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From the Director of Student Wellbeing, Matt Porter

Year 7 Broken Bay Camp

Last week, all of our Year 7 boys participated in the Broken Bay camp. This is a fantastic way to start the year, and an essential experience in the transition program to Senior School.

The significance of this transition was highlighted recently in the ABC series “My Year 7 Life”. Boys find themselves going from being the biggest kids in their previous school to the smallest in Senior School. They have to learn to manage new social relationships, responsibilities, and challenges.

Under the guidance of our eight Heads of House, the boys had the opportunity to throw themselves into a range of activities – such as raft building, bush walking, hiking, team building and initiative games – while getting to know one another and forging new friendships.  These friendships will serve them well throughout their time at Waverley College, and indeed as the Old Boys of the future.

A big thank you to the Heads of House and other supervising staff members who gave up their time and made getting to know our new students their sole focus.  If there is anything that we can do to assist with your son’s transition in any way please get in touch.

Mentor interviews

On Monday the 26 February between 1:30 – 4:30pm all parents and carers or Years 7-12 are invited to attend a 10 min interview with their sons and their Wellbeing Mentor.

This conversation differs from the traditional parent/teacher interviews which normally take place later in the semester. The sole focus of these interviews is to get to know as much about your son as possible. By identifying their strengths, interests and areas for further development, we can work together to bring about the best possible educational outcomes for each individual.

Dr Andrew Fuller wrote that young people too often live in a world that is time and relationship poor. This makes them hungry for adults who care about them and make them feel safe. Boys need adults who believe they can succeed. Well-functioning boys are able to reflect upon the consequences of actions, consider morally complex and ambiguous situations and treat others with compassion and empathy. Young people develop this when they are guided by parents and schools that have a clear values-based approach and a shared vision of success. Dr Fuller emphasized the importance of a “Trio of Care” the school, the family and the individual. Together is better.

Bookings are now available for this event via the parent portal below.

Waverley College Parent Portal

2018 Student Representative Council Application and International Women’s Day breakfast 

Applications are now open for students wishing to apply for the 2018 Student Representative Council (SRC).

Students need to complete a written application in response to the selection criteria distributed via email this week and submit this to the Wellbeing Centre no later than Friday 23rd of February.

The successful applicants will be acknowledged at our International Women’s Day student leaders breakfast on Thursday the 8th of March.


Prayer of the Week

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent.  It is a special time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving for Catholics. 

The forty days of Lent end with the season of Easter, the most important time in the Church’s calendar. 

Through prayer we prepare for Easter and Jesus’ Resurrection by becoming closer to God.

Fasting reminds us that many people in the world live without food for good health and many people go to bed hungry. 

By giving alms we show our commitment to justice and take real action to make like better for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we move towards the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday this week, help us to continue to make the right choices and to take genuine action to help those in need.

We ask this in memory of Jesus your Son.


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

School drop-offs

With parking and traffic an issue for all schools in the Eastern Suburbs, we ask parents to be mindful of your child’s safety and considerate of our neighbours when dropping off or picking up your son.  Please be aware that the school is located in a residential area. Double parking with the motor running, parking across driveways and stopping in the middle of the road to let your son out of the car are neither safe nor neighbourly.

Parent Information Night

The Parent Information night will be held on Monday 19th February. This meeting will commence in the Junior School auditorium with a brief welcome from the Acting Head of College Mr Graham Leddie followed by a meeting in your son’s classroom. The meeting will commence at 6.3 0pm sharp.

During the meeting your son’s teacher will outline procedures and policies for classroom arrangements and communication for this year. Information such as the timetable (including explaining how our 2 week cycle works), homework policy and class expectations will all be discussed.

It will also be a great opportunity for you to meet the parents of the other boys in your son’s class. Your son does NOT attend this meeting.

Please note that the car park at the Senior School will be available for parking on the night.

I look forward to seeing you on the night.

Cocktail Party

The Waverley College Parents’ Association together with the Head of College, Mr Graham Leddie invites you to attend The Waverley College Welcome Cocktails 2018 celebrating the commencement of the 2018 College year.

When: Saturday 24 February 2018, 6:30pm to 10.30pm

Where: The Br JP Lacey Gymnasium, Waverley College, 131 Birrell St, Waverley

Canapés will be served. A range of beer, wine and champagne will be available for purchase (cash & eftpos available)

Dress: Smart Casual

RSVP – Friday 16 February 2018. For more information call 9369 0753.

Laptop Rollout

The Year 5 laptop rollout went extremely well on Wednesday afternoon. The boys are now working with their new MacBook Air computer. Once again we ask parents to monitor and supervise the use of these machines. Many thanks to all the parents and guardians who took the time out to attend the rollout.

Junior School Project Compassion 2018

As the season of Lent approaches, we are asking the Year 5 and Year 6 students of the Junior School to think about those who are less fortunate than themselves.  The theme for Project Compassion 2018 is “A Just Future”.

This year, Project Compassion demonstrates how love for our neighbours can transform lives. For more than 50 years, Caritas Australia has been privileged to work together with our neighbours – our most vulnerable sisters and brothers in First Australian communities and in many other countries. Working with our partner agencies in those communities, we have developed the strength to combat poverty, promote justice and uphold the dignity of every person.

Throughout Project Compassion 2018, inspiring stories from the Philippines, Cambodia, Australia, Nepal, Jordan and Mozambique will be shared, highlighting the importance of working hand in hand with communities around the world.

As the thought of freeing the world of poverty can be overwhelming, we are attempting to empower our boys to respond to the needs of others around the world. We have asked the boys to contribute to Project Compassion in some way this year. It may be that they give up a treat at the canteen or perhaps do some odd jobs around the house to collect a bit of spare change. Please encourage your boys to donate to this worthy cause.

“They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water” (Isaiah 49:10).

Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Mission Junior School

Chess Notice

Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, starting on 6 February 2018.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment.

Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.

Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.

Swimming Carnival

Our annual swimming carnival is on Friday 16th February and is held at the Senior School pool. All parents are invited to attend. Please note – the students will be sitting in the stands behind the pool and space will be provided for parents and guests on the grass area alongside the pool. Shade tents will be available but if you are thinking of coming along please remember to bring your chairs or blanket. The carnival should finish at approximately 1.45pm and no boys will be permitted to leave until the carnival is complete and presentations have been made. Please note there are no canteen facilities available.

Waverley Skoolbag App.

Waverley released its Skoolbag app which is available for both iPhone and Android devices a couple of years ago to assist contact with parents and students. This app is a free download and enhances the way the school communicates with students and families.

You can find the Skoolbag app for Waverley by searching in either Google Play or the Apple App store for ‘Skoolbag Waverley College’. You can also find links to the app on the School website.

Name on all Student Property

Can I please stress the need to ensure your son has his name on all his gear – it makes it far easier to return any lost gear.




Well done to all students on a hard fought and successful first round of co-curricular activities for 2018 against Knox.

Highlights included the last over win in the 1st XI again versus Knox, and the great performances of our new Year 7 teams – particularly the 7A’s cricket and Year 7 Tennis teams, who all had comprehensive victories against a strong opposition. We were also successful in the some of our Year 7 & 8 Basketball with the 8C’s recording a great come from behind win. Our 1sts Water Polo fought hard for a 5-5 draw and our table tennis and Judo groups also performed well.

This week we have our first home games of the year against St Aloysius’. This also includes the Prep 1sts and 2nds Basketball playing in the Lacey Gymnasium on Saturday morning. Our Swimming and Diving squads also have their first CAS Invitational this Friday at SOPAC from 6pm. Please remember that there a CAS codes of conduct for all players, coaches and officials and that this is also just schoolboy sport. One of the strengths of the CAS is the great collegiality amongst the member schools. Students need to be punctual to all fixtures and be dressed in full Waverley attire at all times, at all sporting venues both at home and away.

Well done to the number of students we had competing at the Oz Tag State Championships last week. Well done also to a large number of students who competed at the SLS Sydney Branch titles on the weekend. I am sure we will have a large contingent going to the State Nipper titles in March. If you are going and have not yet applied for leave, please do so asap.

Congratulations to Charles McGrath who recently ran a 1 min 58 sec 800m to qualify for the National Titles.

I also want to wish Stuart Swinburn and Erwan Le Pechoux all the best with their Commonwealth Games swimming trials. Hopefully we will see some current Waverley students representing at that high level!  My congratulations  go to Daniel Lim in year 12 for his fantastic win in Chess at St Aloysius last Friday against their number 1 Chess player. Well done also to Dane Towns for his continued great performance in high jump clearing 1.75m over the weekend.

Next week we have Summer sports photos. These will be taken before and after school corresponding to the training schedule. This is to reduce impact and disruption on class teaching time. Students will have their photos taken in the PAC foyer, and need to bring their full playing attire for the photos. The following Friday (February 23rd) we also have 1sts and 2nds Basketball playing at Cranbrook from 6pm.

Good luck to all activities this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’

Waverley hosts cycling at Heffron Park on 10 Feb

Waverley hosts cycling at Heffron Park on 10 Feb

From Brad Thompson, Geography Department

Under bright blue skies last Wednesday the Year 12 HSC Geography students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park to undertake fieldwork relating to ‘Ecosystems at Risk’.

Case studies of ecosystems are a requirement of the HSC Geography curriculum, and we’re lucky to be able to study the unique intertidal wetlands around Homebush Bay, not only ‘in theory’ but also ‘on the ground’.

The students engaged enthusiastically with the activities, spending time in the mangroves and saltmarshes of the area observing and taking measurements of features such as wind strength, soil structure and distribution of flora and fauna. We also visited the open-air ‘Mangrove Classroom’ and indoor auditorium to view presentations about how the area has changed over time and how Sydney Olympic Park is managed and protected.

Our thanks to the SOP’s efficient professional educators, for creating a great day of learning in preparing students for an upcoming assessment.

The students are to be commended on their behaviour and proactive participation over the day.


From Co-Captains of Basketball, Luca Zanarini & James Foster


This week was the first week of basketball for the new Year 7’s. Up against a great opposition like Knox, they 7A’s discovered first-hand the competition they would face for the coming years. The boys played well and put in a great effort despite their loss and should be happy with the progress they’ve made in the short amount of time playing with each other. The 8A’s was a close game as both teams played well, however Knox was able to capatalize at the last moment and Waverley lost by 2. The 9A’s struggled to keep up with Knox as the boys couldn’t stay composed and despite the great effort they put in all game, they eventually lost by 20. The 10A’s also put up a good fight, however lost by 10 points

2nd V

After learning from the CAS Blitz, the 2nd V were energised and continued their preparation for the opening round of CAS competition for 2018 vs Knox. The 2nd V came out strong from the opening tip. Some nice ball movement and well executed play allowed easy opening baskets for Mark Goncalves, as he ran up the score early in the first half. Some impressive defence from tom Joey Lyons and Tom Deakin-Bell created multiple offensive fast breaks. The 2nd V offence was on display for the rest of the first half with a number of back to back layups by Daniel Marando and jump shots from Mark Goncalves. However, while Knox began to regain control, Nathan Papageorgious lead a comeback charge, reducing the gap to just two points at the end of the first half 21-23.

Some main talking points during the half time break were shot selection, defensive rotations and most importantly communication as a team. The 2nd half proved to be an even contest. Knox ran a different pick and roll set that left the 2nd V scrambling to cover the gaps which Knox attacked. The 2nd V put together a run, through some strong post moves from Ash Backlund, which left Knox flustered and out of tune, resulting in multiple timeouts being called. The game continued to be neck and neck throughout the remaining minutes of the game.

With 4 minutes left to play, the lead changed an absurd number of times and the scene was set for a thrilling ending. As time wound down to the final two minutes of the game, Daniel Marando and Heath Lawther were able to force a steal that would eventuate into a driving layup by Daniel Callaghan, however the 2nd V could not capitalise on their next two possessions. As a result, Waverley had to call a timeout to settle their nerves and regather composure.

With a 1:21 left in the game, Waverly inbounded the ball, however struggled to find any signs of an offence. Trailing by 2 points, with 5 seconds left on the shot clock, Mark Goncalves pulled a corner three that resulted in Waverley taking the lead as the shot clock expired. Unfortunately, Knox answered back with two threes of their own and kept Waverley scoreless for the remainder of the game with the final score 41-38. The 2nd V had a lot of positives to take from this game as they move forward for the remainder of the season.

1st V

After a successful CAS blitz, the 1st V was looking for a win in their first game back against a strong Knox side. After being able to pull out a win against Knox at home in the first half of the season, the boys were looking to replicate that with a good start. After making the long drive down to Knox, the boys got themselves ready and began a warm up just before the game.

With both teams ready, the ball was tipped and Waverley got possession. A quick few baskets by Kyle Goulding and Hayden Walton helped fire the Waverley team up and gave us a strong lead. However, some bad defensive rotation allowed Knox to take advantage and keep the game level. The game became physical and tempers flew as there were foul calls left, right and centre. Unfortunately, this lead to some unfortunate consequences and Alex Higgins-Titsha would miss the rest of the game.

Although they struggled, the 1st V boys kept pushing and did well, running through their plays, some of which they would run for the first time. This allowed us to regain control of the game, however some quick turnovers led Knox to be up by 2 points at the end of the first quarter. Going into the second quarter, the boys knew they had to pick up the intensity to match what they started with. Although the quarter was off to a slow start with both teams missing opportunities, Waverley’s aggression kicked in, as Luca Zanarini scored a layup and Kyle Goulding’s back to back shots fired the boys up, allowing Waverley to get some much needed points. Unfortunately, Waverley committed a lot of fouls which enabled Knox to maintain their lead as the score was 43-41 at half time.

With the majority of the team in foul trouble, the second half was crucial if Waverley wanted to take the lead. A quick basket from Jeremy Petritsis sparked Waverley to fight for the ball and led to a steal in the next possession. Unfortunately, the fouls affected Waverley’s ability to get back, however Ryan Abbott caught heat and hit important 3 point shots to narrow the score back to 4 points as Waverley trailed going into the last quarter. Getting into the 4th quarter, the Knox team kept their momentum as each side scored after each other. Although at times Waverley’s defensive presence helped, the Knox side kept drawing fouls, eventually fouling out 2 Waverley players. Waverley lost control of the game, as Knox fired up and scored continuous shots, putting them up by 10. Waverley made one last push, trying to capitalize on some fast breaks, however unfortunately could not catch up and lost 80-70. Kyle Goulding had 21 points along with 6 assists. This game was very disappointing for the 1st V to lose as it would jeopardise their chances of winning the CAS, however this has also provided some determination for the boys not to drop off now, work on perfecting their game and committing less fouls against their next opponent St Aloysius.

Convenor’s Report

From Mr Gibbs, Convenor of Basketball

The 2nd V began the second half of the CAS season on 2 wins and were looking to replicate their last effort against Knox, having won that first-round fixture 41-38. The second-round matchup was close the entire game and the atmosphere was tense as neither team could break away from the other. The score seesawed throughout, however Knox ultimately prevailed 41-38, having led 23-21 at half-time. Best on-court were Stephen Morrissey, Daniel Marando and Tom Deakin-Bell.

Having beaten Knox 66-62 in their first-round encounter, the 1st V were confident going into this week’s fixture. The return of Alex Higgins-Titsha from injury, who had missed the entire first five rounds, also lifted the team’s spirits. The 1st V started extremely well, with high-intensity basketball from the Waverley players, who were able to make some quality baskets. However, a major setback occurred when Alex Higgins-Titsha had to leave the game, taking no further part. The first quarter closed out with Knox ahead 22-20. The 1st V continued to show commitment and purpose in the second half, however the foul count began to take its toll, gifting easy points to Knox at the free-throw line. The half-time break saw the score even at 43-all, however several Waverley players were in foul trouble and had to sit out for lengthy periods of time. Despite the 1st V not letting up, Knox began to pull away in the third quarter, going into the final break leading 61-56. With Waverley continuing to get into foul trouble and Knox only too happy to oblige by making easy free-throws, the 1st V were unable to stage a comeback, eventually losing 80-70. The 1st V now sit third in the competition on 3 wins and 3 losses. Best on-court were Ryan Abbott, Kyle Goulding and Luca Zanarini. Both teams will want to turn their fortunes around this weekend and get their seasons back on track when they face St Aloysius, who they lost to in close games in their first-round fixtures.

In other games, Waverley enjoyed limited success against Knox, who were very strong across all age groups. The following teams were able to seal wins: 8B (34-23), 8C (36-23), 8D (30-23), 7B (32-24), 7C (28-21), 7D (38-7) with the 9B’s drawing 25-all. The 6th V (24-19), 10D (34-28), 9G (24-20), 8A (46-43), 7E (20-17) played well despite losing very close games. Welcome to all our new Year 7 players, who showed great promise in their first games for the College against Knox.

The Basketball Supporters Club is seeking help in staffing the BBQ this Saturday. If you are able to assist for an hour, please contact Mrs Sophia Hatziandreou at

Waverley Basketball is now using Team App to publish information such as scores, news, fixtures, team lists and announcements. Download the app and search for ‘Waverley College Basketball’ to receive notifications and updates.

Good luck to all teams against St Aloysius this weekend.




The first matchup of 2018 saw the Waverley Tennis boys pitched against Knox Grammar School, who always seem to begin the year in hot form. It was tough for our boys, with Knox showing no mercy across all age groups throughout the round 6 clash.

It was an underwhelming start to the year for the 1sts and 2nds, who were both beaten convincingly 8 sets to 0. The closest we came to winning a set in this fixture was with Will Durkin in the 2nds, who lost 3-6, as well as Lachie Unsworth and Pat Smith in the opening set of their doubles match in the 1sts, going 3-6 to Knox.

The 3rds went down 1 set to 5, although Waverley’s set was due to forfeit. Dominic Abruzzese almost won a set, being edged 6 games to 4 in a thrilling match. The 4ths unfortunately went down 6 sets to 0.

In the 10A’s and B’s, the Waverley boys were thoroughly overpowered, only winning 4 games in total. The 9A’s were also crushed by the Knox boys, despite Oscar Madden’s valiant effort in his singles, which he lost 6-4. It was much the same for the Year 8’s, with Guy Hammerschmidt, Aidan Trovato, Jimmy Ashbridge, Oli Goodrum and Harry Fox all yielding the same score of 4 games to 6. Jared Garwood, however, put in a great effort to break the losing streak, winning his singles 6-3 in the 8B’s.

The first match for the new Year 7’s showcased the future of Waverley Tennis, with Joseph Cumpston taking his singles set 6-4.

Following Knox Grammar’s strong performance, the Waverley boys will be training hard to take on St. Aloysius in round 7.


Waverley’s bowlers in the groove

All Waverley Cricketer’s met the exciting first round of the school year with great energy, and it was a positive start in the limited-overs format. It was especially rewarding for all Year 5 and 7 students, and they can be congratulated in the way they have embraced their new team mates and made a fantastic start.

Boys from Years 5-12 this term are playing a variety of short-form cricket formats ranging from 16-25 overs for Junior school boys, into 20-32 overs for Senior School boys. A high emphasis is placed on increasing inclusiveness, fun and maximizing involvement of all boys, which we hope only develops throughout the term.

The 1st XI play 50-over one-day games this term, and a full report of their tense 3-run victory over Knox from proud coaches Mr Boyd and Mr Elliott appears later in the report. Congratulations to both Ryan Connolly and Jack Hardwick-Owen from the 1st XI in their selection in the CAS side to play the other NSW Schools rep sides. Both Ryan and Jack also performed strongly in the NSW CIS trials and are ready to help the 1st XI challenge for the CAS premiership in coming weeks.

Some team highlights came from very impressive bowling performances from the 9Bs and the 7As in their debut games. The 7As bowled Knox out for just 69 runs, and safely chased this only losing 3 wickets. There was action galore including a team hat trick, with exceptional fielding the showpiece. This was backed up by controlled and consistent bowling, with Andrew Maloney taking 1 for 7, Hirav Ghandi 2 for 12, Conor Andrews 2 for 4, and Carter Steyne 1 for 8 and a direct run out. Opening batsman Liam Wood scored a valuable 27 runs, before Scott Swinburn plundered 20 runs from 23 balls to seal a strong win. Sam Lodge took 2 early wickets in the 9B match and all bowlers kept the screws tight restricting Knox to 77. Waverley attacked the chase, successfully getting the runs with 4 wickets and many overs to spare.

Around the grounds there were some excellent batting partnerships and some individual scores – though often there was only the one partnership of size leaving Waverley teams well short of the runs we are capable of. Darcy Mullins batted strongly in the 2nd XI with 30, Sebastian Rasmussen 30 and Zane Zilich 26 in the 3rd XI, while Leo Carr and Peter Fragias shared a strong 40 run partnership in the 7Cs.  To start a partnership and not loose wickets in pairs or groups, each Waverley batmen must work hard in their first few balls and overs to get their feet moving more decisively, and be more proactive in trying to take more singles. Looking for these gaps and quick calling and running between the wickets are the best ways to get momentum in a new partnership – with this a key focus for this week in training. Best of luck to all our teams for this week.


1st XI v Knox Round 6

Fromm coaches Mr. J Boyd and Mr. G Elliott

In the first of the one day rounds, Knox won the toss and asked Waverley to bat. Openers Rory Doyle and Reid McNamara looked solid and had Waverley off to a positive start with 29 on the board in the 8th over when Rory Doyle played outside one to lose his off stump. 41 was the total when Reid McNamara played across one to be adjudged lbw. Jack Hardwicke-Owen followed on the same score when he smashed a full toss toward cover only to see the Knox captain drive full length to his right and have the ball stick in the palm.

Oliver Ruse followed with the score on 65, Ryan Connolly with the score 73 and Jacob Tomasiello on 76, which left Waverley at 6 for 76 in only the 26th over. Lachlan Forrest joined Alex Ferrara and this pair moved the total to 106 before Lachlan Forrest attempted to flick one to leg only to find the back of the bat and sky the ball to mid-off. Benjamin Scarf and Alex Ferrara then combined in a partnership which yielded 83 runs with Alex Ferrara finally out in the 47th over for 57. Benjamin Scarf followed in the same over for 44. Cameron Shearer was the final man out, first ball of the 48th over leaving the Waverley total at a now respectable 190.

After the lunch break Cameron Shearer and Benjamin Scarf shared the new ball. Both bowled extremely well with Benjamin Scarf claiming an early wicket, followed by Cameron Shearer claiming 2, to have Knox in trouble at 3 for 15. This could have been improved upon however two grassed catches both from the Knox best bat and captain were to prove very costly as he began to form partnerships. Harry Whiteman broke the first of these partnerships with the total on 44, however the next partnership carried the total to 149 before Alex Ferrara induced a slog to cow corner for Cameron Shearer to take the catch. This became 6 for 151 in the 40th when in his next over Alex Ferrara accepted a catch off his own bowling. Cameron Shearer was back into the attack and the 7th wicket fell when he deceived the batsman getting one through to hit middle stump.

The Knox captain meanwhile had been chipping away at the total passing 50 in the process. At 7 for 170 in the 46th over Waverley knew they were back in the game however the 48th over looked to have sealed it for Knox when a couple of streaky shots moved the total to 185. Jack Hardwicke-Owen had other ideas and with the first ball of the 49th over had the Knox batsman caught at point by Cameron Shearer. A further 2 runs had been added, when with the final delivery of this 49th over the batsman hit a catch to Harry Whiteman at mid-off. The tension was now evident on faces of the players, coaches and parents positioned around the Knox field. The Knox captain was now on strike with 76 to his name and ready to face the final over to be bowled by Benjamin Scarf needing just 4 runs for victory.

Skipper Ryan Connolly patiently set his field assisted by bowler and vice-captain. Benjamin Scarf started his approach, the Knox captain made solid contact to an off drive, lofted, which travelled in an arch only a metre or two off the ground. The loud shouts of CATCH could be heard from the Waverley fielders as the ball travelled in the direction of Jacob Tomasiello. He had no time to think and positioned himself perfectly to accept the catch as the other 10 Waverley players sprinted towards him with arms in the air in celebration as Waverley had pulled off another nail-biting win, the second against Knox this season this time by 3 runs. Other results for the round meant that Waverley have now jumped back into 2nd position. This week has the team at Queens Park against SAC who had a very convincing win over Barker.




NIDA HSC Workshops & Study Days

HSC Drama Performance

A comprehensive course for Years 11 and 12 to broaden understanding of performance styles and develop improvisation, acting and devising techniques.

Cost – $615
16–20 April 2018, 10am–5pm
8–12 Oct 2018, 10am–5pm

Find out more

HSC IP Study Day

HSC IP Study Day is a fantastic way for students to explore the creative process from conception to successful completion. Participants gain a practical understanding of what is involved in the project area of their choice.

Tuesday 30 October 2018, 9.30am–3.00pm

Book now

HSC in the Holidays March Seminars

Subject-specific seminars designed to provide insight and understanding from expert HSC Teachers in the lead up to the half-yearly exams.

UTS Seminars 

Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th March

Macquarie University Seminars 

Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th March.

Find out more and register

ADF Gap Year Applications Open

A Gap Year in the Australian Defence Force is more than just a great way to try out a career in the Navy, Army or Air Force. It’s a fulfilling year of adventure, experiences, mateship, learning, leadership and travel.
Find out more

UMAT Registrations are now open

Registrations close 1 June, and the testing date is 25 July 2018.
Find out more


This U.S. Government Website provides advice to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. Information includes how to apply, testing, financial aid, visas, and more. The U.S. Consulate General in Sydney has an EducationUSA Centre, and students, parents and career advisers can make appointments to visit the centre.

Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process

The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.

Find out more


Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!

Click here for information on how to apply.

Good Careers Guide

A resource that provides students and career advisers access to the relevant tools to explore career, education and employment options. The 400+ job descriptions covered by the guide include information about personal requirements, education and training, employment opportunities and related jobs.

Find out more

ATO Tax File Number Applications

A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.

For information on how to apply click here.

TAFE NSW 2018 Career Guide

For your copy of the Career Guide click here.

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year off right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out.

Smartphone Apps to Help with Studying

An article features some smartphone apps that can help students to improve their study habits.

Click here to read.

Think Education Surviving Year 12 eBook

Think Education have produced a free eBook with tips on how to master your final year of school.

Read it here.

TSFX Exam/Study Tip 3 & 4

TSFX Edge Online

Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores.

TSFX: HSC Study Tips – Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students

Tips for note-taking

Tips for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give to your community, meet interesting people, and learn new skills. It can also be a great way to get some experience on your resume before you get a job. Youth Central have some tips on finding a volunteering position and making sure you’re not being exploited in the role.

Read it here.

Find out which occupations have skills shortages

Choosing a job in an industry where they need more workers is usually a smart decision. Right now, most professions are adequately supplied with large numbers of qualified candidates competing for vacancies. There are shortages for architects, surveyors, sonographers, audiologists and veterinarians, and many trades need more qualified people.

Click here to find out where more people are needed here.

Careers in Sport

This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.

What is being a forensic scientist like?

It sounds like the coolest job in the world – find out what it actually involves from a forensic scientist over at Careers with STEM.

Read the article

Where could STEM take you?

STEM Subjects – Why are they in Demand?

Surviving Year 12

This article from Youth Central has some great tips on surviving and succeeding in Year 12. Start your year off right by thinking about how you’re going to balance your year.

Read the tips.

TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide

The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.

Download it here.

Good Universities Guide Resources

This page has electronic resources on a number of topics, including comparing universities by state or by degree. The information is all sourced from The Good Universities Guide 2018. – good-university-guide-downloadables

How to focus on wellbeing in times of stress

ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents.

There’s a section on school and study, to help you work through the big decisions.

Find it here

From the Head of College, Graham Leddie


I have been very impressed with the boys transition back to school and classes. The vast majority of boys have not skipped a beat. If you have a son in Years 7-12 the Director of Learning and Teaching has this week sent you a copy of your son’s assessment grid and important dates for the entire year. This is a great point of reference for you to stay connected with his learning journey; it will assist you to be aware of his academic schedule and to keep tabs on how he is coping with his work. All of the research on learning shows improved academic performance is linked with parental involvement in their child’s learning journey, so please keep working to stay connected with your son.

Commencement Mass

Today we celebrated our Commencement Mass at the spiritual home of Sydney’s Catholic community, St Mary’s Cathedral. Our students and school community filled the Cathedral to capacity. In my brief introduction I reminded the boys of a few milestones and the breadth of service undertaken by the Catholic Church to which we belong:

Fr Bernie Thomas ofm

Fr Bernie challenged the boys to be young men of action in their faith and care for others. The first reading from the letter of St James (2:14-17) highlights his point;

“Faith without Works Is Dead. What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you have faith but do not have Works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill’, and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.”

One of the highlights of the Mass was when Fr Bernie asked all the congregation to close their eyes whilst he said a prayer for their academic journey this year. He then proceeded to sing in latin with a beautiful voice. It was quite a moving moment that the boys really appreciated. I witnessed many of the boys take the time to thank Fr Bernie at the end of Mass.

Many thanks also to our Identity Team led by Mr Phil Davis and our Music Faculty staff and students who provided outstanding musical accompaniment for the Mass.

Music ensemble ready to begin the Commencement Mass


Students and the school community filled the Cathedral for the Commencement Mass

Year 7 Camp

Our Year 7 cohort spent the first three days this week at an outdoor education facility overlooking Broken Bay. The boys bonded nicely with their Heads of House and fellow House members along with their expert outdoor education instructors. Our College Nurse also attended the camp, treating any scrapes or bruises acquired from bush walks, zip lines, kayaking or the ropes course. I witnessed first hand the students working together to solve problems and assisting each other to overcome hurdles, which are great examples of building resilience across the cohort.

Year 7 campers


Year 7 campers


Congratulations and good luck

Well done to the following students for their sporting achievements:

Safe travels and good luck to the following students who are playing in the State Oztag Cup up in Coffs Harbour this weekend:






From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan

The start of the year has been a truly positive one amongst staff and students. It was great to welcome our new Year 5 and 7 students as well as their parents, and celebrate the return of the entire student body.

At a Welcome College Assembly last Thursday, the boys were reminded of the importance of following fair and reasonable requests. These are always linked to their learning and wellbeing. Should a student wish to contest a classroom request that has been made of them, I encourage them to sleep on it, and see me the following day if they still think the request was not fair and reasonable.

This year we introduced the functionality to report bulling via an online portal. The boys are comfortable reporting in an ‘online’ space. This is just another opportunity we as a College say ‘No’ to bullying.  We continue to build resilience in our students through the wellbeing system, as well as within the PDHPE curriculum in Stages 3-4.

On 24 February, the Parents and Friends Association will once again host their Welcome Cocktail Party. Last year just over 800 parents got together to renew old acquaintances and meet new parents. As a College community, we celebrate the start of another College Year and welcome new parents to the community. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Finally, I would like to thank parents for the way their sons resumed school last week, the uniform standard was excellent and so too was their behaviour and presentation.

Parents please be aware of the following policies

Student haircuts

If students do not comply with a request to address any breaches by their Head of House, they will then have three options:

  1. Go immediately to the barber at Charing Cross and have the inappropriate haircut rectified.
  2. Rectify the inappropriate haircut themselves with the College clippers.
  3. Return home until such time as the inappropriate haircut is rectified.


When students email a staff member, all proper language conventions are expected to be used.

Parents are requested to always keep their contact details up to date by informing the Registrar whenever there is a change.

Behaviour at Sport

As we commence the second half of the CAS summer season I would encourage all students to keep up the ‘Bin the Red’ campaign that our seniors established in 2016 that resulted in a significant reduction in Sports Tribunal hearings.

The students have been encouraged to play hard but play fair whilst representing the College. We want our students to develop good team skills and learn how to respond well when things do not go their way. We have encouraged them to be gracious in accepting the umpire’s decision even if they think they are right.




Prayer for the Week

We begin Week 2 after a very busy start to the school year.  Some of us have settled in and some of us are still finding our feet.  Some of us have built on old friendships and begun new ones.  Some of us are still finding it difficult to meet new people.  Let us focus this week on trying to make everyone feel included in all that we do here at Waverley College.  Our prayer this week focuses on the elements of being a good friend.

Help me, O God, to be a good and true friend.

To be always loyal, and never to let my friends down;

Never to talk about them behind their backs in a way in which I would not do before their faces;

Never to betray a confidence or talk about the things about which I ought to be silent;

Always to be ready to share everything I have;

To be as true to my friends as I would wish them to be to me.

This I ask for You who are the greatest and the truest of all friends.  For your love’s sake,


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever


Saturday Sport

Our summer sports trials were held last week. The boys participated with great energy and excitement and the teachers managed to select their squads for the upcoming summer competition. The trials are an incredibly difficult process and the Junior School staff does their best to ensure all students have the best opportunity to showcase their talents. Unfortunately not all the boys could be selected in their first preference, but have been allocated into either their second or third preference. Information about training times, venues and draws was sent home via the Skoolbag app last week.


Parent Information Night

Monday 19 February at 6.30pm

Please gather at the Junior School auditorium for a brief welcome from Head of College, Mr Graham Leddie followed by a meeting in your son’s classroom.

During the meeting your son’s teacher will outline procedures and policies for classroom arrangements and communication for this year. Information such as the timetable (including explaining how our 2 week cycle works), homework policy and class expectations will all be discussed.

It will also be a great opportunity for you to meet the parents of the other boys in your son’s class. Please note that your son does NOT attend this meeting.

The car park at the Senior School will be available for parking on the night.


Laptop Rollout 

Students in Year 5 will be issued new MacBook computers as part of the Waverley College iLearn initiative.

You and your son are asked to attend a deployment afternoon on Wednesday 14 February 2018 commencing at 3.30pm at the Junior School. This will run until approximately 5.00pm.

At the deployment afternoon your son will be issued with a new device once you have returned a signed copy of the iLearn contract and PED Policy that was sent home via email earlier in the year.

Where to go

If your son is in;

Please return the signed contract & PED Policy, collect the laptop then proceed to the auditorium.

If you are unable to attend or you have any questions regarding the deployment process please feel free to contact Mr Potter ( or myself.


Junior School Project Compassion 2018

As the season of Lent approaches, we are asking the Year 5 and Year 6 students of the Junior School to think about those who are less fortunate than themselves.  The theme for Project Compassion 2018 is “A Just Future”.

This year, Project Compassion demonstrates how love for our neighbours can transform lives. For more than 50 years, Caritas Australia has been privileged to work together with our neighbours – our most vulnerable sisters and brothers in First Australian communities and in many other countries. Working with our partner agencies in those communities, we have developed the strength to combat poverty, promote justice and uphold the dignity of every person.

Throughout Project Compassion 2018, inspiring stories from the Philippines, Cambodia, Australia, Nepal, Jordan and Mozambique will be shared, highlighting the importance of working hand in hand with communities around the world.

As the thought of freeing the world of poverty can be overwhelming, we are attempting to empower our boys to respond to the needs of others around the world. We have asked the boys to contribute to Project Compassion in some way this year. It may be that they give up a treat at the canteen or perhaps do some odd jobs around the house to collect a bit of spare change. Please encourage your boys to donate to this worthy cause.

“They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water” (Isaiah 49:10).


Chess coaching 

Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, from 6 February 2018.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment.

Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.

Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email for a copy.

For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.

Swimming Carnival

Our annual swimming carnival is on Friday 16th February and is held at the Senior School pool. All parents are invited to attend. Please note – the students will be sitting in the stands behind the pool and space will be provided for parents and guests on the grass area alongside the pool. Shade tents will be available but if you are thinking of coming along please remember to bring your chairs or blanket. The carnival should finish at approximately 1.45pm and no boys will be permitted to leave until the carnival is complete and presentations have been made. Please note there are no canteen facilities available.


Waverley Skoolbag App

Waverley released its Skoolbag app which is available for both iPhone and Android devices a couple of years ago to assist contact with parents and students. This app is a free download and enhances the way the school communicates with students and families.

You can find the Skoolbag app for Waverley by searching in either Google Play or the Apple App store for ‘Skoolbag Waverley College’. You can also find links to the app on the School website.


Name on all Student Property

Can I please stress the need to ensure your son has his name on all his gear – it makes it far easier to return any lost gear.


Who do I Contact?

If you are facing any difficulties at the Junior School please use the table as a guide on who to contact.

Area Issue Steps Contact Person
Curriculum My son’s progress in a subject / the content of a subject / his performance in assessments / his conduct in class 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd  contact

Class teacher

Learning Support

Junior School Director

Pastoral Care My son’s academic, social, physical and spiritual development, including discipline, peer relationships, attendance 1st contact

2nd contact


3rd  contact

Class teacher

Junior School Director

If needed,
School Counselor

Sport Matters relating to training sessions of my son’s team / team expectations / selection and venues / times 1st contact

2nd contact

3rd  contact

Team coach

Head of Sport – Junior School

Junior School Director

Fees / Finance For payment of fees and general enquiries. 1st contact

2nd contact

Assistant Business Manager

Business Manager

Travel Opal Card applications / replacements, etc. 1st contact Mrs. Coupe

9387 5022

Contact details Change of address / phone number / email 1st contact Mrs. Coupe

9387 5022

Other For general information / absences / illness 1st contact
2nd contact
Mrs. Coupe

9387 5022

Junior School Director



Report from the Director of Co-curricular, Steve O’Donnell

We have commenced our full training schedule and most students have commitments against Knox this weekend. Please allow for enough travel time if you are playing at Knox this weekend as all players need to be at their matches 30 minutes prior to the game, as a minimum.

Parents and students are reminded that any student who wants to request a change of winter co-curricular for 2018 needs to see either Ms Floyd or myself in the Wellbeing Centre before the end of next week. We are also now offering STEM for students in Year 7-12 as a winter co-curricular option.

A big thank you to our Basketball coaches who went on the recent USA/Canada tour. Mr Anthony Gibbs, Mr Tony Banboujikan, Mr James Spargo and Mr Richard Chen were fantastic and the feedback and conduct of the students was exemplary. I am sure that the hard work will be reflected in our performances this term.

I also want to congratulate the following students on their recent achievements:

We will also have a number of students competing at the State Age Nipper titles for SLSNSW.

A reminder that any request for leave for Saturdays needs to be given to me with two weeks’ notice where possible. Only two exemptions will be granted per year. Any leave from school days must be addressed to a student’s Head of House.

We have some key dates coming up:

As you can see it is a very busy term. All training schedules and fixtures can be found on the College website.

Good luck to all students and teams this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’