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End of Year Wrap-Up

2020 has certainly been a year that we will always remember. We started the year with the very sad news of the passing of Conlon Year 7 student, Archie Perkin. Archie was an energetic and courteous young man, full of life and love for others.

For a large part of 2020 Coronavirus presented us with a new reality, not just here at school but also for the whole global community. We were challenged to think, learn and undertake experiences in different and sometimes more creative ways. The young men of Conlon House proved to be adaptable, resilient and compassionate when rising to meet the challenges and uncertainty we all faced. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

Although many of our normal school activities were cancelled during the year, it was still a very full and rewarding year. Our students quickly adapted to online learning and Google Hangouts, though fortunately to the relief of all we were able to resume face-to-face classes by early Term 2.

Again this year our Social Justice focus was raising awareness for R U OK? Day. Two of our Prefects; Joshua Conacher-Smith and Alfie Sewell decided that the best way to promote this year’s theme, ‘There’s more to say after R U OK?’ was to design and place a huge poster/notice board in a prominent position of the school so that all students could be reminded daily of the importance of looking out for their mates and also offering ideas about how to start that conversation.

R U OK? Day 2020

R U OK? Day 2020

On the official day, Thursday, September 10 three Old Boys, Lachlan Drew-Morris, Patrick Cliffton and Luca Moretti from ‘Turn up the Talk’ conducted a live podcast from the school which was aired to all wellbeing groups. A follow-up video was shown at a whole school assembly which included images of R U OK? Day activities at both our Junior and Senior campuses, ending with a beautiful rendition of the Foo Fighters song Times Like These sung by a group of incredibly talented Waverley singers and musicians from Years 5 to 12. R U OK? Day has always involved the whole College community and this year was no exception.

R U OK? Day 2020

R U OK? Day 2020

Although the Year 8, 9 & 10 camps were cancelled along with the Year 12 retreat, our Year 7 boys were able to enjoy their three-day camp experience at YMCA Yarramundi. Activities at camp included; abseiling down a cliff face, ‘flying’ across the cliff tops, hiking to the top of a mountain, camping overnight, and completing a challenging obstacle course. We also celebrated a very special Ash Wednesday liturgy under the stars. The camp was a great opportunity for the Year 7 Conlon boys to get to know each other and further cement friendships with the boys with who they will spend the next six years.

Yr 10 at La Perouse

Our Year 10 students in lieu of going to camp spent their last two weeks of school involved in various activities, including Service Week, games at Queens Park, study skills in preparation for senior studies, Rock and Water activities and completing the Spit to Manly walk. Service Week activities included spending a day preparing meals at My Big Kitchen, working in the warehouse at the Matthew Talbot Hostel, completing a walk around Kings Cross with Rough Edges, completing the Kadoo walk in the National Park at La Perouse and a mini-retreat/reflection day at Centennial Park. Our Year 10 students were outstanding ambassadors for themselves and the College. It was an absolute pleasure spending time with the Conlon boys and I was reminded of a quote by Mahatma Gandhi who said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” 

Yr 10 Reflection Day

Yr 10 Reflection Day

For the third year in a row Conlon House won the inter-house competition. Our strength has always been our unity and participation in the inter-house competitions run here at school. James Medland (Year 9) was by far and above the outstanding contributor to the online inter-house competition run in Term 2. And during Term 3 we again had success in the Inter-House Touch Football, Tug-o-war, Strongman and Dodgeball competitions. Conlon’s passion, spirit and that ‘have a go’ attitude saw us again triumph in the Inter-House competition.

Conlon House Touch Football Team

Conlon House continues to produce strong leaders. Our Prefect leaders for 2020; Mitchell Eyles (House Captain), William ‘Charlie’ Barber, Emmanuel Di Bartolo, Joshua Conacher-Smith, Joshua Cornelius, Hugh Johnson and Alfie Sewell continued the tradition of being wonderful role models and inspiring leaders for all students. Year 12 as a cohort probably had to be the most adaptable and flexible during this year. They adapted quickly to remote learning, they accepted the uncertainty of whether many traditional Year 12 events would go ahead and they focused on what they could do, rather than what they could not. They will have strong memories of playing their final Winter Season game with their mates in Waverley colours and they will have memories of their Year 12 formal and a very special graduation ceremony at the SCG. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Year 12 students, and on behalf of Conlon House sincerely wish them well in all their future adventures.

Conlon House has been enthusiastically led in the Junior School by Captain, Adam Curran and Vice-Captain, Charlie Carter. These two young men are also to be commended for their reliability and strong leadership over the past year.

Congratulations to all the Conlon boys who have received a Gold Award this term and congratulations to the following students who all received awards at the end of year presentations;

Year 7:

Huon Groves (Dux of Year 7, Mathematics, PDHPE), Kayden Baker (2nd overall, Drama), Archie Godby (English), Lachlan Isaac (Technology), Cameron Vincent-Hull (Musicianship)

Year 8:

James Medland (PDHPE), Robert Muir (Musicianship), Deuchar Dezamaulds (Visual Art)

Year 9:

Campbell Groves (Mathematics 3, Principal’s Award for Sport), Liam Wood (Geography), Kai Jones (Industrial Tech Wood), Alistar Isaac (Music)

Year 10:

Jared Garwood (Dux of Year 10, Science, PDHPE, Applied Philosophy, English, Mathematics), Oliver Elliot (English), Christian Puga (Graphics Tech), Thomas Martin (Principal’s Award for Sport)

Year 11:

Hayden Wild (Dux of Year 11, Advanced English, Physics, Software & Design), Pat Hoggett (All-Rounder), Toby Rabinowitz (Drama, SOR 1), Cooper O’Donnell (PDHPE), Nikita Nikitenko (Mathematics Advanced), Darcy Sullivan (Marine Studies),  Sebastian Van de Hoek (Geography), Samuel Kneebone (Food Technology)


It is with sadness that we again have to say goodbye to two Conlon Mentors; Mr Richard Bryant (CO10) and for at least a year Mr Matt Johnston (CO08). Mr Bryant is heading to the Northern Territory to take up a position as Director of Formation at a high school in Darwin. Mr Johnston will still be connected to the College as he is taking up a one-year teaching position at our Junior School. Both Mr Bryant and Mr Johnston have had an amazing impact on the students in their mentor groups, and will be greatly missed by the entire Conlon community.

Thank you to all Conlon mentors for their continued care and support of your sons; Ms Jennifer Hoare and Mr Anthony Gill (Junior School), Miss Suzanne Walsh (CO01), Mr Nick Brophy (CO02), Mr Paul Cornish (CO03), Mr Jean-Paul Boumelhem (CO04), Mrs Mary Ryan (CO05), Ms Kaitlyn Downey (CO06), Mrs Sherri Falkinder (CO07), Mr Adam Ballard (CO09) and Mr Chris Blenkinsopp (CO11).

Finally, thank you to the entire Conlon Community for your continued support, and hopefully we will be able to see more of each other in 2021.

End of Year Wrap-Up

The year of COVID-19 proved to be challenging for both students and staff with our usual activities being curtailed and remodelled to suit the ever-changing environment. Year 7 camp went on as usual before the pandemic struck and at least the new boys had an initial bonding session before going into lockdown. 

Year 7 Camp

Lacey House Captain, Toby Malzard said that 2020, was an incredibly challenging year. 

“One could get lost in these turbulent times”, he said. 

“In saying this, the kindness, strength and overall resilience that all the men and women in Lacey House have exhibited is something that must be commended. I know that we as a House can carry these traits to conquer all future adversity and challenges in our lives in 2021 and beyond.” 

Alexander Elder added that 2020 saw the departure of four great House Leaders and a great cohort of Lacey Legends. 

“These individuals have left large shoes to fill for each of the year groups, especially the up and coming Year 12’s for 2021″, Alexander said.

“The new band of Lacey Prefects are aiming to leave the House and College in a better place than when we found it, as the 2020 Lacey cohort clearly did.” 

The first House Assembly for the 2021 leaders was a success with the paper plane challenge being won by Lacey group four. We are all looking forward to many more like this.

Car Maintenance Incursion

The Academic Prize Winners for 2020 were:

Year 7: Yannick Hott with the Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion

Year 8: Campbell Porteus with Mathematics Equal First and Bailey Barker with Dux of Year 8 

Year 9: Finn Stranix won the prize for Visual Arts

Year 10: Conor Cahill (Commerce), Sasha Moustacas (Visual Arts), William Coates(Work Education) and Harrison Gippel (Prize for Musicianship). 

Year 11: Dante Pontes-Cox (Biology Equal First), William Gibson (Design & Technology), Alexander Elder (Investigating Science), Dante Bryan (Music Course I), Diego Berdaa (Spanish Continuers), James Simpson (Ryan Shiels Memorial Prize for Musicianship) and Harjot Mand(UNSW Australia Prize for Economics; Legal Studies; 3rd in Academic Results).

Year 10 Lacey House Social Justice

Highlights of the year included wins in the Strongman competition, the success of the Year 7 Dodgeball team and the efforts of the Year 10 group during their Social Justice outings.

Year 10 Reflection Day

We have two great staff members leaving our wonderful community. I wish Mr Bill Howard and Ms Christie Whitten a relaxing holiday and all the best of luck in their future endeavours.

The beginning of the next year is a perfect time for the boys to evaluate where they are now and to dream ahead and write meaningful goals. The question is, where do they start? There are so many options. Set specific goals; make strong plans manage your time; take opportunities in class; ask questions; talk to teachers, parents and class-mates; make time for regular revision; start work early; create quality assignment drafts; listen to feedback; ensure a good study space free of (technology) distractions; take part in extra tuition (study groups, homework help, tutoring); and just put in the time.

End of Year Wrap-Up

Tevlin House had a rewarding 2020 school year full of personal growth after adapting to a challenging year that will always be remembered. It has been wonderful to see the Tevlin students challenging themselves to engage and excel in numerous school activities.

Year 12 Tevlin House at Retreat

Year 12 Tevlin House at Retreat

All Tevlin boys from Years 5 to 12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated for the way they developed relationships and sought to set and achieve a variety of academic, social, and physical goals each term. It has been pleasing to witness Wellbeing Groups help form genuine friendships, and for the Year 12 students, in particular, to excel in their roles as leaders, especially with mentoring and supporting younger boys in their groups. Tevlin House has also been extremely fortunate to have 13 very talented, caring, personable, and committed Mentors, with their support of their groups central in developing a great culture of participation and engagement. I wish to personally thank each of the Tevlin Mentors for their guidance, which extended to interesting virtual Mentor group meetings during the home-based learning period.

Tevlin students cooking a tasty meal on Year 7 camp

Tevlin students cooking a tasty meal on Year 7 camp

Tevlin Year 12 Students Graduating with Honours

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 for the way you have set, and then effectively worked towards achieving your goals throughout the year. Tevlin has been blessed with a Senior year group that has genuinely cared for the younger students and embraced their opportunities to take leadership roles within their Mentor groups. These skills developed will serve these boys well as they take on a variety of apprenticeships, occupations, travel, and further study. The students were farewelled as a group in front of their teachers and families at the Sydney Cricket Ground in a memorable ceremony.

In particular, I’d like to thank the exemplary leadership of the Tevlin House Prefects during 2020, as they have displayed innovation and drive in leading our House. The students incorporating the Year 12 theme of ‘Small Actions: Big Impact’ in their leadership of Tevlin and the College is commendable. Thank you to Noah Ratcliff, Alex Talbot, Sam Tsaousis, Luca Paolella and House Captain Charlie Tindale, and all our Year 12 students for their leadership and best wishes for your future.

Year 12 Class of 2020 Graduates from Tevlin House

Year 12 Class of 2020 Graduates from Tevlin House

Term 4 saw new House Prefects inducted for 2021, with Remy Crompton-Lamb leading our 2021 effort as House Captain, supported by Tevlin Prefects Conor Boyd-Boland, James Belavic, and our School Vice-Captain Byron Scott. Our Seniors have begun very strongly in further supporting others through servant leadership in our House.

Year 12 Class of 2020 Graduation Celebrations

Year 12 Class of 2020 Graduation Celebrations

Tevlin Success in House Competitions!

Tevlin had a strong term across the return of some house competitions – notably becoming undefeated school champions in the Senior House Dodgeball!

Year 7 Tevlin students after a game of dodgeball

Year 7 Tevlin students after a game of dodgeball

The final was a thriller and saw Ronan Schocher take the winning catch from an O’Connor bullet – congratulations to these boys, including Zach Smith-Karim, Alex Talbot, Chris Mills, Conor Boyd-Boland, Will Jensen, TJ Speedy-Coe, Dane Towns, Cooper Stynes, Jack Rigg, and Manager Charlie Tindale. Two successful House Swimming Carnivals in Junior and Senior Schools were enjoyed, while Touch Football, Tug-o-war, and the R U OK? Day Strongman challenge were also well supported with plenty of highlights and skills shown by these boys.

Tevlin Members at a Athletics Carnval

Tevlin Members at a House Competition

Tevlin House members board racing at the Junior School Swimming Carnival

Tevlin House members board racing at the Junior School Swimming Carnival

Tevlin students Supporting Homelessness

Tevlin students successfully led National Homelessness Week in Term 3, becoming more aware of some of the specific types, causes, and impacts of homelessness in our community. The 2020 theme targeted the urgent need to advocate for and increase social/ public and affordable housing options in the community. Over 20 boys from the Duke of Edinburgh Award group and Tevlin House spent weekly lunchtimes creating a large knitted blanket for the Matthew Talbot Hostel. The boys were enthusiastic in learning the skills required and very thankful to Ms Brown, Ms Ayre, and Ms Oates for leading them through a truly satisfying result.

Tevlin House creating a large knitted blanket for the Matthew Talbot Hostel.

In Term 4, Tevlin boys learnt about, discussed, and then actively engaged with homelessness issues in Waverley’s annual appeal for the Matthew Talbot Hostel. Students spent three weeks in November not only donating important toiletries, clothing, and other necessary items but coordinating weekly visits to other House groups to share their views on the importance of supporting homeless charities like the Matthew Talbot Hostel. All of the Waverley community should be proud, as donations allowed for the distribution of supplies to homeless men in Sydney before Christmas. Year 10 Tevlin boys benefitted personally in broadening their perspectives while undertaking a Service Week in Term 4. Boys were enthusiastic in completing service work and gaining valuable knowledge with homeless services in Our Big Kitchen, Rough Edges, the Matthew Talbot Hostel, and The Kadoo Indigenous experience at La Perouse.

Tevlin House students flag painting during Reconciliation Week

Tevlin House students flag painting during Reconciliation Week

Tevlin 2020 Final Presentation Academic Awards

Congratulations to all boys across all year levels for the effort they have put into their learning, improving their skills and academic results. The following Senior School boys were awarded prizes in the Academic Assembly to conclude their 2020 academic year:

Year 7: Leo Jreige

Year 9: Theo Varvaressos, Anderson Franulovich, James Iatrou, Jett McTavish, Hugh McDonald

Year 10: Daniel Di Francesco, Carl Waterson

Year 11: Leon Palacio (including Equal Dux of Year 11), Elija Heininger, Evan Athanassiou, Darcy Bourke, Conor Boyd-Boland, Nathan Barry

Year 12: Cooper Sergis, Jacob Smith, Riley Klotz, Gabriel Kidston, Alex Talbot

I wish all boys and their families a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and look forward to more rewarding experiences in 2021.

From Convenor of Basketball, Mr Anthony Gibbs

Firsts started the Friday night fixture fairly well, however, by the end of the third quarter had let the game slip away, falling behind by 15. Fritz Jahnke-Tavana and Jack Sherston led the comeback, however, Waverley ultimately lost 85-80. After a great performance by Seconds, especially Cameron Abbott, Waverley fell short by 5 points. Rd 1 vs Cranbrook

The 8A’s had a tremendous win with Ricky Meyrick, Ben Pignatelli and James O’Loughlin putting up 10+ points. A similar show in the 9A’s with Jack Anasson and Flynn Busteed tearing up Cranbrook’s big men to secure their win. The 10A’s through Oscar Walters-Green and Tom Gleeson led their team to a victory against Cranbrook.

Rd 5 vs St Aloysius Basketball Game

Rd 5 vs St Aloysius Basketball Game

Rd 2 vs Trinity

Both these Friday night games were live-streamed for fans to watch and added to the excitement of the night. Firsts played extremely well, never giving up. Eoin Morrisey had a stellar performance dropping 26 points. After a brief comeback, Waverley ultimately went down 64-74. The Seconds found themselves unable to keep up with Trinity’s full-court defence. Daniel Malone scored 9 of Waverley’s key points, however, Waverley fell short by 20. 

The 8A’s couldn’t compete with Trinity’s overwhelming pressure and despite JJ keeping them in the game, lost. Jock Edwards and Hudson Hatchett both played extremely well leading the 9A’s to overcome Trinity’s intense defence for the win. The 10A’s beat Trinity with a very impressive performance from Toby Longmire. 

Rd 3 vs Barker

Hosting their first game of the season, Seconds, despite a strong performance by Daniel Malone, were unable to secure the win going down 38-48. Firsts began their game with high intensity, however, allowed Barker to build a 15-point lead. A big fourth quarter with great leadership from Charlie Harris was nearly enough to secure the win, however, Waverley ended up losing 51-58.

The 8A’s, despite a great performance by Kayden Baker, were unable to secure the win in a nail-biting 6 points loss. The 9A’s saw a tremendous effort from Jack Anasson and Hudson Hatchett as they carried the boys to their third win. Despite a stand-out performance by Tom Gleeson in the 10As, Waverley went down 32-43.

Rd 4 vs Knox

Despite a mishap, which saw the playing uniforms left at Waverley, Seconds played extremely well to beat Knox at Knox playing in Knox uniforms to steal their first win of the season! Cameron Abbott even hit the game-winning shot! Firsts played extremely well with Eoin Morrisey scoring 28 points and despite losing 79-68, Waverley played hard and united.

The 10A’s, led by Tom Gleeson, overcame Knox’s intense full-court defence to win 64-24. The 9A’s despite a strong effort by Jack Anasson lost to Knox. The 8A’s had a tough loss, losing by a sizable margin to a well-structured and fast-moving Knox.

Rd 5 vs St Aloysius

Firsts secured their very first win, pumping St Aloysius 71-49. Marley Henare played exceptionally well with Seb Van de Hoek contributing on the offensive end to enable Waverley to keep the lead they built in the first quarter. Seconds were, unfortunately, unable to back up last week’s performance, losing 47-29. Captain Daniel Malone played tremendously well utilising his intimidating presence on the court.

In the 8A’s, contributions from JJ and Ricky were unable to prevent St Aloysius winning, with a last-second half-court shot for the tie from JJ almost going in as the final buzzer sounded. The 9A’s lost to the undefeated St Aloysius 60-28 with Edward Lyons and Jock Edwards displaying great development. The 10A’s had a tight game and, despite the efforts of Van Larkin and Tom Gleeson, fell short losing 42-39.  

Rd 5 vs St Aloysius Basketball Game

Rd 5 vs St Aloysius Basketball Game

From Acting Head of Science and Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader, Ms Gemma Brown

During Week 6 over 100 Duke of Edinburgh, students completed their Adventurous Journeys by undertaking three one-day hikes. Unfortunately, outdoor education has looked a little different this year, so it was fantastic to see an opportunity for our students to get out in nature and explore some beautiful natural areas of Sydney.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Over the three days, students covered 50km along the Spit to Manly Beach via North Head walk, Garigal National Park, Manly Dam track, and a section of the Great North walk, in Kur-ring-gai Chase National Park. The walks were challenging for the students especially due to the warm temperatures and various inclines. The students took it in turns to navigate their group along the route, developing their leadership skills and their ability to use a map and a compass. The students demonstrated teamwork and resilience and should be proud of their achievements.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

I would like to recognise the outstanding leadership of the students completing their Silver and Gold Awards who mentored our younger Bronze participants during the expeditions.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh program is offered to Year 8 Students in Term 3 each year. Please keep an eye out in the Nurrunga and your emails for our next intake.

From the Convenor of Cricket, Mr John McCallum

Term 4 action concluded with some excellent performances over the last two weeks, with boys now ready to take their cricket into the backyard and beach over the Summer holidays!

For any players wanting to attend one of the great Cricket clinics during different December and January weeks over the holidays, please go to for excellent options from our coaching partners at Pro Performance Cricket.

There was a great spirit in the four Year 6 teams who finished their Junior school sport with fantastic victories across the board against Sydney Grammar, and with the 8As, Bs and Cs also having wins in final rounds the future is exciting. Some highlights on the field in the last round included:

Waverley students after a game of cricket

Waverley students after a game of cricket

After 4 fantastic years of teaching and coaching Cricket at Waverley, we all farewell Mr Richard Bryant and wish him all the success in Darwin as he relocates over summer. Richard has coached the 1st and 2nd teams with exceptional professionalism, good humour, and drive to have boys backing their abilities and enjoying the contest in matches – and the 1st XI players and parents certainly made their gratefulness evident for his contribution.

Farewell and best wishes to Mr Richard Bryant (right) who will be relocating to Darwin

Farewell and best wishes to Mr Richard Bryant (right) who will be relocating to Darwin

End of Year Wrap-Up

“It’s part of life to have obstacles. It’s about overcoming obstacles; that’s the key to happiness” – Herbie Hancock, 2014.

No truer words could be shared in a year such as 2020. Worldwide this has been a year like no other, it has been a year which has challenged everyone to think outside the box to find new paths and new ways to do the simplest and most practical of things and a year which has seen people experience great pain, loss, grief, success, and happiness. It was extremely evident that the concept of Growth Mindset was in action as students, teachers, and parents worked together to overcome obstacles as they arose. Whilst we continue to travel these uncertain and unprecedented times, the O’Connor House can look back on the year that was with great pride and gratitude for what they have achieved and the opportunities they have experienced, as Head of House, I certainly carry a sense of pride which is unique to any previous year.

Bushwalking at Year 7 Camp

Rewinding back to Term 1, our year began in its normal manner with our excited and eager Year 7 students heading off to camp at YMCA Yarramundi. The camp was a fantastic opportunity for bonding and simply spending time with new and old friends alike. The camp activities were bushwalking, swimming, a giant swing, archery, and reflection sessions, with all boys participating enthusiastically and developing interpersonal and team-building skills.

War Crys at the House Swimming Carnival

Towards the end of Term 1, the school went into isolation due to COVID-19, this meant big adjustments were made to the way we taught and learnt. O’Connor House stayed connected as House Assemblies and wellbeing classes were conducted through Google Hangout. It would be remiss of me not to mention the versatility most boys demonstrated in adapting to this new way of learning, rising to the challenge, and getting on with it.

O’Connor House once again raised money to give back to the community and constructed the Solar Buddies for energy in poverty-stricken regions. These were constructed during House Assembly time, allowing the students to work together to create the finished product.

James Nestor, Charlie Cooke and Adam Cutten constructing Solar Buddies

Like other Houses, we were unable to participate in many activities this year, however, the College and students were very grateful that the Winter Co-Curricular season went ahead. This was a fantastic opportunity many thought would not eventuate. It was especially meaningful to the Year 12 students to represent the College and play with their mates for one last time.

Whilst the restrictions sadly impacted the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony at the end of Term 3, fortunately, the College was able to organise a wonderful farewell to our departing students at the conclusion of the High School Certificate. Students were invited to the Year 12 Formal at the Australian Turf Club at Royal Randwick. Following this, students and their families attended a special Graduation Ceremony at the Sydney Cricket Ground. A unique and special event that will long be remembered.

The end of year camp was replaced with alternative programs for Year 10 students. The newly created Service Week was wonderfully engaging as students in O’Connor spent the week serving the community. Some of the activities included helping to prepare meals at Our Big Kitchen for the disadvantaged, supporting the Holdsworth Community, and preparing Christmas Hampers at the Exodus Foundation for homeless people across Sydney. The week concluded with a Reflection Day, led by Year 12 student leaders, where the boys were able to reflect on the life-changing experiences that had just taken part in.

Our Year 12 students made an excellent effort in providing strong leadership for the College in such different times. They were outstanding role models and inspired others through their enthusiasm and commitment. I would like to particularly thank the House Captain Ethan King and House Prefects Maksymilian Klimczak, Brock Preston, and Olli Rinder, who were instrumental in helping facilitate activities and competitions.

The year concluded with the College Presentation Assembly, recognising those students who had achieved outstanding academic results in 2020. Congratulations to the following O’Connor students:

Year 7 – James Peate
Year 9 – Hugo Morgan, Toby Neilsen, Jake Perks
Year 10 – Thomas Wilkins, Solomon Tuqiri
Year 11 – Bryn Parry, Finn Dixon, Jack Harris

The year 2020 will forever be etched in our memories and will always be a part of history as we move forward. O’Connor students have united, shown the maturity to adapt, and continued to remain positive to ensure the year was the best it could possibly be. I congratulate and thank all teachers, counselors, and mentors who have worked with the O’Connor House this year and finally the students themselves for rising above and continuing on. Take pride in what you have achieved and carry this into the future, see you all again in 2021.

From Tennis Captain, student Kai Jones

The last three weeks have been a rollercoaster for the 1sts and 2nds tennis. It started with a tough opposition in Barker College who took the sets across the board with the exception of Nikita Nikitenko who had a fantastic result winning 6-3. The thirds and fourths however had a great result with 3rds players Cuba Kanakis and Ronnie Roth taking out their singles 6-3, and following up with their doubles; Ronnie Roth and MichaelRichmond 6-1; and Jared Garwood and Cuba Kanakis 6-3. The fourths also had a great performance with Jonty Booy and Toby Ryan not losing a single game in both their singles and doubles.

Our next match was an away game against Knox which was challenging for the firsts and seconds with Roger Sweeny and Nikita Nikitenko coming up against some very tough opponents. Charlie Farrington and Kai Jones managed to take out a close battle to win the doubles 6-3 and 7-6. Jack Preller and Xavier Miconi are also congratulated for winning their first set of doubles 6-0. The thirds and fourths also struggled, however Oscar Madden in the thirds managed to win his singles 6-3, and Jared Garwood and Cuba Kanakis managed to win their doubles 6-2 proving themselves to be a formidable partnership. In the fourths, Massimo Di Nappoli and Jonty Booy also won their doubles 6-0.

Tennis finished for the first half of the summer 2020/21 season on a high beating Aloysius 5-3 in the firsts. Xavier Miconi stepped up to play with Nikita Nikitenko and they had a great first set of doubles against their very strong opponents with a 6-3 win but were unsuccessful in the second set with a 4-6 loss. Charlie Farrington and Kai Jones fought hard to win both their doubles matches 6-2. Both players also won their singles 6-0. Unfortunately, Nikita’s game went to the wire and he lost in a tie break but it was a great game for the spectators. The mighty seconds had their best result so far winning 6-2: their first win of the season. Jack Preller and Archie Small although losing their first set of doubles 6-4 fought back to win the second set 6-0. Both played great singles games winning both matches. Ronnie Roth stepped up to the seconds winning both his doubles and singles. This was a great result to end the term. The 3rds and 4ths continued their strong run winning 5-1 and 6-0. Let’s hope this winning streak runs into next year’s rounds in February.

Thanks to all the coaches, teachers and parents for all your support this term in tennis. I hope you all enjoy your summer break and I look forward to seeing everyone in Term 1 next year where we can build on our successful first half of the season.


Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh

Year 10 Service Week

Last week as Year 10 students finished up 2020, they spent the week “giving back” to the community through a variety of service activities. These activities involved our students working with the homeless and disadvantaged members of the community and provided students with a wealth of life experiences and challenges. Many of the students commented on how much they enjoyed the week and especially the relationships they were able to form throughout the variety of encounters they had.

Some of the service venues included: Wairoa School for children living with disabilities, La Perouse Primary School, The Exodus Foundation where over 800 hampers were packed for those in need, Our Big Kitchen, Rough Edges, Matthew Talbot Hostel, painting at the Holdsworth Community and learning more about our Indigenous brothers and sisters through Kadoo.

Each of these placements enhanced our student’s life perspectives and encouraged them to challenge common stereotypical images.

The Service Week ended with a wonderful Reflection Day at Centennial Park where our Prefects helped our Year 10’s enhance their understanding of these service experiences. Many thanks to all those teachers and students involved over this week for their enthusiastic cooperation and involvement. A special thank you to Mr Richard Bryant who helped make this amazing opportunity a reality. I am sure that the life lessons learned from these experiences will enhance the willingness of our students to become more involved in social justice activities throughout their senior years.

Christmas Hampers

Thank you also to all those who so generously donated to our Christmas Hamper Appeal. The response was overwhelming and will certainly enable some much needed Christmas spirit to be passed onto our community.

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Christmas and look forward to working with these amazing young men in 2021.

From Head of Library, Mr William Roberts

Over the summer, 1000’s of online audio and ebooks, targeted and selected just for children and young adults, are available via the Waverley College Senior library. Dedicated primary online audiobooks are also available via the Junior Innovation Hub.

To access the audiobooks follow the links below:

Senior audiobooks:

Students’ sign-in details are listed on the Library website and are generally their College computer network username and College computer network password.

Junior audiobooks:

Happy reading and listening!

2021 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice

With 2021 fast approaching, I would like to draw your attention to the following important information relating to next year.

Update on 2020 financial position

2020 has been a challenging year with the impact of COVID-19 being felt across the College. Significant areas that been impacted include:

These impacts were offset somewhat by an overall reduction in professional development costs as well as subject expenditure which includes various immersions and College events, both relating to COVID-19.

In addition to this, our level of funding from both the Federal and State Governments has been reduced over the coming decade. The funding model used to determine level of funding which was previously based on Census data has changed and moved to a measure of parental income based on Personal Income Tax (PIT) data.

The cumulative impact is a significant reduction in the 2020 budget surplus for the College that is expected at the end of the school year.

Proposed 2021 College Fees

The draft College budget for 2021 has been completed and has been submitted to Edmund Rice Education Australia – EREA (Educational Authority responsible for Waverley) for approval. The budget process has recommended increases in the range 2.6% – 3.8% increase in tuition fees. This recommended increase is lower than both the EREA recommended maximum and the Australian Education Cost Index.

To enable families to plan their own budgets accordingly, I provide for you the table of proposed fees. EREA processes and timelines mean that the fees will only be confirmed in December 2020. I will write to you at that time should there be any change to the 2021 tuition fees. I am conscious that fee increases may affect some families more than others and, where genuine hardship may arise from this change, the College will be open to providing some support.

This decision has been made with the following considerations in mind:

Affordability in the current economic environment. Our fees remain competitive, affordable and reduce the need for future concessional considerations. There continues to be increasing enrolment demand for places at the College, in fact the College will reach its largest enrolment in its history with over 1500 students in 2021.

Fee Schedule 2021



















YEAR  10



YEAR  11



YEAR  12



* Billed over three terms.

Families are reminded that one term’s written notice is required if a child is to be withdrawn from the College. In the absence of such notification, an amount equal to one term’s fees will be payable.

Additional Payment Option – for COVID-19 affected families

Waverley College has partnered with Edstart to specifically assist families affected by COVID-19 with managing your school fee payments.

To help take the pressure off your budget during the current pandemic, you can reduce your repayment amount for up to 6 months and catch up on the difference in repayments when we start to recover from the impact of COVID-19 without incurring any fees or interest charges. Edstart will work closely with you to tailor repayments around your individual circumstances. If you wish to make an application please send an email to  for a preliminary application form.


The impact of fee increases, combined with the effect of COVID-19 on family household budgets, continues to be a primary concern for the College. We are advising of this proposed increase earlier than in previous years to enable families to plan accordingly.

I thank you for your prompt payment of fees each term and for the many contributions financial and otherwise, that families continue to make to our Catholic College. Together we pave the way for a robust and exciting future for Waverley College. I thank you in anticipation of your prompt payment of College tuition fees and for your generous contribution to the learning future of the boys at Waverley College.

End of Year Wrap-Up

At times 2020 has felt like a year that has been one of the most difficult faced in many generations. Yet, as I reflect on the year, the Green community has demonstrated resounding optimism and resilience in the face of such unique adversity. In the midst of the pandemic, there is still so much good that has happened at Waverley. 

Unquestionably, the pandemic has been a challenging time, but I have been so heartened by the positive community spirit that has still managed to shine through in every aspect of our House this year. Lots of students mentioned the incredible experiences that have come about from the COVID-19 pandemic and none of these ring true more so than the time they were given with their loved ones. Time we often don’t have in a world focused on busy lifestyles and activities. 2020 was a time to pause, reflect and enjoy the small moments of togetherness. I too will cherish 2020, it provided me with a unique opportunity to spend time with my son that I will never have again and I know that despite the unprecedented times, many families found hope, love and joy during the year that will always be remembered. 

2020 has shown once again that Waverley is a unique and vital community with relationships woven together through meaningful connections – between students, teachers and families. And to put it simply, the challenges this year were no match for our community. Thanks to all in the Green community for their care, support and perseverance in a year of unprecedented expectations. 

Congratulations to the following Green House students who are major award winners for 2020:

Year 7: Cooper Stewart – Nicholas Farrow Memorial Prize for the Spirit of Year 7.

Year 8: Ehren Little – Principal’s Award for Sport, Jack Kerves – Martin Robinson Memorial Award for Service & Integrity.

Year 9: Ben Stirling – Information Software Technology, Marcus Antonio – Design & Technology, Spanish.

Year 10: Maddox Grebert – Design & Technology.

Year 11: Louis Liong – Biology Equal First, Lachlan Muir – Ancient History, Mathematics Accelerated.

Green House leaders for 2021

Congratulations to our 2021 Green House Year 12 leadership team. We welcomed our 2021 Prefects at the end of Term 3 and so far they have been active leaders for the House. Our new leaders are: Max De Carvalho, Finn Harley Whitney, Jack Mackenzie and Lachlan Muir.

The Junior boys have really immersed themselves into many aspects of the College this year, especially many of the initiatives run by the Green House. Participation in the annual Junior School Walk-a-thon and the Best Foot Forward Campaign really opened their eyes to the injustices faced by many people in our local and wider communities.  

Our students were led again by our wonderful Junior School staff. I would like to thank Mr Jac Lavorato, Mr Stephen Ghattas and Ms Gabrielle Bransby for all their efforts. They consistently go above and beyond and I am so thankful to have such supportive staff engaged in the wellbeing of their students. 

Best Foot Forward 2020

On November 6, 2020, Green House took part in the Edmund Rice Foundation Best Foot Forward Campaign. The campaign focuses on providing access to education for disadvantaged girls both nationally and internationally who would otherwise not have the opportunity. There is so much value and power in education. But sadly many girls are still more likely than boys to never set foot in a classroom, despite the tremendous progress made over the past 20 years.

Best Foot Forward 2020

Each student in Green House donated $10 and was given a pair of pink laces to wear to show their support of this essential cause. As a school, we raised over $2,000 dollars for the cause. The Edmund Rice Foundation provided $4 for every dollar donated – so that means our contribution resulted in a $10,000 donation. The donations eventually reached $175,000 in total. An inspiring initiative to be a part of for all our Green and Waverley boys. 

The annual Green House Step Out Speak Out Walk couldn’t go ahead this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Instead, Green House Prefect, Lachlan Muir attended a scaled-down walk on behalf of Green House and Waverley College. Thanks to Lachlan for his participation on our behalf. We hope to take part in the annual walk in 2021!

While 2020 is over, we are already looking forward to our 2021 program with excitement. Green House will host a mass on Thursday, March 18, 2021. This is a compulsory event for all Green House students. More information about this event will be distributed early next year. 

Green House would not be the place it is without the support we have from our incredible Mentors. Through the development of the Wellbeing program this year, it has been exciting to see our Green Mentors developing and engaging with the curriculum. Our students are lucky to be greeted by your smiles every morning and I sincerely wanted to thank you all for your work this year: Mr Angus Brotherton, Ms Jannet Markey, Mr Harry Lind, Mr Jon Walker, Mr Gus Lyon, Mr Gary Kennedy, Ms Kathryn Knowles, Mr Paul Batten, Mr Daniel Kroll, Ms Belinda Buchan, Mr Patrick Darvill, Mr Sean Moylette and Ms Phoebe Guirguis.

I also want to thank all of the students for everything they did to make Waverley a better place in 2020. Often the legacy left behind is something we are not aware of until future generations stand on the stones we placed before them. This year saw the fruition of our House program over the past four years and I can’t wait to see what our future holds, with such an incredible group of young men in charge of our trajectory. 

Finally, I want to thank all the parents of Green students. Your support is consistently overwhelming and we’re so lucky to have you as part of the Green family. I wish the best of luck to those parents that are moving on or to a different school and look forward to making memories with parents and students in 2021.