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From Gary Kennedy, Head of Science

The Young Scientist Awards are a major project of the Science Teachers Association of NSW.

The awards program is open to all students in Years 7-12 and has a number of categories including Experimentation, Mathematical Investigation, Depth Study or Innovative Design. Students can choose to complete an individual project or a project as a team of two or three.

Interested students should go to the Young Scientist website for more information or see Mr Kennedy in the Science Faculty.

The closing date for entries for Engineering Innovations is 31 August 2018, and the Scientific Investigation is 5 September 2018.




Prayer for the Week

The Easter Period is the most important time in the life of the Catholic Church as we remember Jesus’s death and resurrection.

Sunday 25 March we celebrated Palm Sunday; Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Thursday 29 March we celebrate Holy Thursday ; the night Jesus shared ‘The Last Supper’, was betrayed by Judas and arrested.

Friday 30 March we celebrate Good Friday; the day Jesus was sentenced to be crucified, carried his cross up to Golgotha and died for us.

Sunday 1 April we celebrate Easter Sunday; the day Jesus rose from the dead and brought new life to the world.

Lord of life,

We pray for all who bring your word of life

As a light to those in darkness

For those who bring your word of peace

To those enslaved by fear

For those who bring your word of love

To those in need of comfort

Lord of love and Lord of peace

Lord of resurrection life

Be known

Through our lives

and through your power

Christ the Lord is risen to-day

ALL: Alleluia!

St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us

Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

End of term fast approaching

It’s hard to believe that the first term is nearly over. I hope all our families enjoy this very holy time of the year together and have restful long weekend. The boys have been working hard and have settled into a very positive routine.


It has come to my attention that some boys are not in the habit of backing up their laptops. I would ask they develop the habit of doing the following three things each night with their laptop:

  1. Backup important files and folders to their Google drive
  2. Restart
  3. Recharge

It would be appreciated if parents could assist us in getting the boys into this habit.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

A reminder that Tuesday, 1 May next term has been set aside for Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews. Parents should have received a Skoolbag App notification explaining how to book online. If there are any problems please contact Mrs Coupe before the end of the week.

Parents of boys in 5 Blue would have received a separate note detailing the arrangements for their son’s interview as Mr Ghattas will be on leave next term.

Special Mention

Congratulations to our senior relay team – Zolthan Szabo, Oakley Lamb, Tristan Lee and Jack Kerves who finished third at the CIS Swimming Carnival last week. This means they will now swim for CIS at the PSSA Carnival. Great effort boys and the best of luck at the carnival.

Mother’s Day Mass

An early invitation to our annual Mother’s and Grandmother’s Mass to be held on Friday May 11 commencing at 12pm followed by lunch at the Junior School. It would be appreciated if you could note the date in your diaries.


If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office or email them to

From the Head of Science, Gary Kennedy

Current Year 11 students studying science subjects, who are interested in attending the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) are welcome to apply for selection for the 12-day immersive residential program in January 2019.

Attending NYSF is a unique opportunity for young Australian science students to participate in Australia’s leading science and technology outreach activity.


Applications close 31 May 2018

In 2019, there will be up to 600 places available at the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) – an extra 200 places.

In the January before entering Year 12, the participants will experience 12 days of science and technology related activities, designed to encourage them to continue to study in these fields, and move on to careers that are so important in underpinning the Australian economy.

Everything you need to know is available on the NYSF website 

Please contact NYSF if you have any questions about the application process.

Dates, venues and places

In 2019, two sessions will be run consecutively at The Australian National University in Canberra, providing 400 places. One session will be run at The University of Queensland, providing up to 200 places.

Dates for the three sessions are:

Places in these programs will be allocated irrespective of a student’s home state.

Program fee

 The program fee for students selected for NYSF 2019 is $3,150. Support for funding a successfully selected student’s place at the NYSF may be available through the endorsing Rotary club. Students need to make sure they understand what level, if any, of funding is available through their endorsing Rotary club as part of their application process.

Funding assistance

NYSF has launched an Equity Scholarship Fund to provide up to forty (40) scholarships, valued at $1000 each, for participants in the NYSF 2019 and 2020 programs. The Scholarship is not paid directly to the successful applicants, but is awarded as a reduction in the NYSF Year 12 Program Fee ($3150 for January 2019) which is paid by a student’s endorsing Rotary club. Students whose family may not have previously been able to support their application are encouraged to apply and to benefit from this fund.

 Application process

Students are required to submit an Expression of Interest through the NYSF website – There is a $60 application fee associated with this process, which covers the administrative cost of the NYSF selection process. This is not refundable. Students must submit their printed-out and signed EOI to their endorsing Rotary club by 31 May 2018.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the NYSF office on 02 6125 2777 or
You can also speak to Mr Kennedy in the Science department  to get more information.




Last Monday, 26 March, Year 10 Religious Education class were privileged to hear a talk about Judaism.

Mrs Green from the NSW Board of Jewish Deputies was invited to visit Waverley College and share with the class many aspects on Judaism such as culture, food, festivals, current demography and contributions to Australia. The students were clearly engaged and inspired to ask meaningful and insightful questions which added to the whole discussion.

It was all relevant to their current study “Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue”. Next week they will have a talk from another guest speaker on this topic from “Together for Humanity”.


From Mr Gary Kennedy, Head of Science

The Conocophillips Science Experience program is 3-4 days of hands-on science for interested Year 9 and 10 Science students conducted across 35 university and tertiary campuses across Australia. In NSW the programs are mostly held in January 2019.

Macquarie University, Sydney 15 – 17 January 2019 31 October 2018
University of New England, Armidale 15 – 17 January 2019 31 October 2018
University of Sydney, Sydney 9 – 11 January 2019 31 October 2018
University of Technology, Sydney 3 – 5 October 2018 30th August 2018
University of Wollongong, Wollongong 22 – 24 January 2019 31 October 2018

The full cost for a student to participate in the program is $190 for the 3 day program and $260 for the 4 day program. The Conocophillips Science Experience is a Rotary supported project, and local Rotary clubs are often quite willing to sponsor students.

The programs are non-selective and if you are interested, early application is advised.

Further details can be found at or by speaking to Mr Kennedy in the Science department.

Aidan Lee (5 Gold), James Finegan (5 Gold), Ben Pignatelli (5 Green), Zoltahn Szabo (5 Green), Jack Johnson (5 Green), and Tristan Lee (6 Green) got together at Coogee last weekend to sell all sorts of goodies to raise funds for Project Compassion.

They were thrilled when South Sydney Rabbitohs forward Sam Burgess showed up to buy a cookie! Sam found out that the group of boys were working hard to raise money on a hot afternoon and decided to pay them a visit. He then bought a cookie for a generous $100, helping the boys raise an amazing $524.

From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis

Male Image and Relationships Student Seminar

 On Tuesday 27 March 2018 Year 11 students attended a Male Image Seminar presented by Mr David Kobler ( Real issues topics facing young men were discussed, including manhood, masculinity, relationships, respect for females, and the harmful effects of pornography. Mr Kobler included media images, real-life stories, medical commentaries and statistical analysis in his various discussions.  The students also ‘workshopped’ each topic in small groups.

Thank you

I would like to thank the following staff for volunteering to lead the small groups during the day: Mr Aird, Mr Barrett, Mr Boyd, Mr Cornish, Mr Elliot, Mr Newbury, Mr O’Donnell, Mr Porter, Mr Rowling and Mr Wallington.

Raising Teens Parent Seminar

Another seminar titled ‘Raising Teens’ was also run by Mr Kobler for parents later that evening. Over three hundred parents attended to hear about important issues their sons will face as they transition from boyhood to manhood. Topics included the real qualities of manhood versus media and societal concepts of male image, relationships, sex education, sexual decision making and the very real dangers of pornography regarding brain development and future relationships. (Further information regarding pornography can be found here

At the end of the evening, Mr Kobler stayed behind to answer individual questions from parents. The consensus among parents was that the evening was very worthwhile.

Thank you

I would like to thank the Head of College, Mr Leddie and the Director of Student Wellbeing, Mr Porter for their attendance and support of the evening. Mr Kara, Logistics and Events Manager, provided wonderful background assistance, especially regarding accommodating the large number of parents who attended. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of Ms Divall, Marketing Manager, as well as the Parent Association for their publicising of this event.


CAS Blitz Weekend

Last weekend all A teams from each age group competed in the CAS Blitz weekend. This was the first type of trial where all CAS schools put forward their best 16 for each age group to compete to win the day over four games. Waverley went in strong and got promising results for each age group, in particular the 7As and 8As. Each age group were able to analyse players and positions and finalise their structure for the CAS season ahead.

Results for the day for each age group were:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 1st XI
Vs Cranbrook 2-0 win 3-0 win 1-1 draw 0-2 loss 0-2 loss
Vs SAC 2-1 win 4-0 win 0-2 loss 1-2 loss 0-1 loss
Vs Trinity 1-1 Draw 2-1 win 1-1 draw 1-1 draw 1-1 draw
Vs Barker 2-1 win 5-1 win 2-2 draw 2-2 draw 2-0 win

Attendance and Uniform

A reminder that training and games are compulsory for all students. Players on Saturday are required to wear their yellow playing jersey with Waverley shorts and socks, shin pads and football boots. If it is cold, Waverley jacket can be worn to the game. Non–Waverley uniform at games is not acceptable. All uniform items are available to purchase from the uniform shop.

Football Development Program

This year we will be holding the Waverley College Football Development program at Waverley Oval on Friday mornings. Bookings can be made through

Development program flyer

Holiday camp

This year we will be running a holiday camp for any student in football over the second week of the school holidays. Details on the camp can be found on the below flyer and bookings can be made through the following link

From the Convenor of Rugby, Mr John McCoy

CAS Sevens

On Saturday 24 March the CAS Sevens competition took place at various venues across Sydney. Waverley College had a number of positive results with our 14s and 15s teams winning all their games. The 16s had three strong wins from the four games played and continue to show fantastic improvements as a playing group. The 13s and Opens both played entertaining rugby and had two convincing wins with two tight losses.

Thanks to all the players and coaches who took part in this great event. Thanks also to the referees, particularly Mr Richard Chen who organised the officials at Queens Park for the Sevens.

CAS Sevens

Internal Trials

All other students were involved in internal trials, with coaches having a good look at how players have developed. Thanks to Mr Charlie Read (father of Oliver), Mr Tom Kossenberg and all those coaches who refereed the internal trials. Players may have some continued trials during training session ahead of the trial fixture against Shore.


Players are to ensure they are prepared with mouthguards, boots, playing shorts and playing jerseys at each training session. Please note that while I understand the weather is still hot, shirts (including PDHPE shirts) do tend to rip easily, which is why jerseys are important.


On Saturday we had a few unfortunate injuries. On behalf of the College I would like to wish Jazz D’Costa, Sam Carr and Leon Bakis all the best for a speedy recovery after they all suffered arm injuries.

 Thank You

A special thank you to Mrs Sharon Frazer (mother of Will and Sam) who stayed back to support Sam Carr, who was in considerable pain while waiting for the ambulance at Queens Park. This is another great example of the wonderful support network we have at Waverley College. Thank you Sharon!

 Lost Gear

A few reports have been received stating that student sport and PDHPE bags are being incorrectly picked up at school, particularly those bags left on top of lockers.

Students should please make an effort to fit all their bags and equipment into student lockers for safe keeping. If a student has particular issues fitting their bag into their locker, they should see their Head of House.

Canteen Roster

The Rugby Supporters Club is looking for parents and supporters who would be interested in helping out in the canteen and on the BBQ on a Saturday.

We are looking to create a roster for the season. We would particular like support from parents in the 13s, 16s and Opens age groups who will be playing at home during the busier Saturdays (i.e. when the 1st XV are playing at Queens Park).

If you are available to assist on any of the following dates, please feel free to contact either Rino Tomasiello ( or John McCoy ( to register the times you might be available. The canteen hours are 8am-4:30pm.

Opens, 16s and 13s Home Matches

Easter Weekend

This coming weekend there will be no rugby commitments due to the Easter Long Weekend.

I encourage all players to watch a game or two of Super Rugby over the weekend; to follow those players in the positions they are playing in to get an idea of where the players position themselves on the field (if they are a forward, are they really required at every ruck?), and where players are positioned during kicks and options which teams take when they may be in certain parts of the field.

Trial Vs Shore on Saturday 7 April, 2018

Following the Easter Weekend, Waverley College Rugby will be involved in the first full school Trial Fixture. This will be against The Shore School – Sydney Church of England Grammar School. Our 13s, 16s and Opens will be playing over at Northbridge, while our 14s and 15s will be playing at Queens Park.

Teams will be uploaded onto Team App next week. Lists will also be placed on noticeboards around the school. All players are to be at the matches at least 30 minutes before kick-off to ensure time for a full warm up.

This match will still very much be used by coaches as a trial to monitor player performances and to see how arranged playing combinations work. Our focus is on the CAS competition which commences on 16th June (against Knox Grammar), so we do have plenty of time to ensure teams are in order and ready to go. 

Upcoming Training Schedule – Remainder of Term 1

Week 10, Term 1


Tuesday 3rd April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)

Wednesday 4th April – 13s, 14s, 15s Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)

Thursday 5th April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)

Saturday 7th April – All Teams Vs Shore


Week 11, Term 1

Monday 9th April – NO TRAINING – Year 7-11 Parent/Teacher Night

Tuesday 10th April – 16s and Opens Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)

Wednesday 11th April – 13s, 14s, 15s Training at Queens Park (3:30pm-5:00pm)


Friday 13th April – End of Term 1 – School Holidays Commence


Have a safe and relaxing Easter Weekend!

Waverley to Win!



University of Sydney Year 10 Information Evenings

Join the University of Sydney on campus for a fun and informative evening. You will hear from a range of speakers including University staff and students.

Camperdown/Darlington Campus – University of Sydney

Register now

UNSW Engineering Information Day

Tuesday, 15 May 8:30am to 3:30pm

The UNSW Engineering Information Day is designed to give Year 11 & 12 students the opportunity to sample several fields of engineering through interesting and stimulating, hands-on activities, over a day at UNSW Kensington Campus.

Find out more

Notre Dame – Getting to Know Nursing

Tuesday 22 May, 6pm

160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from a guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Places are limited. Please register here or contact 02 8204 4404 or for further information.

Book here

 UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more

ACU Community Achiever Program

Regular volunteer work in your community, through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group, may be rewarded through the Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018.

Find out more

ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more

ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more

ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commencing in 2019, the Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more

Professional Cadetships Australia – Business, and Engineering & Tech Cadetships

Applications for the Business Cadetships Program opened on 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. The 2018 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship at UBS, a top-ranking global bank.

Applications for the 2018 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program open on Monday 30 April. Under this Program, Engineering Cadets are placed at Cubic Transportation Systems and Technology Cadets are placed at Macquarie Group.

For details of these programs and for the Business Cadetships online application form, go to

SAVE THE DATE! Career Kickstarter – Business and Accounting – 23 May@ Luna Park 

Previously known as “Meet the Business Leader”. Year 12 students are invited to attend to meet with and hear from business leaders in Industry.  Students will also learn about work experience and scholarship opportunities.  Registrations will open in the coming weeks.

NIDA HSC Workshops & Study Days

HSC Drama Performance

Comprehensive course for NSW students in year 11 and 12. Broaden your understanding of performance styles and develop improvisation, acting and devising techniques.
Years 11 & 12, cost is $615
16–20 April 2018, 10am–5pm
8–12 Oct 2018, 10am–5pm
Find out more

HSC IP Study Day

HSC IP Study Day is a fantastic way for students to explore the creative process from conception to successful completion. Participants gain a practical understanding of what is involved in the project area of their choice.
Tuesday 30 October 2018, 9.30am–3.00pm
Book now

ADF Gap Year applications for 2019 have opened.

It’s a unique opportunity for your students to try out a career in Navy, Army or Air Force and get a feel for a military life without committing for a longer period.

In 2019 there are 14 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery and even flight crew, plus this year we’re offering 30 Army Officer roles – places are limited.

Closing dates are driven by demand and may close sooner than listed.

Apply now –

Defence Jobs Information Sessions

UMAT Registrations are now open

Registrations close 1 June, and the testing date is 25 July 2018.
Find out more

Academy of Film, Theatre & Television Open Day

You’ll be able to soak up the culture, learn about the best way to finance your studies, meet our tutors and speak to current students about their experiences. Find out why AFTT is now Australia’s most contemporary fully immersive arts academy.

Saturday 12th May 2018, 9.30am to 2.30pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Register now

The Hotel Career Expo

7 May @ Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

The Hotel Career Expo is your opportunity to go behind the scenes of this amazing industry and kickstart your new career with great rewards, internationally renowned training and strong management pathways. Meet highly influential professionals in the hotel industry and discover more about the opportunities available in some of Australia’s best hotels.

Register now

AIT After School 2D Animation Workshops

This after-school workshop gives students the opportunity to experience all of the steps involved in creating a polished full-colour 2D animation. In the final workshop, outlining and colouring will be the main focus and the final exported animation will be sent to each participant.

These workshops will run every Tuesday for five weeks beginning on 1 May 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now

AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using Adobe After Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now

Become a Drone Pilot

Upcoming course dates for RePL training in Sydney:

30 April (Monday) – 4 May (Friday)

21 May (Monday) – 25 May (Friday)

Find out more

AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals at AFTRS’ state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.


This U.S. Government website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Join the AFP

Applications are sought for entry level positions into our community policing and national investigations families.

Recruit courses are anticipated for October 2018 and January 2019.

If you’re interested, or even just curious, head to our website for more information:

Join our Facebook Recruitment group for info and updates throughout the process. We’ll be sharing application tips, info about AFP College life, how to get over the (literal) hurdle and pass the physical fitness tests, and heaps more. Here’s a link to the group:

Applications close on 5 April.

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

NSW Police Recruitment

The police force is recruiting, and they’ve launched a new Facebook page.

They’re also running info sessions and practice sessions for the Physical Capacity Test.

Find out more –

 Real Estate Training Reforms

NSW Parliament has passed reforms which increase the training requirement for Real Estate Agents. The previous course took 5 days (or less), but now recruits will need to complete more units and undergo 12 months industry experience before they can become a Licence holder.

Read more here


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

How to apply

NSW Roads & Maritime Services Opportunities

Road Designer In Training

The Road Designer in Training program is available to people looking for a career in designing roads while at the same time studying towards a Civil Engineering degree.

Find out more

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Traineeships and apprenticeships are offered across a number of different fields, including:

Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply visit:

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.

TSFX: HSC Study Tips – Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students

Tips for note-taking

 Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here –

Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here –

Will Robots Take My Job?

Worried about robots stealing your job? Find out the chances of your chosen field becoming automated in the future.

Take the test –

Where could STEM take you?

STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?

 Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips –

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here: 

Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables

How to choose a degree when you’re unsure

This article from Careers with STEM has some great tips for choosing a university degree if you don’t quite know what you want yet.

Read it here –

UMAT 2018

Thinking of studying medicine, dentistry or health sciences? You need to know about UMAT.

UMAT stands for the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test. It’s a test that’s designed to help select students for undergraduate medicine and health science programs for participating universities.

If you’re in your final year of secondary school and want to enter a medicine or health science degree next year then you need to sit UMAT in 2018. It’s only held once a year.

In 2018 it will be held on Wednesday 25 July , 2018

It’s an aptitude test. It’s designed to test your attributes and abilities, specifically in

They test for these skills because they’re considered highly important for the study and practice of medicine and health sciences. It’s not based on the curriculum you study at school, and doesn’t require any knowledge or skills in maths, sciences, or any other area. They simply use these results, in combination with other selection criteria, to determine successful candidates for the specified medical and health science degrees.

You can find out more about the structure of the test, and the registration procedure in their downloadable Guide.

Prepare for UMAT

 You don’t have to complete any kind of preparation course, but practising the test online and completing a UMAT workshop might help you feel more comfortable about sitting the test and give you confidence on the day.

Their website states:

Intensive preparation is not advisable or necessary.  However, wide and critical reading may provide helpful preparation and, as with any test, some practice in answering questions of a similar type, and under similar time constraints as those found in the real test is helpful and reassuring to most candidates. It is also helpful to practice using a machine-readable answer sheet similar to the one in the actual test.”

The UMAT website offers official UMAT practice tests (the first one is free with your registration). They don’t endorse any external preparation courses, nor do they help develop those courses.

Job Spotlight – Game Designer

Game Designers design and build computer or console games to be sold to consumers. The games they design are often complex and intriguing, and the job requires creativity and technical know-how.

Gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry and growing fast.

“Programmers make games – artists make games look good – designers make games feel good” – watch the video from AIE

Learn about Game Design

Salary Range: Qualified game designer can expect to earn around $70k – $80k per year, but for top independent designers you could earn much more. The creator of Minecraft, for example, is a billionaire.

Future Growth: Job Outlook rate the outlook for Graphic & Web Designers as very strong

Qualifications and skills required:

While you don’t always need any formal qualifications to work in the industry, you may find it easier to secure a job with experience or an education in maths, design, software engineering or IT.

Employers look for

While each design studio may use different software, a working knowledge of the main design software and coding languages (including C++, Javascript and C#) will be helpful.

What does the training look like?

You can study game development at TAFE, university or one of the private colleges.

You have lots of options – look for courses with quality studios that teach practical skills as well as theory, and opportunities for industry placements.


Murdoch Monash
Uni of Wollongong UC
Macquarie QUT
Griffith Swinburne
Uni of SA Federation Uni
WSU Curtin


TAFEs and Private Colleges

Holmesglen CIT
Torrens Uni Skills VIC
AIT TAFE Queensland


Holy Week Parish Liturgy and Mass Times

Parish Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Saturday Vigil Easter Sunday
Mary Immaculate and St Charles’ Borromeo Waverley 7.30pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
6pm 8.30am
St. Therese’s Mascot 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Adoration through to midnight 10am Multicultural Stations of the Cross
3pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

Reconciliation from 4pm to 5pm

8am in Italian
10am in English
6.30pm in Spanish
Holy Family Maroubra 7.30pm 10am Stations of the Cross
11am Reconciliation
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
7pm 8am
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Randwick 7.30pm – Liturgy of the Last Supper followed by Adoration until 10.30pm. 10.30am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the PassionReconciliation after the Stations of the Cross and the Liturgy of the Passion7.30pm Mozarts Requiem CD by Candlelight
Reconciliation from 11am to 12pm


St Joseph’s Rosebery 7pm followed by Adoration until 10pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
Reconciliation available after both services
7pm 7.30am
St. Michael’s Daceyville 7pm Washing of the Feet
Reconciliation 8-8:30pm
10am Stations of the Cross
11am to 12noon Individual confessions
3pm Good Friday ceremonies
4pm to 5pm Individual confessions
7pm 8am
Our Lady of the Annunciation Pagewood 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Washing of the Feet.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose
10am Solemn Way of the Cross
3pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
7pm 8am
St. Brigid’s Coogee 7.30pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the PassionReconciliation available after both services
7pm 7am
St. Andrew’s Malabar 7pm

Reconciliation available after mass

10.30am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion:
7pm 9am
St. Agnes’ Matraville 7pm

Reconciliation available after mass

10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
7pm 10am
St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Maroubra Bay 7.30pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion:
7.30pm 9am
Our Lady of the Rosary Kensington 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
9pm Indonesian Mass of the Lord’s Supper
10am Stations of the Cross
11.30am Reconciliation
3pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
5pm Indonesian Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
7pm Easter Vigil Mass
9.30pm Indonesian Mass
9.30am Easter Sunday Mass
3.30pm Indonesian Mass
St. Bernard’s Botany 7pm Mass of Lord’s Supper
8pm Adoration from
10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
7pm 7am
11am Croation Mass
Holy Cross Woollahra 7pm 2.15pm Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
10 to 11am Reconciliation
7.30pm Vigil Mass
St. Mary Magdalene Rose Bay 7pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
The Church will be opened till 12am for Adoration and Confession.
Reconciliation available until 12am
10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
6pm 8am
St. Anthony’s Clovelly 7.30pm 9.30am Stations of the Cross
10:30 to 11:30am Reconciliation
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
Following the Passion there will be a Divine Mercy Novena
6pm 8am
St. Margaret Mary’s Randwick North 10am Stations of the Cross 5.30pm 9.30am
St. Patrick’s Bondi 7pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
5pm 10am
St. Therese Dover Heights 6pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
Our Lady Star of the Sea Watson’s Bay 7pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
7.30pm 9am
St Anne’s Bondi Beach 7pm 10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
5pm 8am
6pm (Brazilian community)
St Francis Of Assisi Paddington 7pm 9.30am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
7pm 8.30am
St Joseph’s Edgecliff 6pm Sung Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Night Prayer 11am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
6pm 7.30am


Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Erskineville 7pm 3pm Commemoration of the Passion 6pm 9am
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Waterloo 6.30pm
8pm Night Prayer
10am Stations of the Cross
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
5.30pm 8am
Sacred Heart Darlinghurst 5.30pm 10.30am Stations of the Cross followed by Reconciliation
3pm Commemoration of the Passion
4.30-4.50pm Reconciliation
7pm Easter Vigil
St. Canice Elizabeth Bay 7pm  

10am Stations of the Cross
OR Walk through King’s Cross 11.00am
3pm Commemoration of the Passion

7pm 8.30am
St. Peter Surry Hills 7.30pm 10.30am Stations of the Cross (Inside the Church)
11.30am Ecumenical Way of the Cross (Leaves from the steps of St Peter’s Church)
3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion

Confessions before and after Good Friday Ceremonies

7.30pm 8am
St. Vincent de Paul Redfern 6pm 3pm Commemoration of the Passion 7pm 10am



Online Naplan Test

This week our Year 5, 7 and 9 students underwent the practice online NAPLAN test in preparation for the official test later in the year. I would like to acknowledge the significant team effort and support that ensured this practice went smoothly. Thank you to our test administrators: Ms Cassie Foster, Ms Kaitlyn Downey, Mr James Horrocks, Ms Stephanie Boyce, Ms Deanne Seamons, Mr John McCoy, Ms Cassie Perry, Ms Karen Russell, Mr Greg Harris, Ms Katrina King, Ms Margaret Fitzgerald, Mr Matthew Barr, Ms Cathy O’Sullivan, Ms Gaby Bransby, Mr Anthony Stanton, Mr Tony Proudfoot, Ms Tracie Ryan, Mr Mark Claridge, Mr Tony Banboukjian, Ms Jacinta Scarf, Ms Angela Jordan and Mr Dominic Hearne. Thank you to our IT support staff:  Mr Simon Potter, Daniel Maddern, Ahmed Kaddoura, Paul Sheehan, James Lu and Alex Nedanov. Also to the NAPLAN coordinator, our Head of Learning Support, Mr David Parnell and our Director of Learning and Teaching, Ms Elizabeth Watson.

Swimming Team

Congratulations to our CAS swim team who performed very well at the CAS swimming carnival last week coming 4th. Well done to Knox Grammar who won the carnival. Our swimmers spend many months training and preparing for this event and I would like to thank all the coaches, the parent support group and the Convenor of Swimming, Ms Stephanie Floyd, for all of their efforts to prepare our swimmers well. I would like to acknowledge our standout performer, Stuart Swinburn, who won the CAS Best Performance Award on the night with 1st place in the 400m Freestyle, 1st place in the 200m Freestyle, 1st place in the 100m Backstroke and 1st place in the 50m Backstroke. We had a number of other top three swimmers who performed very well. Congratulations also to Ms Kathryn Knowles and our Diving team on their 4th place with Leon Bakis in the Juniors being the standout performer.

Special mention this week also to Lachlan Unsworth who represented Waverley and the CAS in Tennis against GPS and ISA schools.

Cadets Camp

I had the pleasure this week of attending the annual cadet camp at Douglas Park, approximately an hour and half south of Sydney in a beautiful bush setting. The cadets participate in a variety of activities during the week which include: camping, abseiling, climbing, orienteering, trekking, first aid, bushcraft skills and canoeing. Many of the activities require collaboration, leadership, trust and resilience which are all important skills in a 21st century learning environment. I also acknowledge the testing weather conditions the boys have dealt with well this week, ranging from 39 degrees heat to rain on a few days. Interestingly, when asking each platoon which they preferred, we are rain people! Thank you to the following staff for coordinating and assisting with the camp: Mr Peter Frost, Mr Anthony Evans, Mr John McCoy, Mr Brad Thompson, Mr John Walker, Ms Stephanie Floyd, Mr David McCormack, Ms Jannet Markey, Mr David New, Ms Tessa Prior, Ms Cassie Perry, Ms Nohara Binyamin, Ms Rachael Lawrence, Mr Peter Langdale and Mr James Spargo. The camp is also supported by a number of Old Boys, the Australian Army, and a paramedic who is stationed at the camp during day/night –  thank you to all for their expertise and presence.

Principals’ Jewish Museum Visit

Last week I attended a Principals meeting held at the Sydney Jewish Museum, Darlinghurst. Other Principals in attendance included representatives from Reddam House, Emanuel School, Wenona School, North Sydney Boys High, St Catherine’s School Waverley and SHORE. We had the privilege of hearing from Holocaust survivor, Ms Olga Horak, who shared with us her story of survival through five concentration camps during WWII and her life since this ordeal.

Olga’s family were taken from Czechoslovakia to Auschwitz, where she came face to face with Dr Mengele. She endured nine months of starvation and slavery there with her mum, dad, sister and grandma all being murdered. Olga reminded me of the power of forgiveness and resilience even in extreme conditions. She has been able to live a full life, a life of care and education for others.