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From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

Head of College Awards

At today’s assembly the following students were presented with a Head of College Award. To receive this award you need to accumulate three Gold Awards. Congratulations to the following students on this outstanding achievement: Year 7 – Lang Curran, Van Larkin, Campbell Groves, Sonny Pelzman, Hugo Morgan, Jake Perks; Year 8 – Michael Richmond; Year 9 – Saem Goffe, Edoardo De Vecchi, Lachlan Smith, Hayden Wild; Year 11 – Lachlan Manastirovski.

Congratulations to all Summer Sport Cocurricular awardees, who were presented with their respective trophies across all sports and activities at assembly today. There were many fine individual and team performances and the full list will be published next week.

Congratulations to Vice Captain Dominic Augoustis who presented his HSC music recital at assembly today. He was ably supported by Ryan Bakels, Simon Finnegan and Luca Galeazzi. The boys played at a very high level which was appreciated by the audience.

Earlier in the term the 2017 NSW Stem awards were announced by our Director of Learning and Teaching Ms Elizabeth Watson. At assembly today we acknowledged the top two place-getters who were both Waverley College students – 1st Place Rocco Evans, 2nd Place William Davison. Their projects were highly impressive.

The 1st place award winning Stair climber by Rocco Evans

2nd place award winning Mars Rover by William Davison

Term 1 Concluding

Boys were encouraged at assembly today to finish the term strongly and keep the length of the term in perspective. They were reminded that many of their teachers and parents went to school when there were only three terms and term lengths were more than fourteen weeks long. Eleven weeks is a long term but our expectations for our students’ attitude to learning and behaviour are exactly the same as they were for the first week of term. Please encourage your son to maintain all the good habits we know will give him the best chance to perform at his best – good sleep, diet, hydration and a positive mindset.

Strategic Plan

Erebus International who are assisting the College with the collaborative process of developing the College’s next strategic plan are conducting initial focus groups over the next couple of weeks across all key stakeholder groups – parents, students, teaching staff (junior and senior) support staff and Old Boys. Thank you in advance for your assistance and time. There will be ongoing opportunities to be involved in the process.


The following boys represented CAS in Basketball recently:


Winter Uniform 

Just a reminder that boys will be required to wear the College blazer and tie, to and from the College, during terms two and three. As was the case last year, boys failing to do this will be placed on a Saturday detention.

The College has high expectations of our students whilst in public, particularly when travelling to and from school on public transport. The positive message we give to the public though our uniform and grooming is another extension of the ongoing cultural change we are seeing at the College.

Boys not in full winter uniform require a uniform pass from their Head of House prior to the start of the day.

Making the most of Parent/Teacher Interviews

Monday 9 April 2018, 8.30am to 6.30pm, Br J P Lacey Gymnasium

Monday sees the first major opportunity for all Year 7 to Year 11 parents to meet with their son’s teachers to discuss their academic progress in 2018.

The expectation is that students attend these meetings with their parents in their full summer uniform. Year 12 students have a study day on Monday and are not required to attend the meetings. The College Library will be available for Year 12 students during school hours if they wish to use this resource. No uniform is required for Year 12 students on this day.

Research shows that parents have a significant impact on their children’s educational achievements. The value of events such as Monday cannot be underestimated.

In fact, parental engagement overrides all other factors that have been shown to influence a child’s achievement. It is therefore critical that teachers and parents develop effective relationships to bridge student learning between home and school.

There are many opportunities for parents and teachers to communicate at Waverley College. While face-to-face contact is ideal, there are myriad other platforms that are used to send messages and share information including email, phone, Team App, Schoolbag, Twitter (@waverleycollege), Facebook and the Nurrunga newsletter.

There is no better communication tool however, according to the research than parent/teacher interviews. Waverley College strives to make parents feel welcome to visit the school and facilitate discussions. In 2016 the College identified the need for greater flexibly in parent/teacher interview time so the decision was made to allocate an entire day to this important event in the College calendar giving parents greater flexibility with regards when they attend. Numbers of parents attending these interviews significantly increased ensuring the structure would remain in 2018.

Parents are encouraged to take the lead of the ten-minute time slot and bring up issues they’d like to discuss. Teachers will then work through relevant affirmations and areas of improvement and subsequent strategies appropriate to the needs of your son. Yours son’s teacher will be armed with some very specific feedback of his performance thus far in 2018.

I would encourage all parents to take notes of their meeting, particularly when discussing strategies for your son. Parents can then refer back to these strategies with their son weeks and months late.

I, like all of the Waverley College staff, look forward to meeting with many of you on Monday.


2018 Fees

School Fees for the 2018 school year are due on the following dates:

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 27/4/2018; due date 11/5/2018

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 20/7/2018; due date 3/9/2018

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Head of College that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2018 are below:

Finishing at end of Notice by
Term 2, 2018 Tue 1 May 2018
Term 3, 2018 Tue 24 Jul 2018
Term 4, 2018 Mon 15 Oct 2018

From Gemma Brown, Acting Assistant Head of Science

The Science International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) will be conducted at the College on 29 May 2018.

The ICAS Science Examination assess the following skills:

If you would like your son to undertake this examination, please email myself by Wednesday 11 April 2018 at

The cost of this examination is $9.90 and will be billed to your son’s Term 3 school fees.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information


From Cassandra Foster, Literacy Coordinator

Right Way to Write is a Year 12 Literacy mentoring session that takes place in the library during study periods.

Students who need assistance in improving their written expression and overall literacy skills are encouraged to book in an appointment with Mrs Foster for Week A Thursdays and/or Week B Tuesdays and Thursdays next term, after examinations.

This service would benefit the following:

If any of the above applies to you, please send an email to with a request for a certain time. A time will be negotiated with you personally. Some students may receive requests from their teachers to attend a session or sessions.


Prayer for the Week

The Stone is Rolled Away – Christ is Risen

Very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, so they went in; but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. They stood there puzzled about this, when suddenly two men in bright shining clothes stood by them. Full of fear, the women bowed down to the ground, as the men said to them, “Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here; he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, be crucified, and three days later rise to life.’”

(Luke 24:1-12)

Lord God,
You loved this world so much,
That you gave your one and only Son,
That we might be called your children too.
Lord, help us to live in the gladness and grace
Of Easter Sunday, everyday.
Let us have hearts of thankfulness
For your sacrifice.
Let us have eyes that look upon
Your grace and rejoice in our salvation.
Help us to walk in that mighty grace
And tell your good news to the world.
All for your glory do we pray, Lord,


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

Mary, Mother of God: Pray for Us

Live, Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

End of Term

It really is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the first term. The boys will finish school on Friday 13 April at the normal time of 3.00pm.

Term 2 will start for the Junior School on Wednesday 2 May (after the parent/student/teacher interviews). Boys will need to ensure they have their proper winter sports uniform for the first day back in term 2.

Term 2

As you may be aware I will be taking leave in term 2. Due to my absence a number of changes will take place.

We are very fortunate to secure the services of these fine teachers and I feel confident that the school is in very good hands whilst I’m away.


The Sacrament of Confirmation for Holy Cross Parish, Woollahra, will be administered in St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, June 17.

Preparation classes for candidates in Year 5 or older will commence on Sunday, May 6, 4pm in Holy Cross Church.

To enroll, please contact: Mrs. Shirley Bond on 0403 028 019 or the Parish Office 9389 3156.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

A reminder Tuesday 1 May next term has been set aside for Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews. Parents should have received a Skoolbag App notification explaining how to book online. If there are any problems please contact Mrs Coupe before the end of the week.

Parents of students in 5 Blue will have received a separate note detailing the arrangements for their son’s interview, as Mr Ghattas will be on leave next term.

Mother’s Day Mass

An early invitation to our annual Mother’s and Grandmother’s Mass to be held on Friday May 11 commencing at 12pm followed by lunch at the Junior School. It would be appreciated if you could note the date in your diaries.

Armidale Rugby Tour

We wish all the boys travelling to Armidale next weekend to participate in the Rugby Carnival all the best of luck and hope they have a wonderful experience. Thank you to Mr Harris, Ms Hoare, Mr Stanton, Mrs Ryan and Mr Ryan for giving up their first weekend of the holidays so the boys can participate in this terrific carnival. Special thanks to Mr Anthony Proudfoot who has kindly offered his support for the weekend.

The 2018 Armidale squad is as  follows:

May Procession

The 108th Annual May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice will take place on Sunday 6 May.

This is a compulsory event for all staff and students while parents and relatives are most welcome to attend. In the event of a student illness a Doctor’s Certificate is required.

IPSHA Cross Country Carnival

This Saturday a number of boys will represent Waverley College at the IPSHA Cross Country Carnival held at the Kings School. The junior runners compete in the 2km run while the senior runners run the 3km circuit.

Congratulations to the following athletes and we wish them all best:

Under 10

Under 11

Under 12


If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office or email them to


On Wednesday 4 March, the Year 10 Religious Education students were privileged to hear two guest speakers from ‘Together for Humanity’, an organisation whose mission it is to ensure children in Australian schools develop intercultural understanding.

Donna Jacobs Sife and Kate Xavier talked to students about Christianity, Judaism and interfaith dialogue. They asked students to imagine that they were from another culture and then discussed how we would all get along if we had no understanding of each other’s culture, adding another dimension to their learning of interfaith dialogue.



With not quite one term under our belt, the Social Justice program has hit the ground running! About a quarter of the Year 11 boys have already visited the Charingfield Nursing Home, worked in Waterford Preschool, taken part in an Urban Walk in Kings Cross, worked in the Matt Talbot Kiosk, cooked for the homeless and with young disabled people, peer tutored, bowled with the disabled and been marshals at the Drag Boat Racing. This is on top of attending Social Justice days at other schools.

Clean Up our Beaches

Around 25 O’Connor students volunteered to help clean up our local beaches last week. O’Connor House is involved in the area of sustainability and the environment. Students spent a couple of hours collecting rubbish between Bronte Gully and North Bondi. We were all surprised at the huge number of bottle caps and cigarette butts we found and prevented from entering the ocean. Thanks to Ms Alborough and Ms Iturrieta for helping to supervise students on the day.

Mufti for Africa

We had a wonderful Mufti Day last week. The proceeds of the day will go to help fund the projects at the Ruben Centre in Nairobi. Apart from our Lenten Appeal, all fundraisers at the college focus on Australian charities.

Urban Walks

We wish Rob Holt all the best as he returns to South Africa for the first time in ten years. Rob is our host when we take part in the Urban Walks in Kings Cross. He shares his harrowing life story with our students. Rob urges our boys to look past the addiction and the unkempt appearance of a homeless person and see the real person. I still get quite deeply affected each time I hear Rob’s story.

See Rob’s story here



I hope all members of the Waverley College community enjoyed a relaxing Easter break. This Saturday marks the commencement of the CAS/GPS/ISA trial rounds for Waverley Rugby. Following a successful 2017, we are looking forward to another exciting season ahead.

It is important to remember that, while we all hope to see a high standard of rugby this weekend, teams will be using the early matches as a foundation to build on. I have no doubt that all teams will take plenty of improvement away from Saturday’s run.

 Trial Vs Shore (Saturday 7th April, 2018)

This weekend Waverley College will be playing against The Shore School in both Rugby and Football. Our 13s, 16s and Opens will be playing over at Northbridge (on the Lower North Shore of Sydney), while our 14s and 15s will be playing at Queens Park. Those playing away should give themselves around 45 minutes to get to the ground (if leaving from Waverley College).

Shore has a proud history in rugby, producing a number of Wallabies including Phil Waugh. Last year, we had a very successful round through all age groups and all grades, with Shore providing some solid competition by playing a strong brand of rugby.

As mentioned in previous articles, this round will still very much be used by coaches as a trial to monitor player performances and to see how arranged playing combinations do work.

Teams will be uploaded onto Team App as well as being placed on noticeboards around the school. All players are to be at the matches at least 30 minutes before kick-off to ensure that students have a full warm up. Players are also expected to remain to reserve for the match following their own.

As outlined in the Rugby Team Guide which was distributed earlier in the year, if students are ill on Saturdays and cannot play, they are still expected to attend the game to inform the team coach and support the team. If a player is so ill that they cannot attend, Mr O’Donnell ( and Mr McCoy ( need to be notified by email. Students will need to provide a medical certificate on returning back to school.


 It is important that all students wear the correct uniform to rugby on Saturdays, whether they are playing or viewing. This includes correct playing gear; jerseys, shorts, socks, mouthguards, boots. Players must also only be the Waverley College Tracksuit. Players who wear the incorrect uniform to matches will be asked to hand over any non-Waverley items (including hats, jumpers etc) and will have these items returned at school on Monday.

Blue Card

This weekend you may witness a referee producing a “Blue Card” on the field of play. In matches of U13 and older, when a player leaves the field due to signs and symptoms of concussion or suspected concussion, the referee will show the player a Blue Card. This card is a visual cue for team support staff, it must be recorded by team officials, and triggers an off-field medical process to begin. This off-field process (which applies to all rugby, not just U13s and older) is detailed in Rugby Australia’s Concussion Procedure 2018.

Rugby Australia has included the following Law change: ‘a tactically replaced player may return to play to replace a player who has been shown a Blue Card.’ Waverley College Rugby supports this new initiative.

Lost Gear

Already a significant amount of lost property has been shifted from Queens Park to the Wellbeing Centre at Waverley College. This includes several pairs of school shoes and a number of tracksuit tops. Students who have items of uniform labelled with their name will have a stronger chance of having gear returned. Those students who have not labelled gear are still encouraged to look through the lost property.

Upcoming Training Schedule – Remainder of Term 1

Week 11, Term 1 

Monday 9th April – NO TRAINING – Year 7-11 Parent/Teacher Night

Tuesday 10th April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)

Wednesday 11th April  – 13s, 14s, 15s Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)


Friday 13th April – End of Term 1 – School Holidays Commence

Good luck to all teams this weekend against Shore!

Waverley to Win!



From Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmott

Trial Round against Shore

This weekend is our first trial game against Shore with the Opens, Year 10 and 7s playing at Northbridge ovals and Year 8 and 9 playing at Queens Park. With this being our first round for most players it is important that each student is representing Waverley with pride. This means wearing the correct playing uniform with the Waverley jersey, shorts and socks and wearing the Waverley tracksuit to the game if it is cold. As this is a trial round players are still able to move teams if they play well. Players are also expected to be at their venue 30 minutes prior to their game for an adequate warm up. Good luck to all teams playing this weekend in this fixture.

Training in Week 11

Due to the Parent/Teacher interviews on Monday, there will be no training for Year 7, 8 and 9 on Monday 9 April. There will also be no training on Thursday afternoon for Year 10 and Opens. Players are expected to attend training on Tuesday and Wednesday to finalise selections for teams, as CAS competition will start first week back next term.

Football Development Program

Throughout the 2018 season, Waverley College Football will be holding a development program open to all players in Years 5 – 10. The training is designed to help every player reach their potential and improve on their football skills.

The development program will be held at Waverley Oval Synthetic field every Friday morning of Term 2 (except the Founder’s Day Holiday on 8 June) and weeks 1-3 of Term 3, from 7.15am – 8:15am. The sessions will be $220 for the full program and needs to be booked by the end of term 1 to organise the coaching staff.

Please follow the link to book your spots for this great program available for all football players:

Holiday camp

This year we will be running a holiday camp for any student in football over the second week of the school holidays. Details on the camp can be found on the below flyer and bookings can be made through the following link


University of Sydney Year 10 Information Evenings

Join the University of Sydney on campus for a fun and informative evening. You will hear from a range of speakers including University staff and students.

Camperdown/Darlington Campus – University of Sydney

Register now

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening

This evening is the best place for you to start if you are thinking about going to uni in two years’ time and are currently a year 10 student (or you are the parent or teacher of a year 10 student).

Register here

University of Wollongong Year 10 Subject Selection Information Evening

UOW is holding an information evening specifically designed for Year 10 students and their parents. This is an opportunity to hear from current staff and students about subject selection, and opportunities are available to those who choose to study at UOW.

Find out more

University of Wollongong General Information Evenings for 2019

UNSW Engineering Information Day

Tuesday, 15 May 8:30am to 3:30pm

The UNSW Engineering Information Day is designed to give Year 11 & 12 students the opportunity to sample several fields of engineering through interesting and stimulating, hands-on activities, over a day at UNSW Kensington Campus.

Find out more

UTS Engineering and IT Undergrad Information Evening

Thursday ,14 June 2018, 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Hear from industry professionals about future tech careers and the skills you need to get there. Follow with key course information for engineering and IT and UTS.

Register now

Find out more

Discover Nursing @ UTS

Thursday, 21 June 2018, 5:30 pm

Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 5:30 pm

There’s more to modern nursing than meets the eye. Whether you’re in high school, TAFE, working as an AIN or EN or looking to embark on a change in career, this session is for you. Hear from nursing academics and current students before touring our world-class clinical laboratories and taking part in a hands-on workshop.

Find out more

Notre Dame – Getting to Know Nursing

Tuesday 22 May, 6pm

160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from a guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Places are limited. Please register here or contact 02 8204 4404 or for further information.

Book here

 UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more

HSC Economics & Business Studies Workshop

Tuesday 24 April

Join leading academics as they tackle the biggest challenges facing Economics and Business Studies HSC students, followed by an Info Night covering all our business options.

Register now

Find out more

ACU Community Achiever Program

Regular volunteer work in your community, through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group, may be rewarded through the Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018.

Find out more

ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more

ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more

ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commencing in 2019, the Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more

Professional Cadetships Australia – Business, and Engineering & Tech Cadetships

Applications for the Business Cadetships Program opened on 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. The 2018 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship at UBS, a top-ranking global bank.

Applications for the 2018 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program open on Monday 30 April. Under this Program, Engineering Cadets are placed at Cubic Transportation Systems and Technology Cadets are placed at Macquarie Group.

For details of these programs and for the Business Cadetships online application form, go to

SAVE THE DATE! Career Kickstarter – Business and Accounting – 23 May@ Luna Park 

Previously known as “Meet the Business Leader”. Year 12 students are invited to attend to meet with and hear from business leaders in Industry.  Students will also learn about work experience and scholarship opportunities.  Registrations will open in the coming weeks.

NIDA HSC Workshops & Study Days

HSC Drama Performance

Comprehensive course for NSW students in year 11 and 12. Broaden your understanding of performance styles and develop improvisation, acting and devising techniques.
Years 11 & 12, cost is $615
16–20 April 2018, 10am–5pm
8–12 Oct 2018, 10am–5pm
Find out more

HSC IP Study Day

HSC IP Study Day is a fantastic way for students to explore the creative process from conception to successful completion. Participants gain a practical understanding of what is involved in the project area of their choice.
Tuesday 30 October 2018, 9.30am–3.00pm
Book now

ADF Gap Year applications for 2019 have opened.

It’s a unique opportunity for your students to try out a career in Navy, Army or Air Force and get a feel for a military life without committing for a longer period.

In 2019 there are 14 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery and even flight crew, plus this year we’re offering 30 Army Officer roles – places are limited.

Closing dates are driven by demand and may close sooner than listed.

Apply now –

Defence Jobs Information Sessions

UMAT Registrations are now open

Registrations close 1 June, and the testing date is 25 July 2018.
Find out more

Academy of Film, Theatre & Television Open Day

You’ll be able to soak up the culture, learn about the best way to finance your studies, meet our tutors and speak to current students about their experiences. Find out why AFTT is now Australia’s most contemporary fully immersive arts academy.

Saturday 12th May 2018, 9.30am to 2.30pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Register now

The Hotel Career Expo

7 May @ Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

The Hotel Career Expo is your opportunity to go behind the scenes of this amazing industry and kickstart your new career with great rewards, internationally renowned training and strong management pathways. Meet highly influential professionals in the hotel industry and discover more about the opportunities available in some of Australia’s best hotels.

Register now

AIT After School 2D Animation Workshops

This after-school workshop gives students the opportunity to experience all of the steps involved in creating a polished full-colour 2D animation. In the final workshop, outlining and colouring will be the main focus and the final exported animation will be sent to each participant.

These workshops will run every Tuesday for five weeks beginning on 1 May 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now

AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using Adobe After Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now

Become a Drone Pilot

Upcoming course dates for RePL training in Sydney:

30 April (Monday) – 4 May (Friday)

21 May (Monday) – 25 May (Friday)

Find out more

AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals at AFTRS’ state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.


This U.S. Government website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Join the AFP

Applications are sought for entry level positions into our community policing and national investigations families.

Recruit courses are anticipated for October 2018 and January 2019.

If you’re interested, or even just curious, head to our website for more information:

Join our Facebook Recruitment group for info and updates throughout the process. We’ll be sharing application tips, info about AFP College life, how to get over the (literal) hurdle and pass the physical fitness tests, and heaps more. Here’s a link to the group:

Applications close on 5 April.

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

NSW Police Recruitment

The police force is recruiting, and they’ve launched a new Facebook page.

They’re also running info sessions and practice sessions for the Physical Capacity Test.

Find out more –

 Real Estate Training Reforms

NSW Parliament has passed reforms which increase the training requirement for Real Estate Agents. The previous course took 5 days (or less), but now recruits will need to complete more units and undergo 12 months industry experience before they can become a Licence holder.

Read more here


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

How to apply

Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply visit:

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.

TSFX: HSC Study Tips – Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students

Tips for note-taking

 Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here –

Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here –

Will Robots Take My Job?

Worried about robots stealing your job? Find out the chances of your chosen field becoming automated in the future.

Take the test –

Where could STEM take you?

STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?

 Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips –

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here: 

Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables

How to choose a degree when you’re unsure

This article from Careers with STEM has some great tips for choosing a university degree if you don’t quite know what you want yet.

Read it here –

UMAT 2018

Thinking of studying medicine, dentistry or health sciences? You need to know about UMAT.

UMAT stands for the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test. It’s a test that’s designed to help select students for undergraduate medicine and health science programs for participating universities.

If you’re in your final year of secondary school and want to enter a medicine or health science degree next year then you need to sit UMAT in 2018. It’s only held once a year.

In 2018 it will be held on Wednesday 25 July , 2018


Job Spotlight – Physio

Ever wanted to work with your favourite sports team? Becoming a physiotherapist or another type of support person who works with elite sports people can be rewarding, challenging and exciting.

You’ll get to travel with the professional athletes and play a critical role in their success. Not only will you manage injuries, you’ll also help them maximise recovery and prepare properly so that they can be their best on the big day.

“Very few elite sports people play without any pain. You just have to know how to deal with it and also whether there is going to be any long-term damage or you can get them back on the field again next week. So you have got to understand the game and the feeling of playing sport.”

Justin Faulkner, Physio for Hong Kong Rugby 7s Men’s Team

Salary Range

In general, physiotherapists could expect to earn around $60,000 to $85,000 per year, but if you own your own practice or become an elite sports therapist you could expect to command much more.

Future Growth

The Good Universities Guide rate the outlook for Physiotherapists as very strong.

Qualifications and skills required

To become a qualified physiotherapist you need either a 4 year undergraduate degree, or a 3 year undergrad degree plus a postgrad degree that generally takes 2 years.

There’s a great flowchart here that shows you how it works. Keep in mind that the 4 year degree might get you qualified quicker, but the longer route may leave you with a higher qualification that’s diversified and highly regarded.

Sports physios need strengths in the following areas:

Get a Head Start and become a Club Trainer

Sports Trainers and First Aiders volunteer and provide player support and safety. While most AFL and NRL Sports Trainers already have qualifications in the medical field, your local clubs are likely to depend on volunteers with basic first aid qualifications.

Find out about AFL and NRL sports trainers, netball volunteers, and ask at your local club as well.

What does the training look like?

Your degree will include elements of medical theory, clinical courses, and hands-on training. By the time you graduate you’ll have all the skills and knowledge you need to start working straight away.


CSU La Trobe Griffith Uni of Notre Dame
Macquarie Uni of Melbourne JCU
Uni of Sydney VU
UoN Deakin
UoW Monash

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has a list of approved programs of study that you really should check out before picking a course – all of these programs have been assessed and are recognised by employers across Australia. Not all courses offered by Australian Universities are approved, and the list is updated regularly so do your own research FIND THE LIST HERE

Find out more –

Tips for getting a sports physio job for the team of your choice from My Health Career


From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

Dear Parents and Carers

This is Holy Week and today we turn our focus to the Liturgy of the Sacred Triduum. These holy celebrations lead us into triumphant Easter Sunday joy and provide the very foundation of our Christian faith. Holy week is the most solemn and glorious week in Christianity, the pinnacle of the liturgical year. It is more sacred than Christmas because it commemorates the final week of Our Lord’s life, the very purpose for which Christmas happened. The Sacred Triduum recounts the last three days of Jesus’s life on earth, the events of his Passion and Resurrection, when the Lamb of God laid down his life in atonement for our sins.

Let us not forget that the redemption of the cross begins with the darkness of the tomb. Without the darkness of the tomb, we cannot experience resurrection. The tomb is truly a dark place, lifeless, still and silent. Covered in dried blood, Christ’s body lies motionless, bound in a shroud. After such a brutal, crushing death, hope is far beyond anyone’s grasp. Isn’t this true of the darkness we encounter in our own lives? Visiting those dark places within us can be so frightening, at times terrifying, all the while we emit no hope and see no way out.

But within the tomb, darkness does not prevail, because darkness cannot win. The first chapter of the Gospel of John states an eternal truth: “In God was life, and that life was the light of all humankind”. Light always overcomes darkness and in the tomb, light shines as Christ rises from the dead and destroys death forever.

In our lives today, no matter how bleak our situation or deep the darkness in which we find ourselves, if we dare venture into and fully embrace our darkness, light always comes. Unspeakable joy, because of God’s unbelievable act of love. Let us experience the true redemption of the cross this Easter by recognizing that the journey begins in the darkened tomb. May all of our Triduum celebrations be blessed by God and may we all experience true joy of the Risen Christ.

I encourage you to take your son to at least one of the celebrations over the next three days of the Church. Sometimes we don’t see the light until further down the journey, and I believe your son will appreciate it in time, whether in a dark moment or when he becomes a parent himself.


On behalf of the College Community I offer our sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers to Year 11 student, Noah Glasel and his family. Noah’s father, Ronnie, died  earlier this week from inoperable cancer. May we support Noah, his mother, Michelle, and the rest of the family through this and may Ronnie rest in eternal peace.


Fourteen referees were recently selected from NSW as part of a talent identification program run by NSW Rugby Union. The selection process was highly competitive and I would like to congratulate Daniel Andrews and Stephen Davies on their selection. Congratulations also to Mr Richard Chen who coordinates the College’s referee program. To have two selected from only fourteen spots in NSW is a great achievement.

University of Sydney

Congratulations to Luke Harris who received The University of Sydney’s 2017 Year 10 Academic Award for Excellence.  Luke will be presented with his Award at a celebration at the University on Tuesday 10 April.

David Kobler

Thank you to over 360 parents that came along to the presentation on Tuesday evening delivered by David Kobler on raising teens in contemporary society; ‘Turning taboo topics into everyday conversations’. Our Year 11 students also spent the day with David and I have heard them talking about issues in the playground which I think is great, as he has them thinking about real issues affecting each of them.

I appreciate there have been a number of parent invitations to Wellbeing topics throughout Term 1 and we will try to space them out better in future. David certainly equipped parents with a toolbag to address issues such as sex, dating, relationships and pornography with their sons. As a parent of a 12 year old boy, I came away feeling empowered to be more of an influential presence in his life on those sometimes overwhelming issues and topics.

Waverley Earth Hour

I congratulate O’Connor House who encouraged the rest of the College to support an hour last week of no power usage. The boys certainly raised awareness and education on climate change and the effects on the environment. We all have a responsibility to help reduce our carbon footprint on the environment and help ensure the long term sustainability of the planet. The College has a new sustainability committee under the leadership of Ms Patricia Alborough. The committee seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of the College and educate all of the benefits and reasons for this action. These Easter holidays we will expand our Solar power installation with the Performing Arts Building being fitted out with panels. This will add to the panels already situated on the Kenny Building. Science classes will be able to monitor and track live updates on the College’s usage and power savings. I would like to thank Patricia and the committee for their leadership in this area. The Council has supported us with a grant of $3,000 and their assistance with the tender process.

Don’t miss out

ARTEXPRESS is currently being exhibited at the Art Gallery of New South Wales until 25 April. Old Boy (2017) Dylan Quirk’s artwork is on display and still stands out as distinctively creative, unique and impressive. Worth a look even if your son is not studying art in his Senior years.

In Easter Joy,

Happy Easter