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Captains of Basketball Report

From Co-Captains of Basketball, Luca Zanarini & James Foster


This season has been one to remember. Every week all 38 teams have gone up against our CAS rivals putting in the hard work at two to three training sessions a week as well as competing in weekly games. We have had many ups and downs this season, such as injuries, however we have had some great achievements with the 1st V’s record breaking season as well as the 2nd V who were able to equal the win/loss record of two seasons ago. A lengthy of season full of countless scrimmages and trainings as well as an offseason gym program helped improve the culture this year in Waverley Basketball. With The CAS season over, we say goodbye to all the Year 12’s finishing their final season for the school, some having played for 7 years. The 1st’s finished on 6-4 which is the best win/loss record for the past last 7 seasons whilst the 2nd’s equalled the record of the 2015/16 squad who went 4-6. For the 2017/18 season, the overall win percentage was 44%, a drastic increase from the 2013/14 season of 21%. These improvements can be attributed to such things as the offseason program, tournaments, holiday training camps, the USA/Canada development tour and an ever-increasing number of talented basketball players in the program.


Being the last week, the junior teams were all looking for wins against Barker. The 7A’s were fortunate enough to get their win and have improved a lot in their short season. The 8’As, unfortunately, the only team to lose in the juniors.lost by just 6 points. Jake Weinstein had 14 points. The 9A’s fixture was a thrilling game, down by 12 towards the end of the game, Eoin Morrissey excelled in the clutch and contributed to reducing the deficit, eventually leading Waverley to the win in the final moments with a free throw. The 10A’s also won quite comfortably with a 13-point win.

2nd V

The 2nd V played their last home game for the season and it was the last home game ever for the Year 12’s. The atmosphere of the change room had changed from previous weeks as the reality set in this that was the last game of the season for the team and for some their last game ever wearing the uniform. The game began and the nerves instantly settled as soon as Patrick Ibarra scored the opening basket off a midrange jump shot. This was quickly followed by two threes from Mark Goncalves, however the 2nds were unable to capitalise on their early lead and allowed Barker back into the game, due to poor defence and an excess or early turnovers. Daniel Callaghan and Tom Deakin-Bell combined for multiple baskets throughout the half further solidifying Waverley’s diversity between their inside and outside game. Daniel Marando continued the scoring run with an impressive layup however it was not enough to put Waverley in front of Barker at the end of the half as Barker poured on the pressure and were able to score at will. Waverley trailed 24-44 at the end of the half. Although trailing by 20 to start the second half, the 2nd V continued to fight to reduce the lead throughout the game. Daniel Callaghan and Mark Goncalves were a part of the initial push to reduce the lead, however Goncalves continued to increase his scoring tally throughout the game. The attempt to close the gap was also help by Nathan Papageorgious, who made a long two after coming off a well-executed play. It was evident just how much the 2nd V had improved throughout the season. It was great to see the development of the team as well as individuals who had improved and exceeded expectations throughout the season. Although it was a tough loss at home for the 2nd’s, it was great to see the future talent that will be present next year within the 1sts and 2nds as the Year 12’s finished their final game for the school. The 2nd’s should be proud of how much they accomplished and improved throughout the season. For some individuals, this year within the 2nd’s will serve as a learning experience as they aim to play their final years wearing the 1st V jersey.

1st V

The final week of the season left the 1st V wanting to get a win and stay undefeated on home turf. However, their final opponent, CAS leaders Barker, had their CAS championship on the line and were not going to give it up so easily. As this was the last game for the Year 12’s, it was quite important and emotional. The 1st V boys knew that they needed to give it their all to get this win. From the start of the game, Waverley went through their defensive plays and sets and knew what to run. Barker showed strength and speed, catching Waverley off guard and scoring some quick open baskets, however Waverley opened their scoring through Alex Higgins Titsha and a layup by Luca Zanarini. As the half progressed each side scored some inside shots and the score stayed even. However, some penetration into the paint showed Alex Higgins-Titsha’s length, allowing Waverley to take a lead to finish the quarter 22-20. With the second quarter starting, Waverley continued their momentum, opening up the scoring once again, however some poor decisions lead Barker to catch up again. Waverley, quickly fixed themselves and gained a 4-point lead going into the second half. As Waverley switched to a zone defense, it left some gaps in the paint, which Barker took advantage of, setting up their big men for some quick points. Waverley continued their plays, which lead to made shots, evening out the score once again as Waverley was down 53-52. Going into the final quarter, both teams were on edge and trying to draw a larger lead. Barker made some large adjustments in their game, setting up plays for their 3-point shooter and scoring back-to-back 3s. This caused Waverley to struggle a lot with their defense, unable to stop Barker’s offense. Waverley kept pushing as Ryan Abbott scored some key shots, however Waverley lost their lead and were unable to contain Barker as they continued to grow a lead with momentum upsetting Waverley’s final game, with the game ending 79-73 to barker. Although it was an unfortunate ending to the season, congratulations goes out to Barker for winning the CAS championship in both 1sts and 2nds. The 1st V boys should also be very happy with their season finishing 6-4 as it was the best season for 7 seasons.


This basketball season has been a great success with so many teams doing well. The Year 12’s should also be commended for all their hard work over the years to reach this point and good luck to them in the HSC and their futures. Over the years, we have really seen Waverley basketball improve through the help from coaches, supporters, helpers, players and our head of basketball, Mr Gibbs. Without all the hard work from these people, Waverley Basketball would not be what it is today. For years to come, we hope we see our school basketball grow to be more successful and win a CAS championship. Good luck to all students in their upcoming winter season sports and their future studies.


Convenor’s Report

From Convenor of Basketball, Anthony Gibbs

The last game of the season is always an emotional time for staff and players, especially those players in Year 12. However, this occasion held further significance, being that it was played at Waverley and was against Barker, who had already won both the 1st’s and 2nd’s competitions coming into the final round.

The 2nd V began well, however were unable to keep up with a very strong Barker 2nd’s side that went undefeated for the season. Despite playing with heart and determination, the 2nd V went down 69-47 in a high-scoring 2nd’s game. The 1st V were confident of challenging Barker’s supremacy this season and were on a mission to make amends for their 34-point loss to Barker last outing. Despite having already secured the Rev Fr A V Smith Shield, a loss to Waverley would mean the possibility of Barker sharing their premiership with Knox, who were one win behind and playing 5th placed Trinity. The 1st’s played extremely well from the start and throughout the game gave Barker plenty of anxiety about their ability to win the game. Waverley led at half-time 42-40 and the second half continued to be a very close affair with Barker closing out the third quarter in front 56-52. The final quarter was frenetic as each team ran the floor, however Barker eventually snuck over the line 79-73 in a very high-quality game.

The 1st V finished the season with 6 wins and 4 losses and came 3rd on the ladder. Barker took out the premiership with 9 wins, while Knox came 2nd on 8 wins. The 1st V had the distinction of being the only CAS team to score two 100+ point games during the season. Apart from their blowout loss to Barker in the first round, they were extremely competitive throughout, with their only losses being by 6 points to Barker in the last game, Knox once by 10 points and St Aloysius once by 3 points. It was a great season that started with their semi-final appearance in the Sydney School’s Shootout Tournament way back in October 2017. The 2nd V were also competitive throughout the season with four of their losses being decided by 12 points or less. They finish equal 3rd with Knox in their competition behind Barker (10 wins) and Trinity (7 wins).

The College is extremely grateful and appreciative the service of all our Year 12 players, many of whom have been a part of basketball for Waverley since Year 5. We especially acknowledge and thank 1st V players Mike El-Haddad, James Foster (Co-Captain of Basketball), Jacob Gibson, Alexander Higgins-Titsha, Jeremy Petritsis (Captain), Hayden Walton, Luca Zanarini (Co-Captain of Basketball) and 2nd V players Daniel Callaghan (Vice-Captain), Justin Capra, Mark Goncalves (Captain), Patrick Ibarra, Daniel Marando. Being a part of 1st’s and 2nd’s has meant many hours of dedication to basketball over the season, including three training sessions per week, mentoring junior teams, participating in holiday training camps and tournaments, training during the off-season, playing trial games, assisting with scorer’s duties on Saturday’s at Waverley, as well as numerous other commitments.

Of the six Waverley 1st V players to trial for CAS 1st’s and 2nd’s, five were selected. Congratulations to Alexander Higgins-Titsha (CAS 1st V), Jeremy Petritsis (CAS 2nd V), Kyle Goulding (CAS 2nd V), Ryan Abbott (CAS 2nd V) and Luca Zanarini (Reserve, CAS 2nd V). Unfortunately, while trialing very well, Hayden Walton just missed out on selection. This is the most number of players selected to represent the College for CAS Basketball representative honours in my time as Convenor and is indicative of the fantastic season the basketball program has had. Across all teams, it has been the most successful season since my first season in 2011/20120. The players have two training sessions with their teams in the coming week, followed by games against AICES (22nd March at Trinity Grammar), ISA (26th March at St. Paul’s Grammar, Cranebrook) and GPS (28th March at Waverley College). Tip-off times for all games are 5:30pm (2nd’s) and 7:00pm (1st’s).

In other games, Waverley were successful across many teams against Barker. The following teams recorded wins: 10A (35-22), 10B (36-15), 10C (32-18), 10E (32-18), 9A (47-46), 9C (36-33), 9D (38-11), 9E (44-25), 8C (37-19), 8D (30-19), 8E (26-22), 8F (24-22), 7A (55-40), 7B (40-28), 7C (36-8), 7D (48-14), 7E (29-24) and 7G (20-14) with the 9B’s (28-23), 9Fs (27-26), 8A’s (42-36) and 8B’s (26-21) playing well despite losing close games.

Thank you to all our coaching staff, especially 1st V coach Mr Johnny Jovine, 2nd V coach Mr Phil Noreika and Assistant Coach, Mr Joan Creus Custodio for all the extra work they have done for the program throughout the season. Mr Creus Custodio leaves us to return to Spain to purse his basketball playing career and we wish him the very best of luck. Thank you to Mr James Spargo, who has done a great job managing our team of student scorers each week. Thank you to Director of Co-curriculum Mr Stephen O’Donnell and Assistant Head of Co-Curriculum Ms Stephanie Floyd for their ongoing support of basketball.

Thank you to all our parents who helped on the Supporters Club BBQ during the season. Your help was greatly appreciated and I have received many comments from parents about the great sense of community within Basketball at the College. While many parents contributed throughout the season, special must go to Mrs Sharon Frazer, Mrs Sophia Hatziandreou, Ms Terry Higgins, Mrs Jo Morrissey, Mrs Nicole Abbott and Mrs Wendy Jones from the Basketball Supporters Club for their wonderful support of basketball throughout the season. Without the dedication and support of parents, Basketball would not have been the success it was. Thank you to the parents of the 1st V and 2nd V players, who for every home game hosted the post-game luncheons, which are still the best in the CAS!

Thank you to all those students who assisted with scoring duties each weekend. I must not forget the fine work of our gym managers, Mr Emmett Pugh and Mr Jamie Mattick, who have ensured that our home games on Saturday’s run smoothly. Finally, thank you to the College’s Maintenance staff and Mr John Kara for a lot of behind the scenes work with logistics and Head of TAS, Mr Garth Aird for allowing Basketball to utilise our state-of-the-art TAS facilities.

The Basketball Presentation Night was hosted on Saturday night at the College and was a great success with players and parents both commenting on the great time they had. The afternoon weather was perfect as players and their families enjoyed hot dogs, roast chicken, a selection of organic salads, fruit platters and a variety of delicious desserts outdoors on Braidwood. The awards ceremony was also an enjoyable event and was hosted by our two captains of basketball, James Foster and Luca Zanarini, who did an excellent job controlling proceedings. Congratulations to all award winners. A full list of winners is reproduced below. A huge thankyou to club president Mrs Sharon Frazer, Mrs Sophia Hatziandreou, Mrs Jo Morrissey and the numerous parents who helped out with the organisation of the night.

One final note of gratitude and appreciation goes to the staff, students and parents who participated in the USA/Canada Basketball Tour in December 2017. In particular, thank you to staff members Mr Richard Chen, Mr James Spargo, Mr Tony Montano, Mr Tom Chamberlain, Mr Edward Hartson, Mr Tony Banboukjian, Mr Johnny Jovine and Mrs Sharon Frazer of the Supporters Club.

Important: please note that the annual Basketball Supporters Club AGM has been postponed to Monday 26th of March at 6pm in the Grange (entrance on Carrington Road). All parents, including the Junior School, are welcome to attend.

Waverley Basketball is now using Team App to publish information such as scores, news, fixtures, team lists and announcements. Download the app and search for ‘Waverley College Basketball’ to receive notifications and updates.

Enjoy a well-earned break and best wishes for the winter season.

Signing off for another season!


2017/2018 CAS Basketball Season Award Winners
Award Winner(s)
Captain of Basketball James Foster & Luca Zanarini
Captain of 1st V Jeremy Petritsis
1st V MVP Ryan Abbott
1st V Best Defensive Player Ryan Abbott
1st V Most Improved Player Angelo Di Bartolo
Captain of 2nd V Mark Goncalves
2nd V MVP Mark Goncalves & Daniel Marando
2nd V Best Defensive Player Daniel Marando
2nd V Most Improved Player Tom Deakin-Bell
3rd V Best & Fairest Player Joshua Gleeson
4th V Best & Fairest Player Timothy Waring
5th V Best & Fairest Player Alexander Bruce
6th V Best & Fairest Player Harvey Williams
7th V Best & Fairest Player Leonardo Bosi
8th V Best & Fairest Player Noah Lohmann
Service to Basketball Daniel Callaghan, Justin Capra, Mike El-Haddad, James Foster, Jacob Gibson, Mark Goncalves, Alexander Higgins-Titsha, Patrick Ibarra, Daniel Marando, Jeremy Petritsis, Hayden Walton, Luca Zanarini, Ryan Abbott, Ash Backlund, Tom Deakin-Bell, Angelo Di Bartolo, Sam Frazer, Kyle Goulding, Dion Hatziandreou, Heath Lawther, Joey Lyons, Stephen Morrissey, Nathan Papageorgious
Outstanding Contribution to Waverley Basketball James Foster, Jacob Gibson, Luca Zanarini
With Great Appreciation from Waverley Basketball Nicholas Corias, Brendan Morrissey, Mr Emmett Pugh, Mr Jamie Mattick
Ed Hartson Gym Manager’s Award Charlie Adonis
10A Best & Fairest Player Christian Diaz
10A Best Defensive Player Ben Walton
10A Most Improved Player Peter Cassimatis
10B Best & Fairest Player James McMahon
10C Best & Fairest Player Nathan Le
10D Best & Fairest Player Jake Burns
10E Best & Fairest Player Hugh McSweeny
10F Best & Fairest Player Jonathan Chen
9A Best & Fairest Player Eoin Morrissey
9A Best Defensive Player Clem Halaholo
9A Most Improved Player Charles Harris
9B Best & Fairest Player Spencer Kapos
9C Best & Fairest Player Leon Palacio
9D Best & Fairest Player Connor Carr
9E Best & Fairest Player Cameron Lin
9F Best & Fairest Player Jack Bush
9G Best & Fairest Player Luuk Zilich
9H Best & Fairest Player Toby Connolly
8A Best & Fairest Player Jake Weinstein
8A Best Defensive Player Brynn Siltala
8A Most Improved Player William Paterson
8B Best & Fairest Player Aodan Byrne
8C Best & Fairest Player Reuben Maree
8D Best & Fairest Player Kai Puntigam
8E Best & Fairest Player Axel Jeffries
8F Best & Fairest Player Darcy Ferguson
8G Best & Fairest Player Cjuba Lord
8H Best & Fairest Player Kayton Lee
7A Best & Fairest Player Oscar Walters-Green
7A Best Defensive Player Max Murphy
7A Most Improved Player Samuel Stewart
7B Best & Fairest Player Max Dimtrijevic
7C Best & Fairest Player Darcy Standfield
7D Best & Fairest Player Thomas Johnson
7E Best & Fairest Player Thomas Stewart
7F Best & Fairest Player James Clarke
7G Best & Fairest Player Frank Vescio
7H Best & Fairest Player Aiden Pascoe



UNSW Engineering Info Day

Tuesday, 15 May 8:30am to 3:30pm

UNSW Engineering’s High School Information Day is designed to give year 11 & 12 students the opportunity to sample several fields of engineering through interesting and stimulating hands-on activities over a day at UNSW Kensington Campus.

Find out more –


Notre Dame – Getting to Know Nursing

Tuesday 22 May, 6pm 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Get to know what it’s really like at Notre Dame’s Getting to Know Nursing event.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet academic staff and hear from our guest speaker who will provide information on a current innovative nursing topic.

Places are limited. Please register here or contact us on 02 8204 4404 or for further information.

Book here –

UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careers advisers and teachers are also welcome to attend. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more –

ACU Community Achiever Program

Regular volunteer work in your community – through a social justice organisation, sporting, performance, cultural or religious group – may be rewarded through our Community Achievers’ Program with entry into an undergraduate degree.

A successful CAP application means you could receive an offer as early as August to study at ACU. Being part of this CAP group also offers unique opportunities to enhance your leadership and volunteering skills, while you study with us.

Applications open Tuesday 1 May 2018 and close Tuesday 31 July 2018

Find out more –


ACU Passion for Business – Early Entry Program

ACU’s new Passion For Business (P4B) program is not just about your ATAR – it’s about providing a unique opportunity for student’s with a passion for business. Are you a current Year 12 student studying a business related subject at school and want to gain an early competitive edge?

ACU believes passion and commitment to learning are important. Passion for Business is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning passion and give you a step up in your future business career.

Find out more –


ACU Elite Athlete and Performer Program

We understand you might need support to maintain sporting or performing excellence while studying. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give you that support, and encourage excellence in both your sport/performing and academic life.

Future Student Applications are open year round.

Find out more –


ACU Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education

Commences in 2019. The Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Education degree has core studies that provide an extensive knowledge and skills base in human health, wellness and performance, with a specific focus on the role of sport, exercise and outdoor education.

Find out more –

Professional Cadetships Australia – Business, and Engineering & Tech Cadetships

Applications for the Business Cadetships Program opened on 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. The 2018 Program provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship at UBS, a top-ranking global bank.

Applications for the 2018 Engineering & Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program open on Monday 30 April. Under this Program, Engineering Cadets are placed at Cubic Transportation Systems and Technology Cadets are placed at Macquarie Group.

For details of these programs and for the Business Cadetships online application form, go to


SAVE THE DATE! Career Kickstarter – Business and Accounting – 23 May@ Luna Park 

Previously known as “Meet the Business Leader”. Year 12 students are invited to attend to meet with and hear from business leaders in Industry.  Students will also learn about work experience and scholarship opportunities.  Registrations will open in the coming weeks.


NIDA HSC Workshops & Study Days

HSC Drama Performance 
Comprehensive course for NSW students in year 11 and 12. Broaden your understanding of performance styles and develop improvisation, acting and devising techniques.
Years 11 & 12, cost is $615
16–20 April 2018, 10am–5pm
8–12 Oct 2018, 10am–5pm
Find out more –
HSC IP Study Day
HSC IP Study Day is a fantastic way for students to explore the creative process from conception to successful completion. Participants gain a practical understanding of what is involved in the project area of their choice.
Tuesday 30 October 2018, 9.30am–3.00pm
Book now –

HSC in the Holidays March Seminars
Our subject-specific seminars have been designed to provide you with the insight and understanding from our expert HSC Teachers in the lead up to the half-yearly exams.
UTS Seminars Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th March
Macquarie University Seminars Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th March
Find out more and register –


Qantas Group Pilot Academy

In 2019, Qantas Group is establishing a pilot academy. This training is appropriate for high school or university graduates with a strong academic performance.

You can register your interest online to be kept updated about the new pilot academy.

Find out more –


ADF Gap Year Applications Open

A Gap Year in the Australian Defence Force is more than just a great way to try out a career in the Navy, Army or Air Force. It’s a fulfilling year of adventure, experiences, mateship, learning, leadership and travel.
Find out more –


UAC Favourite Uni Courses for 2018

THE majority of Year 12 students have received their offers to uni and the stats are in—Health, Law and Business were the most favoured fields of study. Data released today by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) indicates a strong preference among applicants for health degrees, with the Bachelor of Medicine at UNSW topping the list at 1,322 unique first preferences. Two other medicine degrees and a nursing degree also made the top 10 list.

Find the list here –


UMAT Registrations are now open

Registrations close 1 June, and the testing date is 25 July 2018.
Find out more –


Academy of Film, Theatre & Television Open Day

You’ll be able to soak up the culture, learn about the best way to finance your studies, meet our tutors and speak to current students about their experiences. Find out why AFTT is now Australia’s most contemporary fully immersive arts academy.

Saturday 12th May 2018, 9.30am to 2.30pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Register now –


The Hotel Career Expo

7 May @ Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

The Hotel Career Expo is your opportunity to go behind the scenes of this amazing industry and kickstart your new career with great rewards, internationally renowned training and strong management pathways. Meet highly influential professionals in the hotel industry and discover more about the opportunities available in some of Australia’s best hotels.

Register after 5 March –


AIT After School 2D Animation Workshops

This after-school workshop gives students the opportunity to experience all of the steps involved in creating a polished full-colour 2D animation. In the final workshop, outlining and colouring will be the main focus and the final exported animation will be sent to each participant.

These workshops will run every Tuesday for five weeks beginning on May 1st 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now –


AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using Adobe After Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now –


JMC Academy VR Workshop

You can learn all about the future of VR as a technology and creative industry, how VR brings together multiple creative disciplines, and how to prepare film and animations for VR – an overview, tips, industry standards and pitfalls to look out for with VR creation.

Tuesday 27 March, 4.30pm

561 Harris St, Ultimo

Get tickets –


Become a Drone Pilot

Upcoming course dates for RePL training in Sydney:

12 March (Monday) – 16 March (Friday)

30 April (Monday) – 4 May (Friday)

21 May (Monday) – 25 May (Friday)

Find out more –


AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals at AFTRS’ state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.

Apr 16 Music for Film & TV: 13-17


Apr 23 Video Editing with Premiere Pro: 13-17

Apr 26 HSC Video Intensive: 15-17

Apr 26 Blood & Guts Movie Makeup: 9 – 14

Jul 02 The Real Filmmaking Workshop: 13-17

Jul 09 AFTRS Trop Jr Filmmaking: 10-15



This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.


Join the AFP

Applications are sought for entry level positions into our community policing and national investigations families.

Recruit courses are anticipated for October 2018 and January 2019.

If you’re interested, or even just curious, head to our website for more information:

Join our Facebook Recruitment group for info and updates throughout the process. We’ll be sharing application tips, info about AFP College life, how to get over the (literal) hurdle and pass the physical fitness tests, and heaps more. Here’s a link to the group:

Applications close on 5 April.


Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.


NSW Police Recruitment

The police force is recruiting, and they’ve launched a new Facebook page – find it here –

They’re also running info sessions and practice sessions for the Physical Capacity Test.

Recruitment Information Session – Parramatta OPENING SOON
Saturday 21 April 9.00am – 12.00pm

Recruitment Information Session – Parramatta COMING SOON
Saturday 16 June 9.00am – 12.00pm

Find out more –



Real Estate Training Reforms

NSW Parliament has passed reforms which increase the training requirement for Real Estate Agents. The previous course took 5 days (or less), but now recruits will need to complete more units and undergo 12 months industry experience before they can become a Licence holder.

Read more here –



Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open.To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!



NSW Roads & Maritime Services Opportunities

Road Designer In Training – The Road Designer in Training program is available to people looking for a career in designing roads while at the same time studying towards a Civil Engineering degree.

Find out more –

Apprenticeships and Traineeships – Traineeships and apprenticeships are offered across a number of different fields, including:

Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options.
The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.


ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply visit:


TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

Get your copy of the Career Guide by downloading it here –

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out –


Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

This article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.


Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.


TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4


TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.


TSFX: HSC Study Tips – Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students


Tips for note-taking


Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.


Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Find out where more people are needed here –


Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.


How an engineering degree can build your future

This article from Deakin explores what an engineering degree can lead to in the current environment where what we know about manufacturing, business and career paths is all changing.

Read it here –


Where could STEM take you?


STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?


Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips –


TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here:


Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables


How to choose a degree when you’re unsure

This article from Careers with STEM has some great tips for choosing a university degree if you don’t quite know what you want yet.

Read it here –


How to focus on wellbeing in times of stress

ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents.

There’s a section on school and study, to help you work through the big decisions.

Find it here –

UMAT 2018

Thinking of studying medicine, dentistry or health sciences? You need to know about UMAT.

UMAT stands for the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test. It’s a test that’s designed to help select students for undergraduate medicine and health science programs for participating universities.

If you’re in your final year of secondary school and want to enter a medicine or health science degree next year then you need to sit UMAT in 2018. It’s only held once a year.

In 2018 it will be held on Wednesday 25 July , 2018

It’s an aptitude test. It’s designed to test your attributes and abilities, specifically in

They test for these skills because they’re considered highly important for the study and practice of medicine and health sciences. It’s not based on the curriculum you study at school, and doesn’t require any knowledge or skills in maths, sciences, or any other area. They simply use these results, in combination with other selection criteria, to determine successful candidates for the specified medical and health science degrees.

You can find out more about the structure of the test, and the registration procedure in their downloadable Guide.

Prepare for UMAT

You don’t have to complete any kind of preparation course, but practising the test online and completing a UMAT workshop might help you feel more comfortable about sitting the test and give you confidence on the day.

Their website states:

Intensive preparation is not advisable or necessary.  However, wide and critical reading may provide helpful preparation and, as with any test, some practice in answering questions of a similar type, and under similar time constraints as those found in the real test is helpful and reassuring to most candidates. It is also helpful to practice using a machine-readable answer sheet similar to the one in the actual test.”

The UMAT website offers official UMAT practice tests (the first one is free with your registration). They don’t endorse any external preparation courses, nor do they help develop those courses.

From the Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmot

With the winter season already upon us I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the Waverley community to football for the year. Please see the below updates about football and the season ahead of us.

Trial Games and Training

The trial games this weekend have the same expectations as a normal fixture of football with players expected to arrive 30 minutes prior to kick off for an adequate warm up. Please have your playing jersey and training jersey if possible to split teams up easier. A reminder that Year 7s, 8s and 9s train on Monday and Wednesday (3:30pm-5:00pm). Year 10s and Opens train on Tuesday and Thursday (3:30pm – 5:00pm).

Attendance and Uniform

A reminder that training and games are compulsory for all students. Players on Saturday are required to wear their yellow playing jersey with Waverley shorts and socks, and be wearing shin pads and football boots. If it is cold they can wear their Waverley jacket to the game. Non – Waverley uniform at games is not acceptable. If players require any of the playing gear it is available from the uniform shop.

Update from season guide

Please note that the season guide distributed to all students at the winter sports check contained an error which was the trial game against Shore. The correct locations are Year 7, 10 and Opens away and Year 8 and 9 home.

CIS Cup Game

On Monday the 1st XI played their first game of the season against St Pius X College. This was the 2nd round of the CIS Cup game. The game started with Pius getting 2 points early on in the game. With Waverley looking for a comeback they found their opportunity scoring two goals in the last 10 of the game. The game then went onto a penalty kick off where Pius came out with the win.

Waves to win!


 From Head of College, Graham Leddie


NAPLAN results released

The latest NAPLAN results were released to the public this week on the My School website. I am delighted to note that the College’s results in NAPLAN are very pleasing. Growth charts show Waverley College achieved a steeper rise (student gain) in growth compared to similar schools in reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation). Numeracy also compares well, particularly in Year 9, with good results. In speaking with our Head of Learning Support, Mr David Parnell, these results are the strongest that he has seen in eight years. There is strong growth between Year 5 and Year 7 and also strong growth between Year 7 and Year 9.

The College uses NAPLAN data to assist in targeting areas of learning development. The College’s focus on literacy is certainly showing good learning returns. Parents are asked to ensure their sons have a reading program in place, especially between Years 5 and 10. Once the senior years come along, students have significant amount of coursework to manage and little time for private reading. Your son should be reading every night on top of homework and assignment time. Encourage your son to join the 2018 Premier Reading Challenge (PRC). Ask him to sign up at our College Library to register. The Library has lots of PRC books on display to get him started. Here is a link to more information.


Year 7 study skills evening

This week Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( ran a study skills evening with Year 7 parents and students.  The evening helped families put systems in place to help students work towards achieving their personal best in an efficient and effective way. Students examined their home study environment, the way they organise and manage their resources, how to work effectively at home and deal with distractions, how to manage the workload in high school, and the steps to studying in high school: making study notes, learning the notes by testing yourself and doing as much practise as possible.

Parents can also find extra study skills tips on the following website:

All secondary students at our school also have access to a great study skills website to help students develop their skills.

Go to and enter the username: forwaverleycollegeonly and the password: 94 results and start improving your results today!


Executive positions

The College Executive currently consists of: Head of College – Mr Graham Leddie, Deputy Head of College – Mr Patrick Brennan, Assistant Head of College – Mr Peter Frost, Director of Learning and Teaching – Mrs Elizabeth Watson, Director of Mission Mr Phil Davis, Director of Junior School – Mr Tony Banboukjian, Director Business Services – Bryn Gregerson, Director of Co Curricular – Mr Stephen O’Donnell, Director of Personnel Services – Mr Tony Moore and Director of Wellbeing – Mr Matthew Porter.

Each Executive is on a 5 + 5 year contract with our employer EREA (one member who was employed prior to EREA starting, is on a different contract). For every executive, a review is conducted at the end of the first year and the end of the first five years. Once the contract is completed – after 10 years –  the College’s standard practice is to advertise the position and the incumbent may re-apply.

Change is part of any school/organisation and is good for both individuals and organisational growth. The College will advertising the Director of Junior School position shortly, as Mr Tony Banboukjian is coming to the end of his contract period in June this year. Tony has worked at the College for 28 years, for ten years as the Director of the Junior School. He has done an outstanding job in leading the Junior School and it has a strong reputation in the community as being a leader in boys education. Tony is also taking well earned long service leave during Term 2 this year. Mr Greg Harris will be Acting Director of the Junior School in his absence and we will be calling for expressions of interest from staff to act as Assistant Director of the Junior School during this time.


AIS review

The College recently asked the Association of Independent Schools (AIS) to review the operation of our Junior School. AIS is the peak body for independent schools in NSW and represents the interests of all independent schools in consultations with governments, statutory authorities and a wide range of other education stakeholders.

A major focus of the Association’s activities is to offer quality support to its member schools in the areas of governance, employment relations, compliance, professional development and professional educational consultancy services.

The review aimed to:

AIS will provide the College with their findings soon. We believe the Junior School is progressing very well, but it is timely to review our practices and seek improvement wherever possible. It is also of great value to seek input from wider and different perspectives outside of our own school context. The results of this review will feed into the college’s next Strategic Plan.


School stakeholder review

To assist us to continually improve the quality of education we provide to our students. I wish to provide you with an opportunity to express confidentially your views of the ways in which we meet your needs and those of your son.

During late Term One the college will be working with MMG Education to conduct a Whole of School Stakeholder Review.  This review will provide the school’s Executive with research-based insights into the views, expectations and satisfaction with the College of our parents, students and staff. The review will take the form of detailed, anonymous surveys to be conducted online. Because the surveys are managed by a third party professional research organisation, the confidentiality of all respondents is assured: MMG Education is a specialist education consultancy that works with some 160 Australian independent schools throughout Australia. They are recognised as leaders in school stakeholder research and performance benchmarking.

The review will cover the current performance ‘health’ of the College as well as providing strategic insights and feedback on areas such as reputation, management and leadership, learning and teaching, sport and co-curricular activities, facilities and resources and much more. This important information will be used in the development of the College’s next four year Strategic Plan, due to be completed this year.

At the conclusion of the research period, MMG Education will provide me with a report. I will then provide opportunities for members of the school community to receive feedback from the research.

Please remember that, by completing your questionnaire, you will be making an invaluable contribution to the future of the College as we strive to ensure that we are providing the best opportunities possible for your son.

We will be providing more information to you regarding these surveys in the near future. I look forward very much to your participation in this important project and to receiving MMG Education’s report.


Strategic Plan

The College has enlisted the services of Mr Bob Carbine who is a partner in Erebus International Consulting to assist with the development of our next strategic plan, due in 2019. There will be opportunities for individuals and key stakeholder groups within the College community to provide input into the plan. Bob is a former principal who has worked extensively with the Australian Association Independent Schools, particularly utilising the National School Improvement Tool. His work in this area will align with our current school improvement agenda. Stay tuned for consultation group times.



Public speaking

Last Friday night at Marcellin College Randwick, Isaac Kopsiaftis made it to the Zone Final for the CSDA Public Speaking Competition. He competed against six other schools in his division. He executed an articulate, creative and well presented speech and demonstrated an originality in his content. We wish him the best as he progresses into the Zone Final.

CAS basketball trials

Congratulations to the following students, who have been selected to trial for CAS basketball representation: Ryan Abbott, Kyle Goulding, Alex Higgins-Titsha, Jeremy Petritsis, Hayden Walton, Luca Zanarini

CAS cricket players

Congratulations to the following students, who have been selected to trial for CAS cricket representation: Ryan Connolly, Jack Hardwicke-Owen, Alex Ferrara, Ben Scarf. Well done also= to Mr Greg Elliott who has been appointed as the CAS Cricket Coach.


Nangala Project’s Qantas Jet

Indigenous partners

Congratulations to one of our Aboriginal partner organisations, the Nangala Project who have just delivered their fifth Qantas Flying Art Series. The Nangala project work with Waverley, SCECGS and Westfield State High through John Moriarty Football to provide opportunities for remote Aboriginal students to experience a better education. This month Nangala have had a newly painted Qantas’ Dreamliner touch down in Alice Springs. The 787-9 flew non-stop from Boeing, Seattle and carries the imagery of one of the most significant Australian painters of the late twentieth century, the late Anmatyerre artist Emily Kame Kngwarreye. The fuselage design from Emily’s 1991 painting ‘Yam Dreaming’ showcases the beauty of Aboriginal art and culture and places it at the forefront of Australian identity.  Emily Kame Kngwarreye’s work says much about reconciliation, respect and acknowledgement. This long haul international aircraft will carry an eloquent message about what makes Australia unique in the world.



From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan

Meat on Fridays during Lent

Waverley College is proud Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition.

With recent census data highlighting how many of our students no longer regularly attend church it’s safe to say that we are living in an increasingly secular society, which makes it wonderful that our school is a place where faith is the norm and not the exception. In many cases, Waverley College, like many other Catholic schools across the country, is now often providing the primary religious instruction for students.

In addition to prayer, self-denial, giving to the poor and helping others, the College is committed to reminding our community of the importance of this time in our Church’s calendar. The College has had a tradition of not selling meat in the canteen on Friday’s during Lent. Even if this does nothing but ignite a conversation or promote reflection, I believe it is an important expression of our faith.

The Canteen policy of not selling meat or meat products on Friday’s during Lent is a simple way to encourage our students to reflect on the significant time of Lent as we approach Easter. A time where Jesus was crucified on the cross and rose again.

Parent partnership

In recent years the College has been committed to cultural change and we continue to make great progress. A key expression of this is how our boys are perceived in public. Our uniform, presentation, behaviour on public transport and at our co-curricular activities, and our interactions outside of school are constantly under scrutiny. These things have a major impact on public perceptions of Waverley College and its culture.

Parents can assist the College on this journey by ensuring their sons leave home with the correct uniform, worn correctly each morning. They can also talk to their sons about the importance of always offering up their seat to an adult who is standing on public transport and conducting themselves with dignity when representing the College.

The best outcomes for your sons will be achieved when parents, students and the College are on the same page and have the same expectations.



From Matthew Porter, Director of Student Wellbeing

International Women’s Day Student Leaders’ Breakfast

On Thursday morning over 350 parents and students gathered in celebration of International Women’s Day. The theme for International Women’s Day in 2018 is to “Press for Progress” and our challenge today and for each day that follows is to call out negative stereotypes and gender inequality in all its forms. To celebrate the achievements of women as being equal to those of men. By doing so, we may influence the beliefs and the actions of those we interact with.

Collective action and shared responsibility for driving gender parity is what makes International Women’s Day successful. The breakfast provided a unique opportunity to celebrate the tireless work of activists who “Speak Through Action” and those who are central to the global push for true equality. I would like to offer our sincere thanks to guest presenters Emma Wallace and Deb Maynard from WEFT for sharing their experiences in creating opportunities and empowering the female refugee communities in Burma. Thank you to all of our guests, staff and students who donated so generously to this fantastic cause.

To find out more about WEFT or purchase goods online, please see the following website.


World’s Greatest Shave at College Assembly Thursday 15 March

Next Thursday during the College Assembly before the CAS swimming carnival, Waverley College will once again participate in the World’s Greatest Shave. A big thank you to all of those boys who have registered to participate online and to those families who have donated or offered to support in other ways. There is still time to get involved and support the victims of blood cancer and their families. Sign up your son to “Team Waverley 2018” or donate via the following link. You can loan a pair of clippers for the day or better yet, come along, role up your sleeves and try out your hairdressing skills. Any boy who wishes to participate must bring in a note from home and make a donation to the Leukemia foundation either online or in cash on the day. Fundraisers who register via the website will go first.


Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

National day of Action Against Bullying – Michael Carr Gregg Parent Information Evening

Waverley College is proud to confirm the return of renowned Psychologist and Author Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. On Thursday 15 March, Michael will be appearing in the Br. Lacey Gymnasium on the eve of the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. The topics covered in this presentation will include how to spot bullying, cyberbullying, how to respond if your son is the victim of bullying and how to respond if your son is bullying others. I would like to once again thank Mary Ramsay and the Waverley Parents’ Association for supporting this event.

For more information from Michael on the topic of bullying please check School TV. Additional support is also available in the A-Z of Wellbeing in the student diary.

From Ms Gemma Brown, Acting Assistant Head of Science

Lady Elliot Island is a coral cay in the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef. It is a Green Zone or “no-take” area, and therefore is home to a large diversity of marine organisms. The Year 12 Marine studies class, accompanied by myself and Mr Dominish, spent four days at the end of February, exploring the island and the reef surrounding it.

After landing on the grass runway, in a fifteen seater plane, we were booked straight onto a glass bottom boat with a Marine Biologist to discuss the coral varieties and other organisms common to the island. The next few days were spent underwater, spotting sharks, rays, octopuses and a multitude of different fish species. Many turtles, who call Lady Elliot Island home, drifted with the currents alongside us whilst snorkeling. We were also lucky enough to visit the island during turtle laying and hatching season, giving us the opportunity to get up close to turtle hatchlings!

The Education Centre on the island provided a space for the boys to reflect on the Marine organisms we had seen during the day and the conservation efforts in place to protect the reef from further degradation. A highlight in this space was the Shark presentation run by a Marine Biologist.

Barnaby, Lachie, Matt, Jahvia and myself also went on a scuba dive whilst on the island, enhancing the skills the boys learnt in the Year 11 Marine Studies course. The boys impressed dive instructors as they were able to keep their buoyancy whilst diving in a strong current. The dive was made extra special as an eagle ray glided by as we came out of a cave 25m underwater.

It is safe to say the boys had a fantastic time and being able to be up close and personal with some of the animals they have been learning about over the past year was an incredibly valuable experience.

Read more about learning scuba in Marine Studies at Waverley.



Prayer for the Week

As we continue on our Lenten journey this week let us pray:
God of infinite love, 

I thank you for this reminder of your love
and your call that we be more patient,
gentle and compassionate with others. 

Here in the middle of Lent, I turn to you to beg for your help. 
Please soften my heart and help me to let go of judging others.

I ask you this, in Jesus’ name.


St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us
Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in Our Hearts: Forever

IPSHA Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to our swimming squad who competed at the IPSHA swimming carnival at Homebush on Tuesday March 6.

Aidan Lee
Ben Pignatelli
Digger Callandar
Jack Johnson
Oakley Lamb
Zoltahn Szabo
Tristan Lee
Oscar Bennett
Jack Kerves
Lucas Dubois
Judah Miller

The boys swam very well against some very good opposition. Well done to Jack, Oakley, Tristan and Zoltan who have been selected in the IPSHA team to compete in the upcoming CIS swimming carnival.

Thank you to Mr Ghattas and Mr Ryan for their efforts and assistance with the swimming squad.

Project Compassion Update

Since we last gave you an UPDATE our super fundraiser Fox STAPLETON (5 White) was at it again – This time he baked 74 COOKIES to sell out on Bondi Road over the weekend – Fox sold out all stock for a $74 windfall for Project Compassion. A SUPERB EFFORT. The world thanks you!

Hugo HAMILTON (5 White) & Max EDWARDS (5 Red) decided to join the fundraising movement and door knocked the Vaucluse area offering to do ODD JOBS. They unfortunately did not get a single job offer, but generous households still donated to their cause and they turned up to school with $155 for Project Compassion. WONDERFUL INITIATIVE Boys – Well Done!

Information from Our Lady of the Rosary Kensington

Our Lady of the Rosary Kensington warmly invites boys in Year 6 to participate in the Sacrament of Confirmation, commencing in March.

Our Parent Briefing is on Sunday 11th March 2018 from 11.00am until 11.45am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kensington Rd, Kensington, and preparation classes commence Sunday 18th March.

A letter will be sent home to all Year 6 students and full details are available at under the Sacraments section. We encourage all catholic children to participate.

Notice – Summer Sports Photos

On Monday March 19 we will be taking photos of our Saturday Summer Sport Teams. All boys are asked to come to school in their summer Saturday sports gear for the photos. Boys who do not have the right gear may not be in the photos.

Order for photos (please note specific times cannot be given)

                 Team  & Gear Required

  1. Swimming Squad PE Uniform (please bring your summer team gear)
  2. Touch Football Blue Touch Football Gear
  3. Touch Football Gold Touch Football Gear
  4. Touch Football Development Touch Football Gear
  5. Prep First Cricket Cricket Gear
  6. Year 6 Super 8 Cricket – Blue Cricket Gear
  7. Year 6 Super 8 Cricket – Gold Cricket Gear
  8. Year 5 Traditional Cricket First Cricket Gear
  9. Year 5 Traditional Cricket Seconds Cricket Gear
  10. Year 5 Super 8 Cricket – Blue Cricket Gear
  11. Year 5 Super 8 Cricket – Gold Cricket Gear
  12. Basketball A Basketball Gear
  13. Basketball B Basketball Gear
  14. Basketball D Basketball Gear
  15. Basketball C Basketball Gear
  16. Basketball E Basketball Gear
  17. Basketball F Basketball Gear
  18. Basketball G Basketball Gear
  19. Basketball H Basketball Gear
  20. Basketball I Basketball Gear
  21. Basketball J Basketball Gear
  22. Basketball K Basketball Gear
  23. Basketball L Basketball Gear
  24. Tennis Squad Tennis Gear
  25. Water Polo A PE Uniform
  26. Water Polo B PE Uniform


Report from a Member from the public about boys on Cronulla – Bondi Junction train 7:09am

Hi there,

I just wanted to write a note to express how impressed I am with the young boys who catch the 7:09am train out of Cronulla each day.

There is approx. 6 boys who sit in the last carriage each morning and they are all very well behaved. They always keep to themselves and hold themselves with a maturity way above their age.

There are a few other schools which I also notice on the train at this time in the morning and Waverley put these schools to shame!

Kind regards,


Always great to get positive feedback about our students – well done boys!


Well done to the following boys from North Bondi surf club who won medals at the NSW State Nipper Championships 2018 held on 2-4 March.

Fred Carmody Year 5 – Under 11 Ironman and Individual board – silver medal in both events

Campbell Porteus Year 6 – Under 12 Beach Relay team  – Gold medal ( the 3rd year in a row this team have won this event.)

If any other parents have details of their son’s participation for other surf clubs please email Mrs Coupe.

Names on all clothing and gear

Lately we have been faced with the problem of boy’s misplacing their uniform after getting changed for training. Can I please ask that your check your son’s uniform to make sure he has not inadvertently taken another boys clothing home with him. Thank you as always for your support.

Please note

Due to a whole school staff meeting next Tuesday March 13 there will be no homework club or after school sports training.




From Head of History, Barry Smith

Expressions of interest sought

DESTINATIONS:  Italy, Germany, Belgium, France

Students currently in Years 9, 10 or 11 who study or plan to study Ancient History or Modern History have an exciting opportunity to tour Europe’s historic sights in 2019.

Matching directly the study of History at Waverley across Years 10-12, and including many cultural and cross-curricula opportunities and experiences for students, the College is offering the opportunity to visit Western Europe during the June-July school holidays in 2019. The tour includes the following countries and locations:

 In Italy the group will spend time firstly, in The Eternal City, Rome and visit: Vatican City, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain ,  the Spanish Steps, the Colosseum, and Circus Maximus amongst others.

The group will travel down to Naples and investigate the Pompeii Archaeological site, the National Archaeological Museum, the Herculaneum Archaeological site and the villas of Boscoreale and Stabia. From Naples the group will fly to Munich.

In  Germany the group  embark on a ‘Third Reich’ walking tour in Munich, focusing on the Nazi presence in Munich which will include sites of mass rallies, book burnings and Hitler’s powerful speeches. Following an understanding of the rise of Nazism, the group will visit Dachau Concentration Camp outside of Munich.

The group will then fly to Berlin where they will visit the Brandenburg Gate, The Reichstag, Checkpoint Charlie, Alexanderplatz, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews the remnants of the Berlin Wall, the Topography of Terror museum housed on the former location of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) Office and the Reich Security Main Office,  the Wannsee House Museum, site of the Wannsee Conference of 1942 which determined “The Final Solution”, and out to the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp.

Following Berlin, the group will travel to Brussels, Belgium and then explore the “Remembrance Trail” of ANZAC and World War One visiting Ypres, the Flanders region such as Messines, Menin Road, Tyne Cot Cemetery, Polygon Wood, Poelcappelle and Passchendaele, Langemark the Canadian National Memorial at Vimy Ridge, the Australian Memorials near Pozieres and the Somme. The group will attend the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate tonight. The ceremony has been performed uninterrupted since 2 July 1928.

In France, the group will travel to the Normandy region and stay in the University town of Caen. From there they will visit he D-Day landing beaches including Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Pointe Du Hoc, along with significant historical sites in Bayeux and Caen itself. The group will then arrive in Paris to visit Notre Dame Cathedral, the nearby Latin Quarter, the Louvre , the Champs Elysees and the Eiffel Tower.

Places will be limited. Parents, guardians and their sons are requested to express an initial Expression of Interest for this international College initiative in 2019. More details will be provided shortly in further issues of Nurrunga.

To register and if you have further questions please contact either:


Food Technology Bush Foods Excursion

On Tuesday 27 February, Year 9 and 11 Food Technology, and ATSI students, attended a bush tucker excursion.  They were met by Tim and Grant from Kadoo Tours who took them on a guided tour of the La Perouse area to impart their knowledge of traditional plants, animals, and cooking methods.  It was a fantastic day where students immersed themselves in the stories and knowledge of the area passed down through generations of Tim’s ancestors.  Highlights included turning wattle leaves into soap, using charcoal as toothpaste, and spotting a red bellied black snake!

Thank you to Kadoo Tours for the wonderful experience

Year 12 Hospitality RSA and RCG Courses

On 12 – 13 February, Year 12 Hospitality participated in a two day course to complete their RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) and RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling) Courses.  These courses will open up multiple job opportunities for students beyond their school life, as it will enable them to extend the skills and qualifications delivered through the Certificate II of Kitchen Operations (VET Hospitality) by providing them with the necessary training to work in a variety of establishments including cafes, hotels, restaurants, bars, and leagues clubs.

Well done to all Year 12 Hospitality students for completing both certificates after two long days!

By the end of Semester 1 of 2018, no more single use plastic items will be used in the TAS faculty

The TAS and VET Hospitality Faculty is implementing a new strategy to address the reliance on ‘single use’ plastic items during practical lessons, in line with the sustainability and environmental policies of the College. In 2018, Waverley College will be phasing out all single use items from our kitchens, including takeaway containers and disposable cutlery.

At present students are provided with a takeaway container after every practical lesson to take food prepared during lessons to lunch or home. These items are being used for short periods of time before ending up in landfill, where they will never break down. To replace these, we have purchased a 2 litre Sistema container for each student in Stage 5 and Stage 6 food related subjects and each container will be labelled with the student’s name and year group.

It will become your son’s responsibility to bring this to each practical lesson so he is able to package food he has prepared. It will be an expectation that the container is returned to school clean for each practical lesson and failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

It is our goal that by the end of Semester 1 of 2018, no more single use plastic items will be available in the TAS faculty. This is one of many strategies across the school that form part of an overall focus on creating a more sustainable campus. Our aim is to foster environmentally friendly habits and practices which students can model in daily life.

We appreciate your support and your son’s participation in our efforts to ensure Waverley College is at the forefront of sustainable practice in school environments.

If you would like any further information please contact the following staff members, who are part of the Sustainability Committee at Waverley College:

From Head of IT, Simon Potter


Thank you to parents who attended the CyberSafety event last Wednesday night.

Waverley College is providing Family Zone Community packs to all parents/guardians free of charge for 2018. This allows you to manage up to 6 mobile devices, set up filters and get reports on internet usage. It’s easy to use. Parents and guardians manage home use, while at school, Waverley College manages access.

To sign up for the Family Zone software, simply fill in this form

Once you’re done, we’ll send you details on how to install the software on your son’s school laptop and mobile phone.

Please visit the Family Zone landing page for great tips and tricks on how to setup devices and put in place filters.

Waverley College Family Zone landing page

Please see additional information provided for you by cyber safety experts, ySafe.