of industry and educational experts.

There are robotics competitions, and Try’aSkill events, plus much more.

Register to attend (it’s free) –


Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.


ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply visit:


TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide
Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here –
Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out –


Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.


Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook
Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.


TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4


TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.


TSFX: HSC Study Tips – Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students


Tips for note-taking


Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.


Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here –


Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.


How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here –


Will Robots Take My Job?

Worried about robots stealing your job? Find out the chances of your chosen field becoming automated in the future.

Take the test –

Where could STEM take you?


STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?


Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips –

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here:


Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables

How to choose a degree when you’re unsure

This article from Careers with STEM has some great tips for choosing a university degree if you don’t quite know what you want yet.

Read it here –

5 Uni Courses that didn’t exist 10 years ago – from ECU

  1. Bachelor of Science (Sports Science and Football)
  2. Bachelor of Design (Games and Interactivity Major)
  3. Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Renewable Energy)
  4. Graduate Diploma of Aeromedical Retrieval
  5. Master of Disaster and Emergency Response

Read the article –